The Path of The Lion


Active member
Alchemist Posts: 37
"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
Keep going. It's for you and you are the winner. How about running in the morning? Did you try it?



Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
Keep going. It's for you and you are the winner. How about running in the morning? Did you try it?

Hey there! Sorry for the late reply. I know it's an awesome feeling that leaves you with a great, energized sensation for the rest of the day. I used to go first thing in the morning. However, after my long break due to the heavy cold, I didn't regain the motivation to start morning runs again haha. But I'll get there.


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
So, I wasn't able to workout yesterday or today. Yesterday I was out of town for the whole day, but with a lot of walking. Today I went to... well... wax my back and shoulders for the first time (yes, I'm hairy, haha), and I shouldn't sweat today to avoid irritation. I'll get back to it tomorrow.


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
Today's workout: Hero's Journey Day 27 :v:
Normally, I wanted to go for a tempo run workout. But the weather is kinda unstable, so I did a nice martial arts workout. But seriously, can we discuss how I am getting more energized the more I do fighting workouts???


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
Yesterday's workout: Running :v:
Total distance was 3 miles, with an average of 149 bpm, and time 40.51 min.
Not that good of a run. My body was feeling heavy and sore from the strong upper body workout. But it's still a win.

Today's workout: Hero's Journey Day 30 :v:
Really tired from work, and I kind of adapted for 3 sets to failure for both exercises.


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
A short update since I was inactive here for about 12 days. The progress up until now:

Hero's Journey Day 32 :v:
Hero's Journey Day 33 :v:
Hero's Journey Day 34 :v:
Hero's Journey Day 35 :v:
Hero's Journey Day 36 :v:

AND Today's workout: Hero's Journey Day 37 :v:
My running is also going good. Tomorrow I'll theoretically have a 6.5km run


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
Thank you very much guys! @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Fremen @neilarey

Sorry for the late response. Kind of inactive the last month due to intense lower back pain. It seems I have a bulge disc on L4-L5, and stenosis + herniated disc on L5-S1. Waiting for the appointment with the orthopedic for treatment discussions. Not being able to train drives me crazy
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Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
The update from the orthopaedic. The herniation is pretty big hitting the nerve. The good thing is that I won't require surgery, because my lower strength and reflexes haven't been affected. He told me to do physiotherapy, but until the prescribed sessions are done, no strength training, no cardio, nothing. That kind of made me sad. I asked him if I can get back to working out after the physiotherapies and he said yes, as long as the workout don't stress my spine, because the herniation is pretty low in my lower back.

My initial question is... which exercises stress the spine and lower back specifically??

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,157
"Striving to be the change."
My initial question is... which exercises stress the spine and lower back specifically??
A lot can affect this area of the body. Especially exercises which involve back flexion or extension. I think the best thing to do is talk to your physio and stick to the exercises they say are safe. What you can do will increase as you progress through your physio and strengthen and heal the affected area.


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
Hey guys! A short update.

I had my first physiotherapy yesterday. The physiotherapist told me that the particular spot of the herniated disc is the most common one occurring from desk jobs (yay me for doing a PhD), and there is a good possibility that something in the past might have been the starting point for it getting worse later on due to having a desk job.

I'm going to have 10 physiotherapies in total (9 remaining), and she also gave me 4 exercises to do daily. Cat-cow, sitting cat-cow, seated twist, and another stretch for my left leg that is the main point of the herniation.

I talked about training with her. She verified that I won't do anything apart from those exercises until the physiotherapies are done. And past that point, I should talk with a trainer about slowly getting back into fitness. So, I have two choices, either I'll talk with a friend of mine that she is a trainer to make me a routine to slowly get back into fitness, or I'll do one of the programs here. We will see in mid-December.

And that's about it for now.


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 131
Small update.

After starting those exercises and doing them twice a day as instructed, the mobility of my left leg (which is the main point affected by the herniation) has improved a lot. Still uncomfortable in movements like tilting my head down. It's like my lower back tightens up a lot, but I'm getting there.

My physiotherapist told me to add 3 more exercises to my routine. Bridges, windshield wipers (with bended knees, and small left-right motion, if it makes sense), and alternate single bent leg raises (not sure if there is a specific name for the exercise. I just lift my leg up as the knee is bent, put it down, lift the other one, etc.)

At first I was afraid that it would be painful but surprisingly I didn't feel a thing. However, she told me that if I reach a point that there is no progression in terms of relief, we should include acupuncture in the therapy sessions. Not gonna lie, I kind of got scared of it, but if it helps me get back to my original fitness levels I'll do whatever she tells me to do.

Anyways, that's about it for now!