DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 May 29, 2023 #1,051 May 28th, 2023 200 Punches (DD 1,680) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 May 29, 2023 #1,052 (5/28/23) DD-200 Punches: Done w/ EC!! W.O.T.D: Unlocked!! Last edited: Sunday at 9:40 AM
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" May 29, 2023 #1,053 29.05.2023 DD done +EC 36/36 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" May 29, 2023 #1,054 May 29th: 50 Butterfly Sit-ups +EC (1127 - 1123 +EC)
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 May 30, 2023 #1,055 May 29th, 2023 50 Butterfly Sit-Ups + Extra Credit (DD 1,681) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
May 29th, 2023 50 Butterfly Sit-Ups + Extra Credit (DD 1,681) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" May 30, 2023 #1,056 30.05.2023 DD done +EC 37/37 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 May 30, 2023 #1,057 (5/29/23) DD-30 Butterfly Sit-Ups: Done w/EC!! Last edited: Monday at 10:07 PM
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" May 30, 2023 #1,058 May 30th: 50 Side Plank Rotations +EC (1128 - 1124 +EC)
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 May 31, 2023 #1,059 May 30th, 2023 50 Side Plank Rotations + Extra Credit (DD 1,682) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
May 30th, 2023 50 Side Plank Rotations + Extra Credit (DD 1,682) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" May 31, 2023 #1,060 31.05.2023 DD done +EC 38/38 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 May 31, 2023 #1,061 (5/30/23) DD-50 Side Plank Rotations: done w/ EC!!
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" May 31, 2023 #1,062 May 31st: 20 Sky Diver Push-ups +EC (1129 - 1125 +EC)
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 Jun 1, 2023 #1,063 May 31st, 2023 20 Sky Diver Push-Ups + Extra Credit (DD 1,683) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
May 31st, 2023 20 Sky Diver Push-Ups + Extra Credit (DD 1,683) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 1, 2023 #1,064 (5/31/23) DD-20 Sky Diver Push-Ups: Done w/ EC!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 1, 2023 #1,065 01.06.2023 DD done +EC 39/39 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 Jun 1, 2023 #1,066 June 1st, 2023 40 Lunge Punches + Extra Credit (DD 1,684) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
June 1st, 2023 40 Lunge Punches + Extra Credit (DD 1,684) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" Jun 1, 2023 #1,067 June 1st: 40 Lunge Punges +EC (1130 - 1126 +EC)
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 2, 2023 #1,068 (6/1/23( DD- 40 Lunge Punches: Done w/ EC!!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 2, 2023 #1,069 02.06.2023 DD done +EC 40/40 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" Jun 2, 2023 #1,070 June 2nd: 2 Minutes High Knees +EC (1131 - 1127 +EC)
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 Jun 3, 2023 #1,071 June 2nd, 2023 2 Minutes High Knees + Extra Credit (DD 1,685) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
June 2nd, 2023 2 Minutes High Knees + Extra Credit (DD 1,685) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 3, 2023 #1,072 03.06.2023 DD done +EC 41/41 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 3, 2023 #1,073 (6/3/23) DD-2 Min. High Knees: Done w/ EC!!
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" Jun 3, 2023 #1,074 June 3rd: 60 Seconds Elbow Clicks +EC (1132 - 1128 +EC)
Saffity Well-known member Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 275 "Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves." Jun 4, 2023 #1,075 June 3 - 60 seconds elbow clicks done with EC (dubbed the “peek a boo” exercise by my 3 year old)
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 4, 2023 #1,076 04.06.2023 DD done +EC 42/42 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 4, 2023 #1,077 (6/3/23) DD-60 Sec. Elbow Clicks: Done w/ EC!!
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" Jun 4, 2023 #1,078 June 4th: 30 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold +EC (1133 - 1129 +EC)
Saffity Well-known member Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 275 "Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves." Jun 5, 2023 #1,079 June 4: 30 seconds 1 arm plank hold + EC Was NOT going to do this one, didn't think my arms would be able to. Toddler saw it on the home page and demanded I do it with her. Managed to surprise myself by doing the full 30 seconds for both sides.
June 4: 30 seconds 1 arm plank hold + EC Was NOT going to do this one, didn't think my arms would be able to. Toddler saw it on the home page and demanded I do it with her. Managed to surprise myself by doing the full 30 seconds for both sides.
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 5, 2023 #1,080 (6/4/23) DD-30 Sec. One Arm Plank Hold: Done w/ EC!!
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 Jun 5, 2023 #1,081 June 3rd and 4th, 2023 60 Seconds Elbow Clicks + Extra Credit and 30 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,686) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
June 3rd and 4th, 2023 60 Seconds Elbow Clicks + Extra Credit and 30 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,686) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 5, 2023 #1,082 05.06.2023 DD done +EC 43/43 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" Jun 5, 2023 #1,083 June 5th: 60 Knee-to-elbow +EC (1134 - 1130 +EC)
Saffity Well-known member Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 275 "Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves." Jun 6, 2023 #1,084 June 5: 60 Elbow to knee + EC
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 Jun 6, 2023 #1,085 June 5th, 2023 60 Knee-to-Elbows + Extra Credit (DD 1,688) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
June 5th, 2023 60 Knee-to-Elbows + Extra Credit (DD 1,688) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 6, 2023 #1,086 06.06.2023 DD done +EC 44/44 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 6, 2023 #1,087 (6/5/23) DD-Knee-to-Elbow: Done w/ EC!!
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" Jun 6, 2023 #1,088 June 6th: 50 Clamshells +EC (1135 - 1131 +EC)
Saffity Well-known member Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 275 "Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves." Jun 7, 2023 #1,089 June 6 - 50 Clamshells + EC
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 Jun 7, 2023 #1,090 June 6th, 2023 50 Clamshells + Extra Credit (DD 1,689) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
June 6th, 2023 50 Clamshells + Extra Credit (DD 1,689) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 7, 2023 #1,091 07.06.2023 DD done +EC 45/45 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 7, 2023 #1,092 (6/6/23) DD-50 Clamshells: Done w/ EC!! Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" Jun 7, 2023 #1,093 June 7th: 2 Minutes Shoulder Taps +EC (1136 - 1132 +EC)
Saffity Well-known member Mother of Dragons from Southern Ontario, Canada Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 275 "Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves." Jun 7, 2023 #1,094 June 7 - 2 Minutes shoulder taps + EC (Total Count - 7/ +EC - 7)
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 8, 2023 #1,095 (6/7/23) DD-2 Min. Shoulder Taps: Done w/ EC!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 8, 2023 #1,096 08.06.2023 DD done +EC 46/46 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
Sólveig Well-known member Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela Pronouns: She/Her Posts: 2,257 "ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis" Jun 8, 2023 #1,097 June 8th: 60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold +EC (1137 - 1133 +EC
DahMagicMan Well-known member Druid from America Pronouns: He/Him Posts: 2,393 Jun 8, 2023 #1,098 June 7th and 8th, 2023 2 Minutes Shoulder Taps + Extra Credit and 60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,690) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
June 7th and 8th, 2023 2 Minutes Shoulder Taps + Extra Credit and 60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold + Extra Credit (DD 1,690) Everybody, stay safe and healthy, and have a fantastic day!!!
luuutscher Well-known member Paladin from Germany Posts: 620 "Getting back into it" Jun 9, 2023 #1,099 09.06.2023 DD done +EC 47/47 total (all consecutive) best streak: ongoing
dopaw Well-known member Gladiator from Louisiana Posts: 853 Jun 9, 2023 #1,100 (6/8/23) DD-60 Elbow Plank Hold: Done w/ EC!!