Reset at Level One


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
Quick Warmup
Total Burn 15 :jacks:
Easy Core 1
Easy Arms 7
Hard Reset 14
Calves of Steel 29
Unbound 27
Food rating: Well, brunch was good. Not sure what the dinner plan is... but I'm aiming to behave.
Water: 48 oz, so doing okay. I'm aiming for another 32 by the end of the day. Oh, and some electrolytes.
Steps: currently 6,100+ and still doing some chores.

Nice, easy day compared to the past few days. :bounce:

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
1.5 hrs of fencing and stance work
20 negative calf raises
3 x 56 arm circles ...because I had misremembered and it was actually bicep extension day on Easy Arms

Easy Core 2
Calves of Steel 30 This will now change into a maintenance workout, swapping between the 200 calf raises and 2 x 1.5 min calf raise hold. After the chat with my medic friend, I will be adding in some more negative calf raises for extra foot & calf maintenance.
Easy Arms 8
Food rating: I did alright today. My breakfast decision could have been better, but I was running behind on my way to fencing practice.
Water: Uhh, I think I'm in the 50 oz range. I haven't finished my giant 50 oz bottle yet, but I also have had 1/2 an electorlyte drink and one 16 oz cup of water.
Steps: currently 5,900+ Might just be a low scoring day.

I got hit with a nasty headache and some lethargy this afternoon. I have since taken a nap and feel quite a bit better.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
Easy Core 3
Easy Arms 9
Unbound 28
50 calf raises Didn't complete the full 200, my ankles were swollen.
20 negative calf raises
Food rating: Not great. Did better on the f&v, but breakfast was bad again. Also, had some brownie.
Water: Uhh, didn't keep count. I think I had some tea. I'm drinking some now. :sad:
Steps: currently 5,200+

Felt a little low energy today. Hoping for better tomorrow.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
Quick Warmup
Total Burn 16
Hero's Journey 1
Fighter's Stretching Workout
Easy Core 4
Easy Arms 10
2 x 1.5 min calf raises
Food rating: Decent
Water: I'm at 48 oz so far and still drinking
Steps: currently 8,400+

Doing better today. Ankle started swelling a little during the workout, but I kept an eye on it and it went away by the end of Total Burn.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
2-minute Abs Workout
2x1.5 min calf raise hold
Easy Arms 12
Easy Core 6
Food rating: ate a little too much today.
Water: 96 oz. Sipping an electrolyte drink to balance stuff out.
Steps: currently 6,600+ steps

I felt great this morning, but now I am back to feeling exhausted and bloated. Tomorrow, I plan to sneak my workout in much earlier, since I have day off. I really want a good workout, but I just can't tonight. :night:

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@Mamatigerj Thank you!! I feel quite a bit more myself today and well rested. :pose:

Today's Wins:
Zero Hero 1
Zero Hero 2
Total Burn 17 lvl 3
Hard Reset Strength 15
Easy Arms 13
Easy Core 7
20 reverse calf raises
Food rating: I'm doing very good so far today.
Water: I'm at 56 oz so far. So, doing alright on that count. Time for some electrolytes!
Steps: currently at 5,000+ steps. I have plenty of time to make more. :)

Added: 37 min evening walk around neighborhood with M.

Today is a better day. It has been a nice day off and I feel like I've gotten a lot done today. :jacks:

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Friday, 10 November
20 minute walk in the evening around my mom's neighborhood with M

Not quite the day I had planned. Should have worked out in the morning, but ended up oddly busy.

Saturday, 11 November
Cozy Up Workout

Got home super late after a long day involving way too much driving and some DnD.

Sunday, 12 November
Hard Reset Strength 16
Before Bed Workout

Due to too much caffeine too late last night, didn't sleep all that great. But, managed to maintain streak. So yay, win. I'll get good sleep tonight and tomorrow will be a good day.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
Selkie Workout lvl 3 with EC
Zen 15
2 x 1.5 min calf raise holds
Easy Arms 14
Easy Core 8
Food rating: Some good decisions, some not so good decisions. I can and will do better tomorrow.
Water: I think I am just shy of the 100 oz goal. Intermixed some electrolytes at lunch, so feeling pretty good
Steps: 5,400+ Got lost in the sauce behind my desk.

Right now, my main focus is upping my water game. I was feeling pretty good and on point by the end of the week last week. I did fairly decent during the weekend, which surprised me because of all the car time. It feels like a lot to be drinking all this water, but I have actually been feeling a lot more energized, so I do think that I wasn't getting enough, even when I was doing the 64 oz goal. I'm going to keep doing this for a bit and see if it continues to make a difference.

Today was a fairly okay day. Put the annoying customers in the "time out box" and took care of a lot of small tasks that I have let get a little piled up. Felt fairly good spirited at work overall, though it did nag at me to not get their stuff done in a timely manner. I did take note of their requests and ask for additional information that they needed, so I was able to do that for them. Tomorrow will be another day and we'll see what it brings.

Going to go write a few words, then get some sleep.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
19 min walk around the building at work. Provided a much needed mind reset.
I was going to do a program, but settled on:
30 min Beat Saber
2 x 1.5 min calf raise hold
Easy Arms 16
Easy Core 10
Food: Very good!!!
Water: 100 oz
Steps: 9,900+

It was a better day today. :ss:

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
Back-to-Basics Workout lvl 3 (with M @ lvl 1)
Zero Hero 3 lvl 3 modified lunges with reverse lunges
Easy Cardio 1
Easy Arms 17
Easy Core 11
Unbound 29
Zen 16 - Meditation Mountain - Guided Meditation to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Calm Intense Emotions (20 mins long)
20 negative calf raises
200 calf raises
Food: Not terrible decisions, but it was a weird day
Water: 32 oz so far. Again, weird day.
Steps: 7,400+ so far
It was a day. Started by forgetting my usual water bottle at home, got upset at work so I didn't drink my backup water there. Left early today because I needed a half day to run errands, which may have been the best for my mood in the long run. Oh well, we'll see how work is on Monday I guess.
:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
Easy Cardio 2
Easy Arms 18
Easy Core 12
Total Burn 18 lvl 3 modified bicep extensions with doubled up punches.
2x1.5min calf raise hold
Unbound 30 :completed:
Food: Fairly good day.
Water: 70 oz so far, so good on that front as well.
Steps: 4,800+ Not so great here, but I wasn't feeling all that great this morning.

I didn't sleep well last night, so I woke up with a nasty headache and I didn't go to fencing practice this morning. Took a nap this afternoon and I feel quite better now.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@HellYeah @Fremen @Mamatigerj @Anek Thank you!! :flowers:

Today's Wins:
The Prep Workout Okay, so this says its a pre workout on the page, but a post workout in the description. Weird!
Total Burn 19 lvl 3
Zero Hero 4 lvl 3
Easy Cardio 3
Easy Arms 19
Easy Core 13
Zen 17
200 calf raises
20 negative calf raises
Food: 3/5 Better choices could have been made, but I didn't over eat.
Water: 94 oz
Steps: 5,600+ currently

Feeling good today! I was very productive and got a lot of writing done.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Monday, 20 November
I had a meeting for the group I volunteer for after work and it went way longer than I expected. So I did light stretching. I should have picked something specific, but at least it was something.
Food: Very well behaved
Water: 72 oz (I think. The water tracker reminder app just shows me a chart of past activity.)
Steps: 6k

Tuesday, 21 November
Did the outside work at work today, so approximately 2.5 hours in total of speed walking around.
1.5 hours of teaching SCA fencing
Food: Well behaved, for the most part.
Water: 96 oz (+large propel & gatorade)
Steps: 16,500+ currently

I am tuckered out again this evening, but at least I was much more active today.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
Quick Warmup Workout
Easy Arms 20
<Totals> 22 Finally did it!!!! I always build up any of the plank workouts as being worse than they are. Spread this one out over the course of the morning and in the breaks between sets of Total Burn.
Easy Cardio 4
Total Burn 20 lvl 3
Easy Core 14
Epic Five 12 Made it easy & epic, though this was a terrible idea. My form was losing cohesion by the end and I did do the shoulder taps from my knees.
Fighter's Stretching Workout
2 x 1.5 min calf raise hold
Food: Good so far. Though, getting hungry for lunch. :eatall:
Water: 16 oz so far. Plenty of day left and refilling my glass once I'm done with this post. :drink:
Steps: 5.6k so far. :bounce:

Off to bake some bread for tomorrow. :bread:

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
Easy Cardio 5
Easy Core 15 owww
Easy Arms 21
Epic Five 13 made it epic
Hero's Journey 2 option B lvl 3 Yeah, good karma!! Points Total: 600
Food: Haven't eaten anything yet. Will be cognizant of food choices today and do my best.
Water: 16 oz, filling up for some more.
Steps: 2.1k What a great start to my morning.

🦃Happy Thanksgiving!!🦃 I am grateful to have found my way back here this year and find the community just as I remembered. Thank you for being awesome!

Looking forward to some family time this afternoon and good, yummy turkey and pie.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@Mamatigerj & @Anek :flowers:

Epic Five 14 made it epic
Man Down Workout

Today was a tough day. Planned schedule got thrown off so I didn't make it home until late. Then my fitness watch decided to die on me, so I spent a few hours looking up how to fix it. So far unsuccessfully.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Thanks for the hugs Bees!! I've been feeling off my game and I really appreciate it

Saturday, 25 November
2 hours of fencing & fencing instruction

Sunday, 26 November
Hero's Journey 3 - Hammer Points Total: 650 8 lb
Hard Reset 17 lvl 3 8lb
Hero's Journey 3 - Red Ribbon Points Total: 700
Easy Cardio 6
Easy Arms 22
Easy Core 16

Alright, got my new watch in this afternoon, so I'll be back on track tomorrow. Every time I don't have my watch, I get thrown off. It's like time loses meaning. It is really jarring to me.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
First Thing Water 2 (I had forgotten to log this yesterday, so I fixed that.)
Easy Cardio 8
Hard Reset Strength 18 lvl 3 8 lb with 10 lb on goblet squats - didn't feel terrible, but I only just went back up to 8 lb.
Zero Hero 6 lvl 3
Zero Hero 7 lvl 3 high knees all in one go
Easy Arms 24
Easy Core 18

Today was a tough one. We had a bit of a family emergency with M's dad, but he is stable now and resting. We are hoping that he'll pull through. Currently planning on visiting him again on Saturday (live in a different town, so the travel is not insignificant). As far as NaNoWriMo goes, I am honestly thrown off and unmotivated to finish (I've also got 8715 words remaining). I'm going to do what I can and that will just have to be enough. Also resisting staring Fit December early, so yea, that's a thing. Alright, I'll see ya'll tomorrow.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
First Thing Water 3
Easy Arms 25
Exercise of the Day 30 sec high knees
Power Squats 1
Fit December 1
Easy Core 19
<Totals> 23
Easy Cardio 9
Fighter's Stretching Workout

Weird day today. It was like something switched and suddenly everything that seemed terrible and impossible wasn't. Work wasn't so bad. The idea of needed to write so very many words to make it for NaNoWriMo not so bad either. Don't know what happened, but I'll take it.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@Laura Rainbow Dragon & @Mamatigerj Thank you!! I felt like I climbed a mountain in the last few days, writing about 9,000 words to make it to the end.

Today's Wins:
First Thing Water 4
Fit December 3
Zero Hero 8 lvl 3
Hero's Journey 4 no armor Points Total: 850
Hard Reset Strength 19 yup, those long holds were tough. I knew they would be.

Parked - will complete later (Will just adjust them up with an edit once I finish)
Easy Arms 27
Easy Cardio 11
Easy Core 21
Power Squats 3

EDIT: Ended up being too tired. I'll get back on these tomorrow.

Quiet day at home today. Got lots of chores done.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
First Thing Water 6
Easy Arms 28
Epic Five 15 made it easy (modified for step jacks) made it epic
Easy Core 22
Fit December 5
Easy Cardio 12
Power Squats 4
Zero Hero 9 lvl 3 modified for reverse lunges
Hard Reset Strength 21 lvl 3 8 lb except for lateral rasies at 5 lb
End Game Workout + EC

I hadn't been intending to use a hall pass yesterday, but things just got a little out of hand.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Dear Santa,

I would prefer to not get a ton of burpees. I will be game if you want to do a few. (Please don't make me regret saying that!) I do tend to modify my lunges to reverse lunges for knee reasons. I enjoy a variety of workouts and I look forward to seeing what you come up with for me.

Equipment that I have access to:
Yoga mat and block
Weights (5lb & 8lb)
Wooden katana
Fencing sword, dagger and buckler (Though I don't know if that is helpful to you)




Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Today's Wins:
First Thing Water 7
100 high knees

And that's it.

So, we are about to go back to the other town to see M's dad again tomorrow. He hasn't been doing well.

They bypassed his leg just before Thanksgiving, but it got infected, so they undid it last week. This past weekend, they amputated just above the knee. Now they are going to take the rest of the leg.

I am so worried about him, but I am also worried about M. Ultimately, I hope that all this helps to motivate him to get himself in healthy shape. But right now, we are focusing on getting through this one hour at a time.

I love you, Bees. Keep on being wonderful.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
Tuesday, 5 December (52 days)
First Thing Water 8
100 flutter kicks

Wednesday, 6 December (53 days)
First Thing Water 9
14k steps + 5 hours of cleaning (Totally counting this. Many squats and making boxes of candles and candle holders. What possessed my mother-in-law to buy so many? I'm talking hundreds of tea lights, votives, pillars, and holders.)

Tuesday, 5 December (54 days)
First Thing Water 10
13k steps + 5 hours of cleaning (Helped move the remaining candle boxes and tons of dusting.)

Overall medical update:
Well, we are unfortunately on the terminal down slide. They didn't go through with the surgery because it was far too risky and because M's dad has decided to stop fighting. He's almost 80, stubborn as can be, and is just so tired of being operated on. So, we spent the last two days helping to clear out the room where he'll be receiving hospice care. There just is not good news. Once he comes home, he'll be off dialysis and antibiotics. The infection is already in his bloodstream and his kidneys are already shut down. I am so sad that all of this is happening. M is holding up better than I could have expected. We had to run home today, because we needed to check on the kitties and take care of some business at home. He'll be going back tomorrow, but I'll have to go back into the office on Monday.

Thank you every one for the hugs. It's been a rough few days. I'm holding up okay. I'm sure I'll cry some more, but it'll be what it'll be. I'm working on what I want to try to do workout wise this evening. It's a good distraction and I know from past experience that it helps me to work out the frustration over things I can't control.

Also, don't worry, my Secret Santa recipient. I have already been concocting your workout and I will have it in on time. ☃️


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 912
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"
@Fremen @Laura Rainbow Dragon @f1shtacular Thank you :teary:

Today's Wins: (56 days)
Put up tree :rstar:
First Thing Water 11 This one was close
Easy Arms 29
Easy Arms 30 :completed:
Fit December 7
Fit December 8
Easy Core 23
Easy Cardio 13
Fit December 9 modified jumping jacks to step jacks - half jacks made me realize how stiff my ankles are
Power Squats 5
CoS 1 Yup, doing this again. I got off track with my calf exercises again.

Today was my mental health day. I did chores around the house and put up my new Christmas tree. I haven't completed decorating it, but that's alright. I did things in my own time and as I felt that they were needed. I'll have to see what tomorrow brings, but today was an island of peace and I sorely appreciate that.

:handon:Hang in there Bees and have a good one!