Day One


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you everyone (JCU, Nancytree, Fremen, Montserrat, Mamtigerj, Tileenah, TopNotch, Mavis, Froud, and Mianevem). Life is ridiculously busy right now and I regret I haven't kept up with the Hive. Thank you all for your support.

My last entry was 1/8/2023 which is 3 weeks ago. I cannot believe it has been that long so I'll will try and be brief in my summaries. I've had some good days and a some rough days. Family dramas are taking up most of my time at the moment so bear with me. The past few months have started fairly weakly so I was going to make a conscious effort to rip into the activities this month.

Day 71: Wednesday 2/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (1/8/2023): 100 Side Leg Raises - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
AM gym session
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Quick Warmup
Agility 30-day challenge: ay 19 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 81 Upper Body Circuit - Done
Workout of the Day (1/8/2023): The Roaster - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Totals program: Day 17 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done as 0.25 (?) km walk around the shopping centre in 21:37 minutes

Day 72: Thursday 3/8/2023
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (2/8/2023): 2 Minutes Jumping Jacks - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Back to Fit program: Day 83 Lower Body Circuit - Done
Workout of the Day (2/8/2023): Tendon Strength Express - Done with Extra Credit
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Totals program: Day 18 - Done
PM activity
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done as 0.67km walk in 29:41 minutes around the shops

Day 73: Friday 4/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (3/8/2023): 30 Seconds Pacer Steps - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
BodyCombat class - Done. Done as Back to Fit program: Day 82 Cardio Circuit
PM activity
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Daily Walk 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done as 2.66km walk in 44:36 minutes and challenge completed
Totals program: Day 19 - Done.

Day 74: Saturday 5/8/2023
Back to Fit program: Day 84 Rest Day and finally program completed. It was alright to begin with but started getting tedious towards the end. I am not a fan of long programs.
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class - done
PM activity
Exercise of the Day (4/8/2023): 80 Calf Raises - Done.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 75: Sunday 6/8/2023
Busy with my son trying out for a cricket team for the first time. Wasn't too successful but something to work on.
PM activity
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 12
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
2.66 km walk to the shops to get dinner items in 27:20 minutes.

Day 76: Monday 7/8/2023
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (6/8/2023): 60 Seconds Knee-to-Elbow - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Totals 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 1 Triceps - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Pm activity
Kung Fu class - 90 minutes

Day 77: Tuesday 8/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (7/8/2023): 2 Minutes Stretch Hold - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 2 Rest Day
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Totals program: Day 21 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
PM activity
2.71 walk in 33:12 minutes with my son while he played Pokemon Go on his phone. At least he got out of the house!

Day 78: Wednesday 9/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (8/8/2023): 60 Seconds Boat Pose Hold - Done
Am gym session
Quick Warmup
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done and getting tough for my lack of upper body strength
Killer Arms program: Day 3 Biceps - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Totals program: Day 22 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
PM activity
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you again everyone (@Mamatigerj , @Montserrat ,@Froud ,@JCU , @Tileenah , @BetaCorvi ). Today I should have time to catch up with everything become I'm home schooling my daughter today because she has been suspended :cry::mad:

Day 79: Thursday 10/8/2023
Killer Arms program: Day 4 Rest Day
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Agillity 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Totals program: Day 23 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Exercise of the Day (9/8/2023): 60 Alt Arm / Leg Raises - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Workout of the Day (9/8/2023): I've Got This - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Totals program: Day 24 - Done

Day 80 - Friday 11/8/2023
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Exercise of the Day (10/8/2023): 30 Seconds Toe Tap Hops - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
1.77 km walk to the gym via school dropping my daughter off
Quick Warmup
BodyCombat class
1.28km walk back home

Day 81: Saturday 12/8/2023
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Cardio 30-day 11 - Done
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup
BodyCombat class


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 82: Sunday 13/8/2023
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup

Day 83: Monday 14/8/2023
Very busy day at work. So not much time to workout
PM activity
Exercise of the Day (13/8/2023): 40 Leg Raises - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
PM gym session because the management all left for the day
Quick Warmup
Totals program: Day 25 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 22
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
0.57km (?) walk through the shops in 35:48 minutes

Day 84: Tuesday 15/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (14/8/2023): 100 Back Leg Raises - Done
PM gym session
Quick Warmup
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Totals program: Day 26 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 5 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done. Again (oops)
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Totals program: Day 27 - Done
0.22km (?) walk in 19:21 minutes around the shops

Day 85: Wednesday 16/8/2023
Catch up day. Why? Because I could
Exercise of the Day (15/8/2023): 60 Elbow Clicks - Done
Wokrout of the Day (15//2023): Upperbody Mobility - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
am gym session
Quick Warmup
Agility 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed. Never thought I'd be able to do it but mission accomplished!
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done and getting quite tough
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Totals program: Day 28 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done

Yes more new challenges. I spent some time going through the new categorisations of challenges and workouts by Darebee. I am taken on the four challenges that have been re-classified as Level 1. I am also going to defer 50 Push-Ups in One Go until I get a lot stronger (but only when I fail it) especially as it is now classed as Level 5.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 86: Thursday 17/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (16/8/2023): 60 Seconds Back Leg Raise Hold.
pm gym session
Quick Warmup
Re:Centre 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Power Punch 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed!
Totals program: Day 29 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
2.46 km walk in 1:01:07 hours
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done

Day 87: Friday 18/8/2023
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
2.01km walk out to the gym
Quick Warmup
BodyCombat class
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done

Day 88: Saturday 19/8/2023
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup
BodyCombat class
Re: Focus 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 89: Sunday 20/8/2023
Out to the gym
Quick Warmup
BodyCombat class
pm activity
2.90 km walk in 34:20 minutes to the shops for dinner things
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 5

Day 90: Monday 21/8/2023
Busy morning out to the northern beaches to help with the search for a lost person who was found the moment we arrived.
Exercise of the Day (20/8/2023): 30 Seconds Elbow Plank
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
pm activity
Quick Warmup
Kung Fu - 90 minutes

Day 91: Tuesday 22/8/2023
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Exercise of the Day (21/8/2023): 30 Seconds Lunge Step-Ups - Done
am gym session
Quick Warmup
50 Push-Ups in One Go 30-day challenge: Day 22 - FAIL. Didn't have the stamina for the last 10. I want to complete this challenge for a number of reasons but I'm not quite ready for it yet. I might come back to it in a couple of months but we'll see how my strength training is progressing.
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Totals program: Day 30 - Done and program completed!!
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 8 Triceps - Done
Workout of the Day (21/8/2023): Optimum Burn - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
pm activity
2.91 km walk in 33:54 minutes


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @JCU , @Mamatigerj , @Fremen , @Montserrat , and @Tileenah . Yes a number of challenges done and a program but still plenty left to do.

Day 92: Wednesday 23/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (22/8/2023): 2 Minutes Shoulder Taps - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Back & Core program: Day 1 Support & Strength - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Abs 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and another challenge done.
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
PM activity
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
4.45km walk around Cronulla in 47:07 minutes while waiting for my son to complete his appointment.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thanks again @Mamatigerj , @Tileenah , @Fremen , @Montserrat and @NancyTree . More down with a few more close to completion. As for my daughter, oh dear. Fortunately its only two days and I nearly added "this time". She has been going down hill for a little while now and we have pediatrician and psychologist appointments lined up. We've been in weekly meetings with the school to try and work out the problems and we're running out of ideas. I'm trying to give her more attention and the school has her on a performance plan which basically bribes her to be good. Fingers cross these measures work.

So Day 93: Thursday 24/8/2023
Back to work. Unfortunately I didn't get as much done as I wanted yesterday. The home school reminded me of the COVID lockdowns.
Back & Core program: Day 2 Stabilization - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 13
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (23/8/2023): 100 Side Jacks - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 10 Biceps - Done
Exercise of the Day (17/8/2023): 50 Side Kicks - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done

Day 94: Friday 25/8/2023
1.80km walk dropping daughter at school and onto the gym
2.00 km Treadmill run as I was a little early for class.
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
1.13 km walk home
Re: Focus 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done

Day 95: Saturday 26/8/2023
Sleep in but still just made it out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done

Day 96: Sunday 27/8/2023
3.84 km walk around Cronulla with my daughter for a Cars & Coffee morning. My daughter was going giddy over all the beautifully done up cars. I wasn't complaining as it was a beautiful morning.
Out to the gym with my daughter as she didn't want to go to swimming lessons with my wife (who is her teacher).
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
And a quick trip to get ice cream which my daughter insisted on since she had to sit there while I worked out.
Re: Focus 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 97: Monday 28/8/2023
A hectic morning at work but still managed to sneak in a cheeky workout in the afternoon.
Exercise of the Day (27/8/2023): 10 Tricep Extensions - Done and I still don't like them.
PM gym session
Quick Warmup
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 12 Biceps, Triceps - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Exercise of the Day (26/8/2023): 30 Seconds Raised Leg Hold - Done
PM activity
1.92km walk around Caringbah because I was early for Kung Fu.
Quick Warmup
Kung Fu class - Done. 90 mins.
Re: Focus 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done

Day 98: Tuesday 29/8/2023
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (28/8/2023): 30 Knee-ins with Back Kick - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 15 Triceps - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
PM activity
2.28 km walk in Cronulla dropping off a work phone to a colleague is now nursing an broken foot.
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done

Day 99: Wednesday 30/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (29/8/2023): 30 Seconds Lunge Twists - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Back & Core program: Day 3 Recovery & Pain Relief - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Exercise of the Day (25/8/2023): 60 Seconds Bear Plank Hold - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Exercise of the Day (18/8/2023): 30 Sit-Ups Elbow Strikes - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Back & Core program: Day 4 Core Control - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done

And now that the storm has subsided I can leave to go home. Have a great afternoon/evening Bees.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @NancyTree . It is one the joys of parenthood unfortunately. She already has a ODD & ADHD diagnosis but the psychologist feels there is also something else there too so he'll run more test. If there is something else then we can try and understand it and work with it.

Day 100: Thursday 31/8/2023
Exercise of the Day (30/8/2023): 50 Side Bends - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Back & Core program: Day 5 Balance & Coordination - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
am gym session
Quick Warmup
Cardio 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed!
Back & Core program: Day 6 Support & Strength - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 17 Biceps - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Epic Arms 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed!
Back & Core program: Day 7 Stabilization - Done
PM activity
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 14 - Done
Wrecked workout - Done at Level III with Extra Credit as a distraction from boring emails this afternoon.


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you so much everyone, for the congratulations and thoughts about my daughter. This past week hasn't been too bad so I'm counting my blessings. And it has been a week since I last dropped into the Hive. Already! So thanks you @NancyTree , @PetiteSheWolf , @Montserrat , @Fremen , @JCU , @BetaCorvi , @Anek , @Mamatigerj , @Tileenah , @aku-chan and @mavie .

Day 101: Friday 1/9/2023
No BodyCombat this morning as I was roped into helping out on the Father's Day Stall run by the Parent & Citizens group attached to my daughter's school.
Blood donation. Whole blood this time which was a pleasant surprise. I am used to being in the chair for over an hour for platelet donations and to get it over in five minutes was a shock. But a pleasant one which meant I had more time to go home and do housework! :smash:
I did do some exercise though
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 15 - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Back & Core 30-day challenge: Day 8 Recovery & Pain Relief
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done + I dug up Dirt + Diamond + Ruby
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 18 Rest Day.

Day 102: Saturday 2/9/2023
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 16 - Done
Exercise of the Day (1/9/2023): 3 Minutes Jumping Jacks - Done
out to the gym for my last Saturday class for a while
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done

Day 103: Sunday 3/9/2023
Exercise of the Day (31/8/2023): 40 Side Elbow Plank Rotations - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
Back & Core program: Day 9 Core Control - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done + I dug up more Dirt, another Diamond + a Topaz
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 17 - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 104: Monday 4/9/2023
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Exercise of the Day (3/9/2023): 40 Toe Taps - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 18 - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done + I dug up dirt (no real surprise there)+ a worm (it figures) and wait for it, more dirt!
Back & Core program: Day 5 Balance & Coordination - Done again. It should have been Day 10 but I somehow mixed up my sheets.
PM activity
Exercise of the Day (2/9/2023): 30 Seconds Squats - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
Quick Warmup
Killer Arms program: Day 19 Biceps, Triceps - Done
0.34km walk around shops for dinner supplies.
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done

Day 105: Tuesday 5/9/2023
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done + I dug up Dirt + Topaz + a pile of dirt!
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 19 - Done
AM gym session
Quick Warmup
Back & Core program: Day 10 Balance & Coordination - Done (the correct day this time)
Exercise of the Day (4/9/2023): 20 Side-to-side Lunges with Toe Point - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 22 Triceps - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Back & Core program: Day 11 Support & Strength - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done and this time I dug up an Amethyst + hopefully, dirt (really?) + dirt, Sorry? (Sure you are)
Workout of the Day (4/9/2023): I Showed Up - Done at Level III with Extra Credit - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done


Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Thank you @PetiteSheWolf , yes it is my Me Time for a up to a couple of hours every fortnight or so.
Wow, another week has slipped by us. I hope everyone is doing well.

Day 106: Wednesday 6/9/2023
Killer Arms program: Day 23 Rest Day
PM gym session
Quick Warmup
Back & Core program: Day 12 Stabilization - Done
Exercise of the Day (5/9/2023): 30 Seconds Single Leg Hops - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 20 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done and I dug up, Eh, Dirt.; Amethyst! and you found... Dirt!
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 6 - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 8
Workout of the Day (5/9/2023): Pendragon - Done at Level III with Extra Credit
Back & Core program: Day 13 Recovery & Pain Relief - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Exercise of the Day (19/8/2023): 2 Minutes Side-to-Side Chops - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 22 - Done
Stridekick Sit-up challenge: Done (100 sit-ups)

Day 107: Thursday 7/9/2023
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 21 - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 7 - Done
am gym session
Quick Warmup
Exercise of the Day (6/9/2023): 30 Reverse Plank Kicks - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 24 Biceps - Done
Back & Core program: Day 14 Core Control - Done
Glutes of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 1 - Done
pm activity
Stridekick Sit-up challenge: Done (100 sit-ups)

Day 108: Friday 8/9/2023
Killer Arms program: Day 25 - Done
No BodyCombat today as I had to take my daughter to the orthodontist to fix her expander yet again. Then to get her school.
PM activity
3.00 km walk picking my daughter up to school
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done

Day 109: Saturday 9/9/2023
Killer Arms program: Day 27 Rest Day
No BodyCombat today as I took my son to his first ever cricket game and it will be a regular Saturday morning thing for the next six months.
pm activity
2.22 km walk to the shops for dinner ingredients and a sanity break
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
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Well-known member
Jedi from Sydney, Australia
Pronouns: Mate
Posts: 288
Day 110: Sunday 10/9/2023
Back & Core program: Day 15 Balance & Coordination - Done
Exercise of the Day (7/9/2023): 40 Squat Hold Calf Raises - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
out to the gym
Quick Warmup
Les Mills BodyCombat class
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 28 Rest Day
Stridekick Sit-Up challenge: 100 Sit-Ups - Done

Day 111: Monday 11/9/2023
Exercise of the Day (10/9/2023): 30 Seconds One-Arm Plank Hold - Done
PM gym session due to an extremely busy morning
Quick Warmup
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Glutes of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 2 - Done
Killer Arms program: Day 26 Biceps, Triceps - Done and program completed
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Stridekick challenge: 100 Sit-Ups - Done

Day 112: Tuesday 12/9/2023
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 23 - Done
PM activities
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 8 - Done
Back & Core program: Day 16 Support & Strength - Done
PM gym session
Quick Warmup
Squats 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed
Serious Strength in 8 Weeks program: Day 1 Lower Body - Done. Barbell Squats (70kg x 8 reps x 3 sets), Romanian Deadlift (60kg x 10 reps x 3 sets), Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat (20kg bar only x 10 reps x 3 sets) & Ab Roller (10 reps x 3 sets). I haven't done a lot of these exercises in quite a while so may have gone a little too hard as I'm now feeling a tweak in my right knee. I didn't think I was going too heavy at the time but now I'm beginning to suspect that I did and not warm up enough.
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Glute of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 3 - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
Stridekick challenge: 100 Sit-Ups - Done

Day 113: Wednesday 13/9/2023
Exercise of the Day (12/9/2023): 30 Crunch Kicks - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 24 - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 9 - Done
Glutes of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 4 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 25 - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Stridekick challenge: 100 Sit-Ups - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 29 - Done

Day 114: Thursday 14/9/2023
Exercise of the Day (13/9/2023): 30 Calf Raises - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 10 - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 26 - Done
Back & Core program: Day 17 Stabilization - Done
Step-Up 30-day challenge: Day 13 - Done
Stridekick challenge: 100 Sit-Ups - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Exercise of the Day (11/9/2023): 3 Minutes Raised Arm Hold - Done
Better Legs 30-day challenge: Day 27 - Done
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Exercise of the Day (8/9/2023): 50 Alt Arm/Leg Raises - Done
PM gym session
Quick Warmup
Balance 30-day challenge: Day 12 - Done
Serious Strength in 8 Weeks program: Day 2 Upper Body - Done. Barbell Bench Press (60kg x 8 reps x 3 sets), Dumbbell Bent-Over Row (12.5kg dumbbells x 12 reps x 3 sets), Single-Arm Standing Shoulder Press (9kg dumbbell x 12 reps x 3 sets), Reverse Grip Lat Pull-Down (50kg x 12 reps x 3 sets). Okay lessons learnt from the other day taken on board. I took it a little easier today and warmed up a little more.
Glutes of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 5 - Done
Back & Core program: Day 18 Recovery & Pain Relief - Done
Calves of Steel 30-day challenge: Day 28 - Done
The Miner 30-day challenge: Day 11 - Done
Re:Focus 30-day challenge: Day 30 - Done and challenge completed. Believe it or not this was one of the harder challenges. Not in a physical sense but forcing myself to stop every 20 minutes or so and stare off into the distance. Some days were easier than others.