The Paragon Path Towards An Epic Destiny


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@TopNotch They don't take too long if you do them all in a single session. 150 in like 10 to 15 minutes, and the extra 100 were part of Monkey at LVL SS. With EC, and resting between levels, it totals up to 3 minutes of rest, so... yeah, it takes less than 60 minutes as a whole. You're well within your rights to consider me completely crazy when I actually do the +600 Burpees that I mentioned in one of my posts, which right now they seem to be the greatest idea of the world. Someone stop me!

Troubles. It is the first time I've seen the phone company to be faster than taxes. The Internet went down because they charged us way earlier than they should, and while we paid for the service, now it's completely intermittent. It randomly cuts whenever it feels like it, and it goes back, and so on and so on. That's why I didn't post yesterday: the service went down as a whole since last night, and only came back this morning. I did go to bed early, which is good.

I too woke up early today, but I couldn't seize on the day just yet. Hence I am posting right now, almost at noon. I was supposed to seize this morning, but I guess I couldn't make it. Whatever, I'll make stuff up later. I got a few things ready in the case of a powercut today. I'm also considering to keep this month entirely as a kickboxing month, so... two days are down. Yes, I'll be doing those workouts at LVL SS for someone you all know.

Like I said, it feels like it's been longer than a year.

E: I linked the right workout, but didn't replace the name.

April 2nd, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 167

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Push-up Shoulder Taps +EC
Count: 1433 - 1429 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: For Victory! & Cake - LVL SS +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 2
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 42/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 7 - Do not disturb.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 44%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Not a good day. I wasted my morning. I was supposed to draw on the afternoon, but I ended up sleeping instead. Then, I was supposed to write, but I am nearly at bed right now.

Yeah, it was a wasted day. The heat was horrible. It rained early in the morning, but the humidity increased so badly that it ended up being pretty much as bad as the hot week we had. Thankfully the temperatures aren't as high anymore, but the fact that it's raining again means the rainy days are finally coming to the rainforest. I'm hyped for them.

I'll see if I can write tomorrow, though I'm not sure if I can.

April 3rd, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 168

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Knee-to-elbow +EC
Count: 1434 - 1430 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Kanary - LVL SS +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 3
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 43/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 8 - All I Need is Sleep.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 47%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Something came up yesterday, and I had to reschedule things today. While I haven't written (and it is far too late to even count today as a 'going to bed early' day), I had to work around things in order to get my stuff in order. Needless to say that everything flopped, but I managed to accomplish a lot in such a short notice. I even finished the drawing I started and now...

Now I am faced with lesson 12 from the book: the hardest one; the one that has such a level of detail that I must take my time in order to draw it. Thankfully, I reserved a place to draw it, and it'll be different because I'll make a giant piece of art, but it still intimidates me. So far things were simple enough, and then comes this one as a slap to the face.

I am going to try to write tonight. Keyword being "try" because I am not sure I'll make it.

April 4th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 169

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Jumping Jacks +EC
Count: 1435 - 1431 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: The Perennial: The Transmutation of the Spirit
:v: Side Quest - LVL SS +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 16 Sit-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 4
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 43/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 9 - I am going to dream big tonight.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 47%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Alright, I'll just say it was a very annoying day. Yes, even though I woke up at a good time, I lost my morning. Nevertheless, I caught up on the afternoon, during the powercut, even after getting frustrated with the drawing because, as I stated, this lesson has way too much detail, and I'm just sketching it and already got frustrated mostly because of the weather than the drawing itself. I am doing fine though. I am starting, and I left it started, so that's one step ticked off. I also started a flyer for a project, and left it almost done because I wanted to think better a few things, and I'll do better tomorrow without the pressure of powercuts, list of pending things, and the like.

It was, overall, an ok day for things, even when there were two powercuts, with the second apparently being more an accident and a nuisance rather than an actual powercut.

Is this the thing that got me moody though? No, it isn't. You know what's getting me moody? Well, the good morning I had! I had a very amazing morning! I've never had a better morning coffee before in my entire life! What's the recipe, you may be asking? Well, the recipe is that we are going to have a Thought Police!

Yes, I said that right: a Thought Police. What's the news? Well, the National Assembly decided it'll be a good idea to draft a law to fight against Facism and Neofacism for some strange reason, instead of... I don't know, fixing the utilities that we are paying for?! Sure, the name sounds so innocent, but when you realize that this is not only an election year, but the two opposition candidates that presented themselves as an option were forbidden to participate in the election, with one of them being unable to travel through air due to a prohibition they put on her, you get the idea of where we are going with this. Am I overreacting? I wish I was. I really wish I was overreacting, but no. They aim to fine people for saying things that aren't in line with what the government says, or put them in prison for it, for who knows how long and how much money. They are also looking to put a "special" chapter for social media.

Yes, it's the Thought Police. I really find it really funny that it is an antii-facism law when they are just proving themselves to be the facists in the first place.

I really don't know what to do. Due to the stuff that I write, the only thing I can think of is that I must leave, as soon as possible... I must go... anywhere! It's either that, or go to the Venezuelan Ministry of Love (for some reason, the Helicoide got viral a few days ago), because this isn't going to be pretty. If this is happening this year, I am afraid of what will come over the next six years of dictatorship. Will the country be just as bad as Cuba and North Korea? Probably? I really don't know. All I know is that I must get out of here, even if I don't have any way to leave...

E: Well, at least I managed to get on time, even though it was almost late.

April 5th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 170

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Balance Side Lunges +EC
Count: 1436 - 1432 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Monkey Queen - LVL SS +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 5
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 44/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 9 - I am going to dream big tonight.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 47%

Other Victories:
Started a new flyer.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
No sleeping early today. I had too many issues throughout the day, including a meeting at the non-profit that, thankfully, I prepared myself for during my planning.

I didn't count on the government cutting the power at 7:30 PM until 11 PM. Did I mention they're planning to make a Thought Police with a law that defines Fascism with a lot of Doublespeak instead of, I don't know, fixing the damn utilities that, somehow, have gotten worse since they started to charge people for them again? I am not sleeping early tonight. If the powercuts are going to be a night thing again, I'll just kill that challenge because I won't be able to sleep early on nights that are incredibly hot.

Man, they really screw you over with this schedules. My D&D group is beyond pissed off with these annoying powercuts. Rightfully so. In fact, everyone is getting pissed off by this.

At least I managed to play the guitar and read the book until... almost the end. This book has a meditation program that needs to be done in four weeks, give or take (it's quite ambiguous about it because it considers people who are beginners and experts in meditating, so Joe is more flexible upon the time it'll take for each task and encourages people to take the time that they need instead of relying in his arbitrary way of programming it), and it's a meditation that aims to be 60 minutes long, done either in the morning, after waking up, or at night, right before bed. That will require some change in my schedule, but I will keep reading and take notes on the tasks so I don't have to open the book every time. At 70% progress it's time for me to start checking out another book, and this time I'll continue The Unfair Advantage before going back to the James Bond series.

Anyway, let's see what happens tonight. The group didn't cancel this week, so we're looking for Vigilante City tomorrow. Already warned them the session might get deadly, so they must be heroic and use their Powers to the fullest extent and play smart instead of just hacking and slashing their way through the Dungeon I planned out.

April 6th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 171

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Climber Taps +EC
Count: 1437 - 1433 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: Wild & Free - LVL SS +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 10 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 6
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 45/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 10 - INHALE EXHALE
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: A little worldbuilding on a notebook.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:
Played the guitar during the powercut.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
How is it that I both had time and didn't have time works? Like, I managed to get a lot of things done in the morning, and yet I didn't have any time to do anything at night.

The water didn't came either, so we're at low reserves, in the hope that it'll come tonight.

On the other hand, ICRPG day. It was good fun, and I warned my players it was going to be deadly, so they were very creative. There were too many low rolls, to many Hero Coins spent, and too many times when players went to 0 HP. In fact, one of the players was about to be Blown to Bits (ICRPG rules say that, if a character gets damaged badly enough so that they end up having -20 HP, regardless of their HEARTS [HP is measured through HEARTS in ICRPG, with one HEART being equal to 10 HP], they are instantly gibbed. Not incapacitated, unconscious, and dying, simply gibbed... blown to bits), but because he took the Lucky power in character creation, he survived it miraculously at the sacrifice of his final Stun Points, remaining incapacitated until he did a recovery check on his turn.

So far they are liking the story, and they want to incorporate more characters to actually build a team of superheroes. I already have some NPC heroes in mind, with two already introduced. I encouraged them to make them up because it's very simple to create characters in ICRPG, and I was told they had two ready. All I need is a way to incorporate them in the story, but I know that next time I'll do something different. Honestly, I'm having fun with Vigilante City. It's fun to see them come up with insane solutions to the puzzles I introduced them to. While they didn't manage to rescue all civilians (one of the players screwed up by skipping an entire level of the Dungeon using his power, missing in both rescuing the hostages and extra loot), the solutions they came up with went from quite ingenious to something that is either out of The Incredibles, or Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and I'm in for it. Our speedster pushing a disabled ship on the water like Dash? Everyone ended calling him our own human engine.

At the end of the day I didn't work out beyond doing one roll of the DAREdice. The session took everything from me, and it was good fun.

April 7th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 171

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Elbow Plank +EC
Count: 1438 - 1434 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 4 Jumping Jacks
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:x: Cardio & Core: Day 7
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 45/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 10 - INHALE EXHALE
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
The law against Fascism reeks. I'm reading some more into it, and it seems that it's aimed to fight against the opposition leaders as a whole, including the ones whose careers ended due to their failures. The government is referring to them as a "cult" and this law is in "defense of humanity." In fact, what I think it's the worst offender is someone important saying they consider Maduro as "father of the Venezuelan because he worries and cares for us like a good father." Who said that? Our vicepresident.

Maduro is Big Brother. The use of words like "cult" is Neospeak. The proposal for it being in the name of "protecting humanity" and the way they define Fascism is Doublethink. The commission that Maduro himself will put to enforce the law is the Thinkpol. SEBIN is the Miniluv, and, of course, Helicoide and La Tumba will be Room 101.

We're entering into our Orwellian arc, and it is very spooky. I just needed to vent this, because I'm scared. It might sound like I'm paranoid, but it is only a matter of time before they start banning books, mental health, churches, and everything, if not to take control over them and only have propaganda all around. Dark times are coming, and my only option is to both fight and flee.

I'm thinking about Bruce Lee, more specifically this quote: "I am not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me." It's the only thing that's keeping me cool right now.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
3 Burpees today. I didn't have time to do things. All I could do was think about what I should do next. Somehow, I see some opportunities in the horizon. As I said in the previous post, the only options that I have ar fight and flee simultaneously, or die, both literally and figuratively. So let's say that yesterday was just me taking a deep breath before I face the day, and it's going to be a long one.

I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot of work to do. I must stop slacking and to my work. I really must make myself accountable whenever I get trapped inside the loop that is the Youtube algorithm, and I also must make myself accountable with other things. I have a lot of work to do too, and a lot of reading. Quite a lot of reading... I have to find the time to start the meditation program...

The water came last night too, so now I can finally go to bed early once again.

April 8th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 172

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 20 Get-ups +EC
Count: 1439 - 1435 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:v: Monday +EC
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL I +No rest between sets
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 4 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 7 | Day 8
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 45/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 10 - INHALE EXHALE
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I rolled 20 Burpees on the DAREdice. Alright, I get it: I didn't do Burpees on Monday, so I did extra.

I didn't do a workout though. Honestly, I thought I'd have time, but my time got eaten away. By the moment I had time, it was already bed time. For nothing, because I woke up late today, but at least I went to bed early.

I'm skimming through the meditation program for the book, and it feels a bit strict. However, I think I can do it, but not in the hours it recommends me to do it. I guess it'll be more difficult, but I'm doing some other exercises that are related to the theme of the book. I was going to do a journalling exercise yesterday, but again, I got trapped by time constraints. I won't today, even when there will be a powercut coming up in one or two hours, I estimate...

April 9th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 172

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Chest Expansions +EC
Count: 1440 - 1436 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 9
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 46/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 10 - INHALE EXHALE
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Added 50 Burpees more to reach to 200, though it wasn't in the same workout.

There was only one victory yesterday, and it was only partial too. The powercut lasted for the entire afternoon, and I spent most of it sleeping and bathing in my own sweat because... yeah, it's still hot. Not as bad as before, but still hot. I wasn't feeling good either. Pretty demotivated to do things. It's really annoying how I can't have control of my time with the powercuts happening all around, yet adjusting to mornings is difficult, but it's the only choice. At least I'm getting out of bed at a constant hour, early than usual, but I'm not doing anything productive first thing.

I could revert to before, but then I can't squeeze the time I want to squeeze from the constant powercuts and all. I haven't written anything so far either, and that's worrying me. I've been so focused on my habits that I forgot to write, and I want to write.

Yet I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it today. I planned out my day to do other things.

April 10th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 173

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Elbow Clicks +EC
Count: 1441 - 1437 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 2 x 25 Full Burpes
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 10 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 10
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 46/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 11 - Keep calm and go to bed.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journalling
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@Maegaranthelas It'll definitely be easier if the circumstances weren't as chaotic as they are. It feels like I'm walking on a tightrope between two skyscrapers, with strong winds pulling me back or taking me down.

I skipped working out yesterday, meaning there's two days this week where I don't do Burpees. I call this an emergency now. Of course I could've done them earlier, but we were ate 36ºC on the afternoon. And while I went to bed early, I had to get out because I wasn't sleepy. Why?

It was my mom's birthday. It was fun, and everything, and I really don't mind it. It's just that I didn't plan on being involved with a surprise that almost got ruined because mom decided to do more errands than I expected. I tried to stop her, but wasn't able to do so. So yeah, instead of Burpees, I celebrated my mom's birthday, even if it pains me to skip more Burpees because of it.

I also drew more. I'm getting sick of lesson XII, so I went with an idea I had in my head for a while and drew it. Then, the two black markers that I have decided to die on me while I was inking the drawing! Still, somehow, I managed to squeeze everything out of them. It isn't my best product, but I am going somewhere with it. I'll be doing this as I keep going with lesson XII, because it is taking me a long time. All I have to say is that, after lesson XII, I don't want to draw guns, or any pin-up babe with military paraphernalia for a long time. Way too many details, and I decided to complicate myself more by making it look like and old-timey Soviet propaganda poster, including cybernetic hands instead of gloved hands because it's cool. Yeah, I'm complicating myself more just to follow the rule of cool. I'll probably put a tattoo on her that says "Property of the Kremlin" in Russian just to give it more of that feel of a Soviet dystopia, or the same feel that some of those post-apocalyptic Soviet novels had. I still can't get over how good was the Soviet sci-fi back in the Cold War. That's what brought us S.T.A.L.K.E.R. after all. Will you believe me I got that tattoo idea from a piece of Mass Effect fan fiction that I read during a powercut? I'm not much of reading fanfics, so it was rare of me to read one that day.

Royal H. must be watching me with disdain today. I shall make extra Burpees today.

April 11th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 173

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 50 Elbow Strikes +EC
Count: 1442 - 1438 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:v: Ba Han Sheng Qi Gong: The Perennial: The Transmutation of the Spirit
:v: Ideogram Qi Gong: Heng
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Jumping Jacks
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 25

:x: Cardio & Core: Day 11
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 46/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 12 - I deserve more sleep.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Almost
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:
Aside from continuing the drawing, I made a new one.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@TopNotch He did say 4 was sufficient... times 100

Alright, buckle up, because I had one major victory: I woke up early, and got out of bed early. The powercut was also early, which was great because it gave me the time I needed to do some errands, like getting a couple of new markers and pens, and then I got to drawing, which I almost finished during the powercut. I had to stop because, like I said, that lesson has SO MANY LITTLE DETAILS, and I just couldn't keep going. I voiced out my frustrations and just decided to not draw any Pin-up babe with military paraphernalia or guns for a long time. I'm almost ready to ink it; the only thing that's missing are a few details from her boots and her beret, but I got both the gun and the cybernetic hands done. I didn't even realize she had a grenade on her jacket until I closed up on the page and realized that was what that square was for, and got even more frustrated because it's even more details into an already complex drawing.

I wasn't home when I drew too, which also helped. In spite of the heat, I had some fresh air, and later went to the bakery to rest for a couple of minutes before the power went back on. Then, I decided to do nothing, and prepped for my D&D session before working out.

So I did 400 Burpees. 200 at the beginning, and 200 at the end. I warmed up Shuffling to the Cha Cha Slide because as soon as I put in the playlist, that was the first song that came up. I just had to! And I had to do 400 Burpees because... Yeah, it's to compensate the Burpees that I've skipped, but also because I wanted to do more. My goal is to aim for 1000; not in a single workout! But throughout the day. However, 400 was good enough. I couldn't do anything else because I had a hard time lifting my legs afterwards, so I meditated for 5 minutes instead.

I also went to bed immediatly after shower. No night routine, just straight to bed. After all, I didn't get enough sleep because I woke up so early, but I got my things done. Not so many victories, but the victories that I had are insane.

April 12th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Squats +EC
Count: 1443 - 1439 +EC

Night Routine:
:x: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:x: Five Rites
:x: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 200 Burpees +EC
50 Full Burpees
50 Full Burpees
50 Full Burpees
50 Full Burpees
:v: One Kick (Side Kick) - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 4 x 50 Full Burpees
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Sit-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 26

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 11 | Day 12
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 47/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 12 - I deserve more sleep.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: 637 Words
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I can't write. I am falling asleep right now. Same reason as I couldn't post my log yesterday.

There was a powercut this morning that happened right when I was going to post. In fact, there were several powercuts today, and they were quite violent. Thankfully, it got resolved later on. The high temperatures are screwing over the electrical grid, and there have been stuff blowing up everywhere. The entire grid was never built to withstand this temperatures, aside from the fact that it is old, and it hasn't been kept properly since 1999.

I did a paper on this in high school, and things haven't improved at all. It just gotten worse.

Still, D&D day. Almost all analog.

April 13th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds High Knees +EC
Count: 1444 - 1440 +EC

Night Routine:
:x: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:x: Five Rites
:x: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 27

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 13
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 48/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 13 - I will take over the world. Tomorrow.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: Session prep.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:

April 14th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Calf Raises +EC
Count: 1445 - 1441 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 4 Sit-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 27

:x: Cardio & Core: Day 14
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 48/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 13 - I will take over the world. Tomorrow.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Something went wrong in my walk, and I had to cut my training for the day. My right calf is tight. I think I stepped wrong when I got up on a sidewalk. I did a test, and while I could do 20 Burpees, I decided to not do anything instead. Going up and down the stairs tightened even more, and stretching didn't help.

I don't think I feel better today, but I'm certain that I'm able to do Burpees, judging by the fact that I didn't feel bad after 20 yesterday. I'll go for 2 sets of 30, and if I'm ok after, I'll keep going up to 150, judging it by 1 set at a time. Because I missed on my workout yesterday, I'll change my plans for today.

There was no powercut yesterday, which seems suspicious on one hand. Then again, they put our devices in danger on Sunday (thankfully, I always leave my house with the computer unplugged), but nothing was endangered, thought it could happen. It has happened to us, and it's always the power surge protectors that die first. So far three had died on us, and our electronics are safe because of it.

I almost wrote yesterday, but I didn't. I did (finally) finished the pencil on lesson XII on the Pin-up drawings, but now I need to ink it. I have to because it looks very bland.

Still going to bed early. I'm doing this. I think I can do this. I mean, I am waking up early lately, always before near noon. During the long powercut from 2019, I always woke up at 7 to 8 AM, and always went to bed close to midnight because it was boring.

April 15th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Vrksasana +EC
Count: 1446 - 1442 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
20 Full Burpees
:v: Monday +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: 3 x 30 Seconds Elbow Plank
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 16 Squats
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 27

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 14 | Day 15
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 48/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 14 - Charging time.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@TopNotch @Fremen @Anek @MadamMeow @Syrius @Mamatigerj Thank you! My leg feels better today, though it's still tough.

Interesting. A powercut that went from 3 PM until 8 PM. While I did not get bored, as I actually finished my drawing (FINALLY!) and read quite a lot of GURPS Lite, it ended up being quite boring. I had a guitar class too. I mean, today could've been good, but it wasn't as good as I thought it would be?

At least I had an outline done. I grabbed one of those giant notebooks that were in the house, folded it in a way that I could have it like I do with spiral bound notebooks, and did an outline for a story; outline that took me a while to do because I had no idea about what I should do. That was it. That was my entire writing progress today, and you know what? Instead of feeling defeated, I am going to embrace it. I know I am going slow, and not only it is hard to climb back to my place, but also is a long way. The powercuts aren't helping. Either they are changing the schedule, or things are going to be randomized once again. Whatever it is, it'll be hard to get used to it.

I quit outlining things on the computer too. I don't have a second monitor, nor the space to put one, so I don't want to deal with a lot of software open. I already have a hard time having Discord and Youtube open for music, though I kept Discord closed once for a while, and it didn't make too much of a difference. So, having my outline outside feels like it helps. Not only that, but I can actually do it the way outlines work for me: a flowchart. I can't stress this enough; flowcharts are so much better for outlining a story than other things like timelines, lists, and stuff. It works for Game Mastering too. I mean, I took it from the Mythic RPG after all. I'm also testing out this system, especially what he calls the rough draft, as I am prone to hyperfocus on one thing and keep on that thing instead of following the steps.

Well, look at me, using the H word! I mean, I have to. I've never even considered that I had ADHD, let alone it's the thing that's been screwing me over throughout my entire life!

Visual reminders are working for me, and this method is a visual reminder. I already have three scraps of paper with everything written down, and I'm putting them always in sight, along my outline, and my dice. Did the outline on pen too. Two pens, actually: a blue one, and a black one.

If this means that I'm learning to do things differently, and do them better, then let it be such. Hell, I'll even embrace taking it slow. If I'm relearning, then I should take it slow and focus on learning this new thing. It just shows that going all digital doesn't work for me. As long as I have a notebook at my right hand side, I'll feel calm.

Good night.

Oh, and one more thing? I am done with lesson XII! I do not want to draw guns, or pin-up babes with military paraphernalia for months! I am done! Finished! ¡Ya me arreché de esa vaina! ¡Estoy cansada de tener que dibujar parafernalia exageradamente detallada! Done! I do not want any more drawings with so many little details for a long time! Months!

April 16th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Side-to-side Jumps +EC
Count: 1447 - 1443 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches - Stretch #2: 1 set per leg; 30 seconds stretch.
:v: DAREdice: 16 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 27

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 16
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 49/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 15 - Sleep solves everything.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: Made an outline
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%
:v: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:
Starting a drawing sparked an idea.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Addendum: Listening to this was also very comforting, and I'm glad I remembered it as I wrote my log post.

Again, I'm re-learning... I'm breaking the habit of being myself, if we shall use one of the books that I'm reading as a reference. If the way I did it before didn't work, then I must change my ways, and mixing traditional with digital is what gets me going. It seems messy, but it is what gets me going! Back to journalling.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I don't know how many powercuts there were today, but it's been too many. I pretty much didn't write because of it, nor I drew another pin-up. Instead I did another map, and this time, I went for a less simpler style. It turned out pretty good, and I am down to play within it, as it is only one town and a bunch of dungeons I put in place scattered all over, with only two or three already formed into an idea, but that is it.

As for yesterday, well, the power went out, so I couldn't post. However, I wrote yesterday. I managed to get the outline, and put it into a 2054 word story that needs quite some editing, but it's a good comeback. Again, working with a notebook on my side works wonders. I also figured out three distractions that I can deal with easily:

Discord, I can keep it closed. It doesn't bother me on my phone.
YouTube, which I can switch to Spotify, again on my phone. In fact, with Spotify on, I don't get bothered by notifications.
Firefox, which can be easily dealt with by having it closed at all times, and relying on Spotify for music and my phone for Discord.

That's it for yesterday. Another thing is that both yesterday and today I've woken up feeling very femme, even more today than yesterday. It feels like something is changing. It's the mindset, I'm telling you. It feels like there's something, somewhere within me, that's pretty much telling me that my male persona is nothing but a mask I put on, but behind that mask there's a girl, and the disguise is so good that everyone is fooled by it. That's the best way I can explain it.

I couldn't post last night because the Internet went out. Let's hope this post goes on before they cut the power... again...

April 17th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Back Leg Raises +EC
Count: 1448 - 1444 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Dexterity - LVL III +Megaset
:v: 28 Stacked Push-ups for @DahMagicMan
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 20 Sit-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 27

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 17
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 16 - My sleep game is strong.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: This is what it feels like to do 2K in a day!
:v: 1500 Get!
:v: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:

April 18th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Single Leg Bridges +EC
Count: 1449 - 1445 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
60 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 16 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 27

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 18
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 17 - Status: in bed.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Powercuts!
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:
Drew a map today.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
It was a lazy day. My body didn't ask to do anything, and I just couldn't work at all. There was a powercut that felt way longer than it should've. Not a lot that I could do...

April 19th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 High Crunches +EC
Count: 1450 - 1446 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 8 Jumping Jacks
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 27

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 19
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 17 - Status: in bed.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Long powercut
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:
Drew another map today.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I'll post quickly because I won't be in bed as early as I must. The reason is that I'm doing somtehing different for tonight. I'll try something different and write for myself to see if this will work. I spent the entire day completely distracted, so I want to do something productive.

D&D has been confirmed. Thankfully, I won't be GMing tomorrow, otherwise I'd be dying of anxiety.

April 20th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Backfists +EC
Count: 1451 - 1447 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Full Burpees
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:v: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 20
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 18 - I will feel so much better in the morning.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Too many Xs today. In fact, there's been too many Xs this week. It didn't go unnoticed. I guess I could say life took over, especially because the powercuts were relentless, but it's also on me for having a lot of distractions. I have to change that. It is really hard for me to say I'll do this and just do it, but after what I experienced over the last days from last week, I think I can change it.

Anyway D&D day. It was supposed to be a small Downtime and a Dungeon Crawl, but the Downtime turned into a session with a lot of story with the amount of plot points he fed me (ironically, being the most chaotic member of our party, I'm also the most invested on the story, while the other two went to do things of their own, but then again, my character's goals are engrained within the main story). The GM was looking to accelerate the story, and with the amount of plot points that I wasn't supposed to investigate and I simply prodded through them, not only we managed to solve the issue, but he said that I just sliced off around five to seven sessions of the campaign.

It was also laundry day, and the water came early, so I managed to go to bed early. I couldn't write, not even for me though. Chores. By the time it was over, it was bed time. Ticked off another day.

April 21st, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Side Plank Hold +EC
Count: 1452 - 1448 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 16 Push-ups
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:x: Cardio & Core: Day 21
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 18 - I will feel so much better in the morning.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Laundry took over
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Distractions, distractions, and sleepyness. I barely edited because I got distracted, and then there's the powercut that I could've used for something, but instead I just slept through most of it. I felt tired for some reason. At least I got my victories this time, and started to edit through that story I did last week, even if what I've worked so far is just a single page. I decided to also count the things that I'm writing for fun in the count because it's still part of my work. Besides, the things I'm writing for fun and for me are my training grounds to explore concepts that I don't usually get to explore. It is the thing that only I can read.

Not looking forward to today, honestly. In fact, I'm not looking forward to this week because I feel it'll be so very much busy. I had the entire morning for myself, and instead of doing my plans, I got trapped by the algorithms. Yup. Thankfully I know what triggers it, so I'll do something on Thursday to break the loop before it begins, but it'll be harder because... you know. I don't need to explain how big tech always hires the very best psychologists and programmers to keep people hooked on websites and apps. Nevertheless, I just need to stop the loop of getting trapped by the algorithm by ignoring everything I see. Just watch the video I want to watch, and then get out before I even see a thumbnail or a title.

If I'm waking up earlier again (at 7 to 8 AM instead of freaking noon), and if I'm going to bed at a proper time instead of 3 AM (though I allow myself to go late if I want to once or twice), I can break cycle of being trapped by the Youtube algorithm too. I already took a step forward a long time ago by using two different accounts, one of which is purely for music, so all I get on my feed are playlists and playlists only. The other account has a better trained algorithm, but I get to watch a few things for entertainment. The issue begins when I start watching more and more and more. Like I said, the website is designed to be addictive on its core.

Anyway, let me make the most of the little time I have left right now.

April 22nd, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Squat Hops on the Spot +EC
Count: 1453 - 1449 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Homebrew Training Plan (Valkyrie and Fighter combo inspired)
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Open World - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: Monday +EC
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches - Stretches #2 and #3
:v: DAREdice: 12 Lunges
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 21 | Day 22
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 19 - ...but first sleep.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: 273 words edited; 352 written (for fun), totaling for 625 words.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 70%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Ok, so this was a very interrupted day. I couldn't make the best of the little hours I had, plus my training time got interrupted, which was another annoying thing to deal with. I also went a bit overboard with the lunges from Monday, as I nearly pulled a muscle on my right thigh, thus the plan was to go full upper body, which didn't come to fruition. Already mentioned that my training time got stolen by chores, but the little I had to do were more lunges! The dice rolled lunges! I had to reduce my Burpees because I didn't have time either, and for some reason, my hands are sore. Both hands! My left wrist is acting up in the same way my right wrist did before, but now nothing's happening on the right wrist. No, this time it hurts when I write with it. You know the meaty part of a fist? The part that's on the pinky finger, the one used to hit with a hammer fist. That's the part I'm hurting, and I think I know what's to blame: killing a small bug that decided to take refuge under my whiteboard.

Then there was another powercut, an incredible heat, and small droplets of rain. The rain season begun, but as it always goes at the beginning, the rain only makes things hotter because it doesn't rain proper just yet.

I went to bed early only to wake up late.

April 23rd, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 174

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 40 Lunge Punches +EC
Count: 1454 - 1450 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: Week 1, Day 1 - 20 Minutes Meditation
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
20 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches - Stretches #2 and #3
:v: DAREdice: 20 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:x: Cardio & Core: Day 23
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 20 - 3...2...1.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: 304 words written for fun.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 71%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:
Guitar class


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
@TopNotch Sadly, I couldn't get close enough to make a precise elbow strike. Stuff was in the way, so I had to take more instinctual measures.

A powercut that lasted the entire afternoon killed me. Aside from waking up late, the intense heat just made me so that I couldn't do stuff. Even getting out of my room to a colder place felt like a chore. It was the same heat of a rain, and thankfully, today is better... for now.

My hand is still sore, but the wrist is alright... actually, the wrist is alleft, because it was left wrist that hurt.

Meditation was alright. I cut it short because my brain was a bit hyperactive.

I also went to bed early, but I didn't count it for the challenge. Last night was way too hot, and I just thrashed on my bed trying to sleep. Eventually I did... two hours after the fact.

April 24th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 175

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Side-to-side Lunges with Toe Point +EC
Count: 1455 - 1451 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: Week 1, Day 2 - 15 Minutes Meditation
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: World Breaker - LVL III +EC +Rest between levels
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches - Stretches #2 and #3
:v: DAREdice: 4 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 23 | Day 24
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 21 - I can and I will. SLEEP.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope. Thanks, powercut!
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 71%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Yeah, it was a worse day. I managed to wake up earlier, but I couldn't do anything at all. My time not only got stolen, but I was also close to getting a heatstroke. The dumbasses from the electrical company decided it was a good idea to trim all the trees in the avenue, which is more like leaving them completely bald by removing all of their branches. Do you have any idea what that does under the current climate? We're enduring temperatures that we've never seen before, so instead of keeping the shade, they just decided we needed extra heat! Fun stuff too. I had to go out to do some errands at noon, and that's when I was close to a heatstroke. I was almost home, when I had to stop suddenly as I missed a step, and started to go violently dizzy. The floor stretched out on me, like a rubber band. Thankfully, there was shade and a step a few meters away, so I could walk to sit down and try to cool. Not fun, man. As soon I came home, I lied down with the fan blowing on me, and did nothing for the next two hours.

I skipped working out today because of it. I mean, I trained under worse weather, but I didn't want to even try after that happened. I don't even know what was the temperature today, and I didn't care. I just felt like I was about to pass out, so I simply decided to not do anything instead. I think I drank four liters of water today too. That's how bad the heat is getting.

I wasn't planning on drawing today, but I did... though I couldn't focus. Things happening. Then, as the night promised to be better than the day... they cut the power.

You have no idea how angry I am right now.

April 25th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 175

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Plank Crunches +EC
Count: 1456 - 1452 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: Week 1, Day 3 - 15 Minutes Meditation
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:x: DAREdice: Unrolled
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:x: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:x: Cardio & Core: Day 25
:v: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 50/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 21 - I can and I will. SLEEP.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope, once again. Thank you both, powercut and heatstroke!
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 71%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:
Not even the guitar helped.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I tried. I tried to go to bed early, but I couldn't. It was a very hot night, and I spent the entire day journaling with prompts. Unfortunately, there was a powercut, so my efforts were interrupted because I didn't back up the prompts somewhere outside the computer.

Anyway, I started a free workshop dedicated to journalling at the community center, so I wasn't completely bored. Aside from that, there's not much to say.

Oh, I worked out this time. It feels wrong to not work out. I didn't go out to walk though. It was a hot day, and I just couldn't bring myself to it.

April 26th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 175

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Glute Flex +EC
Count: 1457 - 1453 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: Week 1, Day 4 - 20 Minutes Meditation
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 12 Jumping Jacks
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:x: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 25 | 26
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 51/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 21 - I can and I will. SLEEP.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Journalling.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 71%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
April 27th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 175

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 30 Seconds Squats +EC
Count: 1458 - 1454 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: Week 1, Day 5 - 20 Minutes Meditation
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:x: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:x: Pole Dance Stretches
:v: DAREdice: 4 Double Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:x: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:x: Cardio & Core: Day 27
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 51/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 21 - I can and I will. SLEEP.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:v: Session Prep (2238) + Writing for fun (96)
:v: 1500 Get!
:v: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 71%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
D&D day. Yesterday was prep day, and plot twist day. I won't say anything about it because it is between two people, but it was a plot twist that brought us, somehow, closer, and something was lifted from our shoulders.

I couldn't post earlier because, in spite of me waking up early today, I couldn't do anything. My morning went by incredibly fast, and so it happened with my night. I've been trying to journal, but I just couldn't make it over the night because I need to journal, so I'm putting out tonight to do the efforts, even if it means going to bed even later, but I need to.

D&D day, and also, a very exciting Monopoly game after the session. I lost, but there was an incredible moment where a 12 saved me from the entire row that starts on Free Parking and ends in the Go To Jail spaces. All spaces not only were owned, but also built upon, and there were many houses, with the three final spots with hotels, and I had not so much money by that point. That 12 just skipped the entire thing; the must suspenseful roll of the game. The dice also gave me the most expensive properties, but they also were the ones where people landed the less, so...

As for D&D, I prepared less... I'm actually preparing less, and less, and less.... and it feels better. Even though I wrote 2K words of content, it was a lot of notes so that I could improvise on the spot. I only repurposed one stat block, and the rest were improvised at the table. ICRPG set the standard for it, and sure enough, it was better to improvise them on the spot. Everything was improvised on the spot. While I didn't take too many notes because I was so invested in the hijinks of the party, it was a fun session. Speaking about Monopoly, I actually built a bunch of random events in a set of 52 playing cards, plus two jokers, and all of them are Monopoly-inspired (Chance and Community Chest). I made them for the Sorcerer specifically because he is always getting into all sorts of problems (player made it completely hedonistic, living only for drinking and carousing), so we figured why the heck not. At the beginning of every session, I get him to draw a card. Today, he drew a card that he wasn't supposed to draw, and got scammed off of most of his gold to a Nigerian Prince. Off to a great start!

Because I ditched XP and started to use ICRPG's Mastery as a levelling up system, inspired by The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, they must accumulate 10 Nat 20s that I keep count of to level up. Today, they finally managed to complete all ten, and got an extra one so that they would level up. I find this more satisfying than XP rewards, even if it is more randomized. However, it is the same randomness that is the reward, as a Nat 20 represents that they excelled on a skill. ICRPG's Battlefury was modified to be used only in combat, it is only triggered by Nat 1s, and once the first Nat 1 appears, I put the Battlefury indicator on the screen, and will remove it when someone who would succeed by adding the Battlefury modifier only if they would fail without it. Battlefury increases with every Nat 1, capping at 6, just as it is explained in the ICRPG book. It's a good way to cope with low rolls.

April 28th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 175

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Side Splits +EC (Not a good DD; I'll die on this hill!)
Count: 1459 - 1455 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: Week 1, Day 6 - 15 Minutes Meditation
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:x: 150 Burpees +EC
40 Full Burpees
10 Double Burpees w/Jump Knee-tuck
:x: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches - Stretch #2 and #3
:v: DAREdice: 8 Push-ups
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:v: Cardio & Core: Day 27 | Day 28
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 51/365
:x: Get to Bed on Time: Day 21 - I can and I will. SLEEP.
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 71%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,436
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
What I'm seeing during my meditations is turning out to be quite a story. I just finished the first week, and it ended with me getting plunged into a fire. Then again, I must be forged in fire.

The powercut lasted only two hours, which was weird. Nevertheless, today I've been feeling quite sleepy, so I had a three-hour nap in the afternoon that was supposed to be 30 minutes. Not a lot of things done today... I planned to do more, but... the nap... and then my time was stolen, which is why I did only one stretch... only to be given back?!

I don't get it. It was quite chaotic, I... I did 210 Burpees? Is that my only victory?

No, I also finished Cardio & Core, but more because I just wanted for that challenge to be over. There's a reason why I combined the two days more than once: the rest felt way too long, and alternating between High Knees and Climbers was much more fun than alternating the two exercises on a daily basis.

I had to be careful working out today too. In my sleep I did a strange kick that left my right calf straining. I had cramps because of it, and since then, I'm feeling that pain... Not fun when that happens. Is not a regular night leg cramp, it's a cramp that happened when I stretched my legs in the middle of my sleep, and I stretched them too much. Probably had a nightmare.

April 29th, 2024
Kickboxing: Day 175

Morning Routine:
:v: The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
:v: Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
:v: 20-Seconds Legs
:v: Before Breakfast Burpees +EC
:v: Daily Dare: 10 Shrimp Squats +EC
Count: 1460 - 1456 +EC

Night Routine:
:v: Mani Salutation - 1 Set
:v: Five Rites
:v: Virasana Meditation
:v: Daily Gratitude
:v: Counting Victories

Training Plan:
Altered Valkyrie + Fighter
:v: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: Week 1, Day 7 - 15 Minutes Meditation
Bucket List:
Cardio & Abs

:v: 150 Burpees +EC
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
30 Full Burpees
:v: WoD: Awake & Alive - LVL III +Megaset
:v: Monday +EC
:v: Killer Butt +No rest
:v: 7 Double Burpees w/Jump Knee-Tuck
:v: 30 Seconds Side Splits
:v: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings & Calves
:x: 100/50 Strength
:v: Pole Dance Stretches - Stretch #2 (30 Seconds per leg, 1 set)
:v: DAREdice: 10 Lunges
:v: 1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
:v: 2-Minute Elbow Plank
:v: Daily Walk
:x: Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
:x: Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 28

:v: Cardio & Core: :completed: Day 29 | Day 30 :star:
Up Next: Core
:x: Drawing Pin-up Girls Every Day for a Year: Day 51/365
:v: Get to Bed on Time: Day 21 - I can and I will. SLEEP. (barely)
Bucket List:
Lower Body Blast
Upper Body Blast

Writing progress:
:x: Nope.
:x: 1500 Get!
:x: Daily 1500

Reading progress:
:x: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - 71%
:x: GURPS Lite - 78%

Other Victories:
Last edited: