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1. We all start with two snowballs :snowball::snowball: each.

2. Tag someone using the @ and their name and throw a snowball or two at them!

3. Each snowball can be dodged by doing one jumping jack. Can't do jumping jacks? Do side jacks instead.

4. Each snowball you dodge gives you two snowballs in return.

5. You have 24 hours to dodge a snowball thrown at you.

6. The entire fight takes place on this thread.

7. Don't know who to tag? See who is online at the bottom of the forum!

8. Try to bring in as many people as you can to the snowfight.

It's ok not to respond to a tag. If you don't want to participate, just ignore the notification. Alternatively, you can go into the invisible mode - you can do it in your settings. Ready?... FIGHT! And don't forget to claim the SNOWFIGHT 2024 participation badge in your profile.

Event Starts: December 17
Event Ends: December 20
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Well-known member
Ranger from West Virginia, United States
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 187
@Antheia & Colossus here's :snowball: :snowball: :snowball: :snowball: right back at ya!

I still have 405 :snowball: in my arsenal. However, 235 are currently in reserve for my final assault. (Oh yeah. It's coming.)

This leaves 170 :snowball: currently up for grabs for anyone who would like them (plus any more I acquire throughout the day--I'm still dodging), if and only if you pledge to use at least 50% of the ammo I provide you with to invite new people into the game and you pledge not to send more than 10 :snowball: to any one person today. Share the love Bees!

I'll take half of those 170 and add them to my 70 to invite new players.


Well-known member
from CentralTX, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 2,954
Dodged 2 from Brontus

I have 144 :snowball: of which i am sending an even dozen each with love, joy, and gratitude to
@neilarey 12x:snowball:

@Damer 12x:snowball:

That leaves me 120; if anybody reading this still wants to play, let me know and i will happily let some fly!
I will also happily dodge any more that come my way! (my brain is just too tired to make any more decisions.):)


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,356
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,356
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
Sending a:snowball: and :heartsit: to some Bees who've not been around in a bit. Thinking of you and hope you are doing well @Tileenah @Haleth @Gandhalfit @OJJJEM @TakingBabyStepsBack @oneironaut @Nebulus @Giant48 @SkorpionUK @Hwestneth @daejamurrachan @Redline @Calico @Lallafa @F@tBaDgEr @Froud @BrigidForged @roman @irina_bu @PhoenixRise @WSMC1 @Whirly @Logan @BetaCorvi @Hbomb @RabbitLorna @Sif_Shepard

Also one :snowball: and :heartsit: to @Fitato . Welcome back!

And :heartsit: only to @Quarkmage (due to injury).

And of course one :snowball: each and :heartsit: to my friends @'rin and @sleep_twitch (who I still see elsewhere, just not on DAREBEE lately).

Happy Holidays to all!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,356
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
I see you've been the recipient of much love from @Maegaranthelas , @coderofcodes , @WolfDreamer , and @Mamatigerj .
Let me know if you still want more.
I am so grateful to them! :lovely: Maybes in a bit. Just need a tiny bit of rest and to get my 10m of writing done. Because I promised myself I would write for that long today. :bigyes:

But then, then I'll be up for dodging more.

Currently sitting on a stockpile of 502 snowballs, but I don't know if I'll throw them yet.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,138
"Striving to be the change."
Dodged. And now you, my friend, are on my naughty list too.

624 balls in reserve.
346 required for my final assault
278 available for anyone who would like them and who takes my share the love pledge.
(Although, since there is now only 40 minutes left in the game, I will also send snow to anyone who pledges to keep it to use for creating snow sculptures.)


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 57
"Success is not a goal, its a byproduct - Coach Taylor, Friday Night Lights"
@Magpie (actually, you're getting 10 more because I got sleeted on today and your lake picture makes me jealous)
It really was a good day, I'm jealous though because we don't get cold enough for snow/sleet/ice or anything like that, only cold enough (just into the negatives) to light the fireplace.

Catching up:
12 lpf
10 neilarey
15 Mamatigerj
25 MissSmilla
25 WolfDreamer
77 dodged, bringing my overall total to 912, if anyone wants to send any my way to get me over the 1000 feel free :LOL: , but I think once I hit it I'll stop.

Returining fire.

22 x :snowball: for @Syrius @Antheia & Colossus @Germanamazon @JohnStrong @Kens @WolfDreamer @MissSmilla
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