Reset at Level One


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Deadoks Aww, thank you. I am still hurting, but I am hopeful for tomorrow!

@Fremen @Mamatigerj @Anek Thank you!! :flowers:

Tuesday, 30 January Wins: (108 days)
:x: Journalling not yet, but I will!
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Five Minute Plank 20 (3m30s) not today, migraine not gone yet and I know that this will not help. But I'm not letting it win on everything!
:v: De-stress 2 (100 punches)
Cardio Go! 4
:v: Upperbody Light 2 (60 raised arm circles)
:v: Knee Push-ups 21 (3x10 knee pushups)
:v: Epic Glutes 16 (4x32 squats +10-count hold) + 1 extra set
:v: CoS 25 (180 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
:v: Walkabout 14 (10,760/10,000) :twirl:Trust me, I got this today.

Still toughing out a migraine. I did go to work today and get the two days off that I'll need for the funeral next week. (Bereavement leave is inexplicably weird [I can't get anyone to explain it and I'm almost at the point where I don't care] at my work and completely tied to my sick leave. At the end of all this, I will have neither sick nor annual leave left.) I have decided to cancel my camping trip at the end of next week as well. It would have been to an event and I haven't done any of the preparations or checked my tent, nor am I feeling in a people mood. I will be sad to miss the fencing (maybe I will consider day tripping on Friday, maybe), but I think I need some alone time to process everything and to get my house in order. I also won't be sad to miss out on the predicted rain during the camping time. Rain = mud and rain = extra sword care.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Mamatigerj @Fremen @Laura Rainbow Dragon @f1shtacular and all of those who sent hugs - Thank you!!:flowers:

@Laura Rainbow Dragon :thanks: Me too, but I think it is for the best on the camping. I am going to go and help run a demo this weekend, so at least I'll get a little fencing then. And a little people time. People are good, but I can get overwhelmed and I don't think that would be a good load to add to my emotional plate.

@f1shtacular Sounds like a good deal to me! Seriously, give him all the smooches. He is the fluffiest, goodest boy. :heartsit:

Wednesday, 31 January Wins: (109 days)
:x: Journalling I really will do this later, I promise. I think I need to write to get some things out of my system, so I'll be doing this before bed.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: De-stress 3 (100 punches)
:v: CoS 26 (2x1m20s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==
:v: Five Minute Plank 20 (3m30s) :proud: :teary: I chose a not so great song and ended up sobbing for half of this. Bittersweet, I made it but I was sad. The melancholy has passed and I continue on. Honestly, it should have been a fine song, strong and triumphant, but it was the words that got me.
:v: Epic Cardio 1 (5x20 high knees slow->fast) I couldn't help it. I saw it and loved it at once.

:v: Upperbody Light 3 (3x40 shoulder taps + 40 bicep extensions)
Epic Five 29 made it epic - replaced 1st sit up with heel taps, 2nd with crunches, 3rd with high crunches. I know they aren't the same as sit-ups, but I am not there yet. And the sit-up helper I have is a pain to use.
Epic Five 30 2:15/1:42/1:03
Epic Five 31 1:26/1:04/0:58/0:51/0:41 :completed: Sweat was my enemy. I kept losing my form.
EoD (40 squat hold calf raises)
:v: Epic Glutes 17 (4x34 bridges +10-count hold) + 1 extra set
:v: Knee Push-ups 22 (45s knee pushup hold) Yeah, that was not great
:x: Walkabout 15 (6,029/10,500) Probably not today. Not enough steps, got sucked into my work today and forgot to move as much as I should or to drink my water. I'll do better tomorrow - I'll set timers or something.

Okay, that was a tough one. Why did I keep going after the plank? Because it was I needed. Plain and simple. I needed to sweat it out, cry it out a little here and there. I am okay, just sad. And that is okay.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon :thanks: Me too, but I think it is for the best on the camping. I am going to go and help run a demo this weekend, so at least I'll get a little fencing then. And a little people time. People are good, but I can get overwhelmed and I don't think that would be a good load to add to my emotional plate.
I hear ya'. Are these SCA events?

:v: Five Minute Plank 20 (3m30s) :proud: :teary: I chose a not so great song and ended up sobbing for half of this. Bittersweet, I made it but I was sad. The melancholy has passed and I continue on. Honestly, it should have been a fine song, strong and triumphant, but it was the words that got me.

I usually just sing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall". Lots of room for gritting one's teeth in that one. Plus, when things start to get desperate, I can speed up the song and pretend that is somehow speeding up time! :p:LOL:

Great work on the 3 and a half minute plank!

Epic Five 31 1:26/1:04/0:58/0:51/0:41 :completed:

Okay, that was a tough one. Why did I keep going after the plank? Because it was I needed. Plain and simple. I needed to sweat it out, cry it out a little here and there. I am okay, just sad. And that is okay.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
I hear ya'. Are these SCA events?
The demo is ren faire that we are trying to recruit more members from. The event was an SCA event, The War of the Phoenix.
usually just sing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall".
Lol!! I usually pick a Disney song or one off my workout playlist, one that I know by heart and doesn't have too many instrumental pauses. This one was "From Now On" from the Greatest Showman and yeah, it's slow in the beginning, but it picks up nicely and there isn't too many pauses. It got me on the "And I'll come back home". The struggle with song picking is that now I have to make sure I have two good ones in a row or find one long enough to cover the whole hold.

:hug:Thank you! @Laura Rainbow Dragon & @Mamatigerj

@Fremen @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Mamatigerj @Nevetharine @Anek Thank you!! :flowers: Epic Five was surprisingly difficult and easy at the same time. I was actually dreading the two holds on 30 & 31, but I figured that yesterday was a good day to tough them out. (Yes, I know, you are only supposed to do one day of a program a day. I promise I do know this. Proceeds to plan multiple AoSCE and Zero Hero in the same day. :imp:)

Thursday, 1 February Wins: (110 days)
:x: Journalling ...This really is an evening thing for me most of the time.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: De-stress 3 (100 punches) at work
at work,
1 each of :

and remembering to warmup!

60 split jacks (I misread the EoD)
Pathfinder+ 1 all 5
:v: Upperbody Light 4 (80 raised arm circles)
:v: Epic Cardio 2 (5x16 slow climbers)
:v: Epic Glutes 18 (4x34 squats +10-count hold) + 1 extra set
:v: CoS 27 (190 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
AoSCE 21
:v: Five Minute Plank 21 (2x18 supermen)
:v: Knee Push-ups 23 (3x10 knee pushups)
and not skipping stretching!
:x: Walkabout 15 (8,242/10,500) ... it's not out of the realm of possibility, but we'll see. I'm feeling a little beat right now, but if I game tonight, I'll probably generate a microworkout and that might get me close enough! :rush:

Alright, survived another day and the end of the work week. Now, to go hug a kitty and get dinner.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
That looks to be almost as big of a deal as Pennsic! I totally understand why you would want to be up with wanting to be around people to attend that.
It's predecessor, Estrella War, was absolutely massive before Covid. I have never made it to Pennsic, but I have heard that it is quite the experience. Yeah, especially since I have lived in two other baronies and was much more involved when I lived there, so I will be running into people I know literally everywhere. Which wouldn't be so bad if I had gone to more events over the last year. But it's hard when you live in the corner of the state and it takes 3 hours or more to get to most events. I think I am going to make a bit more of an effort next year to get out and about a little more often over the year. It'll be good to be more social. Anyway, yeah, I think I would be fine if it were a small event, but too many people asking how I am doing.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Gaming microworkout totals - Frontiers of Pandora
1 Bellsprig -> 10 alternating bicep curls (5lb)
2 New locations -> 20 step jacks
1 RDA Encounter -> 10 hooks
10 Clan contributions -> 10 weighted punches (5lb)
4 Feral Encounter -> 40 front kicks
5 Fast Travels -> 500 high knees
3 Ikran flights -> 60 high knees


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@MadamMeow @Deadoks Thank you!! :flowers:

Friday, 2 February Wins: (111 days)
:x: Journalling
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode== morning was rushed, did things all out of order
==hold/headache== :x: Five Minute Plank 22 (3m40s elbow plank)
==hold/headache== :x: Knee Push-ups 24 (45s knee pushup hold)
==hold/headache== :x: Epic Glutes 19 (4x34 bridges +10-count hold) + 1 extra set
:v: De-stress 4 (100 punches)
:v: Upperbody Light 5 (3x40 shoulder taps + 40 bicep extensions)
AoSCE 22 lvl 3
:v: Epic Cardio 3 (5x24 high knees slow + fast)
:v: CoS 28 (2x1m20s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==
:x: Walkabout 15 (9,268/10,500) :giveup:

Had a good day at the demo, it was just enough. I've got a small persistent headache. I think some water and sleep will clear it up. Though, I do need to go buy more allergy meds. I forgot that I used the last of it last week, so I didn't buy more.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@CODawn Thank you!! :flowers:

Saturday, 3 February Wins: (112 days)
:x: Journalling
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==

3x20m bouts of fencing over 3 hours - We were fencing in between shows at the nearby stage.
:x: Walkabout 15 (9,915/10,500) :giveup:

It was a good demo day. I was so wiped out that I took a 2 hour nap when I got home.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 4 February Wins: (113 days)
:v: Journalling Yes! And I got my journal set up for the month, so I should be all good to go.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: CoS 28 (2x1m20s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==
Centenarian lvl 1

:v: De-stress 5 (100 punches)
:x: Walkabout 15 (7,333/10,500)

Still tired from yesterday. Part of the problem was that I stayed up atrociously late on Friday night because I got inspired, so I sped ran making a chainmail dragon. It turned out awesome, but I didn't go to bed until almost 4am. Then, I went out and peopled and fought and had a really good mood the whole time we were at the Faire. Also, yesterday was day 2 of no Zyrtec, so my allergies were running rampant in conjunction with the gunk that my body is still expelling from the cold. But then I took a nap and it just perpetuated my messed up sleep even more! :facepalm:

Good thing from yesterday - I did make a dragon sale. Not the one I stayed up all night making, but one that was actually part of a commission due next month. Not a big deal, I now know that it'll take ~8 hrs to make a new one. :hehehe: But that's okay too. So, it was a slow day for me today. The next two days-ish are going to be rough, so I'll check in when I can and do what I can.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 5 February Wins: (114 days)
:x: Journalling
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==

Pathfinder+ 3 - high knees on pt 1 - 5 sets on pt 2 (5lb and 8lb on shrugs)
AoSCE 23
:v: CoS 29 (200 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
:v: De-stress 6 (100 punches)
I really liked this one, I'm going to have to bookmark that to stay in rotation!
:v: Walkabout 15 (10,806/10,500)

I intentionally skipped all other challenges - I just don't have a lot of time this morning. I am currently planning on resuming challenges on Wednesday. We've got the services for M's dad tonight and tomorrow. I don't think I am ready for how tough this is going to be. I'm just going to take it one moment at a time.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
I am intrigued! Can you share a photo?
Sure! This is the one I got inspired and made. You can see the color variation better when he's curled up.
I've also got this guy.
And then, there's a second type that I've made a couple of times. He's a lot more labor intensive.
I do have a bunch more of the floppy ones and I'll share some more when I get back home.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 7 February Wins: (116 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 17 (6,072/11,000)
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode== Uhh, yeah, I didn't have water first, but I almost did.
:x: Five Minute Plank 22 (3m40s elbow plank) 3m Okay, that was better than I expected, since it has been a week since I last did it.

Pathfinder+ 4 pt1 modified to reverse lunges - pt2 3/4/1 full pushups!!
:v: Epic Cardio 4 (5x16 climbers fast)
:v: De-stress 7 (100 punches)
Zero Hero 25 lvl 3
:v: Upperbody Light 6 (100 raised arm circles)
:v: Knee Push-ups 24 (45s knee pushup hold)
:v: Epic Glutes 19 (4x34 bridges +10-count hold) + 1 extra set
AoSCE 24
:v: CoS 30 (2x1m30s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==

Ugh, I think I again have too many challenges. I'm not dropping any, but I'll be a little more choosy again. I get comfortable, then think, "yeah, I can have another one". Oh well. :jacks:

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 8 February Wins: (117 days)
:v: Journalling
:v: Walkabout 17 (16,350/11,000)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
note: did the outside work today. Started at 13.4k steps-ish.
:x: Five Minute Plank 22 (3m40s elbow plank) 3m25s

Pathfinder+ 5 pt1 march steps pt2 done
:v: De-stress 8 (100 punches)

:v: CoS 29 (200 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==

Phew, it was a busy day at work, but it was just what I needed.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!

Edit: Oh man, I had enough steps for Walkabout 30! That's cool.
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 9 February Wins: (118 days)
:x: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 18 (7,452/11,500) ... probably not today.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==

Gaming microworkout totals - Frontiers of Pandora
4 Bellsprig + 2 Tarsyu -> 60 alternating bicep curls (5lb)
6 New locations -> 60 step jacks
9 RDA encounters -> 90 hooks
32 Clan contributions -> 32 weighted punches (5lb)
5 Dapophet -> 50 flutter kicks
1 Memory Painting, 1 Computer Terminal, & 1 Budding Watcher -> 30 knee to elbows
4 Feral encounters -> 40 front kicks
2 Fast travels -> 200 high knees
10 Ikran flights + 5 direhorse rides -> 300 high knees

Resume tomorrow:
Five Minute Plank 22 (3m40s elbow plank)
Epic Cardio 5 (5x24 high knees slow + fast)
De-stress 9 (100 punches)
Upperbody Light 7 (3x50 shoulder taps + 50 bicep extensions)
Knee Push-ups 25 (3x11 knee pushups)
Epic Glutes 20 (4x34 squats +10-count hold) + 1 extra set

Day was thrown off by waking up super early to go to the dentist the next town over, since we still haven't gotten a local dentist. Had half of my mouth deep cleaned, so that was a not very fun experience. Kept microworkout slow, after the first 100 high knees made my head and mouth throb a little. (I actually did it all in one go. I meant to split it up as I went and I hadn't.) But hey, I did it. And, not to mention, the ADHD won earlier and I spent a lot of time this afternoon hyperfocusing putting away ornaments in a more organized matter. I'll be back on it again tomorrow.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Saturday, 10 February Wins: (119 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 18 (7,693/11,500) ... probably not today either.
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==

Gaming microworkout totals - Frontiers of Pandora
1 Bellsprig + 3 Tarsyu -> 40 alternating bicep curls (5lb)
5 New locations -> 50 step jacks
3 RDA encounters -> 30 hooks
48 Clan contributions -> 48 weighted punches (5lb)
4Dapophet -> 40 80 flutter kicks
1 Ikran Gear Basket -> 10 knee to elbows
2 Fast travels -> 200 high knees
4 Ikran flights + 1 direhorse rides -> 100 high knees

It was a day. Went on a big grocery trip, which was exciting. We are changing up our breakfast and lunch meal structures to be healthier. So, there was some buying of stuff for that. I also wanted to try some Darebeets recipes, so we got ingredients for that as well. Then played DnD for 6 hours, which is longer than our sessions usually go. I used up a lot of my energy for that, but overall, it was a good session. But I had no motivation or desire to work out today. But I at least did the gaming microworkout. And today, that was a win. So yeah, hopefully tomorrow is better and I am not falling into a funk. But we'll see. I'll get some sleep and tomorrow will be another day.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Deadoks Thank you! :jacks:

Sunday, 11 February Wins: (120 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 18 (10,270/11,500) 🤷‍♀️ We'll just have to see.
:x: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode== I missed it this morning. I was too excited by my breakfast.
:x: Five Minute Plank 22 (3m40s elbow plank) 3m15s No bad for missing a few days!
Warm-up: The Prep
:v: Epic Cardio 5 (5x24 high knees slow + fast)
:v: Upperbody Light 7 (3x50 shoulder taps + 50 bicep extensions)
Coordination: Agility Ladder
Pathfinder+ 6 pt1: 5 sets modified reverse lunges pt2: 5/3/1 full pushups
:v: De-stress 9 (100 punches)
:v: Knee Push-ups 25 (3x11 knee pushups)
AoSCE 25 lvl 3
:v: CoS 30 (2x1m30s calf raise holds) ==maintenance mode==
Cool down: Post Workout Mobility modified the 5th activity to be a little higher for my knee. Didn't quite get the same benefit, but my knee was happier.
==skipped - knee== Epic Glutes 20 (4x34 squats +10-count hold) + 1 extra set

Today's Featured Workout cards:

Gaming microworkout totals - Frontiers of Pandora (updated)
11 Bellsprig + 5 Tarsyu -> 160 alternating bicep curls (5lb)
5 New locations -> 50 step jacks
2 RDA encounters -> 20 hooks
116 Clan contributions -> 116 weighted punches (5lb)
2 Dapophet -> 20 flutter kicks
2 Aeolian Wind Flutes, 2 Sarentu Totem, 1 Ikran Gear Basket, & 1 Memory Painting -> 60 knee to elbows
2 Feral encounters -> 20 front kicks
2 Fast travel -> 200 high knees
12 Ikran flights + 3 direhorse rides -> 300 high knees

I'm not quite done with the microworkout for today, so I'll update it with final numbers later. **Updated it!**
Made chickpea zucchini nuggets last night. They were really tasty!
Feeling more like myself today, so yay! I think I got a little dehydrated the last couple of days, so I have been working on doing better at drinking fluids today.
Also, made a more balanced breakfast this morning and I felt so energized! M sabotaged lunch with pizza, but at least breakfast was a win. Also got all the lunches done for the week, so another win there!

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@CODawn I forgot how much fun it is!! I used to do that one a lot back in university.

Monday, 12 February Wins: (121 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 18 (9.608/11,500)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods today!
At work: Standing Desk
At work: :v: Upperbody Light 8 (120 raised arm circles)
At work: AoSCE 26
At work: :v: De-stress 10 (100 punches)
Yay! I didn't sit still at my desk all day! And I was fairly productive at work today too!
:v: Five Minute Plank 22 (3m40s elbow plank) :twirl:
Warm-up: Unbound
Pathfinder+ 7 Option A
:v: Knee Push-ups 26 (50s knee pushup holds)
:v: Epic Cardio 6 (5x18 climber slow) slow climbers are so not my favorite right now.
:v: CoS 29 (200 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
Coordination: Balance
Cool down: Care Package
==on hold until Friday== Epic Glutes 20 (4x34 squats +10-count hold) + 1 extra set

Today's Featured Workout cards:

I am tired. But it was a good day, full of productiveness. I have put Epic Glutes on hold because I have Mandatory Fun Day at work on Thursday and I don't want to push it too much with my knee. Basically, it is a field day, where we compete in various activities. I am up for a three-legged race, bowling, and wacky relay. I will also be participating in anything that requires an alternate, so that could be entertaining. (I'm kinda hoping I get to do the sandbag relay. It was actually quite fun last year.)

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
@Laura Rainbow Dragon @Deadoks @MadamMeow Thank you:flowers:

Tuesday, 13 February Wins: (122 days)
:x: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 18 (6,379/11,500)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods today! Got into the naan a little more than I probably should have.
At work: Stapler I didn't get up from my desk as much as I should have today.
:x: Five Minute Plank 23 (3m50s elbow plank) 3m35s
:v: De-stress 11 (100 punches)
A workout with a motivating name: I Do NOT Yield - lvl 1 2 sets 8lb, 1 set 5lb
Stretching: Before Bed

Today's Featured Workout cards:

Okay, I'm exhausted. Super sleepy. :zzz:

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 14 February Wins: (123 days)
:v: Journalling
:x: Walkabout 18 (8,658/11,500)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:v: Healthy foods today!
2-3 hour nature walk at work. It was an unusual adventure day at work when I got to do a lot of things that I usually don't get the chance to do.
At work: :v: CoS 29 (200 calf raises) ==maintenance mode==
Low Energy: Bitesize Cardio - slowest butt kicks ever
Low Energy: The Prep - calves are burning a little
:v: Five Minute Plank 23 (3m50s elbow plank) SUPERMAN DAY 2x20 supermen
:v: De-stress 12 (100 punches)

Today's Featured Workout cards:

Again, just tired. I think part of it was not getting enough fluids yesterday and almost again today (ugh, I know better than to drink all the fluids in the evening.) But I do think that part of it is the change over to eating more balanced meals and trying to remove snacking.

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,306
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Thursday, 15 February Wins: (124 days)
:x: Journalling
:v: Walkabout 18 (14,188/11,500)
:v: First Thing Water ==maintenance mode==
:x: Healthy foods today! Well, okay, more like I didn't stick to the plan.

Warmed up before playing.
Had field day (Mandatory Fun Day) at work
*Walked a lot!
*Participated in a relay (would have been 2, but all the other teams didn't show up so we won by default)
*Participated in a trivia competition
And had a lot of fun!!

:handon: Hang in there Bees and have a good one!