How long will I keep it up ?


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Hi ! I'm new here, I've been wanting to keep up a fitness routine more than 3 days... I realised that I needed more core and arms strength when I went swimming almost every day for 30 minutes last summer and found out I didn't have any shoulder or neck pain anymore ! As a mother of two very young children it changes everything to be able to hold them pain-free ! But after that every time I tried to stick to a scheduled exercices routine I fell threw after 2 or 3 days tops.
So I enlisted in the ninja rpg challenge and I hope to be able to keep it up. This is my 2nd day, I will be happy if I show up again tomorrow and even more so for the day after that and so on 😊


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Yay! Made it to 3 days!
I ended up being the rookie in awe in front of my ninja-husband (see the day 3 of the rpg shadebound challenge) because I have no idea how you're supposed to hit someone properly and he has years of martial arts training...
He said to move my hips so I wiggled them and ended up laughing a lot thinking of my amazing booty moves. Oh well. I'm more of a dancer than a puncher anyway.
Still! I made it! If I show up tomorrow I'll be on a better streak than in months, that's something to look forward to.
I think I'll try out the fitness test tomorrow just to see if I improve after a month. I'll post the results here 🙂
Thank you all for your warm welcomes, it really helps to stay motivated 🙏


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Made it to day 4! I have officially done better than every try before this one.
So here are my results to the fitness test :
25 pushup planks
25 situps
24 burpees
I didn't think I'd make it to level 2 but I did 🤸
I hope I do better after completing the shadebound program?
I also did the day 4 of shadebound at level 2 instead of 1 and I hurt everywhere 😂 I had a hard time figuring out the turning kicks (even if I looked at the cool tutorial video), but husband was here to save the day and ended up doing the sets with me 😊
See you all tomorrow!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Welcome to the Hive, @Tileenah and congratulations on your new workout streak!
I had a hard time figuring out the turning kicks (even if I looked at the cool tutorial video),
I take it you have found the Video Exercise Library then? Most of the martial arts moves you'll find in Darebee workouts are in there. Although some of those kicks are still difficult to grok just from a video, I agree. I'm still not sure I understand the difference between turning kicks and side kicks, and I have watched that turning kicks video over and over! (The toes are dorsi-flexed throughout a side kick. But they look like they're finishing plantar-flexed in the turning kicks video. Which I take to mean the target is in a different location. But this is not easy to see with shadow fighting!)


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Yes, I did find the videos thank you 🙏
Apparently there's a hip rotation in the turning kicks while none in the front kicks, but it seems I'm barely able to manage them with my left leg 😅
A lot of practice should help (and it looks pretty cool to be able to kick the air 😊 it should help with my anger management issues...)

I did D6 of the sharebound challenge today at L2 and it was okay. I am still stiff from all those kicks on D4 but leg work is clearly the easiest workout for me. I peeked at D7 and saw pushups... Core and arms, that's where I'm really weak... I don't know if I'll manage L2 😱
I guess I'll see tomorrow 😊


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,875
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Welcome to the Hive, @Tileenah and congratulations on your new workout streak!

I take it you have found the Video Exercise Library then? Most of the martial arts moves you'll find in Darebee workouts are in there. Although some of those kicks are still difficult to grok just from a video, I agree. I'm still not sure I understand the difference between turning kicks and side kicks, and I have watched that turning kicks video over and over! (The toes are dorsi-flexed throughout a side kick. But they look like they're finishing plantar-flexed in the turning kicks video. Which I take to mean the target is in a different location. But this is not easy to see with shadow fighting!)
The issue is about striking with the hardest part of the foot. In side kick, it's with the heel; in turning kick, it's with the ball of the foot (though you can also do it with the instep).


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
So, I did manage to do D7 of sharebound on L2 but my legs are sooooo sore from yesterday (so much for bragging about my legs being strong enough 😂😂😂) and I found the planks up and down (elbows to palm) really hard to do even only 10 in a row... But I did it and it's officially my first week of checking in everyday! Will celebrate with some homemade crêpes today:party:


Father of Dragons from Northern Minnesota
Posts: 20
"Consistency is the key. Just keep going even when you do not feel like it."
Okay. Now I'm just more confused. I need to watch it done against an actual target.
I think it would help if you could see the kick from a different perspective as well. A look from the front or even split the difference (45°) would help.

If you’ve actually trained in a martial art that includes kicks, you’d completely understand the difference. Otherwise, a good video is the best to hope for.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
I think it would help if you could see the kick from a different perspective as well. A look from the front or even split the difference (45°) would help.

If you’ve actually trained in a martial art that includes kicks, you’d completely understand the difference. Otherwise, a good video is the best to hope for.
I have trained in karate. But only for one year. I learned front kicks and side kicks. Those I understand. Turning kicks I never learned, and the video, to me, just looks like a side kick with the foot ending up in a funny position.


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Hi y'all! I did D8 at L2 of shadebound program this morning, without the resting time and as fast as I could (which is not very) because I didn't have much time. I am very proud of doing it anyway 😊
And guess what : there are kicks I never did before in it, the hook kicks. I never imagined there was so many different ways to kick a person. I think I understand (them after a few explanations from my husband and the videos) but I can't seem to be able to do them with my left leg. My right leg does okay I think but my left leg just doesn't want to kick and curl at the same time...
Plus I am still super sore from the legs workout on day 6 😅
Working out is tiring 😂:bored:


Father of Dragons from Northern Minnesota
Posts: 20
"Consistency is the key. Just keep going even when you do not feel like it."
I have trained in karate. But only for one year. I learned front kicks and side kicks. Those I understand. Turning kicks I never learned, and the video, to me, just looks like a side kick with the foot ending up in a funny position.
That’s the way the video looks to me as well. Turning kicks can be difficult, especially if you have to do a 180 and lose sight of the target.

I actually earned my black belt in Taekwondo but that was a few years ago and I haven’t been back. I’ve considered going back but I’m not sure the teacher is still doing it.


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Welcome to Darebee! Happy to have you here. You're doing great so far!

P.S - I love foxes!
Thank you 🌼 I love foxes too, so furry and such a wonderful color 😍

Did D11 of shadebound today : my back hurts a bit from the turning kicks I think I'm not doing them properly. Either that or my standing leg isn't strong enough yet and I wobble too much while air-kicking my imaginary ennemies... Or I try to do them faster than I should at my beginner level 🤔
I got my husband to join me today and I can see how it looks when properly done : il a la classe 😍 I hope one day I look like that when air-fighting 😊


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
D13 of shadebound today : a good thing it was rest because I've been limping all day from sore muscles with those lunges yesterday...
Also I'm back to struggling with my eating disorder. It left me alone for nearly a year and I was almost thinking I was done with it but it's back... I don't know if it's triggered with the stress of moving into a new house soon or if it's with the exercise I'm getting (which should help more than trigger stuff...). I can't stop eating and then I hate myself so I try to exercise more and then I want to eat again and so on. I've been in various therapies for ten years because of that stuff and I always seem to get back to square one. Why can't I just leave myself alone ? So much energy gone to waste... It's a pity :sad:


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 445
Take care of yourself. I'm so sorry your ED came back - a year is a long time to go without struggling, so I can't imagine how hard it is to be dealing with its reappearance. You've done amazing. This disorder may be making it very hard on you right now, but if you went a year without it, then it's very likely you'll be able to get another year without it.

Don't underestimate how stressful moving can be! The ED is how your body and mind try to cope with change. It's hard to fight against it, but you've got this. Have you done any mindfulness meditation since the stress of having to move? I find that really helps me out.

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 791
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Hi @Tileenah and belated welcome! I caught up on your thread and you are doing amazing! There's a lot to be said for showing up everyday. Give yourself some grace. You are starting a new habit and it's not easy. Everyone on the Hive is rooting for you.:love:


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
:hug: :love:
You fell and now you get back up, it happens to everyone, it's normal and we love you just the same :)


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
@Fitato @Lady Celerity @HellYeah @Fremen thank you for your kind words 🌺

I started my day pledging I wouldn't eat until I was hungry and so far I jumped breakfast and my 4 o'clock snack, and I only had one helping of today's lunch : so far so good 😊 I will take it step by step and count every small victory, the quicker I get back on track of stop-hating me the less damage it will do. Acknowledging I have a problem again is the first one and then... Well at least I know the drill in managing the stuff after so many years so that's a good thing I think.

I also did D14 of shadebound at L2 although my thigh is still sore (I think I hate lunges now 😅) so that's another victory 😊

Thanks again for all the support you guys show it's incredible and really soothing 💛💙💜💚


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Thanks @Haleth @A_Aldag and @Montserrat !
D15 of shadebound today 😊 it's been two weeks and I showed up every single day! I think the hive helps me a lot with all the kind encouragement and help-outs ❤
Also I really like the idea of rpg-fitness, it's fun and keeps my head in the game 😊

I had 2 helpings of dessert last night but I didn't eat snacks all day or binge-eat anything so that's good overall.
And I ate one slice (and not two) of cake this morning so that's good too. Let's see how today goes...


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Today has been pretty full!
First, I read yesterday the intro of the darebee programs (I know... I should have started with that) and read that you should do both sides on one counting : i've been doing 20 each side when it was written 20 instead of 10 each side... Which maybe explains why I was so tired and sore after each workout... So today I did d16 of shadebound on level 3 and... Well it was completely okay 😅

Also I've been helping a friend who's got 8 days to move at another place with her whole family : she got the notice and well they're both working so she was pretty stressed out on the delay ( no kidding... 😬😬😬)
So that'll be my priority this week as i'm still on parental leave and have time during the day. I hope I can manage the workout too because it's really helped my morale so far but we'll see...

Bye bees!