To Forge an Ironmaiden...


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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I did Eat, Train, Love today. And I plan to do a more restorative yoga flow later.

I trained to basic failure twice during this workout, once I could replace the dumbbells with lighter versions and kept going.

I have a question for those knowledgeable about nutrition and sports...

I've read this thing online (I actually think it was on that says low intensity training might be better for people on keto to train the body to use ketones more efficiently for energy.

Okay, so how exactly do I make a dumbbell workout low intensity?

The reasoning seems to be that the muscles need glucose past a certain point in training, which is why they fail earlier due to carb shortage.

The recommendation is to lift heavier weights (I only have the dumbells), which you can only do 5 reps with, and then rest for 3 minutes instead of two, because that allows the muscles to use ATP and ketones instead.

The other option, of course, is to do a more targeted keto where a certain amount of carbs (hell if I know how much) is consumed just before a workout, but I'd rather try normal keto first.

In the end though, does it actually matter for strength/muscle gains as long as you are eating enough protein and calories and training to failure? Doesn't failure, even if it happens earlier, lead to gains anyway? @Fremen @HellYeah @Damer


Warrior Monk from Terra
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Posts: 901

I did Eat, Train, Love today. And I plan to do a more restorative yoga flow later.

I trained to basic failure twice during this workout, once I could replace the dumbbells with lighter versions and kept going.

I have a question for those knowledgeable about nutrition and sports...

I've read this thing online (I actually think it was on that says low intensity training might be better for people on keto to train the body to use ketones more efficiently for energy.

Okay, so how exactly do I make a dumbbell workout low intensity?

The reasoning seems to be that the muscles need glucose past a certain point in training, which is why they fail earlier due to carb shortage.

The recommendation is to lift heavier weights (I only have the dumbells), which you can only do 5 reps with, and then rest for 3 minutes instead of two, because that allows the muscles to use ATP and ketones instead.

The other option, of course, is to do a more targeted keto where a certain amount of carbs (hell if I know how much) is consumed just before a workout, but I'd rather try normal keto first.

In the end though, does it actually matter for strength/muscle gains as long as you are eating enough protein and calories and training to failure? Doesn't failure, even if it happens earlier, lead to gains anyway? @Fremen @HellYeah @Damer
Our Guide to Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) will help answer most of the questions you have.

I will also add, for clarity, that the only fuel muscles use is ATP. Everything else is subject to that. Ketones are a chemical used in the blood to break down fat but that is a process known as lipolysis intended to replenish ATP. Everything that is broken down by the body is, essentially, a carbohydrate that is intended to replenish the ATP supply.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
Our Guide to Low Intensity Interval Training (LIIT) will help answer most of the questions you have.

I will also add, for clarity, that the only fuel muscles use is ATP. Everything else is subject to that. Ketones is a chemical used in the blood to break down fat but that is a process known as lipolysis intended to replenish ATP. Everything that is broken down by the body is, essentially, a carbohydrate that is intended to replenish ATP supply.
I'll give that a read, hadn't seen it yet. :)


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Sorry for the late update... they are working on the signal towers so I had no internet at all yesterday.

I did my version of casual training, which was just a 20min bike ride at a steady speed of 23 km/h.

Today I also plan to rest, maybe just do yoga, because my glutes still have DOMS from Sunday's training.

Have a lovely day :love:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Hi Bees!

I've decided a weekly update might be better than a daily one. That way I'll actually have something to report I guess.

Fitness-wise, I haven't been as active this week as I would've liked. Today I just plan on doing some yoga, walking some. Maybe later, when I have the drive, do some weight training again.

I've been struggling a ton with bloat for the last 4 days, which led to me being sluggish and feeling blah overall.

I'm eliminating some things for a week or so to see if they might be contributing, such as peanuts (I was eating A LOT of peanuts). That's the first one. I have others on the list.

It may also be because I've been increasing my salt intake, because keto + electrolytes. I find it clears up brain fog when I swallow a couple of salt crystals with water. And I don't typically add a ton of salt to food, so keto just flushes sodium right out of me. And energy with it.

I've added what I eat in a day into a calorie counter, not to count actual calories but to see how much soduim/potassium I'm consuming and how to up them.

Turns out I'm WAY under on sodium, at least for keto. I think the typical recommendation for keto is 4000-7000mg a day.

I was getting 1500mg, which doesn't even meet the requirement for a normal carby-diet. No wonder I feel like a cheap drunk everytime I stand. No tequila needed.:dizzy:

I'm also definitely going to be concious of consuming more avocado and leafy greens for their potassium.

I have supplements, but I'm a little weary after reading up more about it. I think I should rather try to get potassium from whole foods, because there's no risk of overdose that way.

Then I'm also adding ACV as a digestive aid just before meals.

So, we'll see what aids the balloon belly. I'm pretty sure it might be the peanuts, though. :lazy:

I think I did 2 weight training sessions this week, and that's it. Lol. Haven't been active at all for the rest of it.

If I get around to it today, at least it will be 3.

Hope you all have a wonderful week and weekend! :perfect:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Hi! Hope you are all doing well and had a good week.

I have a little longer weekend, we have a national holiday and since I worked the last one, I'm off this time.

The week has been pretty good fitness wise, considering that I was beat most of the time when I got home at night.

I got in 2 strength training sessions, one upperbody and last night did a lower body. I had one rest day in the week. The other two was basically steady cardio.

I find it's convenient to pedal the stationary bike for 30 minutes while watching TV at night... so now whenever I don't feel like "working out", I just pedal and watch tube. On the commercials I increase the difficulty. When the show is back on, I decrease again.

This week in particular I've been struggling a lot with electrolytes again. Feeling super fatigued and brain foggy.

Consulted our PHD, and she told me that maybe I should switch from keto to a more low-carb Primal WOE.

Primal is basically Paleo with dairy.

And with my eating schedule it'll end up being more like Power Fast, since I still fast 18hrs a day. Lunch at work is protein and veg and fats.

And she just told me to add a fruit and some potatoes to my dinner to help hold onto the electrolytes.

Actually she suggested trying a some wholegrains again. A cup's worth.

That did not end well... :corner:

So (sweet)potatoes it is.

The plan for this weekend is to do yoga. :heartz:

Cheers ✌


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
I have discovered an ancient recipe for homemade protein shakes.



You all know I love to experiment with strange combinations of things. Well, actually a couple of soft boiled eggs in a shake doesn't taste eggy. Not even with the subtle flavour of strawberries. Imagine how I could hide it with cocoa powder.

And it's sooo much more filling than whey protein.

I'm wanting to experiment with adding some lentils again. They're legumes, right.

So is peanuts. And I still eat peanuts. Maybe I'll blend some red lentils in with the egg smoothie. But start super super slowly. Like, 1-2 tablespoons a day.

They're still low carb, because of being half fibre. So if I can fit a potato, I can probably fit some legumes. Just not beans. Not going that route again.

Beans, bread, pasta, anything with flour, bad bad bad. I tried white rice but also had issues. But there were other questionable things I ate that day that I wasn't sure of, so not sure if the rice truly did hurt, or maybe it was the oatmeal? I'm scared off it, in any case.

And TBH I don't like rice that much, so I won't miss it.

The legumes I want to try mostly as an alternative (cheaper) protein source, but they end up being a wholefood carb source too. I'll give it a week or so. Lol


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Hi everyone!

This has been a week of 'lazy' workouts. Most nights I just cycled on the stationary bike, two of those were HIIT like workouts. Today I did some weight training with the dumbbells and just some walking.

I was tired most nights when I got home, but what happens with the bike is I start out thinking I'll take it slow, then slowly increase resistance... and then end up doing a hard resistance for a few seconds every now and then. Usually depending on the music I listen. I tend to ramp up the difficulty when the chorus plays.

I was active, just maybe not in the way I envisioned. But oh well.

The legumes seem okay, so I'll be incorporating those more frequently into my diet.

I just plan to chill for the rest of the day. Maybe spend some time outside, go for walks.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963

Ah, yeah so I can barely remember the very random workouts I did during the week, lol! I probably should've noted them but life kind of got in the way.

These ones I remember:


The rest of the time I did cycling.

My diet has been refined further... as far as timing is concerned. Lunch now is just meat. Literally, lean meat. That's it. More specifically, our PhD said I should eat "anything that has a mother or came from a mother."

Fast during the morning, no sweetener or milk in tea/coffee.

Then at night, I have 1 hour in which I get to eat ANYTHING I want. It's a "cheat" hour. What I want often ends up being mostly fruit/sweet potatoes/peanut butter. Maybe higher carb, but it's an hour... and kind of hard to overdo it unless all you eat is processed Frankenstein food.

It is HARD to cram enough food in that hour but I have to say this way of cutting is super satisfying. It doesn't feel like I'm cutting because I eat until full at night, but I get full super quickly.

Now I just need to refine my workout time... because sometimes I do it late at night which means I have trouble falling asleep, in the morning it's a challenge because I'm not awake enough immediately to workout at that intensity.. and I only have a 20min time slot. Eh.

I'll update again later in the weekend. =)


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Today I did 3 sets of Eat, Train, Love followed by 3 sets of Elemental in a VERY hot room. It's like 37°C out there... and that room gets all the afternoon sun.

But it's an extra challenge, right? I certainly got tired quicker.

And I have treats for the weekend, among them homemade chocolate ice cream :drink: because I'm not into the store bought Frankenstein-cream.

Not sure which workout to do tomorrow. I'm thinking of doing another strength workout because I don't really have the time for them during the week, but at the same time I'm also not sure if maybe I should rest the muscles? Maybe two consecutive days isn't effective?

During the week it's mostly HIIT or cycling.

Have a lovely weekend!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963

I did Home Tone Upperbody today. Just three sets with 10lb dumbells. The side bends and core twists I did with 20lbs. Tricep extensions with 6lbs.

Also walked this morning, and I might do some cycling later in the afternoon.

I think over the weekend I'll do upper and lower body split strength workouts. I can work both harder that way while also giving each muscle group rest. And I'll try to incorporate more strength oriented bodyweight exercises during the week.

I'll probably stick to the workout above, and Sculpted Legs, and just level up with them when it becomes easier.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! :perfect:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Hi Bees!

Sorry for skipping an update. I haven't been as good with the exercising these past few weeks. The week before I didn't do much except light yoga because I've been struggling with fatigue.

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, I did the workout of the day. Wednesday I skipped. Thursday I did half an hour of Vinyasa yoga, and Friday night I also did the workout of the day.

Yesterday I attempted to work out but ended up spending more time in my head because I'm writing again. I'm writing a fantasy novel. I'll attach the cover I've made to show you guys.

Aeacasius Shadowborn Cover.jpg

I plan to expand a lot on the world... it's going to be big with many different characters and their stories. This is hopefully just book one, and it's about two Arcani (mages) Princes. Identical twins, one ended up on Earth and the other stayed behind in their homeworld. And years later the one finally finds his brother. Who is a mute.

And I still need to find a decent cartographer app to make a map if possible. That would help me a lot.

Oh! And I'm off the legumes again. Not peanuts. The lentils and things went well for a few days and then suddenly I was in a world of pain. So now just potatoes and fruit, and oats are still fine. Ironically, so is maize porridge. I think actually fibre is also an issue.

Anyhoo. Have a lovely weekend!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Hi everyone...

Haven't updated in a while. Haven't exercised in a while, LOL. I got laid off my job. Again.

I'd rather not talk, type, about how I'm feeling about it because it's pretty abysmal.

It happened just last week so I'm trying to find a routine again.

I did yoga yesterday for the first time in a long while. And I haven't been active as frequently, but started going for walks again. That seems to be my go to for when I'm home.

I'm writing more, and I planted some spinach on Tuesday.

And basically I'm trying to implement the art of living on next to nothing. 🙂


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
It's super hot here today. 37°C with 22% humidity. But I've managed to do 3 sets of 90 Days of Action this morning. I wanted to ride the bike but ended up just going out walking.

Feeling lethargic. I'm putting it down to being...just a little... depressed.

The good news is that I can channel that right into the character I'm writing about at the moment.

If any of you are interested in following the book I'm writing on the Inkitt app, I'd really appreciate a follow, some comments and reactions.

One day, when I'm all grown up, heh, I can MAYBE make a few pennies off my writing if my stories get enough reaction on Inkitt. Because I don't want to set up the subscription thing. People on Inkitt were used to getting my stories for free.

I used to have 230 followers and many more books on there, but I ended up deleting the profile because I felt super overwhelmed.

Most expected me to update daily, which was impossible when I started working. Quality over quantity. I just got burned out trying to jot down half-baked ideas. And I did a lot of romances but grew tired of writing them, yet everyone wanted them.

So new profile, few followers, but some there I knew from the previous one.

I mainly stick to fantasy, scifi-fantasy, and lighter romances now.

I plan to branch out a lot on the world in Aeacasius, and to turn it into a series.

If any of you do decide to follow me, please keep in mind that what I'm posting there is a first draft. There will be some spelling errors, because I'm writing on a phone. But they'll be edited out later on.

Some of my previous works I'll be re-uploading soon, have already been through a couple of edits.

Here's the link. =)

Read Aeacasius: Shadowborn for free on Inkitt


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Did Day 3 of 90 Days of Action. I'm doing this on level 1 for now, trying to go for consistency over difficulty.

So, my main character in my novel just killed his first man.


I'm excited to write further, not quite sure what's going to happen next because half the time they're leading me and all my planning and plotting just flies out the window.

Like my villain. I planned for him to be this evil, insane maniac. But one of my readers has aptly described him as an onion - the more you peel back the layers, the more you want to cry.

Tomorrow I just plan on doing spellchecking.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
I hate doing ab work. I mean I really, REALLY hate it. It makes my lower back hurt like crazy. The only way I actually get some of it in is when I do yoga, because it's generally encouraged in all yoga poses to engage the core and pelvic muscles.

Feeling the same mostly for strength training at this stage. Now I'm just walking, cycling, and doing yoga again.

Doesn't feel enough, but well, that may just be me.

Diet-related, I've added back in rice, oats, and maize flour. Pearled barley is alright, too. And fruit. And then I have people/articles/fb posts coming through saying diet A is better than diet B and carbs are the devil incarnate and whatnot. Fruit is EVIL! It causes liver failure.

And I'm just trying my very best to remember one thing: Health is simply eating unprocessed carbs, proteins, and fats.

**plants fingertips in ears**

Well, if carbs/fats are evil...

Eh. Hey, we all gotta die at some point, right? I tried. *shrugs*

I'm also struggling with fatigue again.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
So question. Is the workout of the day balanced enough to be considered "a program on it's own"? Does that make sense?

Like, could you do just that and stay in good general shape?

The reason I choose to workout at the moment is basically to keep my bone density as I age.

I'm not sure if yoga achieves that - but normally the instructor I follow advises to grip the mat more with the fingertips, so there's less weight in the wrists.

I deliberately DON'T do that. I WANT weight on the wrists, so they can stay strong. I think they get injured easier as we get older because generally in women, the upperbody doesn't get much attention, or as much as the lower body.

I'm really not into strength training much now (with dumbells). And I suck at following programs. Which is why I'm asking about the workout of the day. It seems random, but is it really?


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 972
"I just work here."
@Nevetharine hi, it is balanced, yes, but there is a caveat. You can just follow the workout of the day indefinitely and it'll give you a pretty good overall structured training regimen. We specifically pick the workouts that complement each other if you do exactly that, follow the daily recommendation. You will get cardio, strength, hiit, ab work etc - we also mix things up, add some yoga, stretching, very light work to help you recover etc. It's not random at all :happy: There is a small "but" there, though. We only feature workouts that require no equipment so anyone can follow them. Unfortunately, that often excludes workouts with "pull" motions - for those you need a pull-up bar or dumbbells. There are some workarounds (and we implements them all in our no-equipment workouts) but if your goal is to build back and biceps to a higher extend, following our workout of the day is not enough. It's more than enough if your goal is general fitness and well-being, core strength, VO2max, endurance etc but not, well, bigger arms and back. In your case, though, I am guessing this is not an issue? So I would say go for it, especially if you find the workout of the day easier to follow.

I hope this helps!


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
@Nevetharine hi, it is balanced, yes, but there is a caveat. You can just follow the workout of the day indefinitely and it'll give you a pretty good overall structured training regimen. We specifically pick the workouts that complement each other if you do exactly that, follow the daily recommendation. You will get cardio, strength, hiit, ab work etc - we also mix things up, add some yoga, stretching, very light work to help you recover etc. It's not random at all :happy: There is a small "but" there, though. We only feature workouts that require no equipment so anyone can follow them. Unfortunately, that often excludes workouts with "pull" motions - for those you need a pull-up bar or dumbbells. There are some workarounds (and we implements them all in our no-equipment workouts) but if your goal is to build back and biceps to a higher extend, following our workout of the day is not enough. It's more than enough if your goal is general fitness and well-being, core strength, VO2max, endurance etc but not, well, bigger arms and back. In your case, though, I am guessing this is not an issue? So I would say go for it, especially if you find the workout of the day easier to follow.

I hope this helps!
Thanks for the answer! Doesn't sound like that would be an issue in my case. I'm just interested in maintaining bone density as I get older at this point... or to age gracefully I suppose.

Reason being that I can't stick with any sort of preset program. I should count it as a win that I'm still moving daily, even just going for a 2-3km walk.

But body goals? Eh. Forget it. Dunno what changes but I used to be able to complete programs and now I just do them for a couple of days, then motivation vanishes. (who knows why? Fatigue, stress, perceived time limits etc.)


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 972
"I just work here."
It's not you, it's just the world around us right now. We are all exhausted, physically and mentally. It's difficult to stick to anything right now, stay motivated or just spend time on self care. You are not alone, that's all I am saying :happy:

One thing you get with the workout of the day is that it's going to be something different every day. Our programs tend to have set structure with things being somewhat on repeat. And although it is by design, it can be not as exciting, I guess. That's said, a lot of the latest research indicates that for women's health in particular - bone density included, weight training is very, VERY beneficial. Even if you do 5 minutes a day, on the side. It's one of the reasons we are now adding more dumbbell / kettlebell / barbell workouts to the database. I personally do both - circuit and classic weight training exactly for that reason. As I am getting older, I really feel it :climb: It's just my two cents. My core belief is that you should do things that you enjoy, so long as you do something. The goal here is to keep going :singlehop:


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Right so I did the workout of the day... which is ab work. (Did you guys make it standing abs on purpose because I moaned about ab work yesterday? Lol, just kidding) .

And then I got cocky and did this. I nearly died. And could only do half of it anyway.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
It's not you, it's just the world around us right now. We are all exhausted, physically and mentally. It's difficult to stick to anything right now, stay motivated or just spend time on self care. You are not alone, that's all I am saying :happy:

One thing you get with the workout of the day is that it's going to be something different every day. Our programs tend to have set structure with things being somewhat on repeat. And although it is by design, it can be not as exciting, I guess. That's said, a lot of the latest research indicates that for women's health in particular - bone density included, weight training is very, VERY beneficial. Even if you do 5 minutes a day, on the side. It's one of the reasons we are now adding more dumbbell / kettlebell / barbell workouts to the database. I personally do both - circuit and classic weight training exactly for that reason. As I am getting older, I really feel it :climb: It's just my two cents. My core belief is that you should do things that you enjoy, so long as you do something. The goal here is to keep going :singlehop:
You guys should make a full-body 5-10 minute dumbell workout. Maybe I'd be able to stick to that. 😂


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
WARNING. This is going to be a short story length post because I'm just dumping everything on my mind...

Man, I've had the worst night. I was up for half of it crying and feeling sorry for myself. And feeling pretty alone in the world. After being emotional like that, I'm super tired this morning. And my eyes feel like a thousand suns are burning them.

But I did the WOTD (Workout of the Day) on level 1.

And the Exercise of the Day, which was harder than I thought it was going to be...

And day 17 on the monthly challenge, which I'm getting a bit late to.

I'll do yoga later in the afternoon, go for my walks. I didn't feel like working out, but I just did it with a mindset of "let me just get it over with" and ended up feeling a bit better afterwards.

Well, if ever there were a sign that's telling me why I can't stick to anything these days --- I'm developing these tiny bumps on my fingers with water in them, like small blisters. I hear stress does that.

And since I don't always consciously feel stressed (not counting the meltdown of last night) I'm assuming it's the worst kind of stress that causes them - the enduring, low-grade kind.

I should probably try incorporating a meditation practice...

I do so many stuff when I'm grounded at home. Exercise, walking, yoga. The trouble is always that I have to choose between them all, or try to fit them all into a small timeslot, when I start working again. Because I want to do all of them! ATM yoga is my "meditation".

I get into the routine at home of spacing all that out throughout the day, and when I start working and it all gets squashed into 30 minutes. If I do it at all.

Now we move onto food.

Maybe I'll try writing out my menu here again. It's really just to help me have something other than my defaults.

Otherwise I just eat the same thing on autopilot everyday and obviously limit nutrition.

Often times, that thing is peanuts. Lots of peanuts. Still have no idea what it is with me and peanuts/peanutbutter. Like what is in them that my body keeps craving??? We have a 5kg bag of raw peanuts we got for cheap, and almost every weekend I pop a tray in the oven and dry roast them.

I've planted spinach. They haven't germinated yet, their time is around next Tuesday.

With me feeling so bad about myself these days, and being out of a job, I have this (OCD-ish) thing now where I'm trying to workout how to eat as nutritiously for as little as possible.

It's sad that I feel I have to limit food so I'm less of a burden on society. But it has the benefit... hah... of making me analyze really carefully what I put in my body.

In the afternoon I typically just eat meat. Save my portion from the previous night's dinner, add a portion of chicken because it's cheap(er). Then at night I eat anything else. Fruits, veg, carbs, and yes peanuts.

Today's menu looks like this:

Morning - Black Coffee. Water with ACV. (I just add a teaspoon of ACV to 750ml of water. For flavor.)

Lunch - Piece of chicken breast, chicken hearts. Can't be picky about organ meats when on a budget. The meat in the afternoon thing is about controlling insulin.

Dinner - (?) Red lentil fusilli, homemade tomato and onion gravy, follow that up with an avocado-blueberry smoothie, and a small square of pitted dates. Most of these were bought when I wasn't limiting myself. Freezer food.

Moving onto my book:

My current novel is about a city of mages. They're called Arcani. Some are civilian mages who have magic but not really enough to fight with, and then I have the main characters who are mage warriors. They fight against evil sorcerers, bad gods, and shades, which are demonic shadow creatures. The two main characters are identical twin brothers. One (the shadowborn) ended up on Earth, then gets sucked into a portal and lands in his real home. His brother grew up a noble prince mage. He grew up an orphan on Earth's streets, then ended up in an abusive household, before running away and becoming a thief.

They're like yin and yang... one has light magic (more, angelic warrior-like), and one has shadow magic (dark assassin-like. He's also a mute).

They come from a noble house, and they have these pendants that have a magestic bird on it. It's the emblem of their House.

The pendant itself also has a purpose when it comes to the shadowborn brother. It protects him from shades. As a shadowborn he can travel to realms and see things that other mages can't. The shades can make him fall into mania with their visions of war, torture and anything else that's evil, if he doesn't wear the pendant.

But now I'm trying to figure out the story of this bird. Because it is a massive creature, kind of eagle-like but completely white. I'm trying to figure out why it's the emblem of their House.

Maybe turning it into something like a mockingjay, but instead of copying sound it copies magic and amplifies it. Because there are many different kinds of magic in the world. Nature, elemental, light, dark, runic, mind control and more.

Ideas are welcome for the bird. I spend a lot of time writing/imagining but not enough reading other fantasy works to get new ideas. 😂

I'll stop talking now. 🙂


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963
Morning, :hi:

WOTD ✔ (I think I misunderstood this one, I did 20 reps on each side... probably doubled my work which was why it didn't feel like the Level 1 workout it is...)

Did 5 sets with EC, because one thing I've consistently kept doing, no matter the level of the workout, I never rest for longer than 1 minute.

Exercise of the day ✔

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔

I haven't done a combat-themed workout in a long time. And at first I wasn't into it, but then it actually started being fun. Because I listen to Viking music while working out, and I was pillaging this village...

Oh, and my calves are sore today from what could only be the jumping jacks from yesterday.

That's kind of terrible when you consider that jumping jacks used to be my RESTING exercise a few years ago.:phew:


Morning -

Black coffee and water. 3 boiled eggs.

Lunch - Baked chicken.

Dinner - Mash, corned beef (super healthy, I know), with spicy vegetable relish.

85% Lindt dark chocolate (it's not dark enough, but people where I live wouldn't dare try the 90%...)

Leftover smoothie from last night. It has strawberries, cabbage, avocado and half a banana. I promise you don't taste the cabbage... it's milder even than baby spinach.

**stands in front of spinach plants, swinging fists** Grow already! I want smoothies! Pretty please with sunshine and water on top? :plot:

I feel like I'm not the only author saying this today - but I SHOULD be writing... 😂


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Viking from The Depths
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WOTD ✔ I could hold each exercise for the full minute, except the second one. I think my back muscles are still tired because of yesterday's combat workout. Back's a bit sore today.

And couldn't do pigeon pose with the hands raised right off the bat. I had them behind me for a few breaths before lifting them up.

Exercise of the day ✔ All 50 sumo squats in one go.

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ This was my warmup.

I'll probably do another yoga sequence later in the day.

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - 2 boiled eggs, chicken breast.

Dinner - Greenbeans, leftover mash, barley. Kefir. 2 squares dark chocolate. And I'm still deciding between a pear or a square of cheese...

I've been meaning to tell you guys about this but I forgot! I remembered last night when someone made an *ick!* comment about my chocolate.

When I was still working there was this lady working with me. She was obese, and had a lot of health issues because of that.

But she had the habit of eating "vetkoek" every morning. Like seven of them. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a South African "staple", basically deep-fried dough. A small one has around 400 calories, and about zero nutritional value. She washes that off with a 1.5lt bottle of regular coke. Throughout the day she munches on lollipops and chips. Standard western pattern diet, right?

Now, one day we were talking about our lunches. And I was saying how convenient my lunch is. I just pack my portion of meat from the previous night's dinner and maybe add a couple of eggs.

She goes off and tells me she doesn't eat meat, because it's junk food, and she became obese eating it.

**cricket sounds**

I stared at her. Me being a storytelling, visual person, I considered painting the picture of her being dropped off in the middle of the Amazon jungle, with nothing to eat around except the plants that grow there or the animals she managed to hunt.

I wanted to tell her maybe it was the 1.5lt of sugar she drank alongside it, but that wouldn't have been nice.

And then I decided to just nod. Because anything I said that made sense would just sound like the ramblings of a madman.

And it all became clear to me.

No wonder I'm a freak in this town.

No wonder we have the problem of child malnourishment in this country, when the "staple" food is maize and stuff like vetkoek.

Maize porridge is alright, I eat it too on occation. But it has been processed to such a degree that there's nothing in it but the (minute) amounts of added vitamins. Even the whole corn cob would've been better.

It's got lots of carbs, but a body probably has to pull out of its reserves just to digest it, because the added vitamins in there is barely enough to make a dent in the nutritional pool (only 25% of the DRV, and only zinc and iron). It shouldn't be something you eat 3 times a day.

You guys should see the food hampers the needy people get. It's more sugar than protein. This is a standard one:

•5kg bag of Maize meal. A serving is 100g, and it makes a big bowl. So, I get that this is a lot of food, and the cheapest food, for someone who doesn't have anything else. But still.
•Processed packaged soup powders (they don't even have the added vitamins),
•Small packet of soy mince that's more soup powder than soy chunks. (I know, I've had to take several of these hampers before)
•1 can of pilchards (at least this is healthy, just fish, tomato paste and salt).
•One can of baked beans

And now here comes the best part:

•1lt of juice concentrate
•2 packets of hard candy
•Tiny packet with 20 teabags
•2.5kg sugar
•1 packet of cookies
•2 packets of jello

**narrows eyes, desperately searching for even a canned vegetable**

Our supermarket has these healthy mixes of seeds, dried fruit and nuts. There's a brainboost, heart health, energy, and digestive health mix. I bought some of them on sale a few months ago. 50% off, and it had nothing to do with their sell-by date.

This is why. Education... nutrition... not on our government's to-do list.

Rant over.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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WOTD ✔ 5 sets with 1 minute rest

Exercise of the day ✔ I had to take 4 breaks and curl up into a ball to release my lower back.

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ This was my warmup.

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream, cooked cabbage with tomato and onion gravy. Ground beef and chicken mixed in.

Dinner - 1 potato, slow-cooked venison stew, olive oil. 1 square dark chocolate, banana and peanutbutter.

I don't have a ton to say today, except that it's going to be HOT. 37°C and 40% humidity.

So for the best part of the day I'll probably just breathe ...


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Viking from The Depths
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WOTD ✔ 3 sets with 1 minute rest

Exercise of the day ✔ Substituted knee push-ups. I started with this one today.

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream.

Then, "mashed cabbage", with game stew and gravy. I blend the cabbage with water, then press out the liquid with a cloth. The result is a kind of smooth veggie mash. Then I cook that and have it as my "starch".

Dinner - Baked potato and onion, pork chop, mixed steamed vegetables, tomato and onion gravy. (I'm making the tomato and onion gravy to get rid of my ketchup addiction. It's just chopped tomatoes, onions, curry powder and a teeny bit of sugar, cooked down into a sauce.)

Dessert/snack - Banana with peanutbutter.

Haven't gotten around to writing those 500 words yet... I will eventually.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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WOTD ✔ 5 sets with 1 minute rest

Exercise of the day ✔ Phew! In one go.

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ My Warm-Up

The Olympian Day 1 ✔ 5 sets w/2min rest. I struggled a lot to breathe for the first 3 sets. And had to talk myself into doing 2 more. Oddly, once I got started with the 4th set, my lungs/heart adjusted and they ended up being easier.

Go on, ask me if I'm right in the head for doing WOTD, The Olympian, on level 2 no less, AND planning on participating in December events.

True Nevetharine style, zero to hero - we'll see how long it lasts before I, as the program so aptly puts it, crawl with the worms. FOR ASGARD! **Raises warhammer**

Food Plans:

- Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with milk. Big Ass Salad. Tomato, Cucumber, leftover pork chop, 2 boiled eggs, and half a potato. Dressed with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Dinner - Smoothie! No spinach though since mine seems to be struggling to grow... 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 really soft boiled egg (you won't notice...), some cabbage, a whole avocado, raw local honey to sweeten.

Snack - 1 cup Kefir. I say kefir, but actually that's not what it is. It's called Amasi or Maas, fermented milk. Tastes just like plain yoghurt, just a bit more funky. But I love it, drink it plain. My husband adds juice concentrate to make it taste like flavored yoghurt. I've used it before to replace buttermilk in baking, too.

Maybe fruit salad too because of this...
Screenshot_20231122-060933_Opera Mini.jpg

Pray for me. Why am I worried about crawling with worms if I'm already living in the fires of Oblivion?


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963

WOTD ✔ 1st set, 1min rest, 2nd set, 2min rest, 3rd set.

Exercise of the day ✔ I hate ab day. THIS was crawling with worms...

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ My Warm-Up

The Olympian Day 2 ✔ 5 sets w/1min rest. Except on set 4 and 5, and only for one exercise, I went down to knee push-ups. For all the rest, I did @Laura Rainbow Dragon 's trick of going from regular push-up to downdog. Probably spent more time in downdog than in push-up... but oh well. Flying with the gods compared to the ab work!

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream. Big Ass Salad. Tomato, Cucumber, chicken breast. Dressed with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Dinner - Venison stew, potato, pan-fried cabbage with relish.

Snack - Fruit Salad, 1 Date Energy Square.

Recipe for Date Energy Squares, makes 12:

Date and Nut (Seed) Energy Squares

- 1 cup dates, pitted (I used a block, so had to soak them in boiling water to soften)
- 1 cup nuts (I used sunflower seeds)
- 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Place the dates, nuts, cocoa powder, and vanilla extract in a food processor.

2. Process until the mixture turns into a sticky dough-like consistency.

3. Press the mixture into a pan lined with baking paper. Smooth it out with a wet spoon.

4. Cut into 12 squares, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,021
"Striving to be the change."
I don't know what's this that people keep saying about how 85% dark chocolate is so much more satiating than lower cocoa chocolate. I can, and have, eaten a whole 100g bar in one go.😅😅😅
I don't know about it being satiating. But the darker the chocolate, the less the sugar. So if your chocolate is super dark, you're not getting the same sugar rush followed by a crash that encourages more eating. I have some 90% cocoa chocolate that is only 1g of sugar per 15g. The 47% cocoa bars from the same company, on the other hand, are 50% sugar by weight. (I don't even want to think about how much sugar is in milk chocolate.)


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
That's exactly what I think they mean by satiating.

But it doesn't really help if you actually love the taste of dark chocolate, like I do. Black coffee and dark chocolate are the loves of my life...

Alright then there's my husband, and the parrot, and the cat....

Edit to add, I wish I could find 90% chocolate here.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
I'm probably a weirdo for finding this kind of music beautiful. But since music is my muse in writing - and my book's title is the title of one of the songs on this album (Shadowborn) I thought it was a sign...

The added bonus is that I have new tunes to workout to as well. Because we all need epic music when we push ourselves to our limits. It brings out the hero (in me at least).



Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963

WOTD ✔ 5 sets, 1min rest.

Exercise of the day ✔ In one go

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ My Warm-Up

The Olympian Day 3 ✔ I'm really feeling the DOMS today.

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream. Venison.

Dinner - Salad, tomato, cucumber, potato fried in tallow. Olive oil, balsamic vinegar. 1 date square. 1 block of 85% chocolate.

But of course, it's not all battle and darkness...

There has to be room for the light... The first, third, and fourth songs on this album I used to design my world in my book. They're more inspirational epic. Kind of whimsical...

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Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
G'day mates!

WOTD ✔ 3 sets, 1min rest.

Exercise of the day ✔ In one go

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ My Warm-Up

The Olympian Day 4 ✔ This only worked with this music... because savage warrior drums... I used them for tempo. Thought about dropping my arms a couple of times, but then just decreased speed and lowered the power I put behind each punch for a few seconds.

I can and I will. I've done Fighter's Codex before.

WOTD ✔ 2 more sets after Day 4 Olympian. 1 min rest between each.

Will add 20-30min of cycling later in the day. Maybe yoga too.

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream. Chicken breast & hearts.

Dinner - Salad: tomato, cucumber, potato, olives. Olive oil, balsamic vinegar. 1 date square. 2 squares of 85% chocolate. 1 cup amasi, 1 pear.

Horus: "I'm not strong enough..."
Ra: "So become stronger."
--- Gods of Egypt


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
I've developed another goal for all the exercising. In addition to doing it for bone health and to be an ass-kicking 90-year-old some day, well actually just maintaining my range of motion until that age, I have to work on stamina.

When I get hired again someday, I have to have stamina. Which has been sorely lacking from my life for a while.

Generally, once I sit down, I'm down. For the whole day. And it takes effort to get myself going again, like I'm already sixty at thirty.

Like I have to count to 3, effort. And even after a workout like this in the mornings, I have to consciously make myself get up and do something because I'm just fatigued.

So I'm aiming to improve stamina enough so I can be active throughout the day. Maybe lightly active with bursts of moderate to hard activity throughout. Think farm work-type active.

Not sure how to get there, though. I don't have that much housework to do in general. And my hobbies are spent sitting down too, reading, writing. 🤷‍♀️


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 963

WOTD ✔ 5 sets, 1min rest.

Exercise of the day ✔ In one go

Daily HIIT Challenge ✔ My Warm-Up

The Olympian Day 5 ✔ 5 sets, 2min rest. Slogged through it.

Food Plans:

Morning - Coffee, water.

Lunch - Coffee with cream. Chicken breast, cucumber, tomato and onion salad.

Dinner - Tomato, cucumber, potato, olives. Olive oil, balsamic vinegar. Pork ribs.

The heat is unbearable today. I almost didn't want to exercise because my legs are so heavy. And with loadshedding we don't even have much ventilation for most of the day. 38°C here today, high humidity. Tomorrow is supposed to be 40°C... le sigh.

I've installed Oblivion again. Between that and Skyrim, I'm getting more inspiration for writing. Haven't written in a few days. Just don't feel like it.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 963
Finally uploaded that new chapter. Only 1500 words and most of it's description of the world, but at least the story is moving forward.
And I'm only noticing this now after finishing that chapter, but I really couldn't care less for spelling, grammar, punctuation, or syntax while writing conversationally like this.

Yet when I'm officially writing it's all budding flowers... Especially now that I'm using two voices in the story, one being more modern conversational and the other old-world medieval.

I use AI to create images to bring the world in my imagination to life. Because my own attempt at digital artwork sucks.

This remind you guys of anything? (Totally not Oblivion, nope, not at all...much less Skyrim...)
