OrderlyChaos?ChaoticOrder? [2023 Edition]


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Posts: 1,368

New Hive.
New Year.
New Thread!

Welcome, nice to see you!​

If you are interested in my previous Check -ins, have a look over here.

Here are my main goals for 2023
[running] pace goals (min/km)
5k @4:40 | 10k @5:00 | 15k @6:00
[skills] & [strength]
handstand (30sec) | L-sit (30sec)
| wheel pose (solid arch)
15 ring pullups | 11 ring dips
10 pistol squats (alternating)
being constantly under 88kg

Milestones 2023
I will measure my progress for [running] and [weight] with milestones:

[running] x times per week
✅ one run per week
✅ two runs per week
❓❓❓❓three runs per week
❓❓❓❓four runs per week
[running] x km without walking rest
✅ 3 km without walking rest
✅ 5 km without walking rest
✅ 7 km without walking rest
✅ 10 km without walking rest
❓❓❓❓ 12 km without walking rest
❓❓❓❓ 15 km without walking rest
[running] weekly mileage
✅ running 5+ km per week
✅ running 10+ km per week
✅ running 15+ km per week
❓❓❓❓ running 20+ km per week
❓❓❓❓ running 25+ km per week
❓❓❓❓ running 30+ km per week

[weight] weekly average under x
✅ weekly average under 93 kg
❓❓❓❓ weekly average under 92 kg
❓❓❓❓ weekly average under 91 kg
❓❓❓❓ weekly average under 90 kg
❓❓❓❓ weekly average under 89 kg
❓❓❓❓ weekly average under 88 kg
The symbols represent the last four weeks.
✔️good ⭕in progress/not possible ❌ not done

Stats 2023 for [skillz] & [strength]
I will do a "to failure/best try" test every month.

January: tba

I will add the following exercises, if they are not represented in my usual schedule.
They will get progressively harder, by type or rep etc.
[ring pullups]
bar pull-up & ring rows
one legged L-Sit (parallettes)
Wall „flutters“
[ring dips]
push-ups and supported dips
[wheel pose]
Lat stretch and various bridges, drinking birds

Check-in style and targets
I am going change my check-in style a bit. I came up with a gamification of my daily routine tracking, that could help my accountability and, in the same time, gives me enough slack:

Every week I have the possibility to hit 35 targets per week. A given amount of 'em is mandatory to complete the week on a certain difficulty level. The rest can be saved to complete upcoming weeks.
Unused targets can be traded in for the next difficultly or the otherway around, if I am 20 targets short, I will be pushed back to the previous difficulty.

I'm too young to die - mandatory targets: 15
Hey, not too rough - mandatory targets: 20
Hurt me plenty – mandatory targets: 25
Ultra-Violence - mandatory targets: 30
Nightmare! - mandatory targets: 33

I will start at "I am too young to die"


🎯 [activity] (100%) based on my watch

starting 2023 at niveau 2.
~~~~ or
🎯 [steps in total] (10k+)
also based on the stats of my sportwatch
[daily activities]
{challenges} {programs}
[other activities]
🎯[PT exercises] (minimum 3)
possible exercises:
quad stretches or rolling
rotator cuff
knee Rotation
spine rotation
🎯[wellness] (minimum 2)
sleep (6h+)
meditation/TaiChi/Yoga (15min)
nutrition (good food choices)
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
🎯[guitar/bass] (minimum 15 min)
🎯[two personal challenges]

For comparability I will still keep track of these:

[Daily Awareness Tracking]
[Activity] ~95% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 210/343 (+4)
[Nutrition] 253/336 (+5)
[Weight] 92.5kg (avg.: 92.5kg)
[Bass/Guitar] 269/343 (+7)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] +55
--- I added a Christmas present

That's all... Have fun following my progress!
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Sun] January 1st

[activity - level 2] (92%)
🎯[steps in total] 12k
[daily activities]
{daily squats challenge} D1
{daily push-ups challenge} D1
{daily abs challenge} D1
{daily kicks challenge} D1
[other activities]
{family vacation}
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
quad stretches✅
rotator cuff: 3 sets of 12 reps (red band)✅
spine rotation:✅
{de-stress challenge} D1
🎯[wellness] (3/2)
<sleep> 10h ✅
{GTBIT challenge} D1
-Before midnight
<meditation> 15min✅
{meditation challenge} D1
<nutrition> good choices ✅
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] no scale available
🎯[guitar/bass] 15min rhythm app
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅
We got our kids fit for winter vacation, but her and I are playing our “still-sick-card”. At least my wife had a day on the board. The 4yo did not really like skiing, so he did only one morning. The 6yo loved it and did 4 days. I got myself a sore throat, so I had to skip snowboarding this vacation.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,322
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Wow! Some people can really make plans. Excellent! Look forward to seeing how you go.
Staring I See You GIF by QuikTrip


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Posts: 1,368
[Mon] January 2nd
🎯 [activity - level 2] (~155%)
[steps in total] ~23k
[daily activities]
{daily squats challenge} D2
{daily push-ups challenge} D2
{daily abs challenge} D2
{daily kicks challenge} D2
[other activities]
{family vacation} 90min ice skating
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
quad rolling✅
rotator cuff: 3 sets of 12 reps (red band)✅
spine rotation:✅
{de-stress challenge} D2
🎯 [wellness] (2/2)
<sleep> less than 6h
{GTBIT challenge} D2
-before midnight
<meditation> 15min✅
{meditation challenge} D2
<nutrition> good choices ✅
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] no scale available
🎯[guitar/bass] 15min rhythm app
⛔ [two personal challenges] ✅
The boys were on ice for their first time,
It wasn’t easy, but in the end we had a lot of fun.


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Posts: 1,368
[Tue] January 3rd

[activity - level 2] (~80%)
🎯[steps in total] ~10k
[daily activities]
{daily kicks challenge} D3
{daily abs challenge} D3
{daily push-ups challenge} D3
{dead hang challenge} D1
{the guardian challenge} D1
+200 goblins punched
{daily squats challenge} D3
[other activities]
{family vacation} travel day
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
knee rotation ✅
rotator cuff: 3 x 16 reps (yellow band)✅
spine rotation:✅
{de-stress challenge} D3
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
<sleep> 6:40h ✅
{GTBIT challenge} D3
- before midnight
<nutrition> good choices ✅
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] no scale available
playing around with the bass
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅


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Posts: 1,368
[Wed] January 4th
[activity - level 2] (~80%)
🎯[steps in total] ~11k
[daily activities]
{dead hang challenge} D2
{the guardian challenge} D2*
{daily squats challenge} D4
{daily abs challenge} D4
{daily push-ups challenge} D4
{daily kicks challenge} D4
*200 goblin punches
[other activities] ⛔
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
Spine rotation:✅
{de-stress challenge} D4
rotator cuff: 3 sets of 12 reps (@1kg DB)✅
drinking birds: 2sets of 10reps each side ✅
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
<sleep> ~8h ✅
{GTBIT challenge} D4
- before midnight
<nutrition> good choices ✅
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] starting weight 2023:
92.5 kg - Did I actually loose 0.5kg during vacation? HellYeah!
- playing learned songs
- lesson 31 – final song of the book
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Thu] January 5th

[activity - level 2] (~50%)
[steps in total] ~6.5k
I so not wear my watch while bouldering,
but I will count a 3h session as active
enough for a 🎯.
[daily activities]
{dead hang challenge} D3
{daily squats challenge} D5
{daily push-ups challenge} D5
{daily abs challenge} D5
{daily kicks challenge} D5
{the guardian challenge} D3
-no goblins
[other activities]
family bouldering ~3h
we had a lot of fun
I took a reference for wheel pose and handstand:
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
Spine rotation:✅
{de-stress challenge} D5
rotator cuff: ✅
3 sets of 12 reps (@1kg DB)
drinking birds: ✅
2sets of 10reps each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
<sleep> ~8h ✅
<nutrition> good choices ✅
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.2 kg (-0.3)
-lesson 31
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Fri] January 6th

⛔ [activity - level 2] (~55%)
[steps in total] ~7k
Lazy day at home.
[daily activities]
{dead hang challenge} D4
{daily abs challenge} D6
{daily push-ups challenge} D6
{daily kicks challenge} D6
{the guardian challenge} D4
-No goblins
{daily squats challenge} D6
[other activities]
A really small family walk
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ Spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D6
✅ rotator cuff:
3 sets of 12 reps (red band)
✅ quad stretch: 1min each side
⛔ [wellness] (1/2)
✅ sleep: ~8h
❎ meditation:
❎ nutrition: too many bad choices
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.2 kg (-0.0)
✅ lesson 31
⛔ [two personal challenges] ✅ ❎


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Sat] January 7th

🎯[activity - level 2] (~170%)
[steps in total] ~18.5k
[daily activities]
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D7
✅{daily squats challenge} D7
✅{daily abs challenge} D7
✅{daily kicks challenge} D7
✅{the guardian challenge} D5
-50 goblins
✅{dead hang challenge} D5
[other activities]
Zombie’s, Run! 5k: W3D3 - 5.08 km
-I picked up where I left program ~3 weeks ago.
-My right quad is acting up a little. I have to roll and stretch it out a lot more than I did in the past.
Running in 2023: 5.08 km walk'n'run
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D7
✅quad massage
✅quad stretch:
1min each side
⛔[wellness] (1/2)
❎ sleep: 5:30h
{GTBOT challenge} D1 again
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.4 kg (+0.2)
-bass lesson 31
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅
I managed to do my Daily Challenges In the morning. I hope I can keep that as a habit.


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Sun] January 7th

⛔[activity - level 2] (~60%)
[steps in total] ~6.5k
[daily activities]
✅{the guardian challenge} D6
- No goblins
✅{dead hang challenge} D6
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D8
✅{daily squats challenge} D8
✅{daily abs challenge} D8
✅{daily kicks challenge} D8
[other activities] none
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D7
✅ rotator cuff
✅quad stretch:
1min each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.4 kg (+0.2)
- playing guitar
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅


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Posts: 1,368
Summary Week 1

Daily Awareness Tracking

[Activity] ~94% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 6/8 (+6)
[Nutrition] 7/8 (+7)
[Weight] 92.0kg (avg.: 92.3kg)
[Bass/Guitar] 8/8 (+8)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] +18

29 of 35 earned
15 used to complete the week
14 In stock

Milestones 2023
[running] x times per week
❓❓❓✅one run per week
[running] x km without walking rest
❓❓❓🚫 5 km without walking rest
[running] weekly mileage
❓❓❓✅ running 5+ km per week
[Weight] weekly average under x
❓❓❓✅ weekly average under 93 kg


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Mon] January 9th
🎯 activity - level 2] (~100%)
[steps in total] ~14k
[daily activities]
✅{dead hang challenge} D7
[other activities] first day at work again
Otherwise, a bit of a rest day.
⛔ [PT exercises] (0/3)
⛔ [wellness] (0/2)
❎ sleep
❎ nutrition: enough bad choices
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 93 kg (+1.0)
-playing guitar
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Tue] January 10th
🎯[activity - level 2] (~250%)
[steps in total] ~26k
(bouldering not included)
[daily activities]
✅{the guardian challenge} D7
- No goblins
✅{dead hang challenge} D8
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D9
✅{daily squats challenge} D9
✅{daily abs challenge} D9
✅{daily kicks challenge} D9
[other activities] none
Zombie’s, Run! 5k: W4D1 - 7.01 km
- No pain in my quad!
- No walking after the warm up, alternating between slow, medium and faster runs
Running in 2023: 12.09 km walk’n’run
Bouldering 2.5h session
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D8
✅ rotator cuff
✅quad stretch:
1min each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
❎ sleep: 5:40h
{GTBOT challenge} D1
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
✅ meditation: 5min (4in-7hold-8out- breathing)
{meditation challenge} D1
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.3 kg (-0.8)
- guitar: lesson 1
- bass lesson 31
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅
I expect to wake up in some form of soreness tomorrow.. let's see...


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Thu] January 12th
🎯[activity - level 2] ~112%
[steps in total] ~15k
[daily activities]
✅{dead hang challenge} D9
✅{the guardian challenge} D8
-100 goblins
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D10
✅{daily squats challenge} D10
✅{daily abs challenge} D10
✅{daily kicks challenge} D10
[other activities] none
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D10
✅ rotator cuff
✅Leg stretch: 1min each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
❌ sleep: 5:30h
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
✅ {meditation}: D3 - 5 min - yoga
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.7 kg (+0.2)
✅ bass: lesson 31
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Fri] January 13th

[activity - level 2] ~87%
🎯[steps in total] ~10k
[daily activities]
✅{dead hang challenge} D10
- 52sec active hang for @Laura Rainbow Dragon birthday
[other activities] It was a pretty busy day
⛔ [PT exercises] (0/3)
⛔wellness] (0/2)
❌ sleep <5h
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92,6 kg (-0.1)
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅
I was to tired to do anything in the evening, so I went to sleep early-ish. (~10pm)
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
Oh, I forgot to log my Wednesday log:

[Wed] January 11th

🎯[activity - level 2] ~110%
[steps in total] ~15k
[daily activities]
[other activities]
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D9
✅ rotator cuff
✅quad stretch:
1min each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 6:10h
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
✅ meditation: 10min (equal breathing)
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.5 kg (+0.3)
✅ guitar: chapter 1
I bought the equivalent book, that I have for bass. As it is a beginner book,I decided to speed up the first few chapters, cause I am already familiar with most of the techniques and chords. But it is still nice to play whole songs. While working with my bass book, I realised I did not go through that learning process whit guitar, at least not in a structured way like this
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅
I felt very rusty today, yesterday was pretty intense. I going to take a beer, a rest and a hot bath.


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Sat] January 14th

🎯[activity - level 2] ~110%
[steps in total] ~11.5k
[daily activities]
✅{dead hang challenge} D11
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D11*
✅{daily squats challenge} D11*
✅{the guardian challenge} D9*
-no goblins
✅{daily abs challenge} D11
✅{daily kicks challenge} D11
[other activities]
Casual Running
2.8 km - *daily challenges - 3 km
Took the boys to a nearby playground, where we haven’t been in a long time. They haven’t used their bikes for such a long time, that we had to adjust the height of the seats. It was a fun trip.
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D11
✅ rotator cuff
✅leg stretch: 1min each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 10h
+ {GTBOT} D2 (22:30)
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
❌ {meditation}
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.2 kg (-0.4)
✅ bass: lesson 31
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Sun] January 15th

⛔[activity - level 2] ~65%
[steps in total] ~7k
[daily activities]
✅{dead hang challenge} D12
✅{the guardian challenge} D10
-100 goblins*
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D12*
✅{daily squats challenge} D12*
✅{daily abs challenge} D12
✅{daily kicks challenge} D12
✅{negative pull-ups} D1
[other activities]
* done in a superset
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D12*
✅ rotator cuff
✅leg stretch: 1min each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 10h
+ {GTBOT} D3 (23:45)
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
✅ {meditation} D4
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.2 kg (-0.0)
✅ guitar: chapter 1&2
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
Summary Week 2

Daily Awareness Tracking

[Activity] ~116% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 9/15 (+3)
[Nutrition] 12/15 (+5)
[Weight] 92.2kg (avg.: 92.5kg)
[Bass/Guitar] 14/15 (+7)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] +24

🎯 Difficulty: I'm too young to die
29 of 35 earned
15 used to complete the week
Trading 20 for “Hey, not too rough”
8 In stock

Milestones 2023
[running] x times per week
❓❓✅✅one run per week
❓❓🚫✅two runs per week
[running] x km without walking rest
❓❓🚫✅ 5 km without walking rest
[running] weekly mileage
❓❓✅✅ running 5+ km per week
❓❓❓✅ running 10+ km per week
[Weight] weekly average under x
❓❓✅✅ weekly average under 93 kg


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Mon] January 16th
🎯activity - level 2] ~120%
[steps in total] ~16k
[daily activities]
✅{dead hang challenge} D13
✅{negative pull-ups} D2
- I went climbing, I’ll count both challenges as done.
[other activities]
{swimming} 1h at the pool with my 5yo
{climbing} ~3h
I went climbing and it was great. Haven't done lead climbing in years, but it went great. But my forearms got so pumped...
⛔ [PT exercises] (3/3)
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 6:40h
+ {GTBOT} D3 (23:45)
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.5 kg (+0.3)
⛔ [guitar/bass]
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅
It was a busy day...


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Tue] January 17th

🎯 [activity - level 2] ~220%
[steps in total] ~23.5k
[daily activities]
✅{dead hang challenge} D14
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D13
✅{negative pull-ups} D3
I just did the upperbody challenges
[other activities]
Zombie’s? Run! W4D2 ~8km
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation:
{de-stress challenge} D13
✅ rotator cuff
✅leg stretch: 1min each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 7h
+ {GTBOT} D3 (23:30)
🚫 nutrition: too many bad choices
✅ {meditation} D5
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 91.4 kg (-1.1)
✅ bass: lesson 31
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Wed] January 18th

[activity - level 2] ~95%
🎯[steps in total] ~11.5k
[daily activities]
[other activities]
⛔ [PT exercises] (0/3)
⛔[wellness] (0/2)
🚫 sleep: 5:30h
🚫 nutrition: too many bad choices
🚫 {meditation} D5
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.1 kg (+0,7kg)
⛔ [guitar/bass]
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅
Busy day, I was too exhausted in the evening to do anything.


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Thu] January 19th

🎯[activity - level 2] ~135%
[steps in total] ~ 16k
{TheWalk} Ep.15 – during the day
[daily activities]
✅{the guardian challenge} D11 (no goblins)
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D14
✅{de-stress challenge} D14
✅{daily kicks challenge} D13
✅{dead hang challenge} D15
✅{negative pull-ups} D4 & D5
✅{daily abs challenge} D13
✅{daily squats challenge} D13
[other activities]
{TaiChi} ~2h - meditation, form, sword
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅leg stretch: 1min each side
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
🚫 sleep: 5:30
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
✅ {meditation} TaiChi
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.9 kg (+0.8)
✅ bass: lesson 31
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Fri] January 20th

🎯[activity - level 2] ~105%
[steps in total] ~ 12k
[daily activities]
✅{the guardian challenge} D12
(no goblins)
✅{negative pull-ups} D6 & D7
✅{daily push-ups challenge} D15
✅{dead hang challenge} D16
✅{de-stress challenge} D15
✅{daily squats challenge} D14
[other activities]
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ leg rotation
🎯[wellness] (2/2)
🚫 sleep: 5:20
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
✅ {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.2 kg (-0.7)
✅ bass: playing songs
🎯[two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Sat] January 21st

🎯 [activity - level 2] ~145%
[steps in total] ~ 20k
[daily activities]
✅ {negative pull-ups} D8 & D9
✅ {dead hang challenge} D17
✅ {daily squats challenge} D15
✅ {daily abs challenge} D14
✅ {de-stress challenge} D16
✅ {daily kicks challenge} D14
✅ {daily push-ups challenge} D16
[other activities]
3h in the snow with the kids – definitely a workout
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ leg stretches
🎯 [wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: ~9h
✅ nutrition: enough good choices
🚫 {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.2 kg (-0.7)
🎯 [guitar/bass]
✅ bass: playing songs
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Sun] January 22nd

🎯 [activity - level 2] ~195%
[steps in total] ~ 21k
[daily activities] on hold
[other activities]
Zombie’s? Run! 5k (W4D3) ~7,5km
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ I did a lot of rolling and stretching today
⛔ [wellness] (2/2)
🚫 sleep: 5:40h
🚫 nutrition: not enough good choices
🚫 {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.2 kg (-0.7)
🎯 [guitar/bass]
✅ guitar: chapter 1 & 2
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
Summary Week 3

Daily Awareness Tracking

[Activity] ~145% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 12/22 (+3)
[Nutrition] 16/22 (+4)
[Weight] 92.8kg (avg.: 92.3kg)
[Bass/Guitar] 19/22 (+5)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] +29

🎯 Difficulty: I'm too young to die

29 of 35 earned
20 used to complete the week
17 In stock

Milestones 2023
[running] x times per week
❓✅✅✅one run per week
❓🚫✅✅two runs per week
[running] x km without walking rest
❓🚫✅✅ 5 km without walking rest
❓🚫🚫✅ 7 km without walking rest
[running] weekly mileage
❓✅✅✅ running 5+ km per week
❓🚫✅✅ running 10+ km per week
❓🚫🚫✅ running 15+ km per week
[Weight] weekly average under x
❓✅✅✅ weekly average under 93 kg


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Mon] January 23rd

🎯 [activity - level 2] ~130%
[steps in total] ~ 18k
[daily activities]
✅{the guardian challenge} D13 (200 goblins)
✅ {de-stress challenge} D16
✅ {negative pull-ups} D10 & D11
✅ {daily kicks challenge} D15
✅ {daily squats challenge} D16
✅ {daily abs challenge} D15
[other activities] none
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ rolling and stretching
🎯 [wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 6:10h
✅ nutrition: good enough
🚫 {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.4 kg (-0.4)
🎯 [guitar/bass]
✅ Bass
⛔ [two personal challenges] 🚫✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Tue] January 24th
🎯 [activity - level 2] ~130%
[steps in total] ~ 18k
[darebee activities] none
[other activities]
Bouldering ~1:45h
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ rolling and stretching
🎯 [wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 6h
✅ nutrition: good enough
🚫 {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.4 kg (+-0.0)
🎯 [guitar/bass]
✅ Bass
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Wed] January 25th

🎯 [activity - level 2] ~118%
[steps in total] ~ 18k
[darebee activities]
✅ {de-stress challenge} D17
✅ {daily abs challenge} D16
✅ {daily kicks challenge} D16
No bar alternatives for:
✅ {negative pull-ups} D8 & D9
✅ {dead hang challenge} D17
✅{the guardian challenge} D14 (no goblins)
[other activities] none
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ rolling and stretching
🎯 [wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 6h
✅ nutrition: good enough
🚫 {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] 92.7 kg (+-0.7)
⛔ [guitar/bass] no
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Thu] January 26th

[activity - level 2] ~90%
🎯 [steps in total] ~ 10k
[darebee activities]
✅{the guardian challenge} D15 (no goblins)
No bar alternatives for:
✅ {negative pull-ups} D12 &D 13
✅ {dead hang challenge} D17

✅ {daily squats challenge} D17
✅ {de-stress challenge} D17
✅ {daily kicks challenge} D17
✅ {daily push-ups challenge} D17
✅ {daily abs challenge} D17
[other activities] none
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ rolling and stretching
🎯 [wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 6h
✅ nutrition: good enough
🚫 {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] no scale available
⛔ [guitar/bass] no
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅
I am out of town for a 3 days conference/ meeting... I went out for a run in the early morning, but there streets were covered in blank ice, so I turned around and did the challenges instead.
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Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Fri] January 27th

🎯 [activity - level 2] ~103%
[steps in total] ~ 13k
[darebee activities]
✅ {the guardian challenge} D17
(100 goblins)
✅ {de-stress challenge} D18
✅ {the guardian challenge} D16
(no goblins)
✅ {daily kicks challenge} D18
✅ {daily push-ups challenge} D18
✅ {daily abs challenge} D18
No bar alternatives for:
✅ {negative pull-ups} D14 & D15
✅ {dead hang challenge} D18
✅ {daily squats challenge} D18
[other activities]
[walk] ~2km
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ rolling and stretching
🎯 [wellness] (2/2)
✅ sleep: 6h
✅ nutrition: good enough
🚫 {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] no scale available
🎯 [guitar/bass] rhythm-app
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅


Well-known member
Posts: 1,368
[Sat] January 28th

🎯 [activity - level 2] ~220%
[steps in total] ~ 22k
[darebee activities]
✅ {daily kicks challenge} D19
✅ {de-stress challenge} D19
✅ {daily squats challenge} D19
✅ {daily push-ups challenge} D19
✅ {the guardian challenge} D19
(100 goblins)
✅ {daily abs challenge} D19
No bar alternatives for:
✅ {negative pull-ups} D16 & D17
✅ {dead hang challenge} D19
[other activities]
[The Walk] Episode 12 – during the day
[running] Zombies, Run! 5k training
I added 15 min running to the W5D1- drills, just to
finish 10k (1:05h in total). My plan is to run a fast 5k after the 8 weeks. Therefore I have to level up the pace ofevery given interval. Walking to slow running, slow running to moderate running and so on...
🎯 [PT exercises] (3/3)
✅ spine rotation
✅ rotator cuff
✅ rolling and stretching
🎯 [wellness] (2/2)
✅ 🛌: 6h
✅ 🥗🍝: good enough
🚫 {meditation} 5 min
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~
[weight] no scale available
⛔ [🎸] No
🎯 [two personal challenges] ✅✅
I am back home from the “conference”, it was very productive ... unfortunately one of my colleagues told me that she tested herself C-positive with no symptoms. I am still negative, but she sat beside me in my car for an hour...
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