No rest for the wicked

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
If I had a treadmill I wouldn´t be using this ancient piece of junk. Every movement is accompanied by sounds the Titanic made while sinking, it´s extremely annoying.
Treadmills are also very loud. I had one for a while, and used to run on it while watching television. I stopped because I was concerned for my hearing. I watched television on volume 10 when sitting down, but had to crank the volume up to 25 to hear what people were saying while I was using the treadmill!


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
This is your call. There's no Badge Police at DAREBEE to tell you can or cannot have a few pixels on your profile.
Even if there was, I probably wouldn´t listen to them. I don´t submit to authority very well :D And there´s no other way for me to run. I still don´t have running shoes or workout clothes, don´t even have normal shoes anymore. Have to wear my steeltoed workboots everywhere.
Treadmills are also very loud. I had one for a while, and used to run on it while watching television.
I do that too. I usually have the volume somewhere between 12 and 15, but when I´m on my machine thingy it has to be at least 22, currently 25 after the most recent sounds started. I thought about getting some kind of bluetooth adapter thingy for my PC so I could just use my headphones since they´re pretty good at noice cancelling, but that would probably cost money :D

Consecutive Days: 105

Weight: forgot again...
GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :x:
Workout: Chest & Back Light
1 minute rest
Machine: 0.5km, 0.5km

Yeah, today is not a good day for me. Been having some stomach problems so any physical activity that takes longer than a few minutes isn´t really possible today. Yaaaay...
But at least I´m getting a lot done for saturday.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days:110 (unless I counted wrong)

So, it´s been a while since my last checkin here but I can explain. Since I had to make a completely new session for DnD saturday I kinda had a really really big stress/panic /whatever problem on friday, somehow managed to build the session, played it on saturday (everybody said I was way better than our old DM, so I think my days as a player are officially over :( ), was completely overwhelmed by all the social stuff on saturday, started feeling drained and tired on sunday and monday and today another stomach bug. But, I kept going. With what little I could do. And I kinda fixed my machine. The horrible creaking sound is much less noticable, but now there´s a weird rattle. Gotta find some real tools (been screwing things in with a pair of pliers :D ) and take another look at it.

Went on a walk yesterday and today, 2km on the machine yesterday and today, Refresh everyday. Bedtime and wakeup on schedule every day, except for weekends, as usual.
I´m gonna start doing my usual checkin tomorrow.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 111

Weight: 112,7kg (that´s really amazing, considering I only did the absolute minimum for almost a week)
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v: 9am, I´m starting to get up earlier. Works so far...
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :x: Nope, doesn´t work anymore. Gotta find something easier.
Workout: Better Than Nothing: 3 sets with EC
Machine: 1km, 2km, 2km, 1km

I´m gonna make a "diary" entry later, because I have a lot of stuff I need to process by writing it down, so stay tuned for that later :D And I´m just gonna edit this entry for "Go outside", additional machine stuff and maybe even a second workout.
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Viking from Belgium
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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 112

Weight: 113kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :v:
5 Up & Down Planks: :x: Still doesn´t work, can´t even do a simple plank
Workout: Shoulderwork
Machine: 1km, 1km,
There might still be more, couldn´t really use it today because I was drying a blanket over the handles. I don´t really have a better place to dry large things...

Yeah, a kinda easy day today, my calves are really sore, so I decided to give them a rest today.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Still alive.

Consecutive Days: 117

GTBOT: :x: :x: :x: :v: :v:
GUOT: :x: :x: :x: :v: :v:
Go outside: Saturday and Sunday
Machine: 3km everyday
Workout: Refresh first thing every day and before going to bed, 5 sets of Better Than Nothing Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Right now is not a good time. I completely failed again. End of the month, I´m no longer enrolled at university. A) can´t afford it. B) missed the deadline for paying anyway. C) I´m not gonna survive in an office job anyway. D) I was failing all my classes anyway since my ADHD is preventing me from literally doing anything
So starting in April I´ll either get back to a dead end job that I hate, and that´ll make me a cripple by 40 and a corpse by 50 or welfare. Absolutely loving my prospects... So yeah, my depression is worse than ever.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days:118

GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
Workout: Refresh 3 times
Machine: 1km

And today actually got worse. Went to my old company to ask for my job back, since I know they´re hiring and are desperately looking for trained landscapers. "Don´t take it personal, but we´d be hiring absolutely anybody, except you, of course." Thanks you so much, go f*** yourself!

I´m super pissed, understandably, I´d say.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Still alive, wishing I wasn´t.

Consecutive Days: 121 (I think?)

I´m just gonna make one post for everything since thursday.

Bedtime: Yes
GUOT: Yes, even on the weekend, got up at 7:30 every single day, sucks butt, don´t know why.
Went on a walk either Friday or Saturday, can´t remember
Workout: Refresh a few times a day
Machine: The annoying sound is back, except for when I lean back, which is very uncomfortable

Yeah, kinda spiralled. Hard. Been drinking hard since Thursday, started smoking again (went through a whole pack in 4 days, luckily it´s empty now). My genes suck, a lot, only one in my family balding, only one with neurological problems, no decent beard growth... Only thing that´s great is my tolerance for alcohol. It takes a lot (drank half a bottle of whiskey and 5 liters of beer on friday and was slightly buzzed) for me to get drunk and it stays in my system for a while. Started sobering up today though. Good thing though, I´ll have a bit more money as soon as I return the empty cans :D

My best friend finally had time for me today, so the spiral stopped, luckily. We ate pizza, watched the Tarantino Django and talked for ages. I´m starting to focus on the good things, like the last 2 Korpiklaani songs, the Hamilton Polka by Weird Al, my stupid comfort shows (Brooklyn 99 and Parks and Rec), my new comfy blankets (a gift from somebody here and, probably most importantly, my DnD group. My best friend and his GF have been doing a lot of things to support me when DMing, printing out the maps, finding and curating the playlists, playing the music so I could focus on DMing and, drumroll please, they actually bought a 3d printer after I jokingly nagged him to use his paycheck for something good for once, so now we can print minis for the players, maybe even for the bosses, as long as I find a free program or thingy to design the bosses that´s easy to use. And now that the One Shot is over, we had our first session without major problems and we´re playing by book now, prep time should take much less time. And they´re all really happy that I´m the DM now. I´m still super sad that I wont be a player anymore. My best friends GF told me today that the session with me was the first time she ever had fun playing DnD, which is basically the biggest one of the very few compliments I ever got in my life :D
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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 122

GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :v:
Workout: Refresh first thing out of bed
Machine: nope

Spent today in the forest. Cutting down, sawing to length, splitting and carrying 3 metric tons of fresh oak. Can´t move anymore :D Gonna find some food, put a DVD in and get back into my warm comfy bed.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 124

GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: not yet, probably nope
Workout: Refresh first thing, maybe I´ll do something else, if I find a workout that doesn´t incorporate the back, feet, shoulders and arms :D

Machine: 0.5km very very very slowly, another 0.5km slightly faster than last time

Somehow my ankle is worse than yesterday. But, my neck doesn´t hurt anymore :D I should probably rethink doing physical labour for the rest of my life
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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"

Consecutive Days: 127

GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
Refresh First Thing: :v:
Last Thing: :v:
Workout: Better Than Nothing: 3 sets with EC
Machine: nope. Left ankle still hurts (although slightly less) and now the knee hurts too... Somebody kill me now :eyes:


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 128

GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
Refresh First Thing: :v:
Last Thing: :v:
Workout: Better Than Nothing 3 sets with EC, Step jacks instead of Jumping Jacks
Machine: 0.5km, 1km,

Yeah, leg still isn´t better. I should probably just chop it off an get a peg leg. I could be a pirate, although I assume the Somalis don´t hire pasty ass white boys :( I´d be an awesome pirate though. I could even wear an eyepatch, my left eye is utterly useless anyway :D

Yeah, elliptical was super fun today. Had to turn the volume of my shows way up so I wouldn´t hear the creaking machine or my groaning. But I got no choice. Apparently I´m up to 115kg, which is absolutely depressing. I work my ass off for half a year for absolutely no results at all, and I have to take it easy for a week because I´m injured and I gain so much weight? And I didn´t even eat a lot or anything, still slowly starving myself to death because I can´t afford food...
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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 130

Weight: 113,3kg. At least not 115 anymore
GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: technically :v:
Refresh First Thing: :v:
Last Thing:
Workout: Better Than Nothing: 5 sets with EC, low impact
Machine: 1km, 1km,


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
I´m back. Kinda. Hopefully.

So, yeah. It´s been over a month, things happened. I´m trying to get back into fitness. Ain´t easy, but then again, what is?
The streak is obviously dead, but then again, I don´t really think anybody expected me to last as long as I did, so... *shrug*
The display of the elliptical broke and I haven´t figured out how to get it to work again, so now I can only go by time... Can´t catch a break, seriously.

There´s two big ways for me to go right now. Constructive ones, at least, there´s a dozen of other shit ways to go :D Right now it´s either: I go work at the mill the next village over, shit work, conveyor band stuff, but the pay is a lot. Industry, man, they pay like crazy. Or: tide over with sucky help jobs till September (or the mill), then start training for a new career. Thinking about becoming a librarian. Don´t like people, don´t like to work outdoors, don´t like physical labour... Doesn´t pay nearly as good as the mill job, but then again, I never gave a crap about money.

But let´s try to get back to business as usual.

Weight: ~113kg
Getting up around 9:30 atm, going to bed between 11 and 1am
Workout: Refresh (let´s start small or I´m gonna injure myself, that won´t help anybody)
Machine: 5minutes

I´ll add any additional machine time and try to get back to the old check list tomorrow.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Alright. Let´s start this

GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :x:
Workout: Refresh
Machine: 15 minutes total

Oh, and I´ll probably make the potato/pickles soup from darebeets tomorrow. I´ve been looking at some of those recipes and that´s one of the few that I can actually make. All those fancy vegan ingredients are impossible to get here...
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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"

GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: technically :v: got up at 7am, because of severe stomach pain, laid down again until 12...
Go outside: :v:
Refresh first thing: :v:
Workout: Awake & Alive 3sets with EC
Machine: nothing yet

I´m finally feel like I´m back :D
Yeah, no culinary experiments today. Tomorrow though...


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive days: 4 :cry:
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Refresh first thing: :v:
Workout: Herald: 2.5 sets
Machine: legs and especially feet are still too sore from yesterday.

Potato Pickle Soup :v:

Applied at the mill. From what I hear the whole process takes about a week, so I might have a new job then...


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
I am once again, back again. *facepalm*
Well, technically I´ve been back for two weeks now...

My weight is way down, technically starving due to poverty is actually good for something, who knew? I´m currently weighing in at 111,3kg and dropping steadily over two weeks now, from 116kg. Haven´t eaten anything but dry toast and water for nearly a month now, due to being completely broke... Still feeling surprisingly okay, though.

Still haven´t heard back from the mill, applied a second time last week, still nothing. My neighbor works there and tells me that they´re desperately looking for workers, but apparently they´re not desperate enough to actually hire people that apply. Talked with a few friends who also applied there some time ago, nobody ever heard back from them. For years now... Actually don´t think I´ll ever get a reply other than the automated "We´ve recieved your application" bot message.

Weight: forgot to weigh myself today
Workout: Foundation Light Day 16: 4 sets

I hate Tendon Strength days...


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Alright, I hope all you EU citizens went voting today, so the shit we Germans voted won´t matter that much. New Nazi party second strongest party, ffs... Can´t help but be ashamed to be german again.

Workout: Foundation Light Day 17: 7 sets


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v: kinda. Got up at 4:30 due to stomach problems, got up at 9 like planned, but laid down again for an hour.
Weight: 110.5kg
Workout: Foundation Light Day 18: 3 sets
Machine: not yet, maybe after I had my "dinner"

In comparison to all the other strength days, today was simply brutal...


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v: even earlier. Switched from 9AM to 8:30
Weight: 110,5kg
Workout: 2km on the elliptical, two times

Needed a "rest" day today, tried that tendon strength stuff from FL day 20, but couldn´t even manage half a set...