667 - Just did punching day 26 and some flexes. But I also did some cleaning and scooping Cooper (all 30 pounds of him) off the ground for cuddles so...
I almost apologized to you guys for not doing much in the way of working out lately. But in reality, I need to apologize to myself, for not getting better. I love you all dearly, and I know you all will cheer me on no matter what I do. That's what makes you all great. I need to stop looking for the approval for others when in reality I just... Need to do what's right for me and understand people will still like me if I do that.
'course I'm still gonna be posting here normally lmao, I just need to stop focusing on and clamoring for everyone else's approval rather than just going, "oi, Fish, do the thing."
Such as cleaning my depression mess for myself rather than just because my parents are kind of neat freaks lmao.
57 - Ten minute meditation.
Good thing - Well, I got to watch the new super sentai thing with my buddy, so that was gr8.
Cooper status - HE GOT ICE CREAM