Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another night of not much sleep, I tried with the exercises but I'm just too tired:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Side Jacks (EotD) done,
Chapter 1 (WotD) attempted (1 set),
Day 5 of Soma 40+ attempted (1 set),
Day 5 of Epic Legs attempted (1 set),
Stretched done.

Housemate is very poorly at the moment, hopefully she'll be okay until tomorrow, trying to get a Doctor on a weekend is a nightmare, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Housemate is doing a bit better, so I got a decent nights sleep:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 High Crunches (EotD) done,
Obstacle Run (WotD) attempted (Only 1 set, but I'm pleased that I did manage to do the whole set),
Day 6 of Soma 40+ done,
Day 6 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
Stretched done.

Going to try and get the Housemate out the house later, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @colin

Bit headachey today (Gotta remember not to oversleep!), but I did what I could:-

Universal Warmup done,
50 Balance Leg Swings (EotD) done (Took a while, just got no balance today),
The Boulder (WotD) attempted (Got most of one set done, Planking was too tough on my feet today),
Day 7 of Soma 40+ done (Wasn't bendy enough for a couple of the poses but I tried),
Day 7 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Housemate isn't doing too great today, thought she was getting better but apparently not :sad:, going to be another quiet day at home, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Housemate still isn't doing too great and I've been too tired and frazzled to exercise. Tried a bit today, did better than I thought I would but didn't manage to finish everything:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Squat Hops On The Spot (EotD) done,
Titania (WotD) attempted (2 sets with regular Lunges, Punch Crunches and Knee Push-Ups),
Day 8 of Soma 40+ attempted (2 sets, too many Lunges! :crawl: ),
Day 8 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
Stretched done.

Gotta figure out what to do with myself today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Got very lightheaded and dizzy doing Jumping Jacks, I think I'm just not drinking enough at the moment, so I'm going to make sure I'm hydrated and try again tomorrow:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Side-To-Side Backfists (EotD) done,
Ninja attempted (1 set, this is a fun one but the timer doesn't work properly, I ended up doing about 2 minutes of Knife Hand Strikes before I realised :sadness: )
Day 9 of Soma 40+ attempted (Half a set).

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Woke up rather headachey and blah (Despite my best intentions all I had to drink yesterday was a can of soda), so no bouncy exercises today:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Plank Crunches (EotD) attempted (I could Plank but not move my legs, so I did regular Crunches instead),
Spotlight done (3 sets),
Second Spring done (3 sets),
Day 9 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Gotta do better looking after myself today, drink more and have something decent and healthy-ish for dinner, I might make soup.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Finally managed to get past Day 9 of Soma 40+, yay! :yas:

Universal Warmup done,
Upperbody Tendon Strength (WotD) done (Glad this was just the one set, had very noodlely arms afterwards.),
Day 9 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 10 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Doing better with the drinking (I'm trying to make sure I have a glass or mug of something every couple of hours) and eating (Last nights Fishcakes may not have worked, but the Tuna-Filled Mashed Potatoes I ended up with were surprisingly tasty!).
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another day done!

Universal Warmup done,
30 Toe Taps (EotD) done,
Star Master (WotD) done (Must admit I got bored and didn't do 3 minutes with either leg),
Day 10 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets, those Deadlifts are tough on the old spine),
Day 11 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Housemate is feeling a bit better so I'm going to take her for a walk downtown, see y'all Sunday!


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Good thing I'd already planned to take yesterday off, Housemate has really gone downhill again, hopefully she's feeling a bit better when she wakes up this morning but I definitely gotta get her to the Doctors on Monday.

At least I managed my exercises today:-

Universal Warmup done,
60 Seconds Balance Hold (EotD) done (Balance still isn't great, but better than usual),
Serenity (WotD) done (I can't do that sitting pose, can't work out where my legs are supposed to go, but I did what I could),
Day 11 of Soma 40+ done (Again with the sitting pose, I bet it's actually really simple to do but it's just not clicking in my brain),
Day 12 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
Stretched done.

Going to be another day of trying to keep myself quietly occupied so I don't get all worried and stressed, see y'all tomorrow!


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Angry exercises today :mad::-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Seconds Raised Leg Plank Hold (EotD) done (Could only raise one leg though),
Chop-Chop (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 12 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets, had to switch to normal Lunges after the first set, have balance issues doing the Split kind),
Day 13 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Really annoyed with the Housemate this morning. Couldn't get a home visit from the Doctors so I made a regular appointment, but the Housemate won't get out of bed or anything because she's "Fine" and doesn't need a Doctor, even though she's been asleep pretty much all weekend and the house stinks of pee because shes not even waking up to go to the toilet. So I've had to cancel the appointment for today, I'll keep trying to make a home visit one, but otherwise I'm washing my hands of the whole business, if she wants to get really ill that's on her, I'm fed up of being worried all the time.

Going to have a quiet day of painting the model I put together yesterday, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @colin @CODawn @MadamMeow @Maegaranthelas @JCU - It's mostly just frustration because I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I may technically be a carer, but I don't have any training or anything, I'm just a dude who looks after their landlady because they're too inept and socially awkward to get a real job.

Did a bit of exercising but I'm tired, achey and just not really in the mood:-

Universal Warmup done,
6 Tricep Extensions (EotD) done (1 normal, 5 on my kness),
Hero (WotD) attempted (1 set. I like that there are videos for a lot of these workouts now, discovered I've been doing Plank stuff all wrong, no wonder I used to fall over a lot!)
Day 13 of Soma 40+ attempted (2 sets),
Day 14 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets).

Didn't have much luck getting the Housemate sorted out yesterday either.
Phoned up the Doctors to try and book a home visit:-
Receptionist:- Home visits are only for the seriously ill, you'll have to speak to a Doctor to see if you qualify,
Doctor One:- That sounds serious, one of my colleagues will come round later,
Doctor Two:- She'll probably need tests doing at the Hospital, instead of coming around I'll get an ambulance to pick her up,
Ambulance Person:- Nah mate, not a job for us, I'll get the Doctor to come around and sort things out,
Doctor Three:- It's a bit late now, we'll try and send someone round tomorrow,
Me:- :giveup:

At least the house smells better now, managed to get the Housemate up for a couple hours on Monday so I could change the bed (Literally, I had to swap it out for an old spare bed that, fortunately, we'd never got around to throwing away).

So just gotta twiddle my thumbs and wait, always waiting, but there's Sausage Coddle for dinner if I get a chance to go to the grocery store.


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Bard from The Netherlands
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"I sing and I know things"
I agree with @colin , Care Work is hard work!
Just because our societies undervalue it, doesn't make it any less worthy.
I rely on care work to have a decent standard of living, so I thank you for doing what you do :heartsit:
I also do emotional care work for friends (mutual caring, yay!) and sometimes random people who stumble into my life with problems
It is a-okay to grumble about care-work when it gets super frustrating!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks again @Maegaranthelas @colin

Glad today was a light workout day, don't think my back could've managed anything strenuous:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Back Leg Raises (EotD) done,
Re-Gen (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 14 of Soma 40+ done (Couldn't quite work out Pose 6 but I sort of got my body in the right place),
Day 15 of Epic Legs done.

The Housemate saga continues.
Got a call from Doctor 4 yesterday, who was going to send round a Nurse to take a blood sample, they haven't appeared yet though.
Today I got a call from Doctor 5, who is going to pop around this afternoon (Hopefully).
I'm beginning to suspect these Doctors don't actually talk to each other, but at least things seem to be going in the right direction.

Went shopping too late last night, so Sausage Coddle for tonight's dinner.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Tried doing some exercising today, but I think I'm coming down with a bad cold, all I want to do is sleep:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds March Jacks (EotD) done,
Wild and Free (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 15 of Soma 40+ attempted (2 sets).

Finally had some success with the Hosuemate:-
Both the promised Doctor and Nurse visited, saw how bad it was, took some blood, and she was rushed into hospital yesterday because her kidneys aren't in great shape.
Not all good news though, they don't know if she'll get any better, so I'm pretty angry with that first pair of paramedics who examined her. Had they taken her to hospital to have tests done, like they were asked, rather than getting all disgruntled that the Doctor wasn't following procedure, they would've discovered all this 3 days sooner and that might have made all the difference.

So today's plan is to go sit with the Housemate in hospital, see what's happening, then home and bed. :night:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Maegaranthelas @PetiteSheWolf @JCU

Missed yesterday, was really tired because I haven't been sleeping well (And having a bit of a lie-in to catch up made it worse somehow :gotq:), did okay this morning though:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Side Leg Raises (EotD) done,
Torch (WotD) done (3 sets, had to do normal Leg Raises instead of Plank ones),
Day 16 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 16 of Epic Legs done (Urgh... Too many Leg Raises today),
Stretched done.

Going to visit the Housemate later today, hopefully she's in a better mood (She doesn't like being in hospital, I don't think many people do, but usually she accepts that it's for her own good, not this time though, apparently she's still "Fine"), see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another decent morning of exercising:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Around The Worlds (EotD) attempted (I tried but I kept falling over),
Arms Of Steel (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 17 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 17 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Visiting the Housemate again and then it's Greek Stew for dinner (Possibly quite a few dinners, the world needs more 1 and 2 person recipes!).
Also gotta find something new to watch. I've finished Delicious in Dungeon (Good, looking forward to season 2) and started Agatha All Along (Also good), need to see what else can be knocked off the "To Watch" list.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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A light morning of exercise for someone who doesn't have much "omph" today:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Reverse Lunges (EotD) done,
Nomad (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 18 of Soma 40+ done (Like all Yoga days wasn't stretchy enough for some of the poses),
Day 18 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
Stretched done.

Another day of visiting the Housemate and stew for dinner (At least it's tasty), see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Missed yesterday, overslept. I've had to stop my experiment of getting up an hour earlier, it didn't seem like much of a change but it's made me so tired all week.

Even with my extra hour of sleep I didn't do great today, my back wasn't happy so I had to cut exercising short, I'll try again tomorrow:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Wide Arm Circles (EotD) done,
Easy Abs (WotD) attempted (1 set, didn't have space for the Wipers),
Day 19 of Soma 40+ attempted (1 set),
Day 19 of Epic Legs attempted (1 set).

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Did marginally better today, managed everything but had to take maximum breaks:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Toe Rolls (EotD) done,
Out Of Control (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 19 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets, those Lunges to Shoulder Presses are evil!),
Day 19 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Not doing too great at the moment, thought the Housemate was getting better but she had really gone downhill again when I visited yesterday, it's got me worried and thinking about the future, and I hate thinking about the future!
Going to try and not get too melancholy about things, hopefully I'll be up to making Chicken and Sweetcorn Soup for dinner, although, as long as I do better than last night's dinner of Cheese Strings and M&M's, I'll be heading in the right direction. See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Had a decent workout this morning:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Sit-Up Punches (EotD) done (I did Crunches),
Day 20 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 20 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
My Happy Place (WotD) done (Haven't done the Meditation yet, I'll have a quiet think when I'm on the bus today),
Stretched done.

Housemate had perked up a bit when I visited and my soup was tasty, so I'm calling yesterday a win, let's see what today brings, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Yay! The power must have come back on while I was out!

Did okay with my exercises this morning:-

Universal Warmup done,
10 Dragon Push-Ups (EotD) attempted (Sorta managed one, did the rest as Knee Push-Ups),
Party Of One (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 21 of Epic Legs done,
Day 21 of Soma 40+ done.

It's been a long old day, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Didn't get everything done this morning, but considering how lightheaded I feel at the moment (I pretty much forgot to drink anything yesterday), I think I did okay:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds High Knees (EotD) done,
Body Patch Plus (WotD) attempted (1 set with Knee Push-Ups),
Day 22 of Soma 40+ attempted (2 sets),
Day 22 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets).

Gotta remember to hydrate! See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Did much better this morning:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Bridge Taps (EotD) done,
Tempered Steel (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 23 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 23 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Finished another book yesterday (I'm now 2 books through the Thrawn Trilogy), probably the only good thing about the Housemate being in hospital is that I get plenty of opportunity to get some reading in travelling to and fro visiting her. So far I've got through 4 Discworlds, a Dr Who and a Star Wars, doesn't seem to be making much of a dent in the pile though!
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Missed a few days.
Came down with a bad cold I'm struggling to shift (Guess my immune system isn't robust enough for public transport these days), still not 100% but thought I'd do a bit:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Hooks (EotD) done,
Shredder (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 24 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 24 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets),
Stretched done.

I'm also having another go at getting up earlier (That extra hour is just too dang useful!), but I'm going to pair it with going to bed earlier too. So like others before me I'm going to add a little section to my thread (Just for the rest of the month, that should be enough to be habit forming):-

GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
(I was actually 9 minutes late going to bed and 40 minutes early getting up, but I think that's close enough).

A bit of a worrying development in the Housemate department:-
She wasn't in her usual spot when I visited yesterday. Turns out she had a bit of a freakout during the night and attacked another patient and a couple of nurses, so they moved her into a side room for everybody's safety. The lady I spoke to did come off as a bit of a busybody, so I don't know if she was exaggerating events or not (And I couldn't get anything out of the Housemate, she was just very angry and confused), but something happened and I'm worried what the consequences are going to be.
Guess I'll just have to see what's said at today's visit, which I'm really not looking forward to.

Got to get back to cooking dinner again (I was good though and only ordered one takeaway while I was poorly), it's Tuna Pasta tonight.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @PetiteSheWolf - She seemed a lot happier when I visited yesterday.

Another morning of exercising done:-

Universal Warmup done,
40 Archers (EotD) done,
Upperbody Works (WotD) attempted (2 sets, my arms were just too noodlely at that point),
Day 25 of Soma 40+ done,
Day 25 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
(10 minutes late going to bed again, but while I'm aiming for an 11:30 bedtime as long as I'm there before 12:00 I'm not going to worry.)

Not much to report on the Housemate front:-
Despite my fears nothing was said about the incident. Housemate still doesn't remember why or when she was moved into a side room, but she's happier in there and as she appears to have caught the chest infection the lady in the bed next to her had, it's probably for the best too.
I think the woman who told me what happened was making a much bigger deal out of it, probably annoyed that sticking her nose into someone's business got her punched in the face this time.

Got to figure something else out for dinner tonight, I ate both portions of Tuna Pasta yesterday (It was surprisingly yummy for such a simple recipe), and find a new book to read (I finished the Star Wars: Thrawn trilogy. It was good, definitely felt like something they could've made movies about, still don't get the fandom's obsession with Thrawn though, I know writing hyper-intelligent, super-insightful characters can be tricky, but he was very poorly done IMO).

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Maegaranthelas - Made the classic mistake of halving the recipe thinking I would only want two portions.

Ache all over today, so just did a little bit:-

Universal Warmup done,
Upperbody Works Plus attempted (2 sets),
Zombies Walk attempted (1 set),
Stretched done.

Had a long old day yesterday, the bus broke down on the way home, and I could either have waited who knows how long for a replacement to arrive or walk the rest of the way. I choose to walk not realising that:- 1. I'd badly miscalculated how far the rest of the way actually was and 2. I haven't really done much walking at all the last few weeks (Plus I'm still getting used to walking upright, not hunched over a wheelchair).
This morning I hurt from the soles of my feet to about 2/3's the way up my back.

At least I've got Chilli for dinner to look forward to, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,117
Thanks! @JCU

It was a hard lot of exercises today, but I tried:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Split Lunges (EotD) done,
Armor Abs (WotD) attempted (1 set),
Day 26 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets, couldn't hold a Plank on the third set though),
Day 26 of Epic Legs done (Over 2 sets).

GTBOT:- :v:
GUOT:- :v:
(Forgot to do this yesterday, failed miserably on both anyways).

Not much going on today so I'll see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Woot! Did everything this morning! :dancy:

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds O-Pose Hold (EotD) done,
Best Thing Since Sliced Bread (WotD) done (3 sets. I like this one, the Squats give my arms a break and stop them becoming too noodlely),
Day 27 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 27 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

Trying something outside my comfort zone for dinner, Coconut Dal with Aubergine.
I hope I like it, I had to go all the way to the big supermarket for an aubergine (At least this meant I got to play with the hand scanner and make "Pew pew" noises as I shopped :LOL:).
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Missed yesterday, was feeling pretty low and couldn't see the point of getting out of bed, so I didn't.
Still not feeling great but trying to make more of an effort today:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Half Jacks (EotD) done,
Burrito Mode (WotD) done,
Day 28 of Soma 40+ done,
Day 28 of Epic Legs done,
Stretched done.

At least that new recipe I tried was nice, and was even yummier when I had the reheated leftovers for breakfast this morning.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,117
Thanks! @JCU @Maegaranthelas

Too many Lunges this morning, really struggled and couldn't quite get everything done:-

Universal Warmup done,
5 Jump Knee Tucks (EotD) done (I tried but I still can't bring myself to tuck my legs in),
Step It Up (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 29 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets),
Day 29 of Epic Legs attempted (3 sets, was just too wobbly to manage that 4th set).

I'd set aside the rest of this morning, because I thought I'd be ages on the phone (I'd completely forgotten I was supposed to let the benefits people know if the Housemate went into hospital), but it all got sorted out really quickly. Now I've got to figure out something to do.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Woohoo! Finished things! :yas:

Universal Warmup done,
20 Scissors (EotD) done,
Herald (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 30 of Soma 40+ done (3 sets, and finished! I enjoyed this one even though I wasn't twisty enough for the Yoga days),
Day 30 of Epic Legs done (And finished! Didn't enjoy this one as much, hated the Side Leg Raises, never did manage to do a full set in one go),
Stretched done.

Chicken Saag for dinner, that's the last of my chicken but I don't want to restock the freezer until it's empty, however it's full of burgers and fish fingers (The fish fingers I kinda understand, but why have I been buying so many burgers?).
Also going the visit the Housemate, hopefully she's getting a bit better, she hasn't been doing so great on my last couple of visits.
See y'all tomorrow!