No rest for the wicked


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 89

GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :x:
Workout: Chest and Back Light
Machine: 2km in 0,5km sets

Yeah, today was a really bad day, somehow. No energy at all, immediately collapsed when I tried to do the planks. Did what I could with what little my body was able to do today


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 90

Weight: 114,2kg :(
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :v:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Refresh
Machine 3km, 4 sets 0,5km and 1km just now. 3:55 minutes

I have no idea where that 1kg more than yesterday comes from. I barely ate anything, no snacks, no nothing... That is just extremely disappointing.


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 707
I have no idea where that 1kg more than yesterday comes from. I barely ate anything, no snacks, no nothing... That is just extremely disappointing.
You should not weight yourself everyday but at least maximum one time per week.
The difference from day to day can be due to simple and multiple things... and it can be so demotivationnal...

So pick a day on the week and an hour for example I weight myself every monday at 6am and I do this only after going toilet 🙃 and before drinking my water.
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Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
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"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
I weight myself every day at the same time and conditions and then look at the weekly trend. Weight goes up and down every day by even more than 1 kg and it means nothing, as long as in the longer average it goes in the direction you want it to. Don't despair!


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 91

GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Armageddon 3 sets with 60 seconds rest
Machine: 1km, 1.6km, 0.6km, 1km

It´s snowing again...
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
I weight myself every day at the same time and conditions and then look at the weekly trend. Weight goes up and down every day by even more than 1 kg and it means nothing, as long as in the longer average it goes in the direction you want it to. Don't despair!
Yeah, the average is definitely going up, which is a problem. I used to be under 112.5, now I´m close to 114, very very disappointing.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 92

Weight: 114,1
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks :x: Only managed to do 4 today
Workout: Chest and Back light
Machine: 0.5, 0.5, 1km, 0.5, 0.5

Consecutive Days: 93

Weight: 113,8
GTBOT: :x: completely fucked that up today. Started playing Stellaris pretty late and forgot the time. That thing is worse than Civ :D
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :v: walk: 2,5km
5 Up & Down Planks: :v: kinda. 3+2 don´t know what´s up with that, maybe because the damn yoga mat keeps slipping backwards...
Workout: Chest and Back Light
Machine: 2km, 1km, 1km, 1km

Yeah, I gotta find a way to plan this better. If I run the entire day, I don´t have the strength to do a big workout. I think I should do the workout as early as possible... Let´s see if I can manage that tomorrow. But, big news, new record on my machine thingy. 2km in one go.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Congrats on your "machine thingy" PR!
(I love that you have a piece of exercise equipment you call a "machine thingy". That name seems just about right for some of the contraptions they come up with these days.)
As far as I know, it´s called an elliptical, I think :D And it´s ancient and the model goes for about 30 bucks used on ebay, but hey, don´t look a borrowed horse in the mouth, right?

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
As far as I know, it´s called an elliptical, I think :D And it´s ancient and the model goes for about 30 bucks used on ebay, but hey, don´t look a borrowed horse in the mouth, right?
Ah, yes. I know these machines. Also referred to as "cross trainers" once upon a time.
I think "machine thingy" is as good a name as any.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 94

GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Chest n Back light
Machine: 1km total

Yeah, had a very lazy sunday yesterday :D

Weight: 112,6kg :welcome: WOOOOOOOOO!
GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Stopgap: 3 sets with EC
Machine:1km, 1km, 1km


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 97

Weight: 112,8kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
Workout: Nope. Took a weird step and somehow managed to get my big toe under my foot. And it made a very weird cracking sound. And hurts like the dickens...
Machine: 1km, 1km, 1km, 1km, 1km

I figured something interesting out today. Frozen pizza does no longer agree with me. With is both good and bad. Good, because it means that my body is finally used to real food. And bad, because frozen pizza is still my emergency food, since it´s incredibly cheap and I still have half a dozen in my freezer... Sure, I can still eat it but I have to lie down for at least an hour after.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Workout: Nope. Took a weird step and somehow managed to get my big toe under my foot. And it made a very weird cracking sound. And hurts like the dickens...
:vibes: for your foot.
I figured something interesting out today. Frozen pizza does no longer agree with me.
Do you have issues with other foods? The issue could be an ingredient on the pizzas that you may be able to take a dietary aid for.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Thanks, everybody :)

:vibes: for your foot.

Do you have issues with other foods? The issue could be an ingredient on the pizzas that you may be able to take a dietary aid for.
If so, then it has to be something that is in every single frozen pizza, from every brand, every kind of pizza. Maybe. Never tried a Funghi. Hate mushrooms, especially the fake frozen pizza mushrooms. But and this is the weird part, I have absolutely no problem eating pizza from a pizza place or homemade pizza.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
I have absolutely no problem eating pizza from a pizza place or homemade pizza.
Hmm. Okay. So it's not one of the obvious culprits like lactose.
It could be an issue with a preservative, or something used during processing. But that's less helpful. (There are dietary aids to help with digestive issues like lactose intolerance. But if it's an actual allergy, not so much.)


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Hmm. Okay. So it's not one of the obvious culprits like lactose.
It could be an issue with a preservative, or something used during processing. But that's less helpful. (There are dietary aids to help with digestive issues like lactose intolerance. But if it's an actual allergy, not so much.)
My diet is like 70% cheese and yoghurt, so I should´ve noticed a lactose intolerance by now, right? :D And my last big allergies test was two years ago. Nothing but cat and dog hair, no dietary allergies. Hasn´t changed in the last 25 years... And I really doubt they put dogs into the pizzas. At least I hope so...

That's weird, is there a secret ingredient in frozen pizza? Did you test other frozen foods that are already cooked like pizzas?
I try to avoid frozen foods. Or rather generally pre-cooked foods. They´re stuffed full of gods know what...
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Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 570
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
And I really doubt they put dogs into the pizzas. At least I hope so...

I try to avoid frozen foods. Or rather generally pre-cooked foods. They´re stuffed full of gods know what...
I hope too, but some hairs maybe

I fully aggree with frozen and all pre cooked foods. It is really a mess to read all ingredients, but it is worth it


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 98. 2 more days till the next badge:D

Weight: 113,3kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Arms & Shoulders: 3 sets with EC
Machine: 1km, 1km, 1km
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"

Forgot to weigh myself...
GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :v:
5 Up & down Planks: :v:
Workout: Refresh
Machine: 1km, 1km

Needed a rest day, since my entire body was sore and I felt terrible.

Consecutive Days: 100 Woohoo!

Weight: 112,5kg
GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Stopgap: 3 sets with EC
Machine: 1km, 1km, 1km

Still not feeling much better. I feel super weak, I barely eat anything. Honestly I´d be lying in bed all day if I wouldn´t have to go to the bathroom in the morning :D
I´m not at all hungry, but I´ll try to get some food in me, starving doesn´t make things better.


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Thanks everybody :)

Consecutive Days: 101

Weight: 112,9
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :x:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Refresh
Machine: 1km, 1km, 1.5km, 1km

This is getting really annoying. Tried Stopgap and had to stop after half a set because everything hurts.


Well-known member
Ranger from Anchorage, Alaska
Posts: 97
Congrats on the 100+ days, bro!

excited mark cuban GIF


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Thanks, buddy! :)

Consecutive Days: 103

Weight: 112,5kg
GTBOT: :v:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside: :x:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Workout: Better Than Nothing: 7 sets wanted to do more, but in the last set during the Jumping Jacks I kinda jumped backwards into my bed frame. So I´ll wait till my foot stops hurting and do more later
a few hours later
Better Than Nothing: 5 sets with EC
1 minute rest
Arms & Shoulders: 3 sets with EC
Machine: 1km,1km, 0.5km, 0.5km
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Consecutive Days: 104

Weight: 112,5kg
GTBOT: :x:
GUOT: :v:
Go outside:
5 Up & Down Planks: :v:
Machine: 1km, 0.5km, 5km,

Yeah, totally missed my bedtime. Been preparing for saturday, forgot the time and then I had a bunch of absolutely genius ideas at 2am and had to write them down. As usual, my best ideas come to me exactly as I go to bed, no kidding, as soon as I lie down, boom, lightning bolt of inspiration. :D Good news, I´m no longer feeling that I´m completely in over my head with DMing, on the contrary, I have so many great ideas and plans, the introduction One Shot I was designing turned into this big campaign that´s waaay to difficult for a lvl 1 party, I´ll still keep it for later, never know when you need The Island of the Lizard Cult™. I just built another one this night, so no problem :D

I´m totally gonna update for all the workout stuff I did today, just wanted to have this written down for posterity. Celebrate the small victories, right? And winning against my basically invincible self doubt is a huge thing for me :)

Hooooly handgrenade. I just ran a 5k on my machine thingy. 23 and a half minutes of excercise. I feel like an olympic athlete. Also, I might have died 14 times, rough estimates :D Question: does that count for the 5k badge? :D
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Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 707
Belated congrats for the 100 days!!!

And for the 5k it depends... I mean if I do 5km on a treadmill I think it count as running.
If you did 5km on a rowing machine, a bike, an elliptical,... then I think it doesn't count.

Edit: "cross trainer/walking simulator machine thingy" --> elliptical
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
Belated congrats for the 100 days!!!

And for the 5k it depends... I mean if I do 5km on a treadmill I think it count as running.
If you did 5km on a rowing machine, a bike, an elliptical,... then I think it doesn't count.

Edit: "cross trainer/walking simulator machine thingy" --> elliptical
If I had a treadmill I wouldn´t be using this ancient piece of junk. Every movement is accompanied by sounds the Titanic made while sinking, it´s extremely annoying. But since I´m too poor for decent food I´m waaay too poor for a treadmill. :D


Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 707
If I had a treadmill I wouldn´t be using this ancient piece of junk. Every movement is accompanied by sounds the Titanic made while sinking, it´s extremely annoying. But since I´m too poor for decent food I´m waaay too poor for a treadmill.
I remember those times when any of my DnD character were always richer then me in real life :-D

But then you have your reply:
Treadmill = rich
5k badge = treadmill
Rich = 5k badge (or you run outside).

If I had a treadmill I wouldn´t be using this ancient piece of junk. Every movement is accompanied by sounds the Titanic made while sinking, it´s extremely annoying.
I had exactly the same machine with that sounds every time it moves... And it doesn't like 100+ weight... This sound is normal it' a feature!
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Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 233
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
I remember those times when any of my DnD character were always richer then me in real life :-D
Any starting character with a handful of silver pieces is richer than me in real life :D

My ranger was actually poorer than me, but that´s cause I picked the Haunted One background. He had a single SP.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Hooooly handgrenade. I just ran a 5k on my machine thingy. 23 and a half minutes of excercise. I feel like an olympic athlete. Also, I might have died 14 times, rough estimates :D
Congrats on your 5K!

Question: does that count for the 5k badge? :D
This is your call. There's no Badge Police at DAREBEE to tell you can or cannot have a few pixels on your profile.

In my opinion: if you think your 5K elliptical session counts as a 5K run, then it would be in the spirit of DAREBEE for you to claim the badge.
"The DAREBEE way is about... daring to be the best version of yourself." Modifications are encouraged when necessary.

I claimed the Fighter's Codex program badge, even though I did some of the push-ups from my knees. I know other Bees have done the same.
Similary, many Bees have claimed badges where they have substituted low impact exercises for high impact ones--including claiming the 5K run badge for work on an elliptical. << You would not be the first person to do this. But this does not matter. The call is yours. It's not for anyone else to judge.