The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
Thanks guys <3 I love y'all dearly.

645 - Just shoveling snow and day one of power punch. I tried to do more after but then my shoulders said "NO"

35 - Gonna meditate after this!

Good thing - Had Stardew night with the buddies. Ah, it was so nice, my anxiety had been so high before then and now yay it's chiller.

Cooper status - He is going nuts over the snow. He loves just shoving his face in snowbanks lmfao


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966

Thanks for the wishes all <3

646 - I still feel really crappy (I'm okay I just, sometimes ain't feelin' it body-wise lol) so I just did chest and back light and five minute flex hold. Yay.

36 - Five minute meditation.

Good thing - I somehow turned 30. That's neat! Spent it with my buddies for a bit, then my family, and had some lovely peach sake. Aww yeah.

Cooper status - He helped mom make my birthday dinner. Extremely helpful man. He also loves it when me, mom and dad are all on the couch. It's then when he just conks out because he knows where all of his family are - Happy and safe.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
647 - Still feeling kinda eh, I think I have a cold. So I just did a five minute flex hold, power punch days 2 and 3. Hopefully I'll be good by Friday, I'm planning on going to NH then.

37 - Five minute meditation!

Good thing -

Cooper status - He loves you : )


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
Thanks guys <3 I think I know what's up - I haven't been sleeping well lately. So early to bed for this little fishy.

648 - Taking it easy! Chest and back light but with +1 set, power punch days 4 and 5 and I also lifted up Cooper just because I could.

38 - Five minute meditation!

Good thing - I love you guys. Y'all know that?

Cooper status - FLOOF


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
649 - Chest and back light +1 set, power punch days 5 and 6, 100 march steps. Apparently I can do 100 march steps in a minute, neat!

39 - Meditated a minute before working out and did some deep breathing after.

Good thing - I got a package from a buddy today for my birthday. It had delicious noodles in it. I am content.

Cooper status - FLOOF IS OVER 9000


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
650 - I did power punch day 5 two days in a row how-- OKAY WELL I GUESS WE'LL MOVE ONTO 7 AND 8 NOW LOL. Chest and back light + calf raises!

40 - Five minute meditation!

Good thing - Went to the office today. There was a dog in the office next to us. I totally pat him. He's a therapy Great Dane named Forest and he loves you.

Coop status - Hopefully he won't miss me too much when I go to my besties for like five days starting tomorrow lol BUT HE WILL BE OKAY. HE WILL BE FLOOF.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@lofivelcro Especially with the treats I get him!

651 - Not a lot today since I had to drive and such. Does packing and bringing stuff downstairs count? Lmao. Anyway I did clench/unclenches for a few minutes while watching a video and... I think the fat from my forearms is going away? They feel tighter. I mean that in a good way, like I can feel I think my tendons really move sometimes when I do this and I have no idea how to explain it without sounding absolutely insane. But I'll take it as improvement. Did some calf raises too. Tomorrow we're probably gonna do some shop walking, and then Sunday? WE GOIN TO SALEM. That'll be many walking. I can't wait.

41 - Five minute meditation in the near complete darkness of the guest room YEAAAAHHHHH


Coop status - A good boy, he did not want me to go >:


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
652 - Walking! ... E-especially down a rather long and claustrophobic hallway that led to a game/comic shop that made us both feel very creeped out. ... It got weird, it got weird. We booked it out of there once we were done. Anyway, did some arm circles and 300 or so clench/unclenches. Limited space in this apartment. BUT TOMORROW! WE'RE GONNA SUPA WALK.

42 - Gonna meditate before bed in complete darkness basically. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO LET THE VOID CONSUME ME BEFORE I REST

Good thing - At least we got some good stuff today! Found some new buddies to put together for 40k :D

Coop status - Nice and fluffy at home : )


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
653 - So we decided against going to Salem today since it was gonna be cold and right next to the ocean so f that. Still did stuff in the limited space tho, at least 200 clench/unclenches, 200 chest expansions while chilling on the bed and 50 heel taps!

43 - five minute meditation before posting!

Good thing - We got ice cream at a nearby place despite it being 40 degrees F here. Why? Hungry.



Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
654 - Nothing too exciting. 200 arm circles. 200 clench/unclenches. This is gonna be an interesting week for me when I get back home Wednesday tho - this is the first week/month we are brute forcing my period to stop for a couple months. Maybe when I get back I’ll be able to be as I normally am so I can catch up!

44 - Five minutes!

Good thing - Crocheting a Clodsire so I can at least bring something complete home lmao. He’s gonna be beeg.

Coop status - He apparently barked all day while mom cleaned the rug. I guess he was protecting her from... The rug cleaning machine?


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
655 - Cleaning off cars. It's a full body workout I swear to God. Did chest expansions and clench/unclenches to keep me arms warm ehehe.

45 - 5 minute meditation!

Good thing - Still a nice day to vibe despite losing power in the beginning.

Coop status - He's gonna be so happy to see me tomorrow.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
656 - Oh God I have a lot of Power Punch to catch up with. I'm gonna do day nine for now, some clench/unclenches and chest and back light as I am still sore af from snow cleaning yesterday. I maaay have hurt my legs a bit lmao, stuff was deep and I am a small Fish.

46 - 5 minute meditation!

Good thing - I am home now. I am now with my Coop. ... I will have to go into the office tomorrow but whatever.

Coop status - HE IS PLEASED.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
I hope it heals soon too lmao. I think I'll be okay if I just chill more.

657 - Did days ten and eleven of power punch and did some flex holds while I meditated. Didn't time said flex holds but it's fine. There. WE CHILLIN.


Good thing - The skies were such a beautiful blue today.

Coop status - He is pleased because @lofivelcro is pleased. He is so pleased, in fact, that he might (might) (maybe) (don't push it) share his ICE CREAM with you.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
658 - 12 and 13 of power punch! Some calf raises and flexin'.

48 - t e n m i n u t e s

Good thing - Hung out with a friend today for a bit! It was so good to see him.

Coop status - He helped me make food tonight. He got a helper piece of shrimp. Good boy, Cooper!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
659 - Chest and back light, a couple hundred calf raises, power punch day 14 + 15.


Good thing - Stardew night : ) And it's becoming warmer out, yay!

Coop status - He hung out with me downstairs today as mom and dad went out shopping. Cooper duty is serious business. But truth be told... Am I the one watching him, or is he watching me?


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
So remember when I hung with my buddy on Friday? He tested positive for Covid. [SCREAMING] So I'm gonna isolate in the house, luckily it is large enough to where I can do this easily but SFLKJ;DFDSKLJKLJSDFSLKJDFSKL;JDFS;LKDJSF

... Ah crap I forgot my McAfee subscription renewed today - Reminder to self tomorrow, ABSOLUTELY GUN IT ON CROCHETING STUFF TO SELL.

660 - Just doing some kamehamehas and power punch 16 +17. I don't know if I feel crappy due to covid or allergies but it won't show up on a test until Tuesday or Wednesday. AGH.

50 - Ten minutes!

Good thing - Well... I can sleep in tomorrow at least.

Coop status - He's very confused because he had no idea why I wasn't eating at the table. But he is a good boy.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
I love you guys. My buddy has mild symptoms so... Hoping that'll be the case with me if I get it. Just gotta wait a couple more days...

... Also I think a small part of my tooth came off while flossing? It's not obvious at all but. wut. Gonna call about that asap lmao.

661 - Just did chest and back light and day 18-19 of power punch. MGHGHGHGH I want to feel better dangit. Hoping this is a cold.

51 - Ten minutes!

Good thing - Well at least the rift on Wurm went well!

Cooper status - FLOOF. Confused, but floof.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
662 - Chest and back light +1 set, power punch days 20-21, and level 1 of sentry!

52 - Ten minutes!

Good thing - Hey, sentry made me kinda tired! I like that!

Cooper status - The goodest and confusedest boy right now. Just one more day, buddy, and we'll see if I have Covid. Then, if I'm negative, he'll get all of the smoochies.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966

664 - Chest and back light +1 set, 100 calf raises, power punch day 23.

54 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Gonna go to bed early! It's gonna be a nice sleep~

Cooper status - It is national puppy day and he got many kisses and he even had ZOOMIES


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966

665 - Chest and back light +1 set, some clench/unclenches and flexin', power punch day 24.

55 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Downloaded some good stuff on the eshop before it closes on the 27th. Remember, 3ds owners, the eshop is closing soon! There's some good stuff on sale so go get it.

Cooper status - We spent time on the couch chillin' while playing Xenoverse 2. Yay!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
Nothing like day 666 to make the crushing weight of my depression and poor cleaning habits come to light and make me feel like I can't do much ahdjldsakjsak. My room is a depression mess so... Gotta, uh. Fix that.

666 - Chest and back light +1 set, some clench/unclenches, power punch day 25.

56 - 10 minute meditation

Good thing - At least we got some Stardew done since it's Saturday.

Cooper status - The goodest of boys.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
667 - Just did punching day 26 and some flexes. But I also did some cleaning and scooping Cooper (all 30 pounds of him) off the ground for cuddles so...

I almost apologized to you guys for not doing much in the way of working out lately. But in reality, I need to apologize to myself, for not getting better. I love you all dearly, and I know you all will cheer me on no matter what I do. That's what makes you all great. I need to stop looking for the approval for others when in reality I just... Need to do what's right for me and understand people will still like me if I do that.

'course I'm still gonna be posting here normally lmao, I just need to stop focusing on and clamoring for everyone else's approval rather than just going, "oi, Fish, do the thing."

Such as cleaning my depression mess for myself rather than just because my parents are kind of neat freaks lmao.

57 - Ten minute meditation.

Good thing - Well, I got to watch the new super sentai thing with my buddy, so that was gr8.

Cooper status - HE GOT ICE CREAM


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
You don't need our approval but we'll be here to cheer you! Showing up and keeping at it, while fighting depression, is no small feat. And I definitely think we don't get enough positive feedback in our daily life so it's not surprising we crave it 😉


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 591
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Once again, you display a lot oft maturity with your insights. Really, I think that's a good sign you will make it. Remember, you have to compete only with yourself, and only your own approval is what matters the most.
Now go out there and do the thing


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 966
@Tileenah @lofivelcro I love you both dearly and I hope you're aware of this. Thank you so much.

668 - Walk around the neighborhood with mom and Coop, chest and back light +1 set, power punch day 27.

58 - Ten minute meditation!

Good thing - Got errands done today and MAN was it a nice day out, hence the walk!

Cooper status - He usually doesn't go out on walks, he gets plenty of exercise running in the yard. But he did okay with this walk! Lots of sniffing and making sure mom was safe.