How long will I keep it up ?


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thanks @JCU @Gandhalfit @NancyTree @Syrius @Mamatigerj @CODawn @PetiteSheWolf @Fremen @Montserrat @Zeugma @Anek :love:
Today I could walk without the crutches and without pain so tonight I very carefully did D30 of Fondation, then as it was not painful I did D29 and D30 of easy core and of easy cardio. I did EoD (40 toe taps) and also begun The miner challenge (D1, 2 and 3) and found an amethyst. I did D1 of LIIT. I then did D27 and 28 of zen.
I chose a few more challenges from the easy level for this month (I already changed my mind since yesterday...) so I'll be starting the Guardian, upperbody light, lower abs and core control.
Have a nice day or night bees !


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Don't you get enough exercise from using crutches?
I had them for two weeks a few years ago and it was an awesome upper body workout and good enough for easy cardio...

Anyway have some more :vibes:

And congratulations on foundation :fireworks:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @JCU @Mamatigerj @Gandhalfit @Montserrat @Anek :love:
@Gandhalfit I was using the crutches like a cane for balance and to lighten the weight on my leg : I put my foot on the floor, I didn't hop around which is indeed a good cardio exercise :ss: but mainly I rested my leg with my foot up. Anyway it was a small sprain because I'm almost back to normal with that leg. I only have to train it some more for balance movements. Thanks for the healing vibes !

Today I did :
- 30 min of les mills video (strength, easy level)
- 30 days of LIIT D2
- The miner D4 and found dirt
- The guardian D1+2
- Upperbody light D1+2
- Lower abs D1+2
- Core control D1+2
- EoD 20 side to side lunges with toe points
- Zen D29+30

And I walked daughters to and from school : 17K steps today !

Have a nice day or night bees !


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @CODawn @TakingBabyStepsBack @Gandhalfit @NancyTree @Fremen @Montserrat :thanks:

Today I did :
  • 30 days of LIIT D3
  • The Guardian D3+4
  • Core control D3+4
  • Lower abs D3+4
  • Upperbody light D3+4
  • The miner D5, found dirt and a worm
  • EoD (30 sec hops on the spot each foot. My ankle is fine, this is good rehab.)
I also walked around quite a bit (around 17K steps today). I don't feel like doing more so I'll try to catch up on a few threads.

Have a nice day or night bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Today I did :

This morning :
  • 30 minutes of Les mills bodycombat #91 (30 min version). No jump-kicks.
Tonight :
  • 30 days of LIIT D4
  • The Guardian D5+6
  • Core control D5+6
  • Lower abs D5+6
  • Upperbody light D5+6
  • The miner D6, found an emerald, a ruby and a worm
  • EoD (30 reverse plank kicks)
Have a nice day or night bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @Anek :thanks:

Today I did :
This morning :
  • 20 min strength video (les mills)
This evening
  • 30 days of LIIT D5
  • The Guardian D7 and fought 200 goblins
  • Core control D7
  • Lower abs D7
  • Upperbody light D7
  • The miner D7, found dirt, more dirt and a ruby
  • EoD (40 squat hold calf raise)
And in between, 17,5K step.

Have a nice day or night bees!


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Today I did :
This morning :
  • 30 days of LIIT D6
This evening :
  • The Guardian D8 and fought 100 goblins
  • Core control D8
  • Lower abs D8
  • Upperbody light D8
  • The miner D8, found dirt, more dirt and a pile of dirt
  • EoD (50 alt arm and leg raise)
And in between, 16K step.

Have a nice day or night bees!


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Today I did :
This morning :
  • 30 min of les mills bodyattack video
This evening :
  • 30 days of LIIT D6 (again) and D7
  • The Guardian D9 and fought 50 goblins
  • Core control D9
  • Lower abs D9
  • Upperbody light D9
  • The miner D9, found ruby, emerald and a pile of dirt
  • EoD (60 sec leg balance)
  • WoD heavyweight 7 sets

Have a nice day or night bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
It's already been 3 days... I kept exercising but I struggle to find time and read all the threads with the whole going back to work thing...
I still exercised but I don't remember everything.
  • 60 min run on sunday (my app went on pause for 20min so I ran somewhere between 8 and 12km)
  • 20 min of les mills strength video on monday
  • 30 min of les mills bodycombat #92 today
And one day everyday of :
  • 30 days of LIIT D8, 9 and 10
  • The Guardian D10, 11 and 12 and fought 200 goblins today (I don't remember for sunday and monday)
  • Core control D10, 11 and 12
  • Lower abs D10, 11 and 12
  • Upperbody light D10, 11 and 12
  • The miner D10, 11 and 12 found 3 rubys, 1emerald, a topaz and 4 piles of dirt
  • EoD (I only remember the 3 min arm holds yesterday and 30 crunch kicks today, don't recall what it was on sunday...)
I hope I will find some time to catch up on your threads but my little one is not sleeping so it looks like it might have to wait until tomorrow...

Have a nice day or night bees!


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Yesterday I did :
19K steps! Going to every doctor, nurse and physio in town to let them know I started working... Now I shall wait for the phone to ring. And if it hasn't in 3/4 weeks time I'll go around town where there are less physios. But I don't want to be overwhelmed so I have to start slow...

Also :
  • 30 days of LIIT D11
  • The Guardian D13 no goblins
  • Core control D13
  • Lower abs D13
  • Upperbody light D13
  • The miner D13 found dirt 3 times
  • EoD (30 calf raises)
I also ate way too much crisps and peanuts and even cheese yesterday evening... I had a reunion with the school's parents association and didn't manage to keep out of eating... With the stress of calling on everybody gone I just unleashed myself on food. Let's hope I'll be good for the rest of the week...

Have a nice day or night bees!

Lupus Sheol

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Warrior Monk from USA
Posts: 60
Hi @Tileenah . :hello: I'm still catching up with your log and so much happened since the last time I read! Congratulationson all the completed challenges, your girl's first day of school, on getting up with the crutches without feeling pain and on going back to work! Some healing vibes for the ankle :love: and hope the stress levels get back to normal.

You'll be :float:in no time! :yes:


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Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @Lupus Sheol :thanks:
My ankle is healed as much as it can be and I can run again :ss:

Today I did :
  • 30 days of LIIT D12
  • The Guardian D14 and fought 100 goblins
  • Core control D14
  • Lower abs D14
  • Upperbody light D14
  • The miner D14 found dirt, a ruby and a topaz
  • Splits workout with daughter
I also went to a work lunch (in an elderly home 😅) and got back with my first appointment! Yay! Paid work!:dance:

Have a nice day or night bees!


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thanks @Anek and @TakingBabyStepsBack ! :thanks:
I have trouble to find time to read everybody's thread (my husband's grandparents are there for the weekend) but I intend to catch up asap.

Friday I did:
  • 30 min les mills strengthening video
  • 30 days of LIIT D13
  • The Guardian D15 and fought 50 goblins
  • Core control D15
  • Lower abs D15
  • Upperbody light D15
  • The miner D15 found dirt 3 times
Saturday :
  • 12km run
  • 30 days of LIIT D14
  • The Guardian D16
  • Core control D16
  • Lower abs D16
  • Upperbody light D16
  • The miner D16 found dirt, dirt and a ruby
Have a nice day or night bees!


Well-known member
Posts: 283
"Keep fighting. Fortune will favor the patient and persistent."
You are doing quite well with the workouts!

And please don’t worry about how much you’re able to follow my thread. There are times when I’m technically not a shining example either. Besides, you do have a life and I get that. This is a safe place for a reason. :)


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @PetiteSheWolf and @TakingBabyStepsBack :love:

Sunday I did:
  • 30 days of LIIT D15
  • The Guardian D17 and fought 50 goblins
  • Core control D17
  • Lower abs D17
  • Upperbody light D17
  • The miner D17 found dirt, dirt and more dirt
Today I did :
  • 30 min les mills fast blast video starter (felt that in the legs...)
  • 30 days of LIIT D16
  • The Guardian D18 and fought 100 goblins
  • Core control D18
  • Lower abs D18
  • Upperbody light D18
  • The miner D16 found dirt, a worm and dirt
Have a nice day or night bees!


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @colin :thanku:

Tuesday I did:
  • 25 min Les Mills trainer strength video
  • 30 days of LIIT D17
  • The Guardian D19
  • Core control D19
  • Lower abs D19
  • Upperbody light D19
  • The miner D19 found an emerald, dirt and more dirt
Wednesday I did :
  • 30 min les mills bodycombat video
  • 30 days of LIIT D18
  • The Guardian D20 and fought 100 goblins
  • Core control D20
  • Lower abs D20
  • Upperbody light D20
  • The miner D20 found an amethyst, dirt and dirt
Today I did :
  • 20 min les mills trainer video
  • 30 days of LIIT D19
  • The Guardian D21 and fought 50 goblins
  • Core control D21
  • Lower abs D21
  • Upperbody light D21
  • The miner D21 found dirt, more dirt and a pile of dirt
  • Ran 5km in 25 min
I have more paid work! Which means I really struggle to find time to catch up with the threads. But next week I think things will begin to settle down a bit.

Have a nice day or night bees!


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thank you @colin and @Froud !

Time flies by and it's been 8 days already since I last logged in... Work is starting to take up a lot of time, and with the association stuff to prepare and family time I think I'll only maybe able to do a weekly update from now on.

I still worked out everyday but I don't remember the specifics... I did a 30 min video of Les mills every day (alternating bodyattack, bodybalance, bodycombat and strength training -these last are 20 min workouts actually) and I kept on with my daily program and challenges. I also ran 5K on tuesday. So I did D22 to 29 of upperbody light, core control, the miner, the guardian, lower abs and D20 to D27 of 30 days of LIIT.

I already did my video today (20 min cardio with Lisa - Les mills) and have yet to to my program and challenges but I will update later as I seem to have 5 minutes to myself right now.

Have a nice day or night bees !


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
My programs for this month shall be hard reset cardio and hard reset strength. I'm also taking on the epic challenges (abs, core, arms and glutes).
Today is D1 of everything with 20min run for hard reset cardio and 6kg dumbells for hard reset strength. And my glutes said ow to their challenge...

Have a nice day or night bees !