Day One


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Tileenah , @Fremen , @Wiaaam , @Montserrat , @JCU , @Mianevem , @TopNotch . Yes another one done and its been several weeks since I last posted so my apologies on the late thanks. It it noticed and appreciated. I'm back now though. Not going through a good patch so throwing myself at exercise to combat my emotions.
I'll try and be brief in my recaps.

Day 28: Tuesday 20/6/2023
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Exercise of the Day (19/6/2023): 3 Minutes Wall-Sit - Done
Exercise of the Day (17/6/2023): 15 Tricep Extensions - Done
AM Gym session
Good Morning, World 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Quick Warmup
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Workout of the Day (19/6/2023): My Best Shot - Done at level III with Extra Credit
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 17 Full Body Workout 2 - Done. 5 exercises for 3 sets each. Exercise 1 Dumbbell Bench Press (20kg x 5 reps). Exercise 2 Chin-Ups (3,2,2) which is an improvement on previous weeks. Exercise 3 Superset Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells & Single-Arm Half-Kneeling Shoulder Press (12.5 kg dumbbells for deadlift and 9 kg dumbbells for press), Exercise 4 Superset Seated Cable Row & Ab Roller (50kg for row & 10, 10 ,10 for Ab roller). Exercise 5 Dumbbell Farmer's Walk (25kg dumbbells x 20 yards/metres).
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
1-Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 13
PM activity
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done

Day 29: Wednesday 21/6/2023
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
AM Gym Session
Good Morning, World 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Quick Warmup
1-Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 14 - Done at Level III
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Good Morning, World 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 16 Rest Day
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done as 0.22km (not sure t tracked too well) walk around the shopping centre in 15:11 Minutes.

Day 30: Thursday 22/6/2023
AM Gym Session
Good Morning, World 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done
Quick Warmup
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 15 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 19 Full Body Workout 3 - Done. 4 Exercises for 3 sets each. Exercise 1 Hex-Bar Deadlift done as Trapbar Deadlift (60kg x 5 reps), Exercise 2 Superset Side Bridge Hold & Leg Press done as Barbell Squats (30 seconds each side for Bridge Hold & 60kg x 8 reps for Squats), Exercise 3 Superset Smith Machine Inverted Row done as Inverted Row on the barbell rack & Standing Cable Wood Chop (8 reps each for Row & 25kg x 10 reps each side for chop), Exercise 4 Waiter's Carry (12.5kg dumbbell x 25 yardx/metres each arm).
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 16 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done as 0.51 km walk around shops in 30:11 minutes.
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done

Day 31: Friday 23/6/2023
30 Days of Cardio Blast program : Day 17 - Done at Level III
1 Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 3 - 1.5km walk approximately dropping daughter at school and onto the gym
15:08 Minute Treadmill walk for 1.49 km
Les Mills BodyCombat class
PM activity
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 18 rest day
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done

Day 32: Saturday 24/6/2023
Out ot the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 4 - 1.39 km walk in 18:52 minutes to the shops for a grocery top-up.
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 20 rest day
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 33: Sunday 25/6/2023
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 18 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (24/6/2023): 50 Knee-to-Elbows - Done
Exercise of the Day (23/6/2023): 2 Minutes Chest Expansions - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Out to the gym despite reservations about the crowding of these classes
Les Mills BodyPump class
Les Mills BodyCombat class

PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done as 3.49 km walk to the shops
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 21 rest day
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done

Day 34: Monday 26/6/2023
Exercise of the Day (25/6/2023): 60 Seconds Side Plank Hold - Done
Exercise of the Day (22/6/2023): 2 Minutes Balanced Leg Swings - Done
PM gym session due to busy morning
Quick Warmup
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 19 - Done at level III
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 22 Full Body Workout 1 - Done. 4 Exercises for 3 sets each. Exercise 1 Goblet Squats (17.5 kg dumbbell x 5 reps), Exercise 2 Superset Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press & One-Arm Dumbbell Row (22.5 kg dumbbells x 8 reps for press & 22.5km dumbbell x 10 reps for rows each arm), Exercise 3 Superset Dumbbell Reverse Lunge & Pallof Press (12.5 kg dumbbells used for reverse lunges x 10 reps each leg & 30 kg for press each side), Exercise 4 Suitcase Carry (25kg dumbbell x 40 yards/metres each arm).
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 20 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done around shops
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done

Day 35: Tuesday 27/6/2023
AM Gym Session
Exercise of the Day (26/6/2023): 40 Leg Raises - Done
Exercise of the Day (21/6/2023): 60 Seconds Single Leg Bridges - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 21 - Done at level III
1-Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 22
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 24 Full Body Workout 2 - Done. 5 Exercises x 3 sets each. Exercise 1 Dumbbell Bench press (25kg dumbbells x 5 reps), Exercise 2 Chin-Ups (3, 2, 2), Exercise 3 Superset Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells & Single-Arm Half-Kneeling Shoulder Press (15kg dumbbells for deadlift x 8 reps & 10kg for press x 8 reps per arm), Exercise 4 Superset Seated Cable Rows & Ab Roller (55kg for row & 10 reps each set for abs), Exercise 5 Dumbbell Farmer's Walk (30 kg dumbbells x 20 yards/metres).
1-Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done as walk around shops again
A Salad a Day 3-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 36: Wednesday 28/6/2023
AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 22 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 26 Full Body Workout 3 - Done. 4 Exercises for 3 sets each. Exercise 1 Hex-Bar Deadlift done as Trap-Bar Deadlift (70 kg x 5 reps), Exercise 2 Superset Side Bridge Hold & Leg Press done as Barbell Squats (30 seconds each side for Hold & 70 kg x 8 reps for squats), Exercise 3 Superset Smith Machine Inverted Row done as inverted row on barbell rack & Standing Cable Wood Chop (8 reps for rows & 30 kg for chops each arm), Exercise 4 Waiter's Carry (15kg dumbbell x 25 yards/metres each arm).
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
PM activity
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done

Day 37: Thursday 29/6/2023
No gym today. Instead waiting for several hours in the motor authorities to sort out registration on a work van.
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Exercise of the Day (28/6/2023): 30 High Crunches - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 23 Rest Day
PM Activity
0.90km walk in 22:13 minutes as Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 9
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done

Day 38: Friday 30/6/2023
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 23 - Done at Level III
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done as 1.79km walk to gym in 20:46 minutes
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
PM activity
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 25 rest day


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thanks @JCU , I do too.

Day 39: Saturday 1/7/2023
A sleep in but raced out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 27 rest day
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done

Day 40: Sunday 2/7/2023
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyPump class
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class

PM activity
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Strength & Muscle for Beginners program: Day 28 rest day & program completed again. I do like this program as it is not to time intensive or demanding for equipment I don't have at my work gym. It also isn't too long that I get bored of it. This program is one of dozens available of the website however it does require a subscription to access the programs.
Back to Fit program: Day 63 rest day. Time to start this one up again after a five month break.

Day 41: Monday 3/7/2023
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Exercise of the Day (1/7/2023) - 100 Punches - Done
Exercise of the Day (2/7/2023): 30 Cossack Squats - Done. I keep forgetting how much fun these aren't.
AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 1
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 24 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 61 Cardio Circuit (25 minutes of any cardio) - Done as 25:03 minutes on treadmill for 3.18 km (as 5 sets of 2 min walk/2 min jog/1 min run)
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
1-Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
PM Activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done as 0.26km walk around shopping centre in 15:39 minutes
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 42: Tuesday 4/7/2023
Exercise of the Day (3/7/2023): 30 Seconds Calf Raises - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Exercise of the Day (30/6/2023): 60 Seconds Balance Hold - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
1-Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 25 - Done at level III
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 13 - FAIL. My calves just tensed up too much and couldn't finish the second set. This is the first challenge I've come across since starting everything again that I just couldn't physically do. I really want to do this challenge too as it is one I've never managed to complete.
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done as 2.27km to the post office to pick a parcel for work only to get there and find the card said to pick up tomorrow. Oh well, Daily walk is done anyway.
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done

Day 43: Wednesday 5/7/2023
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 26 - Done at Level III
Exercise of the Day (4/7/023): 40 Toe Taps - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 64 Upper Body Circuit - Done. 5 exercises for 5 sets. Only I forgot it was a circuit and did the first exercise as a stand alone and was halfway through the second before I realised. Exercise 1 Cable Cross-Over (15kg as warmup and 25 kg for remainder). Exercise 2 Barbell Rear Delt Bent-Over Row (25kg as warmup & 50 kg for remainder), Exercise 3 Band-Assisted Pull-Ups (1, 1 ,0 , 1, 1) Need to work on strengthening my back. Exercise 4 Standing Bicep Cable Curl (15kg as warmup & 35kg as remainder), and Exercise 5 Feet-Elevated Bench Dips (10 each)
1-Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
De Stress 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed.
Exercise of the Day (29/6/2023): 50 Side Kicks - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 1 again - Done
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done as 2.221 km walk to post office again. This time successfully picking up a package that probably should have been delivered to work. So,
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
A Salad a Day 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done.

Day 44: Thursday 6/7/2023
Am gym Session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (5/7/2023): 40 Reverse Angels - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Re: Centre 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
1-Minute Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 27 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 66 Lower Body Circuit - Done. 5 Exercises for 5 sets and yes I remembered it was a circuit. Exercise 1 Dumbbell Sumo Squat, Exercise 2 Single-Leg Cable Hip Extension, Exercise 3 Exercise Ball Knee Roll-in, Exercise 4 Single-Leg Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise, Exercise 5 Barbell Back Squat to Box. Unfortunately I must have thrown out my worksheet so I have no idea what weights I used or whether I need to increase/decrease them.
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
PM activity
Counting Victories 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed.
30 Days of Cardio Blast 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done as walk around shops again

Day 45: Friday 7/7/2023
No gym or workouts today. Took the kids to the Australian Maritime Museum to crawl all over ships and stuff themselves on gyoza for lunch.
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done as 1.87km walk in 33:41 minutes


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 46: Saturday 8/7/2023
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 29 - Done at Level III
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 16 - 2.33 km walk in 43:23 minutes to the shops and back

Day 47: Sunday 9/7/2023
30 Days of Cardio Blast program: Day 30 - Done at Level III and program completed. Not fussed about this program. There were some good days and some tedious days. Time to move on.
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
AM Gym session
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyPump class
Quick Warmup
Les Mill BodyCombat class
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 17 - 2.51km walk to the shops for lunch things for the kids

Day 48: Monday 10/7/2023
Not a good day. I am disappointed with my best friend who I feel has used and abused our friendship so I went hard today.
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 1 (again) - Done. I restarted this and a few others as I lost momentum and need something to focus on.
am gym session
Quick Warmup
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 1 (again) - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Exercise of the Day (9/7/2023): 40 Jumping Lunges - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 65 Cardio Circuit - Done as 5 sets of 2 min walk/2 min jog/1 min run = 3.18km in 25:00 minutes
Exercise of the Day (6/7/2023): 30 Push-ups - Done and the first time I've ever knocked out 30 straight
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Exercise of the Day (7/7/2023): 60 Seconds Arm Scissors - Done
Totals program: Day 1 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
PM activity
Punches & Squats 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed
Workout of the Day (9/7/2023): Balance - Done with Extra Credit
Evening activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 16 Not in the mood. Still seething. Will channel my energies elsewhere.
Kung Fu - 1.5 hours. Its been a long time coming but I'm glad I did it.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU , @Mamatigerj , @NancyTree , @Fremen , @Nanna Io , @TopNotch , @Tileenah . Yes it is quite a few accomplishments but it has been a few weeks since I last logged on to Hive. @TopNotch the salad one was easy for me as I prefer salads to cooked vegetation. As for my personal issues, it has subsided with what could be summed up as "lost in translation". I'm no longer at boiling point but have simmered somewhat however just wary. Anyway enough of that. How is everyone today? I've just finished up in the gym again so on a bit of a endorphin release high.

Day 49: Tuesday 11/7/2023
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Exercise of the Day (10/7/2023): 3 Minutes Half Jacks - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Totals program: Day 2 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 67 Upper Body Circuit - Done. 5 Exercises x 10 reps x 5 rounds: Dumbbell Fly (7kg dumbbells for warmup then 10kg dumbbells), Cuban Press (5kg warmup and then 7kg dumbbells until the last round when my form was suffering so dropped back to 5kg dumbbells), Back Extension (2.5 kg weight for warmup and 5kg thereafter but it would be nice with a proper back extension bench rather that the incline bench I've been improvising with.), Reverse-Grip Barbell Curl (7.5 kg EZ-Bar only for warmup then 20 kg EZ-Bar for remainder), Close-Grip Bench Press (22.5kg warmup then 40 kg thereafter).
Workout of the Day (10/7/2023): Shake it Off - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done as 0.20 km (didn't track that well) walk in 18:11 minutes around the shopping centre.

Day 50: Wednesday 12/7/2023
Wall Push-ups 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Exercise of the Day (11/7/2023): 50 Knee-ins with Back Kick - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done but getting over this challenge.
Totals program: Day 3 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 69 Lower Body Circuit (Day 68 Cardio can be done tomorrow or Friday whereas equipment workouts aren't so easy) - Done. 5 exercises x 10 reps x 5 sets: Barbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift (22.5 kg warmup then 42.5 kg for remainder), Single-Leg Bridges (10 reps each leg), Hack Squat (done as Barbell Squat. 30kg warmup weight then 70kg thereafter), Standing Calf Raise (done elevated on weight plate), Dumbbell Reverse Lunge (7kg dumbbells for warmup and then 10kg dumbbells. 10 reps per leg).
Workout of the Day (11/7/2023): Tempered Steel - Done at Level III
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Tileenah , and @HellYeah . Some days it doesn't feel like I achieve enough but I do have other responsibilities so I should be grateful that I can do something even if it isn't as much as I'd like.

Day 51: Thursday 13/7/2023
Wall Push-Ups 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed (Finally after a number of failed attempts over the years)
Am Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Totals program: Day 4 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Exercise of the Day (12/7/2023): 60 Side Bends - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 68 Cardio Circuit - Done as 25:00 minutes on the treadmill ( 5 x 2 Mins walk + 2 Mins Jog + 1 Min Run) for 3.18 km
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done

Day 52: Friday 14/7/2023
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done as 4.60km walk along Cronulla Beach in 46.26 minutes.
Back to Fit program: Day 70 Rest Day.
Nothing else done as other priorities such as taking kids to dentists and donating blood.

Day 53: Saturday 15/7/2023
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done

Day 54: Sunday 16/7/2023
All day my Rural Fire Station on crew so no gym
PM activity
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Exercise of the Day (14/7/2023): 60 Seconds Plank Hold - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
After my busy weekend, its time to get back into it and catch up on all those missed exercises. Consistency (or lack of) is the one thing that keeps holding me back.

Day 55: Monday 17/7/2023
AM Gym Session
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done. Then I realised that I still hadn't done Day 27. We all know what I'll be doing tomorrow.
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 71 Upper Body Circuit - Done. Five exercises for ten reps each for five sets (One warmup set then four working sets). Cable Cross-Over (15kg WU then 25kg but a little too gung-ho so scaled back to 20kg for remainder), Barbell Rear Delt Bent-Over Row (30kg WU then 60kg x 2 sets but again probably a tad too much so back to 55kg for remainder), Band-Assisted Pull-Ups (3, 2, 0, 0, 0 possibly went too hard, too early and had nothing left by mid way through the entire workout), Standing Biceps Cable Curls (15kg WU then 35kg thereafter), Feet-Elevated Bench Dip (10 each set).
Exercise of the Day (15/7/2023): 20 Butterfly Sit-Ups - Done
Exercise of the Day (16/7/2023): 25 Jump Squats - Done
Totals program: Day 6 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
PM activity
Kung Fu class - 1 hour.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU , @Tileenah , @Fremen , @Froud , @TopNotch and @Mamatigerj .

Day 56: Tuesday 18/7/2023
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
AM Gym session
Quick Warmup
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Exercise of the Day (17/7/2023): 30 Balance Side Lunges - Done
Totals program: Day 6 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 72 Cardio Circuit - Done. 25:03 Minutes for 3.19 km (5 x 2 Mins Walk, 2 Mins Jog & 1 Min Run)
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Totals program: Day 7 - Done
Workout of the Day (17/7/2023): Hall of Fame - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done. Long walk around Sydney Park

Day 57: Wednesday 19/7/2023
AM Gym Session
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Quick Warmup
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 73 Lower Body Circuit - Done. (5 sets x 5 exercises with first set as warmup x 10 reps each). Dumbbell Sumo Squat (12.5 kg dumbbell WU then 15kg dumbbell), Single-Leg Cable Hip Extension (20kg WU then 25kg each leg), Exercise Ball Knee Roll-in (10 reps each), Single-Leg Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise (10kg dumbbells x 10 reps each leg) and Barbell Back Squat to Box (30kg WU then 50 kg)
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Exercise of the Day (18/7/2023): 40 Toe Taps - Done
Totals program: Day 8 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @Montserrat and @NancyTree . Getting through the lower level challenges. I can't believe another week has flown by since I last reported in.

Day 58: Thursday 20/7/2023
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed (finally!) I am happy to admit that many squats set after set was a punish for me. At least my glutes are considerably tighter now!
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Exercise of the Day (19/7/2023): 30 Seconds Side-to-Side Jumps - Done
Totals program: Day 9 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 74 Upper Body Circuit - Done. 5 exercises x 10 reps x 5 sets. Dumbbell Fly (9kg dumbbells warmup then 12.5 kg dumbbells), Cuban Press (5kg dumbbells all the way through); Back Extension (2.5 kg plate for first set, the opted for the floor without weights for remainder. We don't have a proper back extension bench and I've been using the incline bench but I'm precariously balanced and eventually didn't want to risk it anymore); Reverse-Grip Barbell Curl done with EZ-Bar (7.5kg warmup then 20kg); Close-grip Bench Press (22.5kg warmup then 45 kg).
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done

Day 59: Friday 21/7/2023
No BodyCombat today. Instead I went to my daughter's sports carnival with school. My first one and I was surprised that she gave everything a try and even managed to come third in the Shot Put. Normally her most strenuous exercise is getting up to turn the television off. A sunny day but chilly with the wind blasting across the valley and up onto the athletics track. I got a lot of walking done, going from event to event.
Introduced the kids to Teppanyaki restaurant dining. They loved it. My daughter now wants to do it every weekend. I suppose it does sound like fun if you're not the one paying for it!
Back home and I still feel the need to something, anything physical just to have some sense of accomplishment.
PM activities
Exercise of the Day (20/7/2023): 20 Elbow Plank Arm Raises - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done.

Day 60: Saturday 22/7/2023
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Exercise of the Day (21/7/2023): 60 W-Extensions - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 75 Cardio Circuit - 25 minutes or equivalent. So I chose my usual Saturday morning cardio activity.
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done

Day 61: Sunday 23/7/2023
back to Fit program: Day 77 Rest Day
Out to the gym
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyPump class
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class

Day 62: Monday 24/7/2023
Exercise of the Day (23/7/2023): 20 Hook Kicks - Done
PM gym session as work was hectic with minimal staff on.
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Totals program: Day 10 - Done
Back to Fit 30-day challenge: Day 76 Lower Body Circuit - Done. 5 Exercises x 10 reps x 5 sets. Barbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift (30 kg warmup then 50 kg), Single-Leg Glute Bridge (10 reps per leg), Hack Squat done as Barbell Squat (40kg warmup, 70kg for 2 sets then backed off to 60kg for 2 sets as something didn't feel quite right), Standing Calf Raise, Dumbbell Reverse Lunge (7kg warmup and then 10kg dumbbells for each set, 10 reps per leg).
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done as 39:01 minutes walk around the shops but only tracking 0.37 km thanks to poor GPS signal.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 63: Tuesday 25/7/2023
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 78 Upper Body Circuit - Done. 5 Exercises x 10 reps x 5 sets. Cable Cross-Over (15kg warmup then 20kg), Barbell Rear Delt Bent-Over Row (30 kg warmup then 55kg), Band-Assisted Pull-Ups (4, 2, 1, 0, 0) but improvement none the less; Standing biceps Cable Curl (15kg warmup then 35kg), Feet Elevated Bench Dip (10 reps per set).
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Totals program: Day 11 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done as 2.48km walk in 44:22 minutes around Alexandria.

Day 64: Wednesday 26/7/2023
Exercise of the Day (25/7/2023): 10 Stacked Push-Ups - Done
Workout of the Day (25/7/2023): Captain On Deck - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Cardio Grind workout - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Totals program: Day 12 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 79 Cardio Circuit - Done as 3.23km Treadmill in 25:00 minutes (5 x 2 mins walk + 2 mins jog + 1 min run).
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Workout of the Day (21/7/2023): You Have to Catch Me First - Done with Extra Credit
Totals program: Day 13 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you all for the congratulatory comments @JCU , @Mamatigerj , @NancyTree , @Fremen , @Mianevem , @TopNotch , @Tileenah , and @Montserrat .
and yet another week has almost flown by us.

Day 65: Thursday 27/7/2023
Very busy day at work with no time for the gym.
PM activity
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done as 37:18 minute walk for 0.93 km around the shops contemplating the weekend's meal plans
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done. Not overly confident about completing this challenge first time through but interested to see how far I can get.
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done

Day 66: Friday 28/7/2023
Had a sleep in but still managed to get up and get my daughter ready and off to school
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done.

Day 67: Saturday 29/7/2023
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day16 - Done
Exercise of the Day (27/7/2023): 30 High Crunches - Done
Exercise of the Day (26/7/2023): 60 Seconds Elbow Strikes - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done

Day 68: Sunday 30/7/2023
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Exercise of the Day (29/7/2023): 30 Seconds Climber Taps - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Totals program: Day 14 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyPump class - Done
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - Done including the extra tracks. The instructors last week asked if anyone had requests for their favourite tracks and sure enough a couple of people said yes. I thought they'd slip them in at the appropriate time but no they decided to add them at the end of the assigned tracks making this a very intense workout. Unfortunately, I loved it even though it absolutely wrecked me. These instructors are not better or worse than my previous Sunday instructor, just different. They have different personalities but still full of energy and enthusiasm.

Day 69: Monday 31/7/2023
The big boss was in the place today so everyone played nicely and did what we're paid to do. Then he left and we broke back into our usual routines. and I hit the gym.
PM activity
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Totals program: Day 15 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
PM Gym Session
Exercise of the Day (10/6/2023): 2 Minutes Tree Pose Hold - Done
Quick Warmup
Epic Glutes 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Epic Core 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed!

Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done as 0.57km walk in 19:16 minutes around the shops deciding what to cook for dinner.

Day 70: Tuesday 1/8/2023
Workout of the Day (31/7/2023): Roamer - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
AM gym Session
Quick Warmup
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 80 Lower Body Circuit - Done. 5 Exercises x 10 Reps x 5 Sets. Dumbbell Sumo Squat (12.5kg dumbbell then up to 15kg for remaining sets), Single-Leg Cable Hip Extension (20kg for warmup then 25kg), Exercise Ball Knee Roll-In, Single-Leg Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise (10kg dumbbells all the way through), Barbell Back Squat to Box (30kg warmup then 55kg barbell for remainder).
Totals program: Day 16 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Exercise of the Day (31/7/2023): 60 Seconds Raise Leg Plank Hold - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done

Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done as lunch time walk to nearby shops for certain ingredients (which of course weren't there) and then to get something to eat and back to work in 24: 52 mins clocking up 1.21 km.
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done