2024 summary
The year has gone so quickly! I hope next year I'll keep a better eye on my goals or wishes. Be more in the present.
Nice how the different apps are giving their year stats.
2024 Bucket List
Visit 5 museums (6/5)
Visit an awesome place/country (2/1)
Go to the theater 5 times
Work on a project every month (like MiniSteck, crochet, jigsaw puzzles, drawing) (6/12)
Learn 2 new piano pieces.
Next year I'll keep the same list, except for the piano, I think I'll switch that one for doing something relaxing/nice everyday. That includes also reading, listening to music, etc.
Running: 502.36 km
Walk/hike: 772.68 km
Cycling: 153.02 km
Steps: 3,386,038
342 active days, 316 hours
I set my running goal again on 500 km. It is doable but apparently still a challenge (hence the close call it was this year).
I hope I'll get 365 active days, and finish a few programs and challenges.
Hopefully I can finish the long distance hike, but getting halfway is also nice.
I was pretty consistent with reading this year
. My goal was 12 books, I'll keep that the same for next year.