Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Lupus Sheol @Tileenah @CODawn @Fremen @JCU @GentleOx @Mamatigerj @Matan - Hip is still achey, but didn't get in the way of exercising today.

That's the week all wrapped up, my first unbroken week in quite some time :yes::-

40 Leg Raises (EotD) done (Over 3 sets 15,15,10),
Dumbbell Triceps attempted (Just 2 sets plus I did the Arm Hold to failure, my bad arm just doesn't like using dumbbells anymore),
Day 20 of Easy Core done,
Day 20 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Got a fair at the local school to go to today, if my poor old bones hold up, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Tileenah @Fremen @Matan - I'm trying to do a bit each day, even if I can't do much!

Another day done, didn't quite get it all done, the Workout of the Day was harder than it looked:-

100 Back Leg Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
From the Ashes (WotD) attempted (2 sets, legs couldn't manage the final set),
Day 21 of Easy Core done,
Day 21 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (Not quite 2 sets, my hip went about 30 Climbers in).

Went to that fair yesterday, not quite sure why we keep going to them (Well I do know, it's the ice cream), the stalls are all either about flogging cheap tat to kiddies and dodgy home business franchise thingys, at least it gets us out the house I suppose.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Rather tired, didn't sleep well (I'm feeling very low at the moment), so it's lucky it was a light day (sort of):-

60 Elbow Clicks (EotD) done (3 sets of 20),
Upperbody Mobility (WotD) done (3 sets, this is surprisingly tough for a level 1 workout),
Day 22 of Easy Core done,
Day 22 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Taking the Housemate to get her peepers looked at again (They need to use a more powerful camera), that's going to eat up most of the day, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Baryl @Tileenah @JCU @Mamatigerj - Feeling better today, kept myself busy yesterday and it seems to have helped.

Another day all wrapped up:-

60 Seconds Back Leg Raise Hold (EotD) done (In one go),
Toughie (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 23 of Easy Core done,
Day 23 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets, still can't do Plank Jump-ins, did Walk-ins instead).

Gotta wait in for my box of fairies today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Pain in my hip has spread across my back now, was determined to do a bit of exercise though:-

Seated Cardio done (2 sets, couldn't do the Twists or Bends though),
Seated Warrior done (2 sets).

After 2 sets my bad elbow started playing up, I think I'm very slowly falling apart :sadness:, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @CODawn @Mianevem @mavie @Tileenah @Mamatigerj @JCU @Froud

Annoyingly, had to miss yesterday, I just hurt too much.
Still hurting today, but I managed a bit:-

2 Minutes Side-to-Side Chops (EotD) done (In one go),
Librarian attempted (1 set, my bad elbow did not like all those Shoulder Taps),
Day 24 of Easy Core done (Over 2 sets, 50/30),
Day 24 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (1 set, did Standing Stretches).

Still taking the Housemate for our daily walks though, so I'm at least getting some exercise, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Mamatigerj @Tileenah @JCU - Still hurt, but a lot less than I have been.

Managed a full workout today to wrap up the week :yas: :-

30 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold (EotD) done (In one go),
This Is How I Cope done (3 sets),
Day 25 of Easy Core done,
Day 25 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Got another fair to go to today, that means more ice cream!:hope:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @NancyTree

Lots of Jacks today, but my back is healing and I've brought a support sleeve for my bad elbow, lets do this! :jacks:

30 Seconds Lunge Step-Ups (EotD) done (In one go),
Optimum Burn (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 26 of Easy Core done,
Day 26 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Had fun at the fair, instead of ice cream I ate a giant Bratwurst in a bun (Actually one and a half, I wish my Housemate wouldn't buy things she knows she can't finish, I'm fat enough :gotcookie:), see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Struggled a bit today, just couldn't maintain a plank for long at all, did what I could though:-

2 Minutes Shoulder Taps (EotD) done (Split into 2 1 minute sets),
The Maid of Tarth (WotD) done (2 sets, with Knee Push-ups and skipping the Shoulder Taps),
Day 27 of Easy Core done,
Day 27 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets. I will never like these up and down workouts, managed 1 full set, just did the Split Jacks for the other 2).

Managed to got sunburnt shoulders yesterday, that's what I get for gardening in a vest, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Tileenah @Mamatigerj - They're not too bad, I was surprised they burnt at all, didn't seem sunny enough!

Hard day today, but I did what I could:-

100 Side Jacks (EotD) done (Split into 3 sets 40/30/30),
Tower Storm (WotD) done (Found this one really tough, even with modifications I could only manage 2 sets),
Day 28 of Easy Core done,
Day 28 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Going to be a lazy day today I reckon, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Did well today:-

30 Get-Ups (EotD) done (3 sets of 10),
1 Minute Plank (WotD) done (Felt good managing to do this one),
Day 29 of Easy Core done,
Day 29 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Started taking my camera out with me (Housemate doesn't believe I saw a deer, so I'm determined to get a picture next time), just seen ducks and squirrels so far though:-
GEDC5611 (1).JPG

See y'all tomorrow!


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@PetiteSheWolf - We've been feeding them in the park for a while now, so there's a few that will come right up to us, I'm not brave enough to try hand-feeding them though!

Woke up feeling very low this morning, tried exercising, but my heart wasn't in it so I only did a bit:-

60 Seconds Bear Plank Hold (EotD) done (Over 2 30 second sets),
Exercise Therapy attempted (1 Set),
Day 30 of Easy Core done (All done!),
Day 30 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (2 sets, still can't really hop for some reason).

Took the Housemate for a very long walk to chase away my gloomy thoughts, it worked, but my legs and feet are very tired and sore now, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @CODawn @Tileenah @Mamatigerj @JCU - I wish I knew what triggered my low days, they don't last long but they make me feel so miserable.

Still pretty achey from yesterdays walking, so didn't do too much today. Also couldn't find a new challenge I fancied doing, so I'm doing Power HIIT instead, not sure if that will work out in the long run but we'll see:-

30 Seconds Raised Leg Hold (EotD) done (In one go),
Shaken, Not Stirred (WotD) done (2 sets, couldn't manage all the Leg Raises in the second set),
Day 1 of Power HIIT done (2 sets),
Day 31 of 60 Days of Cardio done (2 sets, was really struggling to get up and down during the second set, that's why I called it a day).

Not doing too much today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Wrapped up the week with a full workout! :yas:

10 Tricep Extensions (EotD) done (Managed 3, sort of, regular ones did the rest on my knees),
Kanary done (3 sets),
Day 2 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 32 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

My support sleeve really helped get me through today's exercises, probably the best £1 I've ever spent!
Going to try and do some painting today, I've almost finished a model for once, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@CODawn - It is! Now I know it works, I'll upgrade to a better one in time.

It was an up and down workout day, hurt my back getting up from a Plank Hold, managed to struggle through 1 complete set but that was it:-

30 Knee-in with Back Kick (EotD) attempted (Managed 20),
No Burpees (Trust Me) (WotD) attempted (1 set done, getting up from that second Plank Hold is what got me),
Day 3 of Power HIIT attempted (1 set),
Day 33 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (1 set).

Going to have a good walk today, sort out my achey back so I'm fighting fit tomorrow, see y'all then!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @CODawn @Fremen @Tileenah @JCU @Mamatigerj @Gandhalfit - I took the rest of the week off to see if that would stop me hurting myself pretty much every time I exercised, made today's workout tough to get through, but I didn't pick up any injuries, so I guess it worked? :gotq:

20 Side-to-Side Lunges with Toe Points (EotD) done (In one go),
I Showed Up (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 4 of Power HIIT done (2 and a half sets, couldn't quite finish the third set, the Punching with Dumbbells was a bit too much for my bad elbow),
Day 34 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Gonna watch another episode of live-action One Piece later, it's much better than I thought it was going to be, although I still think it works better animated.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I'm glad you could work out.
I always meant to one piece the anima but never got around to it. I did watch season 1 of the live action series and thought it's really good. Probably doesn't work as well for those who watch the anima or read the Manga..


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Thanks! @Gandhalfit - I think the live action version is pretty good, they've really put a lot of effort in to capture the style and spirit of the source material, but as a long time fan of the anime, I can see where they're been limited by budget and runtime concerns.
I'd certainly recommend it over trying to tackle the anime these days, it's a massive time sink now (I watched episode 1074 of that version yesterday too!).

Got a good workout done today:-

30 Seconds Single Leg Hops (EotD) done (In one go, still can't hop on one leg so I used both),
Pendragon (WotD) done (3 sets. Did Wall Push-ups to stop me having to get up and down, I know that's a big part of the exercise but it's also where I keep injuring myself),
Day 5 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 35 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Another hot old day today, going to try and get a little bit more gardening done before I hide from the Sun and build some knights, see y'all tomorrow!