N7 Training - Post Recovery Log


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 12
  • Skating Practice
  • Cooldown Stretches

Happy Friday friends! It's a beautiful sunny day here, 65F/18C and lightly breezy, my wife and I both got a good night sleep, my parents' power might be back on today, I thought of some new ideas for my book last night, tomorrow is October, and life is feeling pretty good! Hope you all are having a lovely day as well!


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
@CODawn :happy::cool:

@NancyTree Thanks for the reply :) It was great to hear everyone was okay. I even got to chat with my mom on the phone for a bit last night and after three days of craziness it just felt good to talk to them again. Their power came on yesterday, but it seems like it went out again today, hopefully it's just a temporary thing though as all those affected counties are working to get back on the grid or something. I haven't heard since because they went to crash and knowing them will probably nap all day after the week they had!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,129
"Striving to be the change."
After a nice hot cup of coffee and some reading from the Guild Codex series, I got around to more roller skating practice in my kitchen. There are a couple roller rinks somewhat near us that have adult skate nights that I'm warming up to the idea of. I know wifey would love it, maybe even her mom and sisters would want to come too. I wish I had a bigger place to practice by myself. I have definitely improved since July when we started, it's crazy what an actual properly fitting pair of skates will do for your skill progression. :LOL:
There must be places near you where you can skate outside. I have skated on roads, sidewalks (bumpy with all the seams between blocks, but doable), off-road trails, empty parking lots, skate parks, school playgrounds, tennis courts. Any asphalt or concrete surface works! Ideally you'll want a second set of wheels, particularly if you're using super hard wheels for indoor practice. (There are some mid-hardness wheels that work for indoor/outdoor in a pinch, but softer cushy wheels for outdoor are nicer, in my experience.)


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
@Laura Rainbow Dragon Thanks for the suggestions :) I have Sure Grip Stardust skates and the wheels they come with are hybrids I believe. I'm still pretty new so I'm not really comfortable on our roads/sidewalks yet, though ideally I want to get to a place where I am comfortable with that, but our driveway is kind of steep and awful so I don't want to be skating down that any time soon. We live in a small city with not a lot of parking lots and places like that. The ones we do have are always full of cars. We did try the nearby elementary school parking lot over the summer, but I had a really bad time with it because my skates at that time didn't fit well and I was struggling to even stand in them. Thankfully these new skates are way better but school is back in session now and that parking lot was super rough anyway. We do have a skate park with a tennis court and that's what wife and I have been trying to get to but it rained the couple days we had free to try! Such bad timing lol. Really what I was wishing for in that last post was a place I could practice in private, I'm still working out my bambi legs and I'm a little self conscious in my skates still for practicing out in public. I just want one day at the tennis court to ourselves so I can verify that I can skate across a flat surface without having to take a knee (that summer practice scarred me! lol). I am getting a lot better practicing at home though so I do think it'll go okay. We are planning a staycation at the end of November so barring snow we should definitely get to go then if not sooner!

Thank you!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,129
"Striving to be the change."
When I first started training for roller derby, I practised skating on the road outside our house every day we didn't have team practice. I could only skate on our block because all of the roads that lead away from it are pretty steep downhills with busy roads at the bottom of the hills, and I did not trust myself to be able to stop at the bottom of those hills! So I skated our block, up and down, up and down. There were several senior ladies who lived on the block at the time who apparently thought it was entertaining to watch me. So I started wearing my rainbow ruffle butt shorts for home practices, just for them! If your skating is going to be the centre of attention, might as well embrace that fact, eh? ;)

For the skate park I expect your hybrid wheels are fine. For rougher surfaces, outdoor wheels will definitely help. I skate on 78As outdoors. Nice and cushy.


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Day 14
  • Rest Day
  • Stretching

We went to a birthday party today, little time for much else during the day. Busy Sunday. Going to have a rest this evening as the party was nice but drained my introvert battery, and then maybe read some more Shadow and Bone or play video games.

Wife made brownies today and they're so fudgy and wonderful! Also sister-in-law brought vegan cookies to the party and they were also amazing. So many nice treats :eatall:


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Day 15

I've done this workout before and I really like it, and it's a good day for something a little on the light side because I stayed up so late last night finishing Shadow and Bone (I really liked it, plot was all kinds of crazy) and I'm a little tired, but mostly feeling good. Started a little of the second book Siege and Storm, and I'll probably read more of it today. I also have so much cleaning to do in the kitchen today since we made pelmeni, more chebureki, and brownies recipes this weekend and were too busy to clean everything yesterday.

Other sister-in-law gave us a ton of clothes yesterday so we are going to go through them tonight! I'm excited, we picked out a ton of cute things. There are 2 hoodies I really like, 2 sweaters, and a bunch of tank tops (I live in those). Way more stuff than just that too, wife has more things for work, plus more dresses for us to share! :D Oh that reminds me, wifey started play fighting with me as I was getting ready yesterday and it was so silly we were giggling like idiots and having fun, and also I felt so much stronger than I used to! I could almost pick her up, it's crazy! I love how this program is making me feel, as well as how good I've been doing lately with my recovered body. It's getting pretty close to my 2 year recovery anniversary (next month) and I couldn't have imagined feeling this good 2 years ago.

There is so much for me to look forward to this week, I'm really excited for some nice days! :) And wife put in for days off in November for my birthday and our WoW vacation!! (Yay new expansion!!)


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Day 16
  • 5x5s, Workout A
5 sets 5 reps each / 10lb/4.5kg dumbbells​
Squats / Bench Press / Bent Over Rows​
  • Cooldown Stretches

Chilly morning today and my throat has been feeling a little dry. Lower back is a little sore, had to clean Chewie after weight lifting and now it's kind of stiff. I had a nice chat with mom today, they are doing really well and things have returned to normal there.

Having a nice big cup of lemon ginger tea to soothe my throat, then making a snack for us while we try and decide what to make/get for dinner. No ideas lol :gotq:


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Wifey isn't feeling very well today either, and I'm starting to feel a little brain foggy and my forehead feels kinda hot, but no fevers. Wife's mom was sick in bed all day yesterday with the same crappy throat feeling and chills but she is fine today, and negative on Covid so far. Apparently something is going around her work. And we were at her house Sunday for the birthday party.


At least wife will probably take a sick day tomorrow and we can hang out together.


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Thank you @CODawn! :love:

Wife did stay home, she's a little worse off then me but we're both not too bad. My throat feels better and I just have a lot of congestion today, but we have meds for it and I'm just waiting for them to kick in. Her throat is still sore. That's pretty much it though for symptoms. Pretty manageable.



Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Day 17
  • Sick Day
  • Gentle Stretches

Today was a 90% couch day, and I am so tired of my nose. But we are feeling pretty good now! Exhausting trying to breathe through congestion, but wife and I were talking about it and neither of us really got that full body fatigue feeling that often accompanies illness so that's really nice. We had a relaxing time watching youtube and disney+ and resting all day, having lots of tea and juice and making comfort foods. I would have loved about 16 popsicles though, or a giant icee. Also the weather was really nice today and we got to have the windows open, which is a strange feeling paired with having a cold since I'm more used to them happening in the middle of winter. I was thinking about it earlier and I don't think I've gotten sick in like 3 or 4 years, crazy! We do think it's just a pretty mild head cold. My back was still bothering me today too, but it's lessened a lot and it's almost better now. I had us do stretching a couple times so we wouldn't get sore from laying around all day. I am hopeful tomorrow we'll be back to normal (or close to it)!

Thanks again everybody for all the well wishes!


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Thanks @Froud and @Calico! :love:

I am feeling more well rested today, I have a feeling wife even postponed her lunch break so I could get extra sleep. She went to work today so I'm assuming she is feeling better; I have way less congestion today but my voice/throat is totally shot. It doesn't hurt unless I cough (which isn't really a problem with this cold) it's just really raw. I'm hoping cough drops and a big pot of lemon ginger tea will help with that though. But yeah, feeling a lot better today!

Haha boss sent her home so now she's here with me, yay!
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Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Day 18

  • Sick Day
  • Gentle Stretches

I really wanted to do my 5x5 workout today but I'm not going to push it, I can feel my body is still working on healing still even though I am feeling a lot better. I am still kind of tired and I feel a bit overheated, probably from all of the tea, so resting is the smart thing to do. My throat is starting to feel better. I will, hopefully, push my 5x5 to tomorrow instead and just go light on the cardio this week.

I am ravenous today, it's crazy! I felt it almost as soon as I woke up. It feels like my body is compensating for not having much of an appetite yesterday, and I don't mind it lol we made buffalo vegan chicken wraps for brunch and it felt like the best thing I'd ever tasted and I'm still hungry afterward. Thinking about all the good things I can make today like :plot::gime::pop:


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Day 19

  • Sick Day
  • Gentle Stretches

Woke up feeling wayyy better, but as soon as I got up and started my day my nose got stuffy again. Still better than yesterday though. Just gotta shake off this last little bit of sickness. I am probably going to sleep more today, I have some plans for tomorrow I'd really love to not have to cancel. Postponing my strength workout for one more day.