Swashbuckling Under Neon Lights in a Grimdark Futuristic City with Tons of D20s


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I'm still offline, but thanks for the congratulations.

There was hope yesterday, but I can't tell whether that lasted for less than five minutes, or if it was my mom loading stuff saved up on cache. I guess it was the latter, since the modem remained with only two lights on instead of three (the power light and the ethernet cable that goes to the Wi-Fi router). I can tell you that it's been very boring. The soundtrack of Bloodlines is getting old, and I just can't stand the same things over and over.

I don't know if I told this, but apparently, the only way to report a failure in the system is through an app that looks to be a social network created by the government. It isn't surprising, considering the relationship we have with China, but it is pretty spooky. I read the privacy policy, and I can tell you this: I don't like being forced to consent for my data to be used for whatever things, like tracking and selling, something that does pretty much anything on the Internet. However, I would rather for Google and Meta to know me better than I know myself instead of the Venezuelan Government. That app is so spooky I didn't even sign up on it, and I just deleted it right away. Even though it says right there that I can modify the permissions and stuff, I don't trust it. I'm ok with their websites, despite their lack of support and security (some of them don't even have HTTPS enabled, and others force you to use outdated web browsers to get in them) as they don't leave much cookies behind, plus incognito can handle them, but an app on my phone? That's way too much. Like I say, I'm not so much bothered with privacy as many others are, but when it comes with the Venezuelan Government? I wouldn't underestimate them.

Dystopian report aside, I'm 12160 words on NaNoWriMo now, struggling hard with offline distractions, like books and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, which is in my hard drive and I forgot... and the Gygax 75 that I decided to give it a try to see if I am more efficient with it or not. I haven't published anything in the last couple of weeks, mostly because I am focusing on NaNo and not spending any time writing my story. Since I'm at 24%, I guess I can do something, I don't know. I had another idea, and I still need to write it. Is just that NaNo takes a lot of my energy, even though I did Gygax 75 and 2.5K words today on NaNo.

I'll leave the details below. All I can say about my story is that it works better if I leave it non-linear instead of following a thread. It might be the first time I do something non-linear.

November 4th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 129

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Knee-to-elbow Crunches +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:x: DAREdice: Unrolled
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:x: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 1594
Progress: 6941/50000 Words
13% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:

November 5th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 129

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 2 Minutes Backfists +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Burpee Queen +EC
:v: DAREdice: 12 Push-ups, 10 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 0
Progress: 5347/50000 Words
10% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:

November 6th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 130

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Calf Raises +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Street Fighter - LVL II +EC
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 10 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:x: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 808
Progress: 7804/50000 Words
15% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:

November 7th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 130

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Climber Taps +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 1712
Progress: 9521/50000 Words
19% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:

November 8th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 131

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Reverse Angels +EC
Count: 1287 - 1283 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Combo Fighter - LVL I +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 8 Full Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 2639
Progress: 12160/50000 Words
24% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
My neighbor gave me back her Wi-Fi password, so I now have online access again... for now, at least. I managed to combat my boredom, and even managed to write under a huge amount of distractions that came back at this time of the night. Regardless, now I can be back at posting here with more frequency, as long as I have access.

I did the report with that stupid app, though. I don't know how you manage to put a lot of red tape to report a failure on an app, but if there's one group of people who can do that, it's the government. Seriously, they asked for stuff that they are supposed to get, like, why is the Internet failing? I don't know, we have no clue about what happened! That's your job to find out in the first place! They also asked my address twice: written at first, and the second one put in place with Google Maps. I'm like, what? Don't you already have the phone number assigned to that address? It's a landline number, not a cell phone. Aside from the 21 questions about the nature of the failure, to which I already said that's not our job to find out, they also asked us to provide proof that the phone and Internet services aren't working. Proof. What constitutes as evidence for that? A screenshot of a Wi-Fi network that shows there's no Internet? A picture of the modem showing the DSL connection is dead? A video of someone picking up the phone and listen to nothing? Why do they need proof of it?

I mean... I sound angry, but honestly, I am shocked. How do you manage to put red tape on an app that was supposed to make reporting a failure on the service easier in the first place? How do you do that?!

November 9th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 131

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Side Bends +EC
Count: 1288 - 1284 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Oracle - The Pilgrim and the Beggar
:v: DAREdice: 12 Jumping Jacks
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 1538
Progress: 13698/50000 Words
27% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, I got rid of FOMO... even though it took the entire day. I wrote NaNo, but it was weirder than yesterday, like, I didn't know exactly what was I doing. I ended up doing three different stories in one session, which ended up confusing as hell. They are still good seeds to work them out properly. This is not my first time doing NaNoWriMo, but this is the first time that I see it's coming out very weird. And now that I notice, it's the first time I do NaNoWriMo in English. My previous attempts were all in Spanish.

I have something with far more words in mind, but I don't think I can do it this weekend. I might end up with a couple of short sessions before coming up with something that goes up to a minimum of 3K. Knowing myself and what I planned for it, I think I'll reach 6K, especially because I am bringing my dice on the table for this. After all, is my favorite subject to write, so it would be a misdeed to not incorporate it in this work, especially after seeing how the plot is coming up.

There was a powercut that lasted the entire afternoon too. That was an annoying thing to deal with. I slept through most of it, bathing myself in sweat, even when I decided to lay on the floor. It's been a very hot day.

E: Missing workout.

November 10th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 131

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Side-to-side Lunges with Toe Point +EC
Count: 1289 - 1285 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Kiss the Floor - LVL I +EC +Double Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 10 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 2182
Progress: 15880/50000 Words
32% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Trying to advance the story without research is annoying. Is not that I can't write without research, it's just that I have no idea if what I'm doing is correct or not. Even though I have borrowed Internet to check some stuff, I don't want to lose myself upon research until I finish NaNo and start fixing things up.

Sure enough, today's session was good. I mean, what I wrote was bad on a lot of things, but I realized that I used my characters wrong. I ended up with two main characters, with one of them being the foild and, simultaneously, the antagonist of my protagonist. I just saw the dynamic between the two of them, and I realized that I had so much more stuff to play with here. Therefore, upon not wanting to lose potential, I wrote about it in my NaNo journal, and put a pin on it. It may have taken me up to the 17K mark to realize it, but at least I know what to do next. It's strange to write in a non-linear fashion completely aware that the entire story will be non-linear, but it feels good to see things developing as they go. It's like I'm not being railroaded into the climax, but that the climax already happened and I just didn't realize it just yet.

But yeah, it was a good writing session today. A bit weird, but good nonetheless. The scene remained on a "to be continued," which I don't know if I'll do that tomorrow, or I'll start another one, then carry on with one that was pending, and then continue with this one. I know that I want this to be long too, not only to advance on the count, but also because there's a lot of things I can play with!

So far so good... What's important is that I'm making progress. Quantity over quality. I'll deal with quality later, because I know once I reach the 50K mark, I am not done just yet, and very likely, I will continue... just I'll do it with less dilligence.

November 11th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 131

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Urdhva Mukha / Adho Mukha Svanasana +EC
Count: 1290 - 1286 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Broken and Beautiful - LVL I +Megaset
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 16 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 1764
Progress: 17644/50000 Words
35% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Nope. I didn't write last night. It got busy with chores around the house, and... yeah, I just couldn't write.

I barely even rolled the DAREdice. Ironic, considering that it was a TTRPG day.

I don't think I can prepare for this week, though a third player is also looking to GM something. He seems to have something prepped. I'll still prep regardless, since I already did every session coming forward until the end. I just need to drop some lore, since my notes are very minimal, and all I have for it planned is just a bunch of puzzles that lead to a boss fight. A puzzle boss fight, actually. Next session will also be another boss fight, and the last will be a combination of the two.

Anyway, I have a lot of work to do.

November 12th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 131

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Hook Kicks +EC
Count: 1291 - 1287 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: I couldn't. I got busy
:x: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 0
Progress: 17644/50000 Words
35% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
4K! I did one entire scene that lasted for 4K words!

Well, it's pretty much 3 big scenes that last for 6K words if I consider my previous writing session, which would be 3 scenes of 2K words that belong in the same chapter, but 4K words today, and I still plan to write long.

I did my numbers, and I reached 4K in two hours. Of course, I'm doing it by just putting words around, and bloating that thing up, but the entire scene moved forward and forward. It is really good, and everything is coming together. I have so many more ideas, and I just want to work them right now. I thought about writing five short stories too, but that didn't happen today, and I guess it won't happen tomorrow.

Whatever, it was a very successful day for NaNo. It's my best day on NaNo this year, and I think I broke my NaNo record for most words written in a day. I lost the last NaNo, and its log, but I do recall going for 3.5K as my biggest day. I think it was more, because I do remember finishing NaNo and I still had 4 days left to enjoy and keep going further than 50K, but I didn't.

No matter. 4K in a day of NaNo, in just two hours is something that I'll take. My problem is that I need to write faster, without sacrificing quality. This is an opportunity to practice it, and judging by what I wrote, I'm doing it correctly.

November 13th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 132

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 2 Minutes Balance Hold +EC +EEC
Count: 1292 - 1288 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Monday +Ec
:v: This Is How I Cope - LVL I +No rest between sets
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 4143
Progress: 21787/50000 Words
45% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I forced myself to write, and it showed.

It got very busy, so I didn't have much time to do anything. I had to fight a lot with the Wi-Fi signals that I've been borrowed, because, for some reason, they were very weak yesterday. I didn't work out much, and all my plans went out the window at night.

Which means that I have A LOT of things to do today, so... I must do the Animedoro technique to get stuff done. The long period will be used to write, while the short period will be used for working out, and small errands that don't take longer than 20 minutes.

November 14th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 132

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 2 Minutes Balance Hold +EC +EEC
Count: 1293 - 1289 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: DAREdice: 16 Lunges
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:x: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 1286
Progress: 23073/50000 Words
46% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, I wrote something that was unexpected. I wasn't planning to make an introduction to the scene that wasn't longer than a paragraph, but I ended up making a whole story about it. It's good that it happened, because there was yet another plot seed for another story, and an excuse to leave a signature that I've been working with for a while. I guess the signature was done.

I planned to used dice today. I even made a rolling table that now remains unused until tomorrow.

There was a powercut that lasted throughout the entire afternoon. I couldn't do much out of the things that I wanted to do today, but I did have major progress. I'm halfway through NaNoWriMo now, and it is consistent since we're also halfway through the month.

November 15th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 133

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Balance Front Kicks +EC
Count: 1294 - 1290 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 10 One-armed Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 3084
Progress: 26157/50000 Words
52% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Ugh, unproductive day. The shiny things won. Not only that, but my time was also eaten by people.

I couldn't concentrate. My brain was all over the place, so I didn't write a word.

I thought I could save it, but I ended up paying much more attention to things that weren't related with NaNo at night. I bolted a hangout that I didn't really want to be in for nothing.

I am partially angry at myself, but I'm trying to remain calm, and remind myself that this happens! Is not the first time, but at least I know now why it happens. I just hate that it happens.

November 16th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 133

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Sit-up Elbow Strikes +EC
Count: 1295 - 1291 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: WoD: Standing Core +megaset
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Oracle - The Pilgrim and the Beggar
:v: DAREdice: 4 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Attention deficit won
:x: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 0
Progress: 26157/50000 Words
52% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I hibernated. What I mean with that is that there was another powercut that lasted the entire afternoon. So, what I planned for today just went out the window, and I wish I could use the lack of electricity as an excuse, but no, it wasn't the lack of electricity. It was the heat. The heat was so unbearable, I just slept through the entire powercut on the floor, half naked just so that I don't start bathing in sweat.

It was a nasty thing, but once the power went back on, I just animedoro'd NaNoWriMo with the goal of doing as much as I can, despite having a huge chunk of it interrupted because of dinner, and shower. I worked out during breaks, and...

Well, that's the good news: I reached 6K. I noticed that in 40 minutes I could do almost 1500 words, meaning that four animedoro splits would be enough for me to reach close to 6K. Animedoro is 40 minutes work, 20 minutes break, so if I add up three of those chunks, that means I can do 6K in two hours and 40 minutes, without counting breaks. With breaks, is 4 hours. 4 hours for a good day work? That's a steal! I guess hyperfocus isn't that bad, even more when I can just skip the break if I'm doing really great. My problem are the interruptions, which are constant, and tonight I got angry when I was interrupted right when I started writing. I had to scream at a pillow just to let out some steam.

Anyway, I'm glad that I wrote, and I also believe that I have some extra time to write this weekend. The group is cancelling D&D this weekend, so I might end up using it to do some 12K more and get already to 44K. 6K more, and I'll be done with NaNoWriMo, so I can relax, produce the stuff that I have on my queue, and start adding the rest of the scenes, do my proper research, and actually write this book instead of just doing... whatever it is that I'm doing. Probably getting stuff to put in the junkyard, I guess. I already designated a notebook for this, so I can still do my job.

Never do NaNoWriMo without researching the subject matter first. It's pain. Then again, I am writing faster.

November 17th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 133

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 2 Minutes Balance Hold +EC
Count: 1296 - 1292 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: WoD: Charge Up - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: You Have to Catch Me First +Megaset
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 16 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 6202
Progress: 32359/50000 Words
65% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I may have to slow my wordcount for today and the next two days. I have an appointment on Tuesday that I don't know at which time I'll get out (hoping that the therapist doesn't arrive late this time and doesn't take more than one hour for the first patient) so I can focus on a homework that I haven't finished for focusing a lot with NaNoWriMo. Still, I'm not complaining: my focus paid off. I'm at 76% of it, in spite of not doing completely 6K, but I got pretty close at 5.5K!

I put that up on Discord and people are impressed. It's not even Day 20, and I'm three quarters done. Still, the story is not over, as I expected it to be. It won't be over once I finish NaNo, but I'll have a lot of progress done before I actually sit down and start to put the building blocks together. So, for the next days I'll write short scenes, and leave the long ones for after Tuesday and before Sunday, since I also had a commitment on Sunday, but I don't know at which hour.

Anyway, I'm three quarters through now, so I'm giving myself some breathing room. No D&D today, hence I'm posting. And no D&D next Sunday, probably, because I have a thing to attend to.

Still offline and piggybacking, though. I think I might just give up on it and switch ISPs, but that won't be happening any time soon, unless I have some good money flowing through.

November 18th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 133

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Single Leg Bridges +EC
Count: 1297 - 1293 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: I Worked Out Today +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 8 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 5495
Progress: 37854/50000 Words
76% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Now, I'm at the final 10K. I'm slowing down because, once again, I have my therapy appointment on Tuesday, so... I'll limit myself to only 1.5K for tomorrow, and probably Tuesday. On Wednesday, I'll do longer writing sessions and do my best to complete the 50K this week. I won't stop writing, though. I'll add a few more things and actually write the ending for the story on days 29 and 30. Of course, by that point, I won't be limited by a word count, but I'll go further than 50K. Last time I finished NaNo, I did so during the final 10 days, and I rushed the whole thing instead of going further than 50K.

So, I wrote 1.5K, and it was... weird. Not in a bad sense, but it felt odd to write today. It came out pretty good, and I used my D% and 2D6 table for moving the plot forward. I also put the ideas on a rolling table, and I'm rolling on them to see which one is what I'm going to write next. The idea that I rolled on ended up being an arc that I'll develop in three sessions, but that arc deserves longer than that. Of course, once this whole thing ends, I'll properly use the techniques of chivalry novels and do the story its justice. Of course, I'll leave it non-linear. I debated myself to not do it as such, but it'll be much more interesting to make the plot unfold like that.

We're almost done now! It is now the time for the final 10K; the last 40 pages.

November 19th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 133

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Sumo Squats +EC
Count: 1298 - 1294 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: DAREdice: 20 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 1569
Progress: 39423/50000 Words
79% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Ugh. I came back home with a case of dysphoria that landed me on bed screaming in lowercase. Today was another therapy session, but either I explained myself wrong, or the therapist got it completely wrong. It feels like he's trying to get me out of transitioning and still be a man. He actually ordered me to bulk up after he asked me if I worked out. I said I do, but Combat workouts. There's not much to do with ADHD since he noticed that I had it pretty under control with the tools that I found, but he's missing a piece. Granted, he was spot on about my anxiety issues, but that wasn't it.

Damn, it's making me miss the other therapist I had. She actually understood it, and even tried to help me to go through transitioning. The only thing she failed was to diagnose my ADHD, but that's something that we both missed in our sessions, mostly because we weren't focused on that and I didn't even know what ADHD really was, nor that I fitted the criteria and should talk to a mental health professional about it. I'll give it another try for next session, but if he still does the same, I'll just keep it as an ADHD tool to help me, but not a transitioning tool, since it's furthering me apart of my ultimate game.

I'm pissed off, yet I was expected this was going to happen. I just didn't expect it'll be so soon. Girlfriend says that I should go for a different one; preferably a woman. I was appointed to a woman first, but then they switched me to him.

Anyway, I didn't write anything yesterday other than his workout. Now, I'm just... I don't want to talk to anyone.

November 20th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 134

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Leg Raises +EC
Count: 1299 - 1295 +EC

Night Routine:
:x: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:x: Five Rites
:x: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Wild & Free - LVL I +Megaset
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 20 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Not NaNoWriMo
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 0
Progress: 39423/50000 Words
79% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I can't work today. My brain froze. I simply stared at the blank page, knowing exactly what I am supposed to write, but no words came out. My head hurts, I still feel like I lost a war, and I just want to rip my skin apart, or turn my body inside out.

I don't want to follow his advice. It goes against my fitness goals, plus it only harms me on the long run. I already tried to go to sleep early, and I ended up taking long naps every single day to adjust myself. And I still think he's missing a piece of information that either I didn't give it to him, or he just ignored it. I'm still going over this morning, and my head is burning at this point.

I don't know why I felt compelled to do Burpees, but I did them. I shouldn't have to, since I ended up losing my balance during the breaks as I went further into the sets. I didn't have much sleep last night, and that might also be why I'm so moody too.

I'll give it one shot. If on the third session nothing changes, I'm quitting that, or just using it for my ADHD. I'd rather to have my transition paused until someone who actually knows what they're doing actually comes. I wish I didn't quit therapy before, but money was very tight...

November 21st, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 134

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Push-up Shoulder Tap +EC
Count: 1300 - 1296 +EC

Night Routine:
:x: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:x: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 0
Progress: 39423/50000 Words
79% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Alright, I feel slightly better. I'm going again for the third session, but if it is just as disappointing, then I'll only go for it with ADHD and ADHD only. I went back through the e-mails my previous therapist and I sent each other, plus the previous entries of my diary, and I can tell that he is getting something completely wrong. Again, I don't know what it is. It could be that he forgot something, that I didn't mention something, or that something just went out the window as the session progressed, but whatever it was, it's a missing piece that got him on the wrong foot. I'm saying that because I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, and not be a bigot acting very unprofessionally, because mistakes happen.

As for today, I tried really, really hard to write. Being in a bad mood doesn't help, but at least I progressed. It's slow progress, but I'm not in such a rush. After all what I wanted to write is not so much as something that was very urgent to write, so it remained short; possibly with a lot of text that could be cut. If I'm honest, actually, the entire work needs a lot of text to be cut, right away.

Tomorrow will be a longer scene; probably double of what I wrote today. I don't think I'll get to 6K, but if I do 3K, I'll be at 44K, which is 88% done. If I keep doing 3K for the next three days, I'll be done shortly. If I do 1.5K, like today, I'll be finishing next week. I'll try to go uninterrupted, and fight my distractions, because even though they also won today (and they had an advantage because I'm not at my best, emotionally, right now), I still managed to get a star.

November 22nd, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 135

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Jumping Lunges +EC
Count: 1301 - 1297 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Monkey Queen - LVL I +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 16 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 1580
Progress: 41003/50000 Words
82% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I was going to write a lot, but I had to cut my efforts in half. Not only I was severly distracted, but I was also tired. The heat was unbearable. I don't know how much water I drank, but all I know is that it wasn't enough. I also spent most of the night up checking to see if the water came, and it ultimately did, but we couldn't fill everything before it was cut.

As for distractions, they come in the form of two: actually writing Vampire: The Masquerade, and going back to my old projects to finish them. One of which takes place in a post-apocalyptic universe that, later on, was influenced by Age of Pandora once I finished the program. In fact, I noticed a bit of similarities with minor elements of the plot and realized there was something bigger going on in my story. I don't know if I can work out two things at once, but I set up an Inkitt profile with a silent partner. Any work that we'll end up publishing there might also be translated to English, but that's a plan for the future. In fact, there's a lot of things to do for the future.

I took some notes, and started to study a book to help myself to take action and better organize myself. After this NaNo, I started to realize that part of my downs are also because I need some variety in my life, so taking a break to play with stuff that isn't as important might freshen up my mind a little. I need to put my hours back in place too, though.

I'm embracing the chaos, yet I'm afraid that it'll end up as a mess. Nevertheless, I have to apply some lessons I've learned, and I'm still learning about.

November 23rd, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 135

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Side Plank Rotations +EC
Count: 1302 - 1298 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Oracle - The Pilgrim and the Beggar
:v: DAREdice: 12 Sit-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 1532
Progress: 42535/50000 Words
85% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The greatest thing about today is that I didn't get distracted. The heat was also unbearable, but thankfully, it rained a lot. Besides that, I also managed to get my Animedoro mode on, and managed to finish where I left it off yesterday, plus I increased the wordcount a bit more on that scene. Yeah, I extended it. I'm 90% through, which means there's only 5K left. That I can do in a single session, or in two sessions, if I work the same way I did today and go for 2.5K, but I'm aiming it to finish it tomorrow so that I'll have Sunday off.

Since I noticed that I can do up to 1.5K in one Animedoro work time (40 minutes), I figured I can just write for an hour daily to get that done. Short stories of 1.5K that can get extended with an extra editing session, but the goal is to have my ideas more fleshed out rather than just take a line or two in a Markdown file, or a page in a notepad. I'm noticing more and more that I can't have a system that is digital since I can get easily distracted, so good old pencil and paper works fine. Some people would chew me through for saying pencil instead of pen, but here's the thing: I don't have a stutter, but it might seem like I have one. That's because my mind rushes when I speak, so sometimes, I end up stuck in my speech to convey a thought because it is my mind that goes too fast, and I try to slow it down in order to find the proper wording for it. Sometimes, I'm saying something, stop mid-sentence, and then correct myself by speaking everything over again. That happens to me also when I write, hence I do have a tendency to put a lot of typos and erase words, so I don't like to cross out and scribble over stuff when I use a pen. I don't have anything against pens, it's just that the ink triggers me when I'm writing something, and then a few letters in I realize there's a much better way to say it. Hence I go for pencils instead.

Having the 1.5K thing in mind, I think I can manage my working hours perfectly so that I just don't do writing and writing only, especially since I'm going to shape what feels it'll be a long book, with new chapters and arcs pending. After all, with only 50K, and much of it getting to be erased, I'm barely scratching the surface. Plus, there's a lot of research needed to be done, which I'll focus on once I reach the 50.000 word. I'll only write a few assorted scenes and the endings on the final days of the month.

It sounds like I'm starting to discipline myself, but if you've read me so far, you'll know that I'm pretty much trying to stop a river by standing in front of its current and raising my hands against it. It's just that I'm doing my best to be nicer to myself because now I know it isn't my fault that I don't do work at all in some days. Sometimes, it's an external factor that is out of my control, like a powercut. Sometimes, it's just my brain getting overwhelmed with things, whether it is getting struck and overwhelmed with ideas, procrastinating by doing other things and going into little rabbit holes, or consume videos on Youtube or memes on Discord and Facebook. I had a hard time trying to sleep on Tuesday, and during that time, in bed, no matter how much I tried to calm down, my brain worked like hell with ideas for stories. Sadly, I don't remember any of them, nor I jotted them down because what I wanted is to sleep, but couldn't. And I always thought everyone was like that...

November 24th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 135

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Squat Hold Calf Raises +EC
Count: 1303 - 1299 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Something I Can Actually Do - LVL III +No rest between sets
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 2558
Progress: 45093/50000 Words
90% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I did it! I pushed through! Actual lazyness attacked me today too, but I pulled through! Even though I cheated by reaching 95% before bed last night (it was after midnight, so technically, the same day as today), I wrote one final scene of 5000 words. The story is not over, and I'll still be carrying on with that book on these final days of the month. It won't be finished still, as I'm merely scratching the surface of what will be a novel written in five cycles, but I do hope that these next days leave me with enough seeds that I can work upon later on. My only issue is making the story non-linear, as it is my first time in doing so. I shouldn't be doing that, but I can't help it. The text itself demands to be organized in a non-linear way because it is, by far, so much more interesting as such.

All in all, I am done with NaNoWriMo for this year. I'll be backing up my files before bed, and then I'm done! And I'll be doing so again, over and over, until the month ends. I don't want to face what happened last time I finished NaNo, so I better be prepared. I can feel everything coming through. I honestly haven't felt this good in a while. Now I can take a rest, write about other things, focus on my games, and think about my book, mostly the cover because it is intriguing to me. The title is something I already picked up.

There's no D&D tomorrow since I have something to do at noon, so I'll prepare for next session, as I'll be GMing Pathfinder. Now, I just feel like writing a short story; one of the many ideas that I got a few days ago.

November 25th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 135

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Staggered Deadlifts +EC
Count: 1304 - 1300 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Strength +1 - LVL I +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 16 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023: :completed:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 5053
Progress: 50146/50000 Words
100% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, it was a day that took a lot of my energy. Too much socializing, and I felt a bit out of my element. I don't know, I was weird today. It was a hot day too, but at least we had a good party. I just didn't enjoy it well, but I can't tell whether it was because I just want to be a hermit for a while, or because it didn't feel like it brought something fulfilling to my life. It was weird. I don't know, and I don't think I want to know. Not a waste of time at all, just me being my weird introvert self, that's all.

The water came late too, and I just finished writing something more for the NaNo. Even though I finished, there's still some work. I thought that scene was going to be longer; it was longer in my head... but the thing happened in my head while I was taking a shower, and now that I sat down to write it, it turned out with far less words that it was in my head. It looks like it is a seed for something though. I won't waste those...

I also outlined a new story that I need to write, and I got into organizing all of my Manuskript files again. The order feels better, with far less folders and stuff that has nothing deleted. I did the same with my TTRPG files too, dividing my homebrew worlds from the official worlds, sticking the ones from different games with their games (like Planescape, Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun, Theros, and Eberron in D&D, and Alfheim, Warp Shell, Ghost Mountain, Vigilante City, and Blood and Snow in ICRPG), with those games with only one universe (such as World of Darkness or Pathfinder's Golarion) being stand-alones. I also included the UESRPG 5e hack in there, though it is separate from the D&D folder. World of Warcraft and Mass Effect are also in there, outside of the ICRPG folder, though I'm using ICRPG for those.

November 26th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 135

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Climber Taps +EC
Count: 1305 - 1301 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: DAREdice: 12 Sit-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:x: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: A little, and an outline
:x: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023: :completed:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 613
Progress: 50759/50000 Words
100% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I... I did not carry on with NaNo, moslty because I have no idea about what to write. So, I put my energy into writing one of the five ideas that I've got a few days ago, and it turned out ok. Of course, I did it fast because I just wanted to get that out of my head. I'll start editing it tomorrow, and write another one. If I still don't have ideas on what else to put on NaNo, then I'll do Day 29 and 30, and write the ending that I planned to do on those days. Word count doesn't matter anymore.

It was a bit of a lazy day too. The power went out, I slept weirdly, and I just didn't feel like working. I kinda shut down for the day. I forced myself to work out, and I didn't want to do Burpees, but when I did the One Kick workout, I was doubting as to whether or not do Burpees. I ended up doing them before taking my walk.

It was a good day overall. Not what I expected since I felt so lazy today, but I'm ok with today. I think I've earned myself the right to be lazy.

November 27th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 136

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Butterfly Sit-ups
Count: 1306 - 1302 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Monday +EC
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +No rest between sets
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Developed a short story. One out of five ideas that I had
:v: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023: :completed:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 0
Progress: 50759/50000 Words
100% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@colin To be honest, is not like I do them as often as before. Then again, I'm trying my best to get to do them frequently again, as I miss them. With the events coming up, you'll know damn sure I'll be going for the Burpee ornament, if that's the case this year too!

I pretty much skipped working out today. I'll roll my dice twice tomorrow to compensate, other than repeating the One Kick (Side Kick) workout because it's fun. I didn't even get to write today, and I'm hoping to change that. Already picked one of the ideas to develop, and I'll do it... tomorrow.

I have an excuse for postponing that: guess who called me today?

Finally, the technicians from the ISP came to check out what happened. The landline is back up, but the Internet is still down. They thought it could be an issue inside the house, but after a lot of attempts, they realized it was outside. Then, they tried in one of the terminals and saw the Internet was stable from there, so they thought again it was inside the house. Nope. Now, they have no idea what the hell is going on, but they know for certain is not inside the house because the landline is working. It's the Internet that's having issues. So, to sum it up, they are just as confused as I am.

I spent the day with them, then I gave class, and waited for their call until the end of the shift... and then I took my walk, and did the rest. I did some writing, but it isn't something that I count as writing. It's just dumping ideas on a Markdown file.

I didn't write for my NaNo either, but I did some research. I have a lot to read upon too, plus getting to read a couple of books, and interact with some people I'm not too excited to engage in a conversation with. Then again, I brought this to myself for choosing that topic to write about, and I want my research to be thorough, possibly even do some method writing, though I might taking it way too far. It isn't anything dangerous, but it can be harmful to the spirit if you don't shield your faith or convictions, and if you've read me this long, you know mine are strong.

November 28th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 136

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 100 Back Leg Raises +EC
Count: 1307 - 1303 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: DAREdice: Unrolled
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Waiting until I go back online
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Nothing worth of being counted here
:x: 1500 Get!

NaNoWriMo 2023: :completed:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 0
Progress: 50759/50000 Words
100% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Even with the powercut, I kept producing. I've been pumping up words since I woke up, going as far as preparing my VtM solo chronicle... to delete it completely because I did it wrong. It's fine, though. At least what I wrote out isn't really too much of a progress, since I do have an idea as to what to do. It's just that I implemented it the wrong way, thus leading myself to a corner where I had no idea as to where to go. I almost played ICRPG solo through the powercut, but the power came back shortly before I even created characters.

Then, I worked out, did my NaNo in one hour and a little more... I went above 100% now, so... I guess it's fine? It wasn't my plan to write 2K for an ending, but I got so inspired, and it brought up so many seeds that, after I started to journal all about it, I came up with a much better ending. Tomorrow will be the Epilogue, and that'll be it for NaNo. It's been good so far, and I'm super excited to start organizing everything, and divide everything up into arcs through the use of the techniques from the chivalry romances, with a non-linear twist. The flashforwards and flashbacks are going to be annoying, but since I have the entire plot, I can mark my way better. I don't know if I can make it until March though. I hope I can.

Right now I'm about to write my 1500 daily words, and once I'm done with it, I'll get on with some editing. It's been a very productive day, with also a few extra Burpees that weren't expected. You'll see what I mean below. I almost didn't do them, but I was listening to Ginger Snap5, so I did them, naturally.

November 29th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 137

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds High Knees +EC +Sprint (118 Reps)
Count: 1308 - 1304 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
40 Full Burpees
40 Full Burpees
20 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Sweat & Glory - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels +Double Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Full Burpees, 12 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Power Squats:
Awaiting next month
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Only NaNo so far
:v: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

NaNoWriMo 2023: :completed:
:v: Tier 1: 1500 Words :star:
:v: Tier 2: 1750 Words :star: :star:
:v: Tier 3: 2000 Words :star: :star: :star:

Words written on the day: 2044
Progress: 52803/50000 Words
106% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
What happens in March?

It's when I plan to publish the first part of this.

630 words more to give a total of 53433 words out of the 50000 required to finish NaNoWriMo. Not only I finished by putting an epilogue on the story, but said epilogue actually helped me to realize that some loose stories I did could become an arch. If you've read Stephen King's Duma Key, you'll see that he often begins each chapter with an alternate story that is pretty much another novel (not an in-universe book, but literally an extra novel that you get from the book). That story is a prequel that explains the events of how Duma Key turned up to be in such a state, and the origin story of the villain, which is actually one of my favorites in the book world. After writing the epilogue, I realized I could use that same technique, which made me connect the dots, and put one heck of an interesting story that is slowly revealed as the book goes on, with the epilogue marking its beginning and the first time that story shows up will be the end. It's a backwards story.

I told you this was a non-linear book!

For now, I am going to take some time to organize everything, do my research, and put everything pretty. Tomorrow I'll have the chance to do so, as for tonight I fulfilled my duties. There was a concern for water, but I got engrossed with this (after beating distractions), and we're a bit tired. Is not critical for us to have water just yet.

As for my Internet, good news! It finally came back today! I am posting this not through my neighbor's Wi-Fi, but my own instead! It feels so much better than just piggybacking, even though I am grateful of them for loaning us their network. Tomorrow, I'll get in with some editing, and still write more 1500 words daily. I just did one in which each chapter was 250 words long, so I ended up with a very short story with even shorter chapters. 1500 is only six pages, so...

November 30th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 137

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds High Knees +EC +Sprint (118 Reps)
Count: 1309 - 1305 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Went back to Fighter TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Disintegration and Deterioration
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

Power Squats:
Awaiting next month
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: NaNo, story, everything!
:v: 1500 Get!
:v: Daily 1500

NaNoWriMo 2023: :completed:
:x: Tier 1: 1500 Words
:x: Tier 2: 1750 Words
:x: Tier 3: 2000 Words

Words written on the day: 630
Progress: 53433/50000 Words
107% Completed

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
It didn't last long. The Internet went down this morning, just after they finished fixing it...

I don't know what curse is this, but damnit, this is that time the Internet came back for 10 minutes only all over again. I should be undignified, but I'm just completely numb about it.

There's also a referendum happening on Sunday, but people are so paranoid about it being the government fueling propaganda so that they get voted again next year. While they are right to think that way, I think they are quite ignorant that the matters of the Essequibo goes beyond whether the left or the right is in power. Get ready for a history lesson that I'll put in spoiler because it is fueled with so much propaganda that I've seen many lies and only one side of the story told around the web:

If you see a map of Venezuela in here, you might be wondering why is it that we put a piece of land that, allegedly, doesn't belong to the country. That's because this particular map has been the map of Venezuela ever since it was drafted in the 1770s by the Spanish, and I believe even before that. You see, Venezuela always had the Essequibo river as it's furthest eastern border since the Spanish conquered the territory. There's actually documents form the Spanish Crown and what came after the independence that prove this. I'm not really sure about this, but I believe it was Bolívar the one who reassured everyone that the Essequibo river was the natural eastern border of the country once the war ended. The problem started in the 1800s when the Dutch came in exploring, and the British started to put a border that came straight into Venezuela's territory, going so far up that it actually went further inside the country. Obviously, the current Venezuelan government of the XIX century didn't like that, especially after gold was found in the territory. So came in the long discussions that ended up in an agreement between the United States, the British Empire, and Venezuela in 1899. The problem is, later on, it was found that Venezuela had no part on those agreements, and when that was outed in 1949, a new agreement in Geneva came to place in the late 60s, where the territory kinda belonged to both Guyana and Venezuela, and they could rightfully put them on their maps, but neither country was expected to exploit its resources. So things have remained cold, even when Marcos Pérez Jiménez actually planned to reclaim the Essequibo militarily back in the 50s, but that didn't came into fruition. That was when Fidel Castro called the country Imperialist, and that we should leave the Essequibo alone. Keep this in mind, because it'll come back soon. Now, since MPJ fell and we became a democracy, the chancellery, no matter which side, has always been working around the Essequibo and how we could make our claim to be heard on the UN through diplomacy and historical records. It's been going on and on like this, until Chávez won the elections in 1999. So, Chávez, being a socialist that was in cahoots with Cuba, decided to obey Castro's quote, and gave the Essequibo to Guyana on a silver platter, which no one but his supporters liked. However, back in the early 10s, there has been some efforts from non-profits and other actors to keep claiming the Essequibo, and the chancellery went back to it. This is something that's been going on for years, and when oil was found on the Essequibo, things escalated very quickly. Soon after, Guyana broke the deal from the late 60s where it was stated that neither country is supposed to exploit its resources. That's why the government is moving the military and offering those in the Essequibo Venezuelan citizenship and stuff, because Exxon is exploiting its oil thanks to Guyana, and the government doesn't like that. In fact, I think that might be considered casus belli, which is something that no one in South America would want. Besides, my support for the recovery of the Essequibo goes beyond who's in power, as I see it as Venezuelan territory due to the history and the fact that it was conquered by the Spanish long before the British started to put flags over there. The huge problem I'm seeing is that people are quick to say that the government should care more about what goes on inside our borders instead of "expanding," but, as you can see, this is a two centuries old issue that started as soon as the Dutch and the British begun exploring that side of South America. I may sound gullible, but I am truly hoping that the date for the referendum almost matching the next elections is merely a coincidence, because it wasn't unitl this year that Exxon started to be very active.

So yes, as the meme goes, even Venezuela, with the Germans first setting up in the west, and then the Spanish all over the place, wasn't safe from THEM!

Now let's not make this even more political than it already is. But seriously, that only shows how the superpowers that were the Dutch, the French, the Spanish, and the British back in the XVIII and XIX century were more interested in waging war against each other. No wonder why so many nations decided for independence once the crowns didn't do anything for them.

I wrote some more today, but I'm still not done. I was starting another story, only to find out that I screwed up and have to start again all over, and I can't do it today because I'm a bit tired now, so I want to do some minor things before bed. It's been a good day of work, despite having to whip myself up to work. I didn't plan to do a workout at level III, but it happened. What I had to cancel out were the Burpees, not because I couldn't do them, but because I didn't feel like sweating today. That'll change tomorrow, very likely... I hope.

December 1st, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 137

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 4 Minutes Punches +EC
Count: 1310 - 1306 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 1 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Guard Duty - LVL III +No rest between sets
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 16 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 1
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: More writing and editing
:v: 1500 Get!
:v: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, it was... somehow productive. I didn't write, but I finished a story and sent it over, and prepared the next one. I thought I'd get to do more, but that was it.

I forgot to post last night, though. I am right now. In a moment I'll go to the referendum. As I stated, this is something that I agree on, and is something that goes beyond which political banner is in charge.

Doing this workout felt like I came back home. I am reconsidering my workouts too, because I might need more strength. It's just that the Valkyrie TP, though very convenient, doesn't seem to suit me, like the Knight TP. I might have to DIY this one instead. The Fighter TP might be good, but I may have to add more days of Strength while I leave the Combat and Cardio days alone. I woke up today doing 20 Squats, 10 Push-ups and 10 Sit-ups five times as an entire set, with the goal of doing 5 sets of those throughout the day. Let's see how it goes.

December 2nd, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 137

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 100 Jumping Jacks +EC
Count: 1311 - 1307 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 2 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Croft - LVL I +EC +One-arm Push-ups
:v: 5-Minute Strength
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 2
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: I edited
:v: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I guess I took a break today, because I didn't write anything that was related to work. No matter. I might change that in a moment, but it is very likely that I don't.

There was no D&D today again. All of us had to tbe someplace else, with the majority being the referendum. I was not expecting to participate because I have to go to town, but I did, and it was way faster than I expected. Of course, I have to change my voting place somewhere closer, but at least I voted on the referendum. Despite many people saying that this is just a farse (which I can only blame it to ignorance instead rather than malice), I found myself amazed that many decided to put their differences aside and participate in the referendum, so far that even the president congratulated us, those who opposed him, to put everything aside. As I said on the spoiler before, this is something that goes far beyond the political power in place, and as I discussed with my parents, the world should be grateful that what went on with Exxon in October isn't being taken as casus belli, because if the regime was different, they would've sent the army to blockade Exxon and start a war with Guyana. That's an scenario that could've happened back in the 50s, and after Ukraine and Palestine-Israel, and what could possibly break between China and Taiwan, I don't think we need a war on the American continent, regardless of the beligerents. Enough is enough.

So, because of the lack of D&D, I spent my writing time worldbuilding and setting up campaigns to help myself to keep worldbuilding.

I also started out a Strength workout consisting of doing this:

20 Squats
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups

Repeat 5 times to complete 1 set with 1 minute of rest between them.

The goal is to do 5 sets, and I set myself up to do 2 today throughout the day, which I did. I call this 100/50. It's pretty basic, but that's what I want: something basic.

This week I'll be running it, plus modifying the Fighter TP to go like this: Wednesdays and Fridays Combat, Saturdays Cardio, Sundays 100/50, rest of the week Strength workouts + at least 2 sets of 100/50. Burpees are still a go. That also gives me free room for Saturdays to exchange Cardio for Dancing, if I feel like it.

Let's see how this work.

December 3rd, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 137

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Sahaja Navasana +EC
Count: 1312 - 1308 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 3 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: 100/50: 2 sets throughout the day
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Push-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 3
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Does worldbuilding count?
:v: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Alright, so, I actually went to bed yesterday without posting. The body told me to go to sleep. Three rounds of the 100/50 this time, even if my time got shrinked out pretty badly because there was a powercut that lasted the entire day! I even overplanned and skipped many of my plans because of it. I sure hope to make up for it today.

I tried to write. I really did. Issue was that my brain couldn't put words together for some odd reason, so I barely did a page before quitting for the day. It doesn't matter, I can do it today. Maybe yesterday was just a bad day overall, though it didn't feel like it.

December 4th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 137

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Balance Side Lunges +EC
Count: 1313 - 1309 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 4 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: 100/50 Strength: 3 sets throughout the day
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Micro Shred
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 4 Triple Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 4
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Does worldbuilding count?
:v: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The last two days were horrible for writing. On one hand, I carried on with my novel by doing some leg work. I could've had the opportunity today to do some research, but skipped on it to do another errand. On the other hand, I didn't write anything at all... except starting my VtM chronicle, and it's looking pretty good, or at least it's looking as such so far. There's also a powercut that lasted 6 hours today, so it's been rough. Not a fan of neither yesterday or today, so I'll have to change things up for tomorrow, at least for things like writing, which I've been putting off lately by getting distracted with completely unrelated stuff.

The powercut was horrible too. It's ben a really hot day, and I spent it drenched in sweat. Right now is when I'm considering writing, but I'm not sure if I can do something or not. I'll try, but I won't guarantee anything. Damn, I'm still sweating!

December 5th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 137

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Shrimp Squats +EC
Count: 1314 - 1308 +EC

Night Routine:
:x: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:x: Five Rites
:x: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 5 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: WoD: Good Morning, Abs - LVL III +EC
:v: 100/50 Strength: 2 sets throughout the day
:v: DAREdice: 20 Jumping Jacks
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 5
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Worked on my novel
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:

December 6th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 138

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 2 Minutes Arm Scissors +EC
Count: 1315 - 1311 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 6 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: 100/50 Strength: 1 set
:v: Warrior Princess - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 6
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Not today... unless VtM prep work counts
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
It was a bit of a wasted day, I guess. There was a closing year party with the Qi Gong group, which was fun, but that's not why I say it's a wasted day. Actually it's because I ended up binge watching an entire Solo D&D Actual Play (Adventures in Randomia, more specifically), and I don't think it was a waste completely. In fact, the entire day I spent taking more lessons with soloing TTRPGs, and I ended up with some extra tools for writing. So yeah, even though I didn't write at all, it feels like I learned some new stuff.

It's late now, so I'll just post my log and the very few things I did today. I haven't admitted it yet, but I've been suffering through doms since I started the 100/50, and today's been the worst day with them. They happen on my lower legs.

I also think muscle growth happened somewhere around the last three to six months. I tried to fit a couple of my pants and noticed they fit tight on my legs. Thing is that I feel a lot of muscle instead of fat, especially on my thighs. It doesn't look like they grew, but they felt like they did today.

I seriously need to do Burpees; I've been slacking off of them a lot this month. I'll do some tomorrow, and still put the 100/50 to only on the mornings to survive the doms.

December 7th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 138

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Elbow Plank Arm Raises +EC
Count: 1316 - 1312 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 7 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: 100/50 Strength: 1 set
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:x: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 7
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%



Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I completely forgot I had something to do tomorrow, so I must work on double time to prepare for my Pathfinder session now that we finally didn't cancel. I'll do some tidbits tonight, and I'll finish it up tomorrow. Thankfully, with ICRPG's way to make monsters, I can make stuff very fast without crunching a lot of numbers like Pathfinder wants me to do. I'm still following their instructions; I just don't want to have a lot of numbers to keep track of.

Regular day, though, with some good workout session at the afternoon.

December 8th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 139

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Stacked Push-ups +EC
Count: 1317 - 1313 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 8 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: 100/50 Strength: 1 set
:v: DAREdice: 4 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 8
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%



Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I'm surprised that there are no Burpees on the Ornaments this year. It's very hard to choose, but I decided to opt for the Car because I'm already doing Squats with 100/50 Strength, plus I don't want to do some extra kicks (even though it benefits me to do so).

Anyway, I didn't work out today, or at least nothing outside of Power Squats and Fit December. I woke up very early to an event that was cancelled at the last minute, so I ended up wasting time. It was... fun, but all I wanted was to stay home, in bed... I ended up coming back home at the afternoon, falling asleep, and then skipping everything...

At least I managed to prepare tomorrow's session since now we didn't cancel. It was a rough prep considering that I had some interruptions and distractions, but it was a success.

Now, all I want is to sleep. I'll do stuff tomorrow. I just don't want to do it today.

December 9th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 139

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:x: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 2 Minutes Side-to-side Backfists +EC
Count: 1318 - 1314 +EC

Night Routine:
:x: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:x: Five Rites
:x: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 9 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: DAREdice: 20 Jumping Jacks
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 9
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Planescape: Pathfinder 2e session prep.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Things changed at the very last minute. One player was MIA, so we didn't end up playing what I planned. Instead, I improvised something from ICRPG, which actually got me in the mood for drawing again. Also, since we were there, and had nothing to do, we ended up just watching the Barbie movie before playing. It was a fun day, despite our schedule being completely chaotic over the last month.

I haven't written anything in a while, and I don't want to write tonight. I don't feel like writing, or at least for now. Maybe I need to take December as a holiday? I don't know. It feels wrong, and I don't want to take a holiday. I need to write. I just don't know what I need to get my ass into writing again, I think?

Ugh... I'm also sick of piggybacking my neighbors too. They haven't fixed my Internet yet, and I have the feeling that I have to bribe them in order to get it fixed. It's always the way to get things done in here: through bribes.

I feel like I should scream at the pillow, but I might end up hitting my face with it in complete frustration with the biggest and loudest of sighs before falling asleep.

December 10th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 139

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Hop Heel Clicks +EC
Count: 1319 - 1315 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 10 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: DAREdice: 4 Jumping Jacks, 20 Full Burpees w/Jump Knee-tuck
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 10
:v: ORNAMENTS 2023 - Car (Elbow Plank): 2 Minutes (2/10 Minutes)
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I almost got into a fight with my mom because she misunderstood me. For a bit of context, she enrolled in university this year to study physiotherapy, something she's been desiring to do since ten years ago. The problem is that she needed help with her homework, and I was just completely baffled at how screwed up it was not her homework, but the teacher's instructions, and the material. I got so mad that she thought I didn't want to help her, but on the contrary, I just wanted to make sense as to what the hell was going on and why was everything so confusing. I even said that this was the work of the previous education minister, because that's how bad of a teacher he was, and how much he screwed up the education of the country. We are two teachers figuring out a piece of homework in the most caricaturesque way possible. At the end of the day, we figured it out. I'm still wondering why in the hell they asked her to do that piece of homework in the first place, since it doesn't say much.

The powercut today felt longer than usual, but that didn't stop me from working out. I had to start late, but at least I did my job. No 100/50, but the Workout of the Day filled in that gap nicely; albeit without the Sit-ups, but I managed to compensate with Fit December plus the Crop Top workout. No writing for today, so well, I guess I am taking a holiday, for now. I'm not really motivated to write anyway...

Just a normal day, I suppose. I managed to draw today, and that got me in the mood of picking it back up for real. I think I have an idea, yet I feel it is a bit complicated, but I'll try tomorrow.

December 11th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 139

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Plank Hold +EC
Count: 1320 - 1316 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Day 11 +No rest between sets
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Push, Squat, Repeat - LVL III +EC
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: Crop Top +Megaset
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 11
:v: ORNAMENTS 2023 - Car (Elbow Plank): 4 Minutes (6/10 Minutes)
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:
I managed to draw small things today!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
No writing for today, so well, I guess I am taking a holiday, for now. I'm not really motivated to write anyway...

I managed to draw small things today!

I once read writing should be a habit, because motivation wanes. But what I've found is that forcing yourself to write something just makes you write sub-par material, or causes burnout. For me anyway.

So what I'm thinking is to make writing 50 words a day a habit. But they can be anything creative, doesn't have to relate to the story.😄

Congratulations on drawing! I haven't picked up a pencil in years. (Again, because burnout, and drawing to other people's expectations)


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I once read writing should be a habit, because motivation wanes. But what I've found is that forcing yourself to write something just makes you write sub-par material, or causes burnout. For me anyway.

So what I'm thinking is to make writing 50 words a day a habit. But they can be anything creative, doesn't have to relate to the story.😄

Congratulations on drawing! I haven't picked up a pencil in years. (Again, because burnout, and drawing to other people's expectations)

It is a habit, but since the first time I put a word for real, I am not able to stop without having an anxiety attack. If I recall correctly, there's a quote about Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos about why he wrote a lot of music. Allegedly, he said "writing music to me is like breathing." That resonates with me because, if I don't write, I start going crazy.

There are times in which forcing myself weakens the quality of my work, but there are times in which forcing myself improves it. I guess the issue is that my brain is a little like a lemon or an orange: there's just so much juice you can squeeze out of it. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes it's a little. So yeah, burning out seems to be the issue. Thankfully, because I started playing TTRPGs last year, I am using them to keep breathing and not burn myself even further.

As for drawing, I read this page a while back. I haven't started, but when I drew yesterday I realized that I'm way too much of a perfectionist (even worse than writing), and always put incredibly high expectations for myself that I can't ever meet. Since I did simple stuff, it was recomforting to know that, like Thor calling back Mjollnir on the MCU film, I'm still worthy.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,421
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
My plans went out the windows as soon as I learned that the technicians were coming again to check the Internet. It turns out it wasn't inside, but actually, somewhere around the neighborhood, someone screwed around with the terminals and screwed up our Internet connection. It has been fixed, though they recommended us to change a cable since it's pretty old by now.

Sure enough, my router didn't like to forcefully come back from its holidays, so it is giving me a lot of issues. It will keep giving me issues until I replace it, but at least I have Internet again... for now, as far as I can tell. I don't even know for how long will it last...

So, yeah, I spent the morning with the technicians, then I gave my class on the afternoon, and the rest of the day was simply fighting against the router. Nothing else done, except collecting some stuff to get back into drawing, and working out. Even Burpees were cancelled after I realized how the day simply slipped out of me. Tomorrow there will be a powercut, so I'm loading up my phone with a bunch of photos to make some very simple portraits and pick back up the pencil while I wait. There's some stuff I want to speak with my therapist too, so I'm writing them down so I don't forget.

I didn't write, but there was some activity related with writing. Like I said, I can't stop doing it, even if I'm not writing at all. I almost quitted at one point, and frankly, I don't know how would I've felt if I would've done so.

Also, I skipped Fit December and used a Hall Pass. It wasn't because I didn't have time to do it, it's just that I saw Day 12, and immediately I knew it was going to be more of a chore than a workout. I finished the 10 minutes of Elbow Plank, though. Got the car now!

December 12th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 139

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Knee Strikes +EC
Count: 1321 - 1317 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

:v: Fit December: Hall Pass #1
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: 100/50 Strength: 1 Round
:x: DAREdice: Unrolled! I didn't realize I never rolled the DAREdice today until right now!
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Power Squats: Day 12
:v: ORNAMENTS 2023 - Car (Elbow Plank): :completed: 4 Minutes (10/10 Minutes) :star:
Bucket List:
Daily HIIT
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:
Last edited: