Sunday 11.12.2023
1. Boxing: 20 minutes of speedbag/heavy bag (punching, kicking, strikes (knee, elbow, palm), back fist combos.
2. SBY: 10 minute Morning Yoga Stretch | Simple Full Body Yoga Seated Stretch. Rating = 9.0.
3. Begin with Breath Tai Chi: Day 1 – Awaken Your Energy | BEGIN – 30 Days of Tai Chi.
4. Recovery Day 3: Rating = 9.5. Light Cardio. No rest.
5. Core Control Challenge Day 1: 40 Torso Twists. Rating = 9.5
6. 30 Days of LIIT Day 1: Level 3, no rest.
7. 2 mile walk outside. 34:27.
Boxing: Rating = 8.0. This workout was a little better than yesterday…but a little sloppy.
BwBTC: Rating = 9.0. I really liked this. I felt a bit uncoordinated at times but I am ok with that.
30DoL: Rating = 8.5. I could feel this in my shoulders.
Notes: Football Sunday. I woke up to a stiff jaw. I think I just slept on my face because the stiffness went away really quickly. Dumb Dawn Tricks: I forgot to turn off the security alarm. So, when I opened the door to the garage to throw a bottle away, the siren went off. So. Loud.
I added a challenge, a another program and Tai Chi to my fitness “regimen”. Hopefully, nothing gets in the way.
The Broncos play on MNF so I watched Redzone all day.