From Walking to Running Day 12
Daily Push-ups Day 27
Walk and Run Day 27
Lower Abs Day 27
Epic Core Day 12
Destress Day 27
Hand gripper.
Personal Challenge 5.3
Writing. Day 12 of Camp NaNo.
Tonight I had to make a bolognese sauce for my nonagenarian. He provided a recipe which I looked at, then said, sure, I know how to make a bolognese sauce. When I served it up, he said it was different from his (How? I pretty much followed that recipe. Except perhaps for the amount of oregano. And possibly the onion...) but it was actually
better than his. So I just smiled and said that I'd told him I knew how to make a bolognese sauce! Only four more nights of this, and then his usual person comes back from holiday. I don't resent doing it (despite the fact that I really hate cooking) but I feel it contracts my day. If I have anything that has to happen at a certain time, it seems to screw with my whole day, even though I may have
hours before whatever-it-is happens. For example, I only have to leave around 4:20 to make his dinner, but my mind feels that I don't really have time to go out for a hike. I think this is because I'd be worried that something would happen that might prevent my getting where I have to be by the time I have to be there. It's most frustrating, but it's a Me thing, I guess. Still, next week I can resume my hikes.
I have the first one planned out already.
I've been feeling a bit sluggish lately - partly from the above, partly from spending so much time sitting and writing (though I am
so enjoying that!). Need to get out more. Have finally selected a programme but I'll probably wait until next week before starting it.