The Wonderbunny Playbook


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
@Tileenah thanks!

Second office day! Lunch was delicious, I'm so glad the vegan counter is such a success, it always has the longest line! Today we had cauliflower and chickpea Tikka masala. Yum!

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 4, level 1

And a very short walk after work, but otherwise a lazy day.

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
A good day! Sunny but very cold. But the hyacinths are coming up! I love the smell.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 5, level 3

Before lunch
- 30 minutes walk

Before dinner
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Workout "Chop Chop", level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 4+5
- Bootcamp day 34, level 3, day 35, level 1, day 36

And now a relaxing evening! Should I finish my book, or watch a DVD? Hmmm...

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
At the end I did both: book while having dinner, then DVD, then book again. Very nice!

Last workday before the long weekend! Yay!

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 6, level 3
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 6

Before lunch
- 1,5 hours walk

And in the afternoon more bricks and stuff. Progress!

Have a lovely evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Today we bricked one of the three windows. How did it take 5 hours just to do one window?? Ok, it's triple bricks, but still.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 7, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 7
- Bootcamp day 37, level 1

Now I'm baking a cake to bring to our friends who invited us for dinner tomorrow night.

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
@Tileenah thanks!
@Lady Celerity thanks :LOL: I look forward to trying it tonight

Today we did lots of things, but none are really visible. The plan was to put up another piece of scaffolding, but before we started we realized we are missing one essential piece. Grrrrr.
So we started working on building the stairs, and I cleaned two layers of bricks while my husband planned some piece of the stairs on cad, but then we decided the the stairs are quiet work which can be done on Sunday and Monday, so we switched to cutting wood. It was several hours of that, but because we cut it from a pile on the side of the main pile, although we cut a lot one can't see any difference to the amount of work still to be done. Sigh.
At least I vacuumed the house and ran two washes, that is visible work.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 8, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 8
- Bootcamp day 38, level 1

Have a wonderful evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
A very relaxed day! Dinner yesterday with friends went well, but it meant that my husband was in no shape to do anything today. So I read a book in the sun, can't complain! And after a short walk in the evening he got some energy back so we finished clearing out the guest room, removed the carpet and the wallpaper, so now it's ready for my mil to come and put up new wallpaper. Progress!

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 9, level 3
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 9
- Bootcamp day 39, level 1

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
A very good day! We sold the old VW bus, and took out the next car that's to be sold and washed it for pictures. I cleaned another 97 bricks, and my husband is making good progress with building the stairs. We had cake in the sun.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 10, level 3
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 10
- Bootcamp day 40

Have a wonderful evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Office day! I went in just because I had a lunch appointment with a friend, but apart from that it was a waste of time... Took 2 hours + for my computer to start working, there was nobody around, and I had very little to do. It's still vacation week here, so it's extra quiet.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 11, level 1

And that's it for today.

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Quiet day, not much going on. I ordered a super glue to fix my glasses, and it didn't work! Not sticking at all. I knew I should have gotten Super Attak and not the German equivalent, it's never the same. Sigh.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 12, level 2

Before dinner
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Bootcamp day 41, level 3, and 42, level 3
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 11+12

Have a fantastic evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Another quiet day, so I closed down early and went outside to clean more bricks. 80 done! Then the second battery died and my hand and back both said enough!

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 13, level 2

Before lunch
- 20 minutes walk

Before dinner
- 80 bricks
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Workout "Still here, still kicking" level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 13
- Bootcamp day 43, level 1

Have a wonderful evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
@Tileenah thank you! Today I only managed 60 before my hand started developing a blister and I had to stop.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 14, level 1

Before dinner
- 60 bricks
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- WoD "Accelerator" level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 14
- Bootcamp day 44
- 20 minutes walk

Next week is vacation! So we'll make lots of progress on the roof project. Hopefully.

Have a fantastic evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
@Lady Celerity thank you!

Yesterday I missed posting because there was singing again! This time we sang Here Comes the Sun, which I thought would be easy, but it wasn't really! Maybe because again I sang the high harmony. Then we stayed for an hour for the dance party, which was fun! Unfortunately I'll miss the next event as we'll be in Italy for my dad's birthday.
Still waiting for the video of Eternal Flame!

Yesterday before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 15, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 15

And then lots of work outside.

Today before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 16, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 16
- Bootcamp day 45, level 1, and 46, level 1

Before dinner
- 40 minutes walk

Today I took a break from construction work, I'm feeling all the muscles from yesterday! Plus my voice is half gone from singing and coughing. So I made a big pot of curry and a chicken seitan to be used in future recipes. Yum!

Have a wonderful evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Today we installed another piece of the scaffolding. We didn't manage to finish though, among other things because it started to rain as we were about to put in the second to last piece... And by the time it stopped everything was soaked and dripping and cold so we stopped and cut some wood instead.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 17, level 3
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 17
- Bootcamp day 47, level 1

Tomorrow early start as the guys with the big machinery are coming at 7am!!!!! To collect the pile of bricks and stuff leftover from taking down the house.

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Yesterday I missed because we worked until late. A lot was achieved!

Yesterday before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 18, level 3
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 18
- Bootcamp day 48

Today before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 19, level 1

Before dinner
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Bootcamp day 49, level 3
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 19

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Another very full day. The wood pile is definitely looking smaller!

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 20, level 2
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 20
- Bootcamp day 50, level 1

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Yesterday and today was roof day, because finally two days in a row of sunshine! We're completely kaputt, but a bit was done. There's just so.much.more roof still to be done...
But this afternoon we took a three hours break which I enjoyed on the terrace. Lovely!

Yesterday before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 21, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 21

Today before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 22, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 22

Tomorrow should be rest day (from construction work) and I'll go to the movies with a friend in the evening.

Have a lovely evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
@Tileenah thanks!

Today was no construction work, so I did all the things! Ran a wash, made kombucha, cut some paper for the batteries, repotted and hung the new plants, and I sorted my bookshelves by color, they look so awesome!!
The movie was... Not good. We went to see Everything Everywhere All At Once and I can't understand how it won all those Oscars. Why? It made no sense! Lesson learned for next time: always research before!

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 23, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 23
- Bootcamp day 51 level 1, day 52, day 53 level 1, and day 54 level 1

All caught up!

Have a wonderful evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Office day! And afterwards we went out for drinks, it was very nice. My colleagues are really nice!

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 24, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 24

Have a good evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Second office day! I had two doctor appointments, one doctor said I'm such a strong power woman, the other said I'm just getting old :LOL: I guess the two things are not mutually exclusive... In any case I'm perfectly healthy, which is the main thing.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 25, level 2

Before dinner
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Workout "Chipmunk" level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 25
- Bootcamp day 55, level 1

Now off to read one of the new books I got today. I was good! I only bought two!

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Last day in the office for the week. Came home and cut some wood, so the day is not wasted.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 26, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 26

Have a great evening Bees!



Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
A good day! A big and tedious project is about to start, but alas, nothing to be done about it.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 27, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 27
- Bootcamp day 56

Before dinner
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Bootcamp day 57, level 1
- 20 minutes walk

And then some more wood cutting. When we're done with the pile we promised ourselves a nice dinner out!

Have a lovely evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Awww thanks @Tileenah I hope so too!

Today was Excel day! I love Excel, so it was a good day, except I was constantly interrupted with other things.

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 28, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 28

Before dinner
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Workout "Greek Goddess" level 1
- Bootcamp day 58, level 2

I think I'll take the evening off from any kind of work, as tomorrow we have a full day of roof work ahead of us.

Have a lovely evening Bees!


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
People who excel at Excel (ha! Get it? Get it?) always seem like wizards to me :shoked:
Reminds me a bit that during the first year in Elementary school, when we were learning the alphabet, or teacher asked if anyone knows a word starting or containing an X. Nobody answered and I raised my hand and smugly said "Excel!" and she asked "What is that?" I described it (a "Tabellenkalkulationsprogramm", very proud that I knew such a complicated word) and then she told me I just made that up. Ah, well, I always hated school :LOL:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah it looks like a long word, but it basically works the same as many of your French expressions chaining various words together. They're just squished into one very long word. :LOL: It's not close to Donaudampfschiffskapitänsjackenknopffadenspinnereimaschinenfabrikbaumeisterlehrling (not actually a real word but it works)


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
For me Excel has been a matter of practice, I wasn't a fan initially but it grew on me :LOL:

A beautiful day! Roof work! We did one more column so we're 1/3 of the back roof done. Well, done with boards, there's no tiles nor anything else yet, but it's a start!

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 29, level 1
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 29
- Bootcamp day 59, level 1

Tomorrow there will be gardening! Yay!

Have a great evening Bees!


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,043
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
A relax day! I did some gardening, and opened the season of the swinging chair on the terrace with a lovely nap :happy:

Before breakfast
- 2 rounds sun salutations
- 20 posture each
- Quick warmup
- Total Burn day 30, level 1, done with round 12
- Back and Shoulders challenge day 30 :completed:
- Bootcamp day 60 :completed:

I think May will be a month of repeats, I already chose the program and challenge and yes I've done both before but they're nice.

Have a wonderful evening Bees!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,254
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
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