Kitten On The Prowl


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @GentleOx, @JCU, @Anek & @CODawn! :D

Today was a good day.

Last night I got my self set up on one of my projects and my old boss knows it's going to longer than a day. I knocked out some other stuff and found my direction on a few other things.

Have a meeting tomorrow for one of my new projects. Was excited, but the people that get penalized for things that go wrong are going to get mad at me now, lol. I had one guy call me. I'm just the logger, sorry/not sorry. :happy:

But I got access to something for it I didn't have previously, things I needed, so I'll try to go through that first and hopefully fix it up.

That's about it, but it was a little cooler today so my lunch break was nice.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Climber EotD (x30) I did it in one go.
  • Total Body Challenge (24th Day 3sets, 25th Day 1set)
  • Epic Legs (24th Day/1set)
  • One Day At a Time WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5. - It was nicer out so I was able to jog for half of it, but it was also pretty windy so the other half had extra resistance so I didn't make it with enough time to have an entire third lap.

  • 131 Active Zone Minutes (10,650 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,679 Steps (891,772 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.59 Miles (371.56 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,752 Calories (212,963 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

This morning was nice and I did a lot of good work for my new boss.

Later I had a meeting that I will be a part of every two weeks regarding internal processes and I get to play a pretty key part in things next month. I thanked my old boss for it when he called in, and was surprised that he had no part in that.

So one VP my old boss now trumps, but was the him of the company before he got there, hooked me up with this particular opportunity and has some visions for me down the line!

Maybe I end up falling flat on my face, but it's still a really nice opportunity. And he's been pretty cool about teaching me things. Plus it's nothing that goes against my non-compete that I signed so I can actually jump on this.

Worst case is I get to learn a lot about the inner workings, so even if I suck at it, I get a bigger piece of the picture. :)

Old boss wants to get moving on his projects, that once set up will be fine, but the setting up needs days per thing and I only get an hour here or there around what I was hired for.

And of course I spent over 40 minutes on what he told me was the priority and then I got to one part and realized the vendor file I was working off of did not match the order we had on ours so I had to undo 20 minutes of that effort. At least there was some progress. LOL

Then he's revamping something that was set, just had to add one thing to it.

I could get more things done if I didn't have to keep redoing the same things over especially before I'm done redoing them over from previous requests. That's not only from one person doing that either. lol

So now I have three bosses that want me and I want to make them all happy, but...I guess i just have to see how this plays out.

Well, I was going to do some of another easier report thing before bed, but I have under 1/2 an hour left before I cut myself off from devices, so I better finish this post. :happy:

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Balance Leg Swings EotD (x60) I did it in one go.
  • Total Body Challenge (26th Day 5sets, 27th Day 3sets)
  • Epic Legs (25th Day/4sets)
  • Arms & Shoulders WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No time, as we get to the end of the challenges & programs, they get longer and I had two days of challenges in for today.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5. - It was hot again so I couldn't jog, but did still enjoy the sunshine.

  • 110 Active Zone Minutes (10,760 Minutes YTD)
  • 11,440 Steps (903,212 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 5.27Miles (376.83 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,771 Calories (214,734 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

This morning was a bit off the rails before I even left, but nothing major bad. I wanted to go as early as possible, but Miyagi delayed me to leave on time.

Can't complain about that. :imp:

Then a sort of problem carried over from yesterday, a misunderstanding non-issue thing, but I got the two people on the same page with each other and after that the rest of the day was great.

Put a nice dent in what is supposed to be my top priority to get done for the board, so glad I could breathe today to do that. Have a long way to go though, really wish I could just spend the few days I need to knock it out, but I'm really proud of what I'm creating. :)

And then I had pizza for dinner. Noms! :pizza:

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Balance Hold EotD (60sec) I did it in one go.
  • Total Body Challenge (28th Day 1set)
  • Epic Legs (26th Day/1set)
  • Aurora WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 74 Active Zone Minutes (10,834 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,658 Steps (910,870 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.5 Miles (380.33 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,596 Calories (217,330 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Miyagi wanted to hang out with me this morning! How could I refuse? :loveit:

Was going to be early for my workout so I was on track to get in early, but then that happened. Was about to be at a point where I would have had to skip more than a bonus workout.

But he went back out right at my cut off time and I got everything done.

Work was very peaceful. About four non/no longer work people reached out to me.

A NJ Transit bus driver sort of hit on me when I was doing my laps on lunch. He was doing a half lap and when we crossed he talked to me for a bit. I had a Hell's Kitchen Tee on so he was talking about Master Chef which aired last night.

Ok, that's not really coming on, but he was very pleasant and kind of stopped me instead of just a hello. lol. So it was flattering.

But what was weird was that he looked enough like my ex bosses from when I was in my early 20s that I had to do a double take. And even funnier is that ex-boss is one of the people that checked in with me today.

I called him a year or so ago to ask if I could use him for a ref when I knew I was leaving my last job and he remembered me by name and very specific details about me. The most important of which I don't remember sharing with him, but makes sense that I would have amidst everything else. I just wish I could remember doing it. LOL

So every few months he keeps in touch which is nice. With all the death in my life, he's one of the last few people that have known me from back then, so it's extra nice for me. I don't get to reminisce much with others.

Crazy how things work! :happy:

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Push-Ups EotD (x20) I did it in one go.
  • Total Body Challenge (29th Day 5sets)
  • Epic Legs (27th Day/4sets)
  • Posture Perfect WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 135 Active Zone Minutes (10,969 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,470 Steps (918,340 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.42 Miles (383.75 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,753 Calories (219,083 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Friday was a great day and the weekend has been nice.

Miyagi has been continuing to want my attention on his pass throughs! Now it also not enough if my husband sits in the kitchen with him when he feeds him. Miyagi now comes and gets me off the couch to also go and watch him eat.

It's very cute. Plus he's still wanting me to play mouse with him. So sweet.

Friday I couldn't do my laps for lunch. A coworker I did not meet was retiring and they gave him a lunch. So I had that lunch as my dinner.

Made an effort to talk to the person as well, which is not my normal style. Was a nice time at least.

Went to brunch yesterday with my husband at an Irish pub place. Was very good and we just enjoyed the time. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • V-Extensions EotD (x40) I did it in one go.
  • Total Body Challenge (30th Day 3sets) :completed:
  • Epic Legs (28th Day/1set)
  • Toughie WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 49 Active Zone Minutes (11,018 Minutes YTD)
  • 4,698 Steps (923,038 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.16 Miles (385.91 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,580 Calories (220,663 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thanks @JCU, @HellYeah, @Anek, @Fremen, @Haleth, @Obsinosterous, @Sólveig, @NancyTree & @graoumia! :loveit:

Today was a nice day.

Miyagi delayed me going to bed last night because he wanted my attention. We played mouse.

Then he started falling asleep in the box, so I went to bed. A few minutes later, he came back and yelled at me so I had to go back. I am 95% sure he wanted me to sleep on the kitchen floor next to him in his box. :happy:

Thankfully I got him to compromise and we slept on the couch. Of course prior to that, while I was making hand motions to encourage him to jump up on the ottoman, he attacked my hand.

Yes, I asked for it. LOL.

Work was nice, nothing to overwhelm me with and I got to put a bigger dent in my priority project.

Plus if all times well, I should have a lunch date for tomorrow. :lovely:

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • V-Extensions EotD (60sec) I did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (1st & 2nd Days 3sets) - It's tough, but it's only three minutes a set. I appreciate this.
  • Better Core Challenge (1st Day/3sets)
  • From The Ashes WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - I ran out of time.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5. - The weather was pleasant, I probably could have jogged a little, but I was still feeling the first day of Extreme HIIT.

  • 60 Active Zone Minutes (11,078 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,201 Steps (931,239 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.76 Miles (389.67 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,541 Calories (222,204 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Syrius & @Maegaranthelas! :LOL:

Today was a nice day.

My morning commute was insane in that everyone wanted to drive under the speed limit with no one in front of them and a few people, one an oversized vehicle, with hazards on just coasting...ok, I was flipping out, but it didn't really matter.

Work was pretty cool for the first part of the day. I got included in another bi-weekly meeting thing, this time about old inventory and I got to problem solve some things after that. So I looked good for solving my end on that, I was thorough.

My lunch date cancelled, and will be another couple weeks, but I ended up needing to do things at that time and left late anyway, so technically that worked out.

My favorite person was in today which is always nice. Helped try to get me sorted for his projects in perpetuity but the guy who can send me the stuff will have to send me the stuff. So hope it works and that happens, lol.

Then towards the end of the day, one of the Outside guys from the sister company who helps move our product made a mess out of an order. We had a date of Friday after coordination, this guy told his customer tomorrow, I had to enter the order for tomorrow and I told him when he confirms that it may be an issue, then I had to get it switched to p/u at our third party warehouse (20 minutes before they close) and get a truck booked, somehow did all that, in spite of my email bouncing back on people that replied to me, that's another ongoing issue, but after all of that then our inhouse shipping said to that Outside Guy they could do it after all, and needed my weight for a truck, so I had to change everything back and then cancel everything making me look like a jackass. :sus:

And then of course my favorite person was basically laughing at me after that when he asked what's the matter and I bitched about it. Then I had to laugh, cause the other people around me have to deal with that all day and I know I'm lucky mine is way less.

Plus I really think he was laughing because a former coworker who he talks to probably warned him about how hopped up I get since everything at our old company went down. I used to be the quiet girl in the corner. Now I go from 0-60 at the drop of a dime. That guy always talks me up to people like I'm a toughie partly because of that, and I'm really not, so it's funny.

My commute home was extra nice and actually got home faster than normal!

And then my night was good. Got some new outfits from my petite subscription thing and size small pants fit just fine. :lovely:

And I made black bean tacos for dinner. :taco:

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Balance Front Kicks EotD (x40) I did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (3rd & 4th Days 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (2nd Day/3sets)
  • Core & Balance WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - I ran out of time.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 81 Active Zone Minutes (11,159 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,644 Steps (940,883 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.35 Miles (394.02 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,728 Calories (223,932 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @CODawn!

Yesterday was a nice day.

Was busy so the day went fast. Good vibes most of the day, and made more progress on some things.

Only bad part was now another person wants to steal me so I can do billing while the lady that does that now goes out for vacation. I want to do it for my own product line company, she does ours 2-3 weeks late which is no good, but I know I will not be able to handle doing the other company's. Then I would have more than three full time jobs at once.

I wasn't approached about it yet, but I know that it is being requested to get me the access, so I don't think that person is going to ask me, I think he is going to tell me. A few conversations throughout the day and near the end of the day I had to go to my exboss who can overrule him and tell him I might need him to do that.

And now I feel disappointed in myself and think that made me look bad! Mainly because I am a "yes girl", I always want to do more and more, so I am actually shocking myself wanting to say no to this.

It's not my typical style. So hopefully I'm not shooting myself in the foot, but I already have more to do than I have time for...and I REALLY want to do those things, but more importantly do them well and not hastily. Feel like being ripped in half one more time will only set me up to fail...

Then I was doing four things at once during the last 1/2 hour of the day, while talking to two sets of people, also all at the same time, and for some reason that got me what I call "work drunk". :happy:

So I had to be extra careful driving home, was a little dizzy, and when I got home I felt like I had drank some margaritas. At least it was not a cooking night. I normal again after a shower and then just relaxed.

Although my husband kept asking what is wrong, but I was fine, just tired. Wonder what my face looked like to make him keep asking. lol

My fitbit counted me as going to bed at 6:45pm, but that was not true. I was too spaced to even think of coming online.

But today (the 4th) is a holiday in America and I am glad to be off. It's 9am here and I did my workout, but I'll report today's stuff later on.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Squats EotD (30sec) I did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (5th Days 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (3rd Day/3sets)
  • Monarch WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 127 Active Zone Minutes (11,286 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,071 Steps (948,954 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.63 Miles (397.65 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,797 Calories (225,729 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 570
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
Happy 4th of july. You should worry about having been able to say no, you had very good reasons, and you know it is a good skill to be able to do it. I think in my company we even have learnings related to this. Saying no! So you should be proud of you


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @graoumia, I know you are right. :)

Today was a good day.

Before I was done typing my post from this morning, Miyagi came and wanted to sleep by me on my ottoman.

That made me get off of the computer, when I already skipped my other sites yesterday.

He's worth it and he stayed with me for a few hours. Very nice holiday surprise. :loveit:

Just enjoyed the day, talked to my dad for a little bit.

I'm back to the grind tomorrow, but my husband starts his vacation.

He always takes the Friday before he takes one of his weeks.

I would be jealous, but it's a travel nightmare week to go anywhere interesting by any mode of transport.

In a few hours it will get dark and fireworks will be going off. Miyagi came in and my husband is going to try to keep him in that long. Hope so, but he's already getting bored...

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Squats EotD (30sec) I did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (6th Days 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (3rd Day/3sets)
  • Monarch WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 127 Active Zone Minutes (11,413 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,071 Steps (957,025 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.63 Miles (401.28 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,797 Calories (227,526 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


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Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Thank you @CODawn, @JCU & @graoumia! And I wish I could eat him all up like one, @GentleOx! :imp:

Friday was a good day and so was this weekend.

Friday was an easy but busy day. Commuting to and from was light on traffic. Everyone got to leave at 2:30pm, but I stayed til 4pm. Talked to my boss for an hour of that to go over statuses on things.

Will be very busy tomorrow and yesterday night I got halfway done on revamping a report for my exboss.

Then also yesterday was my husband's 40th birthday. He enjoyed the day. I made him homemade mac & cheese that came out SO good. Took me almost 2 hours though, so at least it being delicious made it worth it.

Then I got him a nice light chocolate & cream cake from this chain place called Paris Baguette. That was yummy too.

Hubby is off next week and I'll be drowning in work. Half jealous, but he deserves a break, too.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Upward-Downward Dog EotD (x20) I did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (7th Days 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (5th Day/3sets)
  • Groundwork WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - This made me so happy being a Zelda fan. :heart::heart::heart:

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5. - Was extra nice, almost no one was around.

  • 120 Active Zone Minutes (11,533 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,202 Steps (965,227 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.68 Miles (404.96 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,833 Calories (229,359 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @graoumia, @CODawn, @JCU & @Sólveig! Hubby told me I did well at giving him a nice day. :)

Today was a good day.

I was able to fix some orders for my boss in the weirdo system we have that wouldn't let me do it last week.

So thankfully that was fine.

Until the hurricane cancelled a pickup and we are trying to get some last minute Plan B's in motion. :phew:

Got the one report done for my ex-boss and I think I did a good job. Now only seven more I don't have time to work on or figure out to go. :imp:

I would rather do his stuff all day though, but he rejected me on that before I got there. So he was to wait it is. :standby:

But I got my workout done and had a nice walk. It was really hot and humid, but still ok enough I could do it. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Bends EotD (x20) I did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (8th & 9th Days 3sets/each) - Day 8 was extra kicking my butt. This challenge looks innocent at two minutes each, but it really is extreme! :happy:
  • Better Core Challenge (8th Day/3sets)
  • Launchpad WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 77 Active Zone Minutes (11,610 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,814 Steps (974,041 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.97 Miles (408.93 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,587 Calories (230,946 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

My one customer's order got on the road from Texas where the hurricane was, so we didn't have to lose money on a Plan B shipment.

Need to finish getting a lot number tracking file set up that I feel like I've been working on for months getting nowhere, but it's technically only my fifth week and think I only got it my 2nd or 3rd week. LOL

Made a lot of progress on it today, but the hard part is that others are not including me on what they have been supposed to. So I should be finished with it this week, but since too many other people are preventing the process from getting established, it will never really be done, it will be painful detective work that I could never be confident in. All because they can't won't tag me on their stupid emails so I can see the papers I need to see, have the information I need to have upfront, see answers to questions, etc.

I'm not very good at getting people to do anything, kind of why I've always been a "do all" for myself and never have my own help. :happy:

But Tuesdays are always fun, I get to go to different bi-weekly meetings with my third boss. Still loving it. Shouldn't say it's "fun", but I really like getting to work with all of the other people from departments I would not otherwise get to deal with much and what get a view on what their processes are.

Plus I just like when my third boss talks, he's motivating. :)

Supposed to have a thunderstorm tonight. Hope it breaks the heat/humidity a little. Very sticky out.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Single Leg Bridges EotD (x30) I did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (10th & 11th Days 3sets/each)
  • Better Core Challenge (9th Day/3sets)
  • The Cake is A Lie WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 105 Active Zone Minutes (11,705 Minutes YTD)
  • 10,844 Steps (984,885 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.88 Miles (410.81 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,746 Calories (232,692 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Worst of today was some bad traffic, but everything else worked itself out for the most part.

Well, technically we had some material damage on a shipment brought in, but I didn't have to deal with that. Feel kind of bad.

So my boss didn't have the best day, but the main things we needed to get done, got done.

Miyagi took away my early points today, but he played extra nice with my husband after I left. So I heard.

But then tonight, he wanted to play with me for a good 20 minutes, so I'm glad I got back on his good graces.

And someone I miss reached out to say hi, so that was a nice smile. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Calf Raises EotD (x40) I did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (12th Day 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (10th Day/3sets)
  • Chipmunk WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets even though I think it was only supposed to be one)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 88 Active Zone Minutes (11,793 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,584 Steps (992,469 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.45 Miles (414.26 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,665 Calories (234,357 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

I learned all sorts of different cool stuff to help myself in a bunch of areas I wear different hats for.

Flying in so many directions, but my favorite right now is the stuff for my new EVP. Hope it's helping, seems like it is. :ss:

Was nice talking to my boss today, he got some orders at the end of the day, and got a new tracking thing set up for him. Should help keep up to speed on things very far out.

On lunch it was much less humid, so had nicer laps than the past few weeks.

I cooked tonight when normally I don't and it was good. Tomorrow my husband is going to a concert so I won't have to do it tomorrow instead.

Looking forward to a nice weekend. One more day to get through, but should be another good one.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Kicks EotD (x50) I for real forgot to do the EotD, its always the FIRST thing I do after stretching, so... :facepalm:
  • Extreme HIIT (13th Day 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (11th Day/3sets)
  • Best Foot Forward WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5.

  • 120 Active Zone Minutes (11,913 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,205 Steps (1,001,674 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.19 Miles (418.45 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,849 Calories (236,206 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Friday was a good day and this weekend has been very nice.

Friday I was really kind of depressed when I woke up and that lasted most of the morning, but the day ended on a perfect note and I got the sign I needed that what I was upset about was silly and not even a real issue. LOL.

I did really good work on this incoming steel tracking thing that is going to be a major pain in the ass to keep up on, but what I am doing is appreciated.

Earned me being the only one mentioned in my re-boss's out of office message for his vacation week.

Was not expecting that at all and I used to have to share it with my old manager. So I'll call him re-boss instead of ex-boss now :happy: and yay, I must be a considered a good girl then. :angel:

My husband went to a NOFX concert Friday night. I like them, but it was a place with no seats so I didn't want to go. Had a nice night by myself though.

Miyagi hung out with me briefly for that. He also tried making me sleep on the kitchen floor by his box again, but it's just too painful so I couldn't do it. lol

Yesterday we went out and had a nice brunch.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!
Two good songs came on during my jog, so they were my songs of Friday. lol
And of course they came on towards the end. I usually like to play my favorite songs and bands three times in a row to teach Spotify to put them in my mixes more. Of course A7X has ten minute + songs, but I continued it on my ride home later. lol

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Burpees EotD (x10) - Did it in one go, plus the x50 Side Kicks I forgot to do yesterday.
  • Extreme HIIT (14th Day 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (12th Day/3sets)
  • Web WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5. - Rain was threatening for the entire day even though it didn't happen. I jogged in place for 45 minutes in our supply room instead. Worked well, and when you have music it's not bad for a back up to bad weather days.

  • 121 Active Zone Minutes (12,034 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,564 Steps (1,011,238 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.15 Miles (422.6 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,942 Calories (238,148 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Sorry @NancyTree, I hate when youtube does that. I had M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold with Slash from Guns & Roses doing Nothing to Say. I love them together, especially since M. Shadows kind of sings like Axle Rose in some ways. :happy:

The other was Avenged Sevenfold's Save Me.

'Save me, I'm trapped in a vile world.
Where the end game's all the same as every other.
We're only here to die.
Save me.
I'm losing my only dream.
I could use some guiding light,
Some place to go.
If you hear me let me know.'

Today was a good day.

I got to concentrate this morning so I got to spend another three hours fixing up my coil tracking file.

This is starting to become a bit of a nightmare. Mainly because this week some guy is supposed to come and make it "easier" by hooking up a pivot table to it...except that every file they give me that has pivot tables attached are majorly annoying to use.

For example, one of those files cost me an extra 20+ minutes today as they didn't have all of the PO lines listed together, the report separated it by a lot and I did not see until I moved much of it off to the closed tab calling it closed and separating lines that had some balance yet.

So I had to get out and redo it. Luckily didn't save the bad stuff since I save OFTEN.

Then redoing it, was not able to cut and paste the parts in the file with the pivot table to put everything by each other to make it easier for myself on the second go around. Error being because I can't move the info since it is part of a pivot table.

This whole new report I made involves copying & cutting lines to move to other tabs, list some as shipped and on route, etc. I know it's not going to work with a pivot table linked up, but I have to indulge.

I do want to learn how to use them better at least, but NOT FOR THIS, I SET IT UP THE WAY I DID WITH SUMIFS FOR A REASON.

Wouldn't be so bad, but they are trying to spin it that it will make it "easier", but seems will be easier for them to manipulate than easier for me to try to keep up on it, which is not going that great as I only have after the fact things to work with that from different companies that do not match each other and no one is tagging me so I can see the original documents which would make my life easier to set them up from there...

Yay. :happy:

But after all of that, got some good work done for my new boss. So that's good.

Also, Miyagi was cute this morning, but yelled at me not long ago for it being hot outside. Since I control the weather and all. LOL

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Plank Leg Raises EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (15th & 16th Days 3sets/each)
  • Better Core Challenge (15th Day/3sets)
  • Instinct WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - No time.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5. - It was humid and near 100F. I jogged in place for 45 minutes in our supply room instead again.

  • 133 Active Zone Minutes (12,167 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,374 Steps (1,019,612 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.84 Miles (426.44 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,759 Calories (239,907 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,685
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
I fought with a pivot table for an entire afternoon before declaring defeat and turning to COUNTIF. Some things are not made for pivots.
Good luck with yours!


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Anek! Agreed, some things are best left alone from Pivots! :facepalm: :happy:

Today was a good day.

Nice and drama free. My boss and I got some good stuff done.

Losing one of my Tuesday meetings, or rather they are being cut back a bit, but only because everyone is doing well enough that it's not necessary to have it so often! :LOL:

Today was Life of Agony Day for my jog in the closet. Had a couple pop up, hard not to sing along. LOL

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Leg Raises EotD (x60) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (17th & 18th Days 3sets/each)
  • Better Core Challenge (16th Day/3sets)
  • No-Nonsense WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - No time.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5. - It was humid and near 100F. I jogged in place for 45 minutes in our supply room instead again.

  • 127 Active Zone Minutes (12,294 Minutes YTD)
  • 12,404 Steps (1,032,016 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 6.37 Miles (432.81 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,903 Calories (241,810 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

It didn't feel that way when it started. Was not hitting my time goals, but got almost everything done.

Work was nice, but then late morning had a lot coming at me. Wasn't bad, but took way longer than I wanted to with a few things, but ultimately, the things timed correctly so it was done right in the first place and I got to put a cherry on top for the company President and he appreciated it. :)

Also got to "meet" one of the sales guys from one of our other companies and went over a project I started last month so now I can clean it up and make it useful for their team. I was bummed just this morning thinking I lost some of my projects over this coil tracking thing, I was told I lost one thing, but yay I was wrong I guess. :)

Now if only I could be fifteen people at once and make everyone happy. :imp:

Then, I left later than I wanted to, but it worked out because I would have been drenched in a downpour had I left when I wanted to, and it stopped in time for that five minutes later. :)

So yay to everything coming together in the end, but I have to hurry up and finish here so I can catch up on as much as possible workwise before my looming cutoff time for devices. Almost a half hour to work with. lol

Feel good music of the day Mighty Mighty Boss Tones - Knock On Wood.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Luckily didn't bother me I spent only a quick minute on this.
  • Raised Leg Push Ups EotD (x10) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (19th Day 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (17th Day/3sets)
  • Protector WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - Did it even though I have always hated Lara Croft. lol

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5. - It was humid and near 100F. I jogged in place for 45 minutes in our supply room instead again.

  • 156 Active Zone Minutes (12,450 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,486 Steps (1,041,502 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.38 Miles (437.19 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,696 Calories (243,506 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,318

Sorry @NancyTree, I hate when youtube does that. I had M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold with Slash from Guns & Roses doing Nothing to Say. I love them together, especially since M. Shadows kind of sings like Axle Rose in some ways. :happy:

The other was Avenged Sevenfold's Save Me.

'Save me, I'm trapped in a vile world.
Where the end game's all the same as every other.
We're only here to die.
Save me.
I'm losing my only dream.
I could use some guiding light,
Some place to go.
If you hear me let me know.'

Thanks 😊


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Was able to leave timely and my commute barely had any red lights, so that was extra nice.

Work was alright, at least the stuff with my boss.

But really almost the entire 8+ hours was spent on more of the steel tracking. My eyes were burning by the end of the day and I'm STILL not done with the two companies I've been stuck on. Then I have to switch and do the other two.

KMN lol

Frustrated Jack Nicholson GIF

Today I discovered that their computer does not return PO prints in the same order of their summary screen and their open report is not in the same order of the other two.

WHY would they make it that way. Why.

So a lot of my line numbering is probably wrong, but at least that's not really the important part.

But still. If I'm smarter than your computer, then your computer sucks. Just sayin'. :happy:

Had the best pick-me-up for lunch at least. Our visits are always too fast, but nice. And I still had time to make a lap around the college. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Luckily didn't bother me I spent only a quick minute on this. I really need to make an effort to get offline faster.
  • Scorpion Twists EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (20th Day 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (18th Day/3sets)
  • Griffin WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets

  • Laps around the college parking lot x1. - It was 10 degrees cooler today, should be able to go tomorrow, too.

  • 96 Active Zone Minutes (12,546 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,642 Steps (1,048,144 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.01 Miles (440.2 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,587 Calories (245,093 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Friday was a good day and this weekend was nice.

The sister company I work with had their emails down for almost the entire day, but mine were fine. So I got a lot done.

So I deemed it to be opposite day since my emails have been a problem multiple times due to the backdoor methods of setting up my account. :happy:

Yesterday we went out to a nice dinner and then to the mall. Also binged the new Cobra Kai and now we have to wait for November for the rest of the season. Sigh, but it was alright.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Although Miyagi did come for his 2nd breakfast when I was near done. lol
  • Scissor Chops EotD (60sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (21st Day 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (19th Day/3sets)
  • The Do Over WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 153 Active Zone Minutes (12,699 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,463 Steps (1,057,607 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.24 Miles (444.44 Miles YTD) - Yay, to my YTD #!
  • Energy Burned: 1,959 Calories (247,052 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

I woke up, I felt great. Got dressed, and felt fabulous.

Then although nothing bad happened, I don’t know, just feel literally invisible.

My frenemy Drew always made jokes about women’s lives ending at 35. When I was younger, I used to laugh about it, but now that I’m way past it…well that is exactly what happened.

And the more I fight it, the worse it is because the worst part of doing things 510% is that when nothing hits, it’s that much more soul crushing.

But hey, at least no one noticed! :happy:

Finger Eleven – Criminal

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Backfists EotD (60sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (22nd & 23rd Days 3sets/each)
  • Better Core Challenge (22nd Day/3sets)
  • Just Keep Swimming WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 74 Active Zone Minutes (12,773 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,835 Steps (1,065,442 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.36 Miles (447.8 Miles YTD) - Yay, to my YTD #!
  • Energy Burned: 1,553 Calories (248,605 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Although it was the opposite of how yesterday started.

I woke up, I felt great, but then fell way behind time goal wise by forgetting to do the dishes yesterday night. That made updating the internet almost run into my stretching time.

Then Miyagi appeared, he did not come in on the first call. Did my stretches and then he changed his mind and came in.

I would have did faster stretches, lol. But fortunately it ended up turning into arms day, and only taking 25 minutes.

So it did NOT run into makeup time. Then my commute was 95% nice. The day picked up!

I was actually able to breathe at work today, hoping I got the worst part of my biggest project done yesterday, but time will tell.

Only thing is tomorrow I might be in trouble for not learning two things I am forced to have other people show me.

One of who does not really want to, isn't super motivated in general, and I don't think knows how to do what she does all day correctly. Love this person though, she's really nice.

The other is the polar opposite, I used to work with her and she is amazing. Had her on the phone and we were ready to go. Then our HR department called me into an insurance meeting.

I had 7 minutes prior invite. Was so pissed.

Couldn't get the other girl back on the phone as she was swamped after lunch. And I tried to figure it out myself, but couldn't which is why I went to her in the first place.

Best part was, I declined their medical insurance already. I'm covered by my husband. Sat through it just for the life insurance. Get through to the end where they have us open our phone apps to help us figure out how to waive or enroll.

I show the HR lady from out of state my screen which had nothing to choose, and she's like, oh you don't need to be here, we have you on the new LI plan already...

I told the other lady that when complaining about lack of notice and needing to be on a conference!

Ugh, but people. lol The other HR lady is nice, but this is the THIRD time I was left off an invite list.

But back to the other thing I was supposed to learn for tomorrow to get an opinion on it. I'm hoping that this one guy will be in tomorrow will be able to help me cause he helps the other girl when she doesn't know things. That might end up being better.

I just want to make my favorite person happy, but it's hard when I need more than me to get something done. lol

Plus last week screwed me up going down rabbit holes on the other bigger project for over two and a half full days around the job I'm supposed to be doing, which at least is going alright.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Jumping Lunges EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (24th & 25th Days 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (22nd Day/3sets)
  • Captain On Deck WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 106 Active Zone Minutes (12,879Minutes YTD)
  • 10,073 Steps (1,075,515 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.48 Miles (452.28 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,797 Calories (250,402 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

It was starting off to be more of the same at work, in that not being able to touch my projects, but this morning it was in a good way because I did good work for my new boss.

Then the one guy who I thought would never send me PO copies that go against the massive project I've been drowning in, FINALLY started sending them today. And if it is consistent will really make this massive thing I built USEFUL!

So super delightfully surprised. Just need to hammer out a better process for being informed of their receipts. The other company has a system that I can do it with need for no one else so halfway there.

Then in the afternoon I had a lot of learning things. Took a tour with the shipping guy to mainly try to see how a chronic issue can possibly get fixed, but he also gave me the full tour anyway since I was interested. So that was fun.

Plus he went a step further I got to meet some production girls, who could prevent part of the problem I am looking to solve, but they won't. Likely pay level could be a part so I don't think I'll press some of my ideas for what they could do. I'll think about it.

Then I got a better understanding of quoting processes for both companies which I was asked to do to compare.

Amazed I had the time to do both, but it all timed out and I got the information I needed.

Kind of glad I'm not allowed to do the quoting myself (non-compete reasons), but to compare them fairly to see which is better, you need to know the full picture. So I'm glad I had the idea to go to one of the people in charge of the pricing of it to see what they do.

Actually it explained a lot of what I wondered about certain things we would see when I was with the competitor and we would get our hands on one of their lists to compare. LOL

Then with the other company, my former co-worker talked me through what she does and she's the one that's thorough like me. She was a big part of it being tweaked for the better and I'm glad they listened to her. She was having a really tough time before I got there, but it's good they listened to her and fixed things that needed it!

So that was fun. Tomorrow I'm going to dentist in the morning.

Was going to work from home and just have that be my lunch, but I'll probably drive in after. They're of course having an event thing and the last time I had a really good time just talking to people I never talk to. Like I said then, it is very unlike me, or the me I've been for the past 30+ years, so it's good to keep shaking myself up as I have been.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Jumping Jacks EotD (x50) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (26th Days 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (24th Day/3sets)
  • Wing Leader WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 81 Active Zone Minutes (12,960 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,514 Steps (1,084,029 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.73 Miles (455.98 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,671 Calories (252,073 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

I had it for months in my head that my dentist appointment was at 9am...and when I got there, it was 10. Looked at my phone and the two texts I evidently didn't read fully did say 10am. :happy:

I beat the people who were scheduled so they took me real quick. Did a rush job, but I'm ok with that and was out in 15 minutes. So I got to work before my appointment was scheduled. lol

That was my lunch hour so I didn't get to go jog. But before I went to the dentist, I did my old jogs to 300 instead.

Then we had the event for employees which was nice. I did what I said and went out there.

So all in all, even without my jog, I had 8 of the 9 hours my fitbit tracks count as active. So I still win.

Only bad thing is we have an open RMA for a customer that is not near other customers that I've been stalking manifests for a few days. So much was going on today, I didn't remember to check until the end of the day.

And sure enough, they are at least going into the state. So I emailed the shipping guy before I left and when I was home I peaked and he told me he has three stops and it's not close.

Well tough noogies to that driver, their department screwed the labels, so they should have to make the driver layover. But it was also too late to go make sure the boss people would approve that. So I feel like I dropped the ball that isn't my ball to drop lol.

Hopefully I catch the next opportunity faster, but I'm going to be a little bit of a pest tomorrow. LOL

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Back Leg Raises EotD (x50) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (27th Days 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (25th Day/3sets)
  • Rest & Rec Workout WotD (3sets) - I did three even though you only needed to do one. I did the first before I noticed that and I would have wanted to end with this so I just did it three times. LOL
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 Just did two jogs to 300 after the good morning one that doesn't count & the 6am one.

  • 73 Active Zone Minutes (13,033 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,889 Steps (1,092,918 Steps YTD) - One step over being able to be excited about my daily number. LOL
  • Distance: 3.78 Miles (459.76 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,688 Calories (253,761 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Friday was a nice day and this weekend has been nice.
My new AC installation went well and for the first time in about two months, my house if finally under 80 degrees again. Very happy!

Just have to arrange an inspection and then that is all done.

Went out yesterday and had a nice dinner with my husband. Then later on even got to have an ice cream sundae cone.

This fancy truck comes around, but you have to order ahead of time. They text you if they will be in the area, and for the past few weeks, that would only be on Sunday or during the week. I'll only have it on a Saturday, so when they texted, we jumped. lol

I had a smore's cone which included toasted marshmallows. Was good. :icecream:

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Shoulder Taps EotD (60sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (28th Days 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (26th Day/3sets)
  • Wow, That's Hard WotD (3sets) - I agree with the name very much, lol. :happy:
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 97 Active Zone Minutes (13,130 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,716 Steps (1,100,634 Steps YTD) - One step over being able to be excited about my daily number. LOL
  • Distance: 3.28 Miles (463.04 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,788 Calories (255,549 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,320
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today waa a nice day.

Nothing particularly noteworthy. Almost had another lunch date, would have been two in one month, but the timing wasn't right. *sigh*

Song that made me happy today doing my laps: Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd of Fire.

I am your pride,
Agent of wealth,
Bearer of needs.

And you know it's right.

Cause I am your war,
Arming the strong,
Aiding the weak.

I am your wrath,
I am your guilt,
I am your lust.

And you know it's right,

I am your love,
I am your stall,
I am your trust.

Know me by name,
Shepherd of fi-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRE!

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Twist Lunges EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Extreme HIIT (29th & 30th Days 3sets/each) :completed: - This program was exactly what it says it is. Extreme!
  • Better Core Challenge (29th Day/3sets)
  • Bite Me WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 105 Active Zone Minutes (13,235 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,003 Steps (1,108,637 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.39 Miles (466.43 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,762 Calories (257,311 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.