No rest for the wicked


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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Okay, this will probably be a long post, but I think it´s necessary. And what´s totally unnatural for me, it´ll be positive. Surprise!!

This is a big thank you to all of you, who come here every day to read all my rants, my insanely long diary entries and who support me. I realized today that I´ve been here at least 6 years, if I remember correctly I started in winter 2017. And to be honest, back then life was hell. I was dying from cancer, I was living in absolute poverty (nothings changed there, but eh, I got used to it), I was surrounded by people but was completely alone, I was drunk basically every single day... The amount of support I got back then was insane, people were sending me cookies (miss you BlackButler, where ever you are), @Damer even offered to give me his phone number to talk (of course I was way too shy back then to take him up on the offer)... A lot has happened since then. But you guys were always here. Sure, my attendance here has been patchy, at best. I used to be a lot like one of those farm cats, I come and go as I please, sometimes I´m gone for ages, but I always come back. And to be completely honest, I come back because of you guys. As the most annoying and unhelpful person on this site said :"Darebee is your people" and as much as I hate to agree with her (it´s a matter of principle), I think she´s right. That´s why I come back every day, why I put myself through all those workouts even though my body is screaming at me to stop and just go back to my lethargic lifestyle of eating nothing but junkfood, drinking nothing but sugarwater and sitting on my ass all day. I know you guys are watching and I really don´t want to disappoint you all. Back then I never would have thought that some guy around the world saying he´s proud of me would ever make such a difference, but it really does. So thank you all for believing in me, even, or rather especially, when I myself do not.

There are some people who deserve to be mentioned by name. @Brontus you always find your way here when I need you the most. You keep my eyes on the prize, that next shiny badge. You keep me going on days when I just don´t want to. It means a lot to me. Thank you, brother.
@Laura Rainbow Dragon you´re always there with advice on how to do certain excercises or just general encouragement. Even though I know things aren´t easy for you, you still take the time to try and help me. Thank you.
And last but not least @OJJJEM . You may be incredibly annoying and absolutely infuriating most of the time, but I still like talking with you almost daily.

And all those who just lurk in my thread and don´t post but leave their likes here. I see you all, thank you.


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 57

5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
GTBOT: :v: (even earlier than planned, went to bed at midnight.)
GUOT: :v: 9:15
Go outside: not yet. Tonight was really cold and now there´s snow everywhere and everything is frozen.

Big plan for today: I´m having dinner with my best friend. We haven´t really seen each other for almost ten years, aside from the odd festival and latelty DnD group until our DM completely ghosted us three months back since his GF absolutely hates me and refuses to play as long as I´m a part of the group. But those were always group things, last thing I remember just us doing something (kinda) is autumn ´14. A double date with our now exes. Luckily I still have a coupon from that place or I could absolutely not afford going out :D

Edit: completely forgot. Daily weight: 112,9kg. I´ll just throw this in here every day too. That way I´ll see if anything ever changes :D
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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Part 2

5 Up & Down Planks: :v: (second time today)

Better Than Nothing: 5 sets with EC
1 minute rest
Arms & Shoulders: 3 sets with EC

Go outside: :x:
I´m not really feeling well today, so I´d rather take the hour I have left before I have to get ready to lie down for a bit


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive days: 58

Cardio Light: 3 sets with EC
iimmediately followed by calf cramp

Weight: 113kg
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
GTBOT: :v: 12:30
GUOT: :v: kinda. Got up at 9, then lied back down because I was feeling cold and tired, got up again at 12:30, but it´s the weekend so I´m not super strict today
Go outside: :x: It´s absolutely disgusting outside. Winter is back. Snow, ice, temperatures that never go above freezing, storms... I may still decide to go outside, but I probably won´t . I really don´t want to get sick.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 59

Arms & Shoulders: 3 sets with EC

5 Up & Down Planks::v:
GTBOT: :x: missed just a bit. By about two hours
GUOT: :v: probably the reason why I´m extremely tired
Go outside: :x: weather is even worse than yesterday

Yeah, that was stupid. Didn´t drink enough today and just as I started doing Better Than Nothing the dehydration kicked in full force. Couldn´t keep my balance during the first set of Side Leg Raises and totally crashed into my wall. Opted for something where I stood on both legs the whole time instead. Went a lot better... I´m off to find something to eat, haven´t eaten since lunch yesterday.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Thanks everybody :)

Consecutive Days: 61

Weight: 112,8kg
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go Outside: Maybe actually today. The sun is shining for once, so the minus 10°C might feel slightly warmer

Even though I kinda cheated yesterday, counting the 5 Up Down Planks as a whole workout (which they are, it´s super hard and I´m always out of breath after them) , I´m gonna do something real today.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Never thought I´d be the one inspirin´ people :D

Today part 2

Stopgap: 5 sets with EC

Can´t believe I actually got up to do an actual workout. Wasn´t really motivated today, like at all :D


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Okay. Yesterday

Weight: 113
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go Outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:

Chest & Back light: 3 sets


Consecutive Days: 63

Weight: 112,4kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Go Outside::x:

Better Than Nothing: 5 sets with EC

I´m frustrated. I have to work harder to loose weight, but I can´t do that cause my body can´t take the strain, because A) Covid completely wrecked my lungs and B) I´m just too fat and can´t breathe very well because of that. But that won´t get better unless I loose weight for which I have to work harder which I can´t. Aaaaarrrrgh!
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
It's a long road. I don't think it necessarily needs to be a harder road.
Instead, try to focus on ways to make it easier.

You might try, for example, this poster of micro-workouts:


Each individual exercise is tiny. But done consistently they add up to a lot of extra work throughout the course of your day.
(All of these exercises can, of course, be modified to suit your needs. Half, wall, or chair squats in place of full sqats. Single leg raises instead of double. Tricep dips with bent knees instead of straight. Step jacks in place of half jacks. etc.)

The only way any of us can run a marathon is one step at a time.
You have already come a long way through all the many individual steps you've taken already. Please do not discount this!


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
@Laura Rainbow Dragon The only situations that actually happen to me are 1, 2 and 7. Can´t even do 3 cause technically my chair is three empty cases of beer taped together... Could hold on to my desk, but it isn´t high enough, I´d have to slouch down. And the doors here are tiny, if I stretch I reach the ceiling, not the doorframe :D But I get what you´re saying, just have to modify that sheet for things actually happening to me.

Consecutive Days: 64

Cardio Light: 5 sets with 1 minute rest

Weight: 112kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go Outside: technically :v: went outside to change my car battery. It´s slippery as hell outside...
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:

I´ll do a real workout later, just made a bunch of screenshots of my bookmarked workouts so I can do them without using my VPN, since I can only access the site with a VPN, it´s really weird and I don´t know why it´s suddenly happening today when it has worked fine for years...

Workout done. Darebee used Cardio Light! It´s super effective! Legolo blacked out...
Cardio Light is evil, truly and unredeemably evil. But damn, it get´s sh*t done. My heart sounds like a bloody jackhammer right now :D
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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 65

Cardio Light: 3 sets with 1 minute rest
60 seconds rest
Daily Excercise: 60 secs Jumping Jacks

Weight: 112,2kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :x: I won´t do that on the weekend. I think it´s totally okay to sleep till 10:30
Go outside: :x: missed the window today. It was a bit warmer but rained constantly. And apparently I took a nap at exactly the time it stopped raining for an hour.
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Been a while, but I kept going.

Consecutive Days 66,67,68,69,70

Weight: 112.7,113,113,112.8,112.3
GTBOT: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v:
GUOT: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v:
Go outside: :x: :x: :x: :x: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v: :v: :v: :v: :v:

Workouts: Sunday and Monday Better Than Nothing 5 and 7 sets, Tuesday till Thursday Chest and Back light

I got sick on tuesday, who could´ve thought that permanent hypothermia would be a bad thing? Still can´t afford to turn the heaters on, so I guess I´ll just keep freezing and waiting for spring. Great.

Consecutive Days: 71

Weight: 112.2kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: Not yet, weather still sucks so probably not
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:

Stopgap: 3 sets with EC

I´m obvioulsy not back at full power yet, but I´ll get there.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 72

GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: not yet, it´s actually sunny today, so the chances are 50/50 :D
5Up & Down Planks: :v:

Yesterday was fun. Had a big movie night with my best friend. Got home at half past one, so I missed my bedtime. Ah, screw it. Once is not so bad, right? Downside is that we ordered greek food and apparently I can´t eat that stuff anymore. Which sucks a lot, since I absolutely love greek food :( But we managed to reduce my huge amount of homemade mead by three bottles, so at least there´s that. I don´t really drink anymore, not really sure if that´s a good thing. I´ve never been drinking a lot, maybe a beer a week at most, but now I got all those shelves of booze gathering dust. I should open up a speakeasy or something :D

I´ll update when workout and or walk are done.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Yesterday part II (forgot to update :D )

Go Outside: :v: Was not a good idea. I had to put on my entire winter work wardrobe. At least the flood has receded so instead of trudging through kneehigh water I was trudging through kneehigh snowbanks, because that´s the only places out there that aren´t as slippery as an eel in suntan lotion. It´s always something out here :D

Workout: Chest & Back light
Too exhausted after my "walk" for anything else.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Yesterday: Consecutive Days: 73

Weight: 113kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :x:
Go Outside: :v:
5 up and Down Planks: :v:

Workout: Stopgap: 5 sets with EC

Today: Consecutive Days: 74 (did everything my body was able to do, so I´ll count it)

Weight: 113,3kg
GTBOT: :x: technically I was in bed at 1, but couldn´t sleep. I had one of those wonderful mental "death spirals", where you just keep thinking worse and worse stuff until you either get a grip or a panic attack. There´s nothing better than a really big panic attack at 4:30 AM.
GUOT: :v: If I´m not sleeping anyway I can get up on time
Go Outside: :x:
5 Up and Down Planks: :v:

I don´t know if I´m still doing a workout today. I´m completely exhaused, mentally and physically. I kinda collapsed on my yoga mat after doing the planks... Maybe I´ll just eat the rest of my lunch and go to bed a 7pm. Who knows? Today is most definitely not my day. Hopefully it´ll be better tomorrow.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 75

Weight: 113kg
GTBOT: :v: 10pm
GUOT: :x: 10:30am Yes, slept over 12 hours :D
Go outside: Not yet but probably later. If it´s still light outside.
5 Up and Down Planks: :v:

Workout: will update later, but I´m feeling much better than yesterday (not that difficult really, but still) so I will definitely do something today.


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Part 2:

Go Outside: :v: It´s finally warmer outside, so instead of snow everywhere there´s now mud everywhere. And it´s storm season, I love storms :)
Workout: Arms & Shoulders: 3 sets with EC

Had a really mean cramp when I put my shoes for my walk on, so I figured I´d just do upper body stuff today.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 76

Weight: 112,8kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v: 8am it´s been storming all night and I didn´t sleep much because it was so noisy. And then at 8am it started raining very heavily and the storm blew all the rain directly against my windows. There´s nothing quite like waking up to sounds comparable to machine gun fire... And yes, with wind speeds of up to 100mph it really sounds like that.
Go outside: Nope. Still got no rain clothing and it´s raining nonstop.
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:

Workout: Chest and Back light


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 77

Weight: 112,8kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: Not yet, maybe after I´m back from buying groceries
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:

Workout: Better Than Nothing: 5 sets with EC
1 minute rest
Stopgap: 3 sets with EC

I actually had a good idea today. My parents have this old cross trainer/walking simulator machine thingy. Absolutely no idea what those things are called in english, but I´m fairly sure everybody knows what I mean, right? Anyway, I know they´re not using it, aside from hanging clothes on it, so I´m pretty sure I could persuade them to hand it over /lend it to me. Only problem is, that I have absolutely no space for it. Sure, it´s not that big, but I have this really annoying load-bearing pillar in the middle of my room, because I live in one of those old half-timbered (Fachwerk) houses.
Wait, where was I going with this? Oh, right. If I can get my hands on that machine thingy, I figure I could get a lot of use out of it.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"

Weight: 113,1kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:

Workout: Stopgap: 3 sets with EC


Weight: 113kg
GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :v:
5 Up and Down Planks: :v:

3km with machine thingy

Workout: Arms & Shoudlers: 3 sets with EC

Sunday: Consecutive Days: 80

GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: not yet
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:

Workout: Better Than Nothing: 3 sets with EC
1 minute rest
Stopgap: 3 sets with EC


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Alrighty. Consecutive Days: 81

Weight: 113,5kg
GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v: :v:
Machine Thingy: 5km

Workout: Chest & Back light

I´m feeling like crap today. I´m definitely getting sick because I´m sweating buckets, even though it is pretty much freezing in here. And my head is killing me. I tried doing Better Than Nothing and had to stop almost immediately.
Yeah, you saw that right. Did the planks twice. Instead of a real workout which I definitely can´t get through today I´ve been doing a lot of small stuff, hoping it adds up. Honestly, I have no idea if it works that way, but this way I can give my all for 5 minutes and then collapse afterwards. Rinse and repeat roughly every 1,5 hours :D Same with Mister Machine Thingy. I can basically do 2 minutes on setting 2 or 3/8 without problems, because I have absolutely no stamina anymore. But because I´m weird and maybe a little bit OCD I keep going until I have done a "distance" of 1 km. Which usually takes about 4 minutes 30. I´m aiming for at least 1,5km by friday. Getting my parents to loan me the thingy was definitely a smart idea, even though it reduced the space in my room to a very, very small pathway from my bed to my desk. But now I can ( and I actually do) excercise while watching shows on my PC.

I´ll probably end up doing the whole thing at least one more time before going to bed.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"

Consecutive Days: 82

Weight: No idea. Totally forgot it today.
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :x:
Workout: :x:
Machine Thingy: 3km

Yeah, today sucks big time. I´m still feeling like crap and to make matters worse I kinda messed up my right hand. No idea what I did but my wrist and thumb hurt like hell, which is why I couldn´t do the planks for the first time this year. Writing hurts too. Luckily I can still work out with my machine thingy. I´ll just keep on calling it that because it cheers me up a bit.


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Mercenary from Germany
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"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 83

Weight: 113,5kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Stopgap: 7 sets with EC
1 minute rest
30 seconds Jumping Jacks

Machine Thingy: 3km until now, but it´s only 6pm so I assume there´s more I can and will do.


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Did another 2km on the machine yesterday

Consecutive Days: 84

Weight: 112,8kg finally back under 113
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Arms n Shoulders: 3 sets with EC
Machine Thingy: 3km on setting 3/8

My left calf is a bit crampy today, which is kinda weird since I usually get cramps in my right calf, so no big cardio workout today. I might still go on my machine again, maybe a bit slower than usual. Less jogging, more walking.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"

Weight 112,3kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Better Than Nothing: 7 sets with EC
Machine: 5km


Weight: 113kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks :v:
Workout: Stopgap: 5 sets with EC
Machine 5km


Weight: 112,5kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks :v:
Workout: Chest and Back light
Machine: 3km

Monday: Consecutive Days: 88

Weight: forgot
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down planks: :v:
Workout: Shoulderwork
Machine: 3km


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
How are you doing, @legolo? I hope you have had a chance to get outside over the last few days. I do love winter, but not the cabin fever when i can't get outside.
Thanks, I´m fine. :) And I don´t get cabin fever. I´m an indoors person, I spent two years without ever going outside, aside from grocery shopping :D