Kitten On The Prowl


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Fremen, @Syrius @JCU, @Obsinosterous, @Sólveig, @Lady Celerity & @Anek! :lovely:

Today was a good day.
Still insanely overwhelming, but only if I let it be.

I just hate not finishing things. But every little part is just so tedious, it all just sucks up the time.

So even having help from my reboss to prioritize what I should do, the others not him just keep throwing the dirt on top. LOL

But I still love how many areas and things I have a hand in, so really not complaining even if I'm sure it sounds like it.

Miyagi stole my husband's bed so I had a good night with him.

Even if the jerk will not cuddle...he lets me steal some pets and kisses when I pass by. But mostly if I only stick to kissing his paws.

Then he bit me a little bit today to let me know my warm up jog disturbed his nap. He was super serious with his ears folded. Walked right up to my moving feet to show me who is boss.

I let him play with the bee on a stick and then he went back out after again biting my arm, then went back outside.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Dragon Push Ups EotD (x10) - Did it in one go.
  • 30 Days of Cardio Hard Program - 30th Day (3 sets) :completed:
  • Code of Abs - 1st Day (3 sets)
  • 1,000 Squats Challenge (30th Day/1sets) :completed: Now I completed the challenge part.
  • Party of One WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 53 Active Zone Minutes (15,957 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,683 Steps (1,472,963 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.44 Miles (630.24 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,394 Calories (330,440 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you everyone!

Today was a good day.

Very pleasant and I could breathe a lot better.

Still have a mountain to climb, of course.

Very behind tonight though, already 9 minutes past my curfew for electronic devices, so I better get crackin'.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • High Knees Ups EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 2nd & 3rd Days (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (1st Day/1sets) - I don't see myself trying these all in one go as it progresses. lol
  • Body Patch WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 46 Active Zone Minutes (16,003 Minutes YTD)
  • 9,021 Steps (1,481,984 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.08 Miles (634.32 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,570 Calories (332,010 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @NancyTree! :moves:

Today was a good day.

I could barely breathe at parts, time crunch wise, not literally, but I got what I needed to the most spite of just the most insane crap coming in left and right.

Really proud of what I accomplished today at least. Wasn't perfect, but the kinks are ironed out in time for a meeting tomorrow.

The joys of multiple positions! Feel like a ditz most of the time, but the people I'm trying hard for the most really do appreciate it at least.

Just wish I could do more to help.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Bridge Taps EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 4th Days (3 sets)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (2nd Day/1sets) - I don't see myself trying these all in one go as it progresses. lol
  • Tempered Steel WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 55 Active Zone Minutes (16,058 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,691 Steps (1,489,675 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.55 Miles (637.87 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,528 Calories (333,538 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon! I definitely pushed hard last month, but it felt good. :)

Today was a good day.

I got another important report done in time, but I do have two more.

My emails stacked up and I have 60 things to go through, but I took care of the important other things.

Going to try to tackle some more of that, in spite of it being now 7 minutes from my get off the devices curfew.

Oh but today was really fun around that, too. The CFO is retiring so they brought in food and they set it up in the front area by my desk. So everyone was really happy and the buzz lasted for hours. :)

Miyagi slept all night with us again! He let me have the top part of the bed on my side where they humans are supposed to go. This is not normal for him...what a sweetie the past two days. :heart:

Exercise wise, not a lot of calories burned since I skipped my power walk/jog, and nothing really had cardio this morning, but don't think this shouldn't put too big of a dent in anything.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Squat Hold EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 5th Days (3 sets)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (3rd Day/1sets) -
  • Rock Hard Abs WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 18 Active Zone Minutes (16,076 Minutes YTD)
  • 5,317 Steps (1,494,992 Steps YTD) - Was within 100 of 5,000, so I pushed for it during the elimination portion of Hell's Kitchen
  • Distance: 2.37 Miles (640.24 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,447 Calories (334,955 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

@Anek Lol, I knew I forgot something in my haste to wrap up! :happy:

Thank you, @Maegaranthelas!

Friday was a good day & this weekend was nice.

Was really a nice day, sunshine & everything. Had a minor hiccup near the end of the day where I let this one lady that is annoying, annoy me which threw me off for 2hours and made me late, but whatever. At least that lady is not in my office so I don't have to physically see her. She is just such a B word, but it doesn't matter. Her crap is petty and I have to try harder not to let her make me petty back.

Yesterday we took a nice drive to a place that has amazing southern biscuits. Got a fried chicken with an egg sandwich with gravy. Was soooo good like the last time we went. Then later on we took a walk in town to get ice cream at an ice cream shoppe and that was delish, too.


Really wanted to finish up one report I was almost done with on Friday, worked on it more Friday night, but I dropped a CBD gummy so had to quit when that started kicking in, lol. Hoping I can get it done today.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Twists EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 6th Days (3 sets)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (4th Day/3sets) -
  • Active Rest WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 84 Active Zone Minutes (16,160 Minutes YTD)
  • 6,963 Steps (1,501,955 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.29 Miles (640.24 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,699 Calories (336,654 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

@NancyTree, and buttery biscuits at that. :fantastic:

Today was a good day.

Morning was derailed by coil tracking. Took, like double the time it usually does on a Monday morning, which made no sense to me.

Then even worse, one of the people that need to fix things in their system is off this week and will probably be busy playing catch up after that...but at least I won't forget what they have to fix/do.

So I didn't get to do my top priority task at all, but should be able to put a good dent in it tomorrow.

Day was sunny and pleasant around that thankfully.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Hooks EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 7th & 8th Days (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (7th Day/3sets) -
  • Shredder WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 55 Active Zone Minutes (16,215 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,107 Steps (1,510,062 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.76 Miles (644.00 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,453 Calories (338,107 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Besides not @ the correct people, so far this month I have had to go back to make many date corrections. Definitely tired! LOL

Today was a good day.

Set myself up yesterday to better to track my own work progress for my reboss' stuff like I have been doing with my boss.

Wish I did that sooner, but at the start I was under the impression I wasn't needed for that, so I like the directions I'm going in. :)

Got a goal report done and soooo close to a 2nd harder one, but had to pivot and crank out some last minute things. At least it shouldn't take long tomorrow.

Had one moment where I had to make a quick correction on something and then resend it to the B-word that has no actual reason to be involved with what I'm doing...this lady should be fixing the website for the brand I'm involved in as our own vendor ripped off a better looking version than what we are putting out. You know, since she's the marketing manager and the only person she's managing in that department is herself...

I have other things to say, and I'm not even going to lower myself to say it. So I'm just going to stop. She'll get her comeuppance, I don't even need to do anything to ensure that.

So mind shifting...Miyagi came in last night when I was going to bed. He took my normal spot, but I'm fine with sleeping at the foot if that means he's by me. :heart:

Then I actually timed the morning well enough I could leave a few extra minutes early than my normal early on the early (LOL), but Miyagi came in for a 2nd breakfast so I tended to him for that. Worth it.

He was very talkative when I came home too. I think he was upset at me that I went to work. He misses me stopping home for lunch.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Archers EotD (x40) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 9th & 10th Days (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (8th Day/3sets) -
  • Upper Body Works WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 48 Active Zone Minutes (16,263 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,454 Steps (1,510,516 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.96 Miles (647.96 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,525 Calories (339,632 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Exactly @Laura Rainbow Dragon! No way would I disturb him and risk making him want to leave. LOL

My husband and I also think it's funny in a cute way.

Today was a good day.

Got a lot of good stuff done. The morning was great.

Everything turned to chaos after 2:30pm, a lot of hoop jumping. One of my former co-workers needed a hand, but by the time I got done with something I was already working that should have only took 10 minutes, but took over 40, It was late in the day. So I could only help her with one thing.

Really did not have a spare second myself, was tending to a group that is supposed to be near #1 focus, but this girl is one of the nicest people ever so I hate thinking about her struggling. I'll have to check in with her tomorrow.

Being a child of the 90s (and 80s lol), have to be the one to drop this in honor of the WotD.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Bounce EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 11th (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (9th Day/3sets) -
  • Regulator WotD (1set)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 48 Active Zone Minutes (16,311 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,958 Steps (1,518,474 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.72 Miles (651.68 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,456 Calories (341,088 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Had to clean some messes up from the day before (not literally), but once my head cleared so I could do see what needed to be done, it was a nice day after.

After that, had to pivot to do a project someone else was supposed to do, but it was fine.

Had a once a month meeting with other department leads that I'm glad still went on. My third boss is working from another location this week, but technology these days makes that not a problem. We're doing good in this area of focus so it was fast. This guy is great though, he's really motivational and makes you want to do better. :)

All was good until the end of the day when the near #1 needed attention before I was due to leave. Of course. :happy:

Half of that crap is going to run into tomorrow and it caused me to stay my latest ever now.

But besides bitching about it a bit, as I have no one to ask for process help and no time to watch the training videos, after I was finally done and everybody else left, I uncharacteristically kept myself calm on the severe traffic drive home and just enjoyed listening to my music.

Usually I'm cursing at everyone to get out of my way. LOL

Last night Miyagi slept with his head by mine. Tonight he's already in so we'll see if he picks me or my husband. Hubby won him a few days ago.

The only good part of it starting to get chilly at night. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Split Lunges EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 12th (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (10th Day/3sets) -
  • Armor Abs WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 71 Active Zone Minutes (16,382 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,468 Steps (1,526,942 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.9 Miles (655.58 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,608 Calories (342,696 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Friday was a good day and this weekend was nice.

Yesterday we went to a nice pancake house. Not iHop, a nicer one.

Then we went and got some nice chocolate from a chocolatier we like. It was basically around the block form where we were so I had to.

Went shopping after that. Got some cute things for winter. :)

Back to the grind tomorrow.


  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 97 Active Zone Minutes (16,479 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,730 Steps (1,535,672 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.02 Miles (659.06 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,766 Calories (344,462 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day. Unbearably oppressive for most of it, but not overtly bad I guess.

Made really good time this morning and actually got in at a good time. Had a good workout and was happy.

But everything after 7:30 was just drowning. Mondays are the worst for that.

Just so crazy how much hoop jumping I do for this one thing when the people in the department it gets done for get to literally sleep. *eyeroll*

Miyagi is in already so hopefully he'll stay in for the rest of tonight. We have a frost warning.

My husband starts a new job cycle tomorrow. So I will now be getting up at 3:30am instead of 4am, mainly so I can see him for a minute and then hoping it helps me get more done. Tired of feeling rushed and everything being down to the minute.

We'll see how that goes.

We will never see the end.
We will never be the ned.
All of my life I felt discarded,
Never feeling a part of it.

No you can't.

Without me you will fade, you will not remain.
We are one and though the same, future machine.
A linchpin holds within a mean to an end.
Can't you see that we are one?

Can't take me apart.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Jump Knee Tucks EotD (x5) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 14th & 15th Days (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (14th Day/3sets) -
  • Step It Up! WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 118 Active Zone Minutes (16,597 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,275 Steps (1,542,947 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.35 Miles (662.41 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,560 Calories (346,022 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Active member
Ranger from West Virginia, United States
Posts: 38

Today was a good day. Unbearably oppressive for most of it, but not overtly bad I guess.

Made really good time this morning and actually got in at a good time. Had a good workout and was happy.

But everything after 7:30 was just drowning. Mondays are the worst for that.

Just so crazy how much hoop jumping I do for this one thing when the people in the department it gets done for get to literally sleep. *eyeroll*

Miyagi is in already so hopefully he'll stay in for the rest of tonight. We have a frost warning.

My husband starts a new job cycle tomorrow. So I will now be getting up at 3:30am instead of 4am, mainly so I can see him for a minute and then hoping it helps me get more done. Tired of feeling rushed and everything being down to the minute.

We'll see how that goes.

We will never see the end.
We will never be the ned.
All of my life I felt discarded,
Never feeling a part of it.

No you can't.

Without me you will fade, you will not remain.
We are one and though the same, future machine.
A linchpin holds within a mean to an end.
Can't you see that we are one?

Can't take me apart.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Jump Knee Tucks EotD (x5) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 14th & 15th Days (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (14th Day/3sets) -
  • Step It Up! WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 118 Active Zone Minutes (16,597 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,275 Steps (1,542,947 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.35 Miles (662.41 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,560 Calories (346,022 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
Sorry you had a challenging day, but it seems like you made the best of it.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

I always try @WolfDreamer, even my worst days are actually bad. :)

Today was a good day.

I could actually breathe today and I got a lot done.

Dumb crap came in at the very end of the day and made me late, but I didn't let it make me crazy late.

Waking up even earlier wasn't bad at all. I ended up leaving just a few minutes earlier, but I was not rushed like normal and Miyagi filled up the last ten of those minutes, so how could I complain?

Even got some quick chores done. :)

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Scissors EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 16th & 17th Days (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (15th Day/3sets) -
  • Herald WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - Fine I had time since I'm running early, but the next one up starts with x40 squats a set. I know that will be a time killer, so saving it for tomorrow when I don't have two days worth of my program to tack.e

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 48 Active Zone Minutes (16,645 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,333 Steps (1,551,280 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.87 Miles (666.28 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,523 Calories (347,545 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Most of it was spent guessing on fixing up old data on an ongoing report. I think I did it right and well, but one part is glaring at me and I just don't know.

No matter for now. Tomorrow I got invited to a quarterly leaders meeting thanks to my third boss. :)

I have no idea what it will entail, but I appreciate this guy thinks of me at all for this stuff. Plus it's good to get away from the computer and into a different headspace sometimes.

I worked hard on my other website in the morning and last night. Tonight it's been down not long after I got started. Taking that as the universe telling me to take a I will.

Miyagi is waiting for me to come nap with him. He's not liking the cold, but he's being a sweetheart at least. :heart:

In honor of my bonus workout today. Fine it's not spelled the same, but it made me happy all the same. lol

Lets take a moment and break the ice,
So my intentions are known.
See I pity in watching you suffer,
I know the feeling of feeling of being damned alone.
I got a storybook of my own.

Don't you see I am your pride,
Agent of wealth,
Bearer of needs.
And you know it's right.

I am your war,
Arming the strong,
Aiding the weak.

Know me by name,
Shepherd of fire.

Well I can promise you paradise,
No need to serve on your knees.
And when you're lost in the darkest of hours,
Take a moment and tell me who you see.
Won't tell ya who not to be.

Now you know I am your pride,
Agent of wealth,
Bearer of needs.
And you know it's right.

I am your war,
Arming the strong,
Aiding the weak.

Know me by name,
Shepherd of fiiiiiiiiiire. :devil:

Yeah, yeah. This is likely the tenth time I posted this. Just what kept me going today. lol

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Punches EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 18th Days (3 sets/each)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (16th Day/3sets) -
  • Hercules WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - Those squats did have me taking longer, but glad I cranked this one out today.

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 -

  • 107 Active Zone Minutes (16,752 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,609 Steps (1,559,189 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.55 Miles (669.83 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,563 Calories (349,108 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Today was a good day.

Very nice morning and that meeting thing to review 3rd quarter standings with other team leadership (I'm being considered a leader!) was really nice. Even had a lunch with it. :)

I skipped saying something here yesterday, but I caught that Marketing lady screwing with me. So first I did a task I was asked of getting a customer list to a software person to install. I got presented with a load of crap that took me hours to fix up comparing various files and identifying who out of hundreds are actually still active (why bring over dead accounts).

Anyway, I was told to ask that lady to send our logo to the software guy. Had to do this twice. Both times instead of answering the email...she does it separate. Which I've pointed out at the time is strange.

Turns out she overrode my list and sent her own...and they uploaded it!

Was not informed, but the day after their system was sooooo slow. I figured it out fast. Found duplicates. At that time I thought they used this other guy's list that had all the dead accounts I was using to tweak a cleaner file for just one person's who had priority.

So I file a ticket asking for the data base so I could help get it cleaned up.

The software guy calls me and let me know what happened. The lady instead of sending the logo jumped in and did a third list. I flipped out, this lady is always trying to upstage me and she was literally not asked to do this. She took no care at all other than uniforming dumb crap in the titles. Yet we have lines that are not even customers, one is the Joeyz and some other columns have jz in them AND THAT IS IT!

Then he sends me the list. Now our call was 1/2 hour literally and after the first 5 minutes the guy was repeating himself over and over. Was starting to get pissed off and he was making me late for lunch. I ask him to send it so I can work on it later. He did send it twenty minutes ago and he thought I was reviewing. lol.

So I had to get it a different way. And now I have to REDO all the work I already did and mark what needs to be deleted instead of whereas before I only needed to mark what was good and they could ignore the rest.

So was pissed by that and was not able to work on it yesterday. Here, I was just going to spare everyone and do the tomorrow is a new day approach.

Except after I posted I checked my emails. The software guy forwarded me an email showing he was blocked as spam BY HIS IP. This is important because I moderate two other forums and I know what IPs are and I deal with weeding out spam bots twice a day since 2012 when I was promoted.

I checked his ip in my tools and he was not on a VPN used by bots and a deeper check shows he was on a normal business platform that has no DNS blacklistings. Even legitimate house ips can sometimes have one or two, but this one had none. So no way some automatic software blocked this

THIS WAS DELIBERATE. This lady is the person that "fixes" our always having problems company email (only the sister company me and my boss are in, the larger company does not have the constant issues). Anyway, so she replaced my file with hers and THEN BLOCKED THE GUY FROM ME! BTW, my boss' gmails also go to my spam 90% of the time no matter how many times I mark it has "Not Junk" and click "NEVER BLOCK".

Whatever, but caught you, b**ch.

And because of that I only got under two hours of sleep. Mainly from being too wound up and after Miyagi woke me to go out, couldn't get all the way back asleep.

Was still fine. Groggy at first, but had a lighter workout and that made me feel really good before leaving.

I actually showed my re-boss the blocked email and then attempted to explain the significance, but it's hard to explain something like this to a normie, especially one that has a full real life off of the internet.

But he was pissed she did that file when she has a ton of other stuff she hasn't gotten done. So at least there is that.

So then accepted I was going to have to redo everything and made peace with it.

Then I had a former co-worker from the place I left to go here reach out to me. That was nice, made me smile and I really needed it. This guy is cool, he's from Poland and we like the same music. He makes me (and everyone) laugh a lot. :)

Then I had that meeting which was my first, but will be every quarter. Proud my third boss is letting me be a part of this process and get to know the various operating leads and how we all connect.

Now I'm happy again and I go back to work.

There is an email from the crazy lady tagging my reboss of the formatting I MUST ADHERE to which includes things that are grammatically incorrect...

I am not proud but back to instantly seething with rage. I couldn't and didn't answer her. Five attempts, I couldn't get past having to point out how royally she f$cked me and the insurmountable hours it's going to take me to fix this nightmare she caused.

So I did not send anything and I will not. I'm deeming her damn email blocked. LOL

And 90% of it I was already doing anyway.

But I was very fired up and I decided that I care more about the wellbeing of my former coworker that works in that branch and set up that system. Actually, I guess she technically is a re-coworker like my re-boss. Haha.

I will be following her format for specific groups and I don't give a rat's ass about the other lady's OCD.

The other lady will never use the software whereas my re-coworker uses it all day and I will not do something that will make it difficult for her to get to the information she uses normally.

I still can't get over the nerve, but her file had errors like nospacebeforesomeIncs and Abbreviations like BPS & GL showing has Bps & Gl. So where I won't go correct a bunch of crap that should be corrected

It is so tempting to just do a CTRL+F, type " Inc" and replace it with ", Inc.", but I will be the bigger person on that.

For the past 30 years I have been dealing with women that get jealous of me and cause issues. Younger me was almost flattered, but older me is TIRED and we both have more work to do than we can handle. I want nothing to do with her crap, she can have all that, but this person really better start sticking to her own.

I have to try to do better with not flipping out, it only makes me look bad, even though she's slipping and I am starting to obtain proof. I will focus on that tomorrow.

If pressed, I will directly call her out. Let her know I am taking these little things as an attack and I need her to stop. No cursing, no temper tantrum. Just the facts.

The way my late ex-boss, the lawyer/ex-marine taught me. I can almost telling me I'm a good girl for realizing that, except really I always still hear him yelling as he points to his head on the thinks YOU HAVE TO THINK, YOU HAVE TO THINK, YOU HAVE TO THINK!


Also, as I said, I had a light exercise day, but the upset did take my Zone minutes up! Not something I want to happen to happen a lot, I know that is not healthy, but it burned a lot of calories just sitting there.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Tap Side Lunges EotD (x20) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 19th Days (3 sets)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (17th Day/3sets) -
  • Hercules WotD (3sets) - Was supposed to be 2-Minute Abs. Was saving for last since not a three setter, and then I forgot.
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 122 Active Zone Minutes (16,874 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,039 Steps (1,559,228 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.78 Miles (673.61 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,761 Calories (350,869 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

@TopNotch Just wow is right! I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to.

Friday was a good day and this weekend was nice.

Well Friday was 95% a good day. My re-boss believes me about what I said yesterday, even if he doesn't understand. I was able to explain it well enough.

Then later in the day he gave me a task involving our outside signs. Just need to get someone in for an estimate. First guy gave me a hard time with all these questions I don't understand and it's going to force me to deal with that other lady.

I literally had a panic attack. I have no interest in any of this bullshit and I never want to talk to this lady EVER. And my current position is one where marketing is not anything that should be crossing over into my view.

The other day I told people I would rather go work at McDonalds than report to her. I 1,000% mean this...

Also found out the thing that got me to flip out the other day, was not even an order by my re-boss like she presented me and tagged him. She took advantage of him being too busy to read every email.

So she's jealous and a liar. It is known and I just need to keep watching out for antics. I don't even want her fired, I just don't want to deal with her and after all of this I really do not want to help her in anyway or make her life easier.

But now I'm getting that no one else particularly wants to deal with her either, so I guess we get to share turns with this. *sigh*

After being tagged on other things involving her that day, she's just as big of a bitch to my re-boss as she is to me. And I realized where I was taking the sign thing as he was trying to force me me be her secretary, it really isn't.

Then I talked to him about other things with him at the end of the day before I left. Helped me calm down without even addressing it. Was about non-related things for next week.

In the morning he saw one of my files I set up for myself to track status on things he gives me to do or tags me on that other people need to do.

He liked it so we are going to set up that for the massive project we have that involves many other departments/people. We will circulate it once a week and the others can update it, send it back and I can keep it in order.

Then I'm looking at him while he was talking and was just remembering all the BS I watched him put up with from where we came from. This nonsense with this nut-job lady is not anywhere near as serious as that was. So I'll try to put my big girl pants on and deal with this headache as the headache it is, I guess. LOL

Yesterday, my husband and I went for breakfast at a place we like in Philadelphia then took a walk. Was a really nice day out for it.

Had what is called Oogie Boogie French Toast. It was filled with a light chocolate cream filling. The gummy spiders were even good, lol. Put me in the Halloween mood as it was supposed to.


  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Side Plank Hold EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 20th Days (3 sets)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (18th Day/3sets) -
  • Ready Steady Go! WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 79 Active Zone Minutes (16,953 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,057 Steps (1,567,285 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.71 Miles (677.32 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,707 Calories (352,576 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort
Last edited:


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

Thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon, I needed that :) and it was thankfully as tasty as it was cute, @Anek!

Today was a good day for the most part.

Very thankful not to have to deal with the crazy lady at all.

Got some answers I was waiting on and cranked out a new file my boss asked for Friday before I left.

Late for lunch, but at least hit all the bases.

Then finally met with our Data guys and seems what I've been doing for what is supposed to be our main focus right now is not being done correctly.

I have been very vocal about having not been in the original meetings, not knowing anything and having no time to watch the HOURS of training I have not disappointed myself with this outcome I totally was expecting. lol

But I still don't know what to do about it now and in the future. In a magic world, I could hook a USB cord up to everyone else's heads and extract their damn information.

Then after 4pm, get this tiny little inquiry, for the job I'm hired for and try to help do the start...the freight rates for the scenarios left no reasonable scenario.

Talked to my boss and thought I was set, then we didn't address the repack fee we usually charge. Couldn't get him back on the phone, I'm already late AGAIN, so I emailed why I called and left.

And I feel like an arse, but I was going to have to explain things to the person, my head was not in the right focus and I literally just cried at this point.

It should not take over 1/2 hour to put this information together, yet it does and I almost missed addressing something.

So I hope he's not too mad, and I hope he didn't do answer the person, I was not trying to dump it on him, but haste makes waste and I rather do it with a clear head.

Dinner was good, I did the prep on it yesterday and my husband put it in the oven as instructed, so there is that.

Miyagi went out this morning when I was doing the EotD. The reverse angels interrupted his nap and he had to investigate what i was doing. It was cute, he ate and left.

But he has not been back since. He's missed two meals.

It is really pleasantly warm out, on top of it being very noisy with bugs and birds, so I am pretty sure that is why but I'll be worrying about him all the same until he gets back.

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Reverse Angels EotD (x30) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 21st Day (3 sets) & 22nd Day (1 set)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (21st Day/2sets) -
  • Sparrow WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) -

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5

  • 38 Active Zone Minutes (16,991 Minutes YTD)
  • 7,904 Steps (1,575,189 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 3.61 Miles (680.93 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,211 Calories (353,787 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,328
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."

He did, @JCU! He came in not long after and he was SUPER happy. Trilling while he talked. If only I could understand what he was telling me about his day. :cutter:

He ate, went to bed, didn't like my husband's position so he came back for more treats, went downstairs, got into some cobwebs, came back for brushies, got tired of brushies so he knocked the brush away, we both slept on the living room floor for 10 minutes and then he left me for my husband who was now in a correct position for you always say, Cats! :D

Today was a good day.

No one was mad at me for leaving. Finished up what I needed too, checked another thing I forgot about yesterday and felt better with my response. :)

Was able to focus much better today. Got some things done, others started, but not everything I wanted to.

Had some side projects, was happy to be considered for, so even the annoying one I have to hoop jump for because the providers neglected to fill in a column that would have made what I need to do effortless...all good just have to stop being mad at myself for not being able to easily do something that should be easy.

Also forgot, yesterday was taxing on me, but the main person in my afterwork life who I do a lot of stuff for his site gave me some props and linked everything I did. I did a lot on Sunday after being too tired Friday & Saturday. So it was nice to see especially after a tough day and made pushing through worth it. :)

And after Miyagi was in, and after all of the aforementioned interaction, I let myself pass out and felt better even though I missed my Rescue Hi-Surf show I'm half in to. lol

Also I was on the couch at that point and not the floor. :happy:

  • Good morning Jog to 300. -
  • My special blend of stretches that take about 10 minutes.
  • Elbow Plank Hold EotD (30sec) - Did it in one go.
  • Code of Abs Program - 23rd Day (3 sets) & 24th Day (3 sets)
  • 1,000 Calf Raises (22nd Day/3sets) -
  • Push Squat Repeat WotD (3sets)
  • 6am Jog to 300 before I leave for work.
  • Bonus Workout (3sets) - No Time

  • Laps around the college parking lot x2.5 - Gorgeous day, very pleasantly warm!

  • 16 Active Zone Minutes (17,007 Minutes YTD)
  • 8,776 Steps (1,583,965 Steps YTD) -
  • Distance: 4.04 Miles (684.97 Miles YTD)
  • Energy Burned: 1,529 Calories (355,316 Calories YTD)
  • YTD = Business Days Only. These days used to be 0 effort