Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Gave it a good go today, but it was too hot for all those Jacks:-

30 Reverse Plank Kicks (EotD) done (Managed 20 and kept my butt off the ground for 10 of them),
Mistborn (WotD) done (2 sets),
Day 6 of Power HIIT done (2 sets),
Day 36 of 60 Days of Cardio done (2 sets).

Another day of hiding from the sun I think, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Hot! :tired:
Tried my best though:-

40 Squat Hold Calf Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
Got Abs? (WotD) attempted (Managed 1 set, but the Butt-Ups were a bit too advanced for me),
Day 7 of Power HIIT attempted (2 sets, didn't have the space to do the actual Day 7 exercises, so I just did some random standing dumbbell stuff),
Day 37 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (2 sets).

Finished the rest of One Piece, I can finish off season 2 of Good Omens now, see y'all tomorrow!


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Shaman from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
I saw Good Omen 2 and I really liked it, then tell me what you think of the latest episode ;)
I think I'll start watching One Piece tonight or tomorrow but it also depends on my partner :LOL:


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Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
I saw Good Omen 2 and I really liked it, then tell me what you think of the latest episode ;)
I think I'll start watching One Piece tonight or tomorrow but it also depends on my partner :LOL:
please, no poilers.... I am watching Good Omens 2.... and I have a few episodes to go...


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I'm not sure I want to watch Good Omens 2. No Terry Pratchett for one thing but mainly, I'll need to pay Amazon prime to watch. I used up my free trial on the original GO series.
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Mage from United Kingdom
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@Gandhalfit - You can definitely feel Pratchett's absence. This season is much more in Gaiman's style, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I miss the show having a narrator.
Didn't quite get to the end of it last night, hopefully tonight.

Still hot, still trying :bored::-

50 Alt Arm/Leg Raises (EotD) done (2 sets of 25),
Monster Legs (WotD) attempted (1 set, I'm not up to doing much of these level 4 workouts, but I'm happy I could do what I did),
Day 8 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 38 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Was befriended by a couple dogs in the park yesterday, spent a while throwing a ball for one of them, the other wanted to play but wouldn't let go of his frisbee.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
In the book I really loved that Terry was Aziraphel and Gaiman was Crowley. I'll probably get around to watch it sometime. Thanks for the review.


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Still fighting the heat! :toohot:

60 Seconds Balance Hold (EotD) done (Only lost my balance a couple of times),
Heavyweight (WotD) done (2 sets, struggled with the Squats, legs are still feeling yesterdays attempt to do Monster Legs),
Day 9 of Power HIIT done (2 sets),
Day 39 of 60 Days of Cardio done (2 sets).

Finished Good Omens. Honestly, not a fan of the direction they took the series in the end and probably won't watch any more if they make it. I'll just happily watch the first season again.
Now I can start Ahsoka.
Making Chicken Makhani for dinner, been getting lazy lately and not doing a lot of "proper" cooking, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Gandhalfit

Didn't get much done today, very tired and a bit dizzy this morning :exhausted::-

30 Seconds One Arm Plank Hold (EotD) done (Didn't want to try this with my bad arm and managed 25 seconds with the other),
Soft Girl attempted (1 set),
Day 10 of Power HIIT attempted (1 set, those Arm Holds were hard today),
Day 40 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (1 set).

Found out the arty cinema in town is having an all day Lord of the Rings (Extended Edition) marathon, I'd love to go but don't have anyone that could look after the Housemate :cry:
Probably for the best, that's an awful lot of film to sit through, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another hot day, weather should change this week though :excited::-

3 Minutes Raised Arm Hold
(EotD) done (Over 3 sets),
Watch Me Shine (WotD) done (2 sets),
Day 11 of Power HIIT done (2 sets),
Day 41 of 60 Days of Cardio done (2 sets).

Yesterday, I found a really nice ice cream place tucked down a little alley, got a Banana Split with scoops of Black Forest Gateau, Cherry and Pistachio ice creams (Housemate's had White Chocolate, Banana and Strawberry flavours). Luckily I'm not in that part of town too often or I'd probably have one every day!
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@Gandhalfit - Even more annoying, the forecasts weren't wrong, most of the town got hit by a bad rainstorm, just not my little corner of it.

At least it's cooler today:-

30 Calf Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
Day 13 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 43 of 60 Days of Cardio done (2 sets, got bored doing this one),
Sloth (WotD) done (2 sets, again I got bored, especially trying to do it slowly as recommended).

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @PetiteSheWolf - Yeah, it's definitely starting to cool down.

Yay! I'm back to a full workout! :yas:

2 Minutes Backfists (EotD) done (In one go),
2-Move Abs (EotD) done (3 sets),
Day 14 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 44 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Bumped into Friendly Cat yesterday, no idea what it's name is, it's just a black and ginger cat I sometimes see sitting on the pavement, that always runs up to me for a chin scratch and a chat.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@CODawn - There's quite a few cats in the neighbourhood, sadly Friendly Cat is the only one that isn't terrified of people.

Didn't do quite so good today, got out of puff really easily, did what I could though:-

20 Jumping Lunges (EotD) done (In one go, still not quite sure how to do these so mine are more Lunge + Jump),
Watch Your Six (WotD) done (2 sets),
Day 15 of Power HIIT done (2 sets, couldn't do these on the floor, so I did them standing),
Day 45 of 60 Days of Cardio done (2 sets, did Arm Circles instead of Plank Rotations, had to do the last 20 or so Seal Jacks as Step Jacks).

Hopefully, this congestion doesn't mean I'm coming down with a cold, see y'all tomorrow!


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Huntress from Colorado
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"Theres no easy way out. Theres no shortcut home"
There was a black and and white kitty in our neighborhood we named Newspaper Cat (Newsy for short). We saw her everyday until she had kittens. She and her kittens were captured and taken to the humane society where they were adopted out. Probably safer for her but I miss seeing her. I would talk to her and she would meow back to me.


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks folks! Didn't come down with a cold but I am feeling very low at the moment, tried doing a bit of exercising today but I'm still not up to it:-

30 Upward Downward Dog (EotD) attempted (managed 10),
Quicksand (WotD) attempted (1 set),
Day 16 of Power HIIT attempted (1 set),
Day 46 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (1 set).


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Missed a couple days, just wasn't feeling up to it, bit less gloomy this morning though:-

50 Reverse Angels (EotD) done (In 2 sets, standing up),
Dracarys (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 18 of Power HIIT attempted (2 sets),
Day 48 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (2 sets).

That was as much as my legs could manage, while I've been feeling melancholy I've been taking the Housemate for a second long walk in the evenings, so they're a bit worn out!
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @JCU @Mamatigerj - I'm getting better, at the stage where I can doing something constructive (Or just listen to a bit of music) when the gloomy thoughts start getting a bit overwhelming.

Managed some exercising, too many Jacks though! :jacks:

30 Butterfly Sit-Ups Crunches (EotD) done (Over 2 sets),
Day 19 of Power HIIT attempted (2 sets),
Louder Than Words (WotD) attempted (2 sets),
Day 49 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (2 sets).

Lets see if I can get all three sets done tomorrow, see y'all then!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,112
Thanks! @Gandhalfit

Missed yesterday, overslept (I've got a lot of missing sleep to catch up on), tried again today but after 2 sets I had jelly legs :standby::-

2 Minutes Wall Sit (EotD) done (Managed 2 almost a minute Sits),
Maximum HIIT (WotD) attempted (2 sets, replaced the Plank Holds with Arm Holds, my knees were not very high towards the end of each set),
Day 20 of Power HIIT done (3 sets :yas:)
Day 50 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (2 sets).

Gotta wait in for a delivery today, so I'm going to do some hobbying, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another 3 set day! :yas: :-

40 Staggered Deadlifts (EotD) done (In one go),
Not Perfect (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 22 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 52 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets).

Trying out a new recipe I found for Tex Mex Lasagne, I imagine it's not going to be a whole lot different from Enchiladas but we will see.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @Tileenah - I'm working hard on not letting things beyond my control get me down so much.

Howdy folks, it's been a few days!
My winter jabs really knocked me on my butt this year, probably because they did both Flu and Covid together this time.
Thought I was up to doing a bit of exercising today, but I'm still too tired and achey, I tried though:-

60 Seconds High Knees (EotD) done (In one go. Today's Daily Exercise looked way too hard so I did yesterdays),
Free Spirit (WotD) attempted (Not quite one set, couldn't get my arms up long enough to do the final bits of Arm Circles and Step Jacks),
Day 23 of Power HIIT attempted (1 set, not enough room for the Stretches),
Day 53 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (1 set, too wobbly for the Plank Rotations).

I'll try and get a bit more done tomorrow, see y'all then!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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@Gandhalfit - Yep, although I suppose it's better to get it all done in one go.

Feeling much better today, managed 3 sets with minor modifications:-

60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold (EotD) done (Almost in one go, made it to about 40 seconds then had to stop a couple more times getting the last 20 seconds done),
Pecs (WotD) done (3 sets, with Knee Push-Ups and some wobbly Plank Rotations),
Day 24 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 54 of 60 Days of Cardio done (3 sets, only managed a full 50 Seal Jacks on the first set though).

See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Missed yesterday, had to go out early and completely forgot to do it later in the day as planned. :giveup:
Going out again this morning, so made sure I did a little bit first:-

2 Minutes Shoulder Taps (EotD) done (In two 1 minute sets),
Little Spider (WotD) done (3 sets).

I'll try and do the rest when I come home, if I remember!
See y'all later!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Yesterday didn't go great.
Took the Housemate to her appointment, tried catching a bus home but the stop had been moved somewhere, it was a part of town we weren't familiar with, so we just wandered about until we were in a place we recognised and by the time that happened I'd pushed the Housemate most of the way home!
Not sure how much I walked yesterday, but it felt like a long way and now I have sore noodle arms and legs.
Still tried doing a bit of exercise though:-

30 Shrimp Squats (EotD) done (2 sets of 15. Didn't have the balance for one-legged Squats so I did regular ones),
Core and Balance attempted (1 set),
Day 25 of Power HIIT attempted (1 set),
Day 55 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (1 set).

Going to take it easy today, rest my bones, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
Posts: 1,112
Thanks! @JCU

Yesterday was another not particularly great day.
Housemate had a bit of an accident and had to go to the hospital, nothing serious, but because she has a lot of health problems already, they've kept her in for observation.
I was there with her until fairly early in the morning and made the rather silly decision to walk home, and now I've fudged up my feet. :sadness:

Did what I could exercise-wise:-

50 Lunge Punches (EotD) done (In one go. No Lunge, only Punch),
Wrecked (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 26 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 56 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (1 and a bit sets. Even turning all the Jacks into Step Jacks this one was still too much for my noodle legs today).

I've been doing the Universal Warm-up for almost 2 years and today was the first time I've realised movement 10 is Hip Rotations and not Body Twists. :saywhat:
Going to pop up the hospital again today, find out how the Housemate is doing, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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:thanks: again! @JCU

You would think almost 15 hours sleep would do me good, but instead I'm feeling really rough this morning, tried my best with the exercising but it was all a bit too tough for me at the moment:-

2 Minutes Tree Pose (EotD) done (Got there eventually, but have absolutely no balance this morning),
Queen of Mean attempted (2 sets),
Day 27 of Power HIIT attempted (2 sets),
Day 57 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (2 sets. Did a batch of 50 Half Jacks (Sort of, the final third of each set became Step Jacks) and as many Plank Jump-ins as I could manage a set instead of getting up and down).

Housemate is doing okay, while her fall was pretty minor it put a lot of strain on her heart or something (I don't really understand what they were trying to explain), so the Hospital wanted to keep an eye on her. Should be home later today though.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Maybe she takes strong anticoagulants for her heart? If that's the case a fall needs to me monitored longer.
I'm not sure, she does take medication for her heart but I don't know what it does.

Housemate is home now, yay! :happy:
She's rather wobbly at the moment, so it's going to be a while before she joins in on the morning exercises though:-

30 Reverse Crunches (EotD) done (3 sets of 10),
Get To The Chopper (WotD) attempted (Just the 1 set, this was a tough one!),
Day 28 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 58 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (2 and a bit sets, legs got stuck doing the Lunges so I called it a day).

Got my Loki Season 1 set today (Pre-ordered it, Wandavision and Mandolorian as soon as they went up, gotta encourage these companies to not leave everything as streaming only), so that's my day sorted, see y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Another day of exercising:-

60 Seconds Superman Stretch Hold (EotD) done (Not enough space so I did an Over Head Arm Hold instead),
Extraction (WotD) attempted (2 sets, did the second set standing up, I was taking too long getting up and down!),
Day 29 of Power HIIT done (3 sets),
Day 59 of 60 Days of Cardio attempted (2 sets).

I've got noodlely arms now :ragdoll:
Making Bacon and Lentil Soup for dinner, it's still not really the weather for soup but I wanted some, see y'all tomorrow!