Restarting after a couple dozen failure's


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Hey couldnt log in yesterday due to some work related issues.
On monday did the Tuna meal plan
totals for the day
4 whole eggs.
200 gr red pepper
200 gr green pepper
200 gr tomatoes
100 gr raw nuts(almonds/walnuts, hazelnuts etc)
300 gr canned tuna
200 gr pasta and 300 gr zuchhini
Hit the gym on monday
14564 steps total
overhead press 5 or 6x14 with the 10 kg weights.
TPD 5 plates ( on the machine) 3x20
LPD 5 plantes( on the machine) 5x18
alternate curls 6kg's 3x16

Yesterday Did rice meal plan
totals for the day
4 whole eggs
80gr oat meal
100 gr bananas
100 gr red pepper( supposed to be 200)
100 gr cucumber( supposed to be 300)
100 gr green pepper ( supposed to be 200)
60 gr nuts and 40 gr bitter choco(sugar free version)
150gr rice
200 gr turkey( should have been 300 but i slept for like 3 hours which messed my meals )
300 gr zuchhine ( this should also have been 600 gr due to same reason it failed basically i missed my last meal of the day.
9036 steps total for the day
Gonna do potato plan today since i have some turkey left in the fridge


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Hey Bee's have a good day.
Yesterday Did the Turkey with boiled potatoes plan totals for the day
50 gr cheese
2 slices of whole grain bread
100 gr cucumber for breakfast.

2.nd and 3rd meal totals.
400 gr potatoes
300 gr turkey
200 gr zuchhini
100 gr carrots

snacks for the day
1 mandarin
1 apple
1 banana each after a meal
and 50 gr walnuts

Ohp 10kg 5x16
TDP 6 plates in the machine 3x14
LPD 5 plates in the machine 5x20
Altarn 6 plates in the machine 3x16
20 min horizontal bike

12093 steps total for the day .

Doing brocoli + lean tenderloin meal plan today


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Hey bee's its a bit late today like 16 hours^^ but its been an hectic day.
İ over slept and couldnt cook anything
,did sort of ok breakfast with 2 eggs with some cucumbers olives and tomatoes 1 one simit( its sort of salty turkish bagel )
had an hamburger around 4 pm with some fries
now ordered another burger with fries had some extra beers ^^ its been officially announced as cheat day ^^
gone to a dance class and a dance night so shoulf be ok on steps i thinkk like around 10k


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
hey ate clean all day for yesterday Saturday after the early mroning burger streak ^^,
today had been eating clean all day hit the gym with more reps and weights.
Had my Dj Gig tonight it was actually pretty good people danced non stop and %98 was satisfied with the songs i played ^^.
Another burger on the way right now counting from next weeks quota since its officially monday now :giveup: Probably wont see the same progress isaw this week ^^


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Hey bee's Have a good day ^^
Ate clean yesterday had the tuna meal plan with some pasta.
Gonna be having tuna meal plan with a bit of alteration using brown rice instead of pasta today forgot to buy pasta during shopping :/
10119 steps for yesterday. Gonna be hitting Gym today with
OHP 10kg 5x18
TDP 6 plates should be 15 kg per arm 3x18
LPD 6 plates Should be 42 kg's 5x16
Altern 6kg 3x20


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Well İt appears that it has been another week without any updates tho this time it was due to work. And i got a bit out of my routine.

Tuesday ate clean think it was the tuna plan hit the gym with increases on weights and reps
Wednesday had tenderloin meal plan with and extra burger (this new place i found makes me want to eat much more ^^)
Thursday ate clean hit the gym again with increases on reps i think only.
Friday ate clean it was the potatoes with the turkey. The one that has my favourite breakfast because of cheese ^^.
Friday was weigh in day.As expected with so many burgers i only lost like 0.5 kg's ^^ down to 157,3 from previous week.

Saturday ate clean with rice and turkey plan with lots of zucchini/peppers and cucumbers. Hit the gym again with increases on reps and weights.
Tho on my way back home decided to do my dessert cheal and bought 2 different kind of milk desserts Some of you might have heard Sutlaç( made with rice and milk and some cinnamon not sure about other ingredients) And Kazandibi Again a dessert made with milk, starch, flour, vanilla, butter and sugar.
Ate half of both left other halfs for my roomie.
Sunday Ate clean with rice and turkey plan. Had my DJ Gig on a Bachata and Kizomba night. Drank 1 beer there.
My friend/coach asked my for another weigh in today it was 156,4 kg's


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Hey bee's Have a good day.
31.01.2023 tuesday.
Ate clean mostly yesterday had my free meal quota's refreshed yesterday so for my 4th meal of the day
i had a traditional turkish waffle sort of thing its not sweet it had spinach and cheese and some greens in it. it Also had fries and some salad on the side with 2 eggs
Didnt eat my raw nuts since i had a cheat sort of meal.
Gonna hit they gym today
Ohp 12.5 kg 5x12
TDP 7 plates around 20kg each arm 3x20
LPD 7 plates should be 49 kg i think 5x14
Alte 8 kg 3x18


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
Hey bee's Have a good day.
01.02.2023 Wednesday.
started the day clean with breakfast and lunch but for dinner had my dessert and last cheat meal of the week. Baklava + hamburger.
Decided not to make cheat meals in to rewards. As it seems its bad for long term goals so eating them as i see fit during the week.
Today gonna hit the gym again after work.
Prepared whole my meals for the day. Cleaned my room since i woke up a bit early and had some free time .


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 445
Decided not to make cheat meals in to rewards

That's good! You can always give yourself rewards that encourage more good behaviors. Like buying yourself new clothes, perhaps a new outfit to exercise in, or heck, even letting yourself buy a more expensive healthy food item than you would normally buy. Treating yourself to pure goodness!


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
another weekly report. Most of you have probably heard turkey was hit with 2 big earthquakes. İ'm coordinating some field teams right now so havent been able to update daily.
have been eating clean since last week only had 1 beer on sunday and 1 burger on monday.
Would be glad if you could help with any sort of donations or help. not sure if its ok to post them here


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
@Laura Rainbow Dragon thanks im far away from the earthquake zone but coordinating the field teams of our ministry from the headquarter's right now. Currently Search and rescue teams are working on the field probably next week we will go to detect the damage's done to our schools and nearby apartments. So we can let people stay in the safe buildings that has not taken damage or particularly on low damage.
The zone is a cold part of turkey its around -5 celcius average. Some natural gas/water and electrical pipelines has been damaged and there is no heating/electricty etc for %90 of the earthquake zone.
İ can barely sleep/eat without feeling extremely guilty. Trying to stay in my routine with cold shower's and cooking daily but its really hard to keep doing it.


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
You can't help others to your full ability unless you take care of yourself first. Easier said than done, I know. Try to sleep and eat regularly. Meditate and relax when you can and talk with your coworkers to help process everything that's going on, so that you can stay physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy so that you can keep up your work. Good luck. Hopefully only good news in the weeks to come. Thoughts are with you. <3



Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
@mavie @Lallafa @CODawn @Fremen @JCU @Laura Rainbow Dragon thank you guys.
İ feel like its been ages.
İ've been trying to keep up with the cold showers/gym and nutrition..
Faield a bit last week on both nutrition and gym parts but shit happens.
Last week i could only go to gym twice, could go yesterday as well but right as i was gonna go out to gym i remembered that i havent done the laundry and had to postpone it.
First time in 5-6 months failed to cook my daily meal on thursday and i find my self going southways regarding nutrition like i prepared all the ingredients yesterday but still went up and ordered a burger dont know if it's the whole situation playing tricks on me or i'm turning this whole situation in to bunch of excuses / lacking some discipline.
So woke up with the first alarm today (finally stopped snoozing) took a cold shower and prepped my whole meal and gym bag.
You can't help others to your full ability unless you take care of yourself first. Easier said than done, I know. Try to sleep and eat regularly. Meditate and relax when you can and talk with your coworkers to help process everything that's going on, so that you can stay physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy so that you can keep up your work. Good luck. Hopefully only good news in the weeks to come. Thoughts are with you. <3
you are so right i need to take care of my self first before i can think of other's so i can be at my max helping them out.


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
another update after like 2 weeks i think.
İ've been doing well completely transitioned into cold showers now.
Life is going on gym/nutrition doing fine. even tho i do some extra cheat meals.
Gonna make a little weigh in update.
Dont have the detailed numbers about bmi /muscle mass etc but.
it was 152,4 KG's yesterday. 06.03.2022 guess its ok considering all the stuff that has been going on. 8 kg's lost past 2 months. planning on ending this 3 months around 145-148 range.
Gym has been going good my strength and conditionining keeps getting better.
Also since i feel a lot better stopped using escalator's still using the elevator at the gym entrance tho :break:


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
another update after like 2 weeks i think.
Life is going on gym/nutrition doing fine. even tho i do some extra cheat meals.
Had a dance festival in my hometown drank a bit last week. so its been going a bit slow.
Gonna make a little weigh in update.
Dont have the detailed numbers about bmi /muscle mass etc but.
it iş 150,6 KG's
Gym has been going good my strength and conditionining keeps getting better.
İ'll be changing both nutrition and gym plans by the end of march also gonna post another before after by the end of march.
Hopefully can see something around 148 range


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
hey guys finally updates getting shorter again 1 week this time or 10 days ?
Tonight taking another set of photos for 3 months progression since new years.
Will be posting them tomorrow.
at the start of this week i was
149,9 KG finally under 150 kg's ^^
Next goal is to see something around 135 by the end of june.
The weight is not that important im not hang up upon numbers that much but its good morale ^^


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
another 10 day update i think
AFter i took the photo last week i had been totally free for like 5 days
i ate everything that i havent been able to that 5 days almost anything you can think of

Anyway as promised here is the progress picture for the past 6 months there is 25 kg's difference between photos
Shorts are 2 sizes smaller i think no sleeve athlete is the ame maybe 1 size smaller


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
think i should wear something more colorfull some details cant be seen :/ gonna try and keep daily updates from now on.
Today gonna be eating tuna meal plan.

200 gr pasta
300 gr tuna
300 gr zucchini
4 eggs
4 slices of whole wheat bread
200 gr tomatoes
200 gr cucumbers
200 gr pepper(red)
200 gr pepper green
100 gr mixed nuts

gonna be hitting the gym after work its pull day today

Lat pull down 9 4x15
Seated Row 20 4x15
Face Pull 10 4x15
Alternate curl 10 4x15
horizontal bicycle 30 mins


Well-known member
Guardian from Ankara-Turkey
Posts: 151
@HellYeah @CODawn @JCU @Tileenah @TopNotch @Fremen Thank you guys for the support. Another 2 weekly report incoming
İ took a 2 week vacation. Feeling alot more refreshed and ready.
Been eating sort of healty Did swim a couple of times had some dumbells with me so did some light workouts.
Gained a few kg's of weight ^^ up to 153.1 kg's right now.
Gonna be starting my program again starting this week.
Already cooked the tuna meal plan prepared my gym bag.


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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy Birthday


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy Birthday :fireworks:
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