lpf's honeycomb of experiments, challenges, programs and other things for science


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Mistaken Identity...

okay, so what happened during the game and why it ended in a mistaken identity...

my team (the older ones) had a match on Sunday... in Germany we would call it "Kellerduell" as it was the last (us) against the last but one (is it called like this?)
The match itself was really tight and thrilling, at least in the first half and we were in lead at the end of the first half...
There were some weird referee decisions, but that is something that could happen sometimes...

The second half, went wild.... the amount of foul plays increased, especially the other team got harder and tougher and the referees lost more or less the control of the game
which made us a bit angry, regarding the fact, we had to replace two players for the rest of the game because they were injured because of the foul plays...
(don't get me wrong, handball is a full contact sport, but there are at least some rules, that should avoid getting injured because of forbidden things during the game,
like throwing balls directly in the face of the goalie, or pulling someone down by reaching for his neck, or grabbing someone from behind and things like that...
those things didn't lead to any sort of penalty for the other team, like a yellow card, or a 2 minutes penalty or something like that...)
this led to the head coach (the one with the handball knowlegde) getting really upset and shouting: "now it's enough!"
this ended in a yellow card for him and as there wasn't any change in behavior of the referees regarding directing the game or the other team playing foul,
we decided with the whole team (us 2 coaches and the players) that they play this game to the end, but without trying too hard to score, as we didn't want anyone to get hurt
this led to the entry in the protocol of the game, that he will receive a formal letter....

well... it should have ended like this, but, as I am the person in charge of the team, which is entered in the protocol also,
the referees put the yellow card for me and the formal letter also...
which is wrong, as this is not a team penalty but a personal penalty...
so the referees made a mistake here (another one so to say)...
so in the end, this is a little bit funny, I think

edit: a little fun fact
we will have the same referees for the next game....

edit 2: I usually don't rant about the referees, as this is a tough job... but they really lost it during the game


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Such games take away all the fun of playing, I never understand how people can feel good about 'winning' a foul game. Hopefully your card and letter will be sorted soon
I really don't blame the opponents... if you are not blamed for mistakes and fouls, you go on like that...
but I think, they realized at the end, that we weren't that happy about how the game went on

when we decided, that the boys should not try too hard to score, we had one attack going on,
when they just stood on their positions, without moving and passing the ball around until the refs called passive play.
Usually you move around and try to get the defense moving and giving you space to go through and score

At least at this point, the opponents knew (or should have known)
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Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
okay, so now back to training...

so, what I am doing at the moment is the follwoing scheme:
Monday - upper body 20 minutes EMOM (bench press, rows and dips variations)
Tuesday - legs (as this is also part of the 8 weeks to 5k program)
Wednesday - only the longer runs of the 8 weeks to 5k
Thursday - upper body workout (like PT Pyramid, Power Builder, Beast Master and things like that)
Friday - legs (part of the 8 weeks to 5k, but a bit spiced up)
Saturday - only the easy runs of the 8 weeks to 5k
Sunday - cycling

as you can already see, I am doing the 8 weeks to 5 program, I am at day 29 today...
yesterday day 28 was great, 15 minutes run on 11km/h.... I am really proud

and as an add on and because I really need to do a lot more of this: unbound program
I am on day 5, I think....

At the moment, I enjoy it ;)


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
so this is going to be a longer post....
I think I will divide it into 3 topics, so it might be easier to read, but to not make it too easy, I will divide the 8 weeks to 5k in two parts, the running part and the lower body/upperbody part

okay, here we go:
Part 1 - Unbound:
I am on day 11 of the Unbound program, and I really like and enjoy it.
Doing a few minutes of stretching each day is really nice. And I think (at least I think) I am getting better each day...
not like "hey, I can touch my head with my knees now bending forward, which I couldn't do yesterday"
but you can see a progress, as I can reach more and more towards my toes.... so Yay to Unbound!

Part 2 - 8 weeks to 5k
I am on day 34 now and as this is the part for the running days of this program, I can say, that it feels really good running again. I never thought, I would miss running
as it has always been a love/hate relationship, but I missed it, I missed it so much, that I enjoy running on the treadmill!
so, now to the hard facts:
As I said in the beginning, I will increase the pace every two weeks, which I did....
I started the first day with 10km/h which felt to slow for me, so I did the next runs with 10.5km/h and increased the speed every two weeks by .5km/h
every 7th day is challenge day and.... running 15 minutes straight on 11km/h was something I never thought would happen so fast again, but yes, I did it!
and as I always write down the speed and the distance, I can put this in here....

run in km/hwalk in km/hdistance in kmtime in min
day 110,005,001,008,00
day 310,505,001,4812,00
day 510,505,001,279,00
day 710,505,003,8530,00
day 810,505,001,3610,00
day 1010,505,002,0415,00
day 1210,505,001,7912,00
day 1410,505,003,5028,00
day 1511,005,001,7712,00
day 1711,005,002,6818,00
day 1911,005,002,2715,00
day 2111,005,004,4730,00
day 2211,005,002,1414,00
day 2411,005,003,2221,00
day 2611,005,002,9718,00
day 2811,002,7115,00
day 2911,505,002,6016,00
day 3111,505,003,9224,00
day 3311,505,003,6821,00

part 3 - upper and lower body

okay, so upper body is split in more or less 2 parts (I ignore the upper body days of the 8 weeks to 5k, as I am doing them just on level 1, so going very easy on this)

Mondays is always bench press, dips and rowing day and always EMOM day...
some days are better than the others, some days, I can increase reps and on some days, I have to go down again with the reps in the last sets...
but all in all, I am feeling fine with this

Tuesdays lower body, the lunge days (as I would call them) of the 8 weeks to 5k... no weird ideas, just the workouts on level 3

Thursdays upper body - done so far in this order: V-Taper, - The Renegade - Handstand Prep - Beastmaster

Fridays are the squat days of the 8 weeks to 5k and I added some weight in the last few workouts...
using my kettlebells for goblet squats or both for the calf raises (all in all the 8 weeks to 5k program is pretty demanding on the calves, I think...
but hey, getting bigger calves is okay for me ;)

so that's all my bees, now you are all up to date


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
before I take you back in time... well... more or less... I mean, fill the gap with the missing days, I want to tell you a little story of me yesterday.
As you all know (well, at least you will know in a few seconds) every Wednesday is the 7th day of the 8 weeks to 5k program, so it is challenge day for me.
yesterday there were 25 minutes in one go to go.. or better to run... and as I always increase the speed every two weeks I was at 11.5km/h....
yes the final two weeks starting from today will be at 12km/h...
okay, so I started the engine (not mine) of the treadmill, entered the given time, 25 minutes, entered the speed, 11.5km/h and pressed start....
during the first 5 minutes I thoguht that this was the worst idea I ever had.... after 10 minutes I said to myself, well you have done 2/5,
only 3 to go (mentally tricking myself)
after 12.5 minutes - you are have way through... come on.... after 15 minutes I said to myself, only 10 to go....
and when there were 20 minutes on the clock, I started celebrating, raised my arms high like I won a race
(which is what this all felt like) and kept on going for the last 5 minutes....
so... 25 minutes with 11.5km/h which makes something around 4.75km (at least the treadmill said this)
I have to say, that I am very proud!

now I will try to check all of your threads and then I will try to update you about the other days I worked out...


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
okay, here we go... this is going to be longer... (no guarantee for not forgetting something.... )
before putting the 8 weeks to 5k running data in here, let's do the other stufff...

16.02. tomboy workout pull-ups were 11-6-4-4, push-ups were 56-18-12-12; unbound day 12
17.02. leg day of 8 weeks to 5k first set to warm up, then added 24kg (2nd), 36kg (3rd), 48kg (4th) to the sets and did the last set again without weight; unbound day 13
18.02. unbound day 14
19.02. upper body 8 weeks to 5k, kept it easy, did level 1; unbound day 15
20.02. upper body 20 minutes EMOM of renegade rows (2x24kg kettlebells), bench press (50kg), gorilla rows (2x24kg kettlebells), floor press (2x24kg kettlebells) - all for 10 reps; unbound day 16
21.02. leg day of 8 weeks to 5k on level 3.... oh by the way, I added shin raises to the leg days of 8 weeks to 5k.... just because...; unbound day 17
22.02. unbound day 18
23.02. PT pyramid workout (up to 7 reps, did the run directly beforehand, which might or might not kept me from doing more); unbound day 19
24.02. leg day 8 weeks to 5k, 1st set without weight, 2nd with 24kg, 3rd with 50kg, 4th with 24kg, 5th without weight; unbound day 20
25.02. unbound day 21
26.02. upper body 8 weeks to 5k, level 1; unbound day 22

so that are the workouts.... now the running data...

run in km/hwalk in km/hdistance in kmtime in min
day 3511,505,004,1524,00
day 3611,505,002,9918,00
day 3811,505,004,4927,00
day 4011,505,004,2524,00
day 4211,504,7525,00
day 4312,005,003,5020,00
day 4512,005,005,2730,00

oh and last but not least, I try to ride my bike every Sunday, which works most of the time...
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Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
oh by the way.... I really think about doing the push-pull-legs next...
I am not quite sure, if I want to do it like it is in the program....
if I want to do somthing completely different....
perhaps dividing the exercieses in pull and push and do full pull and full push days, meaning, that a pull day will also contain swings or deadlifts and a push day squats
so something like this scheme


or if I do push-pull-legs something like this

I am not quite sure the moment...


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Congrats on 11.5 km/h! On a treadmill that's really fast, I always got a bit scared 😅 it's different when running outside.
And good luck with your training choices! You can also just start and adjust the schedule when it's not what you aimed for
thank you.... yeah, running on a treadmill is really different (not mentioning, that I run barefoot, which makes it even more different)
I chose to run on the treadmill, because I had the most problems when changing the direction, when my knee made problems....
so treadmill is just full speed on a straight line.... this feels quite comfortable so far..
but I will try to go outside and run outside after the program is finished... but I will keep going the short tracks.... so things around 6km.... ;)


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
about yesterday...

upper body day.... the bench press was meeehhhh.... it didn't really work out well...
the rest was good.... so I don't worry that much... perhaps all I need is to adjust the rest time... maybe doing EMOM with alternating exercises..
I will try it...
the run of 8 weeks to 5k was good.... data will come at the end of the program, don't want to spoil this ;)

day 24 of unbound... I really love it... and mobility and flexibility is improving.... perhaps I will repeat the program right after I finished it....


leg day of the 8 weeks to 5k, nothing special, no additional weight, on level 3

after this, day 25 of unbound... felt great, I even think, that I can go deeper on the last exercise now.... so this is really going well...

5 days to go for unbound first round and 8 days for 8 weeks to 5k.... time flys by, if you're having fun ;)


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
It's Friday again.... so welcome to the next episode of lpf is updating his thread...

okay, let's go...

Wednesday was another challenge day for the 8 weeks to 5k, day 49 and... Spoiler Alert!
I had 15 minutes running with 1 minute walking for 2 sets... on 12km/h and 5km/h.... which ended up in 6,14km
If you don't want to know this, wait for the final summary and data sheet ;)

After the run, Unbound day 26

another run, but a bit lighter... well, at least a little bit shorter
and Push&Pull workout after this

I skipped Unbound due to scheduling problems, even though it is quite short...

I will do day 27 and day 28 tonight after leg day


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
oh and by the way... when unbound and 8weeks to 5k are finished, I will take some days off..
well more or less... I will do some yoga or combat stuff perhaps alternating... and then I will start with something new
still thinking about PPL...


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
okay, day 50 of 8weeks to 5k done, leg day...
set 1 without weight, set 2 and 5 with 24kg kettlebell (one only), set 3 and 4 with 50kg barbell...
you know, just for the fun of it....
I really thought about doing the 5th set also with 50kg, but I convinced myself, that it could be better not to do this.
Oh by the way, holding the squat position with weight on your shoulders is a pretty weird feeling....

also done day 27 and 28 of Unbound as promised ;)


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
okay, here we go...
Saturday was a non exercising day, as I helped a friend moving to a new home... so a lot of activity, but not a dedicated workout.
After the move I went to a Handball Match with my older son... which was 2 hours from our home, but the story behind it is some kind of special...
I will tell you later on or tomorrow...
So I also skipped the run for 8 weeks to 5k...

On Sunday I did the upper body of 8 weeks to 5k and day 29 of Unbound.

Tonight, day 54 of 8 weeks to 5k, day 30 of Unbound and also my usual upper body stuff, like bench press, rows and dips. I alternated to exercises during the EMOM,
which helped a lot with the reps for the bench press, as the rest time was longer...

so, Unbound done, and 2 (or 3) days to go for 8 weeks to 5k


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
"...There he stood in his basement, gasping, sounding like an old steam train, soaked with sweat...
the only thing running through his head was: 'I did it, I f***ing did it!'
then he passed away (no, not really, but that would increase the thrill of this story)
so, he didn't pass away...
but he wrote down all the data and then he decided to let you know what happened...."

so here am I.... and what I want to tell you is: I did day 56 of 8weeks to 5k.
I reached the 5k at 25:11 minutes, which is close to my personal best, 8 years ago....
I reached the 6k at 30.11 minutes....
And I did "the whole 9 yards" meaning, I ran the full 35 minutes on 12km/h
I am impressed by myself, I never thought, that I would be able to run so fast again.....

now I need a shower and something to eat....


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
thank you all.... :love:
but I don't think, I will repeat it this way again in the near future ;)

so, what I wanted to tell you is that weekend story about that handball match, I think this is still missing
okay, so I went to a handball match with my older son, 2 hours away from home in Emsdetten...
3rd division (or league or whatever) game between first and fifth.
but why did we go there? One of the players of Emsdetten has some things in common with my son (in addition to play handball)
both have the same first name, both have the same date as birthday (except for the year), both play the same position in their teams....
My son found this pretty cool, so he decided to write a message to that guy and tell him about this
and the guy was like: "that's cool! tell me, when you visit one of hour matches, I will try to get somethings for you"
So we went there... and now it get's sort of cute... when the players did the warm-up, my son talked to him, shortly, told him,
that the we writing and things and he said: "okay, let's talk after the match"
but after the match, the guy didn't see us, so he went straight to the locker room to call my son via instagram so that they can meet....
which they did, they took pictures, talked a bit, he got an autograph...

I really think this is a cool story... I like everything about it


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
as I am taking some days off before I start with PPL on Monday, here are some numbers, just to entertain you...

8weeks to 5k means...
687 minutes of running (if I calculated it correct)
it also means round about 114km of distance, if you do it like I did it (increasing the speed for the runs every two weeks)
or in detail...
run in km/hwalk in km/hdistance in km TMtime in min
day 110,005,001,008,00
day 310,505,001,4812,00
day 510,505,001,279,00
day 710,505,003,8530,00
day 810,505,001,3610,00
day 1010,505,002,0415,00
day 1210,505,001,7912,00
day 1410,505,003,5028,00
day 1511,005,001,7712,00
day 1711,005,002,6818,00
day 1911,005,002,2715,00
day 2111,005,004,4730,00
day 2211,005,002,1414,00
day 2411,005,003,2221,00
day 2611,005,002,9718,00
day 2811,002,7115,00
day 2911,505,002,6016,00
day 3111,505,003,9224,00
day 3311,505,003,6821,00
day 3511,505,004,1524,00
day 3611,505,002,9918,00
day 3811,505,004,4927,00
day 4011,505,004,2524,00
day 4211,504,7525,00
day 4312,005,003,5020,00
day 4512,005,005,2730,00
day 4712,005,005,6530,00
day 4912,005,006,1432,00
day 5012,005,004,3024,00
day 5212,005,006,4536,00
day 5412,005,006,3134,00
day 5612,006,9635,00

the distance is, what the treadmill said... just for your information....

on Monday I will start PPL... but only 6 days a week, so it will be 5 weeks to go instead of 4
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Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
PPL Day 1 done.

okay so I used 11kg for the shoulder and chest exercises... which was okay for exercise 1 but a bit too light for 2 and 3.
50kg for the bench press, which was due to the rest time, every set 10 reps... might increase the weight next time for this also.

the long rest times feel weird, especially when you have done a lot of EMOM workouts, but it is also a nice variation.


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
PPL Day 2 done

pull day... the 11kg dumbells are too light for this also, I could easily hit the reps in all sets...
well, the fourth set of the first bicep curls exercise was a bit demanding in the last two reps, but it was still doable
and perhaps even one or two or three reps more...
I really need to increase the weight... I will try 12kg next time....

after that, I did some forearms work... inspired by the grip strength workout.
pumped forearms are the best ;)


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
what really is strange about PPL is the long rest time. I mean, after two minutes and a weight that is a bit too light, you can go on and on and on...
I should not try to hit the max given reps, more like chosing a weight, I can just reach the min given reps in the first set....
I hope I will find that weight in the next workouts :muahaha:


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
what really is strange about PPL is the long rest time. I mean, after two minutes and a weight that is a bit too light, you can go on and on and on...
I should not try to hit the max given reps, more like chosing a weight, I can just reach the min given reps in the first set....
I hope I will find that weight in the next workouts :muahaha:
or adding weight in every set... :imp:


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Wednesday, Day 3 of PPL, abs day.... or more ore less rest day.
to be honest, the abs day wasn't that difficult or hard. at least for me.
I don't get nervous, when the workout says do 1 minute of side plank...
or 1 minute plank... so abs day is rest day.

Thursday, Day 4 of PPL, the first leg day in this program. So, a leg day was good, when your legs are shaking for a while, right?
Well... my legs didn't shake that much, just for like half an hour while walking around.... but today I feel every muscle on the backside of my legs
so, what did I do?
the first exercise were reverse lunges, I did them with my two 24kg kettlebells. 4 sets of 12.
After this, squats, but I kept them a bit easier, just one of the kettlebells, and I did them like a goblet squat. 4 sets of 12
Then there were the calf raises, I elevated my toes, to have a bit more range of motion and grabbed both 24kg kettlebells.... 4 sets of 16 reps
and last but not least, deadlifts.... I used my barbell, started with 50 kg in the first set, 10 reps, added 10kg in each set,
so 60kg for set 2 with 10 reps, 70kg for set 3 with 10 reps, 80kg for set 4 with 8 reps.
The last set was hard, I had to change the grip from overhand in the first 3 sets to mixed grip, I changed hands half way through,
so 4 reps with left overhand and right underhand and then vice versa, I wanted to grab the bar again after 8 reps and change grips, but no...
no, I just didn't want to grab the bar again, so 8 must be enough for that day ;)

so, today, sore muscles in the back of my body.... the posterior chain, mainly in my butt and hams...,.
trying to sit down get's funny :muahaha:
from Chicago
Posts: 5
"Avocado Lover"
In addition to the existing ideas, I think it would be great to include some hands-on projects that can be done at home or in a classroom setting. For example, building simple machines, conducting chemical reactions, or exploring the properties of different materials. These types of projects can be a fun and engaging way for students to learn about science, and they can also help to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. For example, on https://edubirdie.com/write-my-paper I get skills from professionals and when I ask them to write my paper, they offer great scientifical research. Another idea could be to organize science fairs or competitions where students can showcase their projects and experiments. This would not only provide a platform for students to share their ideas and discoveries, but it would also create a sense of community and encourage collaboration and innovation.
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Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Hey Ipf, it sounds like you had a good leg day yesterday! It's always a good sign when you can feel the effects of your workout the next day, even if your legs weren't shaking as much as you might have hoped. And the calf raises and deadlifts are great for hitting those muscles in the backside of your body. So, how are you feeling today? Are you still feeling the soreness in your butt and hams, or has it started to ease up a bit?
I'm asking cos I would try such sets and need some reviews.
oh well.... I am a bit late to the party, but it was just one day really hard after the leg day, the next day it got better...


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
okay, here we go... it's been a while...

first off, I am taking some days off at the moment. I had a headache after cycling on Sunday two weeks ago, which wasn't a big deal,
but like 3 days later I got a migraine attack, without headache, but with diziness and things like that for like 2 days...

So I decided to take a break for some days, so that my body can recover fully from this double head stuff thingy

long story short, I will continue with working out next Monday, I will continue with push-pull-legs, but I changed the structure a bit
there will be more "rest" days...


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
okay, here we go....
as I told you, I will add more "rest" days to the program...
so this is how it looks like...


the darker parts are the things I have to do, the lighter ones are optional or part of active rest

yesterday was Day 10, Pull Day...
I used a SZ-bar with 27kg in total for the first exercise.
the second one was replaced with body rows
the third was done with 18kg kettlebells
and the last one with dumbells with 13.5kg each

after this, a little bit for the forearms...

and that's all


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Tuesday, 20:00 CET....
Training with the Handball Team done, now it's time to do Day 11 of PPL.
So, get all dressed up, get down in the basement, start the music... breath in, breath out, warm-up and look at the workout for today.
First exercise, plank, 2 sets of 90 seconds.... okay, get on your elbows and do it... sing along and wait for the bell
first set done, take a break and then do set number 2.
second exercise, plank again, but on the side... 2 sets, 90 seconds... I did 90 seconds left, 90 seconds right side.
third exercise long-arm crunches, I tried the first set with a slam ball... well, not the best idea, but fun...
second set was done without any equipement.
third set again without anything, the last set I had to try it again with the slam ball... still not good but still sort of fun....
okay, now do what you have done between all the sets so far, lay down and rest 2 minutes...
get ready for the last exercise... back extensions.... should I use the slam ball...? - nope!
yeah, okay... but it could be fun? - NOOHHOO!!!
okay, I understand but... - oh shut up!!
after convincing myself to do the exercise without the slam ball, I did the two sets of 10 back extensions and called it a day...
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