Author of a Thousand Fails


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
So, a little update. My focus right now is maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and adjusting to a new, stricter, diet. Due to my current situation, my body thinks it's sick, and I find myself sleeping off fevers that shouldn't exist. It's all part of a wacked out immune response that thinks I'm dying from something as simple as a cold breeze or glass of water. My diet affects my condition. So, I've been trying to work through that as well. Today, I am coming out of one such fever and am on a liquid diet because even the slightest bowel pressure will tie my body into knots. My new normal sucks. I won't sugarcoat that. It sucks.

ONWARD!!! Pain kept me up all night last night. Finally went to bed at 5am, slept til pain woke me up again at 9am. Had some herbal tea, went down decently. Had some water, kicked me in the guts so hard that I barely had time to find the bathroom. Have begun fighting another fever.

MENU: Today and tomorrow's menu is strictly a LOTTA tea and lukewarm water. Sad fact, but anything else will put me down and out for two days straight. Never fear, broth and citrus jello cups are just around the corner!

TODAY'S FITNESS GOAL: Just to be able to get out of bed for more than 5 minutes at a time.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Another day in paradise. Sleepless night. Finally fell asleep in the early AM, when #3 suddenly charged into my room with a major OMG moment that I just HAD to hear... So, there went my sleep. Hello, Pain, my most helpful adversary... With the frequency that you screw with me, we should really just get married.
Had a morning tea that went down smoothly and another dreaded cup of water that didn't. Warm weather days with even warmer sweaters and reusable heating pads are my friend right now.
DIET: Today, another day of teas and lukewarm water. Broths and citrus gelatin are just around the corner, though. Who knows... maybe, tomorrow, I'll be able to even sample some solids! *gazes into a distant memory of when solids didn't twist my insides*
FITNESS: I was able to be up and about some this morning, but same goal as yesterday... Be able to do more than 5 minutes at a time.
All in all, I think I'm coming out of the worst of this go-round. I know that if I hold to this diet, I'll be in recovery in a couple more days... Or at least, my condition will be more bearable. It's cyclical, or at least, worsens during key points in my feminine cycle. Doctors keep looking for just one thing, each one finding something new, but none of them connecting the dots. It's like the story of the blind men and the elephant.


In the version that I am familiar with, it was a small boy who corrected the blind men and helped them understand what an elephant was.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Well, my body pain today is at more of a discomfort level. So, YAY! Good thing, too, because I've been asked to babysit this morning. Slept half the night, also. So, I'm running on a partially full mental capacity today. Another YAY!

MENU: Still on tea and water. Tried a jello cup. Two bites, and my stomach changed my mind for me. I'll have some broth in the afternoon. It feels SO GOOD to eat something, though! Still have a slightly upset stomach. So, I'm thinking just veggie broth instead of my classic chicken bone and veggie broth. Since I'm still struggling with a flare-up, I'm undecided about a small plate of solids for dinner. Though, if I do, I'll be dishing myself a VERY SMALL plate of sweet potato and quinoa...

FITNESS: I'll be wiped out after babysitting. My goal today is to just be present for my own children this evening.

I am soooo happy to have some relief, no matter how brief!


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Got over 6hrs of sleep last night. Woke up at a decent hour, but to mild pain/ heavy discomfort... It's bordering. I was able to drink my broth yesterday. So, I attempted some solids. Two bites, waited, lymphatic swelling and fever throughout the night (probably why I slept so decently). On the bright side, because I finally took in something other than herbal tea, I have more energy today. I even took the time to start a load of laundry and do my morning stretches... *applause applause* *takes a bow* Thank you, thank you. You're too kind. HAHAHA!

Menu: Lotsa herbal tea throughout the day, vegetable broth breakfast and dinner. I'm gonna try a spoonful of rice in my broth at dinnertime and see if I can down it. I wasn't able to drink a lot of broth last night before my stomach changed my mind for me again... about 1/4c. went down nicely. Still, better than nothing.

Workouts: Just some stretches and taking it easy. I may have some energy now, but my discomfort increased from yesterday and is bordering on pain again.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Dinner didn't go as planned. My husband took me out to eat at a bistro instead. I ate more than I should, and spent the rest of my evening in pain. Slept heavy, though. I woke up still in pain, and here I am today. Though, the pain has greatly subsided. I contribute a small part of my healing to the fact that I resisted the urge to eat pasta, which is really sad, because it looked like it was made by the chef, who was an old, Italian nonna. Even the menu was in Italian (not the kind of quality I would expect at a mart adjacent to a chain grocery store... Those lots are reserved for Subways, Americanized Chinese restaurants, some sort of dollar store, and a cheap, yet overpriced, salon of some sort.)

Menu: Since I seem to be doing half-decent on Solids, I decided to implement some into my day. Also, let it be known that I start and end my day with a cup of herbal tea.
BREAKFAST - Watermelon. The kids can cook their own breakfast. I've got LOTS of pancake mix and 2 dozen eggs in the fridge. Moving hurts.
MID-DAY - Charcuterie board. (This is mainly for my kids, but I intend to try some brie with celery, and chocolate dipped fruits)
DINNER - Chicken and veggie bake for the family. If I'm still in pain by tonight, I'll stick with broth and let the kids forage again.

FITNESS - Morning and evening stretches. Even if I wanted to go for a walk today, it's raining. So, I'll put that off for when the weekend is over. Who knows, I may no longer be in pain at that time!

In other news: I went to the (LDS) temple last night with my husband and some of his family. His father was being sealed to his parents, who are dead. And since I was there and had the name cards on me, my father was able to be sealed to his parents as well. This isn't very significant to a lot of people, but to an active Latter-day Saint Christian, a sealing ordinance holds a lot of value and is one of the most sacred religious ceremonies that can be performed in our church. It is a proxy ceremony that binds families together forever in a world of "til death do you part" and "as long as you both shall live". For my dad, who had been estranged from his own parents nearly his entire life, it was a dream he couldn't accomplish in his lifetime. I was happy to be able to do this for them. Last night, both myself and my husband witnessed our fathers being sealed to their parents. It was a beautiful moment for us. Just wanted to share my happy.



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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Soooo.... Excruciating pain yesterday. Still in pain today, but it's manageable. I was able to sleep decently through half of the night, at least. So, that's a good thing. I hate eating. It's depressing to say, because I have a deep love and appreciation for the culinary arts. I love food! However, as things are right now, I absolutely despise eating!

MENU: Tea in the morning and evening always.
SNACK - Maybe a vitamin drink with or without crackers.
DINNER - If I can eat solids, chicken and broccoli. If I can't eat solids, chicken and veggie broth. If I'm somewhere in between, a little rice in my broth. If the vitamin drink and/or crackers send me spiraling to hell and back, NONE.

WORKOUTS: Always morning and evening stretches.

Seeing the KANARY workout was inspiring to me. Of course, so is Kanary. I decided to use her tribute workout as inspiration to help me continue to fight through my own pain. Since I was away for so long, I wasn't around to receive the news of her passing. I just found out yesterday. Anybody who knows her also knows that perseverance is her legacy. I am grateful and relieved that she can finally rest. Some people may notice that I speak of Kanary as if she were still here. To me, she is. To me, death is just part of a greater journey. However, even if it weren't the case, her passing does not mean that she no longer inspires me, and it does not mean that her legacy died along with her. I have decided to make the Kanary workout a permanent part of my daily routine.


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Amazon from Miami, FL
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Posts: 52
"Mantra: I am ready to make my dreams come true and create my happy place."
Happy Birthday Neon GIF by Omer Studios


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609

Yesterday was one of those days where I had a really slow start, and by the time I was able to get functioning, I was DEEP into the day and too occupied to update my check-in thread. Yesterday, I was pain-free for a few hours, but it returned in the afternoon. It was a great few hours! After that, I slept until the evening, watched a couple of shows, and went back to bed.

#4 has been sick all weekend, and today I received the reassurance that I don't completely neglect my kids. HAHAHA! Of course, if someone's gonna be sick, I won't be far behind with how my lymphatic system behaves. Pain is tolerable today, despite illness.

MENU: AM and PM tea, as always.
YESTERDAY - I made some scalloped potatoes for breakfast and had myself a small plate. I make 'em two ways, one is SUPER rich and creamy. This way wasn't it. I soaked the scalloped potatoes in salt and vinegar water for 20 minutes, stirred, and rinsed. Then, I tossed them in salt, pepper, garlic, and olive oil and steamed them over stovetop. For dinner, I grabbed some extra large cheese pizzas, loaded them with veggies, and ate the kids' leftovers, which we actually had, which is so weird because it's PIZZA! I folded the leftover slice over, reheated it in the oven, and ate it like a calzone.
TODAY - I'm gonna take it easy today. Fasting this morning, some warm broth this afternoon. My kids are making me a special birthday dish. So, I have to keep my stomach empty and pray that the stomach flu is kind to me at least long enough to show my appreciation and eat a few things in front of them. I'll be eating deep fried foods and cake. HAHAHA!

FITNESS: AM and PM stretches, as always.
YESTERDAY - I managed a little walkabout. Felt great!
KANARY (#2 has joined me. So, I printed him a copy of the workout. Dude went into the shed and made it his own. HAHAHA! Good for him!)
TODAY - Managed another small walkabout. Even did some of my morning stretches outside.
KANARY in the afternoon


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Had a GREAT birthday. Slept like an old dog on a summer day. Woke up in pain, but it only lasted a few hours. Yesterday's cake was a strawberry lemon marble cake made by #1. She even went so far as to puree strawberries and zest some lemons for me. :D Overwhelmingly heavy on the frosting (made by teens, so what should I have expected... HAHAHA!), but the cake itself is soft and moist and perfectly balanced. I expect nothing less from one of my finest creations! She's an amazing person. My children also gifted me my favorite junk food: Fried mozzarella sticks. Truly, eating that alone... it's no wonder I woke up in such excruciating pain! I'm lucky to have slept the night! Family movie last night was "Legend" (1985), which is a classic that should be owned right alongside "The Last Unicorn", in my opinion. You can never go wrong with romanticized unicorn movies. :LOL:
MENU: AM and PM tea always
Breakfast - small charcuterie board with leftover strawberries, cherries, and mozzarella string cheese bites... Kids can finish off my cake for me... It was great, but way too rich for my current physical condition. Had a bite and my body changed my mind for me. Fresh fruit, though... that sounds good.
Dinner - Supposed to be eating chicken tonight. I hope my body can handle it, otherwise, it's back to broth and rice.
FITNESS: AM and PM stretches always
KANARY - Due to discomfort, I had to slow it down a lot. Since the pain went away, I think I'll come back to this later in the afternoon, assuming the pain stays away until then.
Took another walkabout today. It was brief, but it felt good to get out.

A little nostalgia from "Legend".


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Pain often strikes me in the early morning, but changing my diet has helped me to manage it down to a regular discomfort most of the day. Unfortunately, managing my diet often means strict intake, lots of fasting, and a MAJOR calorie deficiency. You'd think I'd've lost more weight by now, but I'm still close to 300lbs... I believe I was around 295lbs when I was last on... I'm teetering between 285 and 290. So, not much change. Though, my entire body is swollen with cysts, tissue masses, and lymphatic water retention. So, who knows, right? My insecurities are showing. HAHAHA! The best way for me to describe how I feel is like the worst of pregnancy, but with nothing to show for it... but then, only those who have been pregnant can really understand what I mean... The rest can only imagine. Like how I can't fully understand being a man kicked in the groin.... though, I imagine it's probably similar to ovarian cysts... both leave you doubled over, passed out, and vomiting with a feeling as though your very soul has been jarred apart from itself. However, due to my issue being more internal, I get to feel stabbing pain like I'm being run through on both sides of my pelvis repeatedly, cramps from the back of my head to my toes, and pinched nerves running down both legs. Needless to say, as miserable as my morning stretches are, without them, I'd be an even hotter mess than I am now... Though... I guess, I should take whatever kinda hot I can get! BAHAHAHA! Thanks for taking the time to read this rant and ramble.

MENU: AM and PM tea always
Breakfast - I grabbed a small handful of cherries... Didn't really feel like eating much. Also added fresh lemon and ginger to my morning tea this time. I thought it would make my stomach feel better, but I ended up vomiting instead. I miss eating. On some days, I'm lucky to get down some solids that don't come back up or pass on through, but most days, it's like I have a constant stomach flu.
Dinner - I'm really not hungry today, but I've been craving breakfast cereal. So, I'll be having a bowl of cereal for dinner. Kids will be making themselves pasta.
SNACK - I also set up another small charcuterie board for the kids. Just cherries, crackers, and mozzarella bites. If I'm feeling alright later on in the day, I'll grab a few items. Otherwise, I'll be doing another partial fast. My body hurts less through the night on days when I do intermittent fasting. So, I'm basically only eating twice a day on most days.

FITNESS: AM and PM stretches always.
Some of my children have been asking me to work out with them. I offered to create a summer fitness program that we can all do together. I don't know how much of it I will be able to do, but here it is:

EOD - 40 Lunge Punches
WOD - Choosing to be Exceptional
JUNE CHALLENGE - Epic Glutes: Day 1
PROGRAM - Zen: Day 1
CARDIO - One lap around the school yard

Obviously, most of this is taken from DAREBEE's page, but that's what it's there for. HAHAHA! Kids can't complain. They've also asked me for a summer school program. I warned them that I'm a taskmaster. They got really excited about it, though... We'll see how long that excitement lasts... I told them that I would give them a break in June, and that we'll start at the end of the month, but that their reading and culinary programs start after the 5th. My middle schoolers will be homeschooled this coming school year. They're falling behind and need an extra push. They almost didn't pass this year! So, it's good timing that nearly everyone suddenly wants me to set up a summer program for them.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
So... Yesterday didn't happen. Today's not going to happen either. I'll be on my feet half the day and helping a neighbor the other half of the day. Grateful that I didn't wake up in total pain this morning. Just some slight discomfort for now.

MENU: AM and PM tea always
Skipping breakfast
Mid-day: Probably a lot of junk food. :ss: Definitely going for some funnel cake and ice cream today!
I have no clue what I'm eating tonight. Probably some broth.
Hey, did y'all know yesterday was International Donut Day? There's a local baker that sells day old donuts for $1.50... I'm talking $20 worth of donuts stuffed onto a bag for quick sale just because they weren't baked fresh that day! CRAZY! I bought two bags and shared one with my bestie, since we both have monster kids. :peace::LOL:

FITNESS: AM and PM stretches always
Founder's Day today. There's gonna be a parade... the kind that still throws candy out to kids. :D Afterwards, there's celebration at the park. Needless to say, I don't intend to do a workout routine today. I'll already be sore and tired enough by day's end.

Woke my kids blasting "Black Parade" this morning. Only my orchid stirred. The rest are dandelions that can withstand anything and slept through it. So, I pulled out my "jolt them awake with metal" soundtrack. My orchid was pissed. The others barely stirred. So, I played my "Orchid" playlist. She was content. The rest woke up pissed. BAHAHAHA! Now, everyone's awake and getting ready for the parade. :peace::cool:


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Beautiful, mostly pain-free day yesterday. I was on my feet for Founder's Day til about 2:30, then back up again at 4 to help my friend... Sit on her butt... She's the kind who won't sit still unless she's got someone else sitting still with her... So, we planted chairs and watched our men do the heavy lifting... It was a lovely evening of eye candy.

Day of rest today. Some of my kids are recovering from heat exhaustion, one of them is sick with a summer cold after spending a week with her grandpa. I'm wishing I had purchased more BBQ ribs from one of the food trucks at the festival because they were SOOOO GOOOOD! Yes, I ate a LOT of meat yesterday, I also had a scoop of ice cream, and a HUGE cup of lemonade that I like to call "Perfection", and some fresh strawberries... Did I mention that those ribs were the best dern ribs this side of the sun? I MUST KNOW THEIR SECRET!

"FRIED GREEN TOMATOES" If you haven't seen it, you should!

MENU - I ate the leftover ribs for breakfast, and am now simmering the bones with some veggies for what I hope to be the best dern broth this side of the sun, too!
FITNESS - Rest day!

I know some of you are having a rough day today, and I'm no exception, but I hope you are having a happy day despite the hardships. Sometimes, it's hard to maintain a positive outlook. Today, my positive outlook is, "THAT MEAT WAS SOOOO WORTH IT!" It probably wasn't, but my worthwhile day with the family yesterday has made the pain today more bearable. I hope that everyone here remembers to take their best times doing something worthwhile so that they have good memories to carry them through the rough times that follow.... and seriously, if you haven't seen "Fried Green Tomatoes", you truly are missing out. TAWANDA!!!


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Back to work today. Two oldest kids graduate today. Two youngest kids have fevers. They have their father's and grandparents' support, though. So, I don't feel so bad about missing out to be present for the sickies.

MENU: AM and PM tea always
Breakfast - eggy rice... or just eggs... I'm undecided.
Dinner - best dern broth this side of the sun with veggies, over rice or with toast. I made a big enough batch to last my family 3 days.

FITNESS: AM and PM stretches always
KANARY, always
EOD - 60 knee-to-elbow
WOD - Unfiltered and Loud
JUNE CHALLENGE - Epic glutes, day 2
ZEN - Day 2
CARDIO - 1 lap around schoolyard

Special note: While this is what's listed, this is not what I will be doing... It's what I will be ATTEMPTING to do with some epic fails. HAHAHA! Never feel bad about adapting a workout to what you're capable of. This is simply the program I make my kids follow, compliments of the Darebee home page, while I flounder alongside them.


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Posts: 283
"Keep fighting. Fortune will favor the patient and persistent."
Congrats on the oldest kids' graduations! :)

It's the thought that counts on any workout tries. I've had to modify/adjust/whatever you want to call it quite a bit since the restart, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Had a good day that DIDN'T HURT! Due to a third, older, child being sick as well, she was able to babysit while I watched my older two graduate! My Father-In-Law treated everyone at a buffet, and since I wasn't in pain and STARVING, I figured, why not? So, I binged. Woke up with NO PAIN this morning! Not gonna repeat it. Binge-eating is NOT the right move, but I do have a LOT more energy today than I've had in a while... I blame the MEAT! BAHAHAHA! I usually don't eat large quantities of meat, but lately, my body's been crying for cold cereal and solid slabs of red meat. So, I should probably listen to my body since it's actually having genuine food cravings...

MENU: AM and PM tea always
BREAKFAST - A big spoonful of rice before running out the door to help a friend.
DINNER - The last of the broth and veggies over rice.

FITNESS: AM and PM stretches always
KANARY always
Nothing else... I'll be up and about all morning and into the early afternoon. That will be my workout.

I am spreading my hope that you can also have a good day!


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
STREP THROAT! Looks like my sickies have strep throat. I am so glad that my mother didn't babysit them! We actually argued over it. She didn't want me to miss the graduation, but the last thing I wanted was to be responsible for an elderly woman with a heart condition getting a fever... I told her that being the cause of her illness is a surefire way to earn the hate of all ten siblings and NO THANK YOU. HAHAHA! #3 getting sick resolved that issue, but... seriously? STREP THROAT!!! So, here's why it's a big deal. We are a good sized family, and we're a close-knit family. So, if one person gets something, the rest catches it. So, in the event of strep throat, when the sickies get treated, we ALL get treated for preventative measure. So, I had to get antibiotics for 8 people, and antifungals as a preventative measure for all the ladies in the house. Granted, it's cheaper than when we had to share in the treatments for lice and pinworms. Insurance didn't cover those. Sharing is caring! BAHAHA!

MENU: AM and PM tea always
Brunch: Creamy garlic and basil tomato soup with fried tortillas (pan-fry corn tortillas in a little oil/butter and garlic salt) *chef kiss*
Dinner: Fried rice with eggs and mixed veggies

FITNESS: AM and PM stretches always
KANARY always
EOD - 2min shoulder taps
WOD - Sloth
JUNE CHALLENGE - Epic Glutes, Day 3
CARDIO - 1 lap around the schoolyard

Today, again there's no pain. I'm grateful because I know it can change on a dime.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Today is my first restful day since last Wednesday! I won't go into details, but I'm just checking in to let everyone know that I'm still alive. Kids don't have strep anymore, either. I appreciate everyone's healing vibes. I didn't have time to say anything before, but there won't be any check-ins for a little while... that would require a device, which I probably won't have much access to for at least another week. So, ciao til then.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
HOWDY, FELLOW HIVERS!!! I hope to be back, but I might have to dip out again...

So, my friend had her baby, and there were a LOT of complications. I've been practically living at her house so that her kids have a caretaker. I'm still spending my days there as her arms and legs, but I'm finally able to come home at night, and O, how I've missed a full night's rest!!! I swear, I was on a psychedelic trip from how tired I was. So, today's a day of rest while I try to find a new "normal" as a daytime nanny for the next several weeks.

Be home in time to say bedtime prayers with my own family.
Be ASLEEP by midnight.
Overcome the 4am "wake up" adrenal rush.
Not wake up before 6am.
Restore my kids' wake/sleep cycle.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Had a good day yesterday. Left my friend and her kids in the care of another friend (one who has medical experience, so I knew she was in good hands if anything happened to her), and went to the (LDS) temple yesterday. Woke up to excruciating pain this morning, though. The inflammation in the connective tissues around my pelvis has returned... One of them is swollen the size of my wrist! It's a HUGE difference in size on my right from my left. I honestly don't know how I'm going to be able to help my friend today, but I'll do my best! Really, I totally blame my diet this time... I was starving yesterday and filled up on junk snacks and fried foods... Totally butchered my diet in a time when I knew I was overworking my body. It's no wonder the pain is back considering my history of inflammatory responses.

Be home in time to say bedtime prayers with my own family. :v:
Be ASLEEP by midnight. :v:
Overcome the 4am "wake up" adrenal rush. :x:
Not wake up before 6am. :x:
Restore my kids' wake/sleep cycle. :v:

Though, I have to admit, the first and last are iffy... I had to push bedtime back by 30 minutes in order to be home on time to say bedtime prayers with my family, and they are struggling to wake up at 6... I give them a wake-up window between 6 and 7:30. Being asleep by midnight is a no-brainer for me. I come home ready to drop every day. HAHAHA!

Ok... Funny story time... Anybody who knows me also knows that my kids eat A LOT! So, while I was gone on Monday, my kids made a MASSIVE pot of rice that they dumped canned peas, beef stew, and soy sauce into... I have no clue how much they ate the day they made it, but when I came back, there was still enough in there to feed them for three more days! Last night, I came home to find an empty pot on the stove. MY KIDS ATE THREE DAYS' WORTH OF FOOD IN ONLY ONE!!! Is it any wonder $2k/month goes into just FEEDING THEM!!! I have no clue even how much they started out with, but I think I'll have to refill my 5 gal. food buckets by the time this ordeal is over. I'll also need to refill the snack bin... I can almost see the bottom of it... I could've sworn a 30gal bin was big enough to tide them over throughout the week.

Anyway, between not being present to control my children's food raids and being an endless motor for another's high energy children, I'm beat! :giveup: