There's Always Tomorrow, Baby


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@guibo94 great song, indeed!

@HellYeah bass is severely underrated, and misunderstood. And incredibly versatile. The things you can do with a 6-string bass are amazing. Or have a look at this. Not my cup of tea, but still interesting. In general, I don't really like slap bass. I also don't like Flea. There, I've said it.

Day 1 (here we go again)
  • Baseline Day 18 (still working on that one)
  • ZEN Day 1 (because why not)

I haven't really worked out the last days and felt slightly off. So, today was Baseline, and BOOM, I feel better. The day will come when I feel sick when not working out, and healthy when I do.

Song of the day is Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory. This is such a cool song, as in, really cool. I tried playing it on the bass but mostly fumbled my way through it. But it's. So. Cool. I watched the film when I was a teenager and loved it. I think I had a crush on Emilio Estevez for some time. I also liked watching Once Upon A Time In The West. Yes, it was a slow film. Yes, it was a long film. Yes, it had to be modified for the American audience because of that (did you know that?). I don't know how many times I have watched that film, but I'll never get tired of telling everyone my opinion of the young Claudia Cardinale. I would give my savings to have her look at me like she did in the film.
Anyway, Bon Jovi's hair in the video above is awesome.

Hope you all had a sublime Saturday! :standby:
(Sublime is such a strange word. For the longest time I thought it would mean something totally different. If I could, I would use it in every sentence, but that would get weird and irritating very fast.)


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271

Day 2
  • Baseline Day 19
  • ZEN Day 2
  • Bass (Godsmack - Voodoo)

And some work in the garden.
I'll try and put the song I'm currently working on on the list, to see if I actually manage to stick to one until I can play it before switching to another. Usually, I get hooked on one song, practise it for a day, and the next day I find another one. I managed to learn a couple of songs already, mostly old Johnny Cash and Where Is My Mind, but I want to learn some cooler ones, too. And Voodoo stuck with me because the bassline is pretty cool and fun to play.

I'll also try and get some proper workout going until the 1st of June. Baseline by itself feels a bit weak, considering that I could do much more. I think about doing another run of Ironborn. Not sure yet.

Keeping with the Western theme, today's song is Muse - Knights of Cydonia. If you ever wanted to know how a European-produced Space-Western-Comedy B-movie shot in an Eastern European country would look like, watch the video. It's fantastic. And the song is one of my favourites and an absolute monster. The guitars are a bit... spaghetti-ish at times. Matt Bellamy, the guitarist and singer, commented that he always hated how his father George Bellamy played the guitar on the famous song Telstar by the Tornados. That he was embarrassed by it. He played in the same style on Knights of Cydonia, because he thought it was fitting, and for the first time he started to like how his father palyed the guitar. I like that story a lot. I also like that my father used to listen to the Tornados, while I listen to the band of the son. Connections!

Hope you all had a smashing Sunday, tomorrow is another holiday over here!:chilling:


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271

Day 3
  • Baseline Day 20 on Level 1
  • Bass (Godsmack - Voodoo, Hotei - Battle Without Honour Or Humanity)

I feel that my left hand weakens extremely fast while practising the bass line of Voodoo.

I also feel that Baseline (heh, bass line - Baseline, what coincidence) weakens my mental resolve. Today I thought to myself I should just get it over with, do a couple of days on level 1 just to finish, but after one day I was already fed up. Then I looked at ZEN and the prospect of holding my arms above my head for about 12 minutes with 1 minute pause somewhere in the middle and I decided to take a shower instead.
So, only the barest minimum, again. I don't know what the deal with Baseline is. It's just gruelling, boring and feels like a slog. And I don't know why I don't just drop it. I get hung up on the weirdest things sometimes.

It also got warm.
Still, it was a good day so far.

Today's song is The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles). I wonder if people exist who don't like this song. It's so catchy, and the text is just adorable.

Hope you all had a great start into the week and a marvellous Monday!:toohot:


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Tileenah thanks for that extra motivation! :flowers:

Day 4
  • Baseline Day 21, 22, 23 and 24 on Level 1 (I'm trying to rip the band-aid off)
  • Bass (Godsmack - Voodoo, Interpol - Evil)

I had to cut my bass playing time to half today because weak fingers/hands and shoulder pain, as well as technical problems. Still, I made some progress on Voodoo.

You know what I really hate? When I take a t-shirt directly from the clothes line, put it on, and five minutes later I have a stain on it because I was careless when cooking. Gna.

My song of the day is Interpol - No I In Thresome. I like listening to their album Our Love To Admire when cooking risotto. At least the first half. And then I switch over to another album. I usually cut the onions when listening to that song. My husband likes to make fun of me whenever I listen to Interpol because of the singer's voice. Joke's on him, Paul Banks is my third favourite singer. He hasn't the best singing voice, granted, but it's interesting and fascinating to listen to, with lots of details and tiny things that makes it very unique.

Hope you all had a super good Tuesday! :dance:


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@NancyTree if I ever hear of someone not liking that song, I will find him and make him walk 500 miles :LOL:

Day 5:
  • Baseline Day 25, 26 and 27 on Level 1 (I have planned on finishing it today but.... uaaaaaaaa..... this programme is cursed :bored:
  • Bass (Godsmack - Voodoo)

I found out that my fingers don't weaken so fast when I don't press on the strings like a berserker trying to crush a beer can with his bare fingers. Quality insight right there. I also had a dream about two people talking about how cool basses are. This instrument is starting to haunt me in my dreams. Well, better than the dreams I used to have, where I always failed to graduate from school because I had too many sick days. Usually, I realised at one point during the dream that I wasn't in school any more and actually managed to graduate. Still, I had those way too much for comfort.

Today's song is Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone. When I was a young girl barely into puberty, I loved watching Top Gun. Not because of Tom Cruise, but because of the jet fighters. I was obsessed with those things and were drawing them all the time. My whole room was full of drawings of Tomcats and the like. Well, to be honest, I kind of had a thing for Tom Cruise, too, but that's something I'd rather forget. Although I still like his performance in Jerry Maguire.

Hope you all had a fantastic Wednesday! :hero:


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@guibo94 good taste :LOL: I haven't watched the new movie and probably never will, but I absolutely love the guitar riff of the (original) Top Gun Anthem. Talk to me, Goose! (sorry, couldn't resist....)

Day 6:
  • Baseline Day 28, 29 and 30 on Level 1. It's dead, Jim. I hope I will never see it again. I'm done with Baseline. WOOHOO! :hophop:
  • Ironborn Day 1 (Shoulder Presses and Bench Presses with 6kg, Lateral Raises and Triceps Extensions 4kg) These weights will go up the next time.
  • Bass (The Cardigans - My Favourite Game, Hotei - Battle Without Honour Or Humanity)

I'm amazed that I had no problems doing the Lateral Raises with 4kg. I haven't used dumbbells for quite some time and I usually start with 2kg per side, because I think they're pretty hard. Today, they were surprisingly easy. Mwah.

Today's song is a real treat, because it's my favourite... uhm... *looks up translation for Schnulze* :whaa: schmaltzy song (uh-huh...). It's Michael Bolton - Go The Distance. Don't you just miss the time when Disney films had this one great title song you had to hear over and over again? The Lion King had Elton John, Pocahontas had something, too, Mulan had another song, (okay, I forgot about them all) and Hercules had Michael Bolton. I love this song, seriously. One of my D&D characters many years ago had a horse that was named Michael Bolton. Okay, at first it was only named Bolt, but everytime the characters left town I said "Go the distance, Michael Bolton!" and the name stuck. By the way, around 2:55 in the song, you can just imagine the wind machine blowing Michael Bolton's long and curly blond hair around. If he still had his long hair during that song, that is. I still remember the news late at night listening to the radio, where the lady announced that Michael Bolton had cut his hair, making women around the world cry. Good times.

Hope you all had a fabulastic Thursday! Tomorrow it's the weekend! :hop:
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Gladiator from New Asgard
Posts: 77
"Silent but deadly."
I know every mile will be worth my while. I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong...

Another great song, haha! (I have to confess that I enjoy the Roger Bart version a TINY bit more) I use Hercules at work and I get to hear that song all the time and it never gets old. That song reminds me of another 90's song that I loved about going the distance because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course, he's fighting and biting and riding on his horse, he's going the distance...

Congrats on the badge too!


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
Thank you, @Tileenah, @Fremen, @Montserrat, @HellYeah, @Sólveig, @Wiaaam and @guibo94! :thanks: I felt Baseline was more an exercise in mental fortitude and I complained a lot, but it's done :LOL:

@guibo94 I need to check out the Roger Bart version. And I'm puzzling over that other song you've mentioned, it seems somehow familiar... :expecting:

Day 7:
  • Ironborn Day 2 (Alt Biceps Curls, Deadlifts, Shrugs, Bent over Rows at 6kg, Bent over Rows at 4kg. Those weights need to go up. I ditched Upright Rows because, seriously, I don't see the benefit of that exercise)
  • Square One Day 1 and 2 at Level 3
  • Bass (Hotei - Battle Without Honour Or Humanity. There's one segment I'm stuck on)

I have done Ironborn many years ago as my first ever dumbbell programme. Since then, I've done many many more, most of them not on Darebee. I also learnt a bit about weight lifting. With that experience under my belt, I noticed a couple of things. First, if I would take the suggestion of Ironborn regarding the weights (choose a weight you can do 20 alt biceps curls with) I would vasty underperform on most exercises, because that would be much too light. Biceps Curls are one of my weaker exercises, but most pressing moves and leg exercises I can do with a much higher weight. Not to mention Deadlift. If I exercise seriously for a couple of months, I have maxed out my dumbbells fairly quick with those. On the other hand, lateral raises need to be much lighter than biceps curls. I will also change the weights during the course of the programme, as I see fit. I extended the rest times to 60 seconds flat between all exercises and sets, which is closer to regular routines in weight lifting guides. It also helps me to go higher with the weight and go nearer to my limit than I could with 30 seconds rest. During day 2, I ditched Upright Rows, because the workout was already fairly long as it was and as I already mentioned, I don't see the benefit. It is also quite an iffy exercise and I think I've never actually seen it used anywhere seriously than on Darebee. Maybe I'll look up an alternative that hits the same spot, if possible.
As it stands, I'm eager to see how my second run of Ironborn will go.

Today's song is a vocaloid power metal song. Xenon P - Spirits Never Die. I had another song in mind for today, but forgot about it, and I was in the mood for some power metal.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, it's finally here! Have a good one!:party:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thanks for the insight on weight training! I'm doing my first weight-lifting program with bootcamp even if it's once every 5 days... And I've noticed that I just couldn't do lateral raises at the weight I can do biceps curls. So I thought I had taken a weight too heavy and diminished it so I could do all of the workout with the same weight... But it's not as effective, and I don't feel tired at all, except on lateral raises... So I'll follow what you say and adapt the weight to the exercise demanded. :thanku:


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One of the hardest parts in Ironborn is to change the plates of the dumbbells fast enough to have still enough time left to recover a bit.

I changed the upright rows to high pulls like shown @3:45 . They were much more comfortable and safer on my shoulders.


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Mercenary from Portugal
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"Boy will I be causing trouble today! A reeeaaaalll ruckus!"
Upright rows is a real exercise that people do outside of Darebee, I can tell you that much. When done right, it works your back/shoulders. However I also have gripes with it when doing it in Ironborn. I can do that exercise with a fair bit of weight, but when I do it with dumbbells, I find that my wrists aren't strong enough (they are a key part of the exercise as I have found). You have to hold the dumbbells pretty tight or else if you do it with a bend, which is what happens to me, you'll feel your nerves shocking you. That's no bueno. But at the gym they got a V shaped handle which is much better since it holds the correct position the entire time. (The drawing in Ironborn is imo wrong. It looks like he is holding the dumbbells up in almost an horizontal line)

Also I think Ironborn's 30 second rest is a peculiarity that makes it stand out. But when you try to change the weights for each exercise, unless you have a dumbbell for everything, it's nigh impossible. I've always chosen to compromise and take the same weight everywhere, and I am breezing through it in some exercises, I just do them slower.

Still, Ironborn's one of my favs, even with the addition of Ironheart. Sometimes I'm more messed up after it with 8kg weights then at the gym.


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Tileenah I noticed that Darebee is a bit stingy when it comes to information about dumbbell training. I always had troubles with lateral raises until I was told that they're usually done with a lower weight. Not only that, but apparently, your different muscle groups possess different strength, so you need different weights. Sounds logical, but who thinks about that? Usually, large/big muscle groups (legs, glutes, back) tend to use heavier weights, while the isolated muscles (biceps, triceps) need lighter ones. It might differ for the individual. So, using one weight for all exercises is... uhm... not the best idea. But that's something you have to learn, and Darebee doesn't tell you that. At least not in Ironborn. But glad I could be of help :flowers:

@HellYeah I remember back when XPress Tone came out that you and someone else already complained about the Upright Rows. You posted an Athlean-X video back then, too. I know Jeff's variation, but don't like it either. My wrists give up before everything else, like @Scohui mentioned. It's an uncomfortable exercise and I'm really thinking about just dropping it all together. I'll have to see. Thanks for the video!

@Scohui I believe you and know that it's a real exercise outside Darebee, but have never seen it used in all the other dumbbell programmes I did over the past years. I have the same problem with the wrists and I think in the drawing he also lifts the dumbbell too high, if I remember something I've read about the exercise. I stand by my opinion that I don't like it.
I remember that I liked Ironborn, too, but I can't remember if I did it with the rests as given. Still, I like the 60 seconds flat more and it gives me time to change the weights and go harder. Takes longer that way, of course, but I just browse for new wallpapers to add to my collection during the rests I don't need to change weights :LOL:

@NancyTree thank you! :thanks:

Day 8
  • Ironborn Day 3 (Goblet Squats, Lunges, Side Lunges and Calf Raises done with 6kg. Weights need to go up, aside for the Side Lunges. I have to examine that exercise, because it feels off and my hamstrings complained afterwards)
  • Square One Day 3
  • Bass (Hotei - Battle Without Honour Or Humanity (100%! Now I need to record myself playing it and be embarrassed about my lousy timing)

Saturday's song is Jarvis Cocker - Angela. I think I never listened to Pulp, but whenever I hear the name Jarvis Cocker, I have to think about the smell of fish. I've once read an interview with him in Q Magazine where he mentioned that he used to work in a Fish & Chips shop and his hands were always smelling like fish. That never left me. Jarvis Cocker is forever linked to fish smell in my head. But it's a funky song. And easy fun to play on the bass.

Hope you had a wonderful Saturday! :makeway:


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Gladiator from New Asgard
Posts: 77
"Silent but deadly."
Thank you, @Tileenah, @Fremen, @Montserrat, @HellYeah, @Sólveig, @Wiaaam and @guibo94! :thanks: I felt Baseline was more an exercise in mental fortitude and I complained a lot, but it's done :LOL:

@guibo94 I need to check out the Roger Bart version. And I'm puzzling over that other song you've mentioned, it seems somehow familiar... :expecting:

Day 7:
  • Ironborn Day 2 (Alt Biceps Curls, Deadlifts, Shrugs, Bent over Rows at 6kg, Bent over Rows at 4kg. Those weights need to go up. I ditched Upright Rows because, seriously, I don't see the benefit of that exercise)
  • Square One Day 1 and 2 at Level 3
  • Bass (Hotei - Battle Without Honour Or Humanity. There's one segment I'm stuck on)

I have done Ironborn many years ago as my first ever dumbbell programme. Since then, I've done many many more, most of them not on Darebee. I also learnt a bit about weight lifting. With that experience under my belt, I noticed a couple of things. First, if I would take the suggestion of Ironborn regarding the weights (choose a weight you can do 20 alt biceps curls with) I would vasty underperform on most exercises, because that would be much too light. Biceps Curls are one of my weaker exercises, but most pressing moves and leg exercises I can do with a much higher weight. Not to mention Deadlift. If I exercise seriously for a couple of months, I have maxed out my dumbbells fairly quick with those. On the other hand, lateral raises need to be much lighter than biceps curls. I will also change the weights during the course of the programme, as I see fit. I extended the rest times to 60 seconds flat between all exercises and sets, which is closer to regular routines in weight lifting guides. It also helps me to go higher with the weight and go nearer to my limit than I could with 30 seconds rest. During day 2, I ditched Upright Rows, because the workout was already fairly long as it was and as I already mentioned, I don't see the benefit. It is also quite an iffy exercise and I think I've never actually seen it used anywhere seriously than on Darebee. Maybe I'll look up an alternative that hits the same spot, if possible.
As it stands, I'm eager to see how my second run of Ironborn will go.

Today's song is a vocaloid power metal song. Xenon P - Spirits Never Die. I had another song in mind for today, but forgot about it, and I was in the mood for some power metal.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, it's finally here! Have a good one!:party:
Sorry for the late response, but Roger Bart was the voice actor who played Hercules in the film and he sings "Go the Distance" in the movie.

As for the other lyric/song, it was from a 90's song called "The Distance" by a band called Cake, but not related to the Hercules or Michael Bolton - just a great song by fun band.


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Anek and @Froud thank you! :flowers:
@PetiteSheWolf welcome ot the thread :hello:
@guibo94 no worries, there's no time limit on responding. I'll have to look at the Roger Bart version. And I discovered Cake just this week, because of the bass lines :LOL: I know what you mean with fun band, I have to listen to The Distance, it seems.

I haven't worked out the past two days. Yesterday, because I thought I could do it later and at one point the day was over, and today because I had a bad night and felt tired and wasted. It's a bit embarrassing, but we have to go to bed one (!! The horror!!) hour earlier and it messes with my sleep. I'll try to restart tomorrow.

I kept up the bass practice, though. At the beginning of the year I tried learning the bass with a book, where you learn parts of a song and then play the song. The first one was Chasing Cars, by Snow Patrol, and that was okay. The second song was something by a German band that wasn't very fun, and the third was Bob Dylan, and I swear to everything holy under these stars, if I have to listen to "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" one more time, or worse even, have to play it, I'm running out the door screaming. I tossed the book, and the bass, and that was that.
Anyway, just wanted to say I played Chasing Cars in Rocksmith over the past days, and the system is that if you don't practise but play, there's an audience and everything sounds like it's played live, and when the song reaches its finale, it's just epic to play along. I'm not sure if the audience reacts to how mistake-free you play, or not, but it's infinitely more motivating like this than playing along a lame cover song. Knockin' on Heaven's Door is there, too, but I deleted it. Wiped it from the hard drive. Bob Dylan is banned from my PC and I don't feel bad about this.

Song of the day is Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah. I think I posted that one years ago already, but it's a great song. I played it today, and the bass gives me real weird atmosphere vibes. It's enjoyable to play, and it's a very special song. I also like this version more than Leonard Cohen's original.

Hope you all had a good start into the week! :jacks:

I ordered a new bass an hour ago.


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Posts: 1,240
At the beginning of the year I tried learning the bass with a book, where you learn parts of a song and then play the song. The first one was Chasing Cars, by Snow Patrol, and that was okay. The second song was something by a German band that wasn't very fun, and the third was Bob Dylan, and I swear to everything holy under these stars, if I have to listen to "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" one more time, or worse even, have to play it, I'm running out the door screaming. I tossed the book, and the bass, and that was that.
I think we have the same book. Although my experience is different, I can understand your reaction.

I ordered a new bass an hour ago.
Can't wait to see it!


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@HellYeah the book I have is called... (I have to search it, it's lying around here somewhere, I haven't actually tossed it into the bin or something...) "Rock's Cool Bass". I think I bought it because it had good reviews on thomann and I liked the idea of learning techniques with songs. But that probably isn't the best idea if I don't like the songs used. Maybe I should have thought about this earlier :giveup:
I think I got stuck on Bob Dylan for so long, trying to nail it perfectly, that I just got fed up by it. And Whisky In The Jar after it wasn't very interesting, either, so...
I hope the new bass will arrive this week. And I hope I don't have to send it back because of some minor issue. I am very, very excited.

@Montserrat no worries, it's okay to like something even if I don't like it :LOL: I never got the appeal of Bob Dylan, but then again, others probably don't get the appeal of things I like, too.

Day 1 (I have thousands of day ones! Thousands!)
  • Square One Day 4,5 and 6
  • Arms of Steel CE Day 1

Well, I did something. Just to get back into it. And I slept better tonight.

Song of the day is Blur - Song 2. Of all the fantastic songs Blur had in the 90s, this seems to be one of the most well-known. Well, and Country House, maybe. I mean, I love Song 2, but I remember that it was on the album simply called "Blur" which actually was their fifth album, but everyone thought it was their first, and then there was 13, and then the best of, and I heard people complaining what arrogant bastards Blur are that they dared to publish a best of album after only two full records. I also remember that I loved the song Popscene, which was a single, but I never found it in stores and all mp3s I found on the internet back then were of bad quality. We didn't have youtube back then, but I still have the best mp3 I found, and it's a pain to listen to.
Anyway, I was very much into Blur, but disliked Oasis. Never got into them. Also, Blur stopped being good after 13. True fact there. Yes, I have strong opinions.

Hope you all had a grand Tuesday! :bigsmile:


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
My (hopefully) new bass was despatched today and should arrive on Friday. First time an instrument is going to be delivered by DPD, makes me a bit nervous. I'm also pretty nervous and excited because the manufacturer should have top notch quality assurance and I don't want to be that person who gets the only instrument they ever shipped without meeting their standards :eyes:

Day 2
  • Square One Day 7, 8 and 9
  • Arms of Steel CE Day 2

I feel a bit lame doing those low level workouts when I could (and should) do more. But somehow, I don't get off my butt.

Two days ago I posted Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah, so today's song is Matt Bellamy - Guiding Light (on Jeff's Guitar). This is a solo version of Muse's Guiding Light, from Bellamy's Cryosleep EP, and it's actually quite interesting (to me, at least). Because Bellamy uses Jeff Buckley's Telecaster guitar for this song. It sounds very distinctive. After Jeff Buckley's death, the Telecaster was sold and went through a few different hands and shops, before Matt Bellamy bought it, talking to family of Jeff Buckley and having it analysed by Manson Guitars (his trusted luthier he also owns) to make sure it is genuine. He said the Telecaster sounds weird, unlike any he had ever played, but nothing really seems to be off. There's some theory going on that the neck pick-up is a mistake by the manufacturer, something weird about the wiring, it seems. Anyway, just a bit of trivia.

Tomorrow's a holiday, so long night today! Woohoo!

Hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday! :move:
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Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@NancyTree I can't say how often I have listened to Grace, it really is a masterpiece:love:

Day 3
  • Square One Day 10, 11 and 12
  • Arms of Steel CE Day 3

Still taking it easy.

I think my hard drive is dying. The whole system is dying a slow death and I feel like I'm living on borrowed time. When Firefox stops its support for Windows 7 I need to do something. Until then, I'm crawling along by the skin of my teeth. I wish I weren't so lazy when it comes to crucial things.

The song of today is a blast from the past and a song that had me always glued to my cassette radio as a child: Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero. I think I once watched a performance of hers on the ZDF Fernsehgarten, a famous German Sunday noon TV show. During my childhood, we often had lunch at my Grandmother's place (she was an awesome cook and baker) and we usually watched the Fernsehgarten.
Anyway, I still love that song and Bonnie Tyler's voice. When the song played during one of the final missions in Saints Row: The Third I was laughing so hard.
There also was a cover version by famous Japenese singer Yuki Katsuragi, who sadly passed away last year. If you thought Bonnie Tyler had an insanely husky voice, listen to Yuki Katsuragi.

Hope you all had a splendid Thursday! :hero:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Anek if you're tempted, go! Bonnie Tyler has been around for some time already, you don't know if you'll get the chance again!

Day 4
  • Square One Day 13, 14 and 15
  • Arms of Steel CE Day 4

My bass arrived today! I was waiting at the window for the delivery man, saw the car, and waited. At one point he pulled the right cardboard box out and walked towards our house. So I waited. And waited. Nothing happened. I went back to the window, and saw him walking towards the neighbouring house with my bass! No idea what was happening I scrambled out of the door and onto the street, pointing at the box and saying "you have my parcel!". The guy looked like a real dwarf, short and stocky, ruddy skin, bald, great beard. But he didn't speak much German and I almost feared that I had a problem on my hand. He told me he didn't find the name on the doorbell so I went with him and showed him my name. "That's not on the box". I looked, and there only was my first name and my middle name. Gna. I told him that, even offered to show him my ID card, but he was cool, said it was okay, and gave me the box. Woohoo!
I must have been so nervous when I ordered that I typed my middle name into the field for the surname :blackout:

To celebrate the arrival of my new and terrific bass, today's song is one with a cool bassline and a cool guitar riff: Muse - The Groove.
Do you know the frustatrion when you have a dozen songs in your head you want to post somewhere, but you only find versions on Youtube that sound like they were recorded in a waste bin? I know it far too well. And I hate it.

I wish you all a great weekend, hope it won't be too hot wherever you are! :party:


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@HellYeah here's my new room mate


It is incredibly well made, everything just fits, the frets are perfect, the nut is perfect, the neck sits perfectly, everything's perfect. It plays extremely well, very "tight" for lack of better word, and I am so happy I want to scream up Mount Fuji that it was a good decision to choose something made in Japan. The only thing I don't really like is that the inlay dots on the upper side are tiny, so I have to finally learn to not look at them all the time. You get a lot for the price asked, so, all around, fantastic instrument. :up:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
Thank you, @NancyTree, @HellYeah, @TheLibrarian amd @Fremen, I have relayed your compliments and the bass was purring like a kitten today :kittens:

Day 5
  • Square One Day 16, 17 and 18
  • Arms of Steel CE Day 5

I was wondering why I had trouble hitting the frets on the new bass. Turns out it has a shorter scale than my other one, by 3 cm. It also weighs 600 gramme more. And it has mad sustain!

In other news, I'm pondering what to do about my (lack of) exercise regime. On one hand, I want to do Darebee stuff and (re-)collect my badges. On the other hand, I feel like a dedicated weight-lifting routine would benefit my goals better. On the third hand I still haven't grown despite wanting one badly, I don't really know when I should fit in 45 minutes of weight-lifting. Not that I wouldn't have the time, I just don't make it. Heh.
And then there's my nutrition, which isn't really on point at the moment. Far from it. As in, here's the sun with a point on it, there's Mother Earth, and even further away is my nutrition. I don't eat too much, or bad stuff, it just could be... better and a bit less.
Things are pretty good right now, but those are the two issues that are bothering me (very slightly). Hmmm.

To prove my point, I'm eating Guinness (Köstritzer) chocolate cake right now and drink a glass of milk. It's my second piece today.

The song of today is La Sera - Love That's Gone. This is one of those songs I would have never heard voluntary, even more so because I have no idea where it's from, but I'm playing it all the time on the bass and I still don't get the timing right consistently. I'm probably too fast. I also found out that I'm too slow on Johnny Cash songs. I also want to use the opportunity to announce that I have zero sense for rhythm, can't dance for sh*t and am 120% tone deaf. At least I'm full of useless trivia. For example, did you know that the Republic of Molossia has Esperanto as its official language and is at war with the German Democratic Republic? Now you know.

Hope you all had a grand Saturday, it's getting hot out there :kill:


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
I too found myself debating between going back to training especially with Darebee or going to the gym instead.
I only tried one of the two things and abandoned the other but it didn't work, I tried shuffling the cards a bit but it didn't work.
Now I think I'll mess around a lot without the slightest hesitation :LOL:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Tileenah I wouldn't mind having a whole bass to myself, I like fish :LOL: Thanks for the compliment, I'm sure my blue boy is going to appreciate it with moar deep sound :onfire: (maybe not really deep, the sound is a bit higher than the one of my other bass)

@Fremen I've always wondered what goals you are following, or if you "just" pursue general fitness. I have a (kinda) specific goal in mind, which doesn't make planning easier :eyes:

Day 6
  • ZEN Day 1 (hmmmmmmmmmm.... I liked it a lot, but feel bad that I didn't do anything else today)

Right now I consider doing a three-day-a-week full body weight-lifting routine, maybe with Darebee programmes/workouts on the off days. Not sure yet, though. But I feel the weights are the way to go.

The last song of the week is The Divine Comedy - Our Mutual Friend. This is one of my favourite song of The Divine Comedy and I feel it showcases Neil Hannon's talent as a composer and a singer very well. The lyrics are a bit sad, the orchestra is wonderful and the singing is amazing. I never get tired of it. It's also one of my go-to songs when I try out headphones, because I have listened to it so many times and it's one of those songs that has a lot of the parts I like in music, so it's pretty good for that. Since my last chi-fi IEMs broke, I haven't found some that have the same sound, so at the moment I'm compromising. I miss those little things.

I wish you all a good start into the new week! :move:


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
The goal this year was to resume practicing martial arts (Muay Thai) and since I had the chance I also tried to do some gym and calisthenics too.
I've tried several times to have a main objective and maybe some other collateral but it doesn't work very well in the long run, I always end up getting lost along the way.
The only schedules that work for me are short distances, so I can stay disciplined if I'm close to the finish line.
Guess I have to give up on the idea of training for general well-being without too many expectations.
Now I'm in what I call the regeneration phase, basically nothing is working so you experiment at random trying to have fun :LOL: