Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
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The trailer is everything I didn't know I needed, @GentleOx! I'm looking forward to it so much!

Seen The Mummy numerous times, but never in theatre. It came out the same year my sister was born! She wants to see it with someone else and I'm more than happy to oblige!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • If I start a game when I start my stretching, it can lead to forgetting I'm in position until I move
  • Sometimes very ouch 😂
  • Nobu cuddled last night!
  • Casper was on my bed for a while and demanded cuddles there and in the bathroom
  • He's started climbing on our shoulders, which is actually very fun!
  • Another tired day, but better than yesterday
  • Good: only one cup of tea
  • Happy: sister is visiting!!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Decided to make gumbo for dinner, and that's not the most fun to make on a whim
  • Went and tasted great! Just something to make when I have a little more prep time
  • Nobu hasn't been feeling the best
  • Runny eyes, massive sneezes (I would have thought a child sneezed on me!), and general discomfort
  • I do seem to be his favorite person to come to, though
  • Look at this baby 🥹
  • He also slept in my room last night
  • I was then blessed when I sat down this morning
  • A paw? on my shoulder?? while he slept???
  • To balance all of this, I slipped on the floor Dad cleaned
  • Minor aches right now; fingers crossed I'll be fine tomorrow! 🤞
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: when I sat down with an ice pack, Nobu came up to see what was wrong 🥹


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @Mamatigerj, @NancyTree, @MadamMeow!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • My ankle is a bit tender and my hip flexors are both tight
  • But otherwise I'm okay!
  • We took a surprise visit to Canada and did a lot of walking
  • It was cold and delightful!
  • Nobu is being his usual self!
  • He betrayed me earlier and sat on Dad's lap 😤
  • He came back to me in the end!
  • Then the twins were waiting for me after my shower
  • We just met River Song. I'll be okay sometime tomorrow 😭😭
  • Good: lots of walking
  • Happy: it's been a great day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Caught up!
  • Bike ride: .8 miles
  • I almost didn't go out, but talked myself into it!
  • My mobility is great; endurance isn't
  • Weather going forward will have many more days to ride!
  • (Minus tomorrow, it's going to rain)
  • Woke to Casper on my bed and demanding attention when he noticed I was up
  • Best picture yet!!
  • Nobu hasn't been in my lap yet, but he did choose right behind me earlier!
  • It's been a quiet day
  • My ankle is unhappy with the bike ride, though not painful, thankfully
  • Good: bike
  • Happy: Casper!!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • ❤️ @Anek, @CODawn
  • Basics
  • Productive yet quiet day
  • I had a nap and Nobu joined me!
  • Though, this cat logic escapes me
  • This cat will almost never join me on my bed, but I fall asleep on the couch and my lap is fair game??
  • I'm not complaining! Just confused 🤔
  • Good: lots of chores done
  • Happy: only one short nap with Nobu


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • I have done not much more today than watch Doctor Who
  • Not great for my emotions, but delightful all the same!
  • Nobu has only been cuddling me at night
  • If that's all I'll get, I won't complain!
  • Lazy Sundays are delightful!
  • Good: got out of the house
  • Happy: Doctor Who!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Bike Ride: 2.73km
  • I cannot think what I did today 😅
  • I'm talking to my sister and that's all that's on my mind
  • She's had a day, but seems to be doing better!
  • Casper has been demanding more attention, which is always lovely!
  • Nobu didn't cuddle last night 😭
  • He did wake me up, though, after I fell asleep on the couch
  • That's a win!
  • Good: bike ride
  • Happy: talking to sister!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Upper Body Blast Challenge
  • posture Challenge (again)
  • back & shoulders Challenge (again)
  • There was an unfortunate lack of bike riding this month 😭
  • It really lived up to April showers bring May flowers!
  • (That's much more of a proverb than I've ever taken it 🤔)
  • May should definitely have more riding!
  • Sister and I talked for 4.5 hours last night. That's a record!
  • We chatted today and are going to see The Mummy tomorrow!!
  • I heard the tortoise earlier, but didn't worry; she gets herself into some tight corners
  • Dad found her:
  • Of all the places... 😂
  • More cuddles from Casper than Nobu
  • That back room is just too tempting
  • Good: made supper
  • Happy: sister!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348

  • :thanku: @MadamMeow, @NancyTree, @Fremen, @Mamatigerj, @Haleth, @Anek!
  • She's a bit of a brat, but we love her, @MadamMeow!
  • Basics
  • This month's schedule:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • 60 Days of HIIT Program
  • Abs and Core Blast Challenge
  • better arms Challenge
  • cardio Challenge
  • Iron Glutes Challenge
  • The last 3 challenges are repeats
  • I will be doing more riding this month!!
  • None today, though the weather was stunning
  • Wasn't able to fit it in, unfortunately
  • Time with my sister is much more important!
  • Speaking of: The Mummy is exceptional in theatre!
  • (It helps that we were the only ones there 😂 It's an awesome way to watch a movie!)
  • (The talking we did! 🤣)
  • Nobu cuddled with me last night!!
  • We had a good sprawl! 🥰
  • Good & Happy: time with my sister!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • It's been a great day!
  • Even before Tyler set me right, I GOT THEO KISSES!!
  • He let me hug him, and the cuddled on my lap!!
  • He's the best boy!
  • Went into the city for lunch
  • It's always fun to see the architecture!
  • Napped when we got home
  • And now we're watching movies!
  • All of this rolls over from last night when my Nobu demanded cuddles
  • We had a magnificent sprawl, but the very best had me stifling screams
  • !!!!!
  • I'll be looking at that picture and smiling for days!
  • Good: back is realigned
  • Happy: great day and Bee tomorrow!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Today has been a day
  • Had an emotional breakthrough this morning that led to a dizzying melt of relief
  • Saw Bee, who released an immense amount of physical stress
  • (I have a whole lot of cupping marks this month!)
  • And the tortoise got out when I didn't realize the gate wasn't fully closed
  • Multiple hands were involved, but animal control got ahold of us and everything was concluded a few minutes ago
  • Biggest surprise? She is a he!
  • I need some Nobu cuddles at this point 😅
  • He was especially cute last night
  • Good: stresses are all resolved
  • Happy: Bee!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Thank you, @CODawn!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Wanted to give my back a little more time to rest
  • Calm and gentle have done the trick!
  • More people now know about our tortoise and he's a bit of a celebrity
  • I suppose people don't often see them around here!
  • (It's mostly kids, and they're adorable!)
  • Nobu cuddled last night, though only briefly
  • My hope is that he'll join me more when the air conditioning comes on
  • It's been a lovely day with a hopefully early night
  • May the 4th be with you, Bees!
  • Good: took it easy
  • Happy: quiet day


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Caught up
  • My sister stopped by!
  • The cats were happy, too!
  • She's great with a camera
  • Had Mexican for lunch and Mom got a sombrero
  • Her first thought after coming home?
  • He ignored it 😂
  • Nobu cuddled last night!
  • (I got hot 🥵)
  • He wasn't too sure about how my legs were crossed at first
  • That settled quickly 😂
  • Good & Happy: a day with my sister!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Migraine hit just after lunch and stuck around until just a bit ago
  • I'm very thankful the clamshells were today!
  • Fingers crossed the headache is gone for good 🤞
  • Casper couldn't decide if he wanted to cuddle or not
  • He'd settle for a few minutes, then jump down, wander the house, and repeat
  • I got some cuddles, at least!
  • Nobu cuddled last night and joined me on my bed!!!
  • I woke up very happy!
  • And Nox chose love this morning, too!
  • Other than the migraine, today's been great!
  • Good: listened to my head and rested
  • Happy: kittens!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Caught up
  • Bike ride: 3.3km
  • It was a beautiful ride!
  • My longest yet!
  • Casper insisted on cuddling when l was crouching
  • He managed it! But why??
  • Cats!
  • Speaking of, I apologize for the volume
  • Ahem.
  • I smiled so hard I had to rub my cheeks
  • He was there when I went to bed and stayed until Mom got up. He came back and didn't leave for good until Dad woke up
  • I am indescribably happy 🥰🥰
  • I think that's what's been propelling me all day
  • Good: bike ride
  • Happy: NOBU!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Busy day!
  • Why is it so hard to write these while watching Doctor Who? 😂
  • Nobu cuddled last night on the couch
  • I can't even complain about not having him on my bed because he was adorable
  • We went from an excellent sprawl
  • To the cutest position to fall back asleep in 😻
  • He even ignored Casper being a brat!
  • Good: full day
  • Happy: finished hardest part of Mom's Mother's Day gift


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Bike ride: ~2.6km
  • I forgot to set my watch again
  • Yesterday it was so windy that gusts were making the car move while driving
  • It seemed safer to just not ride
  • Made up for it today!
  • Braved a route I used to walk that has almost no sidewalks
  • Very easy, thankfully!
  • Got out to a nursery and found peppers! Fingers crossed I don't kill them this time 😬🤞
  • (Habanero and Ghost peppers, specifically; I may not have luck with the ghost due to location, but I'm willing to try!)
  • The twins were very curious when I closed the doors in the back room yesterday
  • So cute!
  • No cuddles last night, and Nobu wasn't on my bed 😭
  • He may have joined me as I was falling asleep, though!
  • Good: went to the nursery
  • Happy: found my peppers!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • My day got a little away from me!
  • I had to play with gluten free pie crust again
  • It beat me again 😞
  • I'll get it one day!
  • And, thankfully, Mom doesn't mind crustless quiche
  • More cooking tomorrow, but that's easy
  • New Doctor Who episode today!!!
  • I can wait, but I don't want to! 😅
  • Nobu cuddled briefly last night
  • Toe beans!!
  • And then ignored me until this morning, the brat
  • Good: worked through frustration
  • Happy: DOCTOR WHO!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Caught up
  • Weather turned very rainy AFTER I finished cooking 🤦‍♀️
  • It looks bad tomorrow, too, unfortunately
  • We'll see how it goes!
  • Mom wanted an afternoon tea for Mother's Day, so that's what we did!
  • It was lovely!
  • (And my scones turned out as expected, so my gluten free dough was vindictated! I'll figure out pie crust eventually...)
  • Doctor Who was exceptional!
  • I'm very curious where they're taking us, because I would have expected episode 2's villain to be a season's ender. RTD is back!!
  • They name dropped two characters I SO want to see again, so that's a hope for the future!
  • And Nobu made it the very best night
  • Doctor Who AND cuddles?? It doesn't get any better!
  • Good & Happy: tea was wonderful


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Had lunch out at Mom's request
  • Hit the store on the way back and got my planters!
  • Habaneros have their temporary homes until we fence off their future home
  • Tortoise, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, and (most probably) deer necessitate boundaries and netting
  • It's too cold yet to put them out, anyway, so it's no problem
  • The ghosts will wait until tomorrow; they will stay in planters I can bring inside if necessary
  • Chatted with my sister while crafting, which is the best thing to do with busy hands!
  • Nobu insisted on cuddles, which wasn't at all helpful 😂
  • He got fully into my lap after that and I took a short break
  • Casper insisted on cuddles this morning
  • He chose just before I stood up to exercise
  • Cats!
  • Good: bought planters
  • Happy: all the cuddles!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • I took an unexpected rest day
  • Other than exercising and showering, I've read
  • Slept 3 hours past my alarm 🤯
  • Even ignored Casper wanting chest cuddles!
  • (He left in a huff 😂)
  • Fingers crossed this lethargy passes tonight 🤞
  • In happier news, Nobu cuddled last night!
  • We had a good sprawl!
  • And in best news: my sister got a promotion!!
  • We're so happy for her!
  • Good: exercised
  • Happy: so proud of my sister!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Thank you, @Mamatigerj!
  • Basics
  • Busy day!
  • It took a trip to the store, but I potted my ghosts!
  • Mom and I figured out the particulars of the garden for my habaneros
  • That'll probably happen on Sunday
  • Bike ride: 2.44km
  • I started downhill and it was almost all up from there
  • I all but collapsed upon returning home
  • Good for endurance, at least!
  • Caught a great picture!
  • So pretty!
  • Nobu was on the end of my bed last night!
  • If he joined me, I was not conscious
  • Good: all peppers potted
  • Happy: productive day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Bike ride: 2.4km
  • Did an easy route just to get outside
  • Glad I did, though!
  • It was supposed to thunderstorm a lot and instead was vaguely cloudy 🤷‍♀️
  • Casper has been demanding attention today
  • Not too bad, until you just want to go to the bathroom in peace
  • Cats!
  • Speaking of: Nobu all but said, "wanna bet?" when I told him it was time for bed last night
  • I walked away, but the willpower it took! 😂
  • Today is a milestone I've forgotten to look forward to for years:
  • 7 years of continuous exercise!
  • I'm celebrating by eating cake
  • (I think I deserve it after all those burpees today! Why today, of all days??)
  • Good: bike ride
  • Happy: 7 years! And cake!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • Basics
  • Bike ride: 4.3 km
  • I just rode until I felt tired and pulled up the map on my phone to find my way home
  • I'll definitely stop before getting tired next time
  • The hill that leads to my street was too much and I had to walk up it 😅
  • Excellent ride, though!
  • There's so much to explore!
  • Yesterday, two different cats joined me in the bathroom
  • Today, Casper climbed my chest while I was exercising until I held him
  • I could complain, but cuddles!!
  • I had Nobu last night, which was as warm as it was lovely!
  • Good: new bike route
  • Happy: people around here are excellent around bikers!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,348
  • I can't believe I forgot to thank you all yesterday!
  • :thanku: @MadamMeow, @HellYeah, @Fremen, @GentleOx, @aku-chan, @Anek
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Went to bed last night with a headache and woke with a migraine
  • Other than cuddling with Nobu, those back fists are the extent of activity today
  • I can assuage some guilt with the rain
  • I wouldn't have been able to ride in that
  • New Doctor Who tonight!!
  • Good: calmed my headache some
  • Happy: Nobu cuddles!