Graoumia's journal


Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 543
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Hello Bees, I am always around, even if not logging regularly. My activity is fluctuating, depending of my knee, my fatigue, and life, actually i started the new program (light), september challenge
I did WOD this morning, and EOD. Did 10 minutes of stationery bike after lunch, and i am trying to start again workout in the morning, i know it is better for me, i was used to do this a few years ago. And i am still thinking about a routine, i really liked first thing plank, and the balance swings from Better core challenge, as well as stomach vacuums, i need to make some tests.
Else, i am actually without fitness watch, she was a month old, but the screen stopped working, and it stayed 8 days in the UPS deposit .... it is on its way back since today. It was really long.
Take care bees, see you soon


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,218
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Glad to see you are still keeping active, and your positivity across everyone's logs when you stop by is always noticed and appreciated. :)

Hope you get your watch back soon! That is crazy it sat so long!


Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 543
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
thanks @MadamMeow . It should be delivered on next monday. It is less difficult now than at the beginning, i had so much occasion to check it ever day, then i was realizing it was not there, no button to click on to see what time it is, how my steps are going, or what is my heart rate. i had the feeling to get crazy, forgetting all the time i don"t have watch to look at ....

yesterday i was feeling my calves a bit tired, and thought i will again have some cramps during the night, it would habe been a good idea to strech, because instead of usual cramps, i had a very big one, i woke up my husband, which was very anxious he didn"t understand what happened, it made about 30 days i hadn't this kind of cramp, really painfull, and difficult to "unlock" my calf. So not a lot done today , i make a break with bike, and try to drink more, ate a banana and took some magnesium supplement (not good :pmode:)

Have a nice day/week-end, i will maybe update later if i move a bit....


Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 543
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Hello Bees

My watch was finally and surprisingly delivered on saturday, it was great. Actually doing New program, light, and new challenge, and trying to continue Soma40+. I am also doing some tests with my airfryer, really love it.

have a nice day/evening/night bees