Saturday 09.30.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Calves of Steel Day 29: 200 calf raises, throughout the day. Rating = 9.0.
3. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos. Rating = 7.5.
4. BYNM: Day 7 | Crown Chakra | 777 Chakra Challenge.
5. 8.10 mile walk at the Ponds. 2:27:46.
Boxing: Rating = 7.5. This was kind of a slog. I also had a headache…probably because of the flu shot.
BYNM: Rating = 8.0. A fine session…just wasn’t feeling it today.
Walk: 8.10 partially toasty miles with 2 claps of thunder. Wildlife spotted: various waterfowl, 1 small snake and a black squirrel.
Notes: Before the walk, I hurt my toe. It didn’t really bother me during the walk. Once I took off my shoe, it really bothered me to walk. Upon further inspection (removing my sock), I saw that it was swollen and bruised. I attempted to ice it to alleviate pain.