♡ The Long and Winding Road: A Daydream Believer Finding Nirvana ♡


Well-known member
Warrior from The Yellow Submarine in the Merry Old Land of Oz
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 333
"I’m so happy, cause today I found my friends. They’re in my head."
So... it's been a little while. Right now, our downstairs bathroom is getting redone. The dogs are locked in the living room with us. This leaves me in there a lot longer than normal and by the time the workers go home, it's late. So I haven't done proper yoga in a while. I'm really feeling the lack of yoga. Hopefully they'll be done in a couple more days and I can get back into a better routine.

Since the first, though, I have been getting in at least 6,000 steps. I've been doing my bedtime yoga go-to, but nothing beyond that.


Well-known member
Warrior from The Yellow Submarine in the Merry Old Land of Oz
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 333
"I’m so happy, cause today I found my friends. They’re in my head."
As of last Wednesday, our bathroom is done! Finally! It's now purple.

It felt so good to do yoga again. The back tension is pretty much gone now. I did yoga for back pain the first day, then jumped back into the 30 Days of Yoga. I ended up doing the last one I'd done before all this again on accident. Skipped proper yoga Saturday and Sunday. Didn't get 6,000 steps in on Saturday. On Monday and Tuesday I did the Better Legs Challenge with the Booty Maxx equipment I have. I discovered that doing the back leg raises is what kills my back. Apparently I can't get myself in a proper position when I'm doing that. I might have to do back leg raises off the Booty Maxx.

Last Tuesday, they had a Nirvana category on Beat Shazam. Fully expected Smells Like Teen Spirit to pop up during it, but it didn't! My aunt had the nerve to ask me the next day if I knew the songs. I said, "How dare you question me." Though, this is the second time one of my favorite bands had a moment on Beat Shazam, and both times people messed it up a little for me. First time was the Beatles, and my aunt hollered out the answers trying to beat me to it when we had to pause it while I got Rolo situated, so we were behind a little. This time my dad and brother came in and yapped. I got all the songs anyway, but it would have been nice to enjoy it without interruptions. I do get a little more annoyed that I should though, lol.

Diamond painting update: The Beatles one I'm doing has a pure blue background, so I had decided to do the background first, then the Beatles one by one. John is almost done, and then I have to do Paul and George. Only thing is... John only has one eye. This is the largest one I've done so far, but it needed to be larger than it is for all the details. Something about his glasses and the shadows makes his eye that's in the shadow pop out, while the other is just not there. It's one of those where if you back up it's clearer, so I can see the outline of his glasses if I lean back. But up close, my dude is a cyclops.

I need to get back into reading all your logs! I don't think I'll ever get caught up, though.