Well-known member
Well, I finished my job yesterday. All that remains is grammar and editing. A lot of things to delete too, since I added two extra pages. Nevertheless, there's nothing to fix anymore. All that remains is purely mechanical. I'll do that today, once I'm done posting. I'm also going to continue with some outlines and try to get that three-part series ready for next week. The last story had a huge success, and I can attribute a lot of it due to its title. The pressure of the weekly deadline is making my titles suffer, but on that previous story, when I saw the first line, I knew that could be some sort of leafmotif that got me the title right away. And it worked.
I think I'm getting ready to start getting paid. There's some extra steps that I need to do, but I feel that I'm getting closer to it now.
I got into an interesting conversation last night that brought me back to one of my earliest attempts at making Cyberpunk. There's the desire of bringing back that story, because it can work as an interesting post-apocalyptical campaign setting using the Starfinder system. But I shall prioritize my work first. I don't want to go that way again, even though I'm back listening to E.B.M. and Industrial music.
It was my dad's birthday too, and he low-key expressed the desire of writing a book, but was discouraged because the history of the radio in the city is quite dense with characters. I encouraged him to instead tell his story, because he worked on the radio since he was very young. He liked that approach.
August 30th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128
Morning Routine:
The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
Daily Dare: 50 Side Bends +EC
Count: 1220 - 1216 +EC
Night Routine:
Mani Salutation - 1 Set
Five Rites
Virasana Meditation
Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories
Break from Programs for a while. Switching to Valkyrie TP.
Bucket List:
100 Burpees +EC
50 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
DAREdice: 8 Lunges
1D3 (3) x 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
1D3 (3) x 1-Minute Elbow Plank
Daily Walk
Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 13
Push-up Ladder:
Day 30 
Up Next: Warrior Arms
Bucket List:
The Miner
Writing progress:
Finished the huge chunk of editing. Now all that remains is proofreading
1500 Get!
Reading progress:
Ringworld - 40%
The Colour of Magic - 48%
Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones - 18%
Other Victories:
I think I'm getting ready to start getting paid. There's some extra steps that I need to do, but I feel that I'm getting closer to it now.
I got into an interesting conversation last night that brought me back to one of my earliest attempts at making Cyberpunk. There's the desire of bringing back that story, because it can work as an interesting post-apocalyptical campaign setting using the Starfinder system. But I shall prioritize my work first. I don't want to go that way again, even though I'm back listening to E.B.M. and Industrial music.
It was my dad's birthday too, and he low-key expressed the desire of writing a book, but was discouraged because the history of the radio in the city is quite dense with characters. I encouraged him to instead tell his story, because he worked on the radio since he was very young. He liked that approach.
August 30th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 128
Morning Routine:

Count: 1220 - 1216 +EC
Night Routine:

Break from Programs for a while. Switching to Valkyrie TP.
Bucket List:

50 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees
25 Full Burpees

Dancing Days: 13

Up Next: Warrior Arms
Bucket List:
The Miner
Writing progress:

Reading progress:

Other Victories: