To Forge an Ironmaiden...


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Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
Oh yeah, I'm supposed to update the food.

Breakfast - Coffee.

And probably half a smoothie from yesterday that has -

•spinach (because I have a freezer full I got from a guy at my husband's workplace!)
•half an apple
•half a cup of berries
•Seed mix
•Yellow Split Peas

Lunch - Again, leftovers, about a cup of food. Soy mince, "creamed" spinach without cream. Just with mashed potatoes and onions.

Dinner - Baked potato, some mixed vegetables, spinach, soy mince.

(Look at me! Eating so many leafy greens! 😜)


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Alchemist from Israel
Posts: 99
I would really love yo hear your gardening adventures, been thinking about trying too :)

I hope the tiredness goes away fast. Sometimes there are weeks like this, no explanation, at least not for me.


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Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
I would really love yo hear your gardening adventures, been thinking about trying too :)

I hope the tiredness goes away fast. Sometimes there are weeks like this, no explanation, at least not for me.
Tbh my husband did most of the "hard labor", clearing the weeds and such. We've been having such good rainfall that I haven't had to water the garden as often.

Really the only thing I have to show right now is the weed, because they grow like...weeds 🤣.

I plan to make salve with it. Been reading up on how to extract the THC's and stuff. It actually is really easy in the oven and then you cook it in the slow cooker!

Alright my house will smell like weed for days...but why is that a bad thing? Lol.

I also read you can add the leaves to smoothies. The psycho-effect thingy only activates when it's heated to a certain temperature. In it's raw form, it's like a supergreen.

Yeah the energy I don't know. I think it's a combination of things. Optional long scientific explanation follows below.

We have the scan we use to check for deficiencies. It has about an 87-90% accuracy.

So I scanned myself twice to get a better result (teeny thing I keep in my bedroom, meassures tons of stuff in the entire body). Both were very very similar.

Overall, my scan is actually really nice. Like I got a 85/100% score. It's rare for people to get even a 95%. The only things I noticed was my thyroid function was low.

So was the parathyroid function.

For interest sake, the parathyroids need calcium to function correctly, and in turn, they help the thyroid to function. So this is both a deficiency of Calcium and Iodine (Iodine nourishes the thyroid).

I also think I'm hopelessly deficient in B-vitamins. Because my scan showed all my B-vitamins to be "normal" --- AFTER I've taken about 75mg of each. Our supplier of vitamins works with high doses. Much higher than the RDA, as you can see. The multivitamin I take alone has 25mg of each B-vitamin. Then later in the afternoon, I took a B-complex which has 50mg of each.

Of course, the B's aren't stored in the body, and your body flushes out anything it doesn't need. They need to be replenished daily.

And on that point, my body doesn't seem to be flushing anything out... Since my urine isn't coloured orange from the, very neon orange, Riboflavin (B2).

So the only reason my scan showed "normal", seems to be because I took those supplements earlier in the day.

I suppose it would make sense for me to be low in them since I'm not craving protein-y foods whatsoever.

Also, I'm 9 days away from my monthly cycle. But I've been having the tiredness a while before that, so I don't think that's the cause. Though it would explain the current calcium shortage. And the fact that my iron levels are just JUST normal.

Anyhoo! Those are my conclusions about the origins of the fatigue.
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Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
ATM I'm doing Zero Hero and 30 MORE days of Yoga.

I'm on day 1 with Zero, and Day 2 with 30DOMYoga.

Food -

Breakfast - Nothing. A couple sips of milk with my multivitamin so I can actually use the Vitamin A in there.

Lunch - probably half a green smoothie. Which has spinach, apple, bananas, chia seeds, seed mix, red lentils and pineapple.

Dinner - 2 fried eggs and salad.

Possible afternoon "snack" - Oatmeal with berries and peanutbutter.


Well-known member
Alchemist from Israel
Posts: 99
I know thyroid can be notoriously hard to balance for many people. Might be the cause, or an effect, or both, as it is with human bodies 🤷‍♂️

I'm waiting to see these tomatoes pop out :)


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
Good mornin' homies!


Am I procrastinating on finishing editing my novel? Yes, I am. I suppose it's because I don't want to spend so much time in a fantasy world, if that makes sense? At least I think that's the reason...

I see some of my pictures have been removed. Lol! Oops. See what happens when you have no idea what goes on in the world? You post inappropriate stuff 😂

I'm not sure where I stand with my workout routine TBH. I've been doing lots of walking. And it makes me feel good mentally and physically, but I just don't think it's enough?

I need to get back on into doing regular yoga. And also maybe an add-on program, like one of the lower level programs like Vitality or maybe Back & Core (which is something I need to work on anyway). Maybe Power Up.

Keeping up any sort of routine besides walking seems to be a challenge for me. I thought about doing them outside. Might help to be outdoors? Since that's one of the things that makes walking so pleasurable?

Eh I dunno.

Breakfast - 2 boiled eggs. PBJ sandwich. Coffee

Lunch - Smoothie - blueberries, banana, moringa, lentils

Dinner - Salad and PB patty. Mayo


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
Hi everyone!

Alright! I need to stop playing Skyrim!

Because it is literally taking up my whole day. I start at 8AM in the morning, and besides taking care of the baby bird, all I do throughout the day is play Skyrim. Though I can’t seem to find the button that uninstalls it but that’s fine.

So now, I’ve taken to gaming in a different (more constructive? To my brain?) kind of way. I’m now writing the story I want to play in Skyrim. So writing like a fanfiction, but not as the Dovakinn (Is that spelled correctly?). I’m writing the story as a budding alchemist. My character, who is a redguard named Isolde, has in fact escaped from Helgen, but she’s not the adventuring type. She grew up in an orphanage in Hammerfell shortly after her Dad passed away when she was eleven. Her dad however was a Master Alchemist. Of course she lands in Skyrim with very little. And loses what she had after Helgen. Now she has to carve out a living for herself with the menial tasks of honest work…picking crops, chopping wood, and in the meantime, experimenting with alchemy using anything and everything she can find for free in the wild.

Though I suspect Arcadia in Whiterun might have her act as her apprentice for a while – oh but those Battle-Borns and Gray-Manes, they’re nothing but trouble in Whiterun. Except for Jon Battle-Born, who she seems to form a friendship with.

With the war raging ever closer, will she decide to stay in the city? She’s certainly not the cave-dwelling, crypt-raiding type. No, she has to survive the war in a different way. In the commoner way. Might go out into the woods to stay in a cabin, or maybe a lumber mill, or a small town like Rorikstead…

And this time, when the guard tells me: "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee..."

I can reply with: "Adventurer? Me? Are you kidding?"

Anyway, that’s where the written story is going.

I did intend for the explanation to only be a paragraph…LOL.

I just find that playing the actual game is taking up too much of my time. And I think that writing it in story form is more ‘engaging’ for my brain I suppose? Alright, playing the game was also obviously very engaging, that’s all I’ve been doing for the past week for entire days! I’m not proud of that. Even though I have been doing my daily chores too. The amount of daydreaming going on is making me anxious.

Anyway, here’s today’s plan.

I’ll be doing a Yin Yoga class later in the afternoon.

Going for my walks, and this is the plan food-wise.

Breakfast – Usual coffee.

Lunch – Strange combination but, I have this TVP mince that’s beef flavored, a ton of the stuff. So I make that but add very little water so it becomes very thick. And then I put that on a salad. Very usual salad with lettuce, tomato and cucumber, and then top it with reduced fat mayo and light greek dressing. It sounds odd but its sooo delicious. It’s a combination of salty, fresh, warm and cold. It’s just yum.

Dinner – Will probably be TVP mince again, this time as a filling in two steamed potatoes.

Snack – Banana and Peanutbutter.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Oh, I'm also reading Mobi Dick. Well I was, until I gamed for an entire week.

Extra note - Gosh, old english is hard to read!!

But I quote something from Quorra no less - "Reading books is hard. It puts a strain on our mind. In our culture reading equals learning. We play video games more because we are naturally lazy."


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Hi :move:

Haven't been writing much - didn't have much to write I suppose. My tracking's not too strict.

So just wanted to say I'm trying a recomp. Been counting calories again for a couple of weeks. Eh. I suppose it simplifies things and the removes the guilt factor for me around food.

I'm also starting Carbon & Dust today. I don't know wth I'm thinking doing a program on that level.

No I'm lying. I do know what I was thinking. I was thinking if it's hard it'll build me some muscle.

But I'm creating an alter ego for myself 😁 I'll be naming her Raz...and she's a badass 🤣 She'll totally do stuff like C&D while she's only on... What level 2-3 herself.

I'll probably be forced to take breaks where I'm not supposed to... but it's all in the name of training to failure.

Plus my brain is so cute... It tells me I'm hella tired but when I turn on rave music it still wants my body to dance. What a liar... 😎

Recomp wise my strategy I think will be to have maintenance on training days (maybe a bit more?) and slightly below it on "down-ish" days.

Update done. Time to go do day 1 of Carbon & Dust :saw:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
I just heard about all the eating that's going to happen around Christmas from my brother...

I'm scared. But I'll stick to the meaty options.

If my stomach will handle it.

Since I've so conveniently gotten used to eating vegetarian again.

Might have to take digestive aids...but it beats the other option of sugar poisoning.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
Day 3 of Carbon & Dust completed.

I forgot to mention it, I've been picking some baby spinach from the garden for my lunch salads. Yum!

I'm currently working out on empty first thing in the morning. Then having a breakfast that has carbs and protein. I'm trying to not have carbs after noon...


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
I'm currently working out on empty first thing in the morning. Then having a breakfast that has carbs and protein. I'm trying to not have carbs after noon...
I like working out on empty. I feel more energetic. I generally have a protein shake afterwards and then eat - if I could be bothered (I'm a bit lazy that way). How's it working for you?


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
I like working out on empty. I feel more energetic. I generally have a protein shake afterwards and then eat - if I could be bothered (I'm a bit lazy that way). How's it working for you?
I used to always work out that way. I'm still struggling with keeping away from carbs (small ones, like milk in coffee and a few hard candies) after noon, but I figure one or two hard candies are better than going full out carb-demon.

I think working out on empty, I train to failure (which in my book means not being able to another rep with proper form) faster, which I think still works for recomping?

ATM I'm noticing my energy is pretty zapped after the workout whether I eat or not. But that might just be because it's a level four program...

I'll do meassurements again in a month. Either my weight should be the same but inches coming down, or weight should go up with inches coming down.


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Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
Day 4 of Carbon & Dust completed. It was mostly core work...still challenging and still not sure I count that as a lower calorie rest day (how the hell am I able to do dragon push ups and not regular ones??!)

But oh well lets have a lower calorie day. My biggest petpeeve about core work is really that it'l hurts my lower back.

And that's very ironic. Because I need to do the core work, so my abs can actually protect my back. 🙄 The gods have a sick sense of humor.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Hi :)

Completed Day 5 of Carbon & Dust.

I've been having a bit of an ankle problem the last couple of days (maybe like a week, but its been really a bother the last two days). This workout had a lot of high knees, so I didn't manage to do that at full capacity with the ankle-thing. I don't know what's the matter with it. It's like this funny pain-ish sensation that runs all around my ankle bone and up into the side of my leg.

It's been hindering my walking too. I actually wonder if that's how I injured it, because I'm not walking on even ground, lots of stones. But my shoes don't have thick soles or anything so my don't have quite the support they need on that type of terrain. I must've placed my foot in a weird position at some point while walking.

Either way, it is done.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Day 7 of Carbon & Dust completed.

Merry Christmas Bees!
Merry Christmas GIF


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
So I've only completed day 8 of Carbon & Dust today. I actually have a cold/flu like thing going on. Got a sore throat today, some coughing.

Had fever...and body aches but I actually think that's due to heat because I was a bit feverish on top of 37°C degree weather, as well as the power being no fans. And I do get crampy legs because of heat...

I don't get the body aches that go along with flu. I just get the mother of all sinus infections. Always. Just the head cold.

Anyhoo, that's passed. So now it's just the snotty nose, the headache, and the sore throat. And some coughing. All due to the sinuses.

Also tired because, obviously I can't breathe well. Lol

And all the eating of the weekends passed...thank God. I can go back to eating normal boring food now.


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Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,557
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
So don't know what got into me today, but I did Day 11 and 12 of Carbon & Dust and also Day 1 of Darebee Bootcamp. A whole hour's worth of exercise.

This even while I woke up with a stuffy head. For lack of a better word.

All the exercise made me feel good during, and just after. I could breathe better.

And then ten minutes after that, the stuffy head was back with a vengeance and has been with me for the rest of the day, with periods of more intense headaches...since I'm spending about 60-70% of my days reading novels now. Which I'm very proud of. But is giving me a hell of a headache now while I'm sick. Alas...the novels are interesting and I demand to know what the hell happens next... So I will not put down the novel (stomps foot and pumps fist) just because I have a sinus headache.

And I can't taste or smell a damn thing. Yay for sinus infections.

Anyhoo, update done.

No food update. It's a disaster zone.



Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Still no exercise. Still pissed about that. And now I'm guessing my cold/flu/covid/whatever might be passing by, because everything smells and tastes like snot. Lol

Ick. I don't even want to eat. It's just nasty.

My diet is a disaster zone right now.

Yesterday all I ate was half a candy bar, 2 cups of coffee and a piece of dry bread. Yes, dry bread.

This morning it was a little better. 1 piece of toast and 2 hard-boiled eggs. And then a slice of pizza for lunch. I'm skipping dinner.