696 Days


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 10.28.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. 5 mile walk outside. 1:26:28.

Notes: The good, the bad and the ugly of this week. Good: Got 5 mile walks in, canker sore was gone by the end of the week, when I left work on Friday, I saw a light at the end of the “extra time” tunnel. Bad: A lot of meetings and “extra time”, no workouts except for the walks, bad breakfasts and extra caffeine, physical discomfort. Ugly: My childhood friend told me she has thyroid cancer. There is some good with this…they caught it early and the treatment is outpatient surgery.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 10.28.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. SBY: 10 minute Morning Yoga Stretch | Simple Full Body Yoga Seated Stretch.
4. 5 mile walk outside. 1:24:46.

❤️Boxing: Rating = 8.0. Pretty good considering my neck issues lately.
❤️SBY: Rating = 8.5. Yay for gentle stretches.

Notes: No Ponds today because it was cold and snowy. At least we got 5 miles in.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 10.29.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
3. SBY: 10 minute Morning Yoga Stretch | Simple Full Body Yoga Seated Stretch.

❤️Boxing: Rating = 8.0. Decent but my neck was bothering me.

Notes: Football Sunday. I probably ate too much but at least it didn’t hurt to eat. The Broncos won in a huge upset and played a nice game.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 11.02.2023
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. 5 mile walk outside. 1:26:58.

Notes: Nothing from the doctor. The good news is that I finished the tasks that were keeping me an hour + every day at work. And I didn’t stay late. Tomorrow is oral surgery day.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 11.03.2023
1 mile walk outside. 20:49

Notes: Oral Surgery Day: Before the surgery I found out the doctor left notes on the portal saying the numbers were stable and no further action was needed. One less worry. I was, however really stressed about getting the wisdom teeth extracted. I got knocked out. It seemed to go well. I only needed one stitch, took 2 doses of Ibuprofen and kept my streak alive with a very slow 1 mile walk. The bleeding was minimal and I ate soft food.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 11.04.2023
4 mile walk outside. 1:20:41

Notes: it was weird not to do boxing and yoga in the morning. The walks were done in 3 parts (1 mile, 2 miles, 1 mile). Very slow. In between walks I iced my face. No bruising and minimal swelling. I am scared to death of a dry socket so even though I am eating soft food on the other side of my mouth, it takes me forever to eat. Only 1 dose of Ibuprofen, before bed.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 11.05.2023
1.5 mile walk outside. 29:16

Notes: Football Sunday. The Broncos are on a Bye week and so was I. No boxing/Yoga again. Even with the extra hour of sleep, I was tired…I guess from healing. There is more swelling and jaw stiffness, which is normal. My face looks deformed though.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 11.06.2023
4.0 mile walk outside. 1:18:21.

Notes: Back to work. I always find new reasons to be grateful that I work from home. Today there were 2. 1. Face deformity from swelling. 2. Socket irrigation after meals. I have use provided syringe to gently rinse the bottom socket with salt water to remove “debris”. I find this creepy. I made a mess and can’t imagine doing this in an employee bathroom.
We walked our 4 miles today, albeit at a very slow pace. Nice weather though.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 11.07.2023
4.0 mile walk outside. 1:17:12

Notes: My face is still deformed but that is “normal”. A follow-up with the oral surgeon is not required but today I made one for Friday just to make sure things are healing properly. Scott thinks the lower socket looks good (he can’t see the upper one). I ask him several times a day to look into my mouth with a flashlight to verify the clot is still intact. If the clot is dislodged, you are then left with a dry socket, which is very painful. I guess I would know if it was dislodged without Scott looking. I sound crazy.
Still nice weather and our pace was a little faster.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 11.08.2023
4.0 mile walk outside. 1:13:02.

Notes: So…I haven’t taken my vitamins since the day before the extraction. Vitamins are large, smelly pills that I have a hard time swallowing so I chew gummies. So chewy (and crunchy) foods are off limits, I have been steering clear. I usually take my allergy pill with my vitamins. I haven’t been taking my allergy pill either. One would think it’s safe to stop taking an allergy pill in November. One would be mistaken. My sinuses are very unhappy.

Our walking pace was on part with a warm weather walk. Unfortunately, it was 44, misty and breezy. Gross.

Scott says the socket is almost closed. Maybe I can have M &Ms sooner than I thought!


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Friday 11.10.2023
1. Recovery Day 1.
2. 5 mile walk outside. 1:28:40.

❤️Recovery: Rating = 8.5. Upperbody stretches. Yay! Something besides walking.

Notes: I woke up to a slightly achy jaw. Apparently, this is normal. The follow-up with the oral surgeon went well. I am healing up nicely. The only restriction I have is to not eat nuts and seeds until the socket closes. I also have to irrigate after meals. I am used to it now.
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Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Saturday 11.11.2023
1. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
2. SBY: 10 minute Morning Yoga Stretch | Simple Full Body Yoga Seated Stretch
3. Recovery Day 2.
4. 8.10 mild mile walk at the Ponds.

❤️Boxing: Rating = 7.5. This felt hard. That's probably due to missing last week and my lack of physical activity in general.
❤️SBY: Rating = 9.0. Perfect way to ease back into yoga.
❤️Recovery: 9.5. Box breathing. This was really relaxing.

❤️Walk: Wildlife spotted: various waterfowl including the laughing duck. 🦆

Notes: I didn’t have a great night of sleep as I woke up to a skunk smell even though our windows were closed and locked tight. Gross.

It was nice to get back to my normal routine of Saturday Morning Boxing and Yoga. Since it was 60°, we returned to the Ponds. Unfortunately, it was busy and not everyone follows proper trail etiquette. It was still a nice day though!


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Sunday 11.12.2023
1. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
2. SBY: 10 minute Morning Yoga Stretch | Simple Full Body Yoga Seated Stretch. Rating = 9.0.
3. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 1 – Awaken Your Energy | BEGIN – 30 Days of Tai Chi.
4. Recovery Day 3: Rating = 9.5. Light Cardio. No rest.
5. Core Control Challenge Day 1: 40 Torso Twists. Rating = 9.5
6. 30 Days of LIIT Day 1: Level 3, no rest.
7. 2 mile walk outside. 34:27.

❤️Boxing: Rating = 8.0. This workout was a little better than yesterday…but a little sloppy.
❤️BwBTC: Rating = 9.0. I really liked this. I felt a bit uncoordinated at times but I am ok with that.
❤️30DoL: Rating = 8.5. I could feel this in my shoulders.

Notes: Football Sunday. I woke up to a stiff jaw. I think I just slept on my face because the stiffness went away really quickly. Dumb Dawn Tricks: I forgot to turn off the security alarm. So, when I opened the door to the garage to throw a bottle away, the siren went off. So. Loud.

I added a challenge, a another program and Tai Chi to my fitness “regimen”. Hopefully, nothing gets in the way.

The Broncos play on MNF so I watched Redzone all day.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Monday 11.13.2023
1. Core Control Challenge Day 2: 60 Leg Raises.
2. Recovery Day 4.
3. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 2 – Stretch and Loosen | BEGIN – 30 Days of Tai Chi.
4. BodyFit By Amy: 30 Minute AT HOME WEIGHTED WORKOUT Total Body No Repeat (NO REPEAT DAY #1).
5. 30 Days of LIIT Day 2: Level 3, no rest
6. YWB: Restorative Yoga Upper Body Stretch Tension Relief
7. 4 mile walk outside. 1:09:53.

❤️CCC: Rating = 9.5. I haven’t done these in a while and I could really feel it.
❤️Recovery: Rating = 9.0. Yoga. Gentle but I am not flexible.
❤️BwBTC: Rating = 9.0. I am still a bit stiff with my movements but I like the focus I have during the practice.
❤️BFBA: Rating = 9.0. Great Workout! I even used the kettlebell.
❤️30DoL: Rating = 9.0. My legs felt a little rubbery on the butt kicks because of my other workout.
❤️YWB: Rating = 9.5. Nice and relaxing. 😌

Notes: Today I got back to working out/Yoga during the week. I am doing BodyFit By Amy’s No Repeat November. Amy talks a lot but it was still a really good workout. The DOMS have already started! 🙀

The Broncos won a weird game on MNF. They have kicking issues.

Sometimes, I just can’t deal with all the family health issues. I feel like it’s never ending. 😿

@colin Yes! one more win and we're at .500!


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Tuesday 11.14.2023
1. Core Control Challenge Day 3: 40 Torso Twists. Rating = 9.5
2. Recovery Day 5.
3. BodyFit By Amy: 30 Minute HALLOWEEN CARDIO BOO CAMP No Equipment Home Workout (NO REPEAT DAY #2).
4. 30 Days of LIIT Day 3: Level 3, no rest. Rating = 9.0.
5. 4 mile walk outside. 1:12:01.
6. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 3 – Strengthen Your Foundation | BEGIN – 30 Days of Tai Chi.
7. SBY: 20 minute CHILL OUT Yoga for Relaxation.

❤️Recovery: Rating = 7.5. Not my favorite stretches…balance issues.
❤️BFBA: Rating = 7.5. I got some good cardio in but the Halloween theme was a little much. Her friend joined her and cackled throughout the whole workout. They (and the poor dog) changed costumes for each circuit. I guess it was supposed to be fun…
❤️BwBTC: Rating = 8.5. I found this one a little more difficult to follow. I still really enjoyed it.
❤️SBY: Rating = 8.0. Not completely chill out since it included downward dog. At least there was a long pigeon hold.

Notes: I woke up from a dream about work with a stiff jaw. The 2 are not related.
I once again finished all my planned workouts but found Amy’s workout annoying. I do have some pretty good DOMS going.

I felt pretty melancholy today but he weather was nice.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Wednesday 11.15.2023
1. Core Control Challenge Day 4: 70 Leg Raises.
2. Recovery Day 6: Box Breathing. Rating = 9.5.
3. BodyFit By Amy: 32 Minute FULL BODY WORKOUT | No Repeat Dumbbell Burn (NO REPEAT DAY #3)
4. 30 Days of LIIT Day 4.
5. 4 mile walk outside. 1:11:25.
6. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 4 – Balance Mind and Body | BEGIN – 30 Days of Tai Chi.
7. Cat Meffan: YOGA FOR MINDFULNESS | 15 – Minute Yoga.

❤️CCC: Rating = 8.0. Sore from my workouts.
❤️BFBA: Rating = 8.5. Good full-body weight workout. I feel like my lower body needs a break though.
❤️30DoL: Rating = 8.5. My arms and shoulders were tired.
❤️BwBTC: Rating = 8.5. More active and more balance…but sill gentle.
❤️CM: Rating = 8.0. This started out with a meditation and my nose was stuffy. She also did a toe stretch, which was I found difficult.

Notes: I did all my planned stuff and we still have decent weather.


Well-known member
Huntress from Colorado
Posts: 2,554
"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
Thursday 11.16.2023
1. Core Control Challenge Day 5: 40 Torso Twists. Rating = 9.5
2. Recovery Day 7: Light Cardio. Rating = 9.5
3. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 5 - Release Tension| BEGIN - 30 Days of Tai Chi.
4. Fitness Heroes: 9 MINUTE DANCE PARTY WORKOUT | full Body - No Equipment | FH#048
5. BodyFit By Amy: 25 Minute NO EQUIPMENT WORKOUT Bodyweight Stretch & Strength (NO REPEAT DAY #4).
6. 30 Days of LIIT Day 5: Level 3, no rest: Rating = 9.5.
*7. Annie Pilates Physical Therapist: Restorative 15 minute Yoga Flow Full Body Stretch.
8. 4 mile walk outside.

❤️BwBTC: Rating = 9.0. Just what I needed.
❤️FH: Rating = 9.0. Fun workout…and I did ok with the dance moves.
❤️BFBA: Rating = 9.0. This workout was more than I expected.
❤️APPT: Rating = 8.5. This was ok. I did like some of the stretches.

*Guest Trainer: I subscribed to this channel because it has “Pilates” in the title. She has a lot of “fix” videos.

Notes: Kind of a crappy day. But…I got some good news. My friend’s surgery went well.
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