The Paragon Path Towards An Epic Destiny


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Ok, so it's going to be a rest day. The dungeon stretched for far too long, and I guess it was because I put too many encounters. Of course, that's not my issue only. My players got stuck into the most stupid things, such as many different ways to open a door, up to the point of wasting an Alchemist's Fire on a stone door that was soaking wet. They did heed my warning about the first level of the dungeon being heavily populated by Sahuagin, and tried some things to not fight them, but gloriously failed at them because they forget V components make sound. Of course, the Rogue was the MVP, and managed to do what the Bard failed to do at first: lock the doors behind them, thus avoiding every single encounter against wandering Sahuagin that could come from behind.

When it cames with puzzles, though... even with the clue, they needed to have the help with an NPC that's with them (the Sorcerer's Ritual Book has the spirit of a Wizard from the early days of history trapped inside). Again, the Rogue player ended up figuring the puzzle out, but I do commend the Sorcerer for using rituals creatively, as well as the Rogue for confusing the hell out of a Sahuagin party by casting Darkness as a racial, and those Sahuagin failing at any attempt to get out of the sphere as the Sorcerer created a sphere to protect the party from a lightning spell that would've electrocuted them because they were all underwater. He did the same to protect the party from a dart trap that triggered whenever they got the lever combination wrong.

It was fun. I was at my best as a DM. It's a shame that 90% of the session took place on that level, while the second and third level I had to rush them because it was getting late. Man, I was looking forward for the third level; that's when they got to control the golems, and I wanted them to fight as golems! They did get spell scrolls that are spells imported from other systems. Pathfinder 2e's Biting Words is there, as well as DCC's Magic Missile (renamed as Unstable Magic Missile); both experimental spells written by, you guessed it, the Wizard trapped in the Sorcerer's Ritual Book. Someone managed to find her old office very recently, and continued with her experiments. They liked the hook, they liked the spells, so now the spellcasting is about to get crazy.

The Bard player already announced that he won't be coming next session. I'm going to carry on without him in this campaign, as he already told me what his character plans to do in the place where we are going. I don't mind letting my Paladin go for the session either, leaving a session for the Sorcerer and the Rogue to cause mischief around the new area.

The Sorcerer player also noticed one thing about our party: we are all CHA casters. We have an Oath of Vengeance Paladin (who is the total complete opposite of my Cleric, and that I didn't notice until today), a Phantom Rogue, a Divine Soul Sorcerer, and a Lore Bard / Artificer. The Rogue would've been the INT caster if he went for Arcane Trickster, but instead he only has the racial spells, which happen to be CHA based too. Yes, love me some Tieflings.

I also did a change of the rules because I don't want to track XP points anymore, and make sure that everyone is on the same page. No, instead, I took one from The Elder Scrolls, and have them level up by using their abilities. This means that, whenever they roll a Nat 20 on an Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Saving Throw, they get a Mastery point as a group, and a Mastery point as an individual. The group Mastery is only for me to track their progress, while the individual Mastery is for them to spend one of those points and roll an additional D20 to add to their first D20. I feel this is a better way to level up their characters, as they are rewarded for excelling with the use of their skills. Seriously, a Critical Success means they excelled in their task, thus rewarding a Mastery point makes sense. There's a video about it by Dungeon Craft, which is why I got inspired to add this mechanic on top of the Hero Points that I've imported and modified from Pathfinder 2e's. That's one reason I call it Mastery; the other reason being is because I took ICRPG's Mastery mechanic as a framework for it. Speaking of ICRPG, I also incorporated Battlefury to all characters, with the shift being that they'll only activate Battlefury on a Nat 1, and they'll accumulate Battlefury with each Nat 1. Everytime they fail, and even with the bonus from Battlefury they won't succeed, the number will not increase. It will only be increased with Nat 1s. Battlefury is a good mechanic that saved our Fighter's life in Planescape more than once, and it got him into becoming a Barbarian when his rage about failing so bad was only supposed to be a flavor for the extra bonus. In the case of our all-Tiefling party, the Battlefury increase will represent their frustrations as the number goes up.

Does adding this with the Hero Points break the game? Absolutely, and I like it. Remember: what's good for the players is also good for the GM. That's why I brought Pathfinder 2e's Critical Rules at the table, so that there are Critical Failures and Critical Successes, and I also added the requirement that there has to be a difference of at least 10 between the total rolled and the AC/DC, meaning one can be thunderstruck or the baddies are the ones thunderstruck. These rules also count for my baddies. If they get a Nat 20, they also get Mastery, and can use Mastery to increase their rolls, thus making it challenging for the Lore Bard to use her Cutting Words feature. The Critical Rules changes also affect me. Is it fun, though? Of course! Combat becomes more deadly, thus it runs faster. With spells imported from other systems (like DCC's Magic Missile, to which the Sorcerer fell in love with), this Campaign ended up being more fun to run.

Too bad it drained all my concentration juices today. I couldn't draw. I didn't do Burpees because I got distracted. And, you know what? I'm not beating myself to it. After doing Burpees non-stop for more than two months, I earned my rest. And if I can't focus, then I shouldn't draw. I actually deleted what I sketched because I knew I could do better.

So yes, a rest day. Not really physical, but mental rest. With two less characters for next session, I can focus more on finishing the place we're going to, and do a session that is less focused on combat and exploration, yet they won't be forgotten. Social interaction is my main goal for next session, but it will be the players who will do things... unless, like today, they feel a need into being slightly railroaded.

March 3rd, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 158

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Toe Tap Hops +EC
Count: 1403 - 1399 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Push-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 21

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 3
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 28/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 0%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Today was pretty much a broken day. Seriously. While I managed to woke up earlier, I only managed to put 615 words. Then, there was the powercut, to which I didn't do much. Just barely read a book before I realized the technique that I needed, made a few notes, waited for the power to come back... It came earlier than expected too.

I pretty much did nothing today too. At least it wasn't my worst day, but it is definitely not of my best. I wasn't killing it today, and honestly, I hope it changes tomorrow.

I'm going to bed now.

One more thing:

I insist: there is only one way to do this workout:

March 4th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 158

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Sit-up Elbow Strikes +EC
Count: 1404 - 1400 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: You've Got to Move It, Move It! - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: Monday +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: 100/50 Strength: 1 Round
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 10 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 22

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 4
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 28/365*
* Partially. I will finish the drawing tomorrow, because it's taking me a bit longer than I anticipated.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: Quick edit of 615 words in the morning
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 0%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Well, today sucked a bit. I woke up late, and had to do stuff that I didn't plan on doing. Then, I just spent my day journaling to get my things together.

That's it. I didn't edit because I couldn't. I failed at continuing my drawing because I realized there was a big mistake. A really big one that anyone could notice it. Is not a mistake that requires me to start over, thankfully, but it is a mistake that requires for me to get more references because I am struggling; that lesson is killing me. I did something different though, something that I must have done a while ago, and that is learning how to draw map keys. It was also a good opportunity to try out the new pen and practice with it, and it works well with it. I can draw a map with it. A simple one.

Not much to say about today, except that I could've written.

March 5th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 158

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds One-arm Plank Hold +EC
Count: 1405 - 1401 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 7 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:v: 100/50 Strength: 1 Round
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 22

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 5
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 29/365*
* Still on it. There was a mistake that I must fix. It's taking me longer than it should've, and that mistake is way too huge to not fix it
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journaling
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 4%

Other Victories:
Guitar class


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The powercut today felt very long. I actually ended up drawing a map during it, and almost started to use it to play a solo D&D one-shot before building the character got the best of me. I wanted to do more than simply what I had in my head, and what I could do. While I saved the map, it gave me some ideas that I wrote out.

I didn't write today either. The powercut didn't allow me to write as I wanted. I also felt a bit sleepy, and woke up late, and...

Honestly, not a good day, and both yesterday and today are on me. Then again, the heat is horrible. I just can't do anything! If I stay in my room, I'll be cooking myself. If I go somewhere else on the house, I'll be stressed because having people around doesn't make me to focus. I pretty much have nowhere, and must really think about an environment where I can work safely. There's a huge reason I don't promote my stuff anywhere. Sure, keeping my anonimity from my pen name is a reason (even though I had to use it during the DAREBEE conference months ago; else I'd be using my deadname), but it's also the fact that what I write, and what I draw since I'm signing it with the same pen name, is not really something I can freely share. Yeah, pin-ups aren't the worst thing in the world, but there's nudity in the book too, so I can't just go to the park and draw. Worst case scenario, the book will be considered porn and I'll be arrested (yes, that's illegal here, as I mentioned previously in one of my logs; I don't recall which), best case scenario, people would start cancelling me on Instagram or Tik Tok, which is completely survivable, and I'll probably use it to my advantage... at the cost of outing myself.

It's quite a dilemma. Until I am done with that book, I am stuck here. I can curve the NSFW material in writing because, number one, I write in English, and number two, I can only count with one hand the number of English-speaking people that I know of here, all of them are my friends and are aware that I add NSFW to the table (yes, it's my D&D group, and we added it out of necessity due to our Fighter screwing everything that moves until he wanted to have a biological kid. Infamous third-party 3e book quoted), and I still have fingers left to keep counting. "But why don't you just tone your things down?" Well, because if I start censoring myself, then what's the point on me writing? I already know what I write about will offend a lot of people, and frankly, I don't care about offending them, especially when they are offensive on their own.

I digress.

I don't even know what I was talking about. Anyway, I asked for a kick, and I got it. It was a rushed workout routine, and I managed to finish my drawing. It took me hours, and a lot of dedication for it. I was into it. I didn't want to stand up until I was finally done, and when I saw it done, I just fell in love with it. As soon as I saw the lesson I knew that I had to draw my girlfriend in that pin-up pose, and she was quite hyped about it. It felt like the first time I drew her, and I just fell in love with her even more. Yeah, it's the same feeling.

I must wake up early tomorrow. Got a last minute notice at the non-profit, so all associates must go there early morning. I'm going to wake up way earlier than usual so that I can do my stuff. Probably a speedrun, some hour of editing, and start sketching the next lesson. I don't really like the face for the next lesson, so I guess I can fix it. Suddenly I am reminded to one of the hands lesson my art teacher got in his manga class. One of those hands had six fingers, and he never said anything, expecting for us to notice. Everyone always gets confused upon drawing that hand in particular.

March 6th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 159

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 3 Minutes High Knees +EC
Count: 1406 - 1402 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: That Kick I Asked For - LVL III +No rest between sets
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Sit-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 22

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 6
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 30/365*
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Not much done to progress
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 4%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
March 7th. Remember March 7th? Five years ago? That's when everything started to fall apart. That was the time when the powercut that lasted for an entire week started. That was the week when I went completely crazy. I mean it: crazy. It wasn't really FOMO, but it was like I had a part of my body had been ripped apart.

Just like that day, I've also had a bad day today as well. I woke up late, again, which was no big deal. Then, it was a bit of a waste of time to go to the non-profit, as I just stood awkwardly while I bit my tongue as I listened to comments that triggered my dysphoria. It was an awfully hot day, and I was looking to go to Qi Gong, but then I had to stay home. I tried to write, but I had no idea about what to do. I tried to draw, but then I had to fight against the router, which now I'm thinking of blowing it up to pieces by putting firecrackers inside of it, because I am losing my patience already.

So yeah, no writing, no drawing, absolutely nothing! A complete bust! A failed day!

So why mentioning 2019 now? Well, because I was reminded about it and... I'll talk about this on Sunday because it is more proper, because something happened to me during the blackout, something that actually changed my life forever. It happened when I was completely at my worst, and now that I'm remembering those days, I feel like I can struggle through this. I know this week has been awful. Hell, it has been awful since last month, but I have to keep going. I just... don't know... what is it that it's getting me stuck in this state where I can't write or edit, or even draw! I don't know what the hell is happening that is forcing me to do nothing! And I can't just do nothing!

I guess I have to make a sacrifice and go outside. If they cut the power tomorrow, I'll do it. Otherwise, I'm going insane again.

March 7th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 159

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Side Elbow Plank +EC
Count: 1407 - 1403 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 10 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 22

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 7
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 31/365*
* Another one that I had to leave it started
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: A failure of a day
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 15%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Horrible day. Somehow worst than yesterday. I woke up late again, and I didn't even do anything today.

Awful. The heat was worst. I checked it out. We're reaching temperatures that are close to 40ºC. And it won't stop anytime soon.

Honestly, I just want this month to be over. This is probably the worst easter-time heat wave I've lived, and it will be done once Easter comes. I'm considering this a plateau in my life instead of lazyness, and while I am frustrated that I'm not doing anything, at least I am reading my book.

It's the only thing that's keeping me sane...

I feel like I should just go to a colder part of the country and stay there until May, when temperatures finally start dropping. Maybe El Niño will be over by then.

Nearly 40ºC; that's the Venezuelan far west, not the midwest!

March 8th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 160

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Back Leg Raises +EC
Count: 1408 - 1404 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
50 Full Burpees
40 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Rogue Princess - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 22

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 8
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 31/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: 674 words for D&D prep
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 20%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Nope. I took a break today.

I didn't do anything except rest, and try to make sense of the disaster that's been this week. I just had enough of being a people-pleaser, and also having my plans made up for me instead of me making my own. I had a thing to attend today for the non-profit, something that I wasn't looking forward to for many reasons, and every day I saw it on my calendar had me triggering my dysphoria. After I noticed that it was so in the way today (and yet today I woke up late as well), I just couldn't make it. I cancelled D&D for tomorrow. I didn't have a session prepared because I couldn't prepare it; the event was in the way. Then my dysphoria got triggered so badly because...

I mean, I am transgender. And one of the signs that I know I am transgender is because I don't understand gender roles. I don't understand what those are, I don't understand why are those strict, I don't understand why one gender must have these, and the other must have these, I don't understand anything about it, and it confuses me a lot. I just don't get it Maybe this is because I am transgender; I've lived through both genders, so I don't understand what's the point of the roles! I always understood the punchlines of sexist jokes, regardless of the gender they mocked, but what I never understood is why is that the punchline. I don't, I genuinely don't. The things that a man can do? A woman can do it! And the things a woman can do? A man can do it too!

I don't understand why everyone is so stuck upon these gender roles! So every single time I am faced with a situation that is "oh, women are like this," "all men are like this," "you must be a man..." At first I took it, but now I am losing my patience about it. I don't understand, and the more people explain it to me, more confused I get.

What is wrong with people? Why are they so stuck up on this? Why?!

Just so you know... the event was a celebration of Women's Day. It was planned on our last meeting, and they did a thing that was a role reversal: men are going to attend women during that event, as the event was going to be fully dedicated to women. Honestly, the whole role reversal thing is already sexist enough to my point of view, because as I ranted above, I FEEL THE WORLD WOULD BE MUCH BETTER IF WE STOP USING GENDER ROLES COMPLETELY! But what I hate the most is this closet I am stuck in. The fact that I have to be a man; THE man in a non-profit where the majority are cisgender women... which, to be fair, is not their fault; the majority of the population in the country is female, but that's not the point. The point is me being the man, over and over again, the man...

I went to take my walk, bought a new notebook, and decided that, over the next two weeks, I am going to do nothing but keep on my drawing challenge, keep preparing for D&D, and simply get my shit together. Tomorrow is an important anniversary for me too, so I am done with this. I am tired of this bullsh*t of a week that I've been thrown. I'm sick of this heat that will get worst and worst until temperatures start getting lower in April, as El Niño finally recedes. I scribbled out "SH*TTY WEEK" in all caps on my calendar for this week, because it's been just awful, and the fact that I got my dysphoria triggered for an event that, frankly, I never cared much about, is just...

I'm tired. I'm overwhelmed. I just want to journal, and start doing the procedures that I must. Today, I started to organize myself and wrote down all the things that I want. Some I ignored not because I don't want them, but because I can get them over my journey. I wrote them down in a single line, and over the next two weeks, I will spend my time giving shape to it. I had enough of this.

I should take into account the weather into my plans too. I never thought my productivity would be killed by a heatwave, but it did. Just learned that the temperature at the far west peaked at 42ºC, and it will probably keep going up.

But yes... I need a break... I really need a break of this life.

March 9th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 160

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Climber Taps +EC
Count: 1409 - 1405 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: 100 Push-ups +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 16 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 9
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 31/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journaling
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 20%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 1,041
"I sing and I know things"
Big hugs to you! :hug:

I am also in the 'wtf does gender have to do with it' camp. I don't feel like I have a gender most of the time, so how it could be such a defining feature of me? I shouldn't have to treat other people differently based on how femme or masc they present themselves, let alone care what they have in their undies.
I'm so sorry you had a wretched week of dysphoria. No wonder you've been struggling! I hope you can take good care of yourself and the stress doesn't cling on for dear life.

You're a wonderfully creative and determined person, and you deserve to feel safe and happy :love:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide. Use CTRL + F and write "March 10th" without quotes if you want to skip it.

You know, I never admitted to this until late last year. I figured it was about time to come out of the closet about this.

I am a suicide survivor. Five years ago, at around this time (at the time of writing), I actually tried to kill myself, and nearly succeeded. I was very stressed by the powercut, not being able to contact my girlfriend, having my career stalled for who knows how long, and we didn't know how much money we had in the bank, and didn't have any cash, or could get access to it, and...

It was a very stressful week, filled with a lot of uncertainty, and for me it was the last drop. On the third day of the powercut, at around this time, when everyone was asleep, I went to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife we had. Then, I just stood there, on the living room, with the blade on my neck. My hand trembled, as tears didn't stop bursting out of my eyes. Afterwards, in one angry motion, I threw the knife at the dining table, and looked at it in complete horror in what I was just about to do. What happened? I have no idea. There was no outworldly experience, no visions of mythical beings, nothing of the sort. It was just me, throwing the knife at the table, and recoiling at horror to what I almost did. Even in the middle of the panic, I picked it up, and put it back on its place.

That's what happened during the powercut that, quite frankly, triggers me when the power goes out for longer than usual. You get used to the powercuts, yeah, but what about the fact that I was literally one swipe away of bleeding myself to death?

Quite frankly, someone died that night, and it wasn't me. I didn't realize it before, until I was reminded, for the first time in five years, that the powercut happened around this time of the year in 2019. That's when I noticed one important thing: that night I killed me, or rather, my older self. It was the night that the man I used to be died, so that the woman that I am could live. Using the TTRPG analogy, it was the moment from when I turned from Zero-Level, to a 1st-Level Monk. And is not like I picked my class, but rather, the class picked me. My backstory ended in 2019, and now I see that those five years are not enough for me to level up. The table plays on 5e rules, but life plays under OSR rules.

This is what I've talked about a few days back. So, instead of having a bad day today, of being overwhelmed by intense heat, by tasks that are piling up, and always straying away, I decided to rest, and simply celebrate the fact that I survived a suicide attempt. I never thought I'd say it, but I did survive a suicide attempt. What is it that I learned from it, though?

There's a line in Canserbero's Es Épico, and he says it when he's fighting Satan in a rap battle: "there's an important factor that you're forgetting: all fears go away the moment you lose your life." That's what I mean with the fact that I killed me that night. If I had the courage to off myself, then it meant that I had nothing to lose, for I lost everything, including my live to will. So, instead of taking my own life, why not give it a try? What's there to lose? Hell, even better, if I shall go, why not going off on my terms? Try it, and do it with a bang!

That's what I've been doing. Trying, failing, and trying again, and again, and again. Trying harder, failing harder.

At first, sometimes, I went back to that hole, but now... now I'm just reminded that there's nothing for me to lose. Nothing. Every single time I think I have something to lose, I just lose it anyway. What's the point of being afraid when I can just keep pressing forward?

Thing is that I'm not as smart as I thought I was. After being diagnosed with ADHD everything changed. I'm relearning things, yet I keep falling back to my old mistakes. The book that I'm reading is helping, and today was helpful too. I relaxed, I finished my pin-up babe, and wrote on my journal. I started to pick myself up from what's been a horrible week, and decided to not tackle anything for next week, and the next one. At least nothing that isn't D&D prep, drawing, or responsabilities I can't get off of. I need to relax, pick myself up, and start writing down what I want, what I don't want, and all of that before even organizing everything. Because I am the big nerd (girlfriend's words, not mine), I will implement rules from D&D 5e into this. Already brainstormed a few with AI, but I'll start tweeking everything over the next couple of weeks. It will be only one task to do, and once the two weeks are over, I'll start testing things out.

I needed this. Taking the day off was the best thing I could've come up with. I feel like I can breathe again.

Why did it happen though? Aside from self-imposed standards that I can't meet just yet, things simply piled up. Getting attacked by plot bunnies doesn't help, and my tendencies for worldbuilding rather than writing stories killed me. Also, the heat. Seriously, it's impossible to work with this heat. See? This is why I need to prepare better. This is why I need to take time to prepare instead of doing it rushed. Even the weather f*cked me over the week. I need to take high temperatures into consideration. I'll have to take it, and draw or write out of the house when a powercut strikes and the heat is unbearable. I could go to a park, or the local bakery since it has a generator and they have AC.

Lesson is: don't underestimate the heat, even if you're a Tiefling who is accustomed to it.

March 10th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 160

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 W-extensions +EC
Count: 1410 - 1406 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
60 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Catch me... if you can - LVL III +Megaset
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 10
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 32/365*
* Finished what I started
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journaling
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 26%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
It might not feel like it to yourself, but you are an incredibly strong person and I greatly admire you for it. "Today" may be tough, but eventually a tomorrow will arrive that will be better than "today". I have faith! :hug:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@MadamMeow It arrived indeed!

@Syrius When I actually told my therapist that I skipped talking about my mom's aunt a lot in my life history because I'm a victim of [her] narcissistic abuse. He quoted Jung on it: "What you resist persists." Since that session, there's one Struthless question that kept coming back to each bad memory that I had: "how is this the best thing that has ever happened to me?" I shared it mostly to show that's, probably, the best thing that happened to me because it closed an entire chapter. Like I said in the metaphor, it was the moment when the man I used to be died, and the woman I am now was born. I understand what you're saying, but is not really about strength. It's about growth.

I did something different today: I split my most important task into smaller tasks. Then, one tick started to become another tick, and slowly, before I knew it, 99% of that list was completed. I could have gone for 100%, but I decided to let it slip because it is very late, and that task wasn't really a priority. I read a little about it, and it seems that I'm actually triggering my brain to produce dopamine, so that I get to do more and more, and I actually felt motivated today to do things, even when I let distraction to come in and play for a bit! Just ticking one task by one forced me to do more, up to almost 100%ing the day. I guess this is just like in videogames. You know, when you play... Skyrim, let's say, and you do a quest, and you start going through the objectives one by one, and you don't want to stop until you reach the end of the quest, and when you open the journal you can not only see your current objective, but the objectives from that quest that you completed... It's like that: progress.

Then, I learned a new way I could use my journal, so instead of using one page for each day, I use two: page one for the to-do list and things to schedule, and page two for journaling. I am going to go through more notebooks this way, but this is much better than the way I was doing it before. I also decided to limit myself to put up to 9 tasks on a day. These tasks are going to be categorized in different ways, depending on the day and how I feel. Some days I will prioritize them in three categories: important, mildly important, and non-important. Some days, I will categorize them in the places where I must do them: the computer, the sketchbook... And some days I will just put the two things that, if completed, will make the rest of the day easier, and put the rest afterwards. I'll be testing this out over the next two weeks. Indeed, the next two weeks are just simply me, spending four of those six hours I've been given to chop down a tree in sharpening my axe.

Today I journaled. That's what I did. I also drew, but I stopped half-way because there was a mistake, and I want to start over. I didn't clump my drawing this time, and instead signed it, and did everything as if it was finished. It is part of the challenge, and I want to use it to fix my mistakes tomorrow, when I'll do another attempt at it. As for my journaling, well, it was mostly to figure out what went wrong over the last four weeks. Two things destroyed my productivity: the rising temperatures, and there were too many random encounters. Yes, I said that, because that's what they are: unexpected events that interrupted my momentum. I also learned that a key to them is that I'm a people pleaser, and the reason I am a people pleaser is that I've been raised into one. I have a hard time saying no, and it's very easy to manipulate me into saying yes too.

There might be other things. I'll do it again tomorrow, and journal more deeply on it because I'll have more time for it. My notes for today will help for sure.

It's funny. Right now, I have in my lap an old notebook that I used on the 7th grade. The spaces that I never filled out completely became the first pages of my diary, and it all started in November 12th of 2015. Reading upon that entry, I was so confused that I still didn't admit that I am transgender, and tried to make up many excuses, in complete denial. However, that's not why I'm telling you this, so forgive me for digressing. What I want to say is why I started to journal on that day, and that was because maybe, just maybe, my story could help someone in the future. I was (and still am), after all, a writer back in those days. An amateur one who was completely scattered, but a writer nonetheless. Writing a diary made sense too, because that was such a deep secret, like, who would've thought the most transphobic guy ended up being a transgender woman? The irony of it is what drives me to keep pushing forward over this long marathon. Also, I think I succeeded in my goal of helping someone in the future far much earlier than I anticipated. Nine years later, it is my own life story that's helping me to overcome the bump that's been the last four weeks.

I don't think I've ever felt this much gratitude for my actions in the past. If I could talk to my past self right now, in that night, I would just tell her "you have no idea how much starting this habit is helping me nine years later, so don't give up. Also, we're not dressing like in Blade Runner, sadly, but there will be a sequel soon, and it will be good! Do yourself a favor and go to the movies the day it premieres! You won't regret the experience!"

Right of the bat, I feel my shoulders a bit lighter today. While I'm not tackling any challenges tonight, I do feel like I can go through with them in the future. If doing 150 Burpees daily says something about me is that I'm stubborn when it comes with challenges.

March 11th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 160

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 3 Minutes Backfists +EC
Count: 1411 - 1407 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Monday +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 10 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 11 | Set 1: 227 Reps | Set 2: 236 Reps | Set 3: 243 Reps
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 33/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journaling
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 26%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
I am so happy for you! I'm glad you found a new way to do things that will help rewire your brain a little as well.

There really is something in the checks and being able to see your progress. I get it.

And I love that you found your old journal.
Makes me want to go dig out my old diary. What a trip! :LOL:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
And I love that you found your old journal.
Makes me want to go dig out my old diary. What a trip! :LOL:

I only have two volumes so far. Both are pretty big notebooks (around size A4; first volume has 394 pages, but only few of them are my diary, second volume has 160 pages, and current volume has 300 pages), so that's why... though on the second volume there's a blank because I stopped writing on it for years, until I decided to use the big book not for everyday things, but for those long journaling sessions where I need to think, analyze, or simply write with a lot of detail. Pretty much a freeform way of writing that is not limited to a single page, and just let everything go. They are close by, just in case I need to peruse over my old entries and reference something that has happened over the last nine years.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I spent the entire day journaling, getting distracted, and not drawing. It's fine, really. I don't mind not drawing because I'm not trying to make it a habit, but rather a skill recovery. Besides, I took the luxury of skipping my drawing because I wanted to focus solely on checking what the hell went wrong. And now I think I know what's going wrong, and it is a total of five things. Some are critical, and I came up with solutions already. Tomorrow, I'll start solving those problems. According to a Markdown file where I put down my ambitions, I have 16 long-term goals, with many of them intertwining, and some of them I can't accomplish just yet. There's also the fact that I have so many campaign setting ideas in mind, and I'm trying to develop so many in so litle time...

So, just like the advice of drawing the same thing every single day for a year, I'm actually shortening stuff up. Picking one project for each one of my goals, even if these projects are just for fun. Just one, and stay focused on that until it is finished. Funny enough, some I can finish them quicker than others if I just focus on them.

That's probably the most critical issue: I'm scattered. I don't prioritize my things. I'm disorganized, Aside from being a people-pleaser, and living in a place where my room can turn into a literal oven on a bad day (seriously, direct sunlight exposure during the afternoon), I am severely scattered. Thankfully, the fixes are easy. Applying the fixes, though... that's a different thing.

E: Wrong number.

March 12th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 160

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Sahaja Navasana +EC
Count: 1412 - 1408 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Full Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 12
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 34/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journaling
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 26%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Alright. I did a pin-up. I ended up rushing towards the end because I got tired, and I couldn't fix my mistake. Maybe I'll do it again in the future, once I finish the book. I already know this was a bit expected. PewDiePie had this type of downfall at this point when he drew for 100 days too, so I guess it's a thing. Nevertheless, I don't mind. Again, I should aim for progress, not perfection. If I keep repeating it, I'll be stuck on a loop. I have to move on. That's why I put in place the rule of never repeating the same lesson more than once. The first attempt will be practice, but the outcome will still count as a drawing for the challenge. This is not only to learn as an artist, as my girlfriend intended when she pretty much stopped me from throwing a drawing to the garbage, but also as my way to learn about embracing my flaws and the obstacles on the journey. Yes, there will be obstacles, and some obstacles will hurt. Roads always have nasty turns, big gaps, slippery parts, and all manners of issues other than bumps, so those unfinished drawings, those that have a lot of mistakes on them, those that pissed me off will count. Is not about perfection. Is about progress.

Which brings me for the goal of the day, to which I couldn't complete. I woke up very late, and rushed into doing my responsabilities. The powercut helped and also didn't help. It helped with me getting my drawing done, but also it didn't help because that was the time I intended to use for my journaling. I was going to prevent that by putting the info I needed in my phone, yes, but I forgot about it completely. I turned off the computer as soon as I anticipated the powercut coming, and didn't remember until before I had lunch. Nevertheless, I partially journaled about it, and left it as goals for tomorrow. It's fine, really.


I'm doing this again. Not now, but I'm doing this. I'll start doing this once I get my body going to sleep on the hours that I want, meaning before or at midnight. I'm going to bed much later than that, and is screwing up my schedule. Yes, I am the one who said I'm more creative at night, and that remains true, but also I am already exhausted at night. Mentally exhausted, I mean. So, if I'm going to do something at night, even if it is writing, I'd rather do it for fun instead of work.

March 13th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 161

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Side Jacks +EC
Count: 1413 - 1409 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Fight Like a Girl - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Full Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 13
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 34/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journaling
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 26%

Other Victories:
Guitar class


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The pin-up I did today was very quick, so much so that it surprised me. In less than 30 minutes, I had 50% of the sketch ready, and once I came back from Qi Gong, I finished it so fast. I wanted to keep it black and white, but I decided to get out of my comfort zone and colored it instead. I ended up with a result that I really feel proud of, and it is the first one I consider a literal pin-up, like one that you would actually put on the wall!

I also did my journaling efforts today, and I ended up reducing my entire polymath goals into three. Many of them lead me into dead ends, or maybe I should say blocked roads because they are in maintenance? I'll have to think about a better metaphor later. Some are things that I can actually either add to my routine (like practicing Python or Portuguese for 30 minutes; something that I randomly do during the day whenever I pick up the dictionary or scroll through memes in Portuguese... today was accidental, as I needed to look for a Bible quote and ended up opening a Portuguese translation instead of a Spanish translation), I can do on parallel and progressively, or that don't really require me to do something. The last things don't require me to add anything else into my routine, as I am doing them now (one of them is preparing myself for pole dancing).

As for projects, I reduced everything into 1 project per thing. This means that I'll follow my projects this way:

  1. Writing a book? Only one book.
  2. Writing a bi-weekly short story? Focus on one story or one series.
  3. Writing an Actual Play? Limit to 1 Actual Play per pen name, which would total of 2. Focus on the most important one, and the other one let it be one-shots.
  4. Drawing? Focus only on Pin-up Babes. If I have the need to draw something different, I must have drawn the Pin-up first. The exception will be book covers.
  5. Worldbuilding? I can only work in two worlds simultaneously: one has to be on digital support, the other one has to be on analog support. Keep them small and open-ended, meaning I have to follow the Gygax 75 up until Week 5. Anything else will be expanded with stories, and they will come when I decide to write or play over that world.

It looks like too much, but really, the main focus here are numbers 1, 2, and 4. If I'm doing incredible, or if I'm bored and must do something different, I can tackle the other things. If I actually get done number 2 earlier than expected (the pause was for me because I am a 12-year-old inside the body of a 30-year-old woman and must laugh at puns on toilet humor), and I am not working on a number 1 (another pause), I'll tackle other efforts that require writing.

Why must I do this? Because Worldbuilding is fun. For GMs is the same as creating a new character for players, or at least I think so. And if I have a stack of worlds ready to be played, and they are never played, I could simply give the settings to the public by selling them. There's only five settings that I'm keeping to myself; anything else can go away and either stay underdeveloped, or never be developed at all... or at least, not developed by me only.

That's it for today. It's been a productive day, and I was good at it. Of course, I will still remain developing my own campaign because, number one, it is one of those five universes that I'm keeping to myself, and number two, I have a bigger responsability with it than the rest of the unborn worlds. The third reason is that it's fun to come up with adventures, and then let them play out in the table. I don't have anything ready for this week; I'll start developing tomorrow, but the other GM is looking to GM this week. Not sure if he has anything ready, but in case he doesn't, I'll still prepare something.

Also, I saw a flyer taped on a lightpost today (with a typo on it, so I am not the only one who has typos on their post, but these people could've seen it after printing!) that said that they were looking for athletes looking to take a up a CrossFit beating, and a QR code below, with an Instagram handle. Interesting way to promote a new gym in town. After checking it on Google, I found out that this is the second business here that is LGBTQ+ friendly. The first one is a local coffee shop, that's also pet friendly. This is good. This is actually a good sign! Maybe things are changing for good in this country!

March 14th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 161

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Prone Reverse Fly +EC
Count: 1414 - 1410 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Last Life +No rest between sets
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: Courtship: The Call of Virtue
:v: Ideogram Qi Gong: Xian
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 4 Double Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 14
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 35/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journaling
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 29%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
It was a very lazy day. I didn't do my pin-up challenge today. I forgot that there was another exception: calendars take a bigger priority than pin-ups. I drew the calendars for the next three months considering we're halfway through March now, and didn't prep for D&D, which is fine, I'll prep for Vigilante City tomorrow, if I have the time to do so.

The powercut was short, but I ended up doing a lot of worldbuilding efforts on my analog world, and I think I'm almost 50% through the Gygax 75, which is good. Using the almighty pen is an interesting experience, because now I can't fix any "typos" that I make, and I can't delete any ideas that I write down. I'm only missing the 2D6 table of Random Encounters. I only have a few ideas for it.

I haven't written today, but my brain is slowly coming back to before I took my break. I still have a few things to do next week, but so far, this week has been pretty successful. Just me, getting my stuff together, and now I'm ready to take on my tasks. Besides, today felt like a lazy day... Even my stretches were lazy.

March 15th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 162

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Squat Hops on the Spot +EC
Count: 1415 - 1411 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 15
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 36/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 29%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Forced rest day.

It was a bad day. Someone got her day ruined, and I had to pay the price.

I declared a computer dead, after months trying to find a way to fix it, only to end up being the PSU dying slowly, until it never turned on again. I simply gave up on it, and called it. I also spent the day watching a strange mix of social commentary and comedy videos, which was a lot of a waste of time, and not so much simultaneously. The big thing is not that, but actually, the fact that I woke up with an upset stomach today. After spending almost the entire morning in the bathroom, I simply realized that there's no way I could save this day at all.

Therefore, forced rest day.

I tried to work out, but I only managed to do 23 Burpees before I got frustrated from all the effort that's taking me, and that I still had more responsabilities. It was not a good day at all, and I don't even have plans for tomorrow. Thankfully, I am not GMing tomorrow.

March 16th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 162

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 3 Minutes Side-to-side Chops +EC
Count: 1416 - 1412 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
23 Full Burpees
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 4 Lunges
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 16
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 36/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 29%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
D&D got cancelled at the very last minute. I was about to get ready before they cancelled.

Which meant that I had nothing to do today. I even made a list of things, but only accomplished one item, and another one where I didn't put much effort upon.

You know what? I didn't care about doing nothing today. I thought I'd do, but I don't. I just did nothing, and that was okay. I even had to skip dancing because life got in the way, but at least I did my Burpees. It wasn't a crappy day like yesterday, but it was just a rest that I needed, I guess. Just nothing at all. No tasks done, and a lot of time "wasted."

I needed it. The fact that I napped for two hours (and I was about to add more hours into it) on the floor was enough proof for me that I needed to rest.

We're out of water too, so tomorrow is going to be a very long day. Maybe next week will be a long week too. I guess today was for mentally prepare myself for it, and I am not looking forward to next week. Everything will fall apart again.

March 17th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 162

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Side Kicks +EC
Count: 1417 - 1413 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Ladybug +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Squats
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:x: Indoor Cardio: Day 17
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 36/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 29%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Unexpected powercut early today. The power came back earlier too. Nevertheless, the day got busy... way too busy...

I am tired. I don't have Internet right now. Again, it just stopped working as we went to work with the water (finally came tonight!), and so far it hasn't come back, so maybe it'll be tomorrow.

I'm just glad the day's over, but the busy days are not over yet. Tomorrow will be busy too, and I am not looking forward to it.

I got to draw again too, but only did the first three steps. Tomorrow I'll do the rest and finish it. I also wrote down a lot of things on my whiteboard, and I'll clean it up tomorrow, once I make sense out of everything before I forget it.

March 18th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 162

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Shrimp Squats +EC
Count: 1418 - 1414 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Epic Calves +EC
:v: Monday +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 4 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 17 | Day 18
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 36/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 29%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Ugh, tomorrow will be busy too!

And I just procrastinated a lot today even. I don't have a lot to say!

March 19th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 162

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Bear Plank Hold +EC
Count: 1419 - 1415 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
60 Full Burpees
60 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Woman of Action - LVL III +EC +Double Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 19
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 37/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 29%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Interesting. I did some math as I was doing Burpees. You may have noticed that I increased my numbers yesterday, and I'm trying to figure out a way to decrease the number of sets back to 4. I divided 150 by 4, and ended up with 37.5 Burpees. That 0.5 helped me to work out a split for 150 Burpees in 4 sets:

2 x 40 Burpees
2 x 35 Burpees

It's a good split, and it also gives me a nice opportunity to increase my number to 160 Burpees by adding the missing 10 in those two sets, leaving it to 4 x 40 Burpees. 160 Burpees is actually the total of Burpees done in the Death by Burpees workout at LVL II

At LVL III, it ends up being 200 Burpees.

I also got curious. @Sebastian_Greil sent a meme on Discord captioning me once I get to 666 Burpees, which I hated for one reason: it is making my ADHD brain aching to reach to 666 Burpees in a workout just to see how long does it take me, while my body is like "PLEASE, NO!"

Funny enough, with some math, I calculated how long would it take me. I can do 100 Burpees every 10 minutes, with the 30 second rest. Sometimes it takes me more, sometimes it takes me less, it depends on how rushed I am, how good is my form, and how tired I get; every day is different. I can do 600 Burpees in an hour, while the remaining 66 will take me up to 5 minutes. That's taking into account that I'll be doing 30 seconds of rest between sets, something that I don't think I'll get to do as the amount of Burpees increase. Even I have my limits, and 666 Burpees in a single workout is enough workout for a day, like, damn! I could do it, like... once or twice in a year? Not everyday though. If I do that everyday, I won't be doing other workouts.

Which reminds me, yesterday, during my walk, I overheard two parents discussing their kids in Karate class. One of them complained about their sensei making them do 100 Burpees for no reason. I don't know how I kept my poker face, because I was like "and here I am, doing 150 Burpees, and even more in some days, with today being 171!"

Gosh, I'm such a nerd, I'm so sorry for nerding out on this!

Anyway, today was a successful day, even with the powercut! I mean, it didn't stop me. It happened early again. I think they are cutting the power earlier now, which is good, because it means it'll come back earlier. As I was saying, I was successful today. I managed to do my priority elements, and even went on to keep going with the challenge, including the guitar class in the middle of the day. I could've done more, but the weather didn't allow me to do more? I kid you not, when the power came back, my fan was blowing hot air. It was more like a hair dryer than a fan. We were at 36ºC today, and I learned that this week will be the hottest week of the year so far in the entire country. It is the Spring Equinox, and temperatures will rise as Easter approaches next week. I wasn't alone on my trip to the bakery after my walk, but I didn't bring my stuff with me, so I had to make stuff up in my phone, like microjournaling and making a vault for some homebrew rules for a TTRPG. I could've drawn, though my drawing today was NSFW. In fact, out of the next four pin-ups in the book, two are NSFW. The next one is SFW, so I can draw it in public, but I guess I have to have the book in my phone rather than the physical one.

It was a good day, even though I was not looking forward to it. Tomorrow will be less restrained, so I can start going after stuff without issue.

Also, I guess I picked back up writing today? I just had something in my head that I had to get off my chest. It isn't fiction, but it is a piece of writing.

March 20th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 163

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Virabhadrasana III +EC
Count: 1420 - 1416 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 20
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 37/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: Journaling, 372 words of some weird essay that popped in my head, an index of 272 words. 644 words in total, not counting my journaling efforts.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 33%

Other Victories:
Guitar class


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
If you do the 666 Burpees, someone better give you an award. I know you probably can do it, but still...

Schitts Creek Wow GIF by CBC


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@MadamMeow I don't think I'll be able to do it, or at least not right now anyway. I mean, is not like I'm trying ot break a record, but it's still a huge number that could take me the entire day, at worst. At best, I can do it in one hour, in theory. I can't do it now though. While is not as bad as before, I still have a hard time reaching LVL III of Death by Burpees.

However... I could try to do Death by Burpees at LVL III three times in a day, plus 66 Burpees?

...please, someone stop me, I am SERIOUSLY considering it now!

ADHD won in the most spectacular way: tasks completed unsuccessfully. Yes, I hyperfocused through the entire day, so much so that I stalled my time to cook lunch. The problem is that I did it on the activities that I wasn't supposed to hyperfocus, and ended up jotting my ideas and slightly developing them throughout the entire day.

I did not journal even, to which I am just frustrated because... I'll do that now. I'm just skipping the list because... it's past midnight already.

I did wake up early today though. I skipped Qi Gong because the weather was very suspicious. It was... cloudy, it was hot, but it smelled like rain, and... I mean, it never rains before Easter or during the Easter week, but still it was odd. I ended up following my 40 and 35 Burpees formula... even though I got distracted at one point.

Seriously, my head was completely out of itself today. It was a bad day. ADHD took over completely. Tomorrow I'll have a harder time, or in other words, my ADHD will have a harder time.

March 21st, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 163

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Arm Scissors +EC
Count: 1421 - 1417 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
40 Full Burpees
40 Full Burpees
35 Full Burpees
35 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 21
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 38/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 33%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
It got busy...

Too many random encounters. I mean, I could've taken today, but then a drop of sweat simply destroyed my drawing, so I ripped it off and tossed it to the garbage. I was barely starting, and my own sweat ruined it completely, and I just couldn't wait because I knew that, if the power came back, I wasn't going to do it!

Indeed, that happened. Time moved way too fast today. I had to get busy twice, removing my workout and limiting to only Burpees today, and...

I'm frustrated. I'm pissed off. I'm not just sick of people depending on me, but that I just can't control my time as I want to. I wanted to do good today, and I couldn't! I couldn't save the day!

This is another awful week, I guess. My only hope is that tomorrow I can save it, because things are stacking up. I could've done things even with the things that went on, but I just can't snap out of it to do stuff!

How do people manage to just... do things? This month's just been awful. Some people say that I'm someone of admiration because I achieved things (like graduating after going through two revolutions, millions of strikes, and an undiagnosed ADHD that hindered a lot of my progress), others because I am disciplined, but if you read this log you'll notice that I am not disciplined at all! You know there's this bell curve? If we apply this bell curve to undisciplined and disciplined, you'll see that people are always in the middle; moderate. In me, however? The curve is upside down, and I am at the extremes. Either I am a task-completeing machine, or I am the laziest person you'll ever meet.

I wish I could blame it on my people-pleasing tendencies, but is not that. This time, is just a lack of respect for my time.

It's just another bad day, and I don't want those to stack up, so action must be required...

...and it is done. I wrote a severe punishment on my whiteboard: if I get distracted by the same reason as I did today and yesterday, I'll spent the entire day drawing, in a pen, all the full lessons from the book, using only the last step as a reference. The daily drawing will not count for the challenge, so the counter will be stuck. If such a thing happens I must also break the promise I did to my girlfriend about carrying on with a webcomic she's following (I actually stopped because I don't like to read serialized stuff until the serialization is finished), or else I must go back to Day Zero from the Pin-up challenge and start the book from scratch again.

There, I kept myself accountable. I won't delete that from my whiteboard until I do one thing, and I have a plan: 1 task done, read 1 issue. Animedoro, all over again. I shall do both kickboxing and dance tomorrow, because I refuse to sacrifice a day of kickboxing this week.

E: Typo, also missing 1 set of Burpees

March 22nd, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 163

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Lunge Step-ups +EC
Count: 1422 - 1418 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 23

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 22
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 38*/365
* There was an attempt, but alas, a rebellious drop of sweat ruined the page in a critical part of the drawing, so I had to discard it and ragequitted for the day.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 33%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Alright, I couldn't do everything, but I did most of the things. I guess I should've known, but I learned that the environment can influence ADHD, and make symptoms worse. Honestly, getting diagnosed explain a lot, but this also explains a lot more. So, I had to take a cup of black tea, because I don't know where the coffee is in the house. We hide the coffee because certain person abuses it, and it is not her fault, but it does a major impact on everyone's sleep, and even lives. But yes, like I said, I had a cup of tea because I needd the caffeine.

It worked. I managed to hyperfocus in the biggest task that I wasn't able to do since I begun this period of rest, and I hyperfocused so badly that I almost skipped lunch, and even had to squeeze out my training late at night. I managed to dance, but it wasn't as much as I wanted. There was little rest. I also managed to keep on with the webcomic, only to find out again the biggest problem about me not reading webcomics: my Internet is slow, meaning that pictures either load poorly, or don't load at all. You have no idea how much immersion gets ruined because of it, so I just went through it quickly to get it done. The issues are short, thankfully, but it's still annoying that they don't load properly because of my Internet. I already had a hard time reading Unholy Blood a few years ago because of this, and I told my girlfriend that I was sorry, but I can't share that hobby with her because the Internet just kills the mood. I'll finish this comic for her, but after this, I'm not doing it again. It's too much trouble, and I'm already falling behind on the many things that I must read.

I didn't draw. I wanted to, but there was no time. Hey, at least I triggered an hyperfocus in one thing, meaning that I can control this if I just learn how to do it.

D&D has been loosely confirmed for tomorrow, but we don't know what will happen. I won't be DMing, as far as I know... unless they want to play Vigilante City, to which it's no problem; I can generate a session in the middle of it because ICRPG supports that; especially Vigilante City.

March 23rd, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 164

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Plank Leg Raises +EC
Count: 1423 - 1419 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 24

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 23
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 38/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 33%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
D&D day. Characters are developing a lot. My Cleric did her first Divine Intervention, and it was a huge surprise that she managed to roll exactly 5% of the 10% needed for it to succeed. I was more surprised by that than the rest of the group. I thought it was going to be part of another failed attempt to proove that she is a goddess, only to have the dice gods being tired of characters not taking her seriously. The plot of the campaign is thickening quite a lot, and it seems the DM is finally looking to find a way to close the story, so he's giving us the developments that we needed.

We finally resolved a huge point of our Barbarian's backstory. All that remains is my plot and the overall plot of the campaign, which seems to be intertwined between them.

Also, the water came late last night, so I slept very late. My plan was to post this morning, but they cut the power even earlier today. It seems the schedules are changing again.

See how chaotic things can get?

March 24th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 164

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Scorpion Twists +EC
Count: 1424 - 1420 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
40 Full Burpees
40 Full Burpees
35 Full Burpees
35 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 16 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 24

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 24
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 38/365
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 33%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The heat crippled me today. However, I am bouncing back. It was a good idea to take the breaks, because I found myself finally outlining my book. After breaking everything into smaller steps, everything seemed doable. While I couldn't draw today, I managed to do an important thing: go back into writing.

I wish I could've done more, but I am happy with a Priority task done than a to-do list all ticked off, with the majority of the items not regarding the progress that I need, not the progress that I want. It seems to be working to classify my tasks for goals into quests and divide them using the Mass Effect category system. You know: Priority, Dossier, Citadel... So far, I only used the words Priority, Assignment, Dossier, and Challenge. Assignments are the tasks that don't have much impact, or it's just minor stuff that I can do whenever.

Which leads to me not having time to draw today. Like I said, first: the heat. Everywhere, people were talking about this week being the hottest of the year, and maybe the hottest in Venezuelan history, yet we were at 34ºC at most. The humidity was at 41%, so that was fun. Even though they cut the power even earlier (seems like they're looking to change the schedule again), it came back at the peak of the heat. I barely managed to put up my cast of characters and list out the chapters that I want for my book. No writing effort done but that.

Anyway, it might be pointless, but this week can change once March is finally over. Once April begins, the temperature will start to go low, as it makes way for the rain season. Plus, El Niño is starting to receede, so we'll finally have a break with this violent heat.

Going after this because I need it. I may miss Sundays and Thursdays because of the water, but I don't really mind. I just need to wake up early once again and squeeze some fresh mornings and get myself some extra time. I'll edit the post tomorrow to let you know if I did it or not. I'm going to take off the badge now.

E: I did go to sleep early!

March 25th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 164

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Pacer Steps +EC
Count: 1425 - 1421 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Burn & Build - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Stronger Glutes
:v: Classic Abs +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 24

:x: Indoor Cardio: Day 25
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 39/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 1 - I've got this.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: There's a plan brewing
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 33%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Bad news: it wasn't a good day. It was supposed to be a good day, but it didn't happen. There was an unexpected powercut in the middle of the afternoon, right at the height of the heat. Not only that, but it was 36ºC, and it was horrible! I was tired. I woke up way too early, I was sleepy, and I had to nap on the floor. The heat alone was enough for me to not do Burpees, even though the DAREdice rolled Burpees, but those were the only ones I did. In fact, I pretty much did not work out except with a few things, plus the walk I did to the hospital and back. Therapy was incredible, but the rest of the day was just...

Yeah. I could've gone to the bakery, yes, but I was completely tired. I was surprised when one of the workers at the hospital gave us a lecture about the current heat wave and outright told us there has been cases of dehydration since it begun, so the hospital is working this week.

Anyway, day of failures, but that was because it was a bad day. Again, I am counting on the weather now, but I was simply not expecting a powercut on a Tuesday after they got us used to the Monday - Wednesday - Friday schedule. Though, to be fair, they are supposed to be unnanounced and randomized, because we're not in 2010 or 2012 anymore, when the previous dictator, while equally as crazy as the current one, at least had a sliver of benevolence, even though he was just as hateable.

March 26th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 164

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Urdhva Mukha / Adho Mukha Svanasana +EC
Count: 1426 - 1422 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 16 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 24

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 25 - Set 1: 458, Set 2: 480, Set 3: 528 | Day 26
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 39/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 2 - Nice and cosy
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: It didn't happen
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 41%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@Maegaranthelas Well, it was better today, but it still wasn't a lot of victories.

I got distracted. I also moved my class from yesterday to today, which I didn't mind, but it got in the way. They didn't cut the power today, yet we experienced short powercuts which just made me slightly paranoid. At least the temperature peaked at 34ºC again, and not at 36ºC. I noticed that we're getting as low as 21ºC during the night, so it only affects us during the day.

Another reason I didn't have a lot of victories is because I overslept. My fault, but I guess it's my body trying to catch up on sleep.

As for the Get to Bed on Time... Well, I won't be doing that tomorrow because it's water day. I already know that Thursdays and Sundays will be hard because the water will come.

I still did 200 Burpees today though. Not in the same workout, but in the same training session. That's for missing my Burpees yesterday.

I'm not sure if Qi Gong will happen tomorrow or not. Regardless, I'll skip it because it's the Holy Week and all. At least next week the temperatures will lower. I can't wait until this week is done so we can start having lower temperatures. Again, I'm blaming the stupid kid for this (yes, I'm talking about El Niño).

E: What do you know? I went to bed early today as well!

March 27th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 165

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Wall-sit +EC
Count: 1427 - 1423 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +No rest between sets
:v: 2 x 25 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 24

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 27
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 39/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 3 - Bed time it is.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Almost
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 41%

Other Victories:
Guitar class
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
It could've gone better, but I think it was my normal self. I procrastinated a bit, and I didn't finish my drawing, but it was better. Putting hours of work seems to be working so far, even though I woke up a bit late today as well.

Nevertheless, I started to do my stuff. Nine tasks feels like a bit of an overkill, but the fact that I managed to do almost 50% of them means that this could be my normal self.

I went to bed early too because the water didn't show any signs to come, and it never did.

I also learned that I should read my own work more often. I did it and managed to separate myself from my work, and it was a good experience. It made me realize that I write good stuff, as I pretty much forgot it was my own work that I was reading. Everytime I thought "did I seriously write this?" And I did. These are the stories of these type that I wanted to read. They weren't there until I made them. Granted, it's been a month since I wrote that story, so I guess that helped me to disconnect. It's motivating, honestly.

March 28th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 165

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Butterfly Sit-ups +EC
Count: 1428 - 1424 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Classic Abs +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 24

:v: Indoor Cardio: Day 28
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 40*/365
*Left unfinished.
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 4 - I am getting all my Zzz's tonight.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: 742 words on session prep
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 41%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Heat problems. Not only that, but my fan broke, so I had my productivity lowered for the day. At least I cleaned my room. I eventually got the fan fixed, but still, it was a while without anything to do. They didn't cut the power, and I managed to finish yesterday's drawing, and kept outlining my book, but I skipped preparing my Vigilante City session. It was on purpose too. One player will be missing for the next three session because he has to work, and another player told us today that he's starting to feel sick and doesn't guarantee he'll be fine on Sunday. The third player also seemed that he was looking to cancel, so... Again, it's the Holy Week. I mean, I went out to walk today, and the streets were empty. People were either sleeping, or taking a trip to the beach, and most of the businesses were closed.

I'll use this weekend to write more, and to keep going with my reading, and still go with this Get to Bed on Time challenge. I overslept a little today, but got out of bed earlier than yesterday. It's working, so...

Off to bed now!

I missed some workouts due to the heat, but I moved them up for Sunday.

E: Barely made it early to bed.

March 29th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 165

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Prone Reverse Fly +EC
Count: 1429 - 1425 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 24

:x: Indoor Cardio: Day 29
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 41/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 5 - Dear Bed, I love you.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: Not counting words, but I kept outlining today
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 41%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I didn't manage to get to bed on time. The day was... elongated, at the lack of a better word. There were so much issues in the morning that pretty much the entire day fell apart. None of those affected me, thankfully. I spent the entire day, locked in my bedroom, building up my ICRPG session. Why did I do that even though we weren't going to play? Well, because I wanted to have it done, and I just had fun making that little dungeon. It's quite deadly too, but it's Vigilante City. Overpowered players are the norm in that World.

Other than that, I read some more, and that was it. I couldn't draw, but I did dance (finally!), and just chilled. I kept going on with my book, even though it was only a very little, but I kept on.

Because I don't have a game session today, I am unexpectedly free. Oh, I also finished Indoor Cardio! I actually forgot Day 29 the day before yesterday, so I did them both and claimed my badge.

March 30th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 165

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Side Elbow Plank Rotations +EC
Count: 1430 - 1426 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 4 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Indoor Cardio: :completed: Day 29 | Day 30 :star:
Up Next: Cardio & Core
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 42/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 6 - Tomorrow is another day.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: 2635 words! Granted, everything was session prep, but it still counts!
:v: 1500 Get!
:v: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 44%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@Syrius @Mamatigerj Thank you! :welcome:

Ok, today was a very lazy and boring day. Seriously, I didn't know what to do! My to-do list was very short, and with ICRPG cancelled, I was pretty bored. I finally caught up with the Nevermore webcomic, so now I'm waiting for the next issue on Friday. Other than that, I pretty much did nothing. Even working out felt like a chore, so I decided to take a break. If it's a boring day, then I better relax. Instead of feeling pressured to do things when I just can't, I let myself go and do nothing.

Which felt good. It was a bit of a reset, and it helped me to carry on with stuff that I got lagging behind.

I'll be back at my regular routine next week. I think tomorrow will be a Combat day. Man, it feels like it happened a long time ago, but it's only been a year since @Kanary passed away... I want to do the Kanary workout again, at SS level, with rest between levels, for her. I also want to do For Victory & Cake, under the same rules, for her. And Monkey! because... yes, of course, extra Burpees. I might need those, because I lagged behind on them this week.

March 31st, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 165

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Squat Hold Calf Raises +EC
Count: 1431 - 1427 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 10 Squats
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:x: Cardio & Core: Day 1
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 42/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 6 - Tomorrow is another day.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: 451 words in campaign worldbuilding, plus some extra words I didn't count because they were handwritten
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 44%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,361
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The big problem was a powercut that happened right in the middle of the day that I thought it wasn't going to happen. I thought we'd had power for all day, but they cut it at a critical time, so I pretty much couldn't do anything. Then, I tried to do more, but... yeah, time slipped all the way off of me.

It didn't help that I went to bed very late last night, at 3 AM. Suffice to say is that I woke up very late, and didn't have time to do anything. I knew that was bound to happen, so I'm not beating myself too much for it, but hey, 253 Burpees! That's good enough for me.

April 1st, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 166

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 10 Jump Squats +EC
Count: 1432 - 1428 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Monkey! - LVL SS +EC +Rest between levels
:v: Classic Abs +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 10 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 1
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 42/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 6 - Tomorrow is another day.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 44%

Other Victories: