Morning has broken


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Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,545
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,675
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,675
2024 summary
The year has gone so quickly! I hope next year I'll keep a better eye on my goals or wishes. Be more in the present.
Nice how the different apps are giving their year stats.

2024 Bucket List
:v: Visit 5 museums (6/5)
:v: Visit an awesome place/country (2/1)
:x: Go to the theater 5 times
:x: Work on a project every month (like MiniSteck, crochet, jigsaw puzzles, drawing) (6/12)
:x: Learn 2 new piano pieces.

Next year I'll keep the same list, except for the piano, I think I'll switch that one for doing something relaxing/nice everyday. That includes also reading, listening to music, etc.

Running: 502.36 km
Walk/hike: 772.68 km
Cycling: 153.02 km
Steps: 3,386,038

342 active days, 316 hours

I set my running goal again on 500 km. It is doable but apparently still a challenge (hence the close call it was this year).

I hope I'll get 365 active days, and finish a few programs and challenges.
Hopefully I can finish the long distance hike, but getting halfway is also nice.





I was pretty consistent with reading this year 😊. My goal was 12 books, I'll keep that the same for next year.



Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,675
@FlowersandPetals @Mamatigerj @Silent Wolf thanks! Happy new year!

Wednesday January 1st
I am alreay moving on my good resolutions. Texted my uncle and a friend to plan some concerts to go to. Played the piano a bit tonight.
  •  Hike 6.24 km
  • Fit December day 1 (29/31)
  • Soma 40+ day 18, yoga
  • One&Done Challenge day 3
  • Secret Santa Gift for Saffity, lvl 1
Goals progress
Long distance hike 5/19 stages (81/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 0/500 km (0%)
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,675
@Lady Celerity thanks, for you too!
@CODawn :thanks:

Thursday January 2nd
  • Run 7.78 km trail
  • Fit December day 2 (30/31)
  • Soma 40+ day 19 strength 3 kg lvl 1
  • One&Done Challenge day 4
  • Secret Santa Gift for Sólveig, lvl 1
Friday January 3rd
Went to a toy museum, I discovered my favourite toy car from when I was a kid is something special :happy:
  • Fit December day 3 (31/31) :completed:
  • One&Done Challenge day 5
Saturday January 4th
Woke up with throat pain.. not feeling very well today. I'm afraid whatever my boyfriend and his family had, now also found it's way around my immune system..
  • Soma 40+ day 20 HIIT lvl 1
  • One&Done Challenge day 6
  • Secret Santa Gift for Syrius
Goals progress
Long distance hike 5/19 stages (81/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 7.78/500 km (1%)
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,675
@Syrius @Mamatigerj @CODawn @JCU @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Silent Wolf @Fremen @Lady Celerity @TopNotch @MadamMeow @Anek @Maegaranthelas @Haleth :thanks:

Sunday January 5th
Felt worse today, but was very happy that there was snow this morning. So went with my boyfriend for a short walk around town, before it was going to melt. I skipped my run but did my workout. I was happy Soma40 was yoga today 😊
  • Soma 40+ day 21, yoga
  • One&Done challenge day 7

Monday January 6th
Woke up around 3am with a fever and did not really fall back asleep. So decided to call in sick. Layed on the couch, did a short walk. Did me well, feel better now.
  • Soma 40+ day 22 strength 3 kg lvl 1
  • One&Done Challenge day 8
  • Cardio challenge day 1
Goals progress
Long distance hike 5/19 stages (81/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 7.78/500 km (1%)


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,675
Oh, I'm a bit behind on my log

Tuesday January 7th
Feel a bit better, went back to work. But I think an extra day off would've been better..
  • Soma 40+ day 23 HIIT lvl 1
  • One&Done challenge day 9
  • Carddio challenge day 2
Wednesday January 8th
My regular day off. Met with a friend. Took a big portion of my day, it was nice to see her again but can only think about the couch or my bed..
  • Run 5.23 km trail
  • soma 40+ day 24, strength 3kg lvl 1
  • One&Done challenge day 10
  • Cardio challenge day 3
  •  Fitjar 3x12 burpees (1/100 cards)
Thursday January 9th
  • Soma 40+ day 25 yoga
  • One&Done challenge day 11
  • Cardio challenge day 4
  • Fitjar 30 sec burpees (2/100)
  • EotD 30 twists
Friday January 10th
  • Soma 40+ day 26 strength 3kg lvl 1
  • Fitjar 40 sec side plank both sides
  • One&Done challenge day 12
  • Cardio challenge day 5
  •  EotD 30 plank crunches
Saturday January 11th
Totally forgot to do a workout. It was such a beautiful day that we decided to not go to my old house to empty it, but go to a nice city. It was cold though. At the end of the afternoon we went to my house anyway. Thought about the workout when I woke up in the middle of the night.

Sunday January 12th
Slept poorly, was awake for a few hours, thinking, about everything.
  • Soma 40+ day 27 HIIT lvl 1
  • One&Done challenge day 13
  • Cardio Challenge day 6
  •  EotD 30 squats
  •  Fitjar 3x15 push ups (did knee push ups) (4/100)
Monday January 13th
My throat is unhappy, my nose is still not clear.. I think I'm not taking enough rest so I'm not recovering well, but also don't know how to.. my house has to be empty on the 22nd, work is crazy busy, can't skip any of it..
  •  Run 5.4 km for Laura (my watch shut off 500m befor the end due to empty battery, had my Strava running also to be sure, so stopped when Strava said it was 5.4 km, but I think it should be more, because Strava missed a lot in the beginning. So Garmin 4.9 + Strava 0.7 of the last part where Garmin gave up)
  • 54 jumping lunges for Laura
  • EotD 50 high knees
  • One&Done challenge day 13
  • Cardio challenge day 7
  • Fitjar 100 sit ups :blink: (later I saw the image shows crunches.. that would've been way easier)
  • Soma 40+ day 28 yoga

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,131
"Striving to be the change."
Thank you for the run and jumping lunges!
My run was cold, and a bit slow due to the snow underfoot. But it was good to get out there!

:vibes: for finally kicking whatever's got you down.

And best wishes for getting the last of your things cleared out of the old house. There is so much to do in a move! But it will be so nice once you're finally done with the old place and all settled into the new.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,675
:thanks:@Mamatigerj @Laura Rainbow Dragon

Tuesday January 14th
  • Soma 40+ day 29 strength, 3 kg, lvl 1
  • One&Done challenge day 15
  • Cardio challenge day8
  •  Fitjar 20 push ups (knee push ups) 6/100
  • EotD 30 sec one arm plank
Wednesday January 15th
  • Soma 40+ day 30 HIIT lvl 1 :completed:
  • One&Done challenge day 16
  • Cardio challenge day 9
  •  EotD 30 reverse plank kicks
  •  Fitjar 3x15 push ups (knee push ups) 7/100
Thursday January 16th
  • 30 days of cardio blast day 1 lvl 2
  • One&Done challenge day 17
  • Cardio challenge day 10
  • Fitjar 3x12 squats 8/100
  •  EotD 30 squat jacks. Didn't know how to do these, so did the squat-jumping jack like in the exercise library and the squat jacks as presented by FitnessBlender.
Friday January 17th
I'm still not feeling well. Faryngitis is still there, gross thick snot is keeping me from speeking and breethimg, exhausted, but no fever. I find 30 days of cardio blast a bit too easy, but maybe it's a good thing for now.
  • 30 days of cardio blast day 2 lvl 1
  • one&done challenge day 18
  • Cardio challenge day 11
  •  EotD 30 knee strikes
  •  Fitjar 50 squats
Goals progress
Long distance hike 5/19 stages (81/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 24.02/500 km (4%)
Fitjar 9/100 cards


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,675
@Laura Rainbow Dragon @Fremen @princess_sarena @FlowersandPetals @Mamatigerj @Haleth @JCU @Anek @Obsinosterous @Maegaranthelas @Nebulus @Silent Wolf @CODawn @Syrius @TopNotch @MadamMeow

Since the weekend I'm feeling better, still pretty tired but I just need some time.

Saturday January 18th
Today was 'clear out day' of my old house. I wanted to go for a run from my old house, so had my running clothes on. But, being relatively inactive, it was way too cold. And there was still So. Much. Stuff. My boyfriend was optimistic. Eventually he sent me home to get warm and he emptied the house. In the evening I realised that I missed my opportunity to say goodbye to the house by daylight, and I missed the run. I think the salty tears flushed away my cold 😅. Later I decided to go directly at sunrise on Sunday.
  • 30 days of cardio blast day 3 lvl 1
  • One&Done challenge day 19
  • Cardio Challenge day 12
  •  EotD 20 lunge punches
  •  Fitjar 100 squats
  • 2 minute cardio workout
Sunday January 19th
I had a nice run, saw a red deer. Said goodbye to my house, so weird that it's so empty and that it's not mine anymore.
  • Run 5.08 trail
  • 30 days of cardio blast day 4
  • One&Done challenge day 20
  • Cardio challenge day 13
  •  Fitjar 3x30 lunges
  •  EotD 20 side to side lunge with toe point
  • One Minute workout
Monday January 20th
  • 30 days of cardio blast day 5, lvl 3
  • One&Done challenge day 21
  • Cardio challenge day 14
  •  Fitjar 40 sec plank
  •  EotD 30 sec bear plank hold
Goals progress
Long distance hike 5/19 stages (81/375 km)
Clog paths 7/160
Running 29.10/500 km (5%)
Fitjar 12/100 cards