Got up on time again, yay!
Didn't do so well on the exercises, hurt my foot doing some High Knees and couldn't finish everything:-
Universal Warmup done,
30 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold (EotD) done,
Push Squat Repeat (WotD) attempted (2 sets, been far too long since I've done any Push-Ups, even though I was doing Knee ones I really struggled to get that 2nd set finished and couldn't mange a third),
Day 6 of
Total Body attempted (2 sets, landed funny doing some High Knees, managed to hobble through the rest of the set but that was it),
Day 6 of
Epic Cardio attempted (2 sets, just couldn't do much of this one with an achey foot),
Stretched done.
Rest my foot a bit and hopefully I'll do better tomorrow.
Yesterday actually ended up being a pretty good day.
I had to run to catch my bus, and didn't even get out of breath! I got a voucher for filling out some government survey (Probably should have spent it on something a bit more sensible than KFC, but it was very tasty
) and the Housemate seemed to be doing a little better (That one may have just been my imagination though).
Going to pay for it today though, getting my winter jabs.
See y'all tomorrow!