The tra1n1ng journal cont1nues


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 815
1,202 - A bit of walking, day 5 of 1k squats, 30 days of cardio light day 12 level 3!

592 - Few minutes here and there!

Good thing - I'm writing this while in a voice call in regards to Pokemon so, yay!

Cooper status - Fluffy boy is happy that tomorrow is Friday. "But Fish, he does not work-" shh.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 815
1,203 - I forgot the squats lol I'll do 'em tomorrow, 30 days of cardio light day 13 level 3, and lots of walking around the office today... this job'll be great for my cardio.

593 - Few minutes here and there!

Good thing - Had a happy hour thing of sorts at work today, it was nice.

Cooper status - he lov u, and he is happy for the weekend because that means he gets to see his humans <3


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 815
1,204 - Day 6 of 1k squats, 30 days of cardio light level 3, some walking!

594 - Few minutes here and there!


Cooper status - Good boy had ice cream! Therefore, it is a great day for him. He is pleased!


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 815
1,205 - So I didn't do much today. Day 7 of 1k squats, some march steps and... That's it.

595 - Squeezed in some meditation.

TW: Death for this upcoming part.

This morning, as I sat down to begin my day, I got a phonecall from a dear friend who often texts me. I picked it up, and a very good friend of ours, Percy, is in the hospital and will not make it. If they do regain consciousness, it will not be our same friend. I have known this person since 2009, and they've been very close to me since. I can't even begin to express how devastated I feel over this. I never thought I'd lose one of my best friends at age 31. The proverbial plug has not been pulled yet, but due to how what caused this is very much so accidental, I can't help but be absolutely shattered.

I am now beginning to understand the cliches people say after a death, you know, the whole, "I wish I did this, etc etc" sorta thing. But a lot of my deaths were more... Expected, and not as close. This is not what you expect.

I'll take care of myself. I just need a hug, and assurance that wherever they end up afterlife-wise, that it was more comfortable than their existence here.


They have passed. I love you all.
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Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 815
Thanks, everyone. I had the day off work today, and I'll do my best to go in tomorrow. I keep expecting a text from 'em saying, "just kidding!" or, "I lived, bitch!" since... ... that would be INCREDIBLY in character.
496 - Chest and back light and a lot of walking in town with the buddies.

Good thing - Food with the buddies AND AND AND AND I got my meds so I can do more tomorrow, hopefully, maybe. Going to bed early since I feel like arse though. I need better walking shoes though... Someday.

This is the last time I saw my friend alive, on this exact day. I can't do an, 'if only I knew,' thing, since... ... I mean, it isn't the worst way to not see someone again? We had good food, went shopping...

I don't know how I'll even begin to get used to this. From sharing memes and joy with someone so, so often to just nothing is so insane to me.

I never did get those walking shoes.

1,206 - I stayed home today, played Fallout NV for a while, cuddled Cooper, did some march steps, day 8 of 1k squats, that's all I got.

596 - Some meditation.

Cooper status - I was able to speak to my therapist today. He asked how Coop was taking all this, and the little buddy is very nervous right now since he knows something is wrong with me. I'll give him big hugs before I go tomorrow.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 815
Thanks dear <3 I did go to work today and luckily the only two people that knew what happened were the people I emailed about my absence so... good. I'm pretty sure if I spoke about it with others, I'd probably just burst out crying. I think I just need to keep busy until the weekend, to which I'll just melt into my bed.

1,207 - Just did 30 calf raises and 1k squats day 9.

597 - Got a few minutes in there, at least.

Cooper, btw, did get some big fluff hugs <3