Well-known member

New Hive.
New Year.
New Thread!
Welcome, nice to see you!
If you are interested in my previous Check -ins, have a look over here.
Here are my main goals for 2023
[running] pace goals (min/km)
5k @4:40 | 10k @5:00 | 15k @6:00
[skills] & [strength]
handstand (30sec) | L-sit (30sec)
| wheel pose (solid arch)
15 ring pullups | 11 ring dips
10 pistol squats (alternating)
being constantly under 88kg
Milestones 2023
I will measure my progress for [running] and [weight] with milestones:
[running] x times per week

[running] x km without walking rest

[running] weekly mileage

[weight] weekly average under x

The symbols represent the last four weeks.

Stats 2023 for [skillz] & [strength]
I will do a "to failure/best try" test every month.
January: tba
I will add the following exercises, if they are not represented in my usual schedule.
They will get progressively harder, by type or rep etc.
[ring pullups]
bar pull-up & ring rows
one legged L-Sit (parallettes)
Wall „flutters“
[ring dips]
push-ups and supported dips
[wheel pose]
Lat stretch and various bridges, drinking birds
Check-in style and targets
I am going change my check-in style a bit. I came up with a gamification of my daily routine tracking, that could help my accountability and, in the same time, gives me enough slack:
Every week I have the possibility to hit 35 targets per week. A given amount of 'em is mandatory to complete the week on a certain difficulty level. The rest can be saved to complete upcoming weeks.
Unused targets can be traded in for the next difficultly or the otherway around, if I am 20 targets short, I will be pushed back to the previous difficulty.
I'm too young to die - mandatory targets: 15
Hey, not too rough - mandatory targets: 20
Hurt me plenty – mandatory targets: 25
Ultra-Violence - mandatory targets: 30
Nightmare! - mandatory targets: 33
I will start at "I am too young to die"

starting 2023 at niveau 2.
~~~~ or

also based on the stats of my sportwatch
[daily activities]
{challenges} {programs}
[other activities]

possible exercises:
quad stretches or rolling
rotator cuff
knee Rotation
spine rotation

sleep (6h+)
meditation/TaiChi/Yoga (15min)
nutrition (good food choices)
~~~~ just tracking ~~~~


For comparability I will still keep track of these:
[Daily Awareness Tracking]
[Activity] ~95% (week avg.)
[Sleep] 210/343 (+4)
[Nutrition] 253/336 (+5)
[Weight] 92.5kg (avg.: 92.5kg)
[Bass/Guitar] 269/343 (+7)
--- [Piggy Bank Account] +55
--- I added a Christmas present
That's all... Have fun following my progress!
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