Day One


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU , @TheLibrarian , @Montserrat , @Fremen , @Silent Wolf , @TopNotch and @Tileenah . One Tier 1 challenge to go.
Not sure what's going on at the moment. My phone decided to suddenly drop it's network last night and refused to give it back. I did troubleshooting with the carrier and unfortunately the carrier network is fine as the SIM worked in another phone. Worst thing was the Factory Reset which meant I lost everything that wasn't backed up and all my passwords, which of course I don't remember. And its only Wednesday.

Day Ninety-Nine: Wednesday 29/3/2023
Workout of the Day (27/3/2023): Mr Grumpy - Done at Level III with Extra Credit

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Warrior Arms 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Exercise of the Day (22/3/2023): 50 Reverse Angels - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 51 Cardio Circuit - Done (5 x sequence of 2 Min Walk + 2 Min Jog + 1 Min Run) = 3.20 km in 25:00 minutes
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Exercise of the Day (28/3/2023): 2 Minute Side Plank Hold - Done
30-day Walkabout challenge: Day 10 - Done 15,000+/8,500 steps
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Workout of the Day (14/3/2023): Magician - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done

PM activity
Square One program: Day 9 - Done at Level III
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 9 - Done
From Walking to Running 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done as 1.03 km walk in 18:14 minutes around the car park at work. Low and behold the phone suddenly decided to give me my network back. Then I had to get back to work and went inside and it disappeared again.
Square One program: Day 10 - Done at Level III
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 10 - Done at Level III

Nothing I've done since has brought my phone back to normal. I even did more laps of the carpark but it hasn't helped. I'm worried it had been dropped and something inside has broken. Anyway its pack up time so I've got to hurry to the service provider shop who said they'd look at it, providing they're still open when I get there.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thanks @NancyTree and @JCU .

Yes I feel a little weird without it functioning, especially in the gym. No internet = no music, = no saved run data, = no checking Darebee for next activity. I missed the phone centre last night due to parent/teacher interviews. He was almost heartbreaking to watch this grown man reduced to tears when we told him that his darling little angel student in class is actually Genghis Khan reincarnate and not to turn his back on her or let her out of his sight. He couldn't believe it. He was new to the school so gave him some pity but referred him to past teachers that had been duped by this little terror of mine.

Anyway, Double badge day
Day One Hundred: Thursday 30/3/2023. Yes my 100 Day badge and my goal is to do something I haven't been able to do yet - make to the 1 Year badge with faltering or getting injured and forced to stop.
Square One program: Day 11 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (29/3/2023): 50 Calf Raises - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 11 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done

AM Gym Session
Warrior Arms 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed.
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Quick Warmup
Back to Fit program: Day 52 Lower Body Circuit - Done (5 sets x 10 reps x 5 exercises). Glute Bridges, Barbell Reverse Lunges, Dumbbell Step-Ups, Dumbbell Calf Raises, and Dumbbell Front Squats. 22.5kg barbell for warmup then 37.5 kg for the remainder, 7kg dumbbell for warmups and 10kg for remaining sets on all dumbbell exercises.
30-day Walkabout challenge: Day 11 - 12,000+/9,000 steps
From Walking to Running 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done as 2.86km walk/run in 21:02 minutes on the treadmill. If I wasn't so busy this afternoon I'd be tempted to finish this challenge off too.
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU , @oneironaut , @NancyTree , @TopNotch , @Tileenah , @Montserrat , @Fremen , @aku-chan , @BetaCorvi , and @Silent Wolf .

Day 101: Friday 31/3/2023
Square One program: Day 12 - Done at Level III
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 12 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Walk my daughter to school and to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
From Walking to Running 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed. (Details to be updated when I get my phone back from the repair shop)
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 12 - Done. 27,209/5,000 steps

Day 102: Saturday 1/4/2023
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Square One program: Day 13 - Done at Level III
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 13 - Done. 20,824/9,500 steps

Day 103: Sunday 2/4/2023
Square One program: Day 14 - Done at Level III
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Quick Warmup
Les Mill BodyCombat class
home again
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 13 - Done (catchup)
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 14 - Done. 15,102/10,000 steps

Day 104: Monday 3/4/2023
Square One Program: Day 15 - Done at Level III

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Back to Fit Program: Day 53 Upper Body Circuit - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Exercise of the Day (30/3/2023): 50 Single Leg Bridges - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 15 - Done. 15,659/10,500 Steps
Precursor workout - Done
Workout of the Day (1/4/2023): Launchpad - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 105: Tuesday 4/4/2023
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 14 - Done (catchup)

AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 16 - Done. 15,945/5,000 Steps
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Exercise of the Day (1/4/2023): 2 Minutes Jumping Jacks - Done
Exercise of the Day (31/3/2023): 50 Balance Kicks - Done
Exercise of the Day (3/4/2023): 5 Minutes Punches - Done
Workout of the Day (3/4/2023): Stand & Deliver! - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Workout of the Day (29/3/2023): Grit & Grace - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition): Day 15 - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Tileenah , @Fremen , @TopNotch , @JCU , @NancyTree , @TheLibrarian . Unfortunately no badge. I tried to add it in the profile but it kept crashing so no badge this time.

Day 106: Wednesday 5/4/2023
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 16 - Done

AM Gym Session:
Quick Warmup
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Exercise of the Day (4/4/2023): 60 Seconds Single Leg Hops - Done
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done (it was more convenient to do it before Day 27)
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 54 Cardio Circuit - Done as 3.19km on treadmill. (5 x 2 Mins Walk + 2 Mins Jog + 1 Min Run)
Workout of the Day (9/3/2023): Sparks Will Fly - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done

PM Activity
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 17 - Done. 18,198/11,000
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Square One program: Day 16 - Done at Level III
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 17 - Done
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 107: Thursday 6/4/2023
Last workday for a couple of weeks as going to have some time off.
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done

AM Gym Session: Not overly motivated as there is a bit to get done today
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (5/4/2023): 40 Sit-Up Elbow Strikes - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Cardio Warmup
Workout of the Day (5/4/2023): Bring it On - 2 sets only with Extra Credit as interrupted by colleagues in a flap. By the time I got back to the gym, my body had cooled down and I was even less motivated that before. maybe I'll go have lunch possibly pump up a bit later in the day.

PM activity
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Square One program: Day 18 - Done at Level III
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 18 - Done 15,129/11,500 Steps
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Montserrat . I did consider that but didn't want to bother the Darebee Team with minor issues. Thank you everyone for still visiting my page even though I've been Missing in Action for the past couple of weeks. I'll try and be brief with the activities of the past fortnight.

Day 108: Friday 7/4/2023 (Good Friday)
Day one of my Annual Leave timed to be at home with the kids over the Easter School Holidays. No Les Mills BodyCombat today at the gym but just as well as I booked in a platelet donation at the Blood Bank.
1.40km walk down to the Blood Bank in 15:14 minutes. 81 minutes in the chair being syphoned today.
1.38km walk back home in a leisurely 16.27 minutes.

PM activity
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 18 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 19 - Done as 12,270 / 12,000 Steps

Day 109: Saturday 8/4/2023
Square One program: Day 19 - Done at Level III
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Exercise of the Day (7/4/2023): 2 Minutes Balance Hold - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 19 - Done at Level III
out to the gym to meet up wit my gym buddy for our regular Saturday workout
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 20 - Done as 22,051/5,000 Steps
Square One program: Day 20 - Done at Level III
1.80km walk in 21:40 minutes
Flexibility 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed
Splits 30-day challenge: day 23 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 110: Sunday 9/4/2023 (Easter Sunday)
No Les Mills BodyCombat today as public holiday.

Square One program: Day: Day 21 - Done at Level III
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 21 - Done as 17,702/12,500 Steps
A lazy Sunday. Well deserved if you ask me.
Finish the day with packing for a road trip.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 111: Monday 10/4/2023
Road Trip Day 1.
Drove to the Australian Reptile Park for the kids to experience some of the local wildlife of the country and information about the Funnel Web Spider anti-venom program.
3.27km walk around the park in 4:12:53 hours - done as Walking 30-day challenge: Day 30 so challenge Completed.
Continue driving north and west out to our destination this evening: Cessnock. A small rural town in the Hunter Valley. Unfortunately since I was last here, there is a lot of businesses closed down and empty store fronts as we travelled through the town centre. Brief walk around town. Dinner at the local Leagues club. The food was nice albeit a little mroe expensive than expected for a country town. While there I texted a mate who I used to work with but now is head distiller at one of the many distilleries in the area but he said now was not a good time to visit which was unexpected but I took his advice on board. There are other options.
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 22 - Done as 15,049/13,000 Steps

Day 112: Tuesday 11/4/2023
Road Trip Day 2.
Drive out to Hunter Valley Gardens for their Mega Creatures (dinosaur) exhibition.
6.09km walk around the gardens in 2:49:10 hours.
Done with the gardens we had a picnic in the park nearby and then wandered through the Hunter Valley Gardens Shopping Village in Pokolbin. The kids went nuts at the British Lolly Shop. Then it was my turn when we walked into the Small Mouth Vodka shop front. Lots of vodkas, gins and liqueurs. I made it out of there with only minor injuries (about $100 spent). Unfortunately next door we fared worse; at The Garden Cellars. There were more vodkas, gins and liqueuers to try as well as fancy shimmer infused Moscatos. This one cost me over $300. Oops.
Drive back to Cessnock for the night. Sampled some of the local Chinese cuisine which was very Australianised and not too authentic but popular with the locals.
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 24 - Done as 17,796/13,500 Steps

Day 113: Wednesday 12/4/2023
Road Trip Day 3.
Coffee and pastries from a local family run business before hitting the road again. I do prefer to stay and eat at local small businesses to support them. Unfortunately most of the coffee I've had this trip is quite weak. The worst was yesterday's at the Hunter Valley Gardens. Anyway back and checked out and hit the road again. This time for Williamtown and Fighterworld. My son was in heaven. Lots of aircraft from past as far back as WWI to recently retired F/A-18 aircraft. We were here only 18 months ago but they'd obviously had an injection of cash and the place was looking great and had new staff which improved the experience. We even splashed out on a VR simulator experience which was fantastic too. But the icing on the cake was actually the real deal, our F-35 fighter aircraft taking off out the back which is RAAF Base Williamtown. I registered 2.39km walking around the facility in 2:27:27 hours. Lunch and then we braced ourselves for the 3 hour drive back home. That was long!!!!!!
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 24 - Done as 10,344/5,000 Steps.
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 114: Thursday 13/4/2023
Catch up day. I did very little of my scheduled workouts/challenges over the past three days while away so will have to start trying to make up for it.
Square One program: Day 22 - Done at Level III
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 20 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 21 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Exercise of the Day (8/4/2023): 80 Knee Strikes - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Exercise of the Day (9/4/2023): 60 Seconds Bear Plank Hold - Done
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Exercise of the Day (10/4/2023): 20 Stacked Push-Ups - Done
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 25 - Done as 17,503/14,000 Steps

Day 115: Friday 14/4/2023
Second catch-up day.
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) Program: Day 22 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (11/4/2023): 30 Knee-to-Elbow - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 23 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 1 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Square One program: Day 23 - Done at Level III
out to the gym for my usual Friday session.
I met my gym buddy there who had taken a day off before her week of leave. But there was no class. The instructor was a no-show. This is disappointing. No replacement either. We debated about what we want to do as against what we should do. We hit the eliptical trainer for about 20 minutes each. My phone wouldn't synch with the machine software but I think it ended up being just over 4.50 km.
More satisfying activity, coffee and chat. Home and sort out my plans for the rest of my leave.
1.87km walk out to the local bottle shop for some more liquid inspiration.
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 26 - Done as 21,019/14,500 Steps
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Exercise of the Day (12/4/2023): 2 Minutes Backfists - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @TopNotch , @Montserrat , @JCU, @Fremen , and @Tileenah . I will try and keep on top of these logs but it seems life keeps getting in the way. I was on a roll last night then I had to prepare dinner, eat and clean up because no one else around here does and the housecleaning fairies appear to be on strike.
Anyway back to it
Day 116: Saturday 15/4/2023
Duty shift at my Rural Fire Station. One of the new guys was marvelling at my being a member there longer than he'd been alive. I wasn't sure whether that was a complement or a hint for me to hang up the boots. I'm still upright with a pulse so if I'm still capable then I will continue to volunteer as a fire fighter.
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 27 - Done as 17,828/15,000 steps
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 2 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 24 - Done

Day 117: Sunday 16/4/2023
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 25 - Done at Level III
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Exercise of the Day (13/4/2023): 30 Reverse Crunches - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 3 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Out to the gym for my Sunday Session of pain with Verity. I get to the gym and find a note on the studio door advising that Les Mills BodyCombat class was cancelled for today. That is two out of two classes cancelled. What is going on?
Square One program: Day 24 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Exercise of the Day (15/4/2023): 2 Minutes W-Extensions - Done
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 28 - Done as 16,106/15,500 Steps
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 26 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Square One program: Day 25 - Done at Level III
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 27 - Done
Square One program: Day 26 - Done at Level III

Day 118: Monday 17/4/2023
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 28 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 4 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Exercise of the Day (16/4/2023): 60 Seconds Knee-to-Elbow - Done
Square One program: Day 27 - Done at Level III
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 29 - Done
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Square One program: Day 28 - Done at Level III
Out and back to the kwoon. My first Kung Fu training session in six months. I took it easy and the instructors took it easy on me. They even asked where I wanted to start and I told the that because it had been so long then probably back at the very begining and get the basics right again before moving on. I survived (mostly) and walked out of there feeling happy. I can already feel the plantar faciitis in my left foot playing up as a result of all the kicks etc. So be it.
30 Day Walkabout 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 119: Tuesday 18/4/2023
Oh yeah. I can certainly feel that plantar faciitis. I hobble around the house for a while until my foot muscles had warmed up.
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 5 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge :day 18 - Done
Exercise of the Day (17/4/2023): 30 Single Leg Bridges - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
out to the gym and met up with my gym buddy.
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done. The foot behaved itself and I'm so glad I made the class as it has been over a week and I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms.
30 Day Walkabout challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed. That is now all Tier 1 challenges and programs completed. While my upperbody strength is still sadly lacking I'd like to think my overall fitness has improved and I won't have too many issues taking on the Tier 2 programs and challenges. Feeling good about things.
Then I fell down the stairs and rolled my right ankle (not the left which had the plantar faciitis) so now I had two damaged feet. I don't believe it. Just when I was getting on top of things again.

Day 120: Wednesday 19/4/2023
Two impaired feet making life difficult for me. Plenty of ice and rest.
1.53km walk around Cronulla with my daughter while my son went to his speech therapist. Those 18:53 minutes were the only form of intentional exercise I managed today. I rested it quite a bit and iced it a lot but somehow I still managed to clock up over 16,000 steps today. I'm not very good at this resting thing.

Day 121: Thursday 20/4/2023
Still have somewhat functioning feet. I push my self to get up and moving. I know that one foot works better when warmed up. Come to think of it, so does the other. Either that or it just goes numb. Anyway I and now another day behind.
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 6 - Done
Arms of Steel (Chair Edition) program: Day 30 - Done and program completed.
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 11 -Done
Square One program: Day 29 - Done at Level III
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Square One program: Day 30 - Done at Level III and program completed as well. Getting there. Still have a few things to do for catch up but more ice and resting especially as tomorrow is BodyCombat again. Fingers crossed the ankle will be good by then. It is starting to feel a lot better but I'm taking it easy today so I can be ready for tomorrow.
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
1-Munute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 18 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU , @Tileenah , @HellYeah , @Fremen , @TopNotch , @aku-chan , and @Montserrat . For your congratulations and healing vibes for my feet. My rolled ankle is now functional (mostly) especially as I now have it compressed having forgotten to do that part of the Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. No more injuries @TopNotch but I agree it does seem I'm breaking my body a lot.

Day 122: Friday 21/4/2023
Exercise of the Day (20/4/2023): 80 Balance Leg Swings - Done
Touch our Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 8 - Done
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Foundation program: Day 1 - Done at Level III. I was going to do Cardio Blast but will wait until I see how my ankle holds up to the pounding of a Body Combat class
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - done and survived with no discomfort so I guess its full speed ahead again.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thanks @Silent Wolf .

Day 123: Saturday 22/4/2023

Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 9 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Foundation program: Day 2 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (21/4/2023): 60 Elbow Strikes - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done

Day 124: Sunday 23/4/2023
Active rest day serving the community as a volunteer fire fighter.
No structured exercise today.
Lots of running around doing stuff
Then a run to the shops to get dinner stuff on the way home.
Late sprint around the kitchen but still had us eating just after 8pm. That's just too late but I didn't get much help.
I was contemplating doing a Darebee activity but by the time I tidied up it was after 10pm and besides I'd already clocked up up over 17,000 steps so I figured I'd done enough. That, and the fact I was due to get up at 4am for work after a two week break.

Day 125: Monday 24/4/2023
Catch up day both for work and exercise
I made it up and to work on time.
AM gym session
Touch Your Toes in 30 Days challenge: Day 10 - Done
Quick Warmup
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Foundation program: Day 3 - Done at Level III
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
1-Minute Yoga 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
50 Squats a Day 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Foundation program: Day 4 - Done at Level III
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Power Walk 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Splits 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and finally completed (again for the first time).
Leg Day Everyday 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
1-Minute Meditation 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
and then back to work before anyone noticed.