Kitten On The Prowl


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Sólveig, @JCU, @CODawn, @Syrius, @PetiteSheWolf, @HellYeah, @Maegaranthelas, @Fremen, @TopNotch, @Anek & @NancyTree!


Today waa a nice day.

I charged my FitBit yesterday, I remember it. Somehow it died in the morning.

Hoping that was a fluke and doesn't happen again tomorrow. Just upset, it was off so I won't have a sleep or ready score for the next four days.

But on a plus, I was able to use the app in the phone to record my laps. It didn't have my actual steps, but it at least put me in a more normal range then just having nothing. I made sure to keep it as an underestimate.

Song that made me happy today doing my laps: AWOLNATION - Beds Are Burning

The time has come, to say fair's fair,
To pay the rent, to pay our share.
The time has come, a fact's a fact,
It belongs to them, let's give it back.

How can we dance when our earth is turnin'?
How do we sleep while our beds are burnin'?
How can we dance when our earth is turnin'?
How do we sleep while our beds are burnin'?

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Jump Squats EotD (x10) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program (1st Day 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (30th Day/3sets) :completed:
  • Sloth WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 53 Active Zone Minutes (13,288 Minutes YTD) - This did not increase through the manual log, so definitely under reported
  • 7,612 Steps (1,116,249 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.18 Miles (469.61 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,540 Calories (258,851 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you again @Sólveig, @JCU, @Fremen, @TopNotch, & @NancyTree!


Today waa a nice day.

My FitBit behaved today, so I must have slept where I kept pushing the button or something, lol.

Work was ok, but constant.

Scared for the next few days, my boss is taking a very overdue long weekend through Monday.

I should be ok holding down the ship for him, I'm glad he's going!

Had a nice convo with my re-boss. Getting excited for next steps on a few things!

Then of course, on the biggest project, the one guy I need to just send his paperwork I thought got it, but of course was not. So he cost me hours today and I'm not done catching up. :sus:

Song that made me happy on the drive home. Trapt - Make It Out Alive

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • One Arm Plank Hold EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program (2nd Day 3sets)
  • Better Core Challenge (30th Day/3sets) - Repeated day 30 for a 31st day just because. LOL
  • Atlas WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - The weather report said it was going to be "steamy" and feel like 105f so I did my backup plan of jogging for 45min in the supply closet. Which is just so funny to say, lol.
Oh, the one girl shut the lights off on me twice even though I said hello the first time. Since I'm short, you can't see me behind file cabinets if you do go in for actual supplies. LOL

  • 137 Active Zone Minutes (13,425 Minutes YTD)
  • 10,301 Steps (1,112,550 Steps YTD) - Palindrome daily steps FTW!
  • Distance: 4.46 Miles (474.07 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,858 Calories (260,709 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,092
Ha, I regularly surprise people entering my office space because indeed I am hidden by the double-screen (plus the fact I come on site only one day a week) - and the motion activated light sensors also often fail to detect me so there's no ceiling light and they think they're entering an empty room, LOL.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you again @Anek & I love that story @PetiteSheWolf! It really is fun being short, LOL. :happy:

Today was a nice day.

My boss started his vacation and I did alright today. I was able to get everything taken care of.

And then for the huge project I've been stressing on the past few weeks, I figured out to summarize everything I'm tracking by sizes like the President of the organization first wanted. Took me weeks to figure out how I could do it and make it flow so I never have to think about it again, but I did it!

Just have to finish a few rows, but so proud of myself. My greatest creation yet.

And then I got to make something useful on the fly for my re-boss and it only took a few minutes. :)

Song that made me happy when jogging . Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Punches Hold EotD (60sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program (3rd Day 3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (1st Day/1sets) - I'm able to suck in for hours on end since I was young so I picked a different challenge. I even suck in the entire time while I do my entire laps around the college in case any cute college boys are around. lol :happy:
  • Wipe Out WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Too humid weather again so another 45min in the supply closet. This time one of the sales guys came in. Heard my feet tapping and I scared him when he looked behind the cabinets. At least I am not a racoon. LOL

  • Stomach Vacuums (3sets) - Skipped it this morning, but after seeing everyone doing this, I felt left out and I figure I can do that at night since it won't make noise. No spare minutes in the morning, lol.

  • 140 Active Zone Minutes (13,565 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,127 Steps (1,121,677 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.98 Miles (478.05 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,807 Calories (262,516 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Mamatigerj & @CODawn! :lovely:

Friday was a nice day and this weekend has been nice.

Friday I had a great morning and then after lunch everything went off the rails, but I didn't drown.

A lot of annoying crap to deal with on Monday though. :sus:

Yesterday my husband took me to see the Deadpool & Wolverine movie. Loved it, they undid the ending of Logan which had me for real depressed for months after I saw that. That ending hit too close to home LOL.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Knee to Elbow EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program (3rd Day 3/sets & 4th Day 1sets) - I did the 3rd day yesterday, but I was screwed up in my head and didn't think I did so I did it again.
  • Ab Challenge (2nd Day/1sets)
  • Super Legs WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets - Thought of @Fremen the entire time, of course! ;)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Too humid weather again so another 45min in the supply closet.


  • 129 Active Zone Minutes (13,694 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,093 Steps (1,130,770 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.9 Miles (481.95 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,895 Calories (264,411 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

I have a general case of the blahs, but nothing particularly good or bad happened.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Plank Hold EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program (5th & 6th Days/3sets/each)
  • Ab Challenge (5th Day/1sets)
  • Just Like Fire WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 3sets - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 78 Active Zone Minutes (13,772 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,022 Steps (1,139,792 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.89 Miles (485.84 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,575 Calories (265,986 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Had a bottle of water on my seat and of course my husband didn't put the lid on right. So it leaked all over my blazer and workout clothes.

Took hours to dry, but at least was by the time I needed it.

My general case of the blahs carried with me, but then I was busy enough I couldn't think about that and got what I needed done.

Almost didn't take a break, but my one coworker pushed me, and I'm glad I went.

Of course, that is now leading to more projects...I like projects, but seemingly impossible deadlines and I don't have the tools.

On a plus, our president gave me some props where I went above & beyond, so that was a boost.

Now of course, I have a shit ton of crap emails I couldn't keep up with today waiting for me in the morning. lol

Also, Miyagi has been really happy to see me lately. Much better summer this year than compared to last year with him. I even stole a cuddle today and had a solid minute before he realized what was happening and shook me off. :happy:

Song of the Day - Eric Clapton - It's In The Way That You Use It

Which of course now makes me think of my favorite Rick & Morty episode, so we are using that vid. LOL

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Tree Hold Pose EotD (60sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program (7th (1set after everything else) & 8th Day (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (6th Day/1sets)
  • Maxima WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - 1set -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 100 Active Zone Minutes (13,872 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,698 Steps (1,149,490 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.13 Miles (489.97 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,758 Calories (267,744 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good spite of itself.

No relief in sight for a long while, but the brighter days are surely ahead in the distant future.

Need to quote all the lyrics, but it's a seven minute song, lol.

And because I had to say distant future, now I have the NOT so distant future segue in my head, and both these songs at least made me smile. LOL

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Was skipping it, Miyagi needed me, but ended up doing my first half after my second set and then the rest after the third and I'm glad I did that.
  • Calf Raises EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 9th Day (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (7th Day/1sets)
  • Cronus WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Rainy day, I jogged 45 minutes in the closet.


  • 111 Active Zone Minutes (13,983 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,464 Steps (1,158,954 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.1 Miles (494.07 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,620 Calories (269,364 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Maegaranthelas! Caught a little bit of a break today and after the first few hours was able to breathe and smile again at least.

Today was a good day.

It's been rainy and cooler the past few days. This caused Miyagi to choose to stay in all day while I went to work.

This is the first time with the new job where I am not down the street. I felt bad and was going to come back to let him out, but my husband talked me out of it. He was on the cameras all day looking depressed (when he wasn't napping, lol).

But he was fine when my husband got back, didn't run out immediately. So that is good to know I don't have to run home to free him.

Still have a lot to do and no chance to meet the first deadline, but hopefully I can catch a break and get the time I need to get all the files I need to create done.

Going to see Slipknot on Saturday.

A 25th anniversary concert where they are playing the original setlist from way back when I saw them before they were well known, before their self titled album was released. We were at one of the first Ozzfests and they were on the 2nd stage.

We just happened to go over there and these guys in masks came out and blew us away. Had to wait MONTHS for the album to drop and I was sold ever since. Matched my energy back then. LOL

Then Corey Taylor and all of his bands and iterations was my favorite artist for a very long time after. Then I was feeling E-Town Concrete when I fell back into that when I got an iPod when that was a thing. Then I found Avenged Sevenfold who pierces my heart now.


You all stare, but you'll never see,
There's something inside me.
You all stare, but you'll never see,
There's something inside me.
You all stare, but you'll never see,
There's something inside me.
You all stare, but you'll never see,
There's something in you I despise!

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Crunch Kicks EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 10th Day (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (8th Day/1sets)
  • Stakeout WotD (1sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Rainy day, I jogged 45 minutes in the closet.


  • 127 Active Zone Minutes (14,110 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,196 Steps (1,168,150 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 4.14 Miles (498.21 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,756 Calories (270,820 Calories YTD) - Yay three even YTDs today! :)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Oops, I sure did mean @PetiteSheWolf in the other post. :happy:

Friday was a good day and this weekend has been nice.

Got confirmation on Friday that exactly what I have been hoping for is in the works for me coming up. Just have to wait things out a little longer, but that put me back in a better mindset. Very excite for what's ahead!

The Slipknot concert yesterday was a blast. Had very comfortable seats for all the warm up stuff. Was jumping around and singing at the top of my lungs for the main event, LOL.

A bit hungover today, but already starting to feel better at least.

Corey had his dreads and everything. :heart:


  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Squats EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 11th Day (1sets)
  • Ab Challenge (9th Day/1sets)
  • Core & Balance WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x1 - Had an impromptu lunch date. :heart: Got one lap done after, but it started drizzling so then I went back and did 10 minutes jogging in the closet with the time I had left. lol


  • 88 Active Zone Minutes (14,198 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,926 Steps (1,175,079 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.97 Miles (501.18 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,760 Calories (272,580 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Almost got report 2 of 5 done, just a little more to go.

But then got another one for the list, so now only almost 2 of 6 done. :happy:

That's all good though, hope I can pick up speed, but a bunch of crap came my way at the end that I'll have to deal with tomorrow instead. *sigh*

But the weather was pleasant and really I got to focus more today so that was good.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Hop Heel Clicks EotD (x10) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 12th & 13th Days (3sets/each)
  • Ab Challenge (12th Day/1sets)
  • Cardio Code WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x1 - Had an impromptu lunch date. :heart: Got one lap done after, but it started drizzling so then I went back and did 10 minutes jogging in the closet with the time I had left. lol


  • 85 Active Zone Minutes (14,283 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,995 Steps (1,183,074 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.4 Miles (504.58 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,599 Calories (274,179 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

It kicked my backside, but went wicked fast.

Did a lot and yet still seems like nothing at all...

But the weather was nice and sunny again at least.

Walking pick-me-up, Avenged Sevenfold - Brompton Cocktail.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Sky Diver Push-Ups EotD (x10) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 14th Day (1set after everything) & 15th Day (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (13th Day/1sets)
  • Sculptor WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 85 Active Zone Minutes (13,368 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,778 Steps (1,191,852 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.8 Miles (508.38 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,697 Calories (275,876 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

I could breathe today, lol.

Some things are starting to come together nicely.

Finally getting to step up on two other areas. I think some people around me might not appreciate it, but I'm excited and hopefully I do some good.

Still have many hills to climb, but can't wait to look back in a year or two and see how far I've come. :)

Song in my head now: Shinedown - State of My Head

Oh, my eyes are seein' red.
Double vision from the blood we've shed.
The only way I'm leavin' is dead.
That's the state of my, state of my, state of my head.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Had to do it in between each set.
  • W-Extensions EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 16th Day (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (14th Day/1sets) - Half way through, might be getting close to having to spit things up instead of in one go.
  • Instant Dungeon WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 102 Active Zone Minutes (13,470 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,614 Steps (1,200,466 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.68 Miles (512.06 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,725 Calories (277,601 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Upbeat in spite of the chaos once it was afternoon.

Then I had to stay late, but better than saving it for tomorrow.

Thursday is the best day if it were to happen, so I didn't bug.

This week went fast!

Oh, I forgot this morning I finally touched down to 115.0 lbs (52kg)! This is where I turn down my goal weight 10 more.

I don't reasonably expect to get another 10 off, but I am so amazed I haven't plateued yet, so wherever that ends up being, I already beat what I thought I would ever achieve by 20 lbs.


And then for whatever reason, that had this in my head today. LOL (You're The Best Around from The Karate Kid movie)

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Superman Stretch Hold EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 17th Day (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (15th Day/1sets) - Proud I did a full two minute plank! When I started here it took awhile to get to 30sec.
  • Abs, Please WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 123 Active Zone Minutes (13,593 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,254 Steps (1,208,720 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.51 Miles (515.57 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,755 Calories (279,356 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @JCU, @Syrius, @Fremen, @Sólveig & @Anek! :lovely:

Friday was a nice day and this weekend has been nice.

Have three reports left that have to be done next week, but getting no time to work on it.

Starting to get stressed, already have crap that will pull be away from that lined up next week.

Still was a pleasant day in spite of this.

This weekend went out to a nice Brazilian barbecue place. Was a little overwhelming though, they bring you meat to your table and you have no time to eat what is already on your plate and they just keep coming even though you have the red, "No Thanks" coasters turned up on your table.

Was tasty at least! :happy:

Tonight making this chicken pastilla dish from my Gordon Ramsay cookbook. I've done it before, but it takes quite a bit of time start to finish.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Jumping Lunges EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 18th Day (1set)
  • Ab Challenge (16th Day/1sets)
  • Watch Your Six WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 128 Active Zone Minutes (13,721 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,098 Steps (1,216,818 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.47 Miles (519.04 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 2,053 Calories (281,409 Calories YTD) - Wow, burned over 2k calories!
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a nice day.

Started alright and I got what I wanted to done before leaving.

Miyagi wanted to hang out with me and play though, but I had to go to work so it was hard to deny him.

Granted he could want to play while I am home like right now, but he never does. LOL

Work I made some good progress on the one report I've been doing over 4 days. I only have one person left...then just two more other reports to go.

Was happy I got out for lunch. Had a threat of a storm and in spite of some dark clouds on my 2nd lap, I made it before the rain. So that is a win.

Then I had a dermatologist appointment and it was late enough I didn't need to stress on time for being late. Got to have dinner first.

Song That Made Me Happy Today: Well there were a few, but we'll go with this one.

Bad Religion - Ephiphany

What's right is wrong, what's come has gone.
What's clear and pure is not so sure.
(It came to me).
All promises become a lie.
All thats benign corrupts in time,
(The fallacy),
Of epiphany.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Single Leg Hops EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 19th & 20th Days (3sets/each)
  • Ab Challenge (19th Day/1sets) - Had to break up the flutter kicks into 3sets of 70, but I did the 2:30 plank in one go!
  • Overdue WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work. - Miyagi made this hard, I disturbed him in the basement and then we tried to play bee on the string while I did this. He was not amused, but fought the bee before going out.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 65 Active Zone Minutes (13,786 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,166 Steps (1,224,984 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.53 Miles (522.57 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,514 Calories (282,923 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a nice day.

Doing pretty good this year. Today or tomorrow would have been my mom's 70'th birthday (lost her in '98), and a lot of good things happened so I didn't get lost in my normal 'what could have beens'.

I finished all of my deadline reports! Yesterday, I really thought it was going to drag into the weekend. So I technically finished six days early. :happy:

Then I had a very impromptu last minute lunch date that made my day. :lovely:

I got told I get to crash the boys' meeting next week. I have no details for it other than the afternoon, but my boss got me permission to listen to his presentation.

Then I had to start playing catch up on other things and normal other problems happened, but with the deadline thing down, I can 'whatever' it a little bit. And the day went fast.

Then I made Honey Miso Donburi for dinner and it was delish.

And then had some good songs come in the mix today. Including Avenged Sevenfold - The Stage.

And I listened three times in a row even though it's almost a 9 minute song. LOL

Who is the crowd that peers through the cage.
As we perform here upon the stage?
Tell me a lie in a beautiful way.
I believe in answers just not today.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Leg Raises EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 21st Day (1set after everything) & 22nd Days (3sets/each)
  • Ab Challenge (20th Day/1sets)
  • Keep Defender WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x1 - Still had time to get one round out. :)


  • 68 Active Zone Minutes (13,854 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,359 Steps (1,232,343 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.17 Miles (525.74 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,644 Calories (284,567 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a nice day.

It's been chilly so Miyagi came in before I went to work and was in bed when I left. I planned to come home to let him out. Then it was still chilly on lunch so I didn't want to wake him to go be cold so I did my laps.

I felt bad, but he didn't start making camera appearance until after 2pm so I think he slept the whole time. He took his time to go out when my hubby did get home, so I'm glad he wasn't feeling trapped.

Yesterday I was so happy to be done with the deadline projects, but when I came in, I had to redo the last one. First was told to consolidate things and then was told to undo that.

So that took over 4 hours...the only annoying part of that was to undo caps lock from reports I'm using to build them, on three other reports I made , I manually typed all the customers out already those three times. Then I was told I should consolidate those.

That was before this one. So now I had to type it out a fourth time when I would have had it available to copy & paste if the other ones did not get consolidated.

Luckily I love to type. Like for real.

One of my all time favorite video games ever was The Typing of the Dead on Sega Dreamcast. It was the same game as the shooter House of the Dead, except you killed the zombies by typing words above their heads. Then when you beat it, you can type the names of the people in the credits and earn bonus zombies dancing like they were in Michael Jackson's thriller video.

And I'm not even a zombie enthusiast. LOL

But because of that, I'm still behind on catching up on my tracking report.

But I got to have a lesson about scheduling which was REALLY interesting and it showed me something unrelated about one of the things that is bothering me on the tracking thing, so I can better ask for what I need now. :LOL:

I like listening to people that know what they are talking about and are enthusiastic with it. Plus it's another piece of the puzzle and I really like that person's perspective. :)

Then I found out I wasn't even supposed to be in that lesson, but why was I tagged in the email from my re-boss asking the other guy for it...I did kind of go around and added myself with that other person, lol...maybe that was an some sort of test...

Then right before I went to it I got really overwhelmed cause things for what I'm really am supposed to be doing started pouring in, but I went anyway. :happy:

But after, it all worked out. Of course I am even further behind for tomorrow, but spirits were/are good again at least.

So in honor of today, we'll go with this song that popped on my ride home. Avatar - The Dirt I'm Buried In

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Had to do throughout the workout. Hate how some challenges take wayyyy longer at the end of the month as it's increasing difficulty. I can do it, but I don't have extra minutes to give it although I started 10 minutes earlier today. Crazy!
  • Knee Strikes EotD (x50) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 23rd Days (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (21st Day/1sets)
  • Asguardian WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets)

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 114 Active Zone Minutes (13,968 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,003 Steps (1,241,346 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.92 Miles (529.66 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,652 Calories (286,219 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a nice day.

Very pleasant, I smiled basically the whole time. Got a lot done too, so I don't feel like I'm drowning.

Only annoying to me thing was having to skip my bonus workout. The Abs Challenge is one that gets longer and longer at the end of the month, but I don't have extra minutes for it. But on a plus I did a 2:50 plank today and I remember when I was shaking and could barely get 30 seconds done.

Miyagi was going to cross the street, I called him, he came back in trilling, just wanted some pets and brushies and then went back out. No food involved, although I offered treats.

So he was happy to see me for that second and was a sweetie which made my day. The weather was gorgeous today too, so I'm glad he got to have the sunshine while we were at work.

One of the songs that made me happy on my lunch. Shinedown - Cut The Cord

Let me tell you, I'm vicious
Not pass-aggressive
I got my finger on my pulse
Staring straight into a hole and I'mma get it
And I'm a savage
It's automatic
I got a way of making noise
The power to destroy with no static

Now victory is all you need
So cultivate and plant the seed
Hold your breath and count to ten
Just count to ten

I'm gonna make it rain, so ring the bell
I know it all too well
Switchblade on the edge of your wrist
Can I get a witness? (Witness)

'Cause agony brings no reward
For one more hit and one last score
Don't be a casualty, cut the cord!

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Had to do throughout the workout again.
  • Balance Hold EotD (60sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 24th Days (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (22nd Day/1sets)
  • Selkie WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Gorgeous weather!


  • 55 Active Zone Minutes (14,023 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,918 Steps (1,248,264 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.95 Miles (530.61 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,494 Calories (287,713 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Anek! :)

Friday was a nice day, more in the morning, but still nothing bad.

Have a hell of a battle early next week. I don't know how I'm going to make it all work.

So, I'm just going with, 'whatever, yo'. :loveu:

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Had to do throughout the workout again.
  • Side Bends EotD (x50) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 25th Day (1set)
  • Ab Challenge (23rd Day/1sets)
  • Draycarys! WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 107 Active Zone Minutes (14,130 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,556 Steps (1,255,820 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.27 Miles (533.88 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,956 Calories (289,669 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

I planned to get up slightly earlier so I could make it in to work earlier.

I did not plan on having severe chest pains, so I got up at 3:30am as I couldn't go back to bed for the extra 20 minutes I was going for.

I knew it was nothing serious, it was just gas pains.

I got my good morning jog in, and some stretches done, but that was it.

I threw up twice, but it was mostly just my coffee.

So I did not get my morning workout done, but the pain moved from behind my ribs so I knew it was what I said above.

So I got in to work an hour earlier than normal, but that worked out well and I got a lot done.

I felt better by 8am.

Then I had a pretty great day!

And I got my jog in at the college in the sunshine.

Now tomorrow I get to go to an all day meeting I worked hard to help with. I'll probably cringe when I see what one person did to my files, but I'll grin and bear it.

And I get to meet people from a bunch of other locations so that's kind of cool. And it's another piece of the puzzle type of thing.


  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes. - Barely half o them
  • Side Bends EotD (x50) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 25th Day (1set)
  • Ab Challenge (23rd Day/1sets)
  • Draycarys! WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 75 Active Zone Minutes (14,205 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,391 Steps (1,264,211 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 3.52 Miles (537.40 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,598 Calories (291,267 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,725
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Yesterday was a good day.

That meeting thing was really nice. I learned a lot.

Then I got to go get drunk with the sales boys (with dinner lol). That was fun.

Only bad part is I think the path I'm being lead to is going to be cut off from this stuff so I probably won't get to do it again. Technically my re-boss had no intention to invite me in the first place, my other boss got me invited for a part and I got that turned into the whole thing. lol & sigh.

Didn't get to do my jog and it was annoying to gain weight today. I knew it was going to happen, but it was worth it and I'll get back on track.

  • Good morning Jog to 300.
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Burpees EotD (x10) - Did it in one go.
  • Soma 40 Program 28th Day (1set), 29th Day (3sets)
  • Ab Challenge (27th Day/1sets)
  • Superswitch WotD (5sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5


  • 53 Active Zone Minutes (14,258 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,447 Steps (1,269,658 Steps YTD)
  • Distance: 2.29 Miles (539.69 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,682 Calories (292,949 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort.