To Forge an Ironmaiden...


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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The chapter I uploaded today: Just because 😋 Let me know what you think.

Chairman Thaladir of the Medhir exuded an unmistakable air of superiority, which Damon found unsurprising. As the elf stood there, feet firmly planted hip-width apart, his comrades rummaged through his study and home, supposedly in pursuit of evidence incriminating Darius.

Or at least, that's what they claimed.

But as Damon calmly sat with his boots nonchalantly crossed on his desk, a behavior that didn't quite align with his inner gentleman persona, he knew deep down that this search had little to do with Darius. Acquiring him would only be an added bonus.

Thaladir had the pointy ears of all elves, stood regally tall, and had his golden hair braided back. His face was wrapped in alabaster skin, had sharp angular features, almond-shaped eyes, and a long forehead that made him look even more otherworldly, cold, and cruel.

Wrapped around his statuesque form was a regal, woven robe, adorned with delicate patterns and symbols. The robe draped gracefully, drawing attention to his dignified presence and amplifying his commanding presence.

No, Damon mused, this wasn't about his brother. It was all about sniffing out any clues that House Galaeron might have intentions of toppling the Medhir. And in Thaladir's mind, a single unraveled thread of his tablecloth could be that clue.

The Medhir had dethroned most of the Great Houses when Damon was a toddler, wobbling about in the gardens on unsteady, stubby legs, while his twin was who knew where. He wished he knew now...

House Galaeron's stubborn existence became the last bastion, the ultimate frontier to conquer in Arcania for Thaladir.

Both of them knew they loathed one another, yet they kept their manners about them.

Damon's companions showed little interest in hiding their disdain for the elves, however.

Aventus skulked in the corner of the study, hunched like a beggar. He was deeply disturbed by the havoc wreaked upon his meticulously organized alchemical laboratory during the search, endangering his delicate experiments.

Kai stood near the door, his arms folded tightly across his chest, and a scowl etched across his face.

Nobody reminded Damon why they loathed the elves more than Kai.

The deep-rooted hatred he harbored towards the Medhir stemmed from the gruesome slaughtering of the small village of Dredisi, which still haunted his nightmares. The Medhir had falsely accused the Dreds, mostly elderly, impoverished farmers, of practicing dark magic to justify the act of callously butchering half of the population.

Granted, they had scaly skin and were odd-looking, but it was beyond absurd to think that those humble villagers, who would offer a friend the last shoe on their webbed foot, and whose frail bodies barely possessed a flicker of magical power enough to conjure a flame, had the capability to challenge the council.

What angered Damon the most was that they were Kai's friends, some of the few individuals he had managed to form deep emotional bonds with. Indeed, he'd lived amongst the Dreds after his mother had been slaughtered in a bandit raid before Aventus had taken over guardianship of him. Years later he had discovered his father's body, frozen over in a cave in the Muirnom Mountains, their name meaning so aptly the Silent Peaks.

Meanwhile, Remy casually patrolled the halls, dewberries in hand. Damon visualized him gracefully popping a sweet ball into his mouth every now and then, meticulously keeping an eye on Thaladir's men. All the while, he cunningly assumed the pretend-role of assisting the guards with their duties.

And Zhex was nowhere to be found, ironically.

"As we have found no evidence in your house thus far, I find myself wondering if you are being truthful, Lord Galaeron." Thaladir sniffed, ambling towards a vase of white and purple flowers near the window.

"I am not my brother's keeper," Damon answered with steely nerves. "He left in haste after the events of Dru's death, and took two of my men with him. How should I know where he has gone? I have nothing to gain by harboring fugitives in my House."

Calling his twin a fugitive made Damon taste bile. But he knew he had to safeguard the power of his House. Theirs was the only one left that held true concern for the welfare of the common people.

Thaladir sighed deeply. "The unpredictable nature of Shadowborn. How tragic that his murderous nature had led to the untimely demise of the elf-halfling... Dru."

Seeing that he couldn't even recall Dru's name properly dwindled Damon's patience to a trickle.

"He must face justice," Thaladir declared, plucking a pristine white flower, studying it momentarily, before discarding it disdainfully to the ground. "Rest assured, we shall locate him. He will face trial and be sent to Mania, where his kind truly belongs."

"If you wish to pursue him, I suggest you take your search elsewhere," Damon replied coolly.

Thaladir sneered. "Surely, if he is innocent, he wouldn't have run."

Damon sneered right back. "Yes, who would run from an unjust council who values its own agenda more than the law?"

At this, the elf's face became stoic, then he made a noise like a chuckle. Or it might've been a cough.

He stalked closer, then leaned menacingly forward on Damon's desk, inches from his face. The air crackled between them. Damon fought for the control to not land a fist in that perfect face. He could all but feel the satisfying crack of that straight nose against his knuckles. The image made them itch with craving.

"Do not lecture me on the principles of justice, Lord Galaeron," Thaladir sang. He had to admire the young Lord's clinging to a crumbling legacy. His dismissal of him was an affront to the Medhir. And he questioned the soundness of his resolve. "You are wet behind the ears, yet. If you set one foot wrong, my men will be upon you. I will find your brother, and when I do, he will face the justice he so rightly deserves."

Damon's eyes flickered with a sudden surge of anger, only to be ruthlessly restrained. "Do as you please with him,"

With cold detachment, he uttered words that pierced his own heart, "He's nothing to me. Just another traitor."

Thaladir narrowed his eyes at Damon, searching for signs of deception. When he found no obvious ones, he rose.

"Time!" He called, and his men assembled.

They were escorted by House Galaeron's guard to their waiting horses, and then they took off, leaving Damon with the knowledge that nowhere in Arcania would be truly safe for Darius now.

Except that one place where not even the elves would venture. The very place they intend to send him as his punishment for Dru's death, or rather, his punishment for existing - Mania.

He slouched back in his chair, feeling intense nausea wash over him as his nerves released. He placed a hand on his stomach that churned from the lies he'd told.

"Sire, perhaps the alchemical laboratory could provide some relief?" Aventus suggested, noticing that his young Lord looked positively green around the gills. "I remember the aroma of the herbs always having a soothing effect on you. If there's any left in my retort after this... search." His wrinkled face shrivelled even more in disgust.

"They took a few ledgers and correspondences," Remy informed them, appearing in the doorway. "I doubt they found anything incriminating."

"Correct," Damon confirmed. "Those records only highlight our failures in mobilizing the Houses against the threat of the shades. And frankly, the Medhir couldn't care less about whether the shades are dealt with or not. Divines, I hate politics. Where's Zhex?"

Remy shrugged. "I haven't seen her at all."

Damon stood, exhaling deeply. "Find her." As if the intricate chess game of his life with the elves wasn't already grating enough on his nerves.

"What of Darius?" Aventus inquired.

"We'll locate him, but we need to lay low for a few days, at least until Thaladir has settled. I trust that Zara will take care of them." That was one thing at least that he could find comfort in.

"Should I accompany you?" Kai offered.

"No, I need some time alone."

Kai lowered his head Damon passed him and ascended the stairs.

"The kid's in trouble," Remy sighed, running fingers through his silver hair.

"I'm more concerned about us," Kai said, adjusting the tightness of the harness holding his dagger against his chest. "We should sharpen the men's skills. I don't trust that cursed elf. Who's to say he won't send a covert group to teach us a lesson just because Damon unintentionally insulted him?"

Aventus chuckled at his grandson. "Damon? Unintentional? Those words don't go together, my boy. He insulted him deeply, and very purposefully."

"All the more reason to be prepared, then."

"Ah my somber companion!" Remy placed an unexpected arm around Kai's shoulders, making him hop and scowl. "Let's go gather the men. And find that hot-headed woman,"

They left the study together, with Remy chuckling and Kai grumbling.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963

The Olympian Day 6 ✔ 5 sets, 1min rest between sets. 2min rest before doing Raw Grit. I did the second round of push-ups in each set as knee push-ups. The others were regular, going from push-up to downdog.

WOTD ✔ 3 sets, 1min rest. I did this AFTER The Olympian because I needed to make sure I completed Olympian on level 2.

Exercise of the day ✔ In one go

Daily HIIT Challenge, today's and yesterday's ✔ My Warm-Up

Plus how I feel having actually completed all of this.... _c87c793f-db15-4b9c-a6e1-1f775af5df68.jpegSomewhere between set 2 and 3 of Raw Grit I got my second wind. But my leg muscles didn't care much for that.

After the Olympian I was laying around on the ground, thinking how I was so NOT doing the WOTD. :bored:

A minute passed.:standby:

And then another. :smash:

And then I got up and just started doing it. :yas:

During rest periods I did Waterfall Pose to try and give my legs a break.

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream. Chicken breast.

Dinner - Smoothie 》 Blueberries, cabbage, amasi, avocado. Date square.
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Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963

The Olympian Day 7 ✔ 4 sets, 1min rest between sets.

WOTD 🚫 By the time I finished the Olympian, my internet connection died, so could not login this morning to complete the workout. That's becoming a common thing around here. Illusive internet just like illusive electricity.

Also made me panic-download every program on Darebee...

The morning was busy and I didn't get a chance to finish this one by the time I typed this post. I may finish it later in the afternoon, or not.

Right now I'm questioning my soundness of mind when I decided to do the WotD alongside the Olympian...

Exercise of the day ✔ In one go

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ My Warm-Up

I had to go buy a bunch of groceries this morning. My brother is coming to visit this weekend.

I need to get on with writing another chapter. Strange how sometimes the images are so clear in my head, but when I look at a blank screen, waiting to be filled with words, I just kind of stare at it not knowing how to start.

Remember how I said I played Skyrim for inspiration? Yeah, don't think I'm gonna be playing that much anymore. I'm getting this weird motion sickness type thing from it these days.

HOWEVER, I've found a .pdf on the internet that has ALL the lore books of the Elder Scrolls combined into one ebook.

Only 94hrs and 24min of reading...

So that's my new form of inspiration. I've started on the first book of Daggerfell.

Kind of sad that playing makes me feel so nauseous, I just installed Oblivion again. 🙄

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream. Chicken hearts.

Dinner - Tomato & Cucumber Salad. 4 eggs. Leftover smoothie from last night.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963

The Olympian Day 8 ✔ 4 min rest between sets.

WotD ✔ 3 sets, 1 min rest. Blegh. Ab work is like the rain. I know it's needed, doesn't mean I have to like it.

Exercise of the day ✔ In one go

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ My Warm-Up

The next chapter of my book is coming along nicely.

One of the identical twins, Damon, is now contemplating life, the elves, and the bond he has with his brother who is now on the run from the elven council. He sits in the alchemical laboratory. And then he makes a gruesome discovery... muahahaha... **rubs hands together**

Drumroll for the first major plot twist!

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream. Chicken breast.

Dinner - Lentil pasta salad with more chicken. Ima start cluckin' one of these days, folks.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963

The Olympian Day 9 ✔ 1st set, 1min rest, 2nd set, 1min rest, 3rd - 5th sets with 2min rest inbetween.

This was hard today. Well, all of it was. Not sure why, just didn't get that burst of energy at any point during the workouts and felt like I was moving through quicksand the whole time.

WotD 🚫 Because that would be insanity...

Fit December Day 1 ✔ 5 sets with 1min rest.

Exercise of the day ✔ In one go, moderate pace.

Power Squat Challenge ✔

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Tea with milk. Chicken breast.

Dinner - Corned beef on baked potatoes. Homemade seed flour bread with peanutbutter and honey, and a date square.

Might just read today. This workout wiped me out.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
Man, I am totally wiped today. And eating everything in the house (probably because of that). It's not pretty. And I don't know why?!?!

My stamina throughout most days just utterly sucks. Even B-co does nothing to help (and sometimes even makes it worse). But today is just terrible. I've basically been laying around on the couch, too tired to breathe. And the heat's been getting to me today, where normally I can handle 40°C no problem. Today's only 36°C.

Calorie wise I've eaten around 1800, my goal for the day being 1400. And dinner hasn't happened yet. Lol. Eh.

My days are up and down but the app says it averages out over the week to around 1570, which isn't really where I want it to be.

But my body and calorie deficits don't like each other much. Which is one reason why I'm doing this meat in the afternoon thing. When done right, it lowers your appetite because the body basically has to create glucagon during the day for it's needs, that and use it's fat reserves, and at night there's only an hour to eat whatever, and that whatever is also restricted.

Note I said, when done right. But some days I don't get it right and just wake up ravenous. Duh. What body likes a deficit? But there's no losing fat without it.

Exercise also plays a role in the sense that I have no idea how much I'm burning (Can't be reliably calculated). I don't add those calories to the 1400 I've set, so may be eating 1200-1300 day to day for all I know.

Even the 1400 number is questionable, because my body has been on so many diets throughout the years, my BMR may actually be below the amount any given calculator throws out.

The only way to know is for me to stay on it and observe. Which is washy right now since I can't stick to it.

I have no idea where I'm going with this. Rambles of a mad viking.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
And I don't know why?!?!

I ended the day at a grand 2400 calories yesterday, and went to bed wondering why?!?!

This morning, the gods of exercise answered my questions.

"All the better to build muscle with, my dear," they answered a shaky voice of the elderly.

The Olympian Day 10 ✔ 5 sets completed, 1min rest. I never thought I'd pray for the squats to come... because they were my resting exercise here.

70 full push-up to downdogs, 5 knee push-ups.

WotD ✔ 5 sets, 30sec rest. The close-grip push-ups I did on my knees, because I've never been able to do those as regulars.

Fit December Day 2 ✔ 5 sets with 30sec rest.

Exercise of the day ✔ In one go, was my warm-up.

Power Squat Challenge ✔

30min walking.

At this point I'm actually doing the Olympian on level 3, right? 😂

Now I'm positively zippy this morning, even after all the exercise.

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Tea with milk. Chicken breast, beef patties.

Dinner - I'm thinking potatoes with tomato and cucumber salad.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963

The Olympian Day 11 ✔

WotD ✔

Fit December Day 3 ✔ Hall Pass. In order to make today a true rest day. Totally not because I hate ab work or anything...

Exercise of the day ✔

Power Squat Challenge ✔

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Tea with milk. Pork chops with the fat removed. And Biltong, which is... ah... hard to explain to someone who's not in South Africa.

It's NOT jerky. But whole pieces of (often lean) meat that's been spiced and salted, then soaked in brown vinegar and sometimes the tiniest tiniest amount of sugar, or none at all. Then it gets hung up to dry in a well ventilated room for several days.

No it does not go bad, catch flies, yadda yadda. It just dries out. Which preserves it and means you can basically keep it for a long, long time. Then its sliced into thin, salty, chewy pieces.

Dinner - (?) Kind of up in the air. It depends whether or not my brother ends up coming. Because he has car trouble.

Last night's dinner wasn't what I logged here, changed my mind. I had mixed steamed vegetables, beet pickles, and baked potatoes.

Then a banana, and 85% Lindt chocolate, which my dear husband bought because he loves me...and it's not cheap. Instead of going off about finances, I focused on the part where he said he loves me.

I wrote about 400 words yesterday. And I'm gonna try and finish that scene today.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
You all knew this was coming...

So did a scan and there are a couple of reasons why my stamina could be so shitty.

1. Glucose Tolerance (not so easily fixed, but I can manage it)
2. Adrenal overload (Yup. This is the one.)
3. Iron deficiency. (Relatively easily fixed. Some beef liver needed with some vitamin c)

So the adrenal thing... I am NOT giving up on the Olympian. C'mon, I'm going on day 12. I really wanted to complete this on level 2, BUT...

I don't really want to give up on Fit December either.

So I'm going to take the middle road and lower the amount of sets I do. And take some ginseng.

The Olympian on level 1, and 3 sets of Fit December. Maybe I'm just doing too much stuff too fast. Ah, classic Nevertharine-syndrome.

So that's it. Just lowering the intensity a notch. Nice to know I can push myself that far, though.

And less fruit (more berries). Boo. 😒


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Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
As per protocol, my scan results have been sent to our PhD in Ireland, along with food diary pictures and exercise pictures and whatnot.

And my diet has been changed.

Again. (It was a test, in any case, to see how my body would do. I am ever the test subject.)

Here follows a nice long email from our wonderful nutrition expert, and she really is, because she has helped so many people, for those of you who want to read it. She's such a lovely soul.


gracious you have put a lot of thought and work into this...

so i totally understand finances...and meat is very expensive....

and keeping macros in place on a budget is tough....especially since eggs are non-existent there, or expensive now with the avian flu...

now it does sound like your body is struggling a bit on the diet.

sometimes in life we have to match the healthiest lifestyle to the budget

and when finances are a bit tough, you either have a diet of cheap wholegrains or a diet of cheap fatty mince

both of which are very healthy diets.

and the high fat keto style diets are very expensive

from looking at your info and all the email info that you have sent

i think your body may do better on a variety , a platter system ....

you may be a buffet girl genetically

also only carbs at night makes the fasting super tough the next morning

because the insulin spikes so much

that is why people on the wholefood plant based diets eat three to four meals per day

For the body , the carnivore diet is very filling and fasting becomes super easy.

the protein really keeps the body going.

but they are not budget friendly

and since you are healthy, we dont have to therapeutically attack the body :)

so my suggestion once again is to not do anything extreme.

but lets move away from the cheat diet and more towards a mediterranean style diet

it is one of the healthiest diets known to man

and yields very good longevity and very good health and good weight

and is kind on the bank account and your body in particular would do better on it.

your body is not going to do well on chicken and water for very long...

so i suggest we make a change again :)

the body will kick up more cravings as you go

and the body will want breakfast

and then ten snacks...

so we dont want your body desperate for food....not even for a moment.

life is a fine balance between insulin hunger hormones, reproductive hormones, fat burning hormones

and money for sure!

start the morning with water and tea or coffee

use a bit of milk...not cream

or drink it black if you like it that way but ditch the cream because it is very high in fat

and there is such a thing as too high when it come to dairy fat

so 1400 cal

split into 2 meals or three if you need on the day

so either no breakfast or simply a late breakfast

simply split the protein and the carbs between the meals

we want protein and carb at every meal

then add in as much non-starchy raw veg as you like

so lettuce onion, tomato, cucumber, etc

use salt and black pepper if you like

and drizzle over 1 tablespoon of olive oil,

toss the salad or carbs or protein in the oil

1400 hundred cal...700 cal of prot per day

700 cal of wholegrain carb per day (brown bread /white rice/wholewheat pasta/cooked barley)

the veg and the olive oil won't count in your calories

and you can throw in an apple or orange or banana at each meal also

without counting calories

drink enough water, drink 2 liters a day

dont worry about electrolytes

you don't need them

if you get sick of salad twice a day

do salad at lunch

and make a non-starchy veggie soup with celery, carrots, onion, leek, tomato tinned and chicken stock cubes

have that at night

the body should thrive and you should find it easier :)

let me know what you think :)


But basically, long story short, Darebee was right all along, it seems. modern-hero.jpg
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Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963

The Olympian Day 12 ✔

Fit December Day 4 - I will do this later in the day. Right now I want to go for a loooong walk because I'm home alone and there's nobody to tell me when to walk and when not.

Exercise of the day ✔

Power Squat Challenge ✔

Food Planner:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Tea with milk. Biltong, pasta salad. (Fruit? Maybe, not sure yet.)

Dinner - Baked fish, steamed vegetables, baked potatoes. And yes, olive oil. Date square.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
What to do when your stepbrother pisses you off in 8 easy steps!

Step 1: Get good and angry. Then pick a workout.

Step 2: Do strength training, and imagine you're throwing someone with a 5kg dumbell. [They made it... they actually made this workout... I'm putting it on my daily list]


Step 3: When that doesn't work, pick a level 5 workout, even if you only started exercising a month ago. Pick one that illustrates your feelings towards your temporary nemesis...highway-to-hell-workout.jpg

Step 4: Add EC. Then replace half the jumping jacks with High Knees. The ones before the jump squats work great...

Step 5: Go full out and do 5 sets. Express your anger. Just because you can.

You think you're smarter than me?! **jumps higher in squat jumps**

Think you know everything just because your a damn guy?! **throws in a couple of kicks and punches, shouts Viking battle cry**

You think I'm weak?! Go to hell! **runs faster, and launches into double turning kicks right at the head, does two more sets, and regular push ups, even if it means falling on face**

Step 6: Stop when a) your heart feels like exploding or, b) you feel nauseous. Then go a little further... just a little.

Step 7: Collapse on bed, consider the stories you've written in life and all the characters you've killed, and whether that means you're a psychopathic, schizophrenic maniac, or the world is just lucky to have a site like Darebee.

Final step: When stepbrother comes out --- Smile.

Now you've earned a couple of pieces of fruit. And a good dose of Ginseng.

And you're probably going to regret this tomorrow.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
And while I'm going to be doing Ginseng, I'm thinking it may be a good opportunity to try and get off caffeine.

ALL caffeine. Coffee, tea (save for herbal), and chocolate.

Heh. Not sure how that's gonna go, but let's give it a shot. Will start tomorrow.


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Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
I haven't managed to drum up energy to exercise this morning. I woke up very pukey. See, this is what happens when I don't drink my morning coffee...

No I'm not pregnant.

Really. I'm not.

Not unless aliens have abducted me and implanted an E.T-human hybrid, in which case, I really don't mind being pregnant, as long as they take me with them when they come to fetch the kid.

I'm not human-ing today. Maybe later I'll do something, otherwise I'll just be lazy.

I'm working on my secret Santa workout gift, though, and for me, who doesn't have a coordinated bone in my body, this is so simple but mindboggling.

And I wish I knew where the glitter was coming from (?)


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Changed the layout of the log to be neater.

My workout this morning totalled 55 minutes. And I'm pretty darned proud of that.

Natalie's diet is freaking me out a bit, only because I'm not supposed to count the produce/olive oil. And I'm scared to death of gaining weight.

But I figured a change of perspective is needed here, so I'm going to try and go with this... 》

I'm not dieting to lose fat.

I'm eating to fuel my training.

There's a very subtle difference between those two, and I'm going to try and make that stick. And take her advice and stop the damned calorie counting again.

Which was why I ate a very balanced breakfast of eggs (on the side), oatmeal with berries and a teaspoon of peanutbutter this morning after training.

Now I have a question regarding cardio and strength training.

Bearing this in mind, and my tendency to fall out of habit when I start working, I'm going to try and "condition" my body to working out for an hour a day (and I still need to get myself to get up at 4am in the morning to do that, hubby's gonna hate me for it.)

So that when I start working, I'm already in the habit of getting up before sunrise and training for an hour.

And it's not that much of a stretch since I already get up at 05:40, then have coffee. Alright then I sit around chatting with hubby until he goes to work, which means I end up starting to exercise at around 7am.

My question is, how do I mix strength and cardio in that hour?

Do I do both every day? Alternate between days of Cardio and Strength? If I chose to do Darebee programs, let's say, Hard Reset Strength and Hard Reset Cardio, could I do them right after the other in the morning in that hour?

They're just examples... I'm looking for a baseline "mould" which any program combination can fit into.

Actually I'm thinking of doing Shadebound next, because it goes so well with the storytelling of my novel, Shadowborn. Assassins, Ninjas, etc.

Or do I keep on doing what I'm doing now and just mix everything up?

My next job might be something close to farm work (with animals), and would require endurance and stamina. Mine sucks perpetually, but it would also require functional strength (those that weight machines don't teach you to have in real life) which Darebee is great at.

So I guess I'm trying to figure out what a healthy mix of training would be to enable me to handle that kind of job? And of course, as I said, build the habit of getting up early and getting active before work.


✔ The Olympian Day 14: 5 sets, 1min rest for the first 2, then 2min rest for the last 3. Started knee push-ups on set 3, because by then my arms were giving up on the first round after 4 regulars. 2min rest before starting Fit December. It was going to be 5min rest, and then the Epic music started.
✔Fit December Day 7: 5 sets, 30sec rest. 1min Rest before starting 5 Minute Strength. Again, it was going to be a 4min rest, and then the Viking music started and we went into hero mode.
✔EotD + EC
✔5 Minute Strength, 20sec rest between sets
✔Power Squat Challenge

Since I post in the morning, these below will be for YESTERDAY.


🚫50 words
🚫300 words
🚫500> words


✔20% Done
🚫50% Done
🚫100% Done


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Muscular Endurance! That's what it's called. But from what I'm reading I should get there eventually anyway. Because I push myself on every workout pretty much.

Sigh. I'm gonna have to start doing the ab work though, aren't I?

I think I hurt my left knee a little doing the side lunges this morning. It's not super painful, it just feels weird when I walk. 🤔 Might've had my foot in a strange position.


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Bard from The Netherlands
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"I sing and I know things"
Wow, I am in awe of you planning to work out so early in the morning!
I don't function at all in the morning, so I tend to try and cram all my workouts in before bed, which sometimes works out perfectly, and sometimes leads to quite a late bedtime :')

I think if you keep doing functional strength training, you will build that muscle endurance over time =)
But yes, abs and core are the basis of pretty much all the real-life stuff you could be using strength for.:bored:
One thing that did come to mind while reading your post, was that I often find later workouts in a programme take me quite a bit longer than the early ones, so if you're starting two programmes at once you may find that the amount of time you spend on them varies a lot. But I think if you aim to fill the last section of your workouts with something like mobility and stretching, you can probably be quite flexible in how much time that takes.

Also, don't be disheartened if you have far less energy to exercise when you do start a job. Give yourself the time to adjust and don't force your body to keep up with your non-working difficulty levels. I have made that sort of mistake before :facepalm:

In my opinion the most important part of exercising is that you are having some kind of fun, and that you are kind to yourself. Some days the kind thing is to challenge yourself, but some days the kind thing is to just scale things back and take it easy.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
I got up at 03:51 to exercise this morning, 9 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. It wasn't so bad, I just had to do a warmup which I normally skip to wake my body up. Did the EotD later at 6 A.M when it came up.

We'll see how I do! It's day 1😅

I actually didn't sleep well anyway. I don't know if there was still adrenaline in my body from the workouts, nah that doesn't make sense, but I couldn't fall into real deep sleep. And my muscles were tight (which makes for oh-so-delicious stretching on the bed in the middle of the night!)

And I have to say, after the ab work of both The Olympian and Fit December (eh, my back...), the meditation part of The Olympian was so nice this morning. I did it without music but only for 11 minutes. I really need to incorporate silent meditation again. Let's add that to the list, shall we?

@Maegaranthelas , I can't workout at all at night. I've tried before when I was working because I was too lazy to get up so early in the morning (alright and it was winter), but then I'm so full of adrenaline I can't fall asleep.

As I said, going to write today. I'm just not sure if I want this chapter to start with the twin brother on the run, or with the (ex)villian, hmm.

One of my other novels I've finished, but am uploading in increments, is doing really well on Inkitt. A lot of people are reading it.

It's called The Mountain Lights. And it's about an eleven-year-old girl who runs away from her neglective mother to her estranged, reclusive, and alcoholic uncle in Alaska. She ends up changing everything by going there, for the better.

I've gotten a 5-star review for it, actually I've had many reviews for it on the previous profile, and hopefully it'll draw the eye to some of my other books too. =)

The followers on Inkitt loved my romances but they were intense and I got tired of writing them.

This one is more sweet, and I actually loved writing it. That kind I'll write again in the future, which is why I'm reuploading this one and not the others.


✔The Olympian Day 15: 3 sets, 1min rest
✔Fit December Day 8: 3 sets, 1min rest. Managed not to die after the ab-work. Back hurts though.
✔5 Minute Strength, 20sec rest between sets
✔Power Squat Challenge
✔5 Minute Meditation

Since I post in the morning, these below will be for YESTERDAY.


🚫50 words
🚫300 words
🚫500> words


🚫20% Done
✔50% Done
🚫100% Done


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Did not get up at 4 A.M again this morning (probably won't again, lol, not unless I have to cross that bridge). Also did not feel up to working out, but the way I usually get myself to do it is just saying I'll do it at a lower intensity.

And sometimes I do, other times I get carried away with the music and I don't. But either way, then I've done something.

Diet wise... ugh it's a mess. I know I didn't always do the Cheat Diet "right" (I wasn't always able to fast until 1 P.M), but I felt more in control when I did it. I'm kind of thinking of going back to it, anyway.

It was simple. Sometimes that's a diet's perk and its downfall.

Also, I've unsubmitted Shadowborn on Inkitt. Just unsubmitted so its hidden, didn't delete it. I don't think anyone will miss it, because not a lot of people were reading that one.

Because I just don't have good ideas right now. So obviously, I didn't write. It's like I know what has to happen next but the images are just floating around in my head and I can't grasp them.

Overnight I've gained 3 followers for The Mountain Lights though, but it's a romance and to be expected on Inkitt.

I'm not going to be online much until Monday, have to save my data plan.

Have an awesome day, Bees!


✔ The Olympian Day 16
✔Fit December Day 8: 5 sets, 30sec rest. (I've missed a day somewhere?)
✔EotD - substituted knee pushups, and went to child's pose at pushup #20 and #26.
✔5 Minute Strength, 20sec rest between sets, except between set 4 and 5.
✔Power Squat Challenge Day 8
✔5 Minute Meditation

Since I post in the morning, these below will be for YESTERDAY.


🚫50 words (sigh, really?)
🚫300 words
🚫500> words


🚫20% Done
✔50% Done
🚫100% Done


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Adding this to the log >

Reading for Writing Inspiration (Because I need to get myself to stop wasting time playing The Sims - although it does make for good storytelling when I write romances...):

⏺The Oversight Trilogy - 20%
⏺In Death (a series of 50-something books by J.D Robb, which is romance/suspense/detective yadda yadda): Big Jack - 43%
⏺Son of the Morning: Banners of Blood (I'm restarting this one. The language is a bit high, so reading is difficult, but this was awesome and very much like a series I've written long ago.) - 1%

Aren't Kindles fun? There are whole worlds in them... Mine in particular has about 340 worlds... most of which are unexplored...


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Been thinking about what @Maegaranthelas said, and I think I'll do a single program + an add-on program following all the stuff from December.

The first add-on will be Back and Core, I think. Or something with Abs. Still trying to decide on a program that incorporates strength and cardio.

Then, depending on time, I might add in some cycling on the stationary bike towards the end, or as a warmup. (I normally don't warm up.)

This morning I replaced my usual coffee with Moringa Tea, because I actually think coffee may be making me hungrier later in the day.


✔The Olympian Day 17, 5 sets, 1min rest.
✔Fit December Day 9, 5 sets, 30sec rest.
✔5 Minute Strength, 20sec rest between sets, except between set 4 and 5. Using 2.5kg (5.5lb) Dumbells. Normally use 11lb, but I was tired today.
✔Power Squat Challenge Day 9
✔Dead Hang Challenge Day 2 (Stolen from @TopNotch) I probably won't finish it. Not that strong... but it might motivate me to just try every day.
✔5 Minute Empty Bowl Meditation

Since I post in the morning, these below will be for YESTERDAY.


🚫50 words
🚫300 words
✔500> words (yay!)


🚫20% Done
🚫50% Done
✔100% Done

Reading for Writing Inspiration:

⏺The Oversight Trilogy - 23%
⏺In Death: Big Jack - 43%
⏺Son of the Morning: Banners of Blood - 1%


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Can you tell I was tired today? Maybe I'm tired in general, losing steam, and The Olympian is now turning to Level 1. Hah. Actually I wanted to make this a rest day and do nothing. But this is the closest I got to that.


✔The Olympian Day 18, 3 sets, 2min rest in Child's Pose. All Push-ups substituted with Knee Push-ups.
✔Fit December Day 10, Hall Pass 2/10
🚫EotD - because my knee and ankle feel odd after the cardio yesterday.
🚫5 Minute Strength. 5.5lb Dumbells.
✔Power Squat Challenge Day 10
✔Dead Hang Challenge Day 3
✔5 Minute Empty Bowl Meditation
✔Kicks for the Ornaments Challenge (done slower to save my knee from that "snapping thing")

In other news for yesterday:


🚫50 words
🚫300 words
✔500> words. Strange how the words just flow when I take away all the pressure to write for other people. I'll reupload Shadowborn when it's finished.


🚫20% Done
🚫50% Done
✔100% Done

Reading for Writing Inspiration:

⏺The Oversight Trilogy - 25%
⏺In Death: Big Jack - 63%

The big jump in % was a glitch on my Kindle. On the homescreen it was 40-something. But when opened, it was 56.

Man, what a power couple this series has. She's a kickass detective, he's an ex-criminal billionaire with better equipment than National Security. Guess who she goes to to dig dirt up on criminals? Blurring the lines, Eve...

I actually read this series just for Roarke, though.

The shiny billionaire ex-thief/con/murderer who can be all classy and sipping $$$ champagne while knocking your brains to pulp. But now he's somewhat on the right side of the road because his wife's a determined cop.

I always take to the male protagonists more than the females. They're more level-headed, less emotional.

But watching them is like watching two wolves. They're both strong personalities, and one moment they're all lovey dovey and the next they're snapping and snarling at each other.

⏺Son of the Morning: Banners of Blood - 1%

Have a lovely day Bees!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,137
"Striving to be the change."
Can you tell I was tired today? Maybe I'm tired in general, losing steam, and The Olympian is now turning to Level 1. Hah. Actually I wanted to make this a rest day and do nothing. But this is the closest I got to that.
Cheers for powering through, modifying as needed but still getting something done!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Thanks @Laura Rainbow Dragon 😊 It's better than quitting altogether for months again. I need to frequently remind myself that I don't have to go a million miles at every workout to see results. Doing something every day is better.

And I really still want to complete the Olympian, even if it's on Level 1. Because the badge... 😁

Ugh. Writing up a grocery list to get some Christmas shopping done this week before the last minute buyers stampede and I die.

My 86yr old grandfather's food situation is... le sigh... tiring. There's so much stuff he doesn't eat, which means I have no idea what to cook without spending six hours in the kitchen everyday!

He only eats lamb and fish. He hates most cruciferous vegetables. Brocolli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussel sprouts are out. I've bought those packs of frozen mixed stir-fry veg before, also the mixed roasting veg. He got tired of those. Also hates tomatoes. No beans or legumes.

And now he's leaving the potatoes and rice too. He doesn't want to try anything new.

He also doesn't want to eat what me and hubby is having so I end up having to cook twice on most days.

And whatever people put in processed food makes him feel bad. Which is why sausages or any meat that isn't bone-in is also out.

My brain has been liquified.

Edit To add - Oh, Ground beef is also a no-go.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,137
"Striving to be the change."
Thanks @Laura Rainbow Dragon 😊 It's better than quitting altogether for months again. I need to frequently remind myself that I don't have to go a million miles at every workout to see results. Doing something every day is better.
And I really still want to complete the Olympian, even if it's on Level 1. Because the badge... 😁
My 86yr old grandfather's food situation is... le sigh... tiring. There's so much stuff he doesn't eat, which means I have no idea what to cook without spending six hours in the kitchen everyday!
I feel your pain. Having to cook for disparate eating requirements/whims is tiring.



Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
I have to go grocery shopping now. Meh, not looking forward to it.


✔The Olympian Day 19
✔Fit December Day 11, 5 sets, 1min 30 sec rest
✔5 Minute Strength. 5.5lb Dumbells.
✔Power Squat Challenge Day 11
✔Dead Hang Challenge Day 4
✔5 Minute Empty Bowl Meditation
✔Kicks for the Ornaments Challenge

In other news for yesterday:


🚫50 words
🚫300 words
🚫500> words.

I'll probably get to writing today since it's raining.


🚫20% Done
🚫50% Done
✔100% Done

Reading for Writing Inspiration:

⏺The Oversight Trilogy - 25%
⏺In Death: Big Jack - 63%
⏺Son of the Morning: Banners of Blood - 1%

Have a lovely day Bees!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Well there you have it, folks. Yes, I caved about the calories. And I swear I'm not allowed to email this lady again for a year because I've been such a pain.

Except she told me to check in again after 14 days. It just freaked me out and I had to ask about the calories in the oil.


firstly i understand about weight dont worry

also no...muscle weight is never reflected on the scale
a person might gain 6kgs a year on heavy body building
you are lifting weights like it would not show in the scale

have no fear....the 1400 is a cal count is a good number

the lower the calories, the more the metabolism it can be a vicious circle
you cut calories and metabolism slows
you cut it more and it slows more....

so at 1600 cal in total is a steady number for a good metabolism

and yes the metabolism has to adjust up in order to stop you from having a weigh struggle

once you have the right calorie count
then macros come into play
making sure carbs and proteins are balanced
and cutting carbs down in people who dont manage carbs

so i would just start with the diet as is....see how you do in 14 days
weigh everyday and see

water weight will rise significantly after a low carb diet
so often the scale jumps right up.

if you cut the calories on will be very hungry
and if you dont include the fat, you will be very hungry
and then you will start on the snacking....the small bits to help you get to the meal
which gives you an insulin release that stores fat

so do the 1400 plus diet , make sure you only eat 2 meals
and see what the weight does

because if you cut the calories
then you will simply start shifting bits of meals into third meals and 4th meals....

calories count....but they are not the holy grail of weight loss...
i have seen people gain weight on 500 cal a day

so you have to look after the metabolism first

and if you are truly gaining fat on a 1600 cal...then the metabolism is not functioning correctly
and has to be corrected :)

so let me know how you do :)

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,137
"Striving to be the change."
I'm with Nat. Counting calories is BS. I hope you can find the strength to stop doing it. You're only stressing yourself out.

Volume for volume, both protein and fat have more calories than table sugar. So what?
Your body needs protein and healthy fats to survive. It does not need refined sugar.

Modern Hero is still a solid meal plan. If you do it--really do it, including not skimping on the healthy stuff your body needs--it's very hard to overeat.
When you fuel your body in a healthy way, the calories take care of themselves.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963

✔The Olympian Day 20, no rest. If I was going for the Teddy ornament, I probably could have landed it today with a whole 22min of punches.

I don't know what was happening, but it was a whirlwind of punches and coordination.

First I was training with Rothgar and wondering how he eats with that beard... and then we were out at sea in one mother of a storm fighting off some poor unfortunate pirates who decided to target our ship.

I had to duck a time or two, otherwise Avulstein would've chopped off my head with that battle axe.

The next thing I know, Jonah called the Kraken, and well, you know what happens when that guy shows up...

I listened to some music for my story as well. And at this point this evil, maniacal villian you conjured up turns into the ultimate hero of the story. Can't you just hear it happening?

✔Fit December Day 12, 5 sets, 45sec rest

The Olympian and Fit December was proudly sponsored by today!

✔5 Minute Strength. 11lb Dumbells. 10 sec rest between sets
✔Power Squat Challenge Day 12, no rest.
✔Dead Hang Challenge Day 5
✔5 Minute Empty Bowl Meditation

In other news for yesterday:


✔50 words
🚫300 words
🚫500> words.


🚫20% Done
✔50% Done Cuz we had cookies.
🚫100% Done

Reading for Writing Inspiration:

⏺The Oversight Trilogy - 25%
⏺In Death: Big Jack - 63%
⏺Son of the Morning: Banners of Blood - 2%

Have a lovely day Bees!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
So, I've uninstalled the Sims. Because that is taking up way too much time. And too much work, in most cases, to reinstall. So if there's games to be played, it will now only be Skyrim or Oblivion. And I won't spend so much time on them because the movement gives me motion sickness.

On the other hand... I've discovered a big 20GB folder of audiobooks! So the first one I'm starting is Terry Pratchett's Folklore of Discworld.

Guess all those hours playing sims will now have to go into writing and/or reading/listening to stories. Hm.

This is crazy but, I feel like when I'm playing games I'm wasting time being unproductive. Yes, coming from someone who is unemployed.

Reading is somehow different, because my brain is still working. So it feels like I'm still accomplishing something. 🤷‍♀️


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
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Posts: 1,086
"I sing and I know things"
I often have the same feeling when gaming, actually. Plus I tend to get sucked into a game for hours and then my body hurts from sitting still. My solution is to watch games and craft ^^ I knit, crochet, and sew and get to experience the stories anyway! And sometimes I watch games I will never play, because of genre or spookiness (I will not play horror games, but watching a grown man shriek at spooky things just hits the spot sometimes).


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
I will not play horror games, but watching a grown man shriek at spooky things just hits the spot sometimes.

I get sucked into the sims because the story never ends... its like those bad soap operas on tv.

I used to watch my brother play those kinds of games when he was still in the house, because it was the only way I didn't get freaked out. 😄


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,086
"I sing and I know things"
Oh goodness, I have two novels by Becky Chamber and they are both fantastic, but she is incredibly good at evoking emotions.
There is a section in To Be Taught If Fortunate that left me quite shaken and I was very glad there was a person to cuddle nearby.
A Psalm for the Wildbuilt on the other hand is one of the most beautiful and life-affirming books I have ever read.

But yes, I like watching people play Stardew Valley and other cozy games to relax, 7 Days to Die or other action games during a workout... it helps my brain xD