Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Ranger from West Virginia, United States
Posts: 38
Woohoo! Finished things
Napoleon Dynamite Reaction GIF

Hope the housemate is doing better.


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,112
Thanks! @Maegaranthelas @Obsinosterous @NancyTree @MadamMeow @Lady Celerity @HellYeah @VacTom @JCU @TopNotch @WolfDreamer - Feels good to be finishing programs again, it's been too long!

Missed yesterday, overslept, and I'd been doing so well at the whole 'getting up earlier' thing too. :sad:
Managed stuff today though:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 Tap Side Lunges (EotD) done (Couldn't get my hands all the way to the floor),
2 Minute Abs (WotD) done,
Day 1 of Total Body attempted (Couldn't manage all 5 sets, also had to do regular Leg Raises instead of Plank ones. This program may be too tough for me, but I'll try for a few days to see how I do),
Day 1 of Epic Cardio done,
Stretched done.

Danged bureaucracy! :stomp:
Trying to get the landlord to fix something, but they won't unless the Housemate requests it. I tried explaining that she's not here and I don't know when she will be, but it didn't help though. No idea what sort of elaborate scam they think I'm trying to pull, at least I can stop it being a problem, would rather have it fixed though.

Things aren't going too great on the Housemate front either:- Physically she's getting better but I've never seen her this bad mentally though. Yesterday she didn't know where she was, I don't think she entirely knew who I was, spent half an hour crying out for her Mum and when I tried to calm her down and explain that her Mum wasn't there (She pasted away quite a few years ago, but I didn't think it was the right time to mention that) she threatened to strangle me. It's got me worried, but the doctors and nurses don't seem too concerned so I dunno.

Another new recipe for dinner, Sausage And Gnocchi Soup, see y'all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
:hug: for the problems with your landlord and the ongoing situation with your housemate. I can, unfortunately, relate to both.

Do the medical staff at the hospital discuss with you what is going on with your housemate? If they're not concerned re: her mental state, maybe they know it is a temporary effect. (It could be caused by a medication they have her on. Some infections--like UTIs--can also cause altered mental states that will clear up once the infection clears.)


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,112
Thanks! @Laura Rainbow Dragon - They sort of keep me updated, they've diagnosed it as delirium, so hopefully they've ruled out the nastier possibilities and aren't just guessing, it's still very distressing to see though.

Another tough morning but I did everything:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Side Plank Hold (EotD) done (Did one side okay, struggled with the other though),
Ready, Steady, Go! (WotD) done (3 sets, I know they're not as hard as they used to be, but it still feels good to manage a level 4 workout.)
Day 2 of Total Body done (3 sets with Crunches),
Day 2 of Epic Cardio done,
Stretches done.

Yesterday's soup was really tasty, just as well as I'll be eating it for the next couple of days!

Little Housemate update:- Hospital has done pretty much all they can for her, so she's been moved to a hospice to recuperate. Unfortunately it's in a different town, so I won't be able to visit as much as I used to.

Got a long day of travelling ahead, see y'all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
they've diagnosed it as delirium, so hopefully they've ruled out the nastier possibilities and aren't just guessing, it's still very distressing to see though.
It is. :hug:

Delirium unfortunately doesn't meant much in terms of prognosis as it can be caused by so many different things.

In his later years my father would get UTIs which made him delirious. We are talking full blown psychosis. He hallucinated a "horde of Father Christmases" coming up our basement stairs to invade our home. He hallucinated his PSWs coming into his bedroom in the middle of the night and stealing from him. On another occasion he hallucinated people in his bedroom trying to suffocate him. Once he was on antibiotics and the infection cleared up, his normal mental faculties would return. He never remembered anything of his delusions. (Which one one had was good. They would have been horrible things to remember. But on the other hand it meant the next time he started to get an infection--something my mother and I learned to detect from his mental state alone--and we said to him, "You need to get started on antibiotics right away," he never understood how bad things were about to get. So he would resist until he was once again psychotic, at which point we could legally get him hospitalized without his consent.)

I hope whatever is causing your housemate's issues will prove to be temporary. In the meantime, I'm wishing for your strength. It is a hard thing to have to witness.


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,112
@Laura Rainbow Dragon - Yikes! That sounds terrifying! Fortunately the Housemate hasn't gotten that bad, she's mostly angry, bitter and weirdly argumentative (Yesterday she was insisting we didn't live near a park, and was calling me stupid for thinking people lived near parks, apparently the trees would get in the way).

I'm very tired today, so I just did the absolute basics:-

Universal Warmup done,
Day 3 of Total Body done (Managed 3 sets with a struggle),
Day 3 of Epic Cardio attempted (Could only manage 3 sets, I was starting to get a headache).

I got woken up at 4am by the telephone and really struggled to get back to sleep, of course when I finally did I slept right through my alarm.
Still really sleepy and blergh, so I'm going to take it easy today, it's raining hard so there's not much I can do anyway.

The early phone call was about the Housemate. Luckily it's nothing serious, the hospice decided she was too ill for a hospice stay, so she's been sent back to the hospital. She might go back to the hospice, they don't know, I've just got to wait and at some point, someone will let me know what's going on, maybe.

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,112
@Laura Rainbow Dragon - Yeah, not sure why they were in such a rush to talk to me, but at least they apologised for the earliness. I still haven't received that follow-up call yet, so I've no idea where the Housemate is right now, and it's the weekend so no point in me calling them. Something for tomorrows me to sort out.

I got up late again, it's the gloomy weather, makes it feel like I'm trying to get up in the middle of the night, I managed my exercises though:-

Universal Warmup done,
20 High Crunches (EotD) done,
Jackhammer done (3 sets, had to replace the WotD just too much Planking for my poor toes),
Day 4 of Total Body done,
Day 4 of Epic Cardio done,
Stretched done.

See y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,112
Tired, slept poorly, but I got up on time and did most of my exercises, so a minor win for the day:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Reverse Angels (EotD) done (Had to do mine standing up due to lack of floor space),
Sparrow (WotD) done (3 sets, thanks to the video I've learnt quicker ways to do Side Jacks and Step Jacks :dance:),
Day 5 of Total Body attempted (3 sets, couldn't do all 5 sets because of the Planking),
Day 5 of Epic Cardio done,
Stretched done.

Got a long day ahead of me, gotta go visit the hospice the Housemate was in, to rescue her jewellery, and then go to the hospital to see how she's doing.
I got a phone call from the hospital yesterday, asking me to come in and talk to her because she was refusing medical treatment, I told them it would be a waste of time because she's not listening to anyone at the moment, but I tried and failed, so I've got to see what's happening on that front too.

See y'all tomorrow!


Well-known member
Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,112
Got up on time again, yay!
Didn't do so well on the exercises, hurt my foot doing some High Knees and couldn't finish everything:-

Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold (EotD) done,
Push Squat Repeat (WotD) attempted (2 sets, been far too long since I've done any Push-Ups, even though I was doing Knee ones I really struggled to get that 2nd set finished and couldn't mange a third),
Day 6 of Total Body attempted (2 sets, landed funny doing some High Knees, managed to hobble through the rest of the set but that was it),
Day 6 of Epic Cardio attempted (2 sets, just couldn't do much of this one with an achey foot),
Stretched done.

Rest my foot a bit and hopefully I'll do better tomorrow.

Yesterday actually ended up being a pretty good day.
I had to run to catch my bus, and didn't even get out of breath! I got a voucher for filling out some government survey (Probably should have spent it on something a bit more sensible than KFC, but it was very tasty :eatall:) and the Housemate seemed to be doing a little better (That one may have just been my imagination though).

Going to pay for it today though, getting my winter jabs.
See y'all tomorrow!