Swashbuckling Under Neon Lights in a Grimdark Futuristic City with Tons of D20s


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, I finished my job yesterday. All that remains is grammar and editing. A lot of things to delete too, since I added two extra pages. Nevertheless, there's nothing to fix anymore. All that remains is purely mechanical. I'll do that today, once I'm done posting. I'm also going to continue with some outlines and try to get that three-part series ready for next week. The last story had a huge success, and I can attribute a lot of it due to its title. The pressure of the weekly deadline is making my titles suffer, but on that previous story, when I saw the first line, I knew that could be some sort of leafmotif that got me the title right away. And it worked.

I think I'm getting ready to start getting paid. There's some extra steps that I need to do, but I feel that I'm getting closer to it now.

I got into an interesting conversation last night that brought me back to one of my earliest attempts at making Cyberpunk. There's the desire of bringing back that story, because it can work as an interesting post-apocalyptical campaign setting using the Starfinder system. But I shall prioritize my work first. I don't want to go that way again, even though I'm back listening to E.B.M. and Industrial music.

It was my dad's birthday too, and he low-key expressed the desire of writing a book, but was discouraged because the history of the radio in the city is quite dense with characters. I encouraged him to instead tell his story, because he worked on the radio since he was very young. He liked that approach.

August 30th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Side Bends +EC
Count: 1220 - 1216 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Break from Programs for a while. Switching to Valkyrie TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
50 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: DAREdice: 8 Lunges
:v: 1D3 (3) x 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1D3 (3) x 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Push-up Ladder: :completed: Day 30 :star:
Up Next: Warrior Arms
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Finished the huge chunk of editing. Now all that remains is proofreading
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:v: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 18%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@BetaCorvi @Anek @Mamatigerj Thanks! :welcome:

@Lupus Sheol For me writing is the longest part. Editing feels shorter, but there are times in which I feel like I'm making an extra draft. I only edit three times: the first to fix the story and amend things that make no sense, the second to remove the useless crap, sentences that are bloat, and clean the grammar, and the final to make sure there are no typos. I'm going through a 6K story right now, and I can tell you it is slightly slower to edit in a week because it's too much for me. I can make you a 250 to 500 words in less than an hour, but 6K takes me a while. Nevertheless, I'm doing it to try to practice and accelerate the process. What I write can fit better with 1.5K to 3K, which is what I did when I first tried before, but for this one I think I went out my comfort zone too much.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Done, with time to spare. I finished my WIP and I'll send it tomorrow. Now I have to finish a series that I've started.

It's been a good day. I did some unmeasured pomodoro timers in the way that I only took breaks when my brain couldn't function anymore. Then, I came back to it and tried to worked as much as I could before I had to get busy with other responsability. I ended up finishing the job right on time, because twenty minutes later, the water came.

Lots of shiny things that rob my attention. It helped to have Ghostwriter open at all times. As for tonight, I believe I earned some rest. Pat on the back.

Qi Gong had a lot more talking than last week, but it was the same routine. I don't get tired of it, though. I love it so much.

It's a shame that many of the happiness that I've earned after that, and finishing my WIP, that the power went out for a few seconds while I was in the middle of opening my spreadsheet to post here. It almost got corrupted, and my most recent backup is from months ago. Thankfully, I recovered it without troubles. I guess I need to save two copies of it on different folders, just in case it happens again.

August 31st, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Side Elbow Plank Rotations +EC
Count: 1221 - 1217 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Break from Programs for a while. Switching to Valkyrie TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: WoD: Shredder - Ab Edition +EC
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Planetarium
:v: DAREdice: 12 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:x: Warrior Arms: Day 1 (Waiting September)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: WIP is done. Now it's time to write new drafts
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 18%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Wow, the day went by so fast. The water getting here so late forced me to go to bed very late last night, and I woke up late in consequence. I thought I'd be free by tonight, but ended up having to get groceries, cook, and then do my workout. When I finished, I started to fix the typos from my WIP that I didn't notice. And while I was half-way through...

Four hours. A powercut of four hours. I spent the entire night playing guitar instead.

Right now I finished, and I have no idea how to title the story or describe it. I'm still within the deadline, but damn, I didn't catch a break today.

September 1st, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 3 Minutes Jumping Jacks +EC
Count: 1222 - 1218 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Break from Programs for a while. Switching to Valkyrie TP.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Total Strength +EC +30 seconds between exercises +2 kgs weights on lower body exercises
:v: DAREdice: 20 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 1 +Path of the Hammer (30 seconds rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:x: Only fixed typos. Nothing was written today.
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 18%

Other Victories:
Played the guitar for four hours.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
My entire weekend fell apart. I'm grateful that there wasn't TTRPG today, because I couldn't have attended. Mom got sick yesterday, and I'm taking care of a lot of things. I started a new story that I stopped half-way through because I was fighting against my Wi-Fi instead of actually writing, plus I had to be on call for her. She puked quite a lot last night.

What happened is a combination of a virus and the current heat wave. Even though it's colder today, the last month has been very relentless with the temperatures. Even my bedroom, which is supposed to be one of the coolest places on the house, has felt like a sauna on the hottest days. There was a little bit of rain, so that's why it's colder. Our water consumption has increased over the past month, and if the water ran normally, like it did 20 years ago, we wouldn't have trouble by doing laundry more often, but we're running out of clean clothes more frequently. It's bad. This year, the summer has been relentless.

But at least I have another draft half-way through, and an idea for a novelette that I can sell without trouble. I might need to do some research on the latter, though.

The number of my Burpees was a complete accident. I was supposed to do 4 x 25, but ended up doing 30, and by the time I realized I did 30 I said to myself to remove one set and be done with it.

E: Wrong DD.

September 2nd, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Squats +EC
Count: 1223 - 1219 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Break from Programs for a while. Switching to Valkyrie TP.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
40 Full Burpees
:v: DAREdice: 8 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 2
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: On the way of making a first draft for a short
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 18%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Though I love having a lot of rest, Valkyrie doesn't seem to be working as I expected. I may have to go back to Fighter, switch to another TP, or go back with programs. I've been thinking about it today.

I also had ot spend a lot of time waiting in the hospital while I accompanied my mom to get checked. It seems to be just a virus, nothing dangerous. The talk of me getting into Traditional Chinese Medicine happened again, and I'm never saying never, but I don't see myself on it in the future. I do dare to do some acupressure following her instructions. That helped her while we waited, because she looked dizzy while we waited.

Thankfully today was a cooler day. There was some rain, but the afternoon was warm. Not as bad as the previous days, but warm still. I haven't done anything because, again, I spent more time fighting against my Wi-Fi and my Internet instead of actually working. Then, there was another powercut that lasted three hours. I had my desk lamp charged, and took the opportunity to read Shadowhunters. It's really fast read too. I didn't notice I'm already done with the first third of the book, and I feel the story is only beginning. That's pretty fast-paced. No wonder why there's more than three books, plus a TV show that I never committed to watch.

September 3rd, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Toe Taps +EC
Count: 1224 - 1220 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: DAREdice: 8 Sit-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 3 +Path of the Hammer (30 seconds rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: I did write!
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 32%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Today I realized that I'm having issues with balancing writing like this with being a GM. I mean, I had two weeks to keep writing, but let's face it, there's been a lot of issues, both external and internal, like getting distracted by shinier things, or sometimes not practicing self-care... It's a bit hectic, but I'm loving it. The story that got published today broke my previous records, and in just a day it has amassed an amount of reads that is equal to the half amount of reads I get after a week. Not only I'm getting better at copywriting, but the momentum has helped me a lot. I keep moving forward, and right now, I am facing to stumble, but I'm almost 50% over with that obstacle.

That is I have no stories on my queue. I mean, I do have one, but the first draft started to become so long that I froze it, else I'd be doing a 6K again. And I want to moderate the 6K stories. They take me a while to edit, and it's very demanding, especially when I have to juggle with a lot of things, including a new thing that's failing me now: my modem. The Internet issues are not limited to the router anymore; the modem is screwing up too. The Internet cable is also screwing up; part of it is chipping off and has the wiring exposed. One wrong move, and it would instantly break. My guess is that the heat wave fried the modem, so that it's failing now.

Anyway, I changed the story for this week with one that's 3K long, but it's five pieces of flash fiction put together into a single story. Editing it has been a breeze. I'll go for the third part before bed, and finish it tomorrow. Then, I'll focus on making my Planescape session and keep writing that 6K story, because I plan to release it next.

In fact, since we're changing campaigns every two weeks, the weeks where I am not the GM I'll dedicate myself to write shorts, edit shorts, and keep stuff in the queue. On the weeks where it's my turn to GM, I'll only focus on longer projects, like long first drafts, or even longer stories, while I make up my session. After all, I can make the session in one day. With Planescape it takes me less time because I'm going for an emergent story that is built upon the table and not prebaked, like a module.

September 4th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Side-to-side Lunges with Toe Point +EC
Count: 1225 - 1221 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Tyr
:v: DAREdice: 4 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 4
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Editing another project!
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 32%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Started my session and realized it'll take a while to set up, mostly because I'll be homebrewing some stuff more than anything. I'm actually going to keep everything procedural, as before, just to cut a lot of time. There are some plot hooks that I'll force through random encounters, like a lost bet where the winner is looking to get his money, or a Wizard who lost a duel and is sore about it... It's pretty much the party murderhoboing their way through Sigil again, but this time they are smarter. I'm just putting goals, and have the table to make their own way there instead of relying on me for railroading. I'm just going to make stuff up and keep the illusion that everything is heavily prepared.

All I'm writing down is lore, which isn't very clear on purpose. It's supposed to be dubious since no one has ever seen it before, and those who did consider it complete fiction, despite it came from an uncanny source that they can't grasp to understand how it works.

I also finished editing my story, and tomorrow I'll start with grammar and proofwriting before sending it early. There's some formatting done, and I already have experience with them that they take a bit longer when it's a file instead of pure text on the form. The other story is on queue, and I'll start editing it soon, with the one I'm writing going to the process of being drafted as I log my workout.

The Internet was good at first. Then, came noon, and both the router and the modem teamed up to screw us over the entire house.

September 5th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Single Leg Hops +EC
Count: 1226 - 1222 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: One-Arm Push-up Prep +30 seconds rest
:v: DAREdice: 20 Sit-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 5 +Path of the Hammer (30 seconds rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Writing my Planescape session, still editing my next story...
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 32%

Other Victories:
Guitar class.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Distracting, and pretty much awful. I've spent the entire day fighting against both my modem and my router now, and I haven't progressed in anything other than just fixing two paragraphs. I am putting an all nighter on this work because it's an easy fix. Heck, I even played the piano... until it got screwed up. E6 sunk, so I have to open the thing up and fix the key. It's an easy fix, and it seems to be a common issue with the CDP-100 model as a whole. It seems that Casio didn't invest in a more expensive rubber that keeps the counterweights in place. I thought it'd be more complex, but when I saw everything opened up, it worked in the same way as an actual acoustic piano. I guess this is one way on getting my hands dirty with making and fixing musical instruments, even though this is an electronic one instead. I'll take it.

I'm looking for the manual of the laptop that I got donated too. I haven't found it yet. I just want to have an idea about what it looks like on the inside before I open it up. Since I'm going to fix my piano in the not-so-long future, I might take the opportunity to learn a new skill too. All I need is a power brick, and I found some for sale, but I haven't ordered them. I don't want to make such expenses yet. I still need the brick to know what's going on inside that laptop, and I also need to replace the screen. I didn't need to turn it on to know that screen is all scratched up.

Anyway, this is what I did today.

September 6th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Reverse Plank Kicks +EC
Count: 1227 - 1223 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
50 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: DAREdice: 12 Full Burpees (6 Full Burpees, 6 Double Burpees)
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 6
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: I'm on it right now
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:v: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 45%

Other Victories:
I broke the piano while playing, lol


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I couldn't do much progress last night. It was more fighting against the router and the modem, which made me ragequit. So I turned everything off, grabbed my book, and went to read until I couldn't anymore. I have no idea how much progress I made, since I kept reading some today, and I'll still read some more tonight, but I'm almost through the second third of the book, and I'm aproaching the last third, which is just 100 pages long. Like I said, the first Shadowhunters book is a very fast read. I'm starting to like it a bit more, even though the lore is Chronicles of Darkness, if Chronicles of Darkness was slavjank. At least the mandatory romance arc that YA novels had post-Twilight is almost absent. There are some sparks, but they are way too minor to be that. YA novels went through a very dark period back in the decade, and it seems that it still goes on in WattPad. I don't really like seeing the WattPad logo on books the last time I went to the market. Still, I haven't read anything modern on the YA market yet. I do hope that the mandatory romance with guys who carry a huge amount of red flags is finally dropped. Maybe I'm seeing it through a different perspective since I'm not 15 years old, but I come back to that age and I still would think that Jace isn't someone I'd date. In fact, Jace is completely optional. He can easily be replaced by Isabelle or Alec, and the story would remain exactly the same. It's like I could choose Clary's sidekick, but I'm stuck with lion boy because he's giving me the feels of being Cassandra's Marty Stu.

I mean... It sounds arrogant, but I can do a Urban Fantasy YA with and without the romance, both within and outside the worlds of both Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness. I am that confident in my skills as a writer, which seems to be improving the more I keep it up. A comment pointed out two biggest strengths that make me stand out. One of these strengths is probably my OCD-like mind putting a lot of attention to detail, which bled through my GM skills, and then went back into writing after dealing with heroes that always make my plans fall apart. The other is something that 5e's Dungeon Master's Guide taught me, which worked out so great that it actually saves me up pages of details that I can use for more important things. Amadis of Gaul taught me the art of short and sweet descriptions, and while I read the book, I learned to cut many words, so much so that my last story had two extra pages after the first edit, but on the final version, I ended up cutting four instead.

I am feeling motivated to keep going. I still need to plan my session, but I can do that during the evening, while I spend the day editing and writing. I still have a couple of stories left to fix, and next week I'll be writing some more. If I can draft five stories in a week, I can easily edit one each week and post it as soon as it's done. I still need to plan more stories to tell, and some of them won't be free.

Qi Gong was pretty cool today too. We did it standing instead. I'll link the video below.

Apparently both the modem and the router ended up making a truce. Either that, or it was actually my ISP screwing around instead. Honestly, after the last couple of days, I feel like my Wi-Fi signal going down is way better than nearly destroying the modem twice. The reason being that the issues were strikingly similar as the ones our first modem had, which ended up being impossible to fix.

September 7th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Squat Hold Calf Raises +EC
Count: 1228 - 1224 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Decision
:v: DAREdice: 16 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 7 +Path of the Hammer (30 seconds rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Finished a story
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 45%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I didn't post last night. After walking so much, I just went to bed. My legs were killing me, so I skipped Burpees and only worked out the upper body. And that's it. I didn't write, except my next Planescape session, which I detailed out the first two scenes, but the rest is at a complete blank, something I'll be working on today. I actually spent more time adding a couple of ICRPG mechanics to deal with a cursed character that is constantly rolling low. It's not the player that's cursed, because that character, and anyone related to that character, is always rolling low. He already did other characters, and he rolls perfectly good with them.

As for the session story, it's a bit confusing, but I'll tie up everything good. The good part about working with goals is that I don't need to do much prep, and allow for the players to fill in the blank, plus I don't get to railroad as much. I hope to get it done on time, because I might be busy later this afternoon. Besides, I want to keep writing and editing.

September 8th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Alt Arm / Leg Raises +EC
Count: 1229 - 1225 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Epic Arms
:v: DAREdice: 4 Sit-ups
:v: 3 x 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 8
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Wrote down the outline of my session. Will do the details now
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:v: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 61%

Other Victories:
Drew a couple of things for my GM screen


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Ok, I'm posting now because there's Pathfinder tomorrow, and my session is not ready yet, so I'll be putting an all-nighter. I could have it ready by now if it wasn't because the power went out while I was working with it. And instead of being bored, I decided to pick up my plans that were cancelled by the last minute.

What are those? Well, I attended to a free tango lesson uptown. The teacher actually has a tango school in my area as well, so we can go there, but... I have no money to pay the monthly fee. Not yet anyway, but this has been an eye-opener. I actually had my first contact with tango back in the conservatory as part of the course of Music History in Latinamerica. Then came Astor Piazzola. I even tried to play his Libertango on the guitar, but I never danced tango until today. Previously, I didn't care for it. In fact, I kinda resented it, which was due to being this edgy teenager that was always on a survival mode to the point of becoming a bad person even afterwards. Had I had contact in those days, maybe I would've been better. Already being in position and leading boosted my confidence so high that it was empowering against those that weren't there yet. I did great. After I learned about tango queer and realized one thing that people still have stuck in their heads. Every time I mention that the first belly dancers were actually men, people get astonished. Then, there's the male pole dancers, and after learning that tango queer removes the gender roles, it just falls into place that dancing has no gender whatsoever. And even from a teaching standpoint, tango queer makes sense because you have to be in both places, you have to learn both roles, thereby you understand everything better.

It really hurts me that we segregated our genders so much that women forgot to connect with their masculine part in the same way men forgot to connect with their feminine side. Now I get why Feminine Inspiration exists. And, honestly, why only having one role when you can have both instead? It's fun; that's all I'm saying! Even though the class was traditional, I'd still take the female role even without coming out of the closet because it also looks fun.

Anyway, I'm going to write now. I'm sacrificing both the night routine and Warrior Arms tonight. I'm also sacrificing Warrior Arms tomorrow, so I'll make it up by doing these two days on Monday, and then catch up on Tuesday. It seems that this is my bane with the Warrior Series of challenges, as it happened on a similar way before, with Warrior Abs.

September 9th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Balance Hold +EC +EEC (Blindfolded)
Count: 1230 - 1226 +EC

Night Routine:
:x: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:x: Five Rites
:x: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: DAREdice: 4 Lunges
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Tango Basics!
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:x: Warrior Arms: Day 9 +Path of the Hammer
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: On it, though I made some progress before!
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 61%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 64
"...probably in a forest..."
@Zenchan We're playing the Planescape original setting from AD&D 2e in Pathfinder 2e. With that same group, we're also playing another campaign that takes place in my homebrew universe, but I am not the GM of that campaign.
Cool, I love the old Monte Cook (Planescape) books.
We are playing Kingmaker and Age of Ashes in PF2. (I love Kingmaker).


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I don't know why, but I'm very tired. My left glute is hurting a bit, probably a side effect from all that walking... Still worth it, though.

Pathfinder day. We are at level 5 out of 20 now, so there's still three more sessions to go. The lore dump was a bit heavy, but everything is starting to clear up. I'm actually going to write a lot with this, but it won't be today. In fact, it'll be a long time before I start to write everything down. It's a very rich universe, after all, and what I'm doing is taking 1% of it, because the other 99% I'm leaving it uncharted, as far as my story is concerned. I'd rather be it a campaign setting that has only 1% done so that anyone who wants to take a bite out of it will have only a baseline from the cosmology and history as to the origins of the world, and the rest will be provided by them.

I haven't written today other than putting my notes into proper form. I have some ideas, and I already charted all the sessions until the end. We are going fast, and I had to remind my players to plan their characters again because I am not stopping the game so they can start picking up feats and stuff. I told them before that this will be a quick one to tie up loose ends and make the reboot not as hard. It's working well, for now. As far as we're concerned, one of the characters, our Wizard, is saying that he's learning again because the way magic works in Sigil is very different than the one from our world, a story device I put in place to explain the change of mechanics, and the player rolled with it.

I ended up today's session by giving them back their iconic magic items too.

September 10th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold +EC
Count: 1231 - 1227 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: DAREdice: 10 Jumping Jacks
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:x: Warrior Arms: Day 9 +Path of the Hammer
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:x: Not yet. Not sure if I'll get on it tonight.
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 61%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Unplanned. Unexpected. Yet fruitful.

I didn't get to edit tonight, and I have some concerns about my edit... which I just solved. Just a bit of self-doubt.

Nevertheless, I finished reading City of Bones tonight. This is where the unexpected and unplanned part of the day happened, because it was triggered by a powercut that started when I came home. My thoughts around it are... I don't know. It is what happens if you take Buffy and sprinkle lore that wouldn't look out of place on a Chronicles of Darkness chronicle that's been corrupted, like a file in a hard drive. Because that's what the lore is: it's good, but it's corrupted. The story, it's the regular Young Adult story that comes from the Dark Ages of Young Adult that started with Twilight, but Cassandra Clare played a bold gambit near the end that made me fall in love with the book, and that was a stroke of stupid genius. She used a cliché as a plot twist, and she did it so good that it's commendable. I don't care what the others say or compare the characters to others existing in other works of fiction, or even how that plot twist is overused and "oh no, it's wrong because blah blah blah," just shut up and listen: it's genius because it challenges what Twilight has made a law with YA fiction. It's jank, but it works. The entire thing works like a slavjank; a good slavjank game: everything seems to be holding together with soviet-grade duct tape from the 80s and tools old enough to be WWII vets, and would surely shock you as soon as you plug them in, but it's a good experience. I can't stress this enough, the whole book is bad... and I mean, baaaad. Nevertheless, it's good. The whole thing is bad, yet it is perfectly written. It's like... A TiK Tok from B. Dylan Hollis. You know how those recipes he tries seem to be horrendous, from the ingredients to the process, and when he tries the finished product, it turns out pretty good? That's exactly how Shadowhunters feels. It's a good idea, with good execution. It's just been corrupted in the process, and I am not sure where the corruption was: either in the code, or at some point during compilation.

People seem to either hate it or love it. I'm from the latter. I can't hate it. It's good, but it's a corrupted kind of good. When I started reading it, I was not expecting to have an slavjank experience. It is jank, but it isn't slav. Metro 2033 and Roadside Picnic are slav, but I don't think they are jank. S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which is based in the Stalker movie, which is also based in Roadside Picnic, is slavjank, and it's good slavjank.

Anyway, bottom line is that I would recommend to check out Shadowhunters with caution. It's a fun read, but there's the chance that you may not like it. It's a crap book, but at least is the kind of good crap that doesn't feel like torture. 6/10.

E: Broken links.

September 11th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 3 Minutes Raised Arms Hold +EC
Count: 1232 - 1228 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Push-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 9 +Path of the Hammer (30 seconds rest) | Day 10
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Not today
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:v: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 100%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, I wasted a lot of time today, on purpose. What do I mean by this? I spent the entire day overwhelmed with very intrusive thoughts, like I had no order as to what to do. I need to edit, I need to write, but I also want to write other things, I want to write some stories that I want to keep, I want to write other stories that I want to publish, I want to start a book, I want to start another book, and it just goes and on, and I've been jumping back and forth between everything like a dog on zoomies, it's just been overwhelming...

At the end of the day, I spent more time watching Youtube than working. I didn't even have class today. I got called in sick, so, I told them to get better and carry on next week.

I am trying to edit right now, but there was a powercut two hours ago. Yeah, they cut the power near midnight. And now that it's back, my Wi-Fi decided to go to war against me again. It'll be a miracle if this gets posted; that's for sure.

Man, I hate days like today. I am having a headache, and I feel really, really bad for slacking off. It's not that I left it out, I really wanted to this. It's just that my brain couldn't focus, and went around everywhere, doing anything else but the job that I am supposed to do.

September 12th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Crunch Kicks +EC
Count: 1233 - 1229 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: One-arm Push-up Prep +30 Seconds Rest Between Sets
:v: Crop Top +Megaset
:v: DAREdice: 4 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 11 +Path of the Hammer (30 seconds rest) | Day 12
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Only a few paragraphs of editing...
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:v: Treasure Island - 25%
:x: Casino Royale - 0%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Almost the same as yesterday, but I did some more work, and a few extra work. There has been a lot of spikes in power. There were like ten surges today, which was very annoying.

Other than that, not much to say. There will be some decluttering of the house soon, which is good. I also found an easier fix for my piano. Like I said, Casio pianos are prone to have sunken keys because the rubber cap used for the hammers is cheap, but this issue apparently will start appearing after seven years. Mine is older than seven years. Nevertheless, there's also a piano at a restaurant nearby, and if I can get to play, I'll be fine with it. That's why I picked it back up. That, and well...

I never reached that level, but that etude always makes me to play, no matter what. It's that specific piece, always. I mean, I love both Paganini and Liszt. In fact, when people choose between Chopin and Liszt, I always end up choosing Liszt. Anyway, I really miss it, and I want to get back as soon as possible without forgetting the guitar, of course. Since I'm starting to have some habit of writing that's less chaotic, this will probably give me some room to work.

I'm also going to write for myself before bed. Fiction. Not my diary, not my journal, just pure fiction. I'm expanding my junkyard of ideas, from having only scrap metal to actually have working hardware that I can just restore by either giving it a quick cleaning or fully fixing it, and then put it on the car I'm working with without any issues, if you catch the editing and writing metaphor I put in. This time it'll be an actual junkyard. Nevertheless, my intentions for writing for myself are not making a junkyard; that's just a consequence. My intentions is to unload the thing that overcharged me yesterday, that made my brain to behave like a dog on zoomies, always jumping around from idea to idea, without any clear focus. It wasn't the first time it happens, but it was the first time I caught myself doing it.

Anyway, more Burpees today, which is good. Burpees are always good.

September 13th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Calf Rises +EC
Count: 1234 - 1230 +EC <- Yay I reached the sequence number on DDs without EC!

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Crop Top +Megaset
:v: DAREdice: 12 Sit-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 13 +Path of the Hammer (30 seconds rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: I'm still on it!
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 25%
:x: Casino Royale - 0%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Again, this is going to be yet another string of good day / bad day / good day / bad day...

Today was horrible. That's it. I barely edited a couple of paragraphs again, and it wasn't because my brain was on zoomies, no. This time it happened because the day got busy all of the sudden, the weather is so terrible that I'm still sweating bullets after a cold shower, the water came in very late, and I'm fighting against my Wi-Fi signal again.

I really have nothing to say. I'm not really in a good mood. I'm not doing anything today. It's just another wasted day where everything falls apart.

At least I got one of the things that I need to fix my piano, so there's that...

September 14th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 2 Minutes Backfists +EC
Count: 1235 - 1231 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Decision
:v: DAREdice: 8 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 14
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:x: No. Even though I fixed a couple of paragraphs, I'm not counting it.
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 25%
:x: Casino Royale - 0%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I actually thought the James Bond novels were long. I started reading Casino Royale today while I fought against the Wi-Fi, and during rests of Lone Warrior, and ended up going through 10% of the book. It's not as fast as Shadowhunters, but it's still a quick read. No fluff, no too much words, nothing like that. It's just short and sweet; my kind of book. Again, I don't mind thick books, and I don't dismiss it as quantity over quality. I mind thick books when they are simply bloated with unnecessary stuff, like too long descriptions, too much unrequired explainations, too much stupid, that kind of stuff. I can read Amadís of Gaul in the same way I can read a Stephen King book. I just hate it when the book's thickness can, should, and needs to be cut. Write the right amount, not the big amount.

Speaking of, I also sent off my latest manuscript, and I'm going to write the next draft soon after I post here. It was a pain to edit that thing, not because editing was hard, but because getting myself to edit was difficult, especially on the day where my brain couldn't focus at all. But now I am feeling good about myself, and I have an outline ready. I'll write for as much as I can tonight, and then I'll finish it up tomorrow, and start another draft.

I'm not sure whether we'll D&D on Sunday or not. The DM is sick, and he isn't sure that he'll feel ok on Sunday. Aside from that, I haven't prepared anything in case he doesn't show up, but the place is available. If it can't be done, then I'll be fine to cancel. It gives me more time to write short stuff.

I talked to my girlfriend about a couple of ideas that I have, and she picked one of the two that I can focus with to actually write. My plan is to make a novel and publish it as soon as its ready, but I do need to do some research while I put some outlines. The plot itself is something that I like, and she is also into it. The other idea will remain archived and will be developed once this one is finished.

Look at me go. I've been always thought to have a game plan, but that was always mid term and long term, and yet I never reached it. It turns out that no one taught me that I should have not short-time goals, but also short deadlines I must meet. Having to send manuscripts on Friday or Saturday so that they get published on Sunday or Monday feels good. Seriously, look at me go, being responsible and everything, despite that I'm not making a penny from it just yet!

I should give myself a day to promote myself, though. It is difficult to market my stuff in an environment where censorship is everywhere, and I know I can get censored. Granted, I don't write my point of view about controversial topics; I'd rather leave that to the social media clowns from both of ends of the political spectrum that are full of themselves. The problem lies that sex and violence is, on itself, censored. Pulp authors like Mickey Spillane pushed me to write neon-noir, so those two things are core to my stuff. And I like the way pulp authors worked back in the day, pushing stories every day because they needed to bring bread on the table. And I learned to separate work from hobby back when I signed the divorce papers with music, so I know when I'm talking with my literary business partner and my current literary spouse. That means there's the thing that I write to publish, the thing that I push on, the one that gets complete quality control, and there's the thing that I do for fun.

I still need to learn how to write faster. I think I'm becoming faster, but then weeks like these happen, and... I'm not sure if I'm truly fast or not!

One thing's for certain: no AI. I don't cheat. In fact, I always try to make it harder whenever I can, by making the tools more primitive. Hell, I wrote an entire 10-part series on WordPerfect 5.1 on DOSBox! I wrote an entire first part of a novel in a notebook! If I had a typewriter I can assure you I'd be putting paper on it at least once a day. We used to write, draw, and etch on cave walls! Seriously, the more primitive I went, the more effort it put, but the more focused I was. It felt really good to handwrite a fifth of a novel in a small notebook, to be honest. I'd like to do that with spiral-bound notebooks; one that has at least 200 pages. If it's a big one, like my diary, oh hell yes, that means I'll have a long story to tell.

I have to transcribe it to the computer? Yeah. Do I mind transcribing it? Not really.

I'm sorry, I think I've rambled for far too long now. I'm just pumped that I'm doing good so far. Despite the bumps on the way, I'm doing good!

September 15th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Jumping Lunges +EC
Count: 1236 - 1232 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Lone Warrior - LVL III +EC
:v: DAREdice: 8 Lunges
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:x: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 15 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Yes!
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 25%
:v: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I found myself in a bit of a problem here. The story I planned to write seems to be not suited for publishing, so I had to put it on the junkyard, because I'm not abandoning it. The issue is that it'll take me some time, and it touches a topic that I already tried before, and it failed miserably. Later I learned why it failed, and I don't want to make the same mistake. If I get to publish that, it'll be under a different name with a different following because it's too specific. Even though I brush that topic on my previous stories, I never get my focus on it. Now I can censor myself and avoid it, but the problem is a character revolves around that topic, and it refuses to switch the trait. Of course, I can recycle the idea, but that'll take some extra thinking from my part, and probably would warrant the impossible way of publishing the original story at the risk of people calling me out and accusing me of plagiarizing myself. Heteronyms are weird. I don't know how Pessoa did it... Well, there was no Internet back then, so that could've helped.

Anyway, I'm starting a fresh story then. This time, it has no outline. Well, I lie. Only one line of outline, pretty much. The plot itself is the outline, and it seems it'll be an emergent story that'll take a few very short chapters. Goal is to keep it between 1K and 2K words. If it goes beyond 2K words, start over. I need to do some short stuff to buy myself some time.

September 16th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Squat Hops on the Spot +EC
Count: 1237 - 1233 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Crop Top +Megaset
:v: DAREdice: 4 Full Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 16
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Had to scrap once I realized it was going to take longer, and it was going to fail, but success anyway
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 25%
:v: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The table was surprised when my Cleric saved the life of whom she considered her archenemy. I think I did it because of two things: she wanted to off him herself, and the group needed his help during the dungeon we went through, which was a lot of going through depths and depths, like almost everyone thought we were going down to reach the core of the planet and beyond. There was a point in which a forgotten Levitate Scroll and a recently purchased Bag of Holding by the Barbarian helped everyone survived a fall that could've been a death trap, but ended up being an underwater spring. Everyone survived. It was mostly the Barbarian and I using our ropes together to climb up and down, and me using Light on stones to improvise flares. With 70% of the party with Darkvision it wasn't hard to explore and avoid its dangers.

It was a fun session, even with the small downtime we had at the beginning that was unexpected. I had plans to write... until there was a powercut, at midnight.

Yeah, not fun waking up late because of it. Best way to ruin people's sleep is to cut the power at midnight in the middle of a heat wave; that'll certainly help with productivity on a Monday.

September 17th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Leg Raises +EC
Count: 1238 - 1234 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: DAREdice: 16 Full Burpees
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:x: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:x: Warrior Arms: Day 17 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:x: Stupid powercut!
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:v: Treasure Island - 37%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Am I ever going to work or what?

It was the weather this time that killed my day. I wasted my entire time. Not only I woke up late due to that late powercut, but also, there was a very strong wind that sent pieces of the roof flying, and made tree branches fell to the street before blowing them away, dragging them through the asphalt for a few meters. Reminder that these people trimmed the trees so badly that they are unbalanced, so a much stronger wind could've taken them down, and pretty much make them fall over people's houses, taking with them the poles and both power, phone, and TV cables. We had no power since noon until 8 PM, and yet I still haven't written anything, because much of my time got busy with other things, and...

I want to swear.

At least it was a cold day. With the equinox coming next Saturday, the temperatures will finally lower. But the wind, the storm, it was just baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Not as bad as the time an electrical tower went down due to a very strong storm that lasted for an entire day and left the entire city without power, but it was still bad.

I'm officially running late now.

September 18th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Upward Downward Dog +EC
Count: 1239 - 1235 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 17 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest) | Day 18
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:x: Nope, nope, and nope. It was the weather this time that caused the powercut.
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:v: Treasure Island - 47%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:
I drew a map... which ended up being scrapped, but there's a seed for some worldbuilding there. A modular place I could put in my world, or anywhere else.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, it's been better today. Still wasted some time, but I'm back at writing, albeit with some doubts. Now I can solve them, but I still need to figure out a character. I did this outline, but there's a missing detail from it, and I don't know whether I should remove the small details, or just go through it and work the detail on edit...


You know what, I think that was the solution. I shouldn't have written anything.

Anyway, I'm going back to writing now. There are some broken links on my previous post, so I'll fix them when I can.

September 19th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Side Plank Hold +EC
Count: 1240 - 1236 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Tempered Steel - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: Crop Top +Megaset
:v: DAREdice: 16 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 19 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: I'm on it. Having some doubts, but I'm working through it.
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 47%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:
Guitar class


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I don't know how many times I changed my manuscript for the week, but this time I stopped. I did a short one that's exactly 1500 words long, and it's ready for editing, which I'll start doing once I'm done posting here. It was a quick one, and it'll buy me some time to make another draft for the next week, plus NaNoWriMo is coming up. I think I'm going to take the opportunity of NaNo to write a long project and have it ready for next year. Now that I'm publishing, it's time to get paid.

I didn't realize it's been 8 weeks until my girlfriend asked me about it. I deleted some of my old stuff, but I did so because I plan to extend it and make it marketable, plus there's three characters that I'm taking out of a story to insert in another one... or maybe it'll be one character; I don't know. I don't want to make crossovers until my name is trademarked. The reason for it is to protect my prospect readers from scammers, since that became more rampant thanks to AI. Amazon doesn't do anything about it unless your name is trademarked. I don't play to be on Amazon because I need to get through several loops to get paid the last time I checked (requiring a Payoneer account, which just added an extra annoyance), but if I did, I'd be opting out of the exclusivity deal. After seeing what's been going on all over the Internet with companies and whatnot, it's best not to put all the eggs in one basket. I already have ideas for marketing that go beyond the advice of "let your book market itself." But I'm going ahead right now.

I'm just going to edit, unless I have to fight against the Wi-Fi. There was a power shortage earlier today, which killed my Wi-Fi signal for a while. It hasn't been restored at 100%, and I can't tell whether the device is ok, or it's actually breaking slowly, like the modem did before.

Gotta love these powercuts.

September 20th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Climber Taps +EC
Count: 1241 - 1237 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Flat Stomach +EC
:v: Crop Top +Megaset
:v: DAREdice: 4 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 20
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Finished a draft, and it's time to edit
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 47%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I thought it was going to be good, but it wasn't. Unproductive day. A powercut that lasted for six hours, my Wi-Fi completely dead, and it was so hot that I didn't even dare to turn on the computer. In fact, I'm fresh out of a cold shower, and I'm still sweating.

I already updated the laptop, so it isn't a software issue. Is not a hardware issue either because that happens with my phone too, but my phone instead of logging me out, it just gets very slow Internet. I go downstairs, and it works as it is supposed to be. I'm baffled. A few months back, it was going great since I moved rooms, but now, the signal doesn't reach the second floor the way it should be. Every single time there's a powercut, the signal turns the Fi for Fidelity into a travesty.

Suffice to say that I didn't edit anything. Between the heat, the time eaten away by a long powercut, the water coming in... I'm tired. I'm not sure I can make it this week, but I'm willing to try.

I still have to go out tomorrow. I wanted to buy some stuff, but I guess I have to pull that off, and instead, get a better router. I'll have to see...

I said it yesterday: gotta love these powercuts. They destroyed two modems, a power supply, and several fridges. Will the government do anything about it? Nope. Only once they took responsability, and since then, they always told people to unplug their devices whenever there was a powercut. Then, they stopped saying when a powercut is coming, and they will not take any responsability for any broken devices due to the surges. I'm blaming them because they are the ones who never fixed the electric grid before, and now it's pretty much too late to fix it.

I hate today.

September 21st, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 80 Arm Scissors +EC
Count: 1242 - 1238 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: WoD: Super Abs +EC
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Precision
:v: DAREdice: 20 Jumping Jacks
:v: 3 x 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:x: Warrior Arms: Day 21 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 47%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
This week hasn't been good at all.

I'm late. I'm still not done with my weekly story, but I'm very late now. I haven't even prepared my Pathfinder session because I focused too much on the story, something that changed several times until I finally set up for something on Wednesday, and I finished drafting yesterday. Today, I finished doing the first edit, and I'm going for the second now before going for the third soon. I don't think I'll be able to make it on Sunday, so I'll probably end up improvising a one-shot with ICRPG, and since the characters are simple, I can do a raid with my table. That's something I'll decide upon tomorrow. I still need to work next week's story, and I'm not sure whether I'll have a day shaved off the next week or not.

I hope things improve next week. The only thing that I truly feel amazingly grateful for is that it was a day without sun.

I swear, if they keep cutting the power every single time I need it the most...

September 22nd, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Reverse Angels +EC
Count: 1243 - 1239 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: WoD: Dracarys! - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 21 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest) | Day 22
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: I doubled the amount of words on the second edit because the story wasn't interesting enough.
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:v: Treasure Island - 61%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Alright, so it was better today. I managed to finish my story and send it... very late.

At least I have another one coming up next. I don't want to write it tonight. I just want to rest for a bit.

This has been a very stressful week. I didn't even get to prepare my D&D session, but the other GM had his ready, so he's willing to take up this week and next week because I don't think I can make it next week either. Damn, it was hard to write, mostly because everything that I had in mind got longer, and this one, despite that it had potential to go for longer, and be even better than what I had, I didn't took advantage of it because of the time. I was already far too late from my deadline, so I had to sacrifice it. I know it's a self imposed deadline, and maybe I shouldn't be as strict with it because I'm not making money, but the problem is, the moment I start being flexible with my things is the moment where I stop caring. That's what I realized why I failed at imposing my own deadlines in the first place: because I was not strict with them. And I should've known that was the solution because I applied it when I started working out, though I've been flexible lately, and I'm thinking on picking it up.

Epic 5 and 10 are the two programs that I can incorporate during downtime as addons. As for training, I'm thinking about doing two workouts instead of one, and doing a combat workout at LVL I on rest days (if I'm able ot). This week was far much less Burpees than it should've been, you know, with all this walking... Hopefully there will be more Burpees next week.

September 23rd, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Butterfly Sit-ups +EC
Count: 1244 - 1240 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Louder than Words - LVL III +Megaset
:v: DAREdice: 20 Sit-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 23 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Finished editing and sent it out.
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 61%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The GM agreed to prepare the next session without issue, as I'm running late of things. Anyway, we played, and it was fun, even though the combat from the session felt long due to the sheer amount of NPCs that we had. Nevertheless, my character got development, and my backup character also had the opportunity to participate. I'm motivated to write her novel, because it's the same character from one of my stories, but I still don't know how to begin and stuff. I don't worry too much about it, since I'm putting more attention to more pressing matters.

I didn't post last night because I felt a bit sleepy, so I simply went to bed without posting. There was some workout, but not what I thought I'd do.

A small powercut too. That was frustrating.

It was a cold day yesterday, with some rain too. Today is hot, but it isn't as insanely hot as it was during summer. Finally, the fall is here.

September 24th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Virabhadrasana III +EC
Count: 1245 - 1241 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: DAREdice: 10 Full Burpees
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 1-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 24
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:x: Rest day
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 61%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, it's been a better day... if it wasn't for the early powercut that got me late again.

I'm writing in a bit. I just need to post. I actually spent most of the day working out and wasting time. There's not much to do when there's a powercut, and then the power comes back...

Well, it isn't a total waste. I actually planned out a few things to do in the near future, as I want to get paid. I just don't know how to market myself, so I might need to ask for some help around. Nevertheless, I'm ready to dip my toes into the water.

September 25th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 2 Minutes Wall-sit +EC
Count: 1246 - 1242 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Made With Love - LVL III +No Rest Between Sets
:v: Bubble Butt +EC +Old Version (20 Reps each exercise)
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: DAREdice: 12 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 25 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:x: On it
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 61%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I'm writing. I actually expanded what I was working on last night. Nevertheless, I'm paying the consequences for being late.

The place is slow during the week, so there hasn't been as many reads as before. I already figured that could happen because another author shared their stats. It is a trend to have nothing during the week. I thought I could work on it today completely, but there was a powercut. I'm going to do my best to not run late this time.

I'm also considering to add Mythic to my games. The GM emulator seems like a neat tool to add complications, and the Chaos rank is pretty good to spice things up during a game, but what gets me the most is the Interrupted and Altered scenes. I can see my players being thrown off thanks to that. I'm using it as a writing tool right now, but I'm definitely using it for VtM, when we finish Planescape.

September 26th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Single Leg Bridges +EC
Count: 1247 - 1243 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: Push-up Queen - LVL III +Megaset
:v: One-arm Push-up Prep +30 Seconds Rest
:v: Core Fighter - LVL III +EC
:v: DAREdice: 16 Lunges
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:x: Warrior Arms: Day 26
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Did something, but I'm still on it
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 61%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Five hours, from 8 PM, until right now. Five hours, under high temperature and high humidity. Five hours without power. That's just sadistic. They had an entire day to torture us, and they chose the night to do so.

I am, once again, running late, thanks to those f*cking powercuts. I'm sick of this. My head hurts, my thirst is off the roof, I'm stressed like no other day... And I have to keep working, because it's the only way out I have. But how do I work like this? How can I get the job done if every time there's something taking me out during the day, and then I have no other choice but to work at night, only to have even my sight taken away from me? At this point I feel like I should go to a highway and wait for a truck to hit me.

I did not work out today. It was a very hot day, and I couldn't even move.

September 27th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Staggered Deadlifts +EC
Count: 1248 - 1244 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:x: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:x: DAREdice: Unrolled due to high heat
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 26 | Day 27 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest)
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: I barely edited something and organized some stuff, but couldn't do anything.
:x: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 61%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:
At least I had a guitar class


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Ok, today was better. I even finished editing, and I'll have the thing ready for tomorrow, so I won't be late, at least. Once I'm done with it, I'll be writing some first drafts this week, next week, and the next week, so that I have a much bigger queue for stories before starting my plan to write something long and then short stuff, depending on the times I have to GM.

It was a rainy day too, finally! Qi Gong was cancelled, but I couldn't care less about it. It rained! Today was cold! Compared with yesterday, today was so much better. Even though I didn't progress as much as I wanted, it was still progress.

I had a hard time trying to sleep last night. The powercut, the heat... it was horrible. I guess tonight I'll sleep better.

September 28th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Sky Diver Push-ups +EC
Count: 1249 - 1245 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:v: 100 Burpees +EC
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Rockin' Abs - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: DAREdice: 4 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: Day 28
Bucket List:
The Miner

Writing progress:
:v: Finished editing. Now it's time to fix mistakes.
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 61%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,467
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Two powercuts: one at the afternoon, and one at near midnight. The power just came back.

I don't care. I finished my work at noon, and already sent it. I was supposed to write something new, but I ended up distracting myself by playing the guitar and... that's when the powercuts started.

It doesn't matter. I didn't workout today, so I moved it for tomorrow. What I mean is that I didn't follow the TP, so I took this day as an extra rest day, so tomorrow will be the full body strength workout that I had to do today. This wasn't my intention, you see, it was due to the powercuts. The day was a bit hot, and... I just wanted to play guitar too.

I think I'll solve some problems before writing something new first. At least I did make it on time!

Oh, I also finished Warrior Arms. After what happened today, I didn't want to add more upper body workout. I know it's full body, but since I'm doing two workouts instead of one, I'll be adding a lower body workout as the extra.

September 29th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Jump Squats +EC
Count: 1250 - 1246 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Still with Valkyrie TP. Deciding to either switch back to Fighter, pick another TP, or do Programs again.
Bucket List:

:x: 100 Burpees +EC
:v: WoD: Fetch Quest - LVL III +Megaset
:v: DAREdice: 8 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 14

:v: Warrior Arms: :completed: Day 29 +Path of the Hammer (30 Seconds Rest) | Day 30 :star:
Up Next: The Miner
Bucket List:
Epic Abs

Writing progress:
:v: Proofread and sent!
:v: 1500 Get!

Reading progress:
:x: Ringworld - 40%
:x: The Colour of Magic - 48%
:x: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Ashes - 0%
:x: Treasure Island - 61%
:x: Casino Royale - 10%

Other Victories:
Practiced the guitar: Tárrega's Etudy 10, several Carcassi etudes, Villa-Lobos' Etude 1.