A mechanical heartbeat in the snowy forest


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
So, 10 minutes meditation yesterday.
This morning Foundation D15 (BTW, when I don't specify, it means I have done the workout at level II) - no modifications needed, 3*30 secs wall squat, Superabs chappenge D15, and 20 minutes relaxation.

Yesterday was normally a day off for the office (as today is a bank holiday in France), but I worked specifically on my annual review report. With all the events in the department this spring, and departure of two of our teams, I needed to be very clear on what I could, what I could not, what I wanted (of course not said as abruptly, LOL, but still), and why it'd be good for the team. We will see how it lands, anyhow I have done my best effort to get the message across, and I really wanted to do it well and with a clear head, not muddled while juggling (several) other files.

ETA : feeling my calves, glutes, and abs - so I guess that the way I set up my month is working ;) I walked a little bit yesterday - flat terrain, but the knee behaved. Chin up!

D58 of consecutive exercise (D30 is July 18th)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you @NancyTree !

Sunday Foundation D20, 3*20 one legged bridges (20*on each side), and super abs challenge D20, 15 minutes meditation
This morning Foundation D21, 3*30 secs wall squat, and super abs challenge D21, no meditation yet.

Sunday we didn't "walk" much, but had a nice little outing to a tide-mill by the river Rance (it is brackish waters and the tide can be really felt, even with the Rance dam). It was supposed to be a quiet little visit, but turns out the mill had its yearly feast and fundraiser, so it was very busy, with bagpipe players, dancers, galettes and crepes and locally-baked bread ;) Actually it was really nice. Then we went to another place by the river, wharf of Mordreuc, walked a little bit, enjoyed the sun and had a drink. Lovely day for my last Breton Sunday of the season - I drive back to Paris on Saturday.

D64 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you @Fremen !

Yesterday 10 minutes meditation - and some more relaxation before bed.
This morning Foundation D23, 3*30 secs wall squat, and super abs challenge D23, no meditation yet.

Drat. Heavy phone row yesterday between my second brother and mom (and then dad when he called again, furious of mom's reaction). I don't want to dwell more on it, but it seriously pains me to see mom hurting so - and risking with a temper outburst to cut herself from my bro ; and it pains me to see my bro clearly hurting too (some things I do not get, but to behave like that there's a problem), but not behaving fairly toward the parents, and risking to cut himself from my parents, while they do not have that many years before them .
(hence the additional meditation / relaxatin exercise before bed. Nightmare were still had, but limited).
Sorry for the rant, but I know you're a patient lot, bees, and it helps me to vent a bit.

D66 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thanks so much @Mamatigerj , @Montserrat , @Fremen , @Tileenah . Life's too short to hold grudges or to let anger split relationships. And thanks to all the bees who "clicked" - here is a powerful community!

Yesterday 12 mins meditation.
This morning Foundation D24, 3*20 one legged bridges (20*on each side), and super abs challenge D24, no meditation yet.

D67 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thanks @NancyTree . No family's perfect, and I know there are much worse than what's happening right now between mom and second bro. Patience, and listening.

Yesterday 12 minutes meditation
This morning Foundation D25 (replaced 4 jump jacks by 6 step jacks, for knee's sake), 3*30 secs wall squat, and super abs challenge D25, no meditation yet.

D68 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you @CODawn .
Saturday was coming back to Paris, Sunday settling again (Luna's on her favorite level on the cat tree ;) ), and Today in the office. Tomorrow's the yearly individual evaluation appointment. With all that's happened, should be interesting. I hope to be as clear and constructive as possible.

Friday 12 minutes meditation.
Saturday Foundation D26, 3*20 one legged bridges (20*on each side), and super abs challenge D26, 10 minutes meditation.
Sunday Foundation D27, 3*30 secs wall squat, and super abs challenge D27, 5 minutes breathing exercise.
This morning Foundation D28, 3*20 one legged bridges (20*on each side), and super abs challenge D28, meditation not yet done.

(somewhere around were jumping jacks replaced with a bit more step backs)

D71 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)

Lupus Sheol

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Warrior Monk from USA
Posts: 60
Reading through your last few post is an inspiration to seek calmer, positive aproach to solve conflicts. Loved when you said that:
Life's too short to hold grudges or to let anger split relationships.
Trough life I've burned and "crumbled" many bridges and now look back at all the missing oportunities to nurture healthy and long lasting relationships.
Hope the conflicts in your family resolve soon and that your parents have calmer and joyous years ahead. Lots of positive vibes your way.
Congrats on your 71 days of consecutive exercise!


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you @Lupus Sheol , it means a lot. And I trust opportunities will arise for you to nurture back / relationships.

Yearly performance review went OK, I hope my message and suggestions went well through, time will tell.

Yesterday evening 5 minutes breathing exercise.
This morning Foundation D29, 3*30 secs wall squat, and super abs challenge D29, no meditation yet.

D72 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Yesterday 5 minutes breathing exercise - that's my "default mode", maybe falling a bit too often in it those days... Nevertheless it has the advantage of being done (and calming) indeed, LOL!

This morning Foundation D30, 3*20 one legged bridges (20*on each side), super abs challenge D30, and IBS-centric meditation. Done for August! It is a re-badge for Foundation, but it really brought me back into a structure, I liked it.
And my personal challenge to add the knee exercises + abs challenge this month worked out, Yay for me :bigyes:

Now wondering for September. Yoga will start again - hesitating between yoga classes twice a week, or yoga class once a week + aquafitness class. The wednesday lunchtime class is clearly closed, sadly. And for here, hesitating between redoing a difficulty II program - reboot- waiting for my sports doc appointment (and knee getting better), or if I try difficulty III (Spellbound) and adapt + use the knee sleeve.

D73 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you @Mamatigerj and @CODawn !

So, for this month, my plan is doing (again) spellbound, with the challenge of this month, Miner challenge, and adding some exercises for posture.

Yesterday evening 5 minutes equal breathing.
This morning, Spellbound D1 - charged and cast Sure Step ; 3*15 band pull-apart (making sure my shoulders - back muscle are engaged) and 3*30 secounds reverse shoulder stretch ; and Miner challenge D1. No meditation yet.

D75 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
Thank you @Matan @Mamatigerj @Montserrat @Laura Rainbow Dragon (settling back nicely, I intend to go back to the gym next week) @Fremen @Anek @NancyTree and @CODawn !

So, Birthday was nice - with my next-door appartment neighbor and another neighbor we got some chinese food, came back to my place, broke out a bottle of champagne, and had a nice little evening :) Earlier, I went to buy presents for the coworker that's leaving on Thursday (and I will truly miss her...) , we had enough funds for both a nice jewelry set (necklace and bracelet), and a good-sized leather bag. Hope she likes! Lots of messages of friends from different countries, email from my older bro, and phone calls from my parents and godmother , adding to your own wishes- I feel spoiled and loved!

Friday 5 minutes breathing exercise done
Saturday This morning, Spellbound D2 - charged lightning bolt spell ; 3*15 band pull-apart and 3*30 secounds reverse shoulder stretch ; and Miner challenge D2. 5 minutes breathing exercise.
This morning Spellbound D3 - charged sure step and increased speed, needed only to cast sure step ; 3*15 band pull-apart and 3*30 secounds reverse shoulder stretch ; and Miner challenge D3. Meditation not yet done.

D77 of consecutive exercise (D60 is August 17th)
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Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,143
And .... As I usually do my "darebee-birthday" along with my birthday. I have been there since Fall 2016, so it has been 7 years!!! Thank you all the Dareteam for offering us those varied, different-levels workouts, and in such a positive, encouraging environment that really does make a difference in people's life! And thank you all my bee friends, for encouragement, and listening ear!

So ... Last year. Istarted with too much on my plate - gym, adding the choir (that's not only time consuming, but also more tiring that it appears!) , and work starting to spin off. I took a hard look and stepped back in January - February. Maybe a bit too much , what I did from February till July was quite weak - but at least I didn't stop.

Taking into account the added choir, and fact that work is not gnna calm any time soon, I am going more for a twice-a-week gym session, and going back to walking at least 5,000 steps/day when I don't go to the gym. And even if I go to the gym, morning exercise every day. There are a few programs I'd want to re-do (Athena, Pandora, Hero's journey), so that should give me a few months ; taking into account that December is always a doozy so maybe go ligher program-wise + add whatever Christmas fun the Dareteam has in mind for us for this month.

I also should find some way to do meditation some more than the breathing exercises - maybe set myself a limit to breathing exercises twice a week ? Yeah, that would work. And it'd be good to track my other two personal habits , now that we're getting back into a routine.
Food wise, the fish intake is pretty much an ingrained habit now :), still gotta check the fruit one (one fruit/day at least 6 days a week).

So that makes:
  • Program of the month - ideally with some challenges and some posture or knee exercise every day
  • Gym twice a week - yoga, aqua class, or other
  • Meditation, with limiting the breathing exercises
  • Walking 5,000 steps/day
  • Fruit intake tracking
  • Personal habit 1 and 2 tracking

I think that's a sound program for the year to come!
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