Katia's journey

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Hey everybody!

My name is Katia and I've been around DAREBEE since like 2015. I started my fitness journey here with calisthenics, then got into bodybuilding, powerlifting and eventually olympic weightlifting. I loved oly lifting, and maybe one day I'll get back to it... I miss leg day everyday :LOL:

Stopped going to the gym in 2022 because of my own reasons and built a small home gym — a pull up bar, a (non-olympic) barbell with some plates, adjustable dumbbells, a couple of kettlebells, dip bars and a walking pad. I trained and everything was fine, but then my depression got the best of me, and gradually I stopped training and actually gained around 20kg since January of 2022.


Now, after gaining that weight and losing my motivation, I want to get my comfortable weight and confidence back. I also want to be able to do chin-ups (I could do like 5 in one go, but now my heavy ass doesn't let me!) and full push-ups again.

The goal of this post is accountability and logging in my progress. I came to realization that I do need it. Can't promise I'll post updates everyday, but I am going to try my best.

The training plan for at least next 3 months (starting on December 1st, because you definitely should wait) is the Spartan, as listed here. It seems like what I will enjoy and can manage with my current work and hobbies.
0. 30 min walk every day in the morning
1. Full body — Batcave friendly workout (starting with 3 sets)
2. Rest/Casual training — <Totals> program + ZEN program
3. Full body — Baba Yaga workout (starting with 3 sets)
4. Rest/Casual training — <Totals> program + ZEN program
5. Upper body — Goliath workout (starting with 6kg dumbbells and ~48kg for deadlifts)
6. Lower body — Glutes Sculpt workout (starting with 8kg dumbbells but bodyweight for deep side lunges)
7. Rest/Casual training — <Totals> program + ZEN program
On top of that I will be following some challenges.
Pull up challenge (but with negative chin ups)
Tricep dips challenge (but with leg supported dips)
Pull up challenge lvl 2 (but still with negative chin ups)
— Tricep dips challenge (but x2 reps of leg supported dips? we'll see)

It's gonna be hard. Eating "clean" and less will be hard. But I know I have it in me to do that. Just have to change my state of mind and actually do things, not just plan them. Wish me luck :worried:

And here's me doing some oly lifting in 2021. Man. I was strong :(
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bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
ok i wanted to start working out today but i got a cold, my head feels a lil bit cloudy. i guess i can get away with a 30-60min walk on my walking pad, but actual training should wait. not a good idea to stress out the body even more while it's fighting a cold :mask:

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
I'm still sick today, but feeling much much better. My only activity today was going to get an energy drink for tomorrow :LOL: BUT AT LEAST I WENT OUTSIDE!
I'm literally addicted to energy drinks, and one of my New Year goals is to drop them. They're too expensive anyway and I don't feel like they make me happy. I'm happier eating expensive pomelos than drinking pointless energy drinks =)

Can't wait till it's my pay day on December 5th because I want to get some multivitamins and Zinc tablets. I desperately need them, not only my antidepressants. I also want to get my fav non-alcoholic fruit beer!

BTW, I wish I could donate some money to DAREEBEE, but rn I can't do it from Russia, unfortunately (you know why). That makes me sad, as this website and the DAREBEE team done so much for me and I want to help somehow :(

Anyway, tomorrow I'm planning to do the 1st day of <Totals> and 7 sets of Better Than Running. I crave some cardio, and this is the craving I'm going to indulge :cool:

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Felt like skipping training today, but made myself ~suffer~ through it. I didn't die, even though my brain was screaming IT'S NOT CARDIO WE ARE DYING! The willpower for training was strong today :yas: Also decided to make it fun and asked AI to pick a random number for me. It gave me 23, that's why I did the 23th day of <Totals>, not the 1st one :LOL:

:v: <Totals> — day 23
Kneeling push-ups because my ass is too heavy to do the full ones. Yet.
:v: Better Than Running — 7 sets, 2 min rest
Damn, every single round I was telling myself «you can do one more». And I did. Felt like I was about to die, but I'm perfectly fine now hehe
30 min walk as cool down
:v: Went outside to take out rubbish and get a couple of beers (naughty me)

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 789
Step count: 7521

Here's a vid for y'all to see how I look at 83kg (I cringe so hard while looking at myself...) and some bits of warming up and the workout today =) Can't guarantee I will do videos like this everyday, but I think they're good in order to track progress, at least in the way I look

:v: Breakfast: an energy drink + 2 protein brownies
:x: Lunch: skipped, wasn't hungry at all
:v: Dinner: beans cuz I crave BEANS + 2 fruit beers + buckwheat with cheese and Korean style carrots and asparagus
:v: Before bed snack: 2 protein puddings
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bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Pro Boxer workout — 7 sets (because cardio and I can do it? who's gonna stop me???)
well turns out the only person stopping me is ME. no Pro Boxer workout today, but I felt terrible physically by the time I had to workout (I think I had a slight fever) so decided to be kind to myself and give myself a break. also, I'm not beating myself up over skipping this part which is great progress in itself.

:v: Walking outside (~40 mins, had to ship a gift for a friend)
It's getting colder and colder each day. Gotta love Russia for this. I like winter, but man sometimes I wish it was permanently September.
:v: <Totals> — day 21
My whole body hurts from yesterday's training but I managed to do everything and am feeling real proud of myself.
:v: 30 min walk inside
Here's a vid of me doing first round of <Totals> for today =)

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 678
Step count: 8671

:v: Breakfast: a zero sugar energy drink + 3 medium apples with 30g of peanut butter
:v: Lunch: a vanilla protein pudding + a blueberry protein drink (I try to focus on more protein in my diet, so that's why I supplement with such things. They're sugar free and I like how they taste!)
:v: Dinner: buckwheat + 2 some kinda fish cutlets + cheese + tomatoes + 2 fruit beers (i love those beers and can't wait to get the alcohol free version!)
:v: Before bed snack: a chocolate protein pudding


bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
I'm still sick and I hate it. Will sleep in on the weekend and ease my training, for sure. I will have to do cross stitching though, quite a bit of it, as I have a commission I need to finish before December 20th. Good thing I loooove stitching. Bad thing — not feeling 100%.

:v: Pull-up challenge — day 1
:v: Tricep Dips — day 1
:v: Goliath workout
Yes, I actually managed to complete it!
Deadlifts — ~38kg (that felt too easy, I'll def up the weight to ~48kg next time)
Bicep curls — 6/6kg (that was kinda hard, and I'll lower the weight next time to ~8kg and will do this exercise with a barbell, not a big fan of dumbbell curls anyway)
Lateral rises — 6/6kg
Upright rows — 6/6kg (I can't explain how I hate this exercise but sometimes we have to do what we don't really like. I had to do this exercise even with my oly lifting trainer, so can't really complain lol)
:v: Fit December — day 1
:v: 30 min walk

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 657
Step count: 6966

:v: Breakfast: an energy drink + a protein brownie
:v: Lunch: qutabs with tomatoes and cheese (yeah, I ordered them along with energy drinks but these little Azerbaijani guys are super tasty — I mean CHEESE and DOUGH!!!)
:v: Snack: a sugar free energy drink
:v: Dinner: 2 fish cutlets with broccoli + cheese + 2 fruit beers (last time drinking these for a while tho)
:v: Snack: ice-cream (I found some in the fridge)
:v: Before bed snack: a vanilla protein pudding

I was over my calorie limit for today by around 300 calories (my current goal is to eat 2000 calories), yet it's fine. there will be a day when I don't want to eat as much. Not gonna beat myself up for this «mistake». Even though I want to lose weight, I also want to have a healthy relationship with food and not be insanely strict. I can do this, I also can eat 1500 calories and less for 6 weeks (been there, done that after a competition to cut), but not now. I need to get my training «in place» first.

By the way, I want to be real in these logs. There's no point in lying. The only person I'd fool is myself :scull:


bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Woke up today at 10:30AM, rather early for a person who went to bed at 3:30AM :LOL: but I had to get ready as my mum visited me (on her birthday actually!)
Didn't have a fever today but wasn't feeling good (probably because of DOMs lol) and had a nap, was delaying training till 9PM, but still made myself train.

Didn't stitch as much as I should've, yet still made some progress. Here's a before and after (~400 little crosses in). If you can't tell it's a Slytherin crest =) Will try and stitch 1000 crosses tomorrow. Lot's of work, but gotta do it as it's a commission :D

:v: 10 min walk to grocery store
:v: Pull-up challenge — day 2
:v: Tricep dips — day 2
:v: Fit December — day 2
:v: 30 min walk

No video today, wasn't feeling like it =)

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 377
Step count: 4876

Meal 1:
a chicken salad and 2 cabbage rolls my mum made + a vanilla mochi
Meal 2: same as Meal 1 + cheese + a chocolate mochi
Before bed snack: 2 vanilla protein puddings
Day snacks: 3 energy drinks (I told you I'm addicted to them, don't tell me 3 of those a day is bad, I know...), a popsicle

Not sure how many calories that was, can't count mum's food. But it was delicious and I don't regret a thing =)

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bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Today was a mess. Went to bed at 3:30AM, couldn't fall asleep till around 5:30AM, because there's an old issue of a «flared up» left dorsal scapular nerve (couldn't find a position for it to not bother me while falling asleep). So I didn't hear any of my alarm clocks, woke up at 2PM. Didn't reach my cross stitch goal too... Not very happy with myself for all that. Also, my whole place is an absolute mess, and it drives me crazy =(

Tomorrow is a new week, hopefully it's better than this one.

:v: Pull-up challenge — day 3
:v: Tricep dips — day 3
:v: Fit December — day 3
Hall pass on ab workouts, I don't enjoy training my abs/core this way
:v: <Totals> — day 1
:v: 30 min walk

No video today =(

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 319
Step count: 4149

:v: Meal 1: 2 chicken mince stuffed bell peppers
:v: Meal 2: 2 qutabs with cottage cheese and herbs
:v: Meal 3: a whole red pomelo
:v: Snacks: 3 energy drinks
:v: Before bed snack: a vanilla protein pudding

Decided to pick up two «morning» challenges as I need to build good habits. My morning routine is to sit down and drink an energy drink while vaping. These challenges will help me get rid of this. Also gotta start doing my morning 30 min walks in the morning, not after my training!

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Woke up right before work started, so no actual morning walk, but I'll try and get up at 8 tomorrow :LOL:
Still managed to do these:
:v: First thing push up challenge — day 1
:v: First thing water — day 1
I couldn't understand who and where I was, but got my push-ups and 500ml of water in lol

Also, my biceps are so sore... Don't remember such bicep DOMs EVER :LOL:

:v: Pull-up challenge — day 4
:v: Tricep dips — day 4
:v: 30 minute walk for Daily walk challenge — day 8
:v: Fit December — day 4
:v: Batcave friendly workout — 3 sets
Could do more, but decided to go easy. I'll have the opportunity to add more sets =)

No vid today =)

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 368
Step count: 4080

:v: Breakfast: a sugar free energy drink + 2 vanilla protein puddings + a banana + 30g of peanut butter
:v: Snack: a banana
:v: Lunch: buckwheat + 4 fried eggs
:v: Dinner: oatmeal + a banana + 30g of peanut butter
:v: Before bed snack: a vanilla protein pudding

I think I need to get more cottage cheese instead of the protein puddings :confused: Maybe not... not sure =)


bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Woke up at 9AM, but stayed at bed for another 40 minutes watching YouTube. Still did my morning challenges after actually getting up :LOL: wake up =/=get up SORRY NOT SORRY
:v: First thing push up challenge — day 2
:v: First thing water — day 2

Biceps were sore AF again, very much painful, but it got better by evening and I managed to do my negative chin-ups for the pull-up challenge lol

:v: ~10 min walk to the grocery store where I forgot to get water and will have to go get some in the morning
:v: Pull-up challenge — day 5
:v: Tricep dips — day 5
:v: 30 min indoor walk for Daily walk challenge — day 9
:v: Fit December — day 5
:x: <Totals> — day 10
Just couldn't make myself do burpees. I hate them. I HATE THEM... I'll catch up next time, I promise!

No vid today, too. Not enough time for editing even though it takes like 20 minutes :vsad:

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 355
Step count: 5959

:v: Very late night snack: a medjool date + ~30g of peanut butter + a banana
I was very hungry and couldn't fall asleep because of it
:v: Breakfast: a banana + a vanilla protein pudding + 30g of peanut butter
:v: Snack: an energy drink + a sugar-free protein bar
:v: Lunch: instant noodles
:v: Snack: an energy drink
:v: Dinner: smoked tofu + broccoli + 2 fruit beers
:v: Before bed snack: cottage cheese + a coconut protein drink

I'm over my calories again, but planned to eat less tomorrow. Made mistakes with the energy drinks and the noodles, will try to not do them again =)


bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Sorry I felt terrible yesterday and stressed out so didn't do any logs. Food was terrible too, so not even going to do a food log for that day =(

:v: Pull-up challenge — day 6
:v: Tricep dips — day 6
:v: First thing push up challenge — day 3
:v: First thing water — day 3
:v: Daily walk challenge — day 10
:v: Fit December — day 6
:x: Baba Yaga workout — 3 sets (just wasn't in the right mood to do the workout which I regret now)


bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Today was better. I'm grateful for that.
:v: First thing push up challenge — day 4
:v: First thing water — day 4

Woke up, did my thing. Good!

:v: ~15 min walk to the grocery and drug stores
:v: Pull-up challenge — day 7
:v: Tricep dips — day 7
:v: 30 min walk for Daily walk challenge — day 11
:v: Fit December — day 7
:v: <Totals> — day 3
:v: Santa workout — 3 sets
I was running out of time on my lunch break that I use as time to workout, so couldn't finish 7 rounds =(

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 630
Step count: 5362

No food log today as I actually didn't track my food today and literally don't remember what I consumed :vsad:


bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
hey I got busy with work and tired yesterday so didn't do a log, but here's to finally do the log for December 8th :D

New morning routine — done
:v: First thing push up challenge — day 5
:v: First thing water — day 5

:v: Pull-up challenge — day 8
:v: Tricep dips — day 8
:v: 30 min walk for Daily walk challenge — day 12
:v: Fit December — day 8
Hall pass, was kind of not focused on training that day, and workouts like this require it.
:v: Goliath workout
I loved it! It was a bit challenging, but after completing it I felt great!
~8kg barbell bicep curls
6/6kg side raises
~48kg barbell deadilfts — these felt heavy but I managed to smash it =)
6/6kg upright rows

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 464
Step count: 5154

No food log because I ate absolute garbage yesterday and the last thing I need is to embarrass myself online =(


bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
woke up at 3PM today which is not good :mad:

:v: First thing push up challenge — day 6
:v: First thing water — day 6

:v: ~10 min walk to grocery store
:v: Pull-up challenge — day 9
:v: Tricep dips — day 9
:v: 30 min walk for Daily walk challenge — day 13
:v: Fit December — day 11
Decided to switch days today because didn't have the strength to do day 9 today after a leg workout but didn't wanna take a hall pass and skip that day
Glutes Sculpt workout
8/8kg forward lunges
8kg [switched to] B-stance deadlifts
8kg goblet squats
bodyweight side lunges (as low as I could go; think I'll switch this exercise to weighted curtesy lunges next time, it's way too difficult for me how it is)

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 721
Step count: 7417

:v: Meal 1: egg [not instant!] noodles with avocado and butter + tofu
:v: Meal 2: egg noodles with butter + tofu + 2 fruit beers
:v: Snacks: 2 energy drinks, a hazelnut snickers bar
:v: Before bed snack: a coconut protein drink

Not ideal, but better than a couple of last days :eyes:


bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
hello everybody and welcome back to my booty building youtube channel! today I woke up and did 40 push-ups and chugged half a liter of water right after getting up at 1PM. then I had a procrastination session till like 5PM, went to the grocery shop and after that vacuum cleaned the floors in my apartments. then I had a training sesh and a cross stitching sesh. that's a whole day of my life.

:v: First thing push up challenge — day 7
:v: First thing water — day 7

:v: ~15 min walk to grocery store
:v: Pull-up challenge — day 10
:v: Tricep dips — day 10
:v: 30 min walk for Daily walk challenge — day 14
:v: Fit December — day 9
:v: <Totals> — day 10
I thought I couldn't do it, but I managed to finish it and not die! Will probably feel it tomorrow.........
:v: <Totals> — day 28

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 738
Step count: 8539

Lots of egg noodles with butter and soy sauce, 3 energy drinks, a yoghurt and a hazelnut snickers bar.

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bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"

Also, today I earned the 15 Consecutive Days of Exercise badge! YAY! I actually couldn't believe I could do it. :yas:

:v: First thing push up challenge — day 8
:v: First thing water — day 8
:v: No sugar [energy drink] challenge — day 1 (no energy drinks today, and I'm still kickin'!)

:v: Pull-up challenge — day 11
:v: Tricep dips — day 11
:v: 15 minute walk for Daily walk challenge — day 15
:v: Batcave friendly workout — 3 sets
:x: Fit December — day 10 (I kinda skipped Fit December today but not really. My body hurts from yesterday's burpees and I had to step back but I'll try to make up for it tomorrow, didn't wanna take a hall pass cuz COSSACK SQUATS)

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 261
Step count: 3074

Kind of the same as yesterday... I'm just really into these egg noodles, they're too good! But I need to get my sh!t together and pay more attention to better foods and better eating habits.



Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 581
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Woohoo!!! Happy badge day @bloody dunmeri :worried:

Happy Season 9 GIF by The Office

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
:v: First thing push up challenge — day 9
:v: First thing water — day 9
:v: No sugar [energy drink] challenge — day 2

:v: Pull-up challenge — day 12
:v: Tricep dips — day 12
:v: 15 min walk outside for Daily walk challenge — day 16 (it was so cold and windy so I decided to not step outside till it's March)
:v: Fit December — day 10 (replaced Cossack squats to side to side lunges, my flexibility won't allow me to do Cossack squats haha)
:v: Fit December — day 12 (hall pass, was too tired)
:x: <Totals> — day 24 (as I've said, was too tired)

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 289
Step count: 2214

We're not talking about food today..........................

No extra workout, as I feel like I need a little break. Those burpees wrecked me :LOL:

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
:v: First thing push up challenge — day 10
:v: First thing water — day 10
:v: No sugar [energy drink] challenge — day 3

:v: Pull-up challenge — day 13
:v: Tricep dips — day 13
:v: 30 min walk for Daily walk challenge — day 17
:v: Fit December — day 13

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 489
Step count: 5344


Sorry for digging it up from the waybackmachine DareBee Team, but I had to :D It's my favourite diet of yours and I think I gotta start following it. Gotta figure out the mealplan path and what kinda meals I will eat. After that just following it left =)

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 189
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
DECEMBER 14th, 2023
Oh today was a hard day to start. But I had to as I have my 5/2 job and it doesn't matter if I feel like getting out of bed or not :vsad: yet, good news — it's Friday tomorrow!!!

Literally me today:

Either way, I was good and did my things:
:v: First thing push up challenge — day 11
:v: First thing water — day 11

:v: ~10 min walk to the grocery store
Pull-up challenge — day 14
:v: Tricep dips — day 14
:v: Fit December — day 14 (hall pass today, wasn't feeling plank movements at all)
:v: Daily walk challenge — day 18
:x: <Totals> — day 24 (nope, too many sit-ups for today :D)
:v: <Totals> — day 7

Total calories burnt (according to my watch): 419
Step count: 4506

:v: Meal 1: 2 chicken kupati + red kidney beans in Mexican sauce (whatever that means) with cherry tomatoes and cheese
:v: Meal 2: a blueberry protein drink + 2 packs of «morning» cookies (10 slim little cookies in total)
:v: Meal 3: 2 chicken kupati + red kidney beans in Mexican sauce with cherry tomatoes and cheese + 2 fruit beers
:v: Before bed snack: cottage cheese with mango jam

:v: No sugar [energy drink] challenge — day 4 (oh wow I'm still alive without energy drinks for 4 days... guess one really DO NOT need them, who would've thought...)
