Goal + Action = Reality


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 20

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 5
:v: Walk and Run Day 5
:v: Epic Glutes Day 20
:v: Lower Abs Day 5
:v: Destress Day 5

:v: Walk. 2.6k x 2. Okay, sub-zero, but the sun was out. It was so cold precisely because the sun was out and the sky was so clear. Brr. Some 'cool' pictures of frost today to comfort those of you who are suffering from the heat. :)
The roof of my poor car,


The wonderful patterns of Nature (on the bonnet of my car)

Do autumn leaves ever stop being beautiful? I think it's amazing the way the ice particles are little rectangular prisms.

:v: Taekwondo. Surprisingly few adults today. Maybe nobody wanted to venture out in the chilly evening! I ddin't do much jumping today. I did 2 x 20 jumping jacks, and I did the 10 burpees, but I passed on the 3 x 5 knee tucks. Last Thursday's jumping kicks made my cranky knee unhappy so I'm being nice to it - kind of. We did kicks against the wall, with a partner holding a paddle. Turning kicks, low and medium and double, then side kicks, low and then (for red and black belts) double, one low, one high. On to poomsae. Again, the black belts were called out after everyone else and this time we only did Koryo and I was fairly happy with it. Tonight, though, I was the only adult black belt. Oh, four others turned up a bit later, but that meant they were at the back of the class, leaving me in 'poll position'. Normally, we first bow to the highest belt, then we bow to the coach. Last week, though, we didn't, and I realise now that it was because there were two of equal rank, but tonight, there was just me. First time I've been the 'highest' belt! I must say, that when everyone turned to me and bowed (and of course I bowed in return), I felt rather uncomfortable - centre of attention and all that. Not my thing. Then I had to call attention and bow to the instructor, but that was easy.

:v: Writing - I've been almost completely reworking chapter two for about the last fortnight! Fortunately, I think it's going well and is much better than it was.
:v: Reading - just finished a book. It was a police procedural and I'm not so much into those, but it was a pretty good book.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 21

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 6
:v: Walk and Run Day 6
:v: Epic Glutes Day 21
:v: Lower Abs Day 6
:v: Destress Day 6

:v: Walk. 2.6k x 2. Colder today in a way. Went down to -7.2° this morning (at about 7am!) but it was clear and sunny. Because yesterday had sucked all the moisture out of the air, there was just a boring sort of frost over everything. Even so, jeans and sport-shoes with mesh over the top are not the warmest things to wear in this weather... My toes are always icicles by the time I get back home. The Lad's been enjoying the walks, though, and the exercise has to be doing him good.

:v: Writing.
:v: Reading.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 22

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 7
:v: Walk and Run Day 7
:v: Epic Glutes Day 22
:v: Lower Abs Day 7
:v: Destress Day 7

:v: Taekwondo. Lots of people today, so that was nice. We did our warm-up "following the leader", when the first person does something (such as three push-ups then run to the end) and then the next and the next, etc. With Grading next week, as soon as we'd warmed up, we were split off into pattern groups. There were 8 black belts "left over" so we worked Koryo a couple of times, with the highest belt (a poomsae person) drilling us on certain stations. Then we moved on to Keumgang which we also did a couple of times. We were about to start Taebaek when time was up. Thank Goodness! It's been so long since I've done Taebaek, I'm not sure I'd get past the first station with any degree of confidence! Better look over that during the break. The next thing was flying side kick. Yikes! There was one lad in the 'older' line who, I swear, has springs and not knees! Positively bounced over the shield to kick that target. I had to ask how old he was. A mere 19. Made me feel like Methuselah! Watched the little ones flying over the shields to kick the target. Often with more vigour than technique, but still, they did the jumping. I am envious. The other older black belt (as in, someone who is also no longer in their 20s!) grumbled that we're just getting old and they don't have 'knees'. Then he said he felt his back twinge with that kick and I had to laugh.

:v: Writing.
:v: Reading.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 23

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 8
:v: Walk and Run Day 8
:v: Epic Glutes Day 23
:v: Lower Abs Day 8
:v: Destress Day 8

:x: Walk. Just as we were heading out this morning, literally as I was going down the front steps, it began to drizzle. Now I don't mind walking home in the rain, but I don't like the idea of the Lad sitting in damp clothes for a morning until he eventually dries out, so we turned around and he was driven to school.

:v: Writing.
:v: Reading. Speaking of a good yarn, finished a rollicking roller-coaster of one, so preposterous in its action (the bad guys loose a hail of bullets and the good guys don't get hit, but the good guy throws one shuriken and kills two baddies!) that I just had to laugh - and occasionally take a break from it. Back to something a little more serious - Grit, by Angela Duckworth (that I started ages ago before I got lost in action fiction).
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 27

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 12
:v: Walk and Run Day 12
:v: Epic Glutes Day 27
:v: Lower Abs Day 12
:v: Destress Day 12

:v: Writing.
:v: Reading.

:v: Taekwondo. Grading is on Thursday so the coach wanted to focus on the syllabus. After warm-up and static stretching, we did a spot of leg raises - not kicks, just straight up and down (as in front kicks but without bending the knee) then inswing. Just for fun, he then combined the two, so on each count we'd swing the leg up and back then across the front and around to return to starting position. After that, we used our hands. First off, easily enough punches, then inner block. Things began to get more interesting when the lower belts had to continue but higher belts had to do a slightly different move, such as a knife strike rather than a block. Everything went fine until only the black belts were having to do a new move. Fortunately, the veteran on my right and the teen on my left also had great trouble getting the co-ordination of this one which sounds simple enough - right hand knife strike, left hand upper block, then do it again but on the other side. That's where I totally lost it! I could do it on one side but had no time for my mind to visualise what to do on the other. :puurke: We all kept screwing up. Ah well, it was fun. At least, I thought it was funny! (Probably not a good example of a martial arts mindset!) People were split off into Patterns, leaving black and red belts. The coach had us do Pattern 1. P, who hates poomsae, looked blankly at me next to him and I just smiled and shrugged. The coach led us through, and I think P managed without too much problem. Then the coach called for Pattern 6, and I did that one pretty well - not sure about P. But when he called Pattern 7, I went a complete blank - I had no idea how it began! Fortunately the coach led and I remembered but it reminded me that I have been very slack with my patterns this year. After all that, we did some self-defence. My partner was L who said he didn't know them, and I only had a hazy recollection, but P was next to us and he knew them so we copied him and his partner. L decided not to go for the elbow lock but thought that crushing his ulna into my tricep tendon would be a better immobiliser. Yep, it might be, but leaning on my elbow wouldn't have resulted in the sensitive blue bruise on my tricep! Ouch!

After class, I went to collect my second-born from wrestling. As I stood watching, a young girl, around 8-9, and carrying a maybe 1-year old, stood next to me and started talking to me! Hey, whatever happened to my threatening and forbidding demeanour? Young girls don't just come up and talk to me! I guess I lost a bit of authority when my own child dashed over and ruffled my hair. "Does she do that often?" asked the girl. Reluctantly, I had to confess that yes, she did. My eldest recently objected to the side parting my hair was falling into, so now I'm kind of rocking a John Wick vibe, except no widow's peak. Oh, and the ends curl up... See, that's obviously why even strange young girls think I'm approachable... :sadness:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: Shadebound Day 29

:v: Daily Push-ups Day 14
:v: Walk and Run Day 14
:v: Epic Glutes Day 29
:v: Lower Abs Day 14
:v: Destress Day 14

:v: Taekwondo. Grading tonight. I thought I'd better turn up to a Grading since I haven't seen one with this Club. Must confess that I wasn't overly impressed. I mean, I know it's a small club but... I had been under the impression that everyone would warm up together but there was no warm-up at all. No red belts were grading so none came. It's not black belt grading either, so L and I were the only ones who rocked up, other than the two who were part of the Grading panel. Six white belts, three yellow belts, and four blue belts graded. As we weren't part of it, L and I stood at the back and commented to each other quietly. Oh, we'd be tough assessors, let me tell you! After a while, the instructor came over and said that we could walk around and advise anyone on anything other than poomsae - more technique, I think was his meaning. So the first thing I did was tell one adult yellow belt to close his actual fist instead of pretending he was holding an invisible spear in his hand! Ooh, that so bugged me during his pattern! The two black belts (other than the instructor and the highest belt who also coaches) had to hold paddles for the blue belts for kicking drills, and it was convenient that L and I were there too because we also held paddles and all four kicked at the same time. So yay, everyone passed. Lots of improvement room, though. The instructor came and had a word with me before I left, saying it was hard to strike the right balance between being very strict and being too lax. Told him I appreciated the difficulty. L had said to me earlier that the difference in training methods come from our being from different kwans. L and I are both Moo Duk Kwan ("school of martial virtue") whereas the instructor is Oh Do Kwan ("school of my way"). I think I prefer the strictness and discipline I received in my training. I kind of miss it now... Anyway, all over for the term. Two weeks off.

:v: Personal Challenge 1.2
:v: Writing.
:v: Reading.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Many thanks, @Tileenah @PetiteSheWolf @Fremen @Anek @lofivelcro @CODawn @HellYeah @BetaCorvi Appreciated.

:v: From Walking to Running Day 1 - Haven't got a lot of time to get out but perhaps this will help keep up my running a little.
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 16
:v: Walk and Run Day 16
:v: Lower Abs Day 16
:v: Epic Core Day 1 - never really a fan of up-and-down/commando planks. Thank goodness for my mats!
:v: Destress Day 16

:v: Personal Challenge 2.1
:v: Writing. Day 1 of Camp NaNo. Daily goal is at least an hour of writing.
:v: Reading.

Bit of a busy month - certainly the start of it as it's school holidays! Don't really have the time to do another programme though there were, as usual, many that tempted. Perhaps a little later...
Finally got out into the garden and uncovered some paving! I thought paving meant the weeds wouldn't grow - not that the weeds will now just grow between the pavers making them even more difficult to remove. Loads of work still to do. At least I shan't get bored. :LOL: And it's all got to be done before spring.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 2
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 17
:v: Walk and Run Day 17
:v: Lower Abs Day 17
:v: Epic Core Day 2
:v: Destress Day 17

:v: Personal Challenge 2.2
:v: Writing. Day 2 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.

Another sunny day so working in a t-shirt again for a bit over two hours even though the apparent temperature was between 5 and 8 degrees (actual temp 7.5 - 12). It was only when the wind started to come up that I got a mite chilly. Still, cleared a whole path today - about twice as much as I did yesterday, so that's good. The joining path runs along the side of the house on the southern side - and here in the southern hemisphere, that's the cold side! At this time of year, no sun there either, so not really looking forward to that bit. I'll clear a bed in a sunny patch next while I build up my courage!
For the next two weeks, I'm looking after an elderly (98) relative, popping over every afternoon and cooking his dinner, doing dishes, etc. Yesterday I cooked sausages, today it was steak, tomorrow I think I have to do something with salmon. Then once I've done that, I have to rush back home and deal with my own starving horde - and then feed the children! :kittens: Keeping busy!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 3
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 18
:v: Walk and Run Day 18
:v: Lower Abs Day 18
:v: Epic Core Day 3
:v: Destress Day 18

:v: Personal Challenge 2.3
:v: Writing. Day 3 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.

I don't know why it is, but inside when it's about 20 degrees, I feel cold. I go outside where it's sunny but only 5 degrees and I shed clothing! :LOL: Cleared a bed then, taking a deep breath, headed off to that shaded path. And everything was fine. I felt quite warm and worked hard enough to get up a sweat. Path over half-cleared and I'm quite happy with what I've achieved today over another two or so hours. It felt good to be working outside again. It's been too long - for one reason or another.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 4
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 19
:v: Walk and Run Day 19
:v: Lower Abs Day 19
:v: Epic Core Day 4
:v: Destress Day 19

:v: Personal Challenge 3.1
:v: Writing. Day 4 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.

No working in the garden today. Grey and drizzly. I don't mind working out in that sort of weather during the warmer seasons but in winter - :no: Didn't really matter as I had to go shopping anyway. Got my eldest (who's now of an age to be able to get her Learner's permit!) to fill the tank with petrol - she's got to learn sometime!
I had to make a basic sort of fried rice for the elderly relative tonight. Tomorrow my culinary skills will be tested as I have apparently to consult a recipe! I kind of prefer the sort of recipes that say things like: preheat oven to 220°, remove food from packaging and place on tray in oven for 20 minutes. :LOL:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 5
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 20
:v: Walk and Run Day 20
:v: Lower Abs Day 20
:v: Epic Core Day 5
:v: Destress Day 20

:v: Personal Challenge 3.2
:v: Writing. Day 5 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.

Although it was sunny today, it had rained in the night and so everything was still wet and I didn't do any garden work. But that's okay - I had loads of neglected housework and laundy to keep me entertained instead. I plugged in my old standby of the Zombies, Run! Home Front workouts. Did five of them, so I was working for about 2½ hours. During this time, I did a minute each of: step-ups (x 5), punches (x 3), plank (x 4), bicep curls (x 4), squats (x 2), jumping jacks (x 2), wall sit, and crunches. I was also supposed to do a commando crawl, but when I got down on the floor of the hall, I saw it was too mucky to crawl through (unless I really wanted to change my clothes) and I swept it with a broom instead. :)
Alas, @OJJJEM I have one of those daughters who is afraid of the very concept of driving a car. She'll be getting lessons from someone with more nerve than I! In the meantime, however, I can now get her to fill the tank while I stay in the warm... :LOL:
Thank you, @Mamatigerj
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 6
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 21
:v: Walk and Run Day 21
:v: Lower Abs Day 21
:v: Epic Core Day 6
:v: Destress Day 21

:v: Personal Challenge 3.3
:v: Writing. Day 6 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.

I learnt three new words today! Well, two really because I already knew the third but I didn't know one of the definitions of the third, so that's kind of like three whole new words! I love learning new words. Okay, chances are I'll never find a way of sneaking 'comminution' or 'triturate' into a conversation, but if the opportunity ever arises, I'm ready. :LOL:
you keep using that word tells GIF


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
kaamelott GIF

Ok I doubt anyone not french will laugh at this but I did 😂
This is what one needs to answer when not understanding a word, mixed sometimes with "I don't know what this means" so no one finds out you're using a technique to make it look like you understand, according to my favourite character of a french tv comic show called "kaamelot". Ok I'm out... :ragdoll:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 7
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 22
:v: Walk and Run Day 22
:v: Lower Abs Day 22
:v: Epic Core Day 7
:v: Destress Day 22

:v: Bowman

:v: Personal Challenge 4.1
:v: Writing. Day 7 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.

Woke up with a headache. Think the cat was making me sleep awkwardly.

Good Morning Dancing GIF by Boomerang Official

Made today's workouts a bit of a challenge! Except for the punching. That was okay. Tonight, I shan't be so accommodating and I'll move the cat!

And time to skite:
I have been called obsessive. Is maintaining a streak/habit obsessive??
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 8
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 23
:v: Walk and Run Day 23
:v: Lower Abs Day 23
:v: Epic Core Day 8
:v: Destress Day 23

:v: Marcy chest presses 2 x 10
:v: Personal Challenge 4.2
:v: Writing. Day 8 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.

I had hoped to get a better sleep last night, but the Lad had an unsettling dream and jumped into my bed at 2am. It's a big bed. Why did he have to sleep on top of me? Well, not quite all the way on top, but pressed right up against my back with his arm threaded through mine and over my chest, making it impossible for me to roll over. Squashed between him and the cat, I had enough room to lie on my side and that was it. How come? I'm so much bigger than all of them! So not a particularly restful night. Tonight, he looked with big pleading blue eyes when he asked to sleep in my bed again, those eyes threatening to fill with tears if the answer was no. I told him to stick to the other side. If he does, I might actually get some sleep tonight. :please:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 9
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 24
:v: Walk and Run Day 24
:v: Lower Abs Day 24
:v: Epic Core Day 9
:v: Destress Day 24

:v: Personal Challenge 4.3
:v: Writing. Day 9 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.

Had to take my second-born bra shopping today, and the Lad had to come too. To cheer us all up after that frightening experience ( :eyes: ) we had iced fingerbuns for lunch. Nice and healthy. :LOL:
And on a shocking note, I've stopped adding sweetener to my tea! When I was staying with my mum, she generally forgot to add any to my tea, and when I got back here, I actually wondered if it was something I could do without, now that I'd got kind of used to it. Still getting used to it but it's not as 'bad' as it used to be. I wonder why...
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
So, kids are like kitties in bed, hacing you move over depite them being 1/10th of your weight... Aw, can't say no to those eyes.
Not really. A cat will jump off the bed once you give them a bit of a kick. A child will roll over a bit and then come right back at you with flailing arms and legs! At least he did generally stick to his side but tonight he's back in his own bed. Just as I don't play well with others, I don't sleep well with others. :cool:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
And on a shocking note, I've stopped adding sweetener to my tea! When I was staying with my mum, she generally forgot to add any to my tea, and when I got back here, I actually wondered if it was something I could do without, now that I'd got kind of used to it. Still getting used to it but it's not as 'bad' as it used to be. I wonder why...
As with a lot of cells in your body, your tasting buds change completely in 7 years. So you can try every now and again something you remember disliking a lot at some point and find it's okay. Or find out your favourite childhood dish isn't your favourite anymore (and it's not always something to do with the fact that your parent did it better ;))


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,216
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
:v: From Walking to Running Day 10
:v: Daily Push-ups Day 25
:v: Walk and Run Day 25
:v: Lower Abs Day 25
:v: Epic Core Day 10
:v: Destress Day 25

:v: Hand gripper - throughout the day. Had the opportunity to try out a hand dynamometer (grip strength tester). Happy to see that, according to this machine, my grip strength is Strong. Better keep it that way!
:v: Personal Challenge 5.1
:v: Writing. Day 10 of Camp NaNo.
:v: Reading.