Exercising towards a better tomorrow!


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Thanks! @dancer @JCU @Tileenah - Ankle was just tweaked, it's better now just a bit creaky.

Ugh... It's too hot :soaked:, managed a bit of exercising though:-
5 Minutes Raised Arm Hold (EotD) done (Over 3 sets, 2 minutes is about my limit),
Day 30 of Lower Abs done (Took a while but this one is finally complete!),
Avenger (WotD) done (3 sets).

Treated myself to another recipe box, so I'm waiting in for that today, then I can make Mumbar Prawn and Pea Curry for dinner.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @roman @NancyTree @Tileenah @Fremen @JCU

Figuring out what to do next, tried picking up Arms of Steel where we left off, but neither the Housemate or I could manage a full minute of arm wriggling never mind 12, so we'll restart that one another day.

2 Minutes Side Jacks (EotD) done (In one go),
Over and Under (WotD) done (3 sets, replaced the High Knees with March Steps and skipped the jumping),
Day 1 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 1 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Last night's curry turned out very tasty, tonight is Tacos, Green Chicken Tacos.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @TopNotch @BetaCorvi

Another day done:-
50 Crunch Kicks (EotD) done (Over 3 sets 20/20/10),
Lazy Abs (WotD) done (3 sets, I was good and even did the bits where I had to lie on my belly :flat:),
Day 2 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 2 of Vitality done (3 sets).

I'm 2 for 2 on tasty dinners, let's see if tonight's Coconut and Lime Fish Stew continues the streak, see y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @Froud

Another day done! :yas:
50 Plank Arm Raises (EotD) done (Over 3 sets 20/20/10),
So Far So Good (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 3 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 3 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Didn't get to make my Fish Stew last night. Housemate was feeling a bit manic so I had to take her out for a second long walk, and two big doses of being out in the sun was too much for me, all I wanted to do all evening was sleep! :night:
Hopefully, I'll get to make it for tonight's dinner, see y'all tomorrow!


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Struggled a bit today:-

15 Tricep extensions (EotD) attempted (Couldn't seem to do this without a lot of elbow pain, replaced them with some Knee Push-ups),
Grasshopper (WotD) attempted (Managed 1 set, but my ankles started hurting so I left it there),
Day 4 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 4 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Still haven't made my Fish Stew :sadness:
All yesterday Housemate didn't want to go out because it was too hot, then, in the late afternoon, she started panicking that we hadn't been for a walk yet. Two hours later it was too late, and I was feeling too blergh, for dinner.
I'll try again tonight, hopefully the fish is still okay.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @JCU - I managed to mostly keep out of the sun yesterday, so I had a decent evening! (Did have to put up with a bit of a miserable Housemate though.)

Another week wrapped up:-
30 Seconds Single Leg Hops (EotD) attempted (I don't know if I'm subconsciously worried about hurting my ankles, but I can't hop anymore. Replaced this with a minute of March Steps),
Standing Core done (3 sets),
Day 5 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 5 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Finally had my Fish Stew, it was worth the wait! Tonight's is BBQ Chicken with Macaroni Cheese.
Also got to tidy up today, couldn't find a book for my weekend reading, they're all in a big pile with my unwatched DVD's.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @CODawn

It's hot! Had no trouble exercising today though :jacks::-
3 Minutes Wall Sit (EotD) done (Split into 3 almost minutes),
My Best Shot (WotD) done (3 sets, so now I can hop... Weird),
Day 6 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 6 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Saw the trailer for Netflix's live action version of One Piece, pleasantly surprised by how decent it looked, gonna have to watch it now.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Urgh... Starting to get hot again :soaked: , managed most of my exercises though:-

2 Minutes Balance Leg Swings (EotD) done (In one go, a minute a leg),
Hello, Abs! (WotD) done (2 sets),
Day 8 of Easy Cardio done (In one go),
Day 8 of Vitality done (2 sets).

Hopefully it doesn't get too hot out there, I've gotta to grocery shopping, see y'all tomorrow!


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Started getting rather hot exercising today, so I stopped after two sets:-

50 Knee to Elbows (EotD) attempted (2 sets of 20 done),
3 Minute Warrior (WotD) attempted (2 sets done. Think I was doing this one wrong, it seemed too easy for a level 4 workout, I was doing Knee Push-ups though),
Day 10 of Easy Cardio attempted (50 Step Jacks done over 2 sets),
Day 10 of Vitality attempted (2 sets).

I was good and mowed the lawns yesterday, so I've got a free day! :applause:Gonna hide from the sun and do some painting, see y'all tomorrow!


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Skipped yesterday, but for good reasons, had 3 street market things to go to, so I needed all my oomph.
Didn't help much though, it was the hottest day of the year (...so far :sad:) and I was dead on my feet before we even got to the first one.

A bit cooler today, so no problem exercising:-
40 Leg Raises (EotD) done (Over 3 sets 20/10/10),
Pacer (WotD) done (3 sets, still can't do single leg hops, replaced with little jumps),
Day 11 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 11 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Gotta do all the stuff I didn't do yesterday, see y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks for the cold thoughts! @JCU @PetiteSheWolf @Gandhalfit - Luckily it's cooled down a bit since Sunday, but the news is saying the UK is going to have another 5 heatwaves over the summer with 40C+ temperatures possible, hooray for climate change... :sadness:

Another day of exercising done (Me only for most of it, Housemate fell asleep during the first rest break):-
60 Squats (EotD) done (3 sets of 20),
Arms and Shoulders (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 12 of Easy Cardio done (Over 3 sets),
Day 12 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Time for the Housemate to get her peepers checked out, so that's going to eat up a big chunk of today (Gotta remember to take a book with me), see y'all tomorrow!


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Missed yesterday, I was up all night and just too tired (I tried, but I kept getting dizzy doing Universal Warm-Up), had a good nights sleep so I'm back at it :yas::-

50 Side Kicks (EotD) done (In one go),
Abs Unlocked (WotD) done (Only the 1 set, my abs are too weak for more),
Day 13 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 13 of Vitality done (3 sets).

It's raining, yay! Still a bit too warm though, see y'all tomorrow!


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Another day done!

60 Seconds Balance (EotD) done (Almost in one go, my balance is getting better),
Extraction done (Only 2 sets, couldn't Plank after the first set, couldn't Punch after the second. I think I need to see someone about my elbow, it's not getting any better),
Day 14 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 14 of Vitality (3 sets).

I wish clothes companies kept sizes uniform, I picked up a couple nice pairs of shorts yesterday, got my usual size (XXL so they're baggy), tried them on when I got home and they're enormous!
Luckily they have belt loops so I can still wear them.
See y'all tomorrow!


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Interesting, I bought a couple of t shirts yesterday and when I looked at the label the vendor told me to "just open the shirt (folded)and see its size".

How's your elbow?


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Mage from United Kingdom
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Thanks! @JCU @Gandhalfit @Tileenah - Elbow's a bit better, it wasn't happy about it but it managed all the punching today, this is why I keep putting off getting it looked at, most of the time it's just achey and stiff, but it's been about 3 months now with no improvement.

No problems with today's workout:-
100 Punches (EotD) done (In one go),
Sucker Punch (WotD) done (3 sets, didn't realise this was a fixed 5 set one),
Day 15 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 15 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Got a cultural festival to go to today, luckily it doesn't look too hot out today, see y'all tomorrow!


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Didn't have a great weekend overall, hopefully this week goes better!
Managed a full workout, so that's a start:-

30 Seconds Calf Raises (EotD) done (In one go),
Chase (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 17 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 17 of Vitality done (3 sets, W-Extensions are still horrible).

Today is a chore day... Urgh. See y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @Gandhalfit

Did okay on today's exercises, tried doing Boulder (the Workout of the Day) but only got halfway through the first set before my elbow decided that was enough Planking for today:-
40 Toe Taps (EotD) done (In one go),
Evolution done (3 sets),
Day 18 of Easy Cardio done (3 sets of 30),
Day 18 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Can't do much today, waiting on a Doctors appointment for the Housemate, but there is Peruvian Prawn Chowder for dinner :applause:
See y'all tomorrow!


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Another day done! :dancy:

40 Reverse Angels (EotD) done (2 lots of 20, did these standing up),
Valkyrie (WotD) done (3 sets, not sure I was doing the Side V's right but I tried),
Day 19 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 19 of Vitality done (3 sets).

It's finally stopped raining so I think a nice walk is in order, see y'all tomorrow!


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:thanks: @Mamatigerj

Didn't do quite so well today, managed 2 sets but I should have stopped at 1, really fudged my arm up:-

30 Push-ups (EotD) done (2 sets of 15 Knee Push-ups),
Reforged attempted (2 sets),
Day 20 of Easy Cardio attempted (managed 60 out of 90 Step Jacks),
Day 20 of Vitality attempted (2 sets, it was the dreaded W-Extensions again... :sadness:).

Waiting for some painkillers to kick in, then it's off to the shops, see y'all tomorrow!


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Thanks! @astro_rae @Matan @Gandhalfit @Fremen @Mamatigerj @JCU - My arm settled down into it's usual dull ache after about an hour or so, but I really need to go to a doctor about it next week, a bit of light dumbbell work shouldn't hurt that much.

Did my morning work out:-
60 Seconds Arm Scissors (EotD) done (In one go),
Hyperion (WotD) done (3 sets),
Day 21 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 21 of Vitality done (3 sets).

Plus I've been pushing the Housemate around town all day, so my arm is pretty sore again, but I did get some nice DVD's and books so it's all good!
See y'all tomorrow!


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Another day done! :jacks:
Managed all my workouts with minor modifications:-

50 Chest Expansions done (2 sets of 25, these replaced the EotD),
Peripheral (WotD) done (3 sets, left out the Push-ups after set 1),
Day 22 of Easy Cardio done,
Day 22 of Vitality done (3 sets).

There's a Village Fair on today, but it's a long old walk and it's already pretty hot today, so I may skip it and make burgers for dinner instead, see y'all tomorrow!