Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
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  • :thanku: @Lupus Sheol, @Julian4077, @Gandhalfit, @HellYeah, @Fremen, @Anek, @BetaCorvi, @Mamatigerj, @CODawn!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Tyler worked wonders, as usual
  • Theo was adorable, as usual!
  • I bought new shoes that should be here soon, though I don't need them for a while
  • (Lined Crocs for cold months; found them 65% off!)
  • I will be seeing Haunted Mansion on Monday!
  • Can't wait!
  • Last night you could have knocked me over with a feather!
  • Both kittens were on my bed!
  • Nobu put his head on my ribs!!
  • I was so happy!
  • And then Nobu cuddled with me today and I was a monster and made him move
  • If it hadn't been supper, I would have stayed!
  • Good: figured out next month's routine
  • Happy: kittens! Theo! shoes! movie!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • This month's routine:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The Miner Challenge
  • Alternating days of Stationary Bike and Resistance Bands, Yoga every 5th day
  • I would have skipped the monthly challenge, but it actually fits really well with my routine
  • I've not used any sort of bike in years, so it was pretty rough today
  • This one has no electricity, but the resistance is by dial, so I can at least do that
  • (It's broken but serviceable; I cannot complain!)
  • I really need to push myself and the programs have been too easy to take easy
  • (If that makes sense?)
  • This way I can use higher resistance (both bike and bands) to really press into things
  • This brat.
  • He will sleep against my pillows, but I'm not allowed to touch him?!?
  • Papa saw a bunny! This is one of the kittens born in our garden!
  • Good: made and started to follow my routine
  • Happy: my internet sleuthing was successful and Mom's happy!


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Scout from WNY
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  • ♥️ @CODawn, @Anek
  • Basics
  • My resistance bands are still in good form!
  • Dad has used them occasionally, so I knew they were okay, but I'm glad at their condition
  • I'd forgotten so many of the pieces of exercise equipment I had before finding this site
  • Cardio warmup is going to consist of a miniature elliptical machine and small trampoline
  • I think I might use the large inflatable exercise ball on yoga days
  • I was going to continue with jump rope as warmup, but the basement ceiling is too low
  • So far I'm liking things! That may change with how I feel tomorrow, though!
  • Coffee is steeping for my first attempt at cold brew. Fingers crossed!
  • Good: chores done
  • Happy: fajitas for supper!


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Scout from WNY
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  • A decent attempt, @Gandhalfit
  • Thank you, @Tileenah!
  • Basics
  • I need to be careful of my right shoulder and left elbow with the resistance bands
  • I can definitely feel them more than I should right now
  • I made better progress with the bike today!
  • The cold brew is offensively bitter. I either steeped it too long (12 hours), or it was the dark roast beans
  • I got more premade for tomorrow (I had none this morning 😢) and new medium roast beans to try again tomorrow
  • Haunted Mansion tomorrow!
  • And then my sister and a few family members for supper!
  • Nobu somehow got himself stuck in the garage
  • At least since this morning, maybe since last night
  • He's fine, just demanded attention from all of us
  • The problem of a bigger house and sometimes asocial cats 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Good: bike progress
  • Happy: co-op has some great coffee options to play with!


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Druid from TLV
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"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I used to get nervous when I couldn't find Chelsea in my tiny apartment before leaving in the morning. She was either on top of the closet, inside the closet if I left it open, "outside" on the "porch" or just on the desk behind the computer screen on the warm router...

I can't imagine the kind of stress I would get into looking for a cat in a big house. Still, Nobu is okay so yay 👍


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Scout from WNY
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Considering how I felt when Nox was hiding one time, @Gandhalfit, terrifying is a good word. Way too many spaces a small cat can fit into!

Nobu? We just thought he was being distant. Until Dad found him, we didn't know he was missing 🤷🏻‍♀️.

He's all better now!



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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • I have had a full day, but it's been great!
  • Got everything done this morning
  • Exercising went very well!
  • I'm getting used to everything and may be able to up the resistance soon!
  • I am very glad tomorrow is yoga; my left leg is feeling very strained
  • Great for my stretching... eventually...
  • Haunted Mansion was excellent! I loved the depth they gave to the characters. It was 2 hours, but didn't feel it at all. There are plenty of big names and seeing some of their characters was a joy!
  • If you're interested in a family film with minor thrills, I highly recommend it!
  • As a bonus, the theatre is lovely! Small and charming!
  • Two of my cousins and the son of one of them came to visit
  • They're my favorites of all of the family
  • And my sister is doing well! Always the best to see her!
  • Nobu cuddled for hours last night. I got tons of pictures, and this is my favorite:
  • He's perfect :aww:
  • Good & Happy: full and great day


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Went with a very simple yoga routine
  • I may change that
  • I like to feel more than a minor stretch while doing yoga
  • Something to think about in the coming days!
  • It's been delightfully quiet
  • My second attempt at cold brew didn't go well
  • Still so bitter!
  • I have some beans left, so I may try again with a shorter brewing time
  • The flavor is much better with the lighter roast
  • The kittens spent most of the day sleeping upstairs
  • Nox had my bed. Of course. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • I'm trying a new recipe for supper tomorrow
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Good & Happy: quiet, slow day


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • I'm getting better with the bike!
  • It's getting easier to push myself when it gets tiring
  • I'm taking occasional breaks to stretch my quads and it's helping immensely
  • Tried a new recipe for supper
  • We all agree a few small changes and it'll be spectacular!
  • Nobu is currently pushing Dad for attention
  • While I am right. here.
  • 😠
  • Nox is using my bed more
  • Can I touch him? 😂
  • At least he's cute!
  • Good: making progress with the exercise equipment
  • Happy: supper went well!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Upped the resistance strength!
  • I'll probably up it again after the next yoga day
  • I'm going to look into some core workouts, too
  • I'm getting much better with my current routine and would like to expand a bit
  • All great things!
  • Tried a new restaurant for lunch
  • The veggie wrap was both yummy and not the fried chicken sandwich!
  • My self control won!
  • It's been a lovely quiet day
  • Nox was once again on my bed and I could look but not touch
  • Nobu played with my brother for a while and they both had a blast!
  • Good: self control
  • Happy: enjoyed exercising in a way I haven't in a while


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,250
  • Basics
  • Had a bit of a back step on the bike
  • My schedule had the morning before breakfast as the only good time to exercise
  • That's something I really try not to do
  • The bike was the result
  • Not a bad time, just not great
  • I did find some core exercises to try with the resistance bands, though!
  • And I was so happy earlier
  • He's warming up to me!!
  • (Considering Nobu has been ignoring me, it's absolutely wonderful!)
  • Now if he could stay on my bed when I join him...
  • Good: got through the day
  • Happy: NOX!!!


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Scout from WNY
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  • ♥️ @Gandhalfit
  • Basics
  • Added core exercises with the band!
  • I'll definitely be upping the resistance on Tuesday
  • The only thing I'm really feeling as I exercise is the tricep extensions
  • There's very little soreness after the fact, too
  • The great thing about resistance bands is that I can add more to the handles at once.
  • It'd be awkward, but I can have a total of 150 pounds at once if necessary
  • (I highly doubt it'll ever get necessary)
  • Nobu is still ignoring me, even if I make noise to catch his attention
  • Nox is letting me pet him more
  • It doesn't even out, but it is a silver lining
  • This month hit me hard earlier
  • I've not felt pain like that since I was a teen
  • That's... fun...
  • If my regular rhythm holds, the pain should be gone tomorrow
  • These last few months changes have been happening and they really don't need to. Really. Please.
  • Good: added exercises
  • Happy: (ish) the pain is almost entirely ignorable now


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @Mamatigerj!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The Miner Challenge
  • I was not up to even yoga today
  • If I'm feeling better tomorrow, I'll skip yoga entirely
  • I certainly got a rest day today!
  • If I'm still feeling like today, though, I'll try pressing through the yoga
  • Nobu cuddled with me last night!!!
  • It was lovely!
  • Nox decided my unmade bed was his spot this morning, so my bed didn't get made for a few hours
  • He also scratched at the bathroom door to get in??
  • First time for everything!
  • Also a first: I made sushi!
  • Tasty, tasty sushi!
  • I just need to cut the rolls smaller
  • 6 pieces were a bit too big
  • Good: made sushi
  • Happy: Nobu! Nox! Kittens!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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  • Basics
  • Went with yoga today
  • Just feeling tired, thankfully
  • It's been a very quiet, relaxing day
  • I had a kitten cuddle!
  • This was taken a second too late
  • His head was in my hand!
  • He spent most of today with me
  • This is after falling asleep on Dad's lap last night
  • Still salty over that one...
  • Good: exercised
  • Happy: Nobu!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The Miner Challenge
  • Today was a minor setback
  • Very tired and absolutely no motivation
  • Tomorrow is laundry, though, which will push routine on me
  • It'll definitely be a better day!
  • Nox wanted attention!!
  • He was very upset I had to take a shower and insisted on attention after it!
  • He came up to me!!!
  • Baby steps are steps!
  • Good: took a shower
  • Happy: NOX!!!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Nox is turning out to be that way, @NancyTree!
  • Basics
  • Used the resistance bands instead of the bike, but I did exercise!
  • Increased the resistance again
  • I'll go up to 50 pounds next time
  • I think I'll be doubling up soon
  • Still so tired, but I'm at the end of this month, thankfully
  • Bee tomorrow!
  • Nox let me pet him on my bed, and then followed me to the hall to get more attention!!
  • He's also coming downstairs more often!
  • Nobu has cuddled with me the last 2 nights
  • Yesterday he was not best pleased with my strange position, but he made it work!
  • Good: exercised
  • Happy: kittens!


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Scout from WNY
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  • ♥️ @GentleOx!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The Miner Challenge
  • Bee worked me over well!
  • There were times I was reminding myself I had a head massage to end things
  • I put something out in my lower back a few days ago
  • Didn't know if it was out or just muscular until I saw Bee
  • Tyler was able to put it back to rights, thankfully
  • Took a nap, too
  • Last night I desperately wanted my water, which I forgot on the bookshelf
  • I could not make myself move
  • That's a full sprawl!
  • Good: saw Bee and Tyler
  • Happy: Bee says my back is showing definition from the resistance bands!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @Gandhalfit! 😅
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The Miner Challenge
  • Very tired today
  • I ran into three things at the store 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Tomorrow is the concert!
  • My anxiety is slightly high, but my sister is a rock
  • Plus, gathering things to take to her place (I'm spending the night after) has settled me somewhat
  • I didn't realize how close the festival grounds are to her place!
  • It's especially great because if I get too overstimulated, I can walk there to calm down
  • (In order to have a ride, I'm joining my parents at the festival, spending the night with my sister, and going back home with my parents on Sunday)
  • I'll be without cats for 36 hours! 😱
  • Speaking of cats:
  • Nox!!!
  • He demanded attention while I was in bed! He stayed after I got in!! He curled up with me!!!
  • And a mouse got in/he got out (the tortoise broke the screen getting herself inside), and Nox got that one
  • Considering how active Nobu is, I definitely thought he'd get the first mouse!
  • Nobu insisted my hand was a pillow. Who was I to deny him?
  • Good: gathered supplies
  • Happy: NOX!!!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The festival was mostly boring, but I expected that
  • My sister was there the entire time, which helped
  • We missed the first act of the concert
  • We only learned about the band because of this tour, though, so we didn't miss it
  • VV was fun
  • He's very stationary, but great about making eye contact
  • Andy, of BVB, moves
  • He did make eye contact, but it was hard to see him at times
  • Small venue pro: we were 10 feet from the stage
  • Small venue con: my ears may still be ringing tomorrow, even with plugs
  • I may not have a voice tomorrow...
  • I miss my cats. Nox wanted attention this morning! 😭
  • Good: went to the concert
  • Happy: CONCERT!!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,250
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The Miner Challenge
  • Caught up on The Miner
  • Had a very relaxing day
  • Very happily home with my babies!
  • It was great to spend the day yesterday and night with my sister
  • (She had to work today)
  • But I'm so relieved to be home
  • All 3 felines allowed at least a pet, if not a kiss
  • None wanted to be held 😢
  • Nox is on my bed right now and if he stays, I may just get some more bed cuddles!
  • An amusing memory from last night:
  • Someone in the crowd yelled out, "I love you, Andy!"
  • It wasn't the clearest and Andy ran with it, asking: "Who's Randy?" and dedicated the next song to Randy
  • It made us chuckle
  • Good: survived the day after the concert
  • Happy: back home with my babies


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Scout from WNY
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  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The Miner Challenge
  • I fell asleep on the couch last night and woke up when my dad came downstairs
  • Then I fell back asleep until 9
  • So Nox being on my bed? Potential kitten cuddles?? My comfy bed after a night sleeping on a couch???
  • 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Casper did sleep on the top of the couch, though
  • For all it was the first time I was away from the kittens, it was actually the first for Casper, too
  • Baby wanted some love!
  • (And the kittens took it much better 🤷🏻‍♀️)
  • In much better news: bought my Nutcracker tickets!
  • The theatre gave me a presale code, presumably for attending last year
  • My sister and I will have a blast!
  • I decided to take one more day off exercising
  • I'm feeling tired and just wanted a quiet day with the family
  • I had that, thankfully!
  • Good: went to the store
  • Happy: future event with my sister!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I had a massive headache for most of the day (gone now, thankfully)
  • And ate something I shouldn't have
  • Food poisoning isn't fun
  • I did have a kitten last night
  • It's not my lap, but he stayed for hours!
  • (I did fall asleep on the couch again; I woke up earlier, at least?)
  • Then I had this one for a while this morning
  • He eventually curled up under the blanket!
  • I may have had a small nap
  • Tomorrow is laundry and I sincerely hope a better day
  • Good: I had feline cuddles
  • Happy: headache is gone


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Scout from WNY
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  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • They were slow climbers, though
  • Last night wasn't fun
  • The teeth chattering chills were the worst bit
  • Nobu cuddles helped my legs, at least
  • Today's been much better!
  • I only managed the climber taps, but laundry is done
  • Things are just tender right now
  • I almost had both kittens with me last night
  • Nobu followed me up (after a short sleep on the couch) and Nox had already been on my bed
  • I got most of the way under the covers when there was a loud noise and suddenly no kittens
  • I think Nox moved and startled Nobu
  • The lights were off, though, so who knows?
  • Good: feeling much better
  • Happy: feline attention while unwell


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @Gandhalfit, @CODawn!
  • Basics
  • Caught up on The Miner Challenge
  • Massively overslept, but apparently I really needed that
  • I did have to push myself to exercise and used the resistance bands
  • I'll get back to the bike! I just don't love it and can convince myself to use the bands much easier
  • At least I'm exercising!
  • Nobu sprawled last night
  • As long as he's comfortable?
  • Had Casper again
  • His little tongue! :cantwait:
  • Good: exercised
  • Happy: felines!


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Scout from WNY
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  • The day I catch one of the kittens with their tongue out, I may perish, @Anek! ♥️
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • The Miner Challenge
  • I sat up and my back went out
  • How? How??
  • It's hurting right now, but I'll get used to it
  • If it shifts too much (back in, then out again), I'll make an appointment with Tyler
  • Nobu cuddled last night
  • He went full sprawl again!
  • I learned something today
  • In metal music there is something called a Death Growl
  • (My rabbit holes can be very strange)
  • When we were all kids, Dad* would show off a funny little vocal trick he could do
  • We, as kids do, mimicked him
  • I just wanted to share the mental image of 5 year olds death growling
  • (*my former Roman Catholic, current Episcopalian pastor)
  • Turns out, you never forget things like that...
  • Good: ate a salad (it's been a while...)
  • Happy: Nobo has been demanding attention!